RNS Number:7447A
CityBlock PLC
24 July 2007

                               CITYBLOCK PLC


                     FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2007

                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT


*   Net assets per share down by 8.2% to 17.9p.

*   EBITDA of #79,747 (2006 - #458,901).

*   Freehold Investment Property valued at #5,766,000 (2006 - #5,785,000) 
    including fixtures.

*   Lettings for current academic year at 100% of available rooms.

*   Pre-lettings for September 2007 currently at 83% of available rooms.


These are the fourth annual results since the shares of the Company were
admitted to trading on AIM.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank our
existing shareholders for their continued support and welcome all of our new

Financial Performance

                                                                                   2007                  2006

Lettings for current academic year                                                 100%                  100%

Pre-Lettings for next academic year beginning September                             83%                   89%

Commercial space let                                                               100%                  100%

EBITDA                                                                          #79,747              #458,901

Gross rental yield                                                                 8.2%                  7.1%

Net assets per share                                                              17.9p                 19.5p

Lettings on CityBlock's developed sites in Lancaster are performing well with
100% of rooms let in this current year and 83% for this coming academic year
against increasing University provision. However, the holding of three
development sites in Huddersfield, Leicester and Carlisle, which did not
generate any turnover has had a detrimental effect on cash flow and profits.
Excluding goodwill amortisation the Group made an operating profit for the year
of #58,281 (2006 - #437,619).  The net assets of the group decreased by #352,908
to #3,916,594.  At the end of the year the gross rental yield from properties
stood at 8.2% (2006 - 7.1%).

Development sites

The development of the Groups' sites at Huddersfield, Carlisle and Leicester is
challenging.  Obtaining planning permission for these sites remains difficult
(although recently our appeal at Carlisle was successful) and, together with
rising construction costs and interest rates, provides a difficult environment
in which to operate. The Board believes that these issues represent the main
risks to the Group and has therefore decided to review all options in regard to
the development of these sites.

Post balance sheet events

On 15 June 2007 the company announced the acquisition of Springdoo Limited, a
video communications company, together with the appointment to the board of
directors of Lee Dudack (Chief Financial Officer) and Adam Freeman (Chief
Operating Officer).

M J Higginson
Non Executive Chairman

23 July 2007


                        For the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                                                Year  ended          Year ended
                                                                                   31 March            31 March
                                                                                       2007                2006

                                                              Note                        #                   #

Turnover                                                                            473,056             413,075

Administrative expenses                                                           (424,115)           (405,690)
Amortisation of goodwill                                                           (55,933)            (55,933)
Other operating income                                                                9,340             430,234

Operating profit                                                                      2,348             381,686

Interest receivable                                                                  20,963              13,512
Interest payable and similar charges                                              (376,219)           (283,936)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities before taxation                              (352,908)             111,262

Tax on (loss)/profit on ordinary activities                                               -            (15,192)

(Loss)/profit for the financial year                                              (352,908)              96,070

(Loss)/earnings per share (pence)                                1
Basic                                                                               (1.62)p               0.44p
Diluted                                                                             (1.62)p               0.44p

All of the activities of the Group are classed as continuing.


                                GAINS AND LOSSES

                        For the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                                               Year  ended          Year ended
                                                                                  31 March            31 March
                                                                                      2007                2006

                                                                                         #                   #

(Loss)/profit for the financial year                                             (352,908)              96,070

Unrealised surplus on revaluation of properties                                          -             407,087

Total recognised gains and losses relating to the year                           (352,908)             503,157

                           CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

At 31 March 2007

                                                                                       2007                 2006

                                                                   Note                   #                    #

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                                   913,566              969,499
Tangible assets                                                       2           9,840,829            8,246,022

                                                                                 10,754,395            9,215,521

Current assets
Debtors                                                               3              55,876              143,116
Cash at bank and in hand                                                            465,411            1,246,364

                                                                                    521,287            1,389,480

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                        4           (265,086)          (1,842,806)

Net current assets/(liabilities)                                                    256,201            (453,326)

Total assets less current liabilities                                            11,010,596            8,762,195

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year               5         (7,094,002)          (4,492,693)

Net assets                                                                        3,916,594            4,269,502

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                             109,210              109,210
Share premium account                                                             1,909,009            1,909,009
Revaluation reserve                                                               2,374,771            2,374,771
Profit and loss account                                                           (476,396)            (123,488)

Shareholders' funds                                                               3,916,594            4,269,502


                        For the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                                             Year  ended             Year ended
                                                                                31 March               31 March
                                                                                    2007                   2006

                                                                                       #                      #

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                          (1,366,359)              1,550,552

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                                 20,963                 13,512
Interest paid                                                                  (349,993)              (283,965)

Net cash outflow for returns on investments and servicing                      (329,030)              (270,453)
of finance
Taxation                                                                        (15,192)                      -

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                            (1,671,681)            (4,204,080)
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets                                           -              2,194,922

Net cash outflow for capital expenditure and financial                       (1,671,681)            (2,009,158)

New bank loans in the year                                                     2,601,309              1,465,000

Net cash inflow from financing                                                 2,601,309              1,465,000

(Decrease)/Increase in cash in the year                                        (780,953)                735,941

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

(Decrease)/Increase in cash in the year                                     (780,953)                  735,941
Net cash inflow from increase in bank loans                               (2,601,309)              (1,465,000)

Movement in net debt in the year                                          (3,382,262)                (729,059)
Net debt at 1 April 2006                                                  (3,246,329)              (2,517,270)

Net debt at 31 March 2007                                                 (6,628,591)              (3,246,329)


1.       Earnings/(loss) per share

The calculation of basic earnings/(loss) per share is based on the loss
attributable to ordinary shareholders of #352,908 (2006 - profit of #96,070)
divided by the weighted average of 21,842,097 (2006 - 21,842,097) ordinary
shares in issue during the year.

The adjusted basic earnings/(loss) per share is calculated as the profit/(loss)
attributable to ordinary shareholders, after adding back goodwill amortisation
of #55,933 (2006 - #55,933) divided by the weighted average of 21,842,097 (2006
- 21,842,097) ordinary shares in issue during the year.

The Directors have chosen to present the adjusted earnings/(loss) per share as
they believe it will present a better indicator of the performance of the Group.

                                                                           Year  ended            Year ended
                                                                              31 March              31 March
                                                                                  2007                  2006

                                                                       pence per share       pence per share

Basic earnings/(loss) per share                                                 (1.62)                  0.44
Amortisation of goodwill                                                          0.26                  0.25

Adjusted basic earnings/(loss) per share                                        (1.36)                  0.69

There are no options or warrants that are potentially dilutive, and hence the
basic and diluted earnings/(loss) per share are the same (on both an adjusted
and unadjusted basis).

2.       Tangible fixed assets
                                          Freehold                              Fixtures,
                                        Investment      Capital Work In      fittings and      
                                          Property             Progress         equipment               Total
                                                 #                   #                 #                   #

Cost or valuation
At 1 April 2006                          5,616,527            2,460,497           210,717           8,287,741
Additions                                        -            1,614,593             1,680           1,616,273

At 31 March 2007                         5,616,527            4,075,090           212,397           9,904,014

At 1 April 2006                                  -                    -            41,719              41,719
Charge for the year                              -                    -            21,466              21,466

At 31 March 2007                                 -                    -            63,185              63,185

Net Book Value
At 31 March 2007                         5,616,527            4,075,090           149,212           9,840,829

At 31 March 2006                         5,616,527            2,460,497           168,998           8,246,022

The freehold investment properties were formally valued on 21 March 2006 by
Atisreal Limited, Chartered Surveyors.  In the opinion of the Directors the
valuation at 31 March 2007 would not have been materially different than at the
date of the last valuation.

Properties completed at the accounting date are included in the accounts at
their open market value. Properties in the course of construction at the
accounting date are included at cost.

3.       Debtors
                                                 31 March          31 March       31 March           31 March
                                                     2007              2006           2007               2006
                                                    Group             Group        Company            Company
                                                        #                 #               #               #

Trade debtors                                       5,054           127,023                -                -
Amounts owed by group undertakings                      -                 -          207,871          663,146
Other debtors                                           -                 -                -            2,847
Prepayments and accrued income                     50,822            16,093            1,875            1,875

                                                   55,876           143,116          209,746           667868

The debtors above include the following which falls due for payment after more than one year:

Amounts owed by group undertakings                     -                 -         207,871         663,146
Prepayments and accrued income                     9,292             9,950               -               -

4.       Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

                                                 31 March          31 March         31 March         31 March
                                                    2007              2006             2007              2006
                                                    Group             Group         Company           Company
                                                        #                 #               #                 #

Bank loans and overdrafts                               -                 -                -                -
Trade creditors                                    72,535            51,030              473           27,941
Corporation tax                                         -            15,192                -                -
Other taxes and social security                     4,165           382,641                -                -
Other creditors                                    41,459           915,277                -                -
Accruals and deferred income                      146,927           478,666            6,000          152,583

                                                  265,086         1,842,806            6,473          180,524

5.       Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year

                                                 31 March          31 March       31 March           31 March
                                                     2007              2006           2007               2006
                                                    Group             Group        Company            Company
                                                        #                 #               #               #

Bank loans and overdrafts                       7,094,002         4,492,693                -                -

Bank loans and overdrafts are repayable as follows:

                                                 31 March          31 March       31 March           31 March
                                                     2007              2006           2007               2006
                                                    Group             Group        Company            Company
                                                        #                 #               #               #

After five years                                7,094,002         4,492,693                -               -

The Group negotiates facilities from Yorkshire Bank plc on a project by project
basis. Funds are advanced as overdrafts whilst properties are in the course of
construction. During the year all loans were converted to interest only loans.
Interest is charged on bank borrowings at the Yorkshire Bank plc base rate plus

Bank loans are secured as follows:
-    Legal mortgages over the Group's freehold land and buildings.
-    Debentures giving a fixed and floating charge over the assets of all the Group companies.
-    A cash set off given by CityBlock plc of not less than #450,000.
-    Unlimited cross guarantees from all Group companies.
-    Collateral warranties from all members of the professional team.

6.       Post balance sheet events

Purchase of Springdoo Limited (New Zealand)

On 15 June 2007 the company acquired the entire share capital of Springdoo
Limited, a company incorporated in New Zealand whose principal activity is that
of video communications.  The consideration was satisfied by the issue of
3,200,000 new ordinary shares of 0.5p each in Cityblock plc.

7.       Basis of preparation

The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's
statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March 2007 or 2006. The statutory
accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006 have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies and contained an unqualified audit report. The audited results for
2007 have been approved by the Board of Directors and have been agreed with the

8.       Board approval

The preliminary announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 23 July

9. Availability of Accounts

Copies of the report and accounts will be dispatched shareholders in due course.
Additional copies will be available from the Company's registered office: Fleet
House, New Road, Lancaster, Lancaster, LA1 1EZ.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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