RNS Number:9556H
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain
28 January 2005

                                                                January 27, 2005

press release



     -    Sales up 8.2% to EUR 32,025 million,
     -    Operating income up 7.8% to EUR 2,632 million, up 10.3% at constant 
          exchange rates*.

     On a like-for-like basis:
     -    Sales up 4.6%
     -    Operating income up 8.1%




> To achieve 6% growth in operating income at constant exchange rates (average
rates for 2004) and based on comparable accounting standards.

> To maintain strong free cash flow levels.

* based on average 2003 exchange rates

Consolidated sales for the Saint-Gobain Group are estimated at EUR 32,025
million for 2004, representing an increase of 8.2% after a negative currency
effect of 2.2%. The contribution of the Group's acquisitions to the growth
figure, net of disposals, amounted to EUR 1,717 million during the year,
accounting for a rise of 5.8% in net sales. On a like-for-like basis, the
Group's consolidated sales grew by 4.6% in 2004.

Saint-Gobain Group consolidated net income is estimated at EUR 1,083 million, up
4.2% on the year-earlier figure. Excluding capital gains and losses, net income
is expected to come in at EUR 1,122 million, up 10.0% on 2003. This earnings
growth was primarily fueled by an increase in operating income.

This performance testifies to the Group's robustness and the dynamics of its
business model, which became even more visible in 2004 as new businesses
(Building Distribution and High-Performance Materials) developed and emerging
markets picked up significantly in all sectors.

Organization and presentation of financial statements

In 2004, the Group modified its structure to bring it into line with its
business model. As a result, the three existing business sectors (Glass, Housing
Products and High-Performance Materials) have been reorganized into five new
business sectors (two for new businesses, three for historic ones). The new
structure stands as follows:

New businesses:
     -    Building Distribution sector
     -    High-Performance Materials (HPM) sector, which includes Ceramics, 
          Plastics and Abrasives, and now also Reinforcements

Historic businesses:

     -    Flat Glass sector
     -    Packaging sector
     -    Construction Products sector, which includes Building Materials, 
          Insulation and Pipe

Segment information (see appendix 1) and comments by business (see below) are
now presented in accordance with this new structure, and the results of the
Insulation and Reinforcements divisions are published separately (see appendices
2 and 3 for historic data).

Performance of Group Sectors and Divisions:

Overall, apart from the Pipe Division, all of the Group's divisions reported
sales growth on a like-for-like basis in 2004. In line with the economic
scenario anticipated at the beginning of the year and the trends observed in the
first nine months, the new businesses (Building Distribution and
High-Performance Materials), as well as emerging countries in general (sales up
13.6% and operating income up 28.4%), proved to be the Group's main growth and
profitability drivers in 2004.

New businesses:

The Building Distribution sector achieved the largest contribution to
consolidated sales growth and operating income, posting a 21% increase in sales
and a 32% rise in operating income (respectively, 5% and 12% on a like-for-like
basis). Thanks to further internal progress and the positive contribution from
recent acquisitions (especially Dahl), the sector's operating margin improved
significantly to 5.4% from 5.0% in 2003.

High-Performance Materials (including Reinforcements) reported the Group's
strongest like-for-like growth at 8.9%, as well as a significant increase in
operating margin to 9.9% from 8.3% in 2003. These performances reflect a strong
increase in overall sales volumes for the sector (up 11.0%), and were achieved
despite a contraction in sales prices and the resulting fall in the
profitability of the Reinforcements division. The recovery in the manufacturing
industry and capital spending took hold throughout the year, particularly in the
United States, and benefits from the cost reduction programs carried out in
recent years continued to filter through.

Historic businesses:

The Flat Glass sector continued on a growth track, posting a 2.9% increase in
like-for-like sales. However, margins were eroded due to downward pressure on
sales prices in the European construction market. Further advances have been
achieved in both the European automotive sector and in emerging countries.
Towards the end of the year, price trends improved in the European construction

The Packaging sector registered a slight rise in like-for-like sales - with
price rises implemented throughout the division more than offsetting a dip in
sales volumes in the European wine market. Despite the increase in energy costs,
the operating margin edged up to 11.6%, compared with 11.4% in 2003.

Organic growth posted by the Construction Products sector is consistent with the
Group average, coming in at 4.3% on a like-for-like basis, despite the sharp
drop in sales reported by the Pipe division (down 9.1% on a like-for-like basis)
since the last deliveries under the Abu Dhabi contract at the end of the first
quarter of 2004. Building Materials - which is smaller in size since the sale of
Terreal and CertainTeed Ventilation in 2003 - and Insulation benefited from the
buoyant residential construction market in the United States, both achieving
very strong levels of organic growth of 9.6% and 8.1%, respectively, on a
like-for-like basis. Meanwhile, operating income for the sector as a whole
remained stable on a like-for-like basis, with higher raw materials costs
negatively impacting the profitability of the Building Materials division
(asphalt and resins) and, especially, the Pipe division (scrap metal, cast iron
and coke).

                                   *     *     *

*    Analysis of the estimated 2004 consolidated financial statements:

Based on the estimates presented at the Board of Directors' Meeting of January
27, 2005, unaudited key consolidated data for 2004 are set out in the table
below. The final 2004 consolidated financial statements will be approved by the
Board of Directors on March 24, 2005.

                                                                   2003          2004       % Change
                                                                 In EUR        In EUR
                                                                millions      millions
                                                                   (1)           (2)         (2)/(1)

Net sales                                                       29,590         32,025         +8.2%
Operating income                                                 2,442          2,632         +7.8%
Dividend income                                                     12              3        -75.0%
Interest and other financial charges, net                        (457)          (441)         -3.5%
Non-operating costs                                              (275)          (280)         +1.8%
Income before profit on sales of non-current assets and taxes    1,722          1,914        +11.1%
Profit (loss) on sales of non-current assets, net                   86           (44)          n.m.
Provisions for income tax                                        (595)          (603)         +1.3%
Amortization of goodwill                                         (154)          (155)         +0.6%
Share in net results of equity investees                             6              8        +33.3%
Net income before minority interests                             1,065          1,120         +5.2%
Minority interests                                                (26)           (37)        +42.3%
Net income                                                       1,039          1,083         +4.2%
Earnings per share (in EUR)                                       2.99           3.18         +6.4%
Earnings per share excluding treasury stock (in EUR)              3.09           3.23         +4.5%
Net income excluding profit on sales of non-current assets       1,020          1,122        +10.0%
Earnings per share excluding profit on sales of non-current       2.93           3.29        +12.3%
assets (in EUR)                                               
Earnings per share excluding profit on sales of non-current       3.03           3.35        +10.6%
assets and treasury stock (in EUR)
Cash flow from operations                                        2,471          2,612         +5.7%
Cash flow excluding capital gains tax                            2,540          2,608         +2.7%
Capital expenditure                                              1,351          1,537        +13.8%
Investments in securities                                          789            899        +13.9%
Net indebtedness                                                 5,657          5,566         -1.6%

Group sales are up by 8.2%. At constant exchange rates*, consolidated sales rose
by 10.3% on an actual structure basis, and by 6.8% excluding Dahl. On a
like-for-like basis, sales growth stands at 4.6%, with a 2.9% rise in sales
volumes and a 1.7% rise in prices.

The breakdown of like-for-like sales by geographic area reveals very robust
business levels in France - despite the drop in sales of the Pipe division - and
especially in the United States, which posted an increase of 10.1%. Growth in
other western European countries - also affected by the decline in the Pipe
division - showed little growth. Delivering like-for-like sales growth of 13.9%,
emerging countries remain the Group's biggest growth driver.

By geographic area, France accounted for 31.7% of total sales, with other
western European contributing 40.8%, North America 17%, and emerging countries
and Asia 10.5%.

* based on average 2003 exchange rates

Operating income is up by 7.8%. At constant exchange rates*, it rose 10.3% on an
actual structure basis and 7.2% excluding Dahl, thus ahead of the 7% target.
Like-for-like growth in operating income stands at 8.1%.

Operating margin stood at 8.2% compared with 8.3% in 2003. This slight
contraction is solely attributable to the increased relative weight of Building
Distribution within the Group. This sector's operating margin rose
significantly, to 5.4% of sales in 2004, up from 5.0% in 2003. Excluding
Building Distribution, the Group's operating margin remained stable at 10.1%.

Margins improved in all of the geographic areas where the Group operates except
France, where the Pipe Division reported lower earnings as a result of
significant increases in the cost of raw materials. The strongest growth in
operating income (28.5%) was generated by the emerging countries, which also saw
their operating margin rise from 10.5% to 11.8%.

Net interest and other financial charges decreased 3.5% to EUR 441 million from
EUR 457 million in 2003, primarily thanks to the favorable impact of converting
interest on dollar-denominated debt into euros.

Non-operating costs came in at EUR 280 million, up slightly in relation to 2003
(EUR 275 million). This figure includes a EUR 108 million charge for the cost of
asbestos-related claims filed against CertainTeed, compared to EUR 100 million
in 2003 (see below).

The Group has registered a EUR 44 million loss on sales of non-current assets,
due to write-downs and disposal losses, and despite the capital gain realized on
the sale of the Group's remaining interest in Vivendi Universal.

Goodwill amortization remained more or less stable at EUR 155 million.

Minority interests rose by 42.3% due to the increase in the contribution from
the Group's Brazilian subsidiaries. It climbed from EUR 26 million in 2003 to
EUR 37 million in 2004.

Consolidated net income is estimated at EUR 1,083 million, up 4.2% on the
year-earlier figure. Based on the 340,988,000 shares outstanding at December 31,
2004, earnings per share totaled EUR 3.18, which represents a rise of 6.4% on
2003 (EUR 2.99 for 347,824,967 shares). Based on the number of shares excluding
treasury stock outstanding at December 31, 2004 (335,127,590 shares compared
with 336,185,581 shares at December 31, 2003), earnings per share amounts to EUR
3.23, which denotes an increase of 4.5% on 2003 (EUR 3.09).

Excluding profit and loss on sales of non-current assets, consolidated net
income is estimated at EUR 1,122 million, up 10.0% on the 2003 figure. Based on
the 340,988,000 shares outstanding at December 31, 2004, earnings per share
excluding profit on sales of non-current assets amounted to EUR 3.29, compared
with EUR 2.93 in 2003 (based on 347,824,967 shares), which represents an
increase of 12.3%. Based on the number of shares excluding treasury stock
outstanding at December 31, 2004 (335,127,590 shares compared with 336,185,581
shares at December 31, 2003), earnings per share excluding profit on sales of
non-current assets amounts to EUR 3.35, reflecting a rise of 10.6% on 2003 (EUR

Cash flow from operations came to EUR 2,612 million, an increase of 5.7% on the
prior-year figure. Excluding the tax impact of capital gains and losses, cash
flow from operations rose by 2.7% in relation to 2003, coming in at EUR 2,608
million, compared with EUR 2,540 million a year earlier.

Capital expenditure rose 13.8% to EUR 1,537 million, from EUR 1,351 million in
2003, and represented 4.8% of sales, compared to 4.6% in 2003. This rise was
mainly fueled by the ramp-up of the capital expenditure program in emerging
countries, particularly Asia.

     * based on average 2003 exchange rates

Investments in securities totaled EUR 899 million, including EUR 658 million
relating to acquisitions (value of shares acquired) - primarily concerning
Building Distribution (EUR 529 million) - and EUR 241 million relating to share
buyback programs.

Net indebtedness stood at EUR 5.6 billion at December 31, 2004, down slightly
from EUR 5.7 billion one year earlier, despite the increase in the amount spent
on acquisitions. The gearing ratio - based on consolidated shareholders' equity
plus non-voting participating securities - stands at 46%.

                                 *     *     *

Asbestos claims in the United States:

During 2004, around 18,000 new asbestos claims were filed against CertainTeed,
including 2,000 in the state of Mississippi, representing a decline of
approximately 70% in relation to 2003 (62,000 including 29,000 in Mississippi).
Approximately 4,000 new claims were filed in the fourth quarter of 2004, which
is more or less on a par with the number of claims filed in each of the first
three quarters of the year. The number of new claims seems to have stabilized at
around 4,000 to 5,000 per quarter.

Approximately 20,000 claims were resolved during the year, including 3,000 in
the fourth quarter. At December 31, 2004, some 106,000 claims were outstanding,
slightly down on the 108,000 claims in progress at December 31, 2003.

The average cost of claims settled in 2004 was approximately USD 2,900 per
claim, compared with USD 2,100 in 2003. This increase was due to the lower
number of mass claims as a proportion of overall claims settled and claims
currently in the process of being settled.

Based on all these trends, an additional accrual of USD 134 million (EUR 108
million) was recorded in 2004, increasing the total coverage for CertainTeed's
asbestos-related claims to USD 402 million for the period ended December 31,
2004. CertainTeed's risk concerning asbestos-related claims is now exclusively
covered by way of provisions as insurance coverage was exhausted in 2004.

Driven by the new Chairman of the US Senate Judiciary Committee, further active
negotiations have taken place during the last few weeks concerning the proposed
legislation to create a National Asbestos Trust Fund in the United States. A new
bill is expected to be put before the Senate in February.

                                *     *     *

*    2005 Outlook and targets:

2004 confirmed the efficiency of the business model implemented by the Group,
which is based on three strategic drivers: a strong increase in Building
Materials Distribution, growth dynamics in High Performance Materials and
development of all businesses in emerging countries. Based on the same dynamics,
and in an environment of moderate economic growth, the Group's target for 2005
is to achieve 6% growth in operating income at constant exchange rates (average
rates for 2004) and based on comparable accounting standards. The group also
aims to maintain strong free cash flow levels.

Forthcoming results announcements:
     -    Final results for 2004: March 24, 2005, after close of trading on the
          Paris bourse.
     -    Full results for 2004 under IFRS: March 29, 2005, after close of
          trading on the Paris bourse.
     -    Information meeting on the transition to IFRS: at 8.30 a.m. on March
          30, 2005, at the Group head office (Les Miroirs, 18, avenue d'Alsace, 
          92400 Courbevoie, France).
     -    Sales for the first quarter of 2005 (under IFRS): April 26, 2005,
          after close of trading on the Paris bourse.

                         Investor Relations Department

Mme. Florence TRIOU-TEIXEIRA          Tel. : +33 1 47 62 45 19
M. Alexandre ETUY                     Tel. : +33 1 47 62 37 15
                                      Fax : +33 1 47 62 50 62

Appendix 1

Results by Business Sector, Division and Geographic Area
(In millions of euros)
                                                                                           Change on a
                                                                Change on  Change on        comparable
I. SALES                                 2003       2004e       an actual  comparable     structure and
                                                                structure  structure         currency
                                                                  basis      basis            basis
1) By sector and division:
Building Distribution (1)               11 305      13 679       +21,0%      +5,3%            +5,0%
High-Performance Materials (1)           4 452      4 717         +6,0%      +3,7%            +8,9%
Ceramics and Plastics & Abrasives        3 256      3 473         +6,7%      +5,3%           +10,8%
Reinforcements                           1 212      1 264         +4,3%      -0,2%            +4,0%
Flat Glass (1)                           4 298      4 394         +2,2%      +1,4%            +2,9%
Packaging (1)                            3 869      3 779         -2,3%      -2,8%            +0,8%
Construction Products (1)                6 233      6 004         -3,7%      +0,5%            +4,3%
Building Materials                      2 824*      2 625         -7,0%      +3,1%            +9,6%
Insulation                               1 909      2 018         +5,7%      +5,0%            +8,1%
Pipe                                     1 516      1 381         -8,9%      -9,3%            -9,1%
Internal sales and misc.                 -567        -548          n.m.       n.m.             n.m.

GROUP TOTAL                             29 590      32 025        +8,2%      +2,4%            +4,6%

2) By geographic area:
France                                   9 926      10 704        +7,8%      +4,1%            +4,1%
Other western European countries        12 225      13 743       +12,4%      +1,7%            +1,2%
North America                            5 735      5 727         -0,1%      +0,3%           +10,1%
Emerging countries and Asia              3 127      3 553        +13,6%      +8,9%           +13,9%
Internal sales                          -1 423      -1 702         n.m.       n.m.             n.m.

GROUP TOTAL                             29 590      32 025        +8,2%      +2,4%            +4,6%

(1) including inter-division eliminations

* including companies sold in 2003: 304 million euros

                                                               Change on
II.OPERATING INCOME                     2003      2004e        an actual
1) By sector and division:
Building Distribution                    560       737           +31,6%
High-Performance Materials               370       466           +25,9%
Ceramics and Plastics & Abrasives        273       392           +43,6%
Reinforcements                           97        74            -23,7%
Flat Glass                               471       440            -6,6%
Packaging                                442       440            -0,5%
Construction Products                    584       507           -13,2%
Building materials                      265*       195           -26,4%
Insulation                               168       242           +44,0%
Pipe                                     151       70            -53,6%
Miscellaneous                            15        42           +180,0%

GROUP TOTAL                             2 442     2 632           +7,8%

2) By geographical area:
France                                   884       825            -6,7%
Other western European countries         779       906           +16,3%
North America                            452       481            +6,4%
Emerging countries and Asia              327       420           +28,4%
GROUP TOTAL                             2 442     2 632           +7,8%

* including companies sold in 2003: 61 million euros

                                                                 Change on
                                        2003      2004e           an actual
III. CASH FLOW                                                    structure
1) By sector and division:
Building Distribution                    398       515              +29,4%
High-Performance Materials               435       490              +12,6%
Ceramics and Plastics & Abrasives        291       356              +22,3%
Reinforcements                           144       134               -6,9%
Flat Glass                               548       508               -7,3%
Packaging                                504       490               -2,8%
Construction Products                    526       538               +2,3%
Building Materials                      172*       203              +18,0%
Insulation                               210       267              +27,1%
Pipe                                     144       68               -52,8%
Miscellaneous                           60**      71**              +18,3%

GROUP TOTAL                             2 471     2 612              +5,7%

2) By geographic area:
France                                   832       827               -0,6%
Other western European countries         800       878               +9,8%
North America                           450**     441**              -2,0%
Emerging countries and Asia              389       466              +19,8%
GROUP TOTAL                             2 471     2 612              +5,7%

* including companies sold in 2003: 56 million euros

** after asbestos-related charge (net of tax) of Euro66m in 2003 and Euro72m in 2004.

                                                                 Change on an
                                        2003      2004e             actual
IV. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE                                           structure
1) By sector and division:
Building Distribution                    213       249              +16,9%
High-Performance Materials               251       239               -4,8%
Ceramics and Plastics & Abrasives        108       132              +22,2%
Reinforcements                           143       107              -25,2%
Flat Glass                               364       448              +23,1%
Packaging                                265       302              +14,0%
Construction Products                    257       294              +14,4%
Building Materials                      117*       102               -0,1%
Insulation                               90        145              +61,1%
Pipe                                     50        47                -6,0%
Miscellaneous                             1         5                 n.m.

GROUP TOTAL                             1 351     1 537             +13,8%

2) By geographic area:
France                                   305       361              +18,4%
Other western European countries         459       483               +5,2%
North America                            233       274              +17,6%
Emerging countries and Asia              354       419              +18,4%

GROUP TOTAL                             1 351     1 537             +13,8%

* including companies sold in 2003:14 million euros

Appendix 2:

2004 quarterly sales and half-yearly results for the Insulation and 
Reinforcements Divisions
(in millions of euros)


                                                              Change on    Change on a        Change on a
Q1 2004                                2003      2004e        an actual    comparable         comparable
                                                              structure     structure        structure and
                                                                basis         basis         currency basis
Insulation                             462        473            +2,4%         +1,7%             +6,7%
Reinforcements                         315        301            -4,4%         -6,1%             +0,7%

                                                              Change on    Change on a        Change on a
H1 2004                                2003      2004e        an actual    comparable         comparable
                                                              structure     structure        structure and
                                                                basis         basis         currency basis
Insulation                             908        958            +5,5%         +4,7%             +8,2%
Reinforcements                         630        641            +1,7%         -0,9%             +3,9%

                                                              Change on    Change on a        Change on a
9 months to September 30, 2004         2003      2004e        an actual    comparable         comparable
                                                              structure     structure        structure and
                                                                basis         basis         currency basis
Insulation                            1 401      1 482           +5,8%         +5,0%             +8,3%
Reinforcements                         933        962            +3,1%         -0,1%             +4,4%

                                                              Change on
                                       2003      2004e        an actual
Insulation                              72        103           +43,1%
Reinforcements                          62         37           -40,3%

III. CASH FLOW (H1 2004)
                                                              Change on
                                       2003      2004e        an actual
Insulation                              99        115           +16,2%
Reinforcements                          80         68           -15,0%

                                                             Change on
                                       2003      2004e       an actual
Insulation                              32         48         +50,0%
Reinforcements                          54         45         -16,7%

Appendix 3.a

Insulation Division :
historical data.
Sales, Operating Income, Cash Flow, Capital expenditure

              Sales                                                   Operating Income
               Amount  Change                                             Amount     Change
                 In      on an      on a         
              millions  actual   comparable      on a comparable       In millions    on an actual
              of euros structure  structure   structure and currency     of euros      structure
                         basis      basis             basis                              basis

       1993     1410     -1,7%                                             135           +6,3%
       1994     1512     +7,2%                                             167           +23,7%
       1995     1500     -0,8%      -0,8%             +1,9%                154           -7,8%
       1996     1473     -1,8%      -2,1%             -2,6%                140           -9,1%
       1997     1555     +5,6%      +5,6%             +2,6%                143           +2,1%
       1998     1655     +6,4%      +3,2%             +3,6%                161           +12,6%
       1999     1871    +13,1%      +7,6%             +6,6%                225           +39,8%
       2000     1975     +5,6%      +6,4%             +0,9%                217           -3,6%
       2001     1982     +0,4%      -0,8%             -0,9%                195           -10,1%
       2002     1971     -0,6%      -3,0%             -0,8%                184           -5,6%
       2003     1909     -3,1%      -3,1%             +3,1%                168           -8,7%
      2004e     2018     +5,7%      +5,0%             +8,1%                242           +44,0%

              Cash Flow          Capital Expenditure
               Amount  Change      Amount    Change
                 In      on an   
              millions  actual   In millions       on an actual
              of euros structure  of euros          structure
                         basis                        basis

       1993     154      +0,0%       79               -12,2%
       1994     173     +12,3%       76               -3,8%
       1995     183      +5,8%       86               +13,2%
       1996     174      -4,9%       94               +9,3%
       1997     182      +4,6%       164              +74,5%
       1998     190      +4,4%       183              +11,6%
       1999     239     +25,8%       206              +12,6%
       2000     255      +6,7%       131              -36,4%
       2001     233      -8,6%       90               -31,3%
       2002     231      -0,9%       78               -13,3%
       2003     210      -9,1%       89               +14,1%
      2004e     267     +27,1%       145              +62,9%

Appendix 3.b

Reinforcements Division:
historical data.
Sales, Operating Income, Cash Flow, Capital expenditure

              Sales                                                   Operating Income
               Amount  Change                                             Amount     Change
                 In      on an      on a         
              millions  actual   comparable      on a comparable       In millions    on an actual
              of euros structure  structure   structure and currency     of euros      structure
                         basis      basis             basis                              basis
       1993     470      -0,8%                                             -48          -108,7%
       1994     577     +22,8%                                              9           -118,8%
       1995     681     +18,0%     +15,3%             +23,5%                91          +911,1%
       1996     687      +0,9%      +0,9%             -0,6%                100           +9,9%
       1997     780     +13,5%     +12,3%             +5,6%                 87           -13,0%
       1998     835      +7,1%      +2,2%             +2,3%                112           +28,7%
       1999     995     +19,2%      +5,1%             +3,1%                133           +18,8%
       2000     1291    +29,7%     +21,1%             +12,4%               206           +54,9%
       2001     1303     +0,9%      -6,2%             -6,3%                207           +0,5%
       2002     1370     +5,1%      +2,5%             +5,1%                167           -19,3%
       2003     1212    -11,5%     -14,5%             -6,1%                 97           -41,9%
      2004e     1264     +4,3%      -0,2%             +4,0%                 74           -23,7%

              Cash Flow          Capital Expenditure
               Amount  Change      Amount    Change
                 In      on an   
              millions  actual   In millions       on an actual
              of euros structure  of euros          structure
                         basis                        basis

       1993     -21     -210,5%      23               -76,5%
       1994      47     -323,8%      29               +26,1%
       1995     126     +168,1%      62              +113,8%
       1996     118      -6,3%       75               +21,0%
       1997     103     -12,7%       60               -20,0%
       1998     133     +29,1%       81               +35,0%
       1999     150     +12,8%       139              +71,6%
       2000     196     +30,7%       127              -8,6%
       2001     214      +9,2%       139              +9,4%
       2002     205      -4,2%       120              -13,7%
       2003     144     -29,8%       143              +19,2%
      2004e     134      -6,9%       107              -25,2%

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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Compagnie De Saint-gobain (LSE:COD)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Compagnie De Saint-gobain Charts.