RNS No 1204d
1 April 1999
Celebrating our first season in the F.A. Premier  League,
I  am  pleased to present the Company's financial results
for the half year to 31 December 1998.
Financial Report
Turnover for the six months was #8.1m compared with #2.5m
for  the comparable period in 1997.  This increase  is  a
direct  result of gaining promotion to the  F.A.  Premier
League  with  its effect on our match day operations  and
attendances,  and our share of the revenues  produced  by
the  BSkyB  television deal.  The period saw an operating
profit,  before  transfer fees and  finance  charges,  of
#2,050k,   compared  with  a  loss  of   #377k   in   the
corresponding period in 1997.  Net assets have  risen  to
#16.4m from #9.7m at 31 December 1997.
In  the  last  financial year the Club  adopted  the  new
accounting  policy, as Financial Reporting  Standard  No.
10,  which  amortises the costs of obtaining  a  player's
registration  over  the  period  of  his  contract.   The
amortisation  of  the existing squad  cost  has  given  a
charge  to  the  profit and loss account of  #546k.   The
remaining cost is carried forward in the balance sheet at
31st   December  1998  at  a  value  of  #3,883k.    This
accounting  policy does not place a value on new  players
for  whom the Club did not pay a transfer fee, and  those
players  who  have risen through the Club's youth  teams.
The  insurance  value  of the current  first  team  squad
exceeds #21m.
Finance  charges  have  reduced to  #81k  from  #101k  as
interest rates have generally been lower in 1998.
The  net  profits recorded for this period  was  #1,423k,
compared with a loss of #1,130k for the equivalent period
in 1997.
In  December 1998, Charlton Athletic plc issued 7,077,424
shares through a Placing and Open Offer, raising a sum of
approximately  #3.5m net of expenses.   This  financed  a
number   of  capital  projects  and  provided  additional
working  capital  for the development of  the  commercial
operations and the first team squad.
The Team
Following promotion to the F.A. Premier League, the  Club
has  made significant investment in the first team  squad
with  the  signing of eight new players.   These  are  in
alphabetical order, John Barnes, Andy Hunt, Chris Powell,
Martin Pringle, Neil Redfearn, Simon Royce, Graham Stuart
and Carl Tiler.  In addition, a significant number of the
first  team squad are signed on long term contracts.   We
have expanded the size of the first team squad, making it
one of the largest we have had in recent times.
The  team  has  won many admirers for its  committed  and
skilful  performances this season and,  with  nine  games
left,  has  a  realistic chance of retaining  Premiership
status   for  next  season.   This  season  has  seen   a
particularly  close struggle at the bottom  of  the  F.A.
Premier League involving some eight teams.
The Club secured a licence in June 1998 from the Football
Association  to  operate  a  Youth  Academy  which   will
significantly   enhance  the   quality   of   our   youth
development  programme.   Our  Academy  currently  has  a
number   of   promising   schoolboys,   YTS   and   young
professional  players which will form the  basis  of  the
Club's future first team squad. Paul Konchesky at 17  and
Scott Parker at 18 have both played in the Premier League
this  season, and are important members of the first team
During  March  1999, the Club conditionally acquired  the
50%  share  of  the training ground owned  by  the  Alwen
Family Trust, giving us full ownership of the site.  This
acquisition  will enable us to develop this  facility  in
line  with  our current commitments to our Youth  Academy
and the expanded first team squad.
The  Club's  supporters deserve enormous credit  for  the
tremendous  atmosphere they have produced at  The  Valley
and as travelling support which has been much appreciated
by everyone at the Club and which provides such a lift to
the team.
Alan  Curbishley is one of the country's  most  respected
managers.   He is the only F.A Premier League manager  to
have  won two Carling "Manager of the Month" Awards  this
season.  These were collected in August following a  fine
start  to the season and in February when a poor  run  of
results was broken by victory against Wimbledon, with  10
points  gained from a possible 12 in that  month.   Alan,
Keith  Peacock and Mervyn Day give the Club a  formidable
management team at The Valley this season.
Review of Operations
We  have  witnessed  further encouraging  growth  in  the
commercial  infrastructure of the Club.  The  main  force
behind  this growth has been the combination of promotion
to  the  F.A.  Premier League and a new commercial  focus
brought to the exploitation of our new facilities at  The
Valley,  the  majority  of  which  are  housed   in   the
magnificent new West Stand.
The  principal  revenue streams remain our season  ticket
sales,  match day receipts, television rights,  corporate
sponsorship,   retail   activities  and  conference   and
banqueting.   These have all shown sharp  increases  this
Annual  season  tickets have increased  from  5,500  last
season  to  nearly 17,000 currently.  Capacity crowds  of
over 20,000 have been reached for all F.A. Premier League
home games since the completion of the new #7m West Stand
in September 1998.
The Club's progressive retail strategy, including the new
mail order operation, has produced impressive results and
further  expansion of the popular new leisurewear  ranges
is  planned.   Retail revenues this year are expected  to
more  than double, fully justifying the decision to build
the Superstore at The Valley.
The Club receives a basic television award from BSkyB  of
#3.3m  with  further amounts payable  dependent  on  live
television  appearances and final  league  placing.   The
team  has already appeared live on Sky Television on four
occasions   and  which  has  helped  to  push  television
revenues in excess of #5.5m for the full year.
Record new three-year deals for shirt sponsorship and kit
manufacture have been negotiated with Mesh Computers  plc
and  Le Coq Sportif.  This is in addition to a number  of
other lucrative deals for stand sponsorships, support for
our varied community projects and the new Youth Academy.
The  new West Stand facilities which incorporate the  new
Millennium   Suite  overlooking  the   pitch,   and   the
Observatory  which  overlooks the Millennium  Dome,  will
provide  important new revenue streams for the  Club.   A
programme  of reorganisation and development  within  the
management structure will ensure that we are well  placed
to exploit the significant commercial opportunities which
follow  the  choice  of Greenwich as the  nation's  focal
point for the Millennium Celebrations.
The  Club has continued its remarkable progress of recent
years   both  on  and  off  the  field.   The  commercial
opportunities  available  to  the  Club  from  the  newly
constructed facilities are very exciting, and it  is  our
intention to exploit them to the full.  The importance of
this  new commercial strategy is that the facilities will
generate  good quality earnings not directly affected  by
league  status.    It is our intention to  establish  The
Valley as a leading conference and banqueting centre,  in
a  part  of  South  East  London now  benefiting  from  a
national focus and large scale Government investment.
The  Board  has  followed a policy of investment  in  the
first  team  squad  in order to retain its  F.A.  Premier
League  status.  We will not, however, do anything  which
would  in  any way jeopardise the future financial  well-
being  of  the  Club and remain fully  committed  to  the
development   of   the  business  in  a  structured   and
financially responsible way.
                         Unaudited Half Year to     Audited
                               31 December         year to 30
                               1998          1997         1998
                              #'000         #'000        #'000
TURNOVER                      8,065         2,491        5,770
                         ----------    ----------   ----------
Costs of sales              (1,101)         (400)      (1,049)
Administrative              (1,420)         (211)        (921)
Player and match            (3,023)       (1,970)      (4,366)
                         ----------    ----------   ----------
                            (5,544)       (2,581)      (6,336)
Signing on fees               (471)         (287)        (608)
                         ----------    ----------   ----------
                            (6,015)       (2,868)      (6,944)
                         ----------    ----------   ----------
PROFIT/(LOSS) ON                                              
OPERATIONS BEFORE             2,050         (377)      (1,174)
Net transfer account          (546)         (652)        (588)
                         ----------    ----------   ----------
PROFIT/(LOSS) ON TOTAL                                        
OPERATIONS                    1,504       (1,029)      (1,762)
Financing charges              (81)         (101)        (248)
                         ----------    ----------   ----------
PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR ON                                          
ORDINARY ACTIVITIES           1,423       (1,130)      (2,010)
Taxation charges                  0             0            0
                         ----------    ----------   ----------
PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE                                         
FINANCIAL PERIOD              1,423       (1,130)      (2,010)
                         ==========    ==========   ==========
EARNINGS PER SHARE            4.88p       (5.12)p      (8.41)p
                         ==========    ==========   ==========
The comparative figures shown for December 1997 have been
re-stated  to reflect the adoption of Financial Reporting
Standard  No  10.   This standard  was  adopted  for  the
release of the financial reports to 30 June 1998.
                          Unaudited Half Year to    Audited
                                31 December        year to 30
                               1998          1997         1998
                              #'000         #'000        #'000
TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS        21,105        16,420       17,707
INTANGIBLE ASSETS             3,883         1,384        3,944
                          ---------    ----------   ----------
                             24,988        17,804       21,651
CURRENT ASSETS                                                
Stocks                          203            99          134
Debtors                       3,000           738        1,504
Cash at bank and in hand      1,817           393          124
                          ---------    ----------   ----------
TOTAL ASSETS                 30,008        19,034       23,413
Creditors falling due                                         
within one year and         (9,797)       (4,241)      (7,444)
deferred income
                          ---------    ----------   ----------
Total assets less                                             
current liabilities          20,211        14,793       15,969
Creditors falling due                                         
after one year                 (33)       (1,589)      (1,053)
Deferred income             (3,745)       (3,474)      (3,475)
                          ---------    ----------   ----------
                             16,433         9,730       11,441
                          =========    ==========   ==========
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                          
Called up share capital      17,694        11,481       14,155
Share premium account         1,703         1,754        1,672
Revaluation reserve           2,595         2,595        2,595
Profit and loss account     (5,559)       (6,100)      (6,981)
                          ---------    ----------   ----------
                             16,433         9,730       11,441
                          =========    ==========   ==========
1.     The  financial statements combine the  results  of
  Charlton Athletic plc and it's two subsidiaries, Charlton
  Athletic  Football Company (1984) Limited and  Charlton
  Athletic Holdings Limited.  The financial statements have
  been  prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
  standards and under the historical cost convention,  as
  modified by the revaluation of freehold properties.
2.     Turnover represents receipts from matches  played,
  the FA Premier League, the Football Association and other
  revenues   generated  from  the  commercial  activities
  associated with a professional football club.  These are
  all stated net of value added taxation.
3.     Grants received from the Football Trust in respect
  of safety work and ground improvement are carried in the
  balance  sheet as deferred income and released  to  the
  profit and loss account over the life of the assets  to
  which they relate.
4.     Deferred  income  includes Football  Trust  grants
  received, and the proportion of season tickets receipts,
  marketing,  promotional  and  sponsorship  income  that
  relates  to  the  remainder of  the  financial  period.
  Included in creditors and deferred income is a total in
  excess of #4,398,000 of revenues applicable to the second
  half of the financial year.
5.    The costs of player's registrations are capitalised
  and amortised over the period of the respective player's
6.     Signing  on fees are recognised in the profit  and
  loss  account  evenly over the period  covered  by  the
  player's contract.
7.     There is no liability for taxation arising in  the
  period due to trading losses brought forward.
8.     The calculation of earnings per share is based  on
  the profit after taxation for the six month period and on
  the weighted average of 29,155,912 shares in issue during
  this period (1997: 22,058,381).
9.     Year 2000 compliance.  The directors are aware  of
  the issues that may arise as a result of the millenium,
  with both computer systems and data-aware microchip based
  equipment.    The   directors   have   considered   the
  implications of these issues and are satisfied that there
  will be no significant impact on the operations of  the
  group,  and  that costs relating to this  will  not  be
10.     Copies  of  this  statement  are  being  sent  to
  shareholders  and  are  available  from   the   Company
  Secretary, Charlton Athletic plc, The Valley, London, SE7



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