RNS No 0119c
24rd November 1998


Chloride is an international electronics Group operating primarily in Power 
Protection and Safety Systems.  The strengths of these businesses derive from 
the application of innovative technologies, strong positions in growth markets
and the continued achievement of ever higher standards of quality and customer


Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 1998

-  Turnover on continuing operations up 3% to #55.9 million (1997: #54.3 
   million), despite a 2.5% adverse exchange impact totalling #1.4 million.
-  Operating profit on continuing operations up 12% to #4.3 million (1997:
   million) after a 3.1% adverse exchange rate impact of #0.1 million.

-  Group operating margin up to 7.7% (1997: 7.1%).

-  Profit before tax (adjusted for disposal gains) increased by 20% to #5.1 
   million (1997: #4.2 million).
-  Adjusted EPS up by 24% to 1.66p (1997: 1.34p).
-  In order to maximise the temporary benefit of foreign income dividend 
   legislation, an enhanced ordinary interim dividend of 0.60p per share is 
   payable (1997: 0.28p).
-  Strong cash inflow from operating activities at 101% of operating profit.


-  Agreements have been exchanged for the acquisition of Oneac Corporation, a 
   Chicago-based company with a leading position in the US markets for 
   uninterruptible power supplies ("UPS") and power conditioning.  The 
   consideration is US$30 million plus up to a further US$5 million, depending

   on Oneac's earnings for the period to 30 November 1999.

Ray Horrocks, Chairman, commented:  "We recognise that there is considerable 
economic uncertainty at the current time but are reassured by the resilience
of our markets.  This is reflected in the fact that our order book at the 
period end was more than 30% ahead of the level at the end of the last financial
year.  This strong position underpins our immediate prospects and reflects the
consistent growth of the sectors on which we have focused.

We look forward to further good progress in the second half.

The acquisition of Oneac is in line with our stated strategy of expansion in
the USA, the world's largest Power Protection market.

We will continue to seek further acquisitions in our core businesses."


Chloride Group PLC                         All day on 24 November 1998
  Keith Hodgkinson (Chief Executive)       Tel:    0171 796 4133
  Neil Warner (Finance Director)                   (Hudson Sandler)
                                           Thereafter, tel:  0171 834 5500

Hudson Sandler
  Andrew Hayes                             0171 796 4133



The results for the six months to 30 September 1998 demonstrate the robust
nature of the markets in which Chloride operates. Good growth has been
achieved in volume and margins in both the Power Protection Systems (formerly 
UPS) and Safety Systems Divisions.

Group turnover on continuing operations of #55.9 million (1997: #54.3 million)
increased by 3% after a 2.5% adverse exchange rate impact amounting to #1.4 

Operating profit on continuing operations was increased by 12% to #4.3 million
(1997: #3.8 million) after a 3.1% adverse exchange rate impact amounting to
#0.1 million.  Operating margins grew in both Power Protection Systems and
Safety Systems Divisions as the Group operating margin rose to 7.7% 
(1997: 7.1%). 

Profit before tax (excluding exceptional disposal gains) increased by 20% to
#5.1 million (1997: #4.2 million) reflecting both the growth in operating 
profits and the benefit of returns on increased cash balances. 

Adjusted earnings per share rose by 24% to 1.66p (1997: 1.34p).

Financial position

The Group continues to be strongly cash generative, with cash flow from
operating activities at 101% of operating profit.  Net funds in the balance 
sheet were #28.9 million at the period end.

We also now have available #40 million of committed facilities.

Deputy Chairman

We feel it appropriate that, in accordance with current best practice, a
Deputy Chairman should be appointed.  Accordingly I am delighted to announce
the appointment of Bill Foreman in that capacity with immediate effect.  
Bill has been a non-executive director of Chloride since 1988 and his 
knowledge and experience will be invaluable as the Group grows. 

Business segments

Power Protection Systems

We have changed the name of Chloride UPS Division to Chloride Power Protection
Systems Division in order better to reflect the increasingly wider scope of
its activities.

At prior year exchange rates, sales increased by 13% but reported sales of
#33.5 million (1997: #30.6 million) were 9% higher after allowing for an
adverse exchange rate impact of 4%.  Operating margins were increased by 
nearly 1% to 8.2% as our mid-range Computer Room products and related service 
revenues continued to grow in European markets.  Economic conditions in the 
Far East and Latin America slowed our progress in the first half.

The market for power protection products continues to grow at a rate in excess
of 10% per annum as the exposure to power interruption and power failure is
increasingly recognised by customers who are critically dependent upon
sophisticated electronic systems.  Particular growth sectors include
communications, information technology support services, transportation and
retail.  These are all areas in which Chloride is increasingly focused and
which continue to grow in both the UK and overseas, despite current economic

In the first half, important contracts were secured from Mitsubishi for a
major power station system in Syria; NTL UK for digital television transmission 
systems;  Telecom Italia for a major call centre;  the RATP Metro Meteor Line
in Paris;  SEEBOARD for London Underground Systems; the new racecourse at
Kranji, Singapore and Expo 98 in Portugal.

Safety Systems

The progress achieved last year has continued in both the UK and the USA.

Turnover at #16.3 million (1997: #15.9 million) was increased by 3% against
the background of a difficult market for emergency lighting in the UK and lost
sales in the USA due to business interruption from the effects of Hurricane
Bonnie at our manufacturing operation in North Carolina.  

Operating margins again showed a healthy increase of 1.3% to 7.3%, reflecting 
the benefits of new products and careful cost control.

The demand for our Fire Protection, Emergency Lighting and Security products
has increased, driven by increasingly stringent Health and Safety regulations.
This has been aided in the UK by our introduction of easy-to-install
products, such as a new fire control panel and the Ledlite exit sign and the 
addition of complementary products such as closed circuit TV.

In the USA, renewed impetus for growth has come from recruitment of better 
quality agents, the signing of further own-brand deals and new product 

Power Conversion

In the early part of the year, we completed the previously announced disposal
of the small Powerline power supplies distribution business in the UK. 

Turnover in the remaining CEN business was 22% down at #6.1 million (1997:
#7.8 million) and margins fell to 6.4% (1997: 8.4%).  Performance declined 
compared with last year owing to anticipated margin pressures and to
substantially reduced business from one of CEN's major customers.

We continue to pursue a strategy to achieve better margins in this business by
increasing focus on battery chargers and magnetics.  It is unlikely, however, 
that the actions being taken will improve this division's results in the
second half.


Given the change in the advance corporation tax and foreign income dividend 
regimes to be effected as of next tax year, we are paying an enhanced interim 
dividend of 0.60p per share (1997: 0.28p) in order to optimise our corporation
tax position.  Our dividend policy will be subject to review later in the year
but we anticipate at this point in time that we shall follow our recent trend
of increasing the full year dividend in line with earnings growth while
maintaining a prudent dividend cover.

The interim dividend will be paid as a foreign income dividend on 29 January 
1999 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 
4 December 1998.


We are pleased to announce conditional agreement to acquire Oneac Corporation,
a leading Chicago-based UPS and power conditioning company.  This is in line
with our stated strategy of expansion in the USA, the world's largest power
protection market.  The consideration is US$30 million, payable in cash on 
completion, plus cash of up to a further US$5 million depending on performance
to 30 November 1999.

It is expected that, for the 12 months to 30 November 1998, Oneac will have 
sales of US$34 million and a profit before tax of approximately US$3 million 
before exceptional costs of US$1.4 million (1997:  break even at the profit
before tax level after exceptional costs of US$0.9 million on sales of US$28.4
million).  At 30 November 1997, Oneac had net assets of US$5.1 million.  The
business, which is privately owned, has approximately 200 employees in the USA
and a further 20 in a UK subsidiary. 

The acquisition, which is conditional on clearance under US competition 
legislation and on approval by Oneac's shareholders, is expected to be
completed by the end of January 1999.


We recognise that there is considerable economic uncertainty at the current
time but are reassured by the resilience of our markets.  This is reflected in
the fact that our order book at the period end was more than 30% ahead of the
level at the end of the last financial year.   This strong position underpins 
our immediate prospects and reflects the consistent growth of the sectors on 
which we have focused.

To ensure the continuing development of Chloride in the longer term, we will 
continue to invest in our people, processes and systems to support our
customer care programmes.  This is designed to position the Group as the 
supplier of choice in each of our markets.  

Also we will continue to seek further acquisitions in our core businesses.  
We look forward to further good progress in the second half.

The half year report for the six months to 30 September 1998 is being issued
to shareholders and will be available to the public at the company's registered 
office at Abford House, 15 Wilton Road, London, SW1V 1LT (Tel:  0171 834 5500;
fax:  0171 630 0563;  e-mail:  enquiries@chloridegroup.com).


   Year to                                  Six months to       Six months to
31 March 1998                            30 September 1998   30 September 1997
                                                                 (as restated)
   #000     #000                             #000     #000      #000   #000
111,234             Continuing operations     55,850             54,290
  4,630             Discontinued operations      315              3,304       
  _______                                       ______             ______     
         115,864                                       56,165            
         _______                                       ______            
                  Operating profit/(loss)                     
  8,798             Continuing operations      4,317              3,847
    (49)            Discontinued operations       31                (73)
_______                                        _____              _____
           8,749                                      4,348          3,774 
                   Profit on disposal of                      
             100      discontinued operations            800           100
            _____                                       _____         _____ 
                   Profit on ordinary 
           8,849    activities before interest         5,148         3,874 
           1,153   Net interest receivable               740           460
           ______                                       _____        _____
                   Profit on ordinary 
          10,002     activities before taxation         5,888        4,334 
                   Tax on profit on ordinary 
           2,277     activities                         1,170          967
           ______                                       _____        _____ 
                   Profit on ordinary 
            7,725    activities after taxation          4,718        3,367 
            2,348  Dividends                            1,417          663
            _____                                       _____         _____

           5,377  Retained profit                       3,301         2,704
           _____                                        _____        _____

                  Earnings per 25p ordinary share 
           3.24p  Basic                                 2.00p        1.38p
           3.23p  Diluted                               1.98p        1.38p
           3.20p  Adjusted                              1.66p        1.34p

     At                                            At                 At
31 March 1998                          30 September 1998   30 September 1997
    #000                                          #000               #000

  13,782       Fixed assets                     14,356             14,086
  ______                                        ______             ______     
  16,838       Stock                            17,740             16,902     
  32,241       Debtors                          30,806             31,291
  31,055       Cash at bank and in hand         31,908             26,429
  ______                                        ______             ______

  80,134       Current assets                   80,454             74,622
               Creditors: amounts falling due 
  37,130         within one year                35,576             31,006     
  ______                                        ______             ______

  43,004       Net current assets               44,878             43,616
  ______                                        ______             ______

               Total assets less current  
  56,786         liabilities                    59,234             57,702
               Creditors: amounts falling due
     832         after one year                    369                710
               Provisions for liabilities and
   5,177         charges                         4,512              7,172
  ______                                        ______             ______

  50,777       Net assets                       54,353             49,820
  ______                                        ______             ______
  50,777       Shareholders' funds              54,353             49,820     
  ______                                        ______             ______


   Year to                                  Six months to       Six months to
31 March 1998                            30 September 1998    30 September 1997
    #000                                          #000               #000

   7,725       Profit for the period             4,718              3,367
               Currency translation 
                 differences on foreign
  (1,819)        currency net investments          202               (525)
  ______                                        ______             ______

               Total recognised gains for
   5,906         the period                      4,920              2,842
  (2,348)      Dividends                        (1,417)              (663)
      78       New share capital and premium        73                 13     
    (425)      Goodwill written off                  -                  -
     (62)      Redemption of preference stock        -                  -
  ______                                        ______             ______
               Net increase in shareholders'
   3,149         funds                           3,576              2,192
  47,628       Opening shareholders' funds      50,777             47,628     
  ______                                        ______             ______
  50,777       Closing shareholders' funds      54,353             49,820
  ______                                        ______             ______


   Year to                                    Six months to      Six months to
31 March 1998                            30 September 1998   30 September 1997
    #000                                          #000               #000

               Cash flow from operating
   8,749         Operating profit                4,348              3,774
                 Depreciation and goodwill
   2,447           amortisation                  1,201              1,255     
                 Profit on sale of tangible
     (91)          assets                           (7)                 -
    (759)        Working capital increase       (1,134)            (2,927)
  ______                                        ______             ______

                 Net cash inflow from
  10,346           operating activities          4,408              2,102

               Returns on investments and        
   1,151         servicing of finance              740                460
  (1,381)      Taxation                           (403)               175
  (2,007)      Capital expenditure              (1,584)              (838)
  (2,089)      Purchase of own shares             (398)            (2,110)
   1,373       Acquisitions and disposals        1,300              1,723
  (1,786)      Dividends paid                   (1,710)            (1,144)
               Management of liquid resources
                 Net (increase)/decrease in
  (1,031)          short-term deposits          (2,227)             1,811
                 Net cash outflow from
  (1,584)          financing                       (74)            (1,250)
  ______                                        ______             ______

   2,992       Increase in cash                     52                929
  ______                                        ______             ______
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds
   Year to                                  Six months to      Six months to
31 March 1998                            30 September 1998   30 September 1997
    #000                                          #000               #000
   2,992       Increase in cash in the period       52                929
               Net cash outflow from decrease
   1,600         in debt and lease financing       147              1,263
               Cash outflow/(inflow) from
   1,031         movement in liquid resources    2,227             (1,811)
     (56)      New finance leases                    -                  -
     505       Exchange translation differences   (336)               247
  ______                                        ______             ______

               Increase in net funds in the
   6,072         period                          2,090                628
  20,782       Opening net funds                26,854             20,782
  ______                                        ______             ______

  26,854       Closing net funds                28,944             21,410
  ______                                        ______             ______


1  Segmental analysis

   Year to                                  Six months to       Six months to
31 March 1998                          30 September 1998     30 September 1997
                                                                (as restated)
           Profit                                                     Profit 
           /(loss)                           Profit                  /(loss)
           before                            before                   before
Turnover interest                          Turnover interest  Turnover interest
#000      #000                              #000     #000      #000     #000

64,275    5,280  Power Protection Systems   33,454    2,742    30,605    2,242
32,135    2,302  Safety Systems             16,317    1,184    15,876      946
14,824    1,216  Power Conversion            6,079      391     7,809      659
_______   ______                            ______   ______    ______   ______

111,234   8,798  Continuing operations     55,850    4,317     54,290    3,847
                   Discontinued operations                           
  4,630    (49)    Operating activities       315        31      3,304     (73)
    -      100     Net exceptional gains        -       800         -      100
 _______   ______                            ______   ______    ______   ______

 115,864    8,849                           56,165    5,148     57,594    3,874
 _______   ______                            ______   ______    ______   ______

2  Preparation of the interim financial statements  

The interim financial statements, which are unaudited, have been prepared 
on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 1998 annual 
report, except as noted below.

The Group has adopted Financial Reporting Standards ("FRS") 10, "Goodwill and
Intangible Assets", and 11, "Impairment of Fixed Assets and Goodwill".  As a
consequence, goodwill acquired in the future will be capitalised and its
subsequent measurement (via annual impairment review or annual amortisation
charge) will be determined based on the individual circumstances of each
business acquired.  Goodwill written off to reserves prior to 31 March 1998 is
not recorded in the Group balance sheet.

The Group has also adopted FRS12, "Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and
Contingent Assets" and FRS14, "Earnings per share".

The comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 1998 do not comprise full
financial statements and have been extracted from the Group's 1998 statutory
accounts which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors'
opinion on those accounts was unqualified and did not include any statement
under section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.

3  Taxation  

The tax charge provided at the half year is based on the estimated effective
tax rate for each undertaking in the Group applicable to the year to 31 March
1999 as applied to the taxable profits for the period.  No tax charge is
expected to arise in respect of the profit on the disposal of the Powerline
division of Chloride Electronics Limited (note 4).

4  Discontinued operations  

The profit before interest of #31,000 shown under discontinued operations in
the segmental analysis (note 1) relates to the profit from operating
activities earned by the Powerline division of Chloride Electronics Limited
prior to its disposal on 1 May 1998.  The exceptional gain of #800,000 also
relates to the disposal of Powerline. The comparative figures for the six
months to 30 September 1997 have been restated to include the results of
Powerline along with the results of Chloride Security Distribution Limited in
that period.

5  Earnings per share
                                                       Six months to
   Year to                                             30 September
31 March 1998                                     1998               1997

               Weighted average number of
                 ordinary shares - basic and
  238.2m           adjusted                     236.2m             243.2m
    0.8m       Shares under option                1.5m               0.6m
               Weighted average number of
  239.0m         ordinary shares - diluted      237.7m             243.8m

    #000                                          #000               #000
               Profit after preference          
                 dividends for basic and        
                 diluted earnings per share
   7,723         calculations                    4,718              3,367
   _____                                         _____              _____

     100       Exceptional items                   800                100

               Profit for adjusted earnings per
   7,623         share calculation               3,918              3,267
   _____                                         _____              _____

   3.24p       Earnings per share - basic        2.00p              1.38p
   3.23p                          - diluted      1.98p              1.38p
   3.20p                          - adjusted     1.66p              1.34p

The calculation of diluted earnings per share has been carried out in
accordance with FRS14 and assumes that exercises of current options will be 
met by the issue of new shares.  The company has established an Employee 
Benefit Trust which holds shares purchased in the market at prices which, on 
average, match the option prices.  As the weighted average number of shares 
excludes shares held by the Employee Benefit Trust (note 6), these purchases 
have been non-dilutive.

6  Fixed assets  

Fixed assets include #2,967,000 of goodwill and #2,487,000 in respect of a
holding, at 30 September 1998, of 7,521,920 of the company's ordinary shares. 
These shares, held by the Employee Benefit Trust established to purchase
shares in the market to satisfy the potential exercise of certain executive
share options, had a market value in excess of #3,000,000 at the half-year.

7  Analysis of net funds  
Closing net funds comprise the following:

     At                                            At                 At
31 March 1998                           30 September 1998  30 September 1997
    #000                                          #000               #000

   5,955       Cash                              4,690              4,169
  25,100       Short-term deposits              27,218             22,260
  ______                                        ______             ______

  31,055       Cash at bank and in hand         31,908             26,429
  ______                                        ______             ______

               Due within one year:
  (2,899)        Overdrafts                     (1,720)            (3,337)
    (127)        Other borrowings/debt            (226)                 -
    (440)        Discounted trade bills           (350)              (629)
    (235)        Finance lease obligations        (151)              (343)
  ______                                        ______             ______

  (3,701)                                       (2,447)            (4,309)
  ______                                        ______             ______

               Due after more than one year:
    (200)        Other borrowings/debt            (218)              (221)
    (300)        Finance lease obligations        (299)              (489)
  ______                                        ______             ______

    (500)                                         (517)              (710)
  ______                                        ______             ______

  26,854       Net funds                        28,944             21,410
  ______                                        ______             ______

   3,056       Net cash                          2,970                832
  25,100       Liquid resources                 27,218             22,260
  (1,302)      Financing                        (1,244)            (1,682)
  ______                                        ______             ______

  26,854                                        28,944             21,410
  ______                                        ______             ______


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