RNS Number : 4089E

Compagnie de Saint-Gobain

27 February 2020


Paris, February 27, 2020, at 5:45pm

2019 Results

Sharp 50.2% rise in free cash flow

Recurring earnings per share up 11.0%

Increase in operating margin of 30 basis points

   --      Organic growth at 2.4%, with prices up 1.8% and volumes up 0.6% 

-- Increase in operating income to EUR3,390 million, up 5.7% as reported and 4.7% like-for-like, including a rise of 1.6% in the second half

-- 30 basis point gain in the operating margin(1) to 8.0% for the year and 8.4% for the second half

-- Further increase of 10.0% in recurring net income(2) and 11.0% in recurring earnings per share

-- Sharp 50% rise in free cash flow(3) , representing a significant improvement in the free cash flow conversion ratio(4) at 44%

   --      Reduction in net debt, down to EUR10.5 billion at end-2019 from EUR11.2 billion at end-2018 

-- "Transform & Grow" ahead of targets: (1) divestments representing around EUR3.3 billion in sales, ahead of the initial target, and continuation of selective acquisitions; (2) cost savings program delivering results faster than initially expected, with savings of EUR120 million in 2019 compared to savings of over EUR80 million announced at the end of July

   --      2019 dividend up to EUR1.38 per share, to be paid wholly in cash 
 (EURm)                        2018        2019    Change      Change 
                            Restated(5)                     like-for-like 
 Sales                        41,774      42,573    1.9%        2.4% 
 EBITDA(6)                     4,649      4,870     4.8% 
 Operating income              3,207      3,390     5.7%        4.7% 
 Recurring net income(2)       1,741      1,915    10.0% 
 Net attributable income        397       1,406    254.2% 
 Free cash flow(3)             1,236      1,857    50.2% 

1. Operating margin = operating income divided by sales.

2. Recurring net income = net attributable income excluding capital gains and losses on disposals, asset write-downs, material non-recurring provisions and Sika income.

3. Free cash flow = EBITDA less depreciation of right-of-use assets, plus net financial expense excluding Sika, plus income tax, less investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets excluding additional capacity investments, plus changes in working capital requirement.

4. Free cash flow conversion ratio = free cash flow divided by EBITDA less depreciation of right-of-use assets.

5. Figures for 2018 have been restated for IFRS 16 with retroactive effect from January 1, 2018.

6. EBITDA = operating income plus operating depreciation, less non-operating costs excluding Sika.

Pierre-André de Chalendar, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Saint-Gobain, commented:

"Saint-Gobain has delivered another significant improvement in its annual results, despite a less supportive market environment in the second half. Our strategic decisions are paying off, with the Group's positioning in the buoyant markets of energy-efficient renovation and other high value-added segments, and the swift and rigorous execution of our transformation plan. We have exceeded our commitments in terms of disposals, with around EUR3.3 billion in sales divested at the end of 2019 for over EUR1 billion. We continue to optimize our portfolio, with both divestments and value-creating acquisitions in the context of the new organization. For 2020, in a more uncertain market environment, Saint-Gobain should continue to benefit from its attractive positioning and from the results of its "Transform & Grow" initiative, and is targeting a further like-for-like increase in operating income with an uncertainty about the impact of the coronavirus."

Benoit Bazin, Chief Operating Officer of Saint-Gobain, commented:

"Our teams worked hard to make the roll-out of the new organization a great success, providing us with added agility and growth, along with increased efficiency for our customers. Thanks to the accelerated implementation of our cost savings plan, we were able to unlock EUR120 million in 2019 compared to over EUR80 million as previously announced. The rotation in our portfolio helped enhance the Group's growth and profitability profile, thanks both to the success of our divestment program and the completion of 18 selective acquisitions. The acquisition of Continental Building Products was finalized quickly on February 3, 2020 and the integration plan is already in place. It will strengthen our positioning on the dynamic North American construction market."

2019 performance

The Group's 2019 sales totaled EUR42,573 million, up 1.9% on a reported basis and up 2.4% like-for-like, with prices up 1.8% in a less inflationary environment for raw material and energy costs. Volumes were up 0.6% in a less supportive market environment overall .

Changes in Group structure had a negative 1.2% impact on sales, and a particularly negative impact of 4.7% in the fourth quarter, with negative structure impacts for the year of 5.8% in Asia-Pacific, of 3.0% in Northern Europe and of 0.4% in Southern Europe - Middle East & Africa. In 2019, the Group structure impact also reflects ongoing acquisitions in new niche technologies and services (Kaimann in technical insulation), in Asia and emerging countries (Join Leader in adhesives) and to consolidate our strong positions (Hunter Douglas in specialty ceilings). In light of the hyperinflationary environment in Argentina, this country which represents less than 1% of the Group's consolidated sales, is excluded from the like-for-like analysis.

Sales growth benefited from a positive 0.7% currency effect, resulting mainly from the appreciation of the US dollar against the euro, despite the depreciation of Nordic krona and the Brazilian real.

Operating income rose once again in 2019, up 5.7% as reported and 4.7% like-for-like over the year, including a rise of 1.6% in the second half. The Group's operating margin increased to 8.0% from 7.7% in 2018 (7.5% as reported prior to the IFRS 16 adjustment), with 8.4% in the second half (versus 8.1% in second-half 2018).

Acceleration in the Group's transformation continues apace :

- Divestments completed to date for an amount over EUR1 billion represent sales of approximately EUR3.3 billion, exceeding the initial target of more than EUR3 billion by the end of 2019. The full-year operating margin impact is an improvement of more than 40 basis points, reaching the "Transform & Grow" target. In 2019 alone, the positive operating margin impact was 15 basis points.

- The program to unlock EUR250 million in additional cost savings over the period 2019-2021 thanks to the new organization is producing results faster than initially expected, with an accelerated timetable: a EUR120 million impact on operating income in 2019 (versus over EUR80 million estimated at the end of July), and overall savings of EUR200 million in 2020 and EUR250 million in 2021.

The Group also pursued its operational excellence program (outside the scope of "Transform & Grow"), which aims to offset inflation excluding that in raw material and energy costs. This program generated cost savings of EUR310 million in 2019 compared to 2018.

   Segment performance   (like-for-like sales) 

High Performance Solutions (HPS) sales rose 0.4%, driven by good pricing progression. Volumes were down slightly, affected by the slowdown in industrial markets. Against this backdrop, the operating margin came in at 12.7% compared to 13.4% in 2018, with 12.5% in the second half (compared to 12.4% in second-half 2018).

- Mobility sales were up slightly in a global automotive market that remains challenging (market volumes down around 6%), but benefited from a weaker comparison basis in the second half. Despite the ongoing contraction in Europe and China, the differentiating strategy focused on high value-added products, in particular those for electric vehicles, continues to pay off. Our activities in the aerospace market advanced significantly.

- Activities serving Industry reported a decline in sales, with a slowdown in industrial markets in most regions in the second half.

- Activities serving the Construction Industry saw further growth, buoyed by gains in market share, upbeat trends in external thermal insulation solutions (ETICS) and recent acquisitions.

- Life Sciences continued to enjoy a strong growth dynamic in the pharmaceutical and medical sector, aided by recent investments in additional capacity.

Northern Europe reported a 1.7% rise in sales over the year, stabilizing in the second half

(-0.2%) with a particularly negative calendar impact in the fourth quarter.

Sales in Nordic countries rose, particularly in Distribution, with the renovation market remaining robust but new construction slowing down. The UK contracted amid a difficult economic environment, particularly in Distribution in the second half. Sales in Germany were up slightly despite a decrease in volumes in the second half with less favorable trends in non-residential; Eastern Europe continued to advance, benefiting from sales synergies within each country under the new organization.

The operating margin for the region rose sharply to 6.3% from 5.6% in 2018, fueled by a positive raw material and energy price-cost spread and the acceleration of "Transform & Grow" in terms of portfolio optimization and cost savings.

Southern Europe - Middle East & Africa saw a 3.3% rise in sales over the year and a 2.3% rise in the second half, despite a particularly negative calendar effect in the fourth quarter. Distribution continued to drive growth; industrial businesses progressed, led by energy efficiency solutions and to a lesser extent, facade solutions (glass and mortars).

France had a good year, buoyed by a construction market where renovation was supportive despite a slowdown in new construction in the second half. The Group's energy efficiency renovation solutions continued to perform strongly, with double-digit growth in insulation. Distribution continued to progress, benefiting from its stronger presence in digital and from training initiatives for trade professionals in the full range of Saint-Gobain solutions. The reorganization of technical sales teams in the context of the new organization is also paying off. Other European countries continued to progress and particularly Spain, driven by sales synergies unlocked by "Transform & Grow" initiatives and market share gains. The Middle East and Africa were down, especially Turkey in a very tough environment. Pipe continued its successful efforts to improve competitiveness in a difficult export market.

The operating margin for the region increased sharply, up to 5.4% from 4.6% in 2018, driven by a sharp improvement in France and the acceleration of cost savings under "Transform & Grow".

The Americas reported 2.9% organic growth.

North America was up 2.1% over the year and 4.7% in the second half, buoyed by better volumes in gypsum, where we have an enhanced range of acoustic solutions (specialty ceilings), and in exterior solutions, where roofing and siding sales teams were successfully combined. Insulation reported a good overall performance. After a good start to the year, prices were down slightly in the second half against a high comparison basis in 2018. Canada retreated over the year, affected by a decline in the construction market. Latin America posted 4.6% growth for the year, slowing to 0.5% in the second half, particularly in Brazil in glass amid a still uncertain macroeconomic environment.

The operating margin for the region came in at 10.1% compared to 11.2% in 2018, which had been bolstered by a very strong second-half performance; second-half 2019 (11.2%) improved on the first half (9.0%) despite a more difficult environment in Latin America, due chiefly to an upturn in volumes in North America.

Asia-Pacific delivered 4.1% organic growth, spurred by continued strong momentum in productivity solutions (gypsum and mortars). Glass declined in the second half owing to lower plant utilization rates given the contraction in the automotive market which put pressure on prices.

India progressed significantly, especially in gypsum which continued to deliver double-digit growth, and in glass to a lesser extent. The Group has developed a comprehensive integrated offering in residential and customer productivity improvement solutions (combining glass, gypsum and mortars) in the country, targeting new growth niches. Elsewhere in Asia, China reported a good year, notably benefiting from the start-up of a new plaster plant in the first half and strong growth in mortars aided by the combination of marketing and sales teams under the new organization. South-East Asia was driven by higher volumes, notably in Vietnam, but continued to face a fiercely competitive environment which put pressure on sales prices.

The operating margin for the region progressed to 10.6% from 10.4% in 2018, in particular thanks to higher volumes .

Analysis of the 2019 consolidated financial statements

The 2019 consolidated financial statements were approved and adopted by Saint-Gobain's Board of Directors at its meeting of February 27, 2020. The consolidated financial statements were audited and certified by the statutory auditors.

                                                2018       2019       %         2018 
                                               Restated             change    Published 
 EURm                                            (A)       (B)     (B)/(A) 
                                                         -------  -------- 
 Sales and ancillary revenue                     41,774   42,573      1.9%       41,774 
 Operating income                                 3,207    3,390      5.7%        3,122 
 Operating depreciation and amortization          1,904    1,901     -0.2%        1,202 
 Non-operating costs (excl. Sika)                  -462     -421     -8.9%         -464 
 EBITDA                                           4,649    4,870      4.8%        3,860 
 Sika non-operating costs                           180        0      n.m.          180 
 Capital gains and losses on disposals, 
  asset write-downs, corporate acquisition 
  fees and earn-out payments                     -2,074     -416      n.m.       -2,040 
 Business income                                    851    2,553    200.0%          798 
 Net financial income (expense)                     115     -496      n.m.          189 
 Sika dividends                                       0       28      n.m.            0 
 Income tax                                        -492     -631     28.3%         -490 
 Net income before minority interests               474    1,454    206.8%          497 
 Minority interests                                  77       48    -37.7%           77 
 Net attributable income                            397    1,406    254.2%          420 
 Earnings per share (2) (in EUR)                   0.73     2.59    254.8%         0.77 
 Recurring net income (1)                         1,741    1,915     10.0%        1,729 
 Recurring earnings per share(2) (in 
  EUR)                                             3.18     3.53     11.0%         3.16 
 EBITDA                                           4,649    4,870      4.8%        3,860 
 Depreciation of right-of-use assets               -720     -682     -5.3%            0 
 Net financial expense (excluding Sika)            -486     -496      2.1%         -412 
 Income tax                                        -492     -631     28.3%         -490 
 Investments in property, plant and 
  equipment and in intangible assets             -1,855   -1,818     -2.0%       -1,855 
     o/w additional capacity investments            592      536     -9.5%          592 
 Change in working capital requirements            -452       78      n.m.         -453 
 Free cash flow(3)                                1,236    1,857     50.2%        1,242 
 Free cash flow conversion(4)                     31.5%    44.3%      n.m.        32.2% 
 Lease investments                                  730      955     30.8%            0 
 Investments in securities(5)                     1,699      297      n.m.        1,699 
 Divestments                                        148    1,052      n.m.          112 
 Consolidated net debt                           11,189   10,491     -6.2%        8,193 
                                             ----------  -------  -------- 

1. Recurring net income = net attributable income excluding capital gains and losses on disposals, asset write-downs, material non-recurring provisions and Sika income.

2. Calculated based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding (542,079,771 shares in 2019, versus 547,105,985 shares in 2018).

3. Free cash flow = EBITDA less depreciation of right-of-use assets, plus net financial expense excluding Sika, plus income tax, less investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets excluding additional capacity investments, plus changes in working capital requirement.

4. Free cash flow conversion ratio = free cash flow divided by EBITDA less depreciation of right-of-use assets.

5. Investments in securities: EUR297 million in 2019, of which EUR261 million in consolidated entities or entities in the process of being consolidated.

Consolidated sales advanced 2.4% like-for-like, with a positive 1.8% price effect. On a reported basis, sales were 1.9% higher, with a positive 0.7% currency impact and a negative 1.2% Group structure impact reflecting the acceleration in the divestment program.

Consolidated operating income was up 5.7% on a reported basis and 4.7% like-for-like. The operating margin rose to 8.0% of sales from 7.7% in 2018 (7.5% as reported before the IFRS 16 adjustment) . EBITDA increased by 4.8% to EUR4,870 million, while the EBITDA margin increased to 11.4% of sales from 11.1% in 2018.

Non-operating costs improved, at EUR421 million compared to EUR462 million in 2018 (excluding a one-off gain of EUR180 million relating to the Sika transaction), despite EUR130 million in restructuring costs associated with the execution of the "Transform & Grow" initiative. The accrual to the provision for the legacy asbestos liabilities of the former CertainTeed Corporation in the US now carried by DBMP LLC amounted to EUR88 million in 2019.

The net balance of capital gains and losses on disposals, asset write-downs and corporate acquisition fees represented an expense of EUR416 million compared to an expense of EUR2,074 million in 2018. In 2019, this item mainly includes write-downs of businesses sold. Business income was EUR2,553 million compared to EUR851 million in 2018.

Net financial expense excluding Sika remained virtually stable at EUR496 million versus EUR486 million in 2018 (excluding a EUR601 million gain relating to the Sika transaction). Dividends received from Sika totaled EUR28 million.

The income tax rate on recurring net income was 25% (versus 24% in 2018). Income tax totaled EUR631 million compared to EUR492 million in 2018.

Recurring net income (excluding capital gains and losses, asset write-downs, material non-recurring provisions and Sika income) increased 10.0% to EUR1,915 million.

Net attributable income rose sharply to EUR1,406 million from EUR397 million in 2018.

Investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (capital expenditure) were down 2.0% to EUR1,818 million and declined as a percentage of sales, at 4.3% versus 4.4% in 2018. Additional capacity investments for organic growth represented EUR536 million, mainly in Life Sciences, Construction Industry, energy efficiency solutions (in Europe) and facade solutions (glass in Mexico and India).

Free cash flow increased 50.2% to EUR1,857 million (4.4% of sales versus 3.0% in 2018), with an increased free cash flow conversion ratio of 44% (versus 31% in 2018), thanks mainly to a significant improvement in working capital requirement and a decrease in non-operating costs. The operating working capital requirement came in at 27 days' sales at December 31, 2019 compared to 29 days at December 31, 2018.

Investments in securities totaled EUR297 million (EUR1,699 million in 2018 which included Sika for EUR933 million) and were made to develop innovative niches (American Seal, HTMS) and the Group's positions in emerging counties (mortars in Peru, plasterboard and ceilings in Latin America), and to consolidate our strong positions (acoustic solutions in the US with Norton Industries).

Divestments represented EUR1,052 million in 2019 compared to EUR148 million in 2018, and include the sale of Distribution in Germany, Hankuk Glass Industries in South Korea, Silicon Carbide and DMTP in France.

Net debt fell sharply to EUR10.5 billion at end-2019 from EUR11.2 billion at end-2018 as restated for IFRS 16 which increased net debt by EUR3.1 billion. The Group took into account a retroactive impact as of January 1, 2018 following the IFRIC's November 2019 decision to revise the lease terms for certain contracts (increasing net debt by EUR182 million). Excluding IFRS 16, the decrease in net debt was even more significant, falling to EUR7.3 billion at end-2019 from EUR8.1 billion at end-2018. Acquisitions over the past 12 months represented EUR297 million and divestments EUR1,052 million. Net debt represents 53% of consolidated equity compared to 62% as restated at December 31, 2018. The net debt to EBITDA ratio was 2.2 (1.8 excluding IFRS 16) compared to 2.4 (2.1 excluding IFRS 16) at December 31, 2018.

Update on asbestos claims in the US

Some 2,600 new claims - now carried by DBMP LLC - were filed against the former CertainTeed Corporation in 2019, stable compared to 2018. At the same time, around 2,500 claims were settled (versus 4,300 claims in 2018), bringing the total number of outstanding claims to around 32,700 at December 31, 2019, compared to 32,600 at December 31, 2018.

A total of USD 59 million in indemnity payments were made in the year to December 31, 2019. The accrual to the provision for asbestos-related litigation and related costs amounted to EUR88 million in 2019.

DBMP LLC, which holds the legacy asbestos liabilities of the former CertainTeed Corporation, filed a voluntary petition for Chapter 11 relief in the US Bankruptcy Court on January 23, 2020. This stays all DBMP LLC asbestos-related litigation and all related costs, allowing DBMP LLC the necessary time and protection to negotiate an agreement to be approved by all claimants and by the court.

All estimated costs related to the resolution of the bankruptcy process of DBMP LLC have been provisioned in the Group financial statements, at USD 576 million at December 31, 2019.

At this stage of the proceedings, the stay of litigation results in all legal costs and indemnity payments related to DMBP LLC's asbestos-related claims being suspended, and no more annual charges in relation to such claims. As from January 23, 2020, DBMP LLC is no longer consolidated with the Group (together with its subsidiary, annual operating income of around EUR12 million).

Shareholder policy

In 2019, the Group bought back 8.5 million shares , contributing to the reduction in the number of shares outstanding (542.1 million at December 31, 2019).

At today's meeting, Compagnie de Saint-Gobain's Board of Directors decided to recommend to the June 4, 2020 Shareholders' Meeting to pay in cash an increased dividend of EUR1.38 per share. This dividend represents 39% of recurring net income and a dividend yield of 3.8% based on the closing share price at December 31, 2019 (EUR36.50). The ex-dividend date has been set at June 8 and the dividend will be paid on June 10, 2020.

During 2020 the Group will reduce the number of shares outstanding in accordance with its portfolio optimization and its wider capital allocation policy.

Strategic priorities: update on "Transform & Grow"

"Transform & Grow": acceleration in portfolio rotation

- Divestments completed to date represent around EUR3.3 billion in sales, ahead of the objective set for end-2019: Northern Europe (Distribution in Germany, Optimera in Denmark, glazing installation in the UK and glass processing in Sweden and Norway, expanded polystyrene in Germany); Southern Europe - Middle East & Africa (DMTP, K par K, expanded polystyrene in France, Glassolutions in the Netherlands); Asia-Pacific (Pipe at Xuzhou in China, Hankuk Glass Industries in South Korea); High Performance Solutions ( Silicon Carbide). The full-year operating margin impact is over 40 basis points, reaching the "Transform & Grow" objective. The total amount of divestments represents over EUR1 billion.

- Acquisition of Continental Building Products finalized on February 3, 2020 for a total enterprise value of EUR1,287 million, with 2019 sales of USD 505 million and 2019 adjusted EBITDA of USD 126 million before synergies of at least USD 50 million on a full-year basis in 2022. The newly integrated team, composed of the most talented employees from the two companies, has already begun to deploy its action plan to unlock the expected synergies.

- 18 acquisitions completed in 2019 for EUR261 million, representing full-year sales of EUR189 million and EBITDA of EUR36 million.

- The strategic review of the business portfolio in the context of the new organization will lead to an additional dynamic of divestments and acquisitions and has already enabled us to identify further opportunities for divestments that are currently at various stages of progress.

"Transform & Grow": acceleration in the cost savings program

The program to unlock EUR250 million in additional cost savings by 2021 thanks to the new organization is producing results faster than initially expected, with an accelerated timetable: a EUR120 million impact in 2019 (versus a previous expectation of over EUR80 million), overall savings of EUR200 million in 2020 (versus a previous expectation of EUR150 million) and overall savings of EUR250 million in 2021, with a positive impact on the operating margin of around 60 basis points.

2020 outlook

In 2020, in an environment marked by certain macroeconomic uncertainties, Saint-Gobain should continue to benefit from its attractive positions on the renovation and high value-added solutions markets. The impact of the coronavirus, which is affecting our operations in China (where sales represent around 2% of the Group), is currently difficult to evaluate. In this market environment, the Group expects the following trends for its segments:

- High Performance Solutions : continued slowdown in industrial markets with an easier comparison basis in the automotive sector;

- Northern Europe : mixed performance overall, with slight growth expected in Nordic countries but a more uncertain situation in the UK;

- Southern Europe - Middle East & Africa : overall growth expected for the region. In France, markets should be supported by solid renovation activity, while new construction should see a moderate slowdown;

- Americas : market growth in both North and Latin America;

- Asia-Pacific : further growth excluding coronavirus impact.

2020 priorities:

1) Improvement in the Group's profitable growth profile , driven by:

- the continuation of its portfolio optimization (divestments and acquisitions); the integration of Continental Building Products;

- the strategy of differentiation and innovation, to improve our customers' productivity, develop sustainable solutions and contribute to the well-being of all;

2) Increased free cash flow generation and further increase in operating margin , driven by:

- constant focus on the price-cost spread thanks to strong pricing discipline;

- the continuation of its cost savings program in the context of "Transform & Grow", unlocking additional savings of EUR80 million in 2020 (representing total savings of EUR200 million over the 2019-2020 period);

- a decrease in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets investments (capital expenditure) to around EUR1.6 billion after an investment peak and thanks to continued optimization of maintenance capital expenditure;

- the continuation of the operational excellence program, aimed at offsetting inflation (excluding raw material and energy costs): around EUR300 million in additional cost savings in 2020 (calculated on the 2019 cost base); continued discipline on cost structure.

For 2020, the Group is targeting a further like-for-like increase in operating income with an uncertainty about the impact of the coronavirus.

Financial calendar

- An information meeting for analysts and investors will be held at 8:30am (GMT+1) on February 28, 2020 and will be broadcast live on:


- Sales for the first quarter of 2020: April 23, 2020, after close of trading on the Paris Bourse.

- First-half 2020 results: July 30, 2020, after close of trading on the Paris Bourse.

           Analyst/Investor relations                                   Press relations 
                                                                                               +33 1 47 62 30 
                             +33 1 47 62 44                                                    10 
                             29                                                                +33 1 47 62 51 
   Vivien Dardel             +33 1 47 62 35                              Laurence Pernot       37 
   Floriana Michalowska      98 +33 1 47 62                              Patricia Marie        +33 1 47 62 43 
   Christelle Gannage        30 93                                     Susanne Trabitzsch      25 
------------------------  ------------------  --------------------------------------------  ----------------- 

Indicators of organic growth and like-for-like changes in sales/operating income reflect the Group's underlying performance excluding the impact of:

-- changes in Group structure, by calculating indicators for the year under review based on the scope of consolidation of the previous year (Group structure impact);

-- changes in foreign exchange rates, by calculating the indicators for the year under review and those for the previous year based on identical foreign exchange rates for the previous year (currency impact);

   --          changes in applicable accounting policies. 

All indicators contained in this press release (not defined in the footnotes) are explained in the notes to the 2019 consolidated financial statements, available by clicking here: https://www.saint-gobain.com/en/full-year-2019-results

The glossary below shows the notes in which you can find an explanation of each indicator.

Glossary :


Net debt Note 9

Non-operating costs Note 4

Operating income Note 4

   Net financial income (expense)                                                              Note 9 

Recurring net income Note 4

Business income Note 4

Working capital requirement Note 4

Important disclaimer - forward-looking statements :

This press release contains forward-looking statements with respect to Saint-Gobain's financial condition, results, business, strategy, plans and outlook. Forward-looking statements are generally identified by the use of the words "expect", "anticipate", "believe", "intend", "estimate", "plan" and similar expressions. Although Saint-Gobain believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions as at the time of publishing this document, investors are cautioned that these statements are not guarantees of its future performance. Actual results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are difficult to predict and are generally beyond the control of Saint-Gobain, including but not limited to the risks described in Saint-Gobain's registration document available on its website (www.saint-gobain.com). Accordingly, readers of this document are cautioned against relying on these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this document. Saint-Gobain disclaims any intention or obligation to complete, update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

This press release does not constitute any offer to purchase or exchange, nor any solicitation of an offer to sell or exchange securities of Saint-Gobain.

For further information, please visit www.saint-gobain.com .

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 27, 2020 11:59 ET (16:59 GMT)

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