RNS Number:8302T
Compagnie de Saint-Gobain
28 March 2002



• Sales up 1.6% on a like-for-like basis 
• Operating income up 4.0% on a like-for-like basis
• Net income excluding capital gains up 3%, to EUR 1,057 million
• Free cash flow, excluding taxes on capital gains, up 34%, to EUR 1,335 million

  AT 10.6%




At its meeting of Thursday, March 28, 2002, the Board of Directors of Saint-
Gobain reviewed the Group's consolidated financial statements for 2001.

The Group's consolidated financial statements for 2000 included the results of
Essilor, which was fully consolidated up to June 30, 2000, then accounted for by
the equity method up to November 15, 2000, when the Group sold its entire
interest in this company. 

For purposes of comparability, the Group's consolidated financial statements for
2000 are also presented with Essilor accounted for by the equity method, and the
comments that follow are based on this presentation.

The Group's key consolidated data, which confirm the estimates published at the
end of January, are as follows: 
                                       2000       2000          2001    % Change
                                      in EUR     pro forma,    in EUR
                                      millions   Essilor by    millions
                                                equity method
                                                  in EUR
                                                    (1)        (2)       (2)/(1)                                     
Net sales                               28,815    27,837      30,390       9.2% 
Operating income                         2,693     2,563       2,681       4.6%
Dividend income                             24        24          32      33.3% 
Interest and other financial charges, net (612)     (594)       (603)      1.5% 
Non-operating costs                       (158)     (157)       (122)    -22.3% 
Income before profit on sales of 
 non-current assets and taxes            1,947     1,836       1,988       8.3% 
Profit on sales of non-current assets, net 584       584          84     -85.6% 
Provision for income tax                  (791)     (758)       (721)     -4.9% 
Amortization of goodwill                  (182)     (171)       (184)      7.6% 
Share in net results of equity investees    84       103           7     -93.2% 
Net income before minority interests     1,642     1,594       1,174     -26.3% 
Minority interests                        (125)      (77)        (40)    -48.1% 
Net income                               1,517     1,517*      1,134     -25.2% 
Earnings per share (in EUR)              17.80     17.80       13.30     -25.3% 
Net income excluding capital gains       1,026     1,026*      1,057         3% 
Earnings per share excluding capital
  gains (in EUR)                         12.04     12.04       12.40         3% 
Cash flow from operations                2,643     2,530**     2,733         8% 
Cash flow excluding capital gains        2,747     2,634**     2,765         5% 
Capital expenditure                      1,722     1,638       1,430     -12.7% 
Investments in securities                3,347     3,275         848     -74.1% 
Net indebtedness                         8,217     8,217       7,793      -5.2% 

* of which Essilor: EUR 39 million
** of which Essilor: EUR 11 million

The Group's performance in 2001, compared to a year of strong growth in 2000,
reflects the Saint-Gobain Group's resilience in a markedly more difficult
economic environment, particularly in the United States. It is attributable to
the Group's more balanced operations mix, added to the ongoing profitability-
boosting efforts pursued in each of the business sectors (see Appendix).

The Glass Sector posted the strongest performance within the Group in 2001. Its 
sales and earnings were again bolstered by higher prices across all business 
lines and sustained demand in Flat Glass and Containers. 

The High-Performance Materials Sector, which had already seen a dip in sales and
profitability in the first half due to the downturn in the global electronics
market, was further affected in the second half due to the gradual slowdown in
industrial activity and investment in both the United States and Europe,
particularly after the events of September 11, without any recovery in

The Housing Products Sector posted higher operating income in all three
divisions. Building Materials Distribution continued to develop through both
organic growth and bolt-on acquisitions, and it began to benefit from synergies.
Its operating income rose strongly, bringing operating margin to 4.9%, against
4.5% in 2000 (including Raab Karcher and Meyer for the full year). The Pipe
Division achieved profitability gains thanks to the cost-reduction drive
undertaken in the final months of 2000. Following a dip in sales in the first
half, the performance of the Building Materials Division was boosted in the
second half by the industrial rationalization efforts it had carried out and by
a healthy U.S. construction market. 

Group sales were up 9.2%. Based on a comparable Group structure, sales rose 1.1%
in euros and 1.6% in local currencies. This slight rise was mainly attributable
to higher sales prices (up 3.1% overall) in all Group divisions. Sales volumes
however, which had already declined in the first half, contracted further in the
second, essentially due to the general economic slowdown in both North America
and Europe following the events of September 11th. 

Sales in France accounted for 28.9% of the total, with other European countries 
contributing 41.1%, North America 22.8% and other countries 7.2%.

Operating income rose by 4.4%, and 3.8% on a comparable structure and exchange
rate basis. Operating margin was 8.8%, compared to 9.2% in 2000. The change was
wholly due to the increased weight of the Distribution Division. Excluding
Building Materials Distribution, operating margin was unchanged at 10.6%.

In line with first-half trends and despite a much more challenging economic
environment in the second half, margins grew in France and other European
countries, but contracted in North America due to the slowdown in markets tied
to capital expenditure and industrial equipment. Margins held firm in Latin
America and Asia, despite the devaluation of the Brazilian real (-19.7% on
average compared to 2000).

Income before profit on sale of non-current assets and taxes rose 8.1%, driven
by higher operating income and a reduction in non-operating expenses that fell
to EUR 123 million from EUR 157 million in 2000.

Net interest and other financial charges remained almost unchanged from 2000, as
gains from disposals and lower interest rates offset, over the full year, the
impact of the acquisitions carried out in 2000. 

Profit on sales of non-current assets amounted to EUR 84 million. This mainly
concerned capital gains on the disposal of the Group's entire stake in BNP
Paribas, less asset write-downs and capital losses of EUR 87 million recorded by
the Lapeyre Group in 2001, mainly as a result of its refocusing on sales to
private individuals and craftsmen. Capital gains were considerably lower than in
2000, when the Group had sold 4 million Vivendi shares and its entire stake in

The Group's share in net results of equity investees amounted to EUR 7 million,
against EUR 103 million in 2000. This sharp decrease was mainly due to the sale
in November 2000 of the Group's interest in Essilor and, on the other hand, to
the full consolidation of certain subsidiaries.

Minority interests decreased significantly compared to 2000, to EUR 40 million
from EUR 77 million, as a result of the purchase by Compagnie de Saint-Gobain of
almost all minority interests in its Spanish subsidiary Saint-Gobain Cristaleria
and in certain Brazilian subsidiaries, at the end of first-half 2001.

Net income amounted to EUR 1,134 million, down 25.2% in relation to 2000.
Earnings per share (EPS) came to EUR 13.30, down 25.3% from EUR 17.80 in 2000,
based on the 85,258,628 shares outstanding at December 31, 2001. In line with
the commitments made by the Group, new shares issued in the course of the year
(in particular those issued under the Group Savings Plan) were offset at the end
of the year by the cancellation of an approximately equivalent number of shares.
Total capital stock at December 31, 2001 was therefore practically unchanged in
relation to December 31, 2000 (85,213,263 shares).

Excluding profit on sales of non-current assets, net income came to EUR 1,057
million, 3% higher than the EUR 1,026 million recorded in 2000. Earnings per
share (EPS) rose 3% to EUR 12.40 from EUR 12.04 in 2000, based on the 85,258,628
shares outstanding at December 31, 2001.

Cash flow from operations expanded by 8% to EUR 2,733 million. Excluding the EUR
32 million in tax on profit on sales of non-current assets, cash flow from
operations stood at EUR 2,765 million, an increase of 5% over the EUR 2,634
million for 2000.

Capital expenditure on plant and equipment came to EUR 1,430 million, down 12.7%
from the EUR 1,638 million invested in 2000, and representing 4.7% of sales
versus 5.9% of sales in 2000.

Free cash flow (cash flow minus capital expenditure on plant and equipment)
amounted to EUR 1,303 million, up from EUR 892 million in 2000. Excluding the
EUR 32 million in tax on profit on sales of non-current assets, free cash flow
stood at EUR 1,335 million, up 34% on the EUR 996 million recorded in 2000.

Expenditure on securities amounted to EUR 848 million, including EUR 345 million
for the buyback of minority interests in Saint-Gobain Cristaleria and in the
Group's Brazilian subsidiaries.

Net debt at December 31, 2001 stood at EUR 7.8 billion, down 5.2% compared with
the amount at December 31, 2000 and representing approximately 61% of
shareholders' equity, down from 67% at June 30, 2001.

Annual General Meeting

The Board of Directors also reviewed the accounts of Compagnie de Saint-Gobain,
the parent company. Net income amounted to EUR 1,093 million for the year ended
December 31, 2001, against EUR 1,015 million for 2000.

At the General Meeting of the Company's shareholders, called for June 6, 2002,
the Board will recommend the distribution of EUR 378 million, against EUR 357.3
million last year. The dividend per share would therefore amount to EUR 4.50, a
4.65% increase over last year. To this would be added a tax credit of EUR 2.25
per share, giving a total of EUR 6.75 per share. The dividend will be paid
entirely in cash as from June 24, 2002.

The Board will also recommend that the General Meeting approve a four-for-one
stock split.

Planned Public Buyback Offer for Lapeyre stock, to be followed by a 
Mandatory Buyout

The Board of Directors also approved a planned filing by Compagnie de Saint-
Gobain of a Public Buyback Offer, followed by a Mandatory Buyout (Offre Publique
de Rachat suivie d'un Retrait Obligatoire), for the shares in Lapeyre that it
does not yet hold. The offer concerns the 193,148 shares, or 0.88% of the
capital stock, which now make up Lapeyre's free float following the tender offer
made by the Company between February 7 and February 20 of this year, and the
private purchase of a block of 605,126 Lapeyre shares. As in these previous
operations, the price offered is EUR 62 per share.

This offer is subject to approval by stock market authorities.

Outlook: For the full year 2002, the Saint-Gobain Group confirms its objective
of 0 to 4% growth in net income excluding capital gains, based on a scenario of
economic recovery in the U.S. in the second half of 2002. The financial
transactions carried out by the Group in February, namely the issue of "OCEANE"
bonds - which are convertible into either new or existing shares - and the
buyback of minority interests in Lapeyre, will contribute to achieving this
objective, given their slightly accretive impact on the Group's earnings per
share as from 2002.

Next results announcements:

- First quarter 2002 sales: Thursday, April 25, after the Paris Stock Exchange 
  has closed.

- Estimated results for first-half 2002: Thursday, July 25, after the Paris 
  Stock Exchange has closed.

Investor Relations Department
Tel: Florence TRIOU-TEIXEIRA   +33 1 47 62 45 19 - 
     mailto : florence.triou@saint-gobain.com 
Tel: Claire MOSES              +33 1 47 62 32 36 - 
     mailto : claire.moses@saint-gobain.com 
     Fax : +33 1 47 62 50 62


Results by Business Sector, Division and Geographic Area
(in millions of euros)

I. SALES                                   2000     2001    change on   change on      change on
                                                            an actual  a comparable   a comparable
                                                            structure   structure      structure and
                                                              basis       basis       currency basis 
                                                                         in euros 
by sector and division:
Glass (1)                                 11 317   11 813      +4,4%     +2,7%          +3,2% 
Flat Glass                                 4 167    4 478      +7,5%     +4,0%          +6,0% 
Insulation and Reinforcements              3 254    3 274      +0,6%     -2,9%          -3,0% 
Containers                                 3 906    4 070      +4,2%     +5,8%          +5,3% 
High-Performance Materials & Plastics (1)  5 073    4 018     -20,8%     -5,6%          -5,5% 
Ceramics and Plastics & Abrasives          4 095    4 018      -1,9%     -5,6%          -5,5% 
Essilor                                      978        0       n.m.   
Housing Products (1)                      12 596   14 824     +17,7%     +2,1%          +2,7% 
Building Materials                         3 067    3 184      +3,8%     +2,7%          +2,7% 
Building Materials Distribution            7 930   10 061     +26,9%     +3,2%          +3,7% 
Pipe                                       1 778    1 782      +0,2%     -2,3%          -0,9% 

internal sales                              -171     -265    
GROUP                                     28 815   30 390      +5,5%     +1,1%          +1,6% 

by geographical area:
France                                     8 541    9 095      +6,7%     +5,2%          +5,2% 
Other European Countries                  11 204   12 944     +15,3%     +0,3%          +0,9% 
North America                              7 002    7 180      +2,5%     -0,1%          -3,2% 
Rest of the world                          2 148    2 293      +6,8%     -5,2%          +8,1% 
Essilor                                      978        0       n.m.   
internal sales                            -1 058   -1 122    
GROUP                                     28 815   30 390      +5,5%     +1,1%          +1,6% 

(1) including inter-divisions eliminations

II. OPERATING INCOME                          2000      2001     change 
by sector and division:
Glass (1)                                    1 227     1 357      +10.6% 
Flat Glass                                     430       551      +28,1% 
Insulation and Reinforcements                  423       402       -5,0% 
Containers                                     374       404       +8,0% 
High Performance Materials & Plastics (1)      668       392      -41,3% 
Ceramics and Plastics & Abrasives              538       392      -27,1% 
Essilor                                        130         0        n.m. 
Housing Products (1)                           780       915      +17,3% 
Building Materials                             252       294      +16,7% 
Building Materials Distribution                422       490      +16,1% 
Pipe                                           106       131      +23,6% 
misc.                                           18        17        n.m. 
GROUP                                        2 693     2 681       -0,4% 

by geographic area:
France                                         797       870       +9.2% 
Other European Countries                       791       979      +23,8% 
North America                                  739       580      -21,5% 
Rest of the world                              236       252       +6,8% 
Essilor                                        130         0        n.m. 
GROUP                                        2 693     2 681       -0,4% 

III. CASH FLOW                                2000      2001     change 
by sector and division:
Glass (1)                                    1 421     1 560       +9,8% 
Flat Glass                                     489       613      +25,4% 
Insulation and Reinforcements                  452       448       -0,9% 
Containers                                     480       499       +4,0% 
High Performance Materials & Plastics (1)      582       330      -43,3% 
Ceramics and Plastics & Abrasives              458       330      -27,9% 
Essilor                                        124         0        n.m. 
Housing Products (1)                           702       768       +9,4% 
Building Materials                             273       297       +8,8% 
Building Materials Distribution                309       339       +9,7% 
Pipe                                           120       132      +10,0% 
misc.                                          -62        75        n.m. 
GROUP                                        2 643     2 733       +3,4% 

by geographic area:
France                                         598       797      +33.3% 
Other European Countries                       926     1 024      +10,6% 
North America                                  673       593      -11,9% 
Rest of the World                              322       319       -0,9% 
Essilor                                        124         0        n.m. 
GROUP                                        2 643     2 733       +3,4% 

ON PLANT AND EQUIPMENT                        2000      2001     change 
by sector and division:
Glass (1)                                      961       827      -13,9% 
Flat Glass                                     425       361      -15,1% 
Insulation and Reinforcements                  258       229      -11,2% 
Containers                                     278       237      -14,7% 
High Performance Materials & Plastics (1)      289       173      -40,1% 
Ceramics and Plastics & Abrasives              205       173      -15,6% 
Essilor                                         84         0        n.m. 
Housing Products (1)                           468       429       -8,3% 
Building Materials                             172       134      -22,1% 
Building Materials Distribution                229       247       +7,9% 
Pipe                                            67        48      -28,4% 
misc.                                            4         1  
GROUP                                        1 722     1 430      -17,0% 

by geographic area:
France                                         433       368      -15,0% 
Other European Countries                       572       534       -6,6% 
North America                                  362       316      -12,7% 
Rest of the World                              271       212      -21,8% 
Essilor                                         84         0        n.m. 
GROUP                                        1 722     1 430      -17,0% 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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