RNS Number : 7213R

Central Rand Gold Limited

01 July 2015

                    Central Rand Gold Limited 
   (Incorporated as a company with limited liability under the 
                        laws of Guernsey, 
                      Company Number 45108) 
   (Incorporated as an external company with limited liability 
                 under the laws of South Africa, 
              Registration number 2007/0192231/10) 
                       ISIN: GG00B92NXM24 
            LSE share code: CRND JSE share code: CRD 
      ("Central Rand Gold" or the "Company" or the "Group") 
       Abridged Annual Results and Annual Report Release 

Central Rand Gold today announces its annual results for the year ended 31 December 2014.

Full copies of the Company's Annual Report and Accounts, including the Company Profile, Directors' Report, Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development Report, Directors' Responsibility Statement, Company Secretarial Confirmation, Auditor's Report and full Financial Statements, are available on the Company's website www.centralrandgold.com.

For further information, please contact:

Central Rand Gold +27(0) 87 310 4400

Johan du Toit / Nathan Taylor

Charles Stanley Securities Limited +44 (0) 20 7149 6478

Marc Milmo / Mark Taylor

Merchantec Capital +27 (0) 11 325 6363

Monique Martinez / Marcel Goncalves

Jenni Newman Public Relations +27 (0) 11 506 7351

Proprietary Limited

Jenni Newman

Chairman's report

I present to you the 2014 Annual Report for your Company.

The year 2014 was an extraordinary one for the Company, with a number of key events occurring, such as:

   --    significant capital improvement works carried out on the metallurgical plant; 
   --    temporary closure of the underground mine due to the rising water table; and 

-- significant strategic investor interest in acquiring 100% of Central Rand Gold (Netherlands Antilles) N.V. ("CRGNV").

All of these events are over and above the ordinary course of business activities at Central Rand Gold. I believe that the board of directors of Central Rand Gold ("the Board"), and more particularly the Executive Committee, have done an excellent job in managing these extraordinary events whilst maintaining their focus on day-to-day operations. There is no doubt in my mind that we have made some tremendous progress over the past 12 months, which will enable the Company to be in a stronger operational position in 2015.

Undoubtedly, the most important event of the year was the strong interest in the Company from Asian based investors. The Board and Executive Committee spent much of the year marketing to investors and strategic partners throughout South Africa, London and Asia, with a view to attracting sufficient capital to better exploit the Company's vast gold reserves and resources. This initiative resulted in three Asian based companies submitting non-binding Memoranda of Understanding ("MOU") in Q4 2014. The MOUs contemplate Central Rand Gold selling 100 per cent of its shares in CRGNV to the successful bidder.

The three Asian companies, Hiria Group Company Limited ("Hiria"), Beijing Ankong Investment ("Ankong") and Shengbang Jiabo (Beijing) Consulting Company Limited ("Shengbang") submitted substantively similar offers of not more than US$150 million, with a target date for completion of 31 March 2015. This target date was subsequently extended to 12 June 2015 to accommodate a fourth interested party, Huili Resources Group Limited ("Huili"), who put forward a further MOU on 12 February 2015, which again contained substantively similar terms to the previously announced MOUs.

In June 2015, after the completion of the due diligence processes, both Huili and Hiria requested a one month extension to 15 July 2015, to enable them both to complete their respective internal processes. Further, the Board decided not to continue discussions with Ankong and Shengbang at that time, to enable it to focus on discussions and negotiations with Huili and Hiria.

We eagerly await the completion of the final negotiation processes with the knowledge that an acquisition and subsequent cash injection will finally allow the CRG project to reach its very significant potential.


I find it useful to reflect on the ups and downs experienced throughout the year. In a year such as this it is often easy to dwell on the negative aspects and not acknowledge the many significant positives experienced throughout the year.

-- It was with great sadness that in May 2014 we experienced our first fatality as a result of a fall of ground. This sad event triggered company wide introspection into safety practices and resulted in a number of improvements being made to our already rigorous and diligent safety protocols.

-- On 28 May 2014, Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority ("TCTA") commenced with pumping and treatment operations of the High Density Sludge ("HDS") plant.

-- A notable highlight for the Company was re-joining the 10 million ounce club with the reinstatement of 4.5 million ounces of JORC and SAMREC compliant Resources.

-- The significant improvements made to the metallurgical plant in 2013 and early 2014 have begun to yield fruit. The third ball mill and upgraded leach circuit were commissioned to provide additional processing capacity and create sufficient redundancy to enable proper and proactive maintenance to occur. The metallurgical plant, having long been the Company's 'Achilles heel', is now consistently performing at or above expectation. Recoveries are strong and availability is typically above 85%. The new cone crushing circuit, specifically designed for harder underground ore, was commissioned and has performed consistently well throughout the year.

-- Underground mining operations went from strength to strength in the early portion of the year. The Mine Call Factor ("MCF") stabilised well above industry averages and insitu grades consistently exceeded expectations. Not only were we able to mine the orebody with conventional techniques, we were able to mine it efficiently and economically.

-- The unfortunate delay in commencement of pumping and the initial teething issues experienced by the TCTA at the HDS plant forced the Company to cease underground mining due to a rising water table. This was a great pity as the underground operations had just gotten into their stride and significant momentum had been created.

-- The Company embarked on an intense and systematic exploration and evaluation programme to identify and secure sufficient surface material to sustain operations across the short- to mid-term. The identification of more than 390,000 tonnes of ore on surface, coupled with a number of third party toll treatment transactions, has enabled the Company to not only continue to "fill the mills", but to do so at a reduced cost.

-- The exploration and evaluation programme identified very substantial low grade resources that would not ordinarily be economic. The conclusion of a "low grade Joint Venture" with fellow processor Mintails Limited has allowed both companies to monetise these low grade resources and add further to the revenue stream of the Company.


The situation with Puno Gold Investments Proprietary Limited ("Puno"), our Black Economic Empowerment partner, remains a work in progress. The appeal process to set aside the 2013 decision is progressing slowly and has little to no impact on the Company's operational performance. I am pleased to state that communication channels with Puno have improved materially over the past 12 months and the two parties are actively working toward an amicable and mutually agreed solution. The Board truly hopes that the matter will be shortly concluded and energies can be redirected into a more fruitful endeavour.


I would like to thank Michael McMahon, who resigned as Director and Chairman during the year, for his sterling efforts and steady hand in guiding the Company during his tenure. I would also like to thank Miklos Salamon, former Non-executive Director, for his unsurpassed technical guidance and strategic foresight. The Company has greatly benefited from the combined stewardship of Michael and Miklos over the past number of years and we thank them for their dedication to the Company. Furthermore, Patrick Malaza must also be acknowledged for his strong work ethic and dedication he brought to the role of Finance Director until his resignation during the year.

I welcome to the Board new Non-executive Director, Allen Phillips, with the confidence that his years of metallurgical experience in operations will be transferred to the production team. The Company has already seen the benefits of Allen's involvement through the metallurgical plant upgrade process which has been extremely successful. Allen's experience and 'hands on' approach has brought a new dimension and energy to the Company's metallurgical division and we look forward to him continuing to drive improvements over the coming 12 months.

I also must acknowledge Jason Hou for his tireless work in marketing the Company within mainland China and Hong Kong. He has been instrumental in identifying and engaging with the four Asian-based parties which signed MOUs to purchase CRGNV. His guiding hand and insight into the Asian region has enabled the Company to engage effectively and meaningfully with our MOU counterparties.

Additionally, the Executive Committee must be commended on their focus and unwavering determination. As aforementioned, the Executive Committee has worked tirelessly to improve the operations and grow shareholder value, whilst also playing a significant role in the MOU negotiations and due diligence process. Johan du Toit has once again led by example and I wish to thank him for working so effectively with myself and the rest of the Board.

Finally, I thank the shareholders of Central Rand Gold for their continued support and believe the Company is in a strong position to embark on 2015.

Nathan Taylor


Chief Executive Officer's report


2014 has been a year full of unexpected events, from the Company encountered its first fatality, to the temporary suspension of its underground mining operations due to the rising water table, to finding new economic surface mining opportunities potential and concluding the year with the potential sale of CRGNV.


The Company's already strong focus on safety was heightened throughout 2014 post the Company's first fatality. An underground worker installing support died as a result of loose rocks becoming dislodged from historically mined out areas up-dip from the working area. This sad event led the Company to modify the mining and support layout to ensure better safety at the working face.


The HDS plant has now been operational since May 2014. Despite a good start to the operations, with the observation of a drop in the water table in June 2014, the flow rate was unfortunately reduced in mid-August 2014 as a result of the decision by the TCTA to strengthen the mechanical components of the two 42 million litre thickeners at the HDS plant. This upgrade was required in order to improve, manage and control the AMD sludge and to ensure the longer term improved performance of the HDS plant. The final upgrade is planned for completion during 2015.

Whilst the pumping solution is showing positive signs of basin wide dewatering, which will ultimately greatly benefit the Company, the delays in the initiation of the pumping and the subsequent teething problems have had a temporary but significant impact on our underground mining operation.

Mining on the high grade Main Reef horizon began to tail off from April 2014 as the water levels began to flood the lower Main Reef workings. In July 2014, with most of the Main Reef submerged, focus shifted to the much lower grade North Reef. Finally, as the water level reached the ventilation shaft and secondary access way in October 2014, crews were pulled out of the decline and underground mining was halted.

The Company has been carefully gathering information regarding HDS performance and water level movement at our mining operations. It seems that if the flow rate can be maintained at approximately 60 million litres per day ("mlpd"), which equates to approximately 80% of nameplate capacity of the HDS plant, a reduction in the water level occurs.

Positively since March 2015, the flow rate has been fairly consistently maintained at approximately 72 mlpd, resulting in a drop in the water table of approximately 4.5 vertical metres, from March to end of May 2015, which is very positive as it indicates that the central basin water level can be dropped even during the raining season.



-- Underground production on the Main and North Reefs was halted in October 2014 as a result of the rising AMD blocking the secondary escape route and ventilation shaft.

-- Underground production for the year was 99,546 tonnes at an average grade of 3.1g/t. The average Main Reef grade was 3.78g/t. The average North Reef grade was 1.78g/t.

   --    Open Pit production was 69,747 tonnes at an average grade of 2.41g/t. 


The following table shows key mining statistics for 2014, comparing the actual statistics with those achieved in 2013.

                              2014                   2013                Difference 
-------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
 Activity              Metres (m)    Grade    Metres (m)    Grade    Metres (m)    Grade 
                       Tonnes (t)    (g/t)    Tonnes (t)    (g/t)    Tonnes (t)    (g/t) 
-------------------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 Waste Development 
  (m)                         313                    595                    282 
-------------------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 Reef Development 
  (m)                         200                    559                    359 
-------------------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 Total (m)                    513                  1,154                    641 
-------------------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 Stoping (t)               99,546     3.14       111,671     4.66        12,125     1.52 
-------------------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 Open Pits (t)             69,747     2.41        91,038     3.13        21,291     0.72 
-------------------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------  ------- 
 Total Tonnes             169,293                202,709                 33,416 
-------------------  ------------  -------  ------------  -------  ------------  ------- 

Mining update

Underground production and grades showed a large drop from 2013 due to the rising water levels cutting off the higher grade Main Reef stopes progressively from April to July 2014. Underground stoping moved to lower grade North Reef as a last resort in July 2014 but by October 2014 this too was cut off by the water levels.

Notwithstanding the temporary cessation of underground mining, the conventional mining methods employed have been a resounding success with the key metrics of tonnage, grade and MCF all being met and generally exceeded. Hanging wall dilution was effectively controlled and backstope sweepings were systematically undertaken.

During 2014, in an attempt to minimise staff redundancies, the Company reviewed mining opportunities at Middelvlei Mine and trialled a sweeping and vamping operation at one of Gravelotte Mines Limited's ("Gravelotte") (a mining operation on the east rand of Johannesburg) old shafts. After completing some reef picking at Middelvlei rock dumps, operations were stopped, due to limited further low cost opportunities in the area. The Gravelotte operations provided some interesting results, however it did not achieve the Company's minimum investment return and the operations were stopped at the end of December 2014.



The year 2014 saw the completion of the metallurgical plant expansion projects which were initiated in 2013. These capital projects were undertaken to improve overall plant availability, MCF and gold recovery and tonnage throughput. The results of the capital projects have been strong with a demonstrable improvement in the key plant metrics aforementioned. Unfortunately however, other factors such as the temporary cessation of underground mining which reduced the availability of quality ore have lessened the expected impact of these improvements.

 Plant production         Jan     Feb     Mar     Apr     May      Jun     Jul     Aug     Sep     Oct     Nov     Dec 
---------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Mill 1 (tonnes)        4,116   8,704   8,867   9,636   9,995   10,057   8,555   6,811   6,217   8,285   4,617   7,535 
---------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Mill 3 (tonnes)        2,960   3,683   3,470   3,899   2,430      468       -       -       -       -       -       - 
---------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Mill 3 (tonnes)            -       -       -       -   3,492    7,472   7,183   5,779   4,587   7,036   6,678   5,988 
---------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Mill availability 
---------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Mill 1 Availability 
  (%)                    40.6    91.3    84.4    89.4    93.7     92.1    94.6    75.4    91.6    87.4    61.0    84.9 
---------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Mill 2 Availability 
  (%)                    93.2    89.3    88.6    86.3    93.2     94.6     Off     Off     Off     Off     Off     Off 
---------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Mill 3 Availability 
  (%)                     N/A     N/A     N/A     N/A    78.9     91.8    94.4    82.3    95.5    93.2    90.6    80.7 
---------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 

Gold recovery throughout the year was somewhat variable, due largely to the changing nature of the feedstock. The move from Main Reef to North Reef to sands and slimes and open pit oxides did place the equilibrium of the plant under strain. However, the overall recoveries remained acceptable at 82%.

                   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec 
----------------  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ---- 
 Plant recovery 
  (%)               94    92    90    87    82    84    77    60    73    78    87    79 
----------------  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ---- 

Crushing and Screening

The Company completed the installation of its new Symons 4 1/4 cone crusher and commissioned the unit in November 2014. The unit has thus far demonstrated excellent availability and reliability. The commissioning of the cone completed the crushing and screening upgrades which commenced in 2013 with the building of the Jaw crusher and screening train. The upgraded crushing and screening circuit allows the Company to reduce both hard sulphide ore from underground as well as softer oxide ore sourced from the open pits to the required minus 12mm for milling. The circuit has proven to be able to produce in excess of 40ktpm.

Milling capacity

The additional 9' x 10' ball mill acquired toward the end of 2013 was commissioned on 15 May 2014 and has performed exceptionally well, showing a 33% upgrade in the processing capacity of the entire metallurgical plant. The availability of the new mill has increased from 73% on hot commissioning to the current steady state of 92%.

Further metallurgical upgrades

The cash injection from the Redstone Capital Limited ("Redstone") further enabled the refurbishment and upgrade of the water reticulation system and a full rebuild and upgrade of the elution column and heat exchanger.

The Company also started the installation of the new leach tank which provides substantially more residence time allowing for improved gold recoveries. The leach tank installation is scheduled to be completed by early July 2015. The thickener project has been put on hold pending the outcome of the potential sale of CRGNV.



SAMREC Mineral Resources for the Company were updated in July 2014, with the reclassification of previous Exploration Target material between 450 metres and 900 metres as Mineral Resource. This was achieved through the demonstration of the ability of the Ritz pumps to dewater the entire basin simultaneously as well as the completion of capital and economic studies showing that further de-watering beneath the 450 metre level can be done efficiently and economically. With the installation of additional pumps and piping, this hurdle for "eventual economic extraction", a key aspect in the definition of 'Mineral Resources' in terms of the SAMREC Code, can be satisfied.

This has allowed the Company and the Independent Competent Person, Venmyn Deloitte Proprietary Limited, to re-rate the gold mineralisation between 450 metres and 900 metres below surface from "Exploration Target" to "Mineral Resource". This reclassification has more than doubled the resource base of the Company from 4.51 Moz to 9.90 Moz of contained gold.

SAMREC Compliant Mineral Resources

                                              July 2014                February 2014 
--------------  --------------------  -------------------------  ------------------------- 
 Area            Category              Tonnes   Grade   Content   Tonnes   Grade   Content 
--------------  -------------------- 
                                         (Mt)   (g/t)     (Moz)     (Mt)   (g/t)     (Moz) 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 CMR             Measured                1.46    3.65      0.17     1.46    3.65      0.17 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
  Indicated                             14.43    4.22      1.97    11.30    4.53      1.64 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
  Inferred                               5.64    6.65      1.23     4.34    5.60      0.78 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
   Target                               12.02    9.26      3.59    15.86    8.49      4.33 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Crown           Indicated               5.78    5.83      1.11     2.58    5.67      0.47 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
  Inferred                               3.11    8.03      0.80     2.77    7.19      0.64 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
   Target                               20.81   10.07      6.73    24.34    9.61      7.52 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 City            Indicated               2.88    6.97      0.63     0.78    7.58      0.19 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
  Inferred                               2.43    6.99      0.55     0.70    8.00      0.18 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
   Target                               19.12    9.66      6.32    22.95    9.66      7.13 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Village         Indicated               1.80    6.48      0.39     0.53    5.87      0.10 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
  Inferred                               0.20   13.60      0.10     0.17   14.64      0.08 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
   Target                               12.27   10.93      4.30    13.57   10.57      4.61 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Simmers         Indicated               1.53    8.80      0.43     0.73    8.10      0.19 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
  Inferred                               0.15    8.20      0.04     0.15    8.29      0.04 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
   Target                                8.75   10.35      2.92     9.55   10.29      3.16 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Other           Indicated               3.16    1.22      0.13        -       -         - 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
  Inferred                              20.47    3.61      2.36        -       -         - 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
   Target                               10.04    9.07      2.92    33.67    8.34      5.41 
 -----------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Total           Measured Resource       1.46    3.57      0.17     1.46    3.57      0.17 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Total           Indicated Resource     29.58    4.85      4.66    15.92    5.06      2.59 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Total           Inferred Resource      32.00    4.92      5.08     8.13    6.58      1.72 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Total            Target                83.01   10.03     26.78   119.94    8.34     32.16 
--------------  --------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 
 Grand Total*                          146.05    7.80     36.69   145.45    7.84     36.64 
------------------------------------  -------  ------  --------  -------  ------  -------- 

*Totals are based on additional decimal points resulting in minor total discrepancies.

The cessation of underground mining during the year means that no further changes or updates to the Mineral Resources were undertaken as only a nominal amount of ore was extracted prior to the cessation.

There was a significant focus on exploration and evaluation throughout the year, brought on by the need to source replacement ore as a result of the short to mid-term cessation of underground operations. The introduction of concentric ripper machinery to the mining fleet has facilitated the exploitation of surface deposits containing very hard rock which has previously been considered uneconomic due to the need for explosives. Consequently, the introduction of the concentric ripper machinery has enabled the Company to re-evaluate known deposits which contain very hard rock such as Slots 4, 5 and 7.

The re-evaluation of these slots has shown that they can be strongly economic and have been reclassified as Shallow Exploration Target in terms of the SAMREC code. Operations in early 2015 have demonstrated that the grades actually exceed expectations and significant further potential exists in these areas over and above that already discovered.

                                                                Tonnage range   Approximate 
 Slot      Target area    Reef            Dip   V. Depth                  (t)         grade 
--------  -------------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------------  ------------ 
           Pits 1 to 
 Slot 5     3             White        40 deg        30m    64,000 to 125,900        2.8g/t 
--------  -------------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------------  ------------ 
 Slot 7    Main Pit       White        45 deg        30m    60,000 to 174,000        2.7g/t 
--------  -------------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------------  ------------ 
 Slot 4    K7 Top         Kimberly     45 deg        10m      5,000 to 22,000        1.7g/t 
--------  -------------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------------  ------------ 
 Slot 4    K7 Middle      Kimberly     45 deg        10m      5,000 to 20,000        1.8g/t 
--------  -------------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------------  ------------ 
 Slot 4    K7 Bottom      Kimberly     45 deg        10m      5,000 to 15,000        1.7g/t 
--------  -------------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------------  ------------ 
           Pits 1, 2 
 NASREC     and 3         Main         45 deg        40m     30,000 to 37,800        2.7g/t 
--------  -------------  ----------  --------  ---------  -------------------  ------------ 
                                                           170,000 to 395,000        2.6g/t 
   ------------------------------------------  ---------  -------------------  ------------ 

The potential quantity and grade described by the term "Exploration Target" is conceptual in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to define a Mineral Resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in the definition of a Resource. Further exploration work is ongoing, and includes trial mining and processing of this shallow target to establish grade and ore body continuity, mineability, dilution and throughput characteristics.

NOTE: The information in this statement relating to Mineral Resources and geology has been reviewed and approved by Mr Keith Matier, BSc (Hons), GDE, PrSci Nat, who is a Competent Person in terms of the SAMREC code. Mr Matier is the Geology Manager of Central Rand Gold South Africa Proprietary Limited and has over 21 years' experience in exploration, mineral resource management and mineral evaluation.

Mine Call Factor

The MCF during 2014 continued on the same positive trajectory seen during 2013. The "face to pour" MCF reconciliation averaged a solid 78% for the year. The wind down and changeover from underground operations to surface operations during September 2014 had a predictable negative impact on that month's figures; however this was quickly rectified in October.

            Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun   Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec 
---------  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ---- 
 MCF (%)     66    65    94   127    73    67    74    72    57    85    75    77 
---------  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ---- 

Whilst 78% is a very satisfying result brought about by several years of focus on gold preservation, it is believed that further improvement is possible.


The financial performance was negatively impacted during the year, mainly from the rising water table and the resultant cessation of underground mining. What was disappointing was that the year started well, with underground mining performing in line with expectations. Operational plans were being implemented for the Company's medium term growth strategy, which included the successful commissioning of the new mill, in May 2014, which provided the operations with additional processing capacity.

The delay in commissioning of the HDS plant, coupled with the resultant rise of the water table during the first half of 2014, resulted in the active underground mining areas being flooded. As the Company was unsure how the HDS would perform, once commissioned and how quickly the water table could be dropped, it decided to retain as many key mining skills and resources so that it would have the ability to quickly restart underground mining operations. As an alternative it decided to mine a new target area being the North reef, to maintain some form of underground mining presence. In September 2014, based on the performance of the HDS plant and its commissioning issues, the Company realised that in the short term it would not be able to restart normal underground operations. With the North Reef grades becoming sub-economic and the second access way being flooded, the Company made the decision to suspend underground operations.

With lower underground production, the Company needed to find an appropriate substitute ore body to continue to produce gold. The Company immediately commenced a review process to re-analyse all open cast opportunities. During this time the Company strived to maintain its plant throughput by processing available material which was accessed from numerous sources including old waste rock and sand dumps. As can be seen from the below gold production graph, during April - September 2014, the high variability and low reliability of this material resulted in the Company's gold production and ultimately cash reserves being placed under serious strain.

In September 2014, the assessment of new open cast potential was completed and the Company commenced mining at Slot 5. During the last quarter of 2014, the Company restructured it business and started the process of staff reductions (which was effective early 2015), to closely reflect its new operational business requirements. Overall with lower gold production due to the transition from underground to surface mining coupled with redundancy costs all put significant strain on the Company's balance sheet. The cash resources at the end of the year were US$0.9 million.


In order to strengthen its balance sheet and in pursuit of achieving its stated mine plan, the Company has subsequent to year-end completed the following fundraising:

-- A share placement on 17 June 2015 of 6,015,000 new ordinary shares at 10 pence per ordinary share, which raised GBP0.602 million.

-- A further share placement on 18 June 2015, of 2,000,000 new ordinary shares at 10 pence per ordinary share, which raised GBP0.2 million.

In June 2015, after the completion of the due diligent processes, both Huili and Hiria requested a one month extension to 15 July 2015, to enable them both to complete their respective internal processes. Further, the Board decided not to continue discussions with Ankong and Shengbang at that time, to enable it to focus on discussions and negotiations with Huili and Hiria. It is important to note that the transaction will still be subject to obtaining regulatory and exchange approvals. In addition, shareholder approval for the transaction will be required.


The transition from underground mining to surface mining was undoubtedly a painful process during 2014. The exploration work undergone in 2014 has put the Company on a steady footing while it waits to re-commence underground mining. With just under 400,000 tonnes of open cast potential and the Company identifying other surface mining opportunities outside its mining right area, it believes based on its smaller organisational structure, that it can be operationally sustainable during this time. The Company has plans to further increasing its Metallurgical capacity, which should come on line during the second half of 2015. This additional revenue coupled with the small June 2015 fundraise will be used to strengthen the Company's balance sheet.

The sale of CRGNV remains a key focus for the Company. As stated by Nathan Taylor, in the Chairman's statement: "We eagerly await the completion of the final negotiation processes with the knowledge that an acquisition and subsequent cash injection into the Company will finally allow the CRG project to reach its very significant potential." If the Company is unsuccessful in effecting the above transaction, it will continue to market the project to international investors.

In August 2016, the US$7.25 million convertible loan note ("loan note") issued to Redstone, becomes repayable. Redstone has the right to covert this loan note to equity at any time before this date. If this conversion is not effected, then the Company will look at either re-negotiating the terms of the agreement with Redstone, possibly extending the expiry date, or consider approaching the capital markets, where it has successfully raised funds over the last 18 months, to fund the repayment of this debt. The Board will ultimately, at the appropriate time, consider and adopt the best possible solution to manage this position.

The Company expects to recommence underground mining, by end 2016. The Company will continue to monitor the water table, and effect plans to recommence underground operations as soon as practically possible. An amended Mine Works Programme was submitted to the DMR in 2015, to reflect the cession of underground works and the refocus on open pit mining.


Sincere thanks must go to everyone who has played a role in the Company successfully negotiating another challenging, yet rewarding year. All stakeholders have made a meaningful contribution to Central Rand Gold's ongoing development as a sustainable junior mining enterprise - this includes Directors, managements, staff, suppliers, shareholders and community members.

Johan du Toit

Chief Executive Officer

Statement of Financial Position 
as at 31 December 2014 
------------------------------------------------   --------------------------- 
                                                              2014           2013 
                                                           US$'000        US$'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                                3,592          3,619 
Intangible assets                                            2,830          3,131 
Security deposits and guarantees                               191            194 
Environmental guarantee investment                           3,177          3,338 
Loans receivable                                             8,646          8,571 
                                                            18,436         18,853 
                                                       -----------  ------------- 
Current assets 
Security deposits and guarantees                                65             70 
Prepayments and other receivables                            1,239            914 
Inventories                                                     76            910 
Cash and cash equivalents                                      914          2,475 
Non-current assets held-for-sale                                 -            174 
Derivative asset                                               720              - 
                                                             3,014          4,543 
                                                       -----------  ------------- 
Total assets                                                21,450         23,396 
                                                       ===========  ============= 
Attributable to equity holders of the parent 
Share capital                                               26,490         25,604 
Share premium                                              222,963        213,377 
Share-based compensation reserve                            28,238         28,224 
Treasury shares                                                (6)            (6) 
Foreign currency translation reserve                      (29,534)       (29,442) 
Accumulated losses                                       (261,559)      (246,291) 
                                                       -----------  ------------- 
                                                          (13,408)        (8,534) 
Non-controlling interest                                         -              - 
Total equity                                              (13,408)        (8,534) 
                                                       -----------  ------------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Environmental rehabilitation                                 4,904          5,713 
Loan payable                                                14,418         13,719 
                                                            19,322         19,432 
                                                       -----------  ------------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                     6,911          6,971 
Taxation payable                                               177            155 
Derivative liability                                         8,448          5,372 
                                                            15,536         12,498 
                                                       -----------  ------------- 
Total liabilities                                           34,858         31,930 
                                                       -----------  ------------- 
Total equity and liabilities                                21,450         23,396 
                                                       ===========  ============= 
Statement of Profit or Loss 
for the year ended 31 December 2014 
--------------------------------------------   -------------  --------- 
                                                        2014       2013 
                                                     US$'000    US$'000 
Revenue                                                8,212     14,627 
Production costs                                     (9,844)   (16,344) 
Employee benefits expense                            (3,223)    (3,969) 
Directors' emoluments                                  (717)      (850) 
Inventory write-(down)/up                              (705)         39 
Operating lease expense                                (787)      (523) 
Operational expenses                                   (502)    (1,583) 
Other expenses                                       (1,702)    (2,860) 
Other income and gains                                   543        622 
Foreign exchange transaction gains/(losses)              129      (121) 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Loss before interest, tax and depreciation           (8,596)   (10,962) 
Depreciation                                           (460)      (536) 
Impairment of assets                                   (158)      (224) 
Loss on fair value of convertible loan note          (5,108)    (3,234) 
Finance income                                         1,233      1,287 
Finance costs                                        (2,179)    (1,123) 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Loss before income tax                              (15,268)   (14,792) 
Income tax expense                                         -          - 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Loss for the year                                   (15,268)   (14,792) 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Loss is attributable to: 
Non-controlling interest                                   -          - 
Equity holders of the parent                        (15,268)   (14,792) 
                                                    (15,268)   (14,792) 
                                                   ---------  --------- 
Loss per share for loss attributable to the 
 equity holders during the year (expressed 
 in US cents per share) 
Basic loss per share                                 (17.51)    (46.23) 
Diluted loss per share                               (17.51)    (46.23) 
Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the year ended 31 December 2014 
---------------------------------------------   -------------------- 
                                                     2014       2013 
                                                  US$'000    US$'000 
Loss for the year                                (15,268)   (14,792) 
                                                ---------  --------- 
Other comprehensive loss: 
Item that may be reclassified subsequently 
 to profit or loss 
Exchange differences on translating foreign 
 operations                                          (91)      (784) 
Other comprehensive loss for the period, net 
 of tax                                              (91)      (784) 
                                                ---------  --------- 
Total comprehensive loss for the period          (15,359)   (15,576) 
                                                ---------  --------- 
Total comprehensive loss is attributable to: 
Non-controlling interest                                -          - 
Equity holders of the parent                     (15,359)   (15,576) 
                                                 (15,359)   (15,576) 
                                                ---------  --------- 
Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the year ended 31 December 2014 
                                           Attributable to equity holders of the Group 
                         Ordinary              Share-based                currency 
                            share      Share  compensation   Treasury  translation  Accumulated              Non-controlling      Total 
                Notes     capital    premium       reserve     shares      reserve       losses      Total          interest     equity 
                         US$ '000   US$ '000      US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000     US$ '000   US$ '000          US$ '000   US$ '000 
--------------  ------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------   ---------------  --------- 
Balance at 
 31 December 2012          25,604    213,377        28,176        (6)     (28,658)    (231,499)      6,994                 -      6,994 
income for the 
Loss for the year               -          -             -          -            -     (14,792)   (14,792)                 -   (14,792) 
Foreign currency 
 adjustments                    -          -             -          -        (784)            -      (784)                 -      (784) 
in equity 
Employee Share 
Share-based payments: 
 Employees' and 
 shares and options             -          -            48          -            -            -         48                 -         48 
Balance at 
 31 December 2013          25,604    213,377        28,224        (6)     (29,442)    (246,291)    (8,534)                 -    (8,534) 
                                           Attributable to equity holders of the Group 
                         Ordinary              Share-based                currency 
                            share      Share  compensation   Treasury  translation  Accumulated              Non-controlling      Total 
                Notes     capital    premium       reserve     shares      reserve       losses      Total          interest     equity 
                         US$ '000   US$ '000      US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000     US$ '000   US$ '000          US$ '000   US$ '000 
--------------  ------  ---------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------   ---------------  --------- 
income for the 
Loss for the year               -          -             -          -            -     (15,268)   (15,268)                 -   (15,268) 
Foreign currency 
 adjustments                    -          -             -          -         (92)            -       (92)                 -       (92) 
in equity 
Issue of 
Capital raising               886      9,586             -          -            -            -     10,472                 -     10,472 
Employee Share 
Share-based payments: 
 Employees' and 
 shares and options             -          -            14          -            -            -         14                 -         14 
                        ---------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------   ---------------  --------- 
Balance at 
 31 December 2014          26,490    222,963        28,238        (6)     (29,534)    (261,559)   (13,408)                 -   (13,408) 
                        ---------  ---------  ------------  ---------  -----------  -----------  ---------   ---------------  --------- 
Statement of Cash Flow 
for the year ended 31 December 2014 
------------------------------------------------  ---  ---------------------- 
                                                             2014        2013 
                                                          US$'000     US$'000 
Loss before tax                                          (15,268)      (14,792) 
Adjusted for : 
Depreciation                                                  460           536 
Employment benefit expenditure (share-based 
 payments)                                                     14            48 
Profit on disposal and scrapping of property, 
 plant and equipment                                         (17)         (541) 
Impairment of inventory                                       705          (39) 
Impairment of assets                                          158           224 
Net (gain)/loss on foreign exchange                         (129)           121 
Decrease in operating lease liability                           -             - 
Sundry income                                                   -             - 
Finance income                                            (1,233)       (1,287) 
Finance costs                                               2,179         1,123 
Loss on fair value of convertible loan note                 5,108         3,234 
Changes in working capital 
(Increase)/decrease in prepayments and other 
 receivables                                                (325)            38 
Decrease in inventory                                         129           370 
(Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables              (60)           935 
Increase in provisions                                        809           974 
Cash flows used in operations                             (7,470)       (9,056) 
Finance income                                                273             - 
Finance costs                                                   -         (245) 
Sundry income                                             (1,204)             - 
Net cash used in operating activities                     (8,401)       (9,301) 
                                                        ---------   ----------- 
Purchases of property, plant and equipment                (1,049)         (839) 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant 
 and equipment                                                186           566 
Increase in environmental guarantee deposit                  (53)          (60) 
Net cash used in investing activities                       (916)         (333) 
                                                        ---------   ----------- 
Proceeds from issue of shares for cash                      4,254         7,027 
Cost relating to the issue of shares                        (257)             - 
Net proceeds from exercise of share options                 3,732             - 
Net cash from financing activities                          7,729         7,027 
                                                        ---------   ----------- 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                 (1,588)       (2,607) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                      2,475         4,512 
Effects of exchange rate fluctuations on 
 cash balances                                                 27           570 
                                                        ---------   ----------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December                      914         2,475 
                                                        =========   =========== 
     Notes to the Annual Financial Statements 
     1. General information 
     These are the non-statutory financial statements, extracted from the 
      Group annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014. 
     Central Rand Gold Limited ("Central Rand Gold") is a Guernsey incorporated 
      company and it is also registered in South Africa as an external company. 
      One of its subsidiaries, Central Rand Gold (Netherland Antilles) N.V. 
      ("CRGNV"), was incorporated in the Netherlands Antilles. Central Rand 
      Gold's operating subsidiary is Central Rand Gold South Africa Proprietary 
      Limited ("CRGSA"). Central Rand Gold has a primary listing on the London 
      Stock Exchange ("LSE") and a secondary listing on JSE Limited ("JSE"). 
     Central Rand Gold complies with the company laws of its place of incorporation 
      being Guernsey and the company laws of the place of its external registration 
      being South Africa. One of its subsidiaries, CRGNV, is incorporated 
      in the Netherlands Antilles, therefore the Group is also impacted by 
      the company laws of the Netherlands Antilles. 
     The Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 
      2014 were approved for issue on 30 June 2015. The auditor has issued 
      his opinion on the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 
      December 2014 which is unmodified but does contain an emphasis of matter 
      paragraph in respect of the matters referred to under note 2 'Going 
      concern' and is available for inspection at the Company's registered 
     Emphasis of matter - Going concern 
     In forming our opinion on the financial statements, which is not modified, 
      we have considered the adequacy of the disclosures set out in the financial 
      statements concerning the Group's ability to continue as a going concern 
      which depends, in particular, upon a number of key factors. These key 
      factors include achieving the improved operating performance forecast, 
      the continued support of the Group's creditors, the Group having no 
      liability under the recent changes in South African tax legislation 
      and the outcome of discussions regarding the possible sale of the trade 
      and assets of the Group. These factors, together with the other matters 
      outlined in the audited financial statements, indicate the existence 
      of a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Group's 
      ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do 
      not include the adjustments that would result if the Group was unable 
      to continue as a going concern. 
     2. Basis of preparation 
     The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance 
      with International Financial Reporting Standards and Interpretations 
      (collectively "IFRS") issued by the International Accounting Standards 
      Board ("IASB") as adopted by the European Union ("EU"). 
     The consolidated financial statements are presented in United States 
      Dollars ("US$" or "US Dollar") and rounded to the nearest thousand. 
      The functional currency of the parent company, Central Rand Gold Limited, 
      changed during the year from the GB Pound to the US Dollar as its main 
      source of funding is now US Dollar. The functional currency of its principal 
      subsidiary, CRGSA is the South African Rand ("ZAR" or "Rand"). 
     Going concern 
     The Directors have prepared the financial statements on the going concern 
      basis notwithstanding net current liabilities at 31 December 2014 of 
      US$12.5 million, having considered the current operations, the current 
      funding position and the projected funding requirements for the business 
      for at least 12 months from the date of approval of the financial statements 
      as detailed below. Since the year end the Group has continued with its 
      surface mining operations and processing of third party ore and has 
      also raised a further US$1.2 million from share placements in June 2015. 
      As at 26 June 2015 the Group had cash and cash equivalents of US$1 million. 
     The Directors have prepared cash flow projections until December 2016 
      that reflect the current mine plan adopted by the Directors. The mine 
      plan is based on surface mining only as the underground mine remains 
      on care and maintenance until the water level reduces following the 
      re-commissioning of the dewatering plant. In addition, the Group has 
      deferred payments to existing creditors of US$6 million which together 
      with the cash held has allowed the Group to commence work on plant upgrades. 
      The Group will settle those creditors over the next 18 months. The mining 
      plan assumes that the upgrades will increase processing plant capacity 
      from 16,000 tonnes per month to 20,000 tonnes per month from January 
     These projections, which are based on current levels of ore processing 
      but increasing own and third party processing in accordance with the 
      enhanced plant capacity, show that the Group will generate sufficient 
      cash to fund both the planned plant upgrades and meet the rescheduled 
      repayment of the trade creditors whilst maintaining a headroom of at 
      least US$1 million. On this basis the Directors believe that the Group 
      has sufficient funding for at least the next 12 months from the date 
      of approval of these financial statements and hence have prepared the 
      financial statements on a going concern basis. 
     However, the cash flow projections are sensitive to a number of factors 
      including: the mine call factor assumption (the mine call factor is 
      the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the total quantity of recovered 
      mineral product after processing with the amount estimated in the ore 
      based on sampling) being maintained at existing levels; the increased 
      ore processing and the agreement of the trade creditors to defer payments 
      on the basis informally agreed. 
     Any changes to the assumptions, individually or in aggregate, may alter 
      the going concern conclusion and a reasonably possible change in assumptions 
      may result in the Group not having sufficient funding. 
     In addition, the cash flow projections assume that, on the basis of 
      legal advice received by the Directors, no payments are to be made resulting 
      from changes to the thin capitalisation legislation and changes to Section 
      8F of the Income Tax act in South Africa. Should this legal advice not 
      be accurate then this may result in the Group not having sufficient 
     If, in either of these cases, the Group had insufficient funding, the 
      Directors would have to explore alternative arrangements such as raising 
      additional equity which would require shareholder approval. However, 
      the Group is also in discussion with a number of potential bidders about 
      the possible sale of the trading operations of the Group. Any sale would 
      be subject to successful due diligence by any potential acquirer and 
      also subject to shareholder approval. Should it proceed, the Group would 
      no longer be a going concern. 
     For the longer term, the risks inherent in any single metal mining operation 
      remain. In addition, there are further uncertainties relating to, the 
      possible choice by Redstone Capital in September 2016 to request repayment 
      of US$3.7 million loan notes in cash rather than their conversion into 
      shares; the renewal of the mining licences at the end of 2016; the successful 
      operation of the dewatering plant to reduce the water level to the environmental 
      critical level; and the successful redevelopment of the underground 
      mine. Given the current level of operations the Directors have no reason 
      to believe that Redstone Capital will not take the conversion option; 
      the licenses will not be renewed and the continued positive progress 
      towards dewatering and ultimate mining of the underground mine will 
      not continue. 
     The Directors have concluded that the above circumstances give rise 
      to a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Group's 
      ability to continue as a going concern and it may therefore be unable 
      to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course 
      of business. 
     Nevertheless, after taking account of the Group's funding position and 
      its cash flow projections, and having considered the risks and uncertainties 
      associated with these projections, the Directors have a realistic expectation 
      that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence 
      for at least 12 months from the date of approval of these financial 
      statements. For these reasons, they continue to prepare the financial 
      statements on a going concern basis. These financial statements do not 
      include any adjustments that would result from the going concern basis 
      of preparation being inappropriate. 
  3. Accounting policies 
     The accounting policies have been consistently applied to all years 
     (a) New and amended standards adopted by the Group 
     In 2014 the Group adopted the amendments to IFRS 10 'Consolidated Financial 
      Statements', IFRS 11 'Joint Arrangements', IFRS 12 'Disclosure of Interests 
      in Other Entities', IAS 27 'Separate Financial Statements', IAS 28 'Investments 
      in Associates and Joint Ventures', IAS 32 'Offsetting Financial Assets 
      and Financial Liabilities' and IAS 36 'Recoverable amount disclosures 
      for non-financial assets'. These have no significant impact on the Group's 
      net assets. 
      As a result of IFRS 10, the Group has changed its accounting policy 
      for determining whether it has control over and consequently whether 
      it consolidates its investees. IFRS 10 introduces a new control model 
      that focuses on whether the Group has power over an investee, exposure 
      or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee 
      and ability to use its power to affect those returns. 
      In accordance with the transitional provisions of IFRS 10, the Group 
      reassessed the control conclusion for its investees at 1 January 2014. 
      No modifications of previous conclusions about control regarding the 
      Group's investees were required. 
     (b) New standards, amendments and interpretations not yet adopted 
     A number of new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations 
      are effective for annual periods beginning after 1 January 2014, and 
      have not been applied in preparing these consolidated financial statements. 
      Those which may be relevant to the Group are set out below. The Group 
      does not plan to adopt these standards early. 
     IFRS 9 'Financial Instruments' was reissued in October 2010. It is applicable 
      to financial assets and financial liabilities. For financial assets 
      it requires classification and measurement in either the amortised cost 
      or the fair value category. For a company's own debt held at fair value, 
      the standard requires the movement in the fair value as a result of 
      changes in the company's own credit risk to be included in other comprehensive 
      income. It is effective for accounting periods beginning on or after 
      1 January 2015. The standard has not yet been endorsed by the EU. The 
      adoption of IFRS 9 is not expected to have a significant impact upon 
      the Group's net results or net assets. 
  4. Directorate 
  During the financial period under review, the composition of the Board 
   of Directors was as follows: 
   Name                Position 
   ------------------  ----------------------------------- 
    Mr Nathan Taylor    Non-executive Chairman 
   ------------------  ----------------------------------- 
    Mr Johan du Toit    Chief Executive Officer 
   ------------------  ----------------------------------- 
    Mr Jason Hou        Non-executive Director 
   ------------------  ----------------------------------- 
    Mr Allen Phillips   Independent Non-executive Director 
   ------------------  ----------------------------------- 
     5. Segment reporting 
     An operating segment is a component of an entity that engages in business 
      activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses, whose 
      operating results are regularly reviewed by the entity's chief operating 
      decision maker to make decisions about resources to be allocated to 
      the segment and assess its performance, and for which discrete financial 
      information is available. The entity's chief operating decision maker 
      reviews information in one operating segment, being the acquisition 
      of mineral rights and data gathering in the Central Rand Goldfield of 
      South Africa, therefore management has determined that there is only 
      one reportable segment. Accordingly, no analysis of segment revenue, 
      results or net assets has been presented. No corporate or other assets 
      are excluded from this segment. 
 6. Share-based payments 
 During the year, no further share options were granted to employees. 
 7. Dividends 
 No dividends were declared or paid during the year under review. 
 8. Reconciliation between loss and headline loss attributable to equity 
  holders of the Group 
                                                                                      2014           2013 
                                                                                   US$'000        US$'000 
 Loss attributable to equity holders of 
  the Group                                                                   (15,267,972)   (14,791,863) 
 Less: Profit on disposal of property, plant 
 and equipment                                                                    (16,851)      (541,436) 
                                                                          ----------------  ------------- 
 Loss used in calculating headline loss 
  per share                                                                   (15,284,823)   (15,333,299) 
                                                                          ================  ============= 
 9. Events occurring after reporting date 
 Share placement 
  In order to strengthen its balance sheet and in pursuit of achieving 
  its stated mine plan, the Company has subsequent to year-end completed 
  the following fundraising: 
   *    On 17 June 2015, 6,015,000 New Ordinary Shares were 
        issued at 10 pence, which raised GBP0.602 million. 
   *    On 18 June 2015, 2,000,000 New Ordinary Shares were 
        issued at 10 pence, which raised GBP0.2million. 
  Asset held for sale 
  During 2014, the Board and executive committee marketed the Group to 
  investors and strategic partners throughout South Africa, London and 
  Asia with the view to attracting sufficient capital to better exploit 
  the Group's gold reserves and resources. This resulted in three Asian 
  based companies submitting non-binding memoranda of understanding in 
  Q4 2014. The memoranda of understanding contemplated Central Rand Gold 
  Limited selling 100% of its shares in Central Rand Gold Dutch Netherlands 
  Antilles. However, the highly probably criteria (as per IFRS 5 - Non-current 
  assets held for sale) was not met at 31 December 2014 as the memoranda 
  of understanding was still subject to certain conditions such as the 
  successful completion of due diligence and obtaining regulatory and 
  exchange approvals. In addition, shareholder approval for the transaction 
  will be required. 
 Issued on behalf of: Central Rand Gold Limited 
 Date: 30 June 2015 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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