RNS Number:7868V
Creative Education Corp Plc
30 April 2007

For immediate release: 30th April 2007

                       Creative Education Corporation PLC
                            ("CEC" or the "Company")

                           Unaudited Interim Results
                   For the Six Months ended 31st January 2007

Creative Education Corporation (AIM: CEC), a leading UK educational services
company, today announces its preliminary results for the six months ended 31st
January 2007.


*         48% of nurseries (12 of 27) now achieving occupancy levels of above

*         22% of nurseries (6 of 27) now achieving occupancy levels of above 70%

*         Loss before tax decreasing 11% over the prior period

*         Turnover for period #3.66m - down 5% on figure for the six months 31st
January 2006

*         Majority of liabilities and directors loans converted to equity and
investment of up to #1.5m of #1 nominal value convertible unsecured loan stock

Chris Philips, Chairman of CEC, said:

"The Board is encouraged by the early progress made to date under the new
management team which has a clear objective for the Company over the next 12
months where it will continue to drive towards profitable growth, through
further efficiency gains, organic growth and where appropriate, through
acquisition.  Our education product continues to improve, and importantly with
expected new funding, the management team will be in a position to drive the
business forward."

Further information:

Paul Ayres, CEC                                       020 8864 5147
Olly Cairns, Blue Oar Securities                      020 7448 4400
Toby Hall / Jade Mamarbachi, gth media relations      020 7153 8035


Turnover for the six months to 31 January 2007 decreased by 5 per cent to #3.66m
(#3.86m for the six months to 31 January 2006), reflecting the closure of loss
making facilities.

The loss before tax for the period decreased from #1.5m to #1.4m, a continued
reflection of the ongoing measures to improve the Company's commercial position
through cost reductions, although a significant proportion of these losses are
directly attributable to the re-organisation costs necessary to re-structure the

The group currently operates 27 nurseries, of which 13 are now achieving
occupancy rates above 60 per cent., while six achieve occupancy of 70 per cent
or more.

During the period the Company announced that, following an extended period of
underperformance and adverse trading conditions at several sites within the
portfolio of childcare nurseries, it had agreed to issue up to #1.5m of #1
nominal value convertible unsecured loan stock to provide additional working
capital for the Company.

We also converted the majority of our liabilities including directors' loans and
loan stock to equity, thereby reducing our indebtedness.  With this and the
expected new injection of cash we believe we can bring the company into

Current Trading and prospects

While trading conditions in the sector remain testing, the new management team
has continued to reduce the level of losses in the business resulting in the
loss before tax decreasing by 11 per cent over the prior period. During this
period the new management team lead by Chief Executive Paul Ayres - and
including new non-executive Deputy Chairman Rhidian Llewellyn - has instigated a
number of rationalisation and cost cutting measures, which are now demonstrably
feeding through as we continue to see improvements in business processes across
the Company.

We are also encouraged by the recent successful marketing initiatives put in
place for the Primary Steps nurseries brand where we are seeing early signs of
higher levels of interest from potential new customers, although it is too early
to comment on the absolute conversion into occupancy. We have also been pleased
with the improvement to many of the nursery settings where we are seeing the
quality of the Company's 'product' improve markedly.

The Board is encouraged by the early progress made to date under the new
management team which has a clear objective for the Company over the next 12
months where it will continue to drive towards profitable growth, through
further efficiency gains, organic growth and where appropriate, through
acquisition.  Our education product continues to improve, and importantly with
expected new funding, the management team will be in a position to drive the
business forward.

Chris Phillips, Chairman

30th April 2007


                                                         26 weeks to    26 weeks to 31       Year ended 31
                                                          31 January      January 2006           July 2006
                                                         (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)
                                              Notes          #                #                   #

           Turnover                             1          3,663,249         3,855,674           7,892,481

           Administrative expenses                       (4,495,334)       (5,073,986)        (10,606,656)
           Redundancy and reconstruction costs             (161,678)                 -                   -
           Lease surrender costs                            (26,006)                 -                   -
                                                         (4,683,018)       (5,073,986)        (10,606,656)

           Operating loss                                (1,019,769)       (1,218,312)         (2,714,175)

           Other income                                        1,974             2,942              23,119

           Interest payable and similar charges            (389,617)         (303,873)           (624,470)

           Loss on ordinary activities                   (1,407,412)       (1,519,243)         (3,315,526)
           before taxation

           Tax on loss on ordinary
           activities                                            -                 -                   -

           Loss on ordinary activities         2/5       (1,407,412)       (1,519,243)         (3,315,526)
           after taxation

           Loss per share                       3

           - Basic                                          (0.43) p          (0.49) p            (1.06) p

           - Diluted                                        (0.43) p          (0.49) p            (1.06) p

           The profit and loss account has been prepared on the basis that all operations are continuing

           There are no recognised gains and losses other than those passing through the profit and loss


                                                          As at 31           As at 31       As at 31 July
                                                      January 2007       January 2006                2006
                                                       (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)
                                          Notes           #                  #                   #

       Fixed assets
       Intangible assets                                 7,932,339          8,655,129           8,169,888
       Tangible assets                      4           11,868,464         12,093,726          12,001,504

                                                        19,800,803         20,748,855          20,171,392

       Current assets
       Debtors                                             589,587            737,022             550,659
       Cash at bank and in hand                             24,972             10,209              23,463

                                                           614,559            747,231             574,122

       Creditors: amounts falling due                  (4,785,175)        (3,998,323)         (5,167,744)
       within one year

       Net current assets /                            (4,170,616)        (3,251,092)         (4,593,622)

       Total assets less current                        15,630,187         17,497,763          15,577,770

       Creditors: amounts falling due                 (10,912,793)       (10,380,342)        (10,319,264)
       after more than one year
                                                         4,717,394          7,117,421           5,258,506

       Capital and reserves
       Share capital                        5            3,417,818          3,116,160           3,116,160
       Share premium account                6            8,159,174          7,613,414           7,594,532
       Merger reserve                       6            1,230,599          1,922,261           1,468,149
       Profit and loss account              6          (8,046,447)        (5,534,414)         (6,876,585)
       Own shares held as treasury          6             (43,750)                               (43,750)

       Shareholders' funds - equity                      4,717,394          7,117,421           5,258,506



                                    As at 31 January 2007     As at 31 January 2006     As at 31 July 2006
                                         (Unaudited)               (Unaudited)
                                       #           #              #          #             #          #

Net cash outflow from operating                  (966,270)                (774,240)                (923,660)

Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest paid                       (389,617)                 (303,873)                (401,206)
Interest received                         324                     2,942                    4,881
Rent received/Other                     1,650                                             15,238

Net cash outflow from returns on                 (387,643)                (300,931)                (381,087)
investments and servicing of

Corporation tax                                          -                 (29,160)                 (29,160)

Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire tangible fixed   (47,944)                 (286,332)                (460,912)
Receipts on disposal of tangible       15,710
fixed assets
Payments to acquire investments
                                          -                           -                      -

Receipts from sale of tangible            -                           -                  3,000
fixed assets                              

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                    (32,234)                (286,332)                (457,912)
Capital expenditure and financial

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary                      -                 (464,376)                (431,643)
Net cash acquired with                      -                       656                      656

Net cash inflow/(outlfow) from                                            (463,720)                (430,987)
Acquisitions and disposals

Net cash outflow before financing              (1,386,147)              (1,854,383)              (2,222,806)

Issue of ordinary share capital       995,470                         -                      -

Cost of share issue                 (129,170)                  (21,982)                 (40,863)
New loans                             995,160                   490,896                  488,932
Repurchase of loan notes            (350,000)                 (150,000)                (150,000)
Repayment of bank loans              (38,370)                  (37,769)                 (32,092)

Net cash inflow from financing                   1,473,091                  281,145                  265,977

Increase/(decrease) in cash                         86,943              (1,573,238)              (1,956,829)



1     Turnover
      The total turnover of the group for the year has been derived from its principal activity wholly
      undertaken in the United Kingdom.

2    Loss for the financial year
     As permitted by section 230 of the Companies Act 1985, the holding company's profit and loss account
     has not been included in these accounts. The loss for the financial year is made up as follows:

                                                          26 weeks            26 weeks        Period ended
                                                          ended 31            ended 31        31 July 2006
                                                      January 2007        January 2006
                                                                 #                   #                   #

     Holding company's loss for the financial          (1,378,565)         (1,431,036)         (3,688,758)

3    Loss per share
     The calculation of the basic loss per share and the diluted loss per share is based on the loss
     attributable to ordinary shareholders of #1,407,412 (2006 - #1,519,243), divided by the weighted
     average number of shares in issue during the year.

     The weighted average number of shares used on the calculations are set out below:

                                                           26 weeks            26 weeks        Period ended
                                                           ended 31            ended 31        31 July 2006
                                                       January 2007        January 2006

                                                          Number of           Number of           Number of
                                                             shares              Shares              Shares

                                                        328,010,360         311,615,930         311,615,930

4    Tangible fixed assets

                                      Land and         Fixtures,           Motor               Total
                                      buildings        fittings &          vehicles
                                           #                 #                   #                  #
     At 1 August 2006                   11,909,205           497,477               9,086         12,415,768
     Acquired with subsidiaries
     Additions                               9,271            38,673                   -             47,944
     Disposals                            (43,470)          (21,301)                   -           (64,771)

     At 31 January 2007                 11,875,006           514,849               9,086         12,398,941

     At 1 August 2006                      256,188           153,281               4,795            414,264
     On disposals                         (40,154)           (8,905)                               (49,059)
     Charge for the year                   106,063            57,694               1,515            165,272

     At 31 January 2007                    322,097           202,070               6,310            530,477

     Net book value
     At 31 January 2007                 11,552,909           312,779               2,776         11,868,464

     At 31 July 2006                    11,653,017           344,196               4,291         12,001,504

5    Share capital
                                                         26 weeks             26 weeks        Period ended
                                                         ended 31             ended 31        31 July 2006
                                                     January 2007         January 2006
                                                          #                    #                   #
     2,000,000,000 Ordinary shares of 0.1p each         2,000,000           10,000,000        10,000,000                
     (2006:1,000,000,000 Ordinary shares of 1p          

     2,000,000,000 Deferred shares of 0.9p each        18,000,000                  -                   -
                                                       20,000,000           10,000,000          10,000,000


     613,273,456 Ordinary shares of 0.1p each                                
     (2006: - 311,615,930 Ordinary shares of 1p each)     613,274            3,116,160           3,116,160

     311,615,930 (2006 - nil) Deferred shares of
     0.9p each                                          2,804,544                  -                   -
                                                        3,417,818            3,116,160           3,116,160

Following the Company's EGM held on 22 January 2007 the authorised share capital
of the Company was increased from #10,000,000 to #20,000,000 by the creation of
1,000,000,000 ordinary shares of 1p each. Furthermore each ordinary share of 1p
each was subdivided into 1 ordinary share of 0.1p each and 1 deferred share of
0.9p each.

The following transactions were also authorised by the directors following the
Company's EGM held on 22 January 2007:

*         Solent Nominees Limited converted #605,469.84 nominal of Loan Stock
into 183,475,708 ordinary shares in CEC.

*        Lightning Star Limited converted #350,000 nominal of Loan Stock into
106,060,606 ordinary shares in CEC.

*        12,121,212 ordinary shares in CEC were issued to Corporate Synergy plc
(now Blue Oar Securities) in lieu of payment of #40,000 in fees owed by the

6    Statement of movements on reserves
                                                        Profit & Loss            Merger            Share
                                                              Account           reserve          premium
                                                              #                 #                #

     Balance at 1 August 2006                             (6,876,585)         1,468,149        7,594,532
     Loss for period                                      (1,407,412)               -                -
     Share premium on issue of shares                             -                 -            693,812
     Costs of issue of shares                                     -                 -          (129,170)
     Transfer amortisation of goodwill to profit and          237,550         (237,550)              -
     loss account                                                                                    

     Balance at 31 January 2007                           (8,046,447)         1,230,599        8,159,174

7           Post balance sheet events

On 19 February 2007 150,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each were issued at
a conversion price of 0.33 pence per share.

On 28 February 2007 a further 119,554,593 ordinary shares of 0.1 pence each were
issued at a conversion price of 0.33 pence per share.

Following the Company's EGM held on 12 April 2007, the directors approved the
issue and allotment of new ordinary shares as follows:

*         248,716,969 new ordinary shares pursuant to the conversion of #820,766
loan monies at a conversion price of 0.33p per share;

*         46,594,920 new ordinary shares pursuant to the conversion of
#2,329,746 loan stock issued at a conversion price of 5p per share.

8    Nature of financial Information

     The interim figures for the six months ended 31 January 2007 and those for the six months to 31 January
     2006 are unaudited.

     The Interim Report has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the most recent set
     of annual financial statements.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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