From:   Core VCT V PLC 
 Date:   25 August 2010 
Half-Yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 30 June 2010 
Performance Summary 
Ordinary Shares                           30 June     30 June 31 December 
                                             2010        2009        2009 
Net asset value per share()           81.90 pence 80.30 pence 82.51 pence 
Total return to date per share(1)     89.40 pence 87.30 pence 89.51 pence 
Share price (mid market)              60.00 pence 60.00 pence 60.00 pence 
Earnings per share                   (0.11) pence  1.38 pence  3.55 pence 
Cumulative dividends per share since 
inception                              7.50 pence  7.00 pence  7.50 pence 
Total expense ratio(2)                      1.43%       0.67%       1.83% 
1. Total return per share comprises closing net asset value per share plus 
cumulative dividends per share paid to date. 
2. Total expense ratio has been calculated using total operating costs divided 
by closing net assets. 
Chairman's Statement 
The Net Asset Value (NAV) Total Return per Ordinary Share was 89.40p as at 30 
June 2010, comprising a NAV per Ordinary Share of 81.90p and cumulative 
dividends paid of 7.50p per Ordinary Share. This is a slight decrease from the 
NAV Total Return to 31 December 2009 of 0.1%, compared to a 6.2% decrease in the 
value of the FTSE All Share Total Return Index over the same period. 
The investment portfolio now comprises 9 unquoted investments with a cost of 
 GBP7.2 million and a value of  GBP7.4 million. 
One new investment totalling  GBP1.0 million was completed during the period, into 
Ark Healthcare Limited with a further  GBP0.5 million being invested into an 
existing portfolio company, Allied International.  Further details of this new 
investment and the rest of the portfolio are contained in the Manager's Review. 
The Company is 84% invested in unquoted companies, exceeding the required 
minimum to be over 70% invested for VCT qualifying purposes. 
Core VCT V intends to provide Shareholders with an attractive level of income by 
distributing available profits generated through income and capital gains. 
During the six months to 30 June 2010, the Company generated a loss of  GBP11,566 
and is therefore not in a position to pay an interim dividend to shareholders. 
However, your Board is committed to distributing a substantial proportion of any 
profits generated over the remainder of the financial year. 
Share Price and Share Buy Backs 
The Ordinary Shares (CR5) are fully listed shares.  Prices are available on 
www.londonstockexchange.com and the Ordinary Share price is published daily in 
the Financial Times.  Shareholders are reminded that they must hold their shares 
for at least five years in order to retain the tax reliefs obtained. 
We would remind shareholders that we view the NAV Total Return, rather than the 
share price, as the preferred measure of performance, as it encompasses the 
value of the current portfolio and the amount of cash distributed to 
shareholders over the life of their investment. 
We are conscious that the mid price of the shares continues to be at a discount 
to the Net Asset Value, as it is for many other VCTs, reflecting the lack of 
liquidity in the secondary market. During the period, we have appointed Matrix 
as broker to the Company. Core VCT V does have the ability to buy back shares, 
although we are not anticipating making any share buy backs for the foreseeable 
future so that we are best placed as a Company to maximise distributions made to 
all shareholders. 
Board Changes 
In order to comply with Chapter 15 of the UKLA Listing Rules and in particular 
the independence of the Board, the following changes to the Board will take 
place following the publication of this half-yearly report.  I will resign as 
non-executive Chairman of the Company but remain non executive Chairman of Core 
VCT IV plc.  I am pleased to report that Greg Aldridge has accepted the Board's 
invitation to take on the Chairman's role.  We are also delighted to welcome 
David Harris to the Board.  David is chief executive of InvaTrust Consultancy 
Ltd, a specialist investment and marketing consultancy group that undertakes a 
variety of projects within the investment fund management industry. 
I would also like to take this opportunity to notify shareholders that following 
Greg's appointment as Chairman he will retire as a non executive director of 
Core VCT IV plc. 
These changes will ensure that Core VCT V plc is fully compliant with Chapter 
15 of the UKLA Listing Rules. 
Information for Shareholders 
The Board supports open communication with investors and welcomes any comments 
or questions you may have, and full contact details are provided at the back of 
this Report. 
We hope to deploy the remaining cash resources in the coming months.  With the 
investment programme now almost complete, our focus is managing the existing 
portfolio and planning to realise capital in order to maximise the potential 
gains from the portfolio. The average age of the portfolio is still relatively 
young, and in general our approach is to continue to hold our investments as 
they increase in scale and market conditions for exits improve. 
Ray Maxwell 
24 August 2010 
Principal Risks and Uncertaintiesff 
The Company's assets consist of unquoted investments, securities, cash and 
liquid resources.  Its principal risks are therefore market risk, credit risk 
and liquidity risk. Other risks faced by the Company include economic risks, the 
loss of approval as a Venture Capital Trust, failure to comply with other 
regulatory requirements, and broader risks such as reputational, operational and 
financial risks.  These risks and the way in which they are managed, are 
described in more detail in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 
2009, in note 18 to the accounts.  The Company's principal risks and 
uncertainties have not changed materially since the date of that report and it 
is not envisaged that there will be any changes to the risks and uncertainties 
in the remaining six months of the financial year. 
Related Party Transactions 
Details of related party transactions in accordance with the Disclosure and 
Transparency rule 4.2.8 can be found in Note 9 to the Accounts on page 16. 
Responsibility Statement 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
(a) the condensed set of financial statements have been prepared in compliance 
with the Companies Act 2006, applicable accounting standards, ASB Statement of 
Half-yearly Financial Reporting and the 2009 Statement of Recommended Practice 
"Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies" and give a true and fair 
view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit and loss of the 
Company, as required by Disclosure & Transparency Rule 4.2.4; and 
(b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by Disclosure & Transparency Rules 4.2.7 - 8 in accordance with 
Disclosure & Transparency Rule 4.2.10 
For and behalf of the Board: 
Ray Maxwell 
24 August 2010 
Manager's Review 
Investment Highlights 
  * One new investment was completed, totalling  GBP1 million and  GBP0.5 million was 
    invested in one existing portfolio company; 
  * Investment Portfolio now comprises 9 investments with a cost of  GBP7.2 million 
    and a value of  GBP7.4 million; 
  * The Company was 84% invested in qualifying companies as at 30 June 2010, 
    exceeding the required minimum to be over 70% invested for VCT purposes. 
New Investment 
In June, we invested  GBP1 million into Ark Healthcare Limited (utilising Core Mezz 
I Limited), alongside Core VCT who invested  GBP2 million and Core VCT IV which 
invested  GBP1 million.  Ark is a "buy and build" strategy in the 
domiciliary/homecare sector, focused on the southern half of the UK. 
Existing Investment 
We invested a further  GBP0.5 million alongside Core VCT IV and Core VCT which 
invested  GBP1 million into Allied International to provide additional working 
capital funding. 
A more detailed description of the status of each investment follows. 
 Colway Limited   Investment Cost:   GBP1,563,000 
                        Valuation:   GBP1,618,000 
Colway is a long established office and graphic supplies business, with three 
principal divisions - Business, Systems and Retail. 
Following  the completion of the balance sheet restructuring after the company's 
senior  lender, Kaupthing Singer &  Friedlander, was placed into administration, 
each  of the three  Core VCTs invested  a further  GBP0.5  million ( GBP1.5 million in 
aggregate)  in December 2009 in  order to provide  funds for the continuation of 
Colway's acquisition led growth strategy. One further small acquisition has been 
completed  during the  period ended  30 June 2010, and  further acquisitions are 
under negotiation and assessment. 
 Allied International   Investment Cost:   GBP1,502,000 
                              Valuation:   GBP1,500,000 
Allied is a leading Destination Management Company (DMC) with 26 locations 
throughout the USA, Europe and the Middle East. 
We acquired the business in November 2009 by acquiring all of the senior debt at 
a  substantial discount and providing working capital funding.  2009 represented 
a  low point in the  business cycle, and we  believe Allied has the potential to 
grow organically and by acquisition into a major global operation. 
We  have introduced new management at a senior level, eliminated senior debt and 
provided  further funding during  2010 to be used  for growth and acquisitions. 
This  further investment was  GBP0.5 million from each  of Core VCT IV and Core VCT 
V,  alongside  GBP1 million from Core VCT.  We continue to hold several discussions 
over potential merger and acquisition targets. 
 Camwatch Limited   Investment Cost:   GBP995,000 
                        Valuation:   GBP1,174,000 
Camwatch  is a  designer, supplier,  and installer  of detector activated remote 
CCTV  monitoring systems and provides a  24/7 remote monitoring service for over 
20,000 cameras across the UK and abroad. 
Camwatch  has  continued  with  its  investment  in its sales capability, and is 
starting  to see  the benefits  of its  joint venture  with JCB  in placing more 
camera  towers  in  the  field.   The  investment  is  held  in a junior secured 
structure,  with the majority of our  anticipated return being earned through an 
attractive paid yield. 
 Brasserie Holdings plc   Investment Cost:   GBP1,000,000 
                                 Valuation:  GBP1,000,000 
Owns  and operates branded  restaurants in the  premium casual dining segment of 
the market. 
Trading  over the year has been  resilient, with restaurant EBITDA increasing by 
some  20% to  GBP2.4 million in  the year ended 27 June  2010.  This business has a 
complete,  experienced and capable  management team in  place which can manage a 
very  substantial  increase  in  the  number  of  sites  in  the business and is 
developing  a Brasserie pub concept to take advantage of the availability of pub 
sites on the market. 
The investment is structured 90% in loan notes yielding 7% per annum, and 10% in 
equity to provide capital gain potential. 
 Ark Home Healthcare Limited   Investment Cost:   GBP1,000,000 
                                     Valuation:   GBP1,000,000 
Ark is a "buy and build" strategy in the domiciliary/homecare sector, focused on 
the southern half of the UK. 
We  co-led this investment alongside  Ashridge Capital as part  of a total  GBP17.5 
million  equity commitment in June 2010.  Core VCT IV and Core VCT V invested  GBP1 
million  each and Core VCT invested  GBP2 million.  Ark acquired three providers at 
completion  to create  an initial  profitable platform.   It intends acquiring a 
further  15-25 businesses  over  a  three  year  period  to  build a substantial 
homecare group. 
The  investment is held primarily  in loan notes with  a 10.5% per annum accrued 
 Georgina Goodman Limited   Investment Cost:   GBP125,000 
                                  Valuation:   GBP125,000 
Georgina  Goodman is  the designer,  wholesaler and  retailer of  luxury women's 
shoes branded 'Georgina Goodman'. 
The  products are targeted at the top  end of the luxury market.  The management 
team  are  seeking  to  develop  'Georgina  Goodman'  as an international luxury 
brand.  Wholesale clients include many of the world's leading department stores. 
We  invested  GBP125,000 alongside Core VCT IV and a co-investor introduced by Core 
Capital  in the first  GBP2 million tranche of a  GBP4 million anticipated fundraising 
by  the  Company.   We  anticipate  make  a small further investment of  GBP78,000, 
alongside a larger co-investment, in the second half of 2010.  The investment is 
structured 90% in a loan note with a preferred return and 10% in equity. 
Unaudited Income Statement 
For the Six Months ended 30 June 2010 
                                     Notes   Revenue  Capital     Total 
                                                    GBP         GBP          GBP 
Movement in investment holdings        6           -   94,963    94,963 
Net losses on sale of investments      6           - (72,094)  (72,094) 
Income                                 3      95,103        -    95,103 
Transaction costs and investment 
  management expenses                          (153) (28,311)  (28,464) 
Other expenses                             (101,074)        - (101,074) 
Return on ordinary activities before         (6,124)  (5,442)  (11,566) 
Tax on ordinary activities                         -        -         - 
Return attributable to equity                (6,124)  (5,442)  (11,566) 
Return per Ordinary Share (p)          5      (0.06)   (0.05)    (0.11) 
The  total  column  of  this  statement  is  the  profit and loss account of the 
Company.   The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under 
guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies. 
There  were no other  gains or losses  in the six  months ended 30 June 2010 and 
accordingly,  no  statement  of  Total  Recognised  Gains  and  Losses  has been 
All revenue and capital items derive from continuing activities. 
Unaudited Income Statement 
For the Six Months ended 30 June 2009 
                                              Revenue Capital    Total 
                                                     GBP        GBP         GBP 
Movement in investment holdings                     -  66,093   66,093 
Net losses on sale of investment                    -       - 
Income                                        154,795       -  154,795 
Transaction costs and investment 
  management expenses                           (611)   (367)    (978) 
Other expenses                               (57,993)       - (57,993) 
Return on ordinary activities before           96,191  65,726  161,917 
Tax on ordinary activities                    (9,778)      38  (9,740) 
Return attributable to equity shareholders     86,413  65,764  152,177 
Return per Ordinary Share (p)                    0.78    0.60     1.38 
Audited Income Statement 
For the Year ended 31 December 2009 
                                              Revenue    Capital       Total 
                                                     GBP           GBP            GBP 
 Movement in investment holdings                    -    208,224     208,224 
 Net gains on sale of investments                   -    138,480     138,480 
 Income                                       223,771          -     223,771 
 Transaction costs and investment 
   management fees                            (2,122)   (16,845)    (18,967) 
 Other expenses                             (147,288)          -   (147,288) 
 Return on ordinary activities before          74,361    329,859     404,220 
 Tax on ordinary activities                  (16,070)      3,138    (12,932) 
 Return attributable to equity                 58,291    332,997     391,288 
 Return per share (p)                            0.53       3.02        3.55 
Unaudited Balance Sheet 
                                                   As At       As At       As At 
                                                 30 June     30 June 31 December 
                                                    2010        2009        2009 
                                       Notes (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                        GBP            GBP            GBP 
Non-current assets 
Investments at fair value                6     7,625,817   5,559,257   7,253,947 
Current assets 
Debtors and prepayments                           60,604   2,657,654   1,237,326 
Cash at bank                                   1,488,713     761,928     735,249 
                                               1,549,317   3,419,582   1,972,575 
Creditors: amounts falling due within 
Corporation tax                                 (12,055)           -           - 
Other creditors                                 (68,626)    (34,418)    (71,056) 
Accruals                                        (64,672)    (87,061)    (58,995) 
Net current assets                             1,403,964   3,298,103   1,842,524 
Net assets                                     9,029,781   8,857,360   9,096,471 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up Ordinary share capital         7         1,102       1,102       1,102 
Share premium account                    7             -   (881,580)           - 
Capital reserve                          7     (876,423)   (256,634)   (870,981) 
Special distributable reserve            7     9,854,246   9,854,246   9,854,246 
Revenue reserve                          7        50,856     140,226     112,104 
Equity shareholders' funds                     9,029,781   8,857,360   9,096,471 
Net asset value per 0.01p ordinary       8         81.90       80.30       82.51 
share (p) 
Unaudited Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds 
for the six months ended 30 June 2010 
                                 Six months     Six months    Year ended 
                                      ended          ended   31 December 
                               30 June 2010   30 June 2009          2009 
                                (unaudited)    (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                           GBP               GBP              GBP 
 Opening Shareholders' funds      9,096,471      9,421,806     9,421,806 
 Return for the period             (11,566)        152,177       391,288 
 Dividends paid - revenue          (55,124)      (165,375)     (165,375) 
 Dividends paid - capital                 -      (551,248)     (551,248) 
 Closing Shareholders' funds      9,029,781      8,857,360     9,096,471 
Unaudited Cash Flow Statement 
                                              Six months  Six months        Year 
                                                   ended       ended       ended 
                                                 30 June     30 June 31 December 
                                                    2010        2009        2009 
                                             (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                        GBP            GBP            GBP 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                        79,211     190,366     291,220 
Investment management fees paid                  (2,864)     (2,804)    (10,706) 
Other cash payments                            (128,383)    (74,094)   (441,774) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating        (52,036)     113,468   (161,260) 
Taxation paid                                          -           -    (25,554) 
Capital expenditure and financial 
Purchase of investments                      (1,506,827) (3,391,478) (9,390,205) 
Disposals of investments                       1,167,451   3,610,000   8,182,330 
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure 
and                                            (339,376)   (218,522) (1,207,875) 
  financial investment 
Equity dividends paid                           (55,124)   (716,623)   (716,623) 
Called up share capital received               1,200,000           -   1,700,000 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                      753,464   (384,633)   (411,312) 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement 
net cash 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                      753,464   (384,633)   (411,312) 
Opening cash                                     735,249   1,146,561   1,146,561 
Net cash for the period                        1,488,713     761,928     735,249 
Reconciliation of net return on ordinary 
before taxation to net cash flow from 
Return on ordinary activities before            (11,566)     161,917     404,220 
Loss/(profit) on realisation of investments       72,094           -   (138,480) 
Movement in investment holdings                 (94,963)    (66,093)   (208,224) 
(Increase)/decrease in debtors                  (23,278)      34,883   (232,471) 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                   5,677    (17,239)      13,695 
Net cash flow from operating activities         (52,036)     113,468   (161,260) 
1.  The  unaudited  interim  results  have  been  prepared  on  the basis of the 
    accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the Company for the 
    year  ended  31 December  2009.  Unquoted  investments  have  been valued in 
    accordance  with  IPEVC  guidelines.  Quoted  investments  are stated at bid 
    prices  in  accordance  with  IPEVC  guidelines  and  UK  Generally Accepted 
    Accounting Practice.  These statements have been prepared on a going concern 
    basis  and  nothing  has  happened  that  would  change the Directors' going 
    concern assessment from the last audited financial statements to 31 December 
2.  Earnings for the six months should not be taken as a guide to the results of 
    the financial year to 31 December 2010. 
3.  Income 
                            Six months    Six months          Year 
                                 ended         ended         ended 
                               30 June       30 June   31 December 
                                  2010          2009          2009 
                           (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited) 
                                      GBP              GBP              GBP 
      Fixed and variable 
     interest securities           145        62,596        74,213 
      Loan stocks               93,668        91,257       147,660 
      Bank interest              1,290           942         1,898 
         Total income           95,103       154,795       223,771 
4.  Taxation 
    There will be no tax charge due by the Company since total expenses 
    (including fees allocated to capital) are expected to be more than income. 
5.  Earnings and return per share 
                                        Six months  Six months        Year 
                                             ended       ended       ended 
                                           30 June     30 June 31 December 
                                              2010        2009        2009 
                                       (unaudited) (unaudited)   (audited) 
                                                  GBP            GBP            GBP 
    (i) Total return after taxation       (11,566)     152,177     391,288 
    Basic return per share                 (0.11)p       1.38p       3.55p 
    (ii) Revenue return from ordinary 
    shares after taxation                  (6,124)      86,413      58,291 
    Revenue return per share               (0.06)p       0.78p       0.53p 
    (iii) Capital return from ordinary 
    shares after taxation                  (5,442)      65,764     332,997 
    Capital return per share               (0.05)p       0.60p       3.02p 
    (iv) Weighted average number of 
    ordinary shares in issue in the 
    period                              11,024,969  11,024,969  11,024,969 
6.  Investments 
                                          Listed       Unlisted          Total 
                                       (Level 1)      (Level 3)               GBP 
                                                GBP               GBP 
      Valuation at 31 December 2009      355,746      6,898,201      7,253,947 
      Purchases at cost                        -      1,516,452      1,516,452 
      Sale proceeds                    (149,477)    (1,017,974)    (1,167,451) 
      Net losses)/gains on sale of      (74,707)          2,613       (72,094) 
      Investment holding gains            62,255         32,708         94,963 
      Valuation as at 30 June 2010       193,817      7,432,000      7,625,817 
      Book cost at 30 June 2010          444,942      7,200,415      7,645,357 
      (Losses)/gains on investment     (251,125)        231,585       (19,540) 
      Valuation as at 30 June 2010       193,817      7,432,000      7,625,817 
7.  Share capital and reserves 
                            Called up 
                             Ordinary                 Special 
                                Share   Capital Distributable  Revenue 
                              Capital   Reserve       Reserve  Reserve     Total 
                                     GBP          GBP              GBP         GBP          GBP 
    As at 31 December 2009      1,102 (870,981)     9,854,246  112,104 9,096,471 
    Net realised losses on          -  (72,094)             -        -  (72,094) 
    Movement in investment          -    94,963             -        -    94,963 
    Capitalised management          -  (28,311)             -        -  (28,311) 
    Dividends                       -         -             - (55,124)  (55,124) 
    Net return for the              -         -             -  (6,124)   (6,124) 
    As at 30 June 2010          1,102 (876,423)     9,854,246   50,856 9,029,781 
    Net asset value 
                                   Six months    Six months 
                                        ended         ended         Year ended 
                                      30 June       30 June   31 December 2009 
                                         2010          2009          (audited) 
                                  (unaudited)   (unaudited)                   GBP 
                                             GBP              GBP 
      Net assets                    9,029,781     8,857,360          9,096,471 
      Number of shares in issue    11,024,969    11,024,969         11,024,969 
      Net asset value per share        81.90p        80.30p             82.51p 
    Related Party Transaction 
    Paul Richards is a member of the Manager, Core Capital LLP. Details of the 
    carried interest arrangements between the Company and the Manager are set 
    out in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2009. 
10. The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2010 and 30 June 
    2009 has not been audited. 
    These are not statutory accounts in terms of Section 434 of the Companies 
    Act 2006.  Statutory accounts for the year to 31 December 2009, which 
    received an unqualified audit report, have been lodged with the Registrar of 
    Companies.  No statutory accounts in respect of any period after 31 December 
    2009 have been reported on by the Company's auditors or delivered to the 
    Registrar of Companies. 
    Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders.  Further copies 
    are available free of charge from the Company's registered office, 103 Baker 
    Street, London, W1U 6LN.  A copy can also be obtained from the Company's 
    website atwww.core-cap.com. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
All reproduction for further distribution is prohibited. 
Source: Core VCT V plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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