RNS Number:2333Q
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain
26 January 2007

January 25, 2007




*  SALES: UP 18.5% to Euro41,596 million; up 18.2% at constant exchange rates* and
   up 6.7% like-for-like.

*  OPERATING INCOME: UP 29.9% to Euro3,714 million; up 29.8% at constant exchange 

   ASSETS): UP 32.6% to Euro1,702 million.

* average exchange rates for 2005


*  Robust increase in operating income at constant exchange rates**.

*  Double-digit growth in net income (excluding capital gains and losses on 
   sales of non-current assets).

** average exchange rates for 2006

Performance of Group sectors

The Saint-Gobain Group enjoyed very buoyant business levels in 2006 and
registered its best organic growth performance of the last 10 years, at 6.7%,
including a 3.2% volume impact and a 3.5% price effect. The Group's five sectors
contributed to this growth, delivering a robust increase in sales on a
like-for-like basis (see Appendix 1). The trading environment observed in the
first half of the year held firm throughout the six months to end-December 2006,
with certain business sectors (Flat Glass, Building Distribution) reporting
increased momentum in the last few months of the year.

Businesses related to construction markets (in particular Construction Products
and Building Distribution) proved buoyant and drove the Group's growth. In
Europe, vigorous construction markets, bolstered by the impact of new European
regulations promoting energy efficiency in the construction industry, and in the
second half of the year by the recovery of the German market, more than offset
the impact of a slowdown in US housing starts. Businesses exposed to household
consumption and industrial production markets remained on a growth track.

The Group reported ongoing expansion in Asia and emerging countries, delivering
like-for-like growth of 12.7% (14.5% in the second half).

The Flat Glass sector notched up a significant 7.8% rise in sales over the year
based on comparable Group structure and exchange rates (11.5% over the six
months to December 31, 2006), thanks to the strong second-half recovery of
volumes and sales prices on the European construction market, and particularly
in Germany. Profitability for the sector improved, to 9.8% in the second half of
2006 (versus 9.4% in second-half 2005), but was slightly down over the full
year, due to the first-half impact of the rise in energy and raw materials

High-Performance Materials continued to report sustained like-for-like growth of
3.3% for the full year (2.8% for the second half), reflecting healthy industrial
markets, particularly in the energy, environment and housing segments. Ceramics
& Plastics and Abrasives scored further gains in profitability, which climbed to
13.0% (versus 12.9% in 2005). However, the operating margin of the
Reinforcements business narrowed, hit by another retreat in sales prices, which
explains the dip in profitability of the sector as a whole (10.1% of sales
compared with 10.5% of sales in 2005).

The Construction Products sector (CP) delivered the Group's highest organic
growth, at 8.7% over the full year (5.8% over the second half), including a 5.8%
price impact and a 2.9% volume effect. All of the sector's businesses
contributed to this performance, despite the slowdown in US housing starts in
the six months to December 31, 2006. The interior building solutions businesses
- Gypsum and Insulation - reported double-digit organic growth for the year
(12.1% and 10.4%, respectively), with significant price rises thanks to strong
demand on most markets, boosted by a raft of new measures to promote energy
efficiency, particularly in Europe. The Pipe division posted 9.6% organic
growth, reflecting a strong advance in distant exports and healthy business
levels in Europe, mainly France and Spain. Despite the strong organic growth in
Industrial Mortars in Europe and emerging countries, the Building Materials
division was hit by the impact of a slowdown in US housing starts in the second
half of the year, and delivered organic growth of 2.3%. Powered by profitability
gains in each of its businesses (except Building Materials in the US), the
Construction Products sector reported a sharp increase in profitability to
12.7%, compared with 9.2% in 2005 (or 11.1% proforma including BPB for full-year

The Building Distribution sector posted a strong increase in like-for-like
sales, up 7.0% over the full-year (8.4% over the second half), on the back of a
robust trading performance by the sector's main banners, particularly in France,
Scandinavia, eastern Europe, and, for the first time this year, Germany. The
sector's UK banners delivered moderate growth. The Building Distribution
business continued with its policy of bolt-on acquisitions in major European
countries where it has an operational base. During the year, it acquired 54
companies representing total annual sales of Euro630 million. Including the
contribution to 2006 sales from companies acquired in 2005, the Building
Distribution sector posted 6.6% external growth in 2006. Operating income for
the sector surged past the symbolic billion-euros mark. Operating margin
remained stable at 5.7%, due primarily to the increase in 2006 of development
and start-up costs relating to innovative concepts.

Like-for-like sales for the Packaging sector rose 3.6% (over both the full year
and over the six months to December 31, 2006), with rising energy and raw
materials costs successfully passed on through sales prices in the Bottles &
Jars business in the US and in Europe. The sector's operating margin improved
significantly in the second half of the year, to 8.8% versus 8.1% in the second
half of 2005, powered chiefly by price rises and improved manufacturing

Analysis of the 2006 consolidated financial statements 

Based on the estimates presented at the Board of Directors' meeting of January
25, 2007, unaudited key consolidated data for 2006 are set out below. The final
version of the 2006 consolidated financial statements will be authorized for
issue by the Board of Directors at their meeting of March 22, 2007.

                                                                     2005                2006           % change
                                                                In Euro millions        In Euro millions

                                                                       (1)                  (2)          (2)/(1)

Sales*                                                                35,110*             41,596*        +18.5%
Operating income                                                        2,860               3,714        +29.9%
Non-operating costs                                                     (288)               (367)        +27.4%
Capital gains and losses and exceptional asset
write-downs                                                              (21)                (27)        -28.6%
Dividend income                                                             3                   2        -50.0%
Business income                                                         2,554               3,322        +30.1%
Net financial expense                                                   (569)               (748)        +31.5%
Income tax                                                              (701)               (899)        +28.2%
Share in net income of equity investees                                    10                   7        -30.0%
Income before minority interests                                        1,294               1,682        +30.0%
Minority interests                                                       (30)                (45)        +50.0%
Net income                                                              1,264               1,637        +29.5%
Earnings per share based on the number of shares at
December 31 (in Euro)                                                       3.66                4.44        +21.3%
Net income excluding capital gains                                      1,284               1,702        +32.6%
Earnings per share excluding capital gains based on the
number of shares at December 31 (in Euro)                                   3.72                4.62        +24.2%
Cash flow from operations                                               2,735               3,347        +22.4%
Cash flow from operations excluding capital gains tax                   2,730               3,374        +23.6%
Depreciation and amortization                                           1,420             1,717**        +20.9%
Capital expenditure                                                     1,756               2,191        +24.8%
Investments in securities***                                           6, 991                 584          n.m.
Net debt                                                               12,850              11,599         -9.7%

*    including ancillary revenue of Euro273 million in 2006, versus Euro250 million 
     in 2005.

**   including additional amortization of Euro17 million in 2006 resulting from the
     allocation of BPB's acquisition cost to certain items of property, plant and
     equipment (gypsum quarries and industrial plants) and intangible assets such as

***  excluding buy-backs and/or sales of own shares.

Group sales jumped 18.5% on an actual structure basis, and 18.2% at constant
exchange rates*. The contribution from acquisitions, net of disposals,
represented 11.4% growth. At constant Group structure and exchange rates*, Group
sales climbed to Euro2,519 million, representing like-for-like growth of 6.7%
including Gypsum organic growth (12.1%), and of 6.3% excluding Gypsum.

The breakdown of like-for-like sales by geographic area reveals robust trading
in France (up 5.7%%) and other western European countries, with the recovery in
Germany gathering momentum in the second half of the year (up 11.8%). North
America posted moderate growth over the year (up 3.1%), reflecting a dip in
housing starts in the six months to December 31, 2006 after a very good first
half. Business in emerging countries and Asia remained vigorous, delivering
organic growth of 12.7%.

By geographic area, France accounted for 28.3% of sales, with other western
European countries contributing 42.5%, North America 16%, and emerging countries
and Asia/Pacific 13.2%.

Operating income jumped 29.9%, or 29.8% at constant exchange rates*. The Group's
operating margin increased significantly, to 8.9% (10.9% excluding Building
Distribution) of sales, versus respectively 8.2% (and 10.0%) in 2005 (excluding
BPB), thanks, in particular, to the contribution from the Gypsum business, which
reported operating income of Euro649 million in 2006 (including Euro50 million in cost
synergies), and represented 16.7% of sales. Profitability improved across all
geographic areas.

Business income advanced 30.1% due mainly to the increase in operating income.
Non-operating costs rose to Euro367 million versus Euro288 million in 2005, on the
back of further restructuring measures designed to maintain the Group's
productivity and competitiveness at optimum levels. Non-operating costs also
include a Euro95 million charge in respect of asbestos-related litigation
concerning CertainTeed (Euro100 million in 2005). Capital gains and losses and
exceptional asset write-downs came in at a negative Euro27 million, versus a
negative Euro21 million in 2005: capital gains on sales of non-current assets in
2006 (Euro175 million, including Euro146 million generated on the sale of Calmar) were
more than offset by exceptional asset write-downs (Euro202 million).

Net financial expense advanced 31.5% to Euro748 million compared with Euro569 million
in 2005, attributable to higher borrowing costs due to the increase in debt
following the BPB acquisition.

Net income came in at Euro1,637 million, up 29.5% on 2005. Based on the number of
shares making up the capital stock at December 31, 2006 (368,419,723 shares
after the creation of 5,399,291 shares for the purposes of the Group Savings
Plan, 342,550 shares on the exercise of share subscription options, and
17,421,612 shares further to the conversion of Oceane bonds**), earnings per
share jumped 21.3% to Euro4.44, versus Euro3.66 in 2005 (based on 345,256,270 shares).
Based on the average number of shares (341,048,210 shares in 2006 versus
336,330,568 shares in 2005), earnings per share came in at Euro4.80 up 27.7% on
2005 (Euro3.76).

Excluding capital gains and losses, net income surged 32.6% to Euro1,702 million,
compared with Euro1,284 million in 2005. Based on the number of shares making up
the capital stock at December 31, 2006 (368,419,723 shares), earnings per share
amounted to Euro4.62 compared with Euro3.72 in 2005, a rise of 24.2%. Based on the
average number of shares, earnings per share came in at Euro4.99, up 30.6% on 2005

Cash flow from operations stands at Euro3,347 million, up 22.4% year-on-year.
Excluding the tax impact of capital gains and losses, cash flow from operations
increased 23.6% to Euro3,374 million, versus Euro2,730 million in 2005.

Capital expenditure advanced 24.8% to Euro2,191 million (5.3% of sales, or 4.5%
excluding BPB), against Euro1,756 million in 2005 (5.0% of sales). This rise was
mainly fuelled by the integration of BPB - where higher year-on-year capital
expenditure (proforma) represented 12.5% of sales. Saint-Gobain continues to
invest heavily in emerging countries and Asia, which accounted for 27.1% of the
Group's total capital expenditure.

Investments in securities amounted to Euro584 million, including Euro355 million
relating to Building Distribution and Euro142 million relating to Construction

Net debt after the dividend payout, collection of the proceeds from the Calmar
sale (Euro568 million) and conversion of the Oceane bonds** (Euro915 million), stood
at Euro11,599 million at December 31, 2006, down 9.7% on the year-earlier figure
(Euro12,850 million). Net debt also includes an exceptional payment of Euro672 million
to fund pension schemes, of which Euro518 million in Germany. Net debt represents
80% of consolidated shareholders' equity, versus 104.4% at December 31, 2005.

* based on average exchange rates for 2005

** bonds convertible and/or exchangeable into new or existing shares

           *                 *                  *

Update on asbestos claims in the United States

Some 7,000 claims were filed against CertainTeed in 2006, down 59% on 2005
(17,000 claims). At the same time, around 12,000 claims were resolved (compared
with 20,000 in 2005), and 19,000 claims were transferred to "inactive dockets"
further to a number of court rulings in the States of Ohio and Texas. The number
of outstanding claims therefore continued on a downward trend, falling to around
76,000 at end-December 2006 versus 100,000 at December 31, 2005. Total damages
paid in 2006 amounted to USD 83 million (compared with USD 88 million in 2005).
The average cost per claim settled in the past 12 months or in the process of
settlement at December 31, 2006 was around USD 3,000 per claim, up slightly on
the year-earlier figure (around USD 2,800 per claim), due to the lower
proportion of mass actions settled over the last 12 months as a proportion of
total claims settled.

In light of these trends, an additional provision of Euro95 million was recorded in
2006 (versus Euro100 million in 2005), increasing the total coverage for
CertainTeed's asbestos-related claims to approximately USD 451 million at
December 31, 2006, compared with USD 422 million at end-December 2005.

On the legislative front, the likelihood of a vote on federal reform in the
short or medium term now appears to be almost nil. However, numerous States
continue to consider tort reform measures in order to adopt medical criteria
requirements and reduce abuses of the system.

                         *                      *                   *


The Group's strong results in 2006 highlight the efficiency of its business
model and the high-quality acquisition of BPB, which posted better-than-expected
operating results, was integrated successfully within the Group, and unlocked
cost synergies ahead of term. The BPB acquisition is strongly accretive (impact
of 15% on net income excluding capital gains and losses).

The Group intends to focus its strategy on:

-          prioritizing development of construction, housing, and energy-related
businesses, in particular through bolt-on acquisitions in Building Distribution
and Construction Products sectors;

-          pushing ahead with R&D and innovation initiatives, particularly in
Flat Glass and High-Performance Materials sectors;

-          stepping up expansion efforts in emerging countries.

Accordingly, after the 2006 sales of Calmar and Synflex, the Group began a
strategic review of the Reinforcements & Composites business (with a plan to
create a joint venture with Owens Corning) and of Saint-Gobain Desjonqueres, for
which it is currently looking to find partners. Positive developments suggest
that a deal could be reached in the next few weeks, based on an enterprise value
of around Euro690 million. Part of this amount will be used by Saint-Gobain to take
a 20% stake in the capital of the new company. The transaction is subject to
discussions with the corresponding employee representative bodies.

In 2007, the Group will consider further measures aimed at reorganizing its
businesses in line with its business model, and growth and profitability

                   *                      *                   *

2007 outlook and targets

The Group expects the economic climate to remain favorable in most markets (with
the exception of new residential construction in the US), and for 2007 is

- robust growth in operating income at constant exchange rates (based on average
exchange rates for 2006);

- double-digit growth in net income, excluding capital gains and losses on sales
of non-current assets.

These objectives are based on the assumption that both Saint-Gobain Desjonqueres
and the Reinforcements & Composites business will be deconsolidated in
first-half 2007, but do not reflect any other major scope adjustments that may
occur in 2007.

                       *                      *            *

Forthcoming results announcement

- final results for 2006: March 22, 2007, after close of trading on the Paris

- sales for the first quarter of 2007: April 26, 2007, after close of trading on
the Paris Bourse.

                         *                *                     *

Appendix 1 : (Estimated) Results by Business Sector, Division and Geographic

                                                      Change on  Change on a   Change on a
                                                      an actual   comparable    comparable
I. SALES                            2005      2006E   structure   structure   structure and
                                   (in EUR   (in EUR    basis       basis        currency
                                     m)        m)
By sector and division :
Flat Glass                          4,680     5,083     +8.6%       +9.0%         +7.8%
High-Performance Materials (1)      4,880     4,938     +1.2%       +3.5%         +3.3%
Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives   3,591     3,589     -0.1%       +3.4%         +3.3%
Reinforcements                      1,306     1,365     +4.5%       +3.6%         +3.0%
Construction Products (1)           6,694    10,876     +62.5%      +8.9%         +8.7%
Building Materials                  2,733     2,694     -1.4%       +2.5%         +2.3%
Insulation                          2,244     2,542     +13.3%      +10.7%        +10.4%
Gypsum                               263      3,895      n.m.       +12.2%        +12.1%
Pipe                                1,474     1,783     +21.0%      +10.1%        +9.6%
Building Distribution              15,451    17,581     +13.8%      +7.2%         +7.0%
Packaging (2)                       4,008     4,080     +1.8%       +4.0%         +3.6%
Internal sales and misc.            -603      -962       n.m.        n.m.          n.m.
GROUP TOTAL                        35,110    41,596     +18.5%      +7.1%         +6.7%
2005 BPB pro forma*
Construction Products (1)           9,986    10,876     +8.9%       +8.9%         +8.7%
Insulation                          2,280     2,542     +11.5%      +10.7%        +10.4%
Gypsum                              3,521     3,895     +10.6%      +12.2%        +12.1%
Building Distribution              15,593    17,581     +12.7%      +7.2%         +7.0%
Internal sales and misc.            -979      -962       n.m.        n.m.          n.m.
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro  38,168    41,596     +9.0%       +7.1%         +6.7%

By geographic area :
France                             11,438    12,528     +9.5%       +5.7%         +5.7%
Other western European countries   15,193    18,448     +21.4%      +7.1%         +7.1%
North America                       5,956     6,790     +14.0%      +2.6%         +3.1%
Emerging countries and Asia         4,443     5,933     +33.5%      +16.4%        +12.7%
Internal sales                     -1,920    -2,103      n.m.        n.m.          n.m.
GROUP TOTAL                        35,110    41,596     +18.5%      +7.1%         +6.7%
2005 BPB pro forma*
France                             11,892    12,528     +5.3%       +5.7%         +5.7%
Other western European countries   16,576    18,448     +11.3%      +7.1%         +7.1%
North America                       6,836     6,790     -0.7%       +2.6%         +3.1%
Emerging countries and Asia         4,842     5,933     +22.5%      +16.4%        +12.7%
Internal sales                     -1,978    -2,103      n.m.        n.m.          n.m.
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro  38,168    41,596     +9.0%       +7.1%         +6.7%
(1) including intra-sector eliminations
(2) o/w Calmar (sold in july 2006) : 313 MEuro in 2005 ; 183 MEuro in
*BPB pro forma information is disclosed solely for those business sectors affected by the
BPB acquisition. Figures for BPB's building merchants' business are included
within the Building Distribution

                                                             Change on
II. OPERATING INCOME                2005      2006E   an actual      2005         2006E
                                   (in EUR   (in EUR  structure    (in % of      (in % of
                                     m)        m)                   sales)        sales)
By sector and division :
Flat Glass                           453       480      +6.0%        9.7%          9.4%
High-Performance Materials           511       500      -2.2%       10.5%         10.1%
Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives    462       468      +1.3%       12.9%         13.0%
Reinforcements                       49        32       -34.7%       3.8%          2.3%
Construction Products                614      1,376    +124.1%       9.2%         12.7%
Building Materials                   223       208      -6.7%        8.2%          7.7%
Insulation                           292       379      +29.8%      13.0%         14.9%
Gypsum                               -8        649       n.m.        n.m.         16.7%
Pipe                                 107       140      +30.8%       7.3%          7.9%
Building Distribution                888      1,001     +12.7%       5.7%          5.7%
Packaging (2)                        385       376      -2.3%        9.6%          9.2%
Miscellaneous                         9        -19       n.m.        n.m.          n.m.
GROUP TOTAL                         2,860     3,714     +29.9%       8.1%          8.9%
2005 BPB pro forma*
Construction Products (1)           1,113     1,376     +23.6%      11.1%         12.7%
Insulation                           296       379      +28.0%      13.0%         14.9%
Gypsum                               487       649      +33.3%      13.8%         16.7%
Building Distribution                893      1,001     +12.1%       5.7%          5.7%
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro   3,364     3,714     +10.4%       8.8%          8.9%

By geographic area :
France                               889       970      +9.1%        7.8%          7.7%
Other western European countries    1,090     1,506     +38.2%       7.2%          8.2%
North America                        487       701      +43.9%       8.2%         10.3%
Emerging countries and Asia          394       537      +36.3%       8.9%          9.1%
GROUP TOTAL                         2,860     3,714     +29.9%       8.1%          8.9%
2005 BPB pro forma*
France                               965       970      +0.5%        8.1%          7.7%
Other western European countries    1,335     1,506     +12.8%       8.1%          8.2%
North America                        627       701      +11.8%       9.2%         10.3%
Emerging countries and Asia          437       537      +22.9%       9.0%          9.1%
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro   3,364     3,714     +10.4%       8.8%          8.9%

* BPB pro forma information is disclosed solely for those business sectors affected by the
BPB acquisition. Figures for BPB's building merchants' business are included
within the Building Distribution sector.
(2) o/w Calmar : 35 MEuro in 2005; 28 MEuro in

                                                             Change on
III. BUSINESS INCOME                2005      2006E   an actual      2005         2006E
                                   (in EUR   (in EUR  structure    (in % of      (in % of
                                     m)        m)                   sales)        sales)
By sector and division :
Flat Glass                           443       455      +2.7%        9.5%          9.0%
High-Performance Materials           411       416      +1.2%        8.4%          8.4%
Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives    378       411      +8.7%       10.5%         11.5%
Reinforcements                       33         5       -84.8%       2.5%          0.4%
Construction Products                559      1,229    +119.9%       8.4%         11.3%
Building Materials                   247       170      -31.2%       9.0%          6.3%
Insulation                           278       341      +22.7%      12.4%         13.4%
Gypsum                               -57       648       n.m.        n.m.         16.6%
Pipe                                 91        70       -23.1%       6.2%          3.9%
Building Distribution                874       979      +12.0%       5.7%          5.6%
Packaging (2)                        375       379      +1.1%        9.4%          9.3%
Miscellaneous**                     -108      -136       n.m.        n.m.          n.m.
GROUP TOTAL                         2,554     3,322     +30.1%       7.3%          8.0%
2005 BPB pro forma*
Construction Products (1)           1,079     1,229     +13.9%      10.8%         11.3%
Insulation                           282       341      +20.9%      12.4%         13.4%
Gypsum                               459       648      +41.2%      13.0%         16.6%
Building Distribution                879       979      +11.4%       5.6%          5.6%
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro   3,079     3,322     +7.9%        8.1%          8.0%

By geographic area :
France                               856       883      +3.2%        7.5%          7.0%
Other western European countries    1,012     1,457     +44.0%       6.7%          7.9%
North America **                     302       481      +59.3%       5.1%          7.1%
Emerging countries and Asia          384       501      +30.5%       8.6%          8.4%
GROUP TOTAL                         2,554     3,322     +30.1%       7.3%          8.0%
2005 BPB pro forma*
France                               924       883      -4.4%        7.8%          7.0%
Other western European countries    1,287     1,457     +13.2%       7.8%          7.9%
North America                        441       481      +9.1%        6.5%          7.1%
Emerging countries and Asia          427       501      +17.3%       8.8%          8.4%
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro   3,079     3,322     +7.9%        8.1%          8.0%

* BPB pro forma information is disclosed solely for those business sectors affected by the
BPB acquisition. Figures for BPB's building merchants' business are included
within the Building Distribution sector.
** after asbestos-related charge (before tax) of Euro 95 million in 2006, versus Euro 100 million
in 2005.
(2) o/w Calmar : 34 MEuro in 2005;  31 MEuro in

                                                             Change on
IV. CASH FLOW                       2005      2006E   an actual      2005         2006E
                                   (in EUR   (in EUR  structure    (in % of      (in % of
                                     m)        m)                   sales)        sales)
By sector and division :
Flat Glass                           528       529      +0.2%       11.3%         10.4%
High-Performance Materials           446       432      -3.1%        9.1%          8.7%
Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives    342       363      +6.1%        9.5%         10.1%
Reinforcements                       104       69       -33.7%       8.0%          5.1%
Construction Products                559      1,048     +87.5%       8.4%          9.6%
Building Materials                   212       204      -3.8%        7.8%          7.6%
Insulation                           287       358      +24.7%      12.8%         14.1%
Gypsum                               -31       368       n.m.        n.m.          9.4%
Pipe                                 91        118      +29.7%       6.2%          6.6%
Building Distribution                667       817      +22.5%       4.3%          4.6%
Packaging (2)                        432       402      -6.9%       10.8%          9.9%
Miscellaneous**                      103       119       n.m.
GROUP TOTAL                         2,735     3,347     +22.4%       7.8%          8.0%
2005 BPB pro forma*
Construction Products                908      1,048     +15.4%       9.1%          9.6%
Insulation                           282       358      +27.0%      12.4%         14.1%
Gypsum                               323       368      +13.9%       9.2%          9.4%
Building Distribution                672       817      +21.6%       4.3%          4.6%
Miscellaneous                        109       119       n.m.        n.m.          n.m.
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro   3,095     3,347     +8.1%        8.1%          8.0%

By geographic area :
France                               903       733      -18.8%       7.9%          5.9%
Other western European countries     969      1,446     +49.2%       6.4%          7.8%
North America**                      410       573      +39.8%       6.9%          8.4%
Emerging countries and Asia          453       595      +31.3%      10.2%         10.0%
GROUP TOTAL                         2,735     3,347     +22.4%       7.8%          8.0%
2005 BPB pro forma*
France                               830       733      -11.7%       7.0%          5.9%
Other western European countries    1,252     1,446     +15.5%       7.6%          7.8%
North America                        513       573      +11.7%       7.5%          8.4%
Emerging countries and Asia          500       595      +19.0%      10.3%         10.0%
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro   3,095     3,347     +8.1%        8.1%          8.0%

* BPB pro forma information is disclosed solely for those business sectors affected by the
BPB acquisition. Figures for BPB's building merchants' business are included
within the Building Distribution sector.
** after asbestos-related charge (before tax) of Euro 64 million in 2006, versus Euro 68 million
in 2005.
(2) o/w Calmar : 36 MEuro in 2005; 19 MEuro in

                                                             Change on
V. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE              2005      2006E   an actual      2005         2006E
                                   (in EUR   (in EUR  structure    (in % of      (in % of
                                     m)        m)                   sales)        sales)
By sector and division :
Flat Glass                           485       448      -7.6%       10.4%          8.8%
High-Performance Materials           271       225      -17.0%       5.6%          4.6%
Ceramics & Plastics and Abrasives    187       161      -13.9%       5.2%          4.5%
Reinforcements                       84        64       -23.8%       6.4%          4.7%
Construction Products                355       844     +137.7%       5.3%          7.8%
Building Materials                   102       142      +39.2%       3.7%          5.3%
Insulation                           145       145      +0.0%        6.5%          5.7%
Gypsum                               52        487       n.m.        n.m.         12.5%
Pipe                                 56        70       +25.0%       3.8%          3.9%
Building Distribution                327       315      -3.7%        2.1%          1.8%
Packaging (2)                        305       335      +9.8%        7.6%          8.2%
Miscellaneous                        13        24        n.m.        n.m.          n.m.
GROUP TOTAL                         1,756     2,191     +24.8%       5.0%          5.3%
2005 BPB pro forma*
Construction Products                667       844      +26.5%       6.7%          7.8%
Gypsum                               364       487      +33.8%      10.3%         12.5%
Building Distribution                328       315      -4.0%        2.1%          1.8%
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro   2,069     2,191     +5.9%        5.4%          5.3%

By geographic area :
France                               391       485      +24.0%       3.4%          3.9%
Other western European countries     574       749      +30.5%       3.8%          4.1%
North America                        256       363      +41.8%       4.3%          5.3%
Emerging countries and Asia          535       594      +11.0%      12.0%         10.0%
GROUP TOTAL                         1,756     2,191     +24.8%       5.0%          5.3%
2005 BPB pro forma*
France                               432       485      +12.3%       3.6%          3.9%
Other western European countries     697       749      +7.5%        4.2%          4.1%
North America                        298       363      +21.8%       4.4%          5.3%
Emerging countries and Asia          642       594      -7.5%       13.3%         10.0%
Group total based on 2005 BPB pro   2,069     2,191     +5.9%        5.4%          5.3%

* BPB pro forma information is disclosed solely for those business sectors affected by the
BPB acquisition. Figures for BPB's building merchants' business are included
within the Building Distribution sector.
(2) o/w Calmar : 26 MEuro in 2005; 9 MEuro in
Appendix 2: (Estimated) Consolidated
Balance Sheet at December 31 , 2006

in EUR millions                              Dec 31,   Dec 31,
                                              2006E      2005
Goodwill                                      9,327     9,718
Other intangible Assets                       3,202     3,196
Property, plant and equipment                12,769     12,832
Investments in associates                      238       139
Deferred tax assets                            348       447
Other non-current assets                       390       431
Non-current assets                           26,274     26,763
Inventories                                   5,629     5,535
Trade accounts receivable                     6,301     5,813
Current tax receivable                         66         82
Other accounts receivable                     1,390      939
Assets held for sale                           548        0
Cash and cash equivalents                     1,468     2,080
Currents assets                              15,402     14,449
Total assets                                 41,676     41,212
Liabilities and Shareholders' equity
Shareholders' equity                         14,165     11,991
Minority interests                             322       327
Total equity                                 14,487     12,318
Long-term debt                                9,877     11,315
Provisions for pensions and other employee    2,203     3,430
Deferred tax liabilities                      1,222     1,149
Provisions for other liabilities and           936       875
Non-current liabilities                      14,238     16,769
Current portion of long-term debt              993       922
Current portion of provisions for other        467       680
liabilities and charges
Trade accounts payable                        5,519     4,779
Current tax liabilities                        190       216
Other accounts payable                        3,336     2,835
Liabilities held for sale                      249        0
Short-term debt and bank overdrafts           2,197     2,693
Current liabilities                          12,951     12,125
Total equity and liabilities                 41,676     41,212

(*) In accordance with IAS 8, at january1,
2006 shareholders' equity was restated by Euro
274 million. Of this amount, Euro208 million
relates to the restatement at December
31,2005 of actuarial gains and losses of
the deferred tax effect. These actuarial
differences relate to pension obligations
and are recognized against equity with
effect from January 1, 2006, in accordance
with the option available under the revised
IAS 19.

                         Investor Relations department

Florence Triou-Teixeira                           Tel.: +33 1 47 62 45 19
Alexandre Etuy                                    Tel.: +33 1 47 62 37 15
                                                  Fax:  +33 1 47 62 50 62

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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