RNS Number : 0007L

Central Rand Gold Limited

28 September 2016

                 Central Rand Gold Limited 
     (Incorporated as a company with limited liability 
                under the laws of Guernsey, 
                   Company Number 45108) 
     (Incorporated as an external company with limited 
         liability under the laws of South Africa, 
           Registration number 2007/0192231/10) 
                    ISIN: GG00B92NXM24 
         LSE share code: CRND JSE share code: CRD 
   ("Central Rand Gold" or the "Company" or the "Group") 
                   2016 Interim Report 

Central Rand Gold today announces its unaudited Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2016 ("period under review"). The full set of results is available on the Company's website: www.centralrandgold.com.

For further information, please contact:

Central Rand Gold +27 (0) 87 310 4400

Lola Trollip / Nathan Taylor

   Panmure Gordon (UK) Limited - Nominated Adviser & Broker                    +44 (0) 20 7886 2500 

Adam James / James Greenwood

Merchantec Capital - JSE Sponsor +27 (0) 11 325 6363

Monique Martinez / Marcel Goncalves

28 September 2016


Forward-looking statements

This Interim Report contains certain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of the Central Rand Gold Group. The words "intend", "aim", "project", "anticipate", "estimate", "plan", "believe", "expect", "may", "should", "will", or similar expressions, commonly identify such forward-looking statements. Examples of forward-looking statements in this Interim Report include those regarding estimated Ore Reserves, anticipated production or construction dates, costs, outputs and productive lives of assets or similar factors. Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors set forth in this Interim Report that are beyond the Group's control. For example, future Ore Reserves will be based in part on market prices that may vary significantly from current levels. These may materially affect the timing and feasibility of particular developments. Other factors include the ability to produce and transport products profitably, demand for our products, the effect of foreign currency exchange rates on market prices and operating costs, and activities by governmental authorities, such as changes in taxation or regulation, and political uncertainty.

In light of these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, actual results could be materially different from any future results expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements, which speak only as at the date of this Interim Report. Except as required by applicable regulations or by law, the Group does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, or future events. The Group cannot guarantee that its forward-looking statements will not differ materially from actual results.

Non-executive Chairman's report


The Company had three key objectives during the first six months of 2016, namely to:

-- continue necessary capital works in relation to the Company's metallurgical plant, in particular the repair of Mill No 1;

   --    stabilise the operations of the Company; and 
   --    progress discussions with capital providers. 

Key salient features during the first six months of the year

-- Loss before interest, tax and depreciation of US$1.9 million (2015: US$0.7 million) for the period;

   --      The rate of dewatering has stabilised, and the levels underground are gradually reducing; 
   --      A Toll Treatment Agreement was concluded with a third party; and 

-- Post the period end and as previously announced, the Company have identified opportunities to raise additional funding from a number of parties in order to pursue growth opportunities identified and to continue as a going concern.


Safety statistics

 Type of injury       Six months      Six months 
                           ended           ended 
                    30 June 2016    30 June 2015 
----------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Dressing cases                2               - 
----------------  --------------  -------------- 
  injuries                     3               2 
----------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Fatalities                    -               - 
----------------  --------------  -------------- 

Safety remains a key focus for the Company, irrespective of the environment in which it is operating. There were two dressing cases in the six months ended 30 June 2016 compared to zero for the same period in 2015 and three lost-time injuries in the six months ended 30 June 2016 compared to two for the same period in 2015. The Company has embarked on a number of safety campaigns to invigorate the safety culture in the Company.

Acid Mine Drainage ("AMD")

The High Density Sludge ("HDS") plant, operated by the Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority ("TCTA"), has been operational since mid-2014. The Company continues to monitor the water level at its mining operations as well as the daily discharge pumped out of the Central Basin from the HDS plant. The Company has observed that when the flow rate is maintained at approximately 60 million litres per day ("mlpd"), which equates to approximately 80% of nameplate capacity, a reduction in the water level occurs, as indicated in the following table:

                  Average daily      Water level 
                   pumping rate    below surface 
 Month                   (mlpd)            (mbs) 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 January 2016                35           143.57 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 February 2016               33           141.40 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 March 2016                  70           143.20 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 April 2016                  66           145.13 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 May 2016                    65           147.92 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 June 2016                   65           148.60 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 July 2016                   65           147.58 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 
 August 2016                 59           152.48 
---------------  --------------  --------------- 

The above table provides an overview of the average daily pumping rate and the resultant impact on the water table. Due to maintenance on one of the Ritz submersible pumps, pumping was limited to only one pumping station during January and February 2016. As the pumps are imported, and a standby pump was not available, a replacement submersible pump, from another pump station, was installed at the end of February 2016, and an immediate drop in the water table was observed. Since then the submersible pumps have been pumping at a rate exceeding 60 mlpd, which has resulted in the water table dropping by approximately 11 vertical meters since the end of February 2016.

Various projects are being undertaken by the Company in order to evaluate the possibility of expediting the water pumping, and of mining underground, using different mine plans and methodologies.


Mineral Resources

The Mineral Resources remain unchanged as of June 2015 due to the cessation of underground workings. Surface operations are classified as 'Exploration Target' in terms of the SAMREC code.

The temporary cessation of underground mining in September 2014, due to the rising water levels, precipitated a dramatic shift in the mining operations. Consequently, the Company focussed its attention and resources on exploiting lower grade open cast mining and surface dumps, which had a significant impact on the Company.

The below table provides the current surface areas available for mining:

 Location          Viable    Tonnes   Estimated      Average   Estimated        Reef 
                   strike                 grade    thickness      ounces     package 
                      (m)       (t)       (g/t)         (cm)        (oz) 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 1               420    35,310        1.52          124       1,721   Kimberley 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 N1 Bypass          1,380    77,764        1.40           84       3,496        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 6               450    85,068        2.17          113       5,929    Kimberly 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 5 Nasrec        120    13,191        1.29           72         548        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 5 CW 
  Road              1,300   130,317        0.54           72       2,247        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 10              460    89,050           -          123           -   Kimberley 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 11 
  West                820   288,302        1.98          360      18,311        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 11 
  East                345   125,491        1.98          131       7,970        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 11 
  A west              650    70,589        1.98          131       4,483        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 11 
  A east              470   130,188        0.18           47         771        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 12              460    90,283        1.29          123       3,747   Kimberley 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 4               836    60,162        1.83          132       3,540   Kimberley 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 5           406,000    49,015        2.12           92       3,342        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Slot 7           190,460   150,708        2.23          189      10,786        Bird 
---------------  --------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ---------- 

The quantity and grade described above has been derived from historical sampling data, together with current information gathered and verified by both the Mining Engineer, and the Geologists at Central Rand Gold.

The above table does not include surrounding sand and slimes resources which the Company has sourced, and earmarked for Research and Developmental projects together with the Zhejiang Golden Machinery Plant ("ZGMP") in China.

Production statistics

                30 June 2016   30 June 2015   Variance 
                      tonnes         tonnes 
-------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Underground               -              -          - 
-------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Surface              33,424         62,856   (29,432) 
-------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Reclamation          36,892         33,356      3,536 
-------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
 Total                70,316         96,212   (25,896) 
-------------  -------------  -------------  --------- 

Surface mining was largely focused at slots 5, 7 and 4. Current pits have been mined down to a depth of approximately 30 metres. The average belt grade for these pits to date is 1.94g/t. The pits were put on care and maintenance in April 2016, until the mining strategy has been revised. Focus is now being put on to the rehabilitation of open and mined out pits.

With over 100 years of significant mining in the Johannesburg region, there remains a significant amount of old rock and slimes dumps, which surround the Company's metallurgical plant. Where economical grades have been identified and with the consent of the resource owners, the Company has removed this material and processed it through its metallurgical plant. This activity has an added benefit of rehabilitating the surrounding area. A project has been undertaken with ZGMP to test a metallurgical process, on the slimes/sands, and the outcome of this test work is anticipated to ultimately result in a larger plant being built at Central Rand Gold SA, which will then be able to process the dump material expediently.


Production statistics

                                         2016       2015 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 -                                    January    January 
                                      to June    to June 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   *    Internal 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   *    Tonnes processed (t)           18,824     87,895 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   *    Built up head grade (g/t)        2.12       1.45 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   *    Fine gold produced (oz)         1,394      3,435 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 External (Toll 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   *    Tonnes processed (t)                -      6,721 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   *    Delivered grade (g/t)               -       1.04 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
   *    Fine gold produced (oz)             -        244 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Total tonnes 
  processed (t)                        18,824     94,616 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 
 Total gold produced 
  (oz)                                  1,394      3,679 
----------------------------------  ---------  --------- 

Internal gold production for 2016 H1 was below that of 2015, being that the Mill No 1 was irreparable after a breakdown, and the Company had to source another Mill. The Company also took the opportunity to cleanse the full circuit, in preparation of the new Toll-milling contract. A second-hand Mill was purchased, repaired and installed in September 2016. The aim is to reach an average throughput of 20,000 tonnes per month, by the end of October 2016 (the updated deadline). The anticipated deliveries and processing rates are conditional upon the Company having sufficient working capital to fund operations.

Financial update


The loss before interest, tax and depreciation for the period under review amounted to US$1.9 million, which is higher than the prior year period operational loss of US$0.7 million. The increase in loss is largely attributed to the cessation of open pit mining in March 2016. As a result, internal gold production decreased by 23% to 2,637 ozs (2015: 3,435 ozs) and overall revenue decreased from US$4.4 million to US$1.8 million. The Company entered into a Tolling Agreement in July 2016 with a third party, Nikkel Mining, who will provide product to be treated through the plant. The Tolling agreement is in the form of a value per tonne of throughput in the plant, which is anticipated to raise income for Central Rand Gold SA. This in turn will assist in the Company being right-sized and refocused. Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 2016 was US$0.4 million.

There remains a material uncertainty in respect of the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. For further consideration, please refer to the basis of preparation set out in note 2 of the financial statements.

Looking forward

The focus over the next six months is to:

   --    finalise the US$4 million investment from an existing shareholder of the Company; 
   --    continue to toll treat material through the Company's metallurgical plant; 

-- process additional surface material, which the Company has sourced, through a Third Party metallurgical plant;

-- ensure that the Research and Developmental test work is successful for the acquisition of further gold bearing surface material which is proximal to the Company's existing metallurgical plant; and

   --    commence rehabilitation of the Company's mined out open pit areas. 

Various opportunities have been brought to the attention of Central Rand Gold, and project and task teams have been formed to evaluate each one, and make recommendations to the Board for possible Joint Ventures, Mergers and/or Mining opportunities.

As previously announced, the Company has been pursuing discussions with a number of sources over the availability of both debt and equity funding to provide working capital and funding for growth initiatives at the Company.

The Company is presently pursing a transaction with one existing shareholder of the Company for an investment of US$4,000,000 (the "Strategic Investment"). The Strategic Investment currently envisages the investment into the Company's wholly owned immediate subsidiary Central Rand Gold (Netherlands Antilles) N.V. ("CRG NV"). The final terms and structure of the Strategic Investment which remain subject to amendment, will be announced to shareholders as soon as finalised, however the Company expects that the Strategic Investment will result in the Company retaining a majority shareholding (in excess of 50 per cent. of the issued shares) and the full management control of CRG NV and that the Group will continue to fully consolidate the Company's subsidiaries and operations. As part of the Strategic Investment, the Company is engaged in discussions with Redstone Capital Limited to extend the expiry date of the US$7.25m Senior Secured Convertible Loan Notes.

The future period will also see board renewal at Central Rand Gold Limited. The Company's Board will be re-compositioned over the coming weeks due to external changes in the professional working arrangements of myself and Mark Austin. The Board has identified and invited two individuals to join the Board as Non-Executive Directors as soon as the necessary on-boarding paperwork has been completed. The two individuals have strong mining backgrounds as well as financial experience.

Nathan Taylor

Non-executive Chairman

Mark Austin, Non-Executive Director of the Company with over thirty five years' experience in the exploration and mining industry, has read and approved the geological disclosure in this regulatory announcement. Mr Austin holds a B.Sc. Hons. in Geology, is a registered Natural Scientist ('SACNASP') and a Fellow of the Geological Society of South Africa and is currently serving on the Steering Committees of the South African Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources And Mineral Reserves ('SAMREC') and the South African Code for the Reporting of Mineral Asset Valuation ('SAMVAL').

The information communicated in this document is inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014 ("MAR").

Condensed Group Statement of Financial Position 
as at 30 June 2016 
                                                                30 June  31 December      30 June 
                                                                   2016         2015         2015 
                                                    Notes      US$ '000     US$ '000     US$ '000 
                                                            (Unaudited)    (Audited)  (Unaudited) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                         5           2,194        2,271        3,172 
Intangible assets                                                 2,219        2,114        2,669 
Security deposits and 
 guarantees                                                          49           46           59 
Environmental guarantee 
 investment                                                       2,712        2,584        3,119 
Loans receivable                                      6           8,071        7,236        8,619 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                 15,245       14,251       17,638 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Current assets 
Security deposits and 
 guarantees                                                          26           26           32 
Prepayments and other 
 receivables                                                        508          480          712 
Inventories                                           7              79          120          112 
Cash and cash equivalents                                           435          556        1,177 
Derivative asset                                                      -            -          720 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                  1,048        1,182        2,753 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total assets                                                     16,293       15,433       20,391 
                                                           ============  ===========  =========== 
Attributable to equity 
 holders of the parent 
Share capital                                         8          27,283       26,617       26,617 
Share premium                                         8         225,255      224,037      224,048 
Share-based compensation 
 reserve                                                         28,238       28,238       28,187 
Treasury shares                                                     (6)          (6)          (6) 
Foreign currency translation 
 reserve                                                       (29,097)     (28,993)     (29,433) 
Accumulated losses                                            (262,484)    (260,117)    (262,743) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                               (10,811)     (10,224)     (13,330) 
Non-controlling interest                                              -            -            - 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total equity                                                   (10,811)     (10,224)     (13,330) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Environmental rehabilitation                                      3,858        3,676        4,622 
Loan payable                                          9           8,071        7,236       14,392 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                 11,929       10,912       19,014 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                          6,981        6,999        6,078 
Royalties taxation payable                                          147          140          181 
Loan payable                                          9           7,400        6,959            - 
Derivative liability                                                647          647        8,448 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                 15,175       14,745       14,707 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total liabilities                                                27,104       25,657       33,721 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total equity and liabilities                                     16,293       15,433       20,391 
                                                           ============  ===========  =========== 
Condensed Group Statement of Profit or Loss 
for the six months ended 30 June 2016 
                                                             Six months    12 months   Six months 
                                                                  ended        ended        ended 
                                                                30 June  31 December      30 June 
                                                                   2016         2015         2015 
                                                    Notes      US$ '000     US$ '000     US$ '000 
                                                            (Unaudited)    (Audited)  (Unaudited) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Revenue                                              10           1,765        8,093        4,352 
Production costs                                     11         (1,553)      (6,079)      (2,776) 
Employee benefits expense                                         (907)      (2,252)      (1,293) 
Directors' emoluments                                12           (124)        (468)        (103) 
Operating lease expense                                           (285)        (872)        (250) 
Operational expenses                                 13           (138)        (505)        (174) 
Other expenses                                       14           (665)      (1,098)        (560) 
Other income and gains                               15               5          305          107 
Foreign exchange transaction 
 gains/(losses)                                                      16         (75)         (16) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Loss before interest, 
 tax and depreciation                                           (1,886)      (2,951)        (713) 
Depreciation                                                      (192)        (425)        (229) 
Impairment of assets                                                  -        (346)            - 
Fair value movement in 
 embedded derivative                                                  -        7,081            - 
Finance and investment 
 income                                                             463        1,149          546 
Finance costs                                                     (752)      (3,066)        (788) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
(Loss)/profit before 
 income tax                                                     (2,367)        1,442      (1,184) 
Income tax expense                                   16               -            -            - 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
(Loss)/profit for the 
 period                                                         (2,367)        1,442      (1,184) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
(Loss)/profit for the 
 period is attributable 
Non-controlling interest                                              -            -            - 
Equity holders of the 
 parent                                                         (2,367)        1,442      (1,184) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                (2,367)        1,442      (1,184) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Shares in issue                                             141,400,341   95,195,808   95,195,808 
Weighted average number 
 of ordinary shares in 
 issue                                                      109,517,964   91,501,233   95,195,808 
Fully diluted weighted 
 average number of ordinary 
 shares in issue                                            110,121,964  258,689,069   95,195,808 
Basic (loss)/earnings 
 per share (US cents per 
 share)                                              18          (2.16)         1.58       (1.24) 
Diluted loss per share 
 (US cents per share)                                18          (2.15)       (2.23)       (1.24) 
Condensed Group Statement of Comprehensive Income 
for the six months ended 30 June 2016 
                                                             Six months    12 months   Six months 
                                                                  ended        ended        ended 
                                                                30 June  31 December      30 June 
                                                                   2016         2015         2015 
                                                               US$ '000     US$ '000     US$ '000 
                                                            (Unaudited)    (Audited)  (Unaudited) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
(Loss)/profit for the 
 period                                                         (2,367)        1,442      (1,184) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Other comprehensive (loss)/income: 
Item that may be reclassified 
 subsequently to profit 
 and loss 
Exchange differences 
 on translating foreign 
 operations                                                       (104)          541          101 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Other comprehensive (loss)/income 
 for the period, net of 
 tax                                                              (104)          541          101 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
 for the period                                                 (2,471)        1,983      (1,083) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income 
 is attributable to: 
Non-controlling interest                                              -            -            - 
Equity holders of the 
 parent                                                         (2,471)        1,983      (1,083) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
                                                                (2,471)        1,983      (1,083) 
                                                           ------------  -----------  ----------- 
Condensed Group Statement of Changes in Equity 
for the six months ended 30 June 2016 
                                         Attributable to equity holders of the Group 
                       Ordinary             Share-based               currency 
                          share     Share  compensation  Treasury  translation  Accumulated             Non-controlling      Total 
                Notes   capital   premium       reserve    shares      reserve       losses      Total         interest     equity 
                            US$       US$                     US$          US$                     US$                         US$ 
                           '000      '000      US$ '000      '000         '000     US$ '000       '000         US$ '000       '000 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  --------- 
Balance at 31 
 December 2014           26,490   222,963        28,238       (6)     (29,534)    (261,559)   (13,408)                -   (13,408) 
income for the 
period ended 
June 2015 
Loss for the 
 period                       -         -             -         -            -      (1,184)    (1,184)                -    (1,184) 
 adjustments                  -         -             -         -          101            -        101                -        101 
directly in 
Issue of 
 raising          8         127     1,085             -         -            -            -      1,212                -      1,212 
Employees' and 
 payments        20           -         -          (51)         -            -            -       (51)                -       (51) 
                       --------  --------  ------------  --------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  --------- 
Balance at 30 
 June 2015               26,617   224,048        28,187       (6)     (29,433)    (262,743)   (13,330)                -   (13,330) 
                       --------  --------  ------------  --------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  --------- 
                                         Attributable to equity holders of the Group 
                       Ordinary             Share-based               currency 
                          share     Share  compensation  Treasury  translation  Accumulated             Non-controlling      Total 
                Notes   capital   premium       reserve    shares      reserve       losses      Total         interest     equity 
                            US$       US$                     US$          US$                     US$                         US$ 
                           '000      '000      US$ '000      '000         '000     US$ '000       '000         US$ '000       '000 
--------------  -----  --------  --------  ------------  --------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  --------- 
Balance at 31 
 December 2015           26,617   224,037        28,238       (6)     (28,993)    (260,117)   (10,224)                -   (10,224) 
income for the 
period ended 
June 2016 
Loss for the 
 period                       -         -             -         -            -      (2,367)    (2,367)                -    (2,367) 
 adjustments                  -         -             -         -        (104)            -      (104)                -      (104) 
directly in 
Issue of 
 raising          8         666     1,218             -         -            -            -      1,884                -      1,884 
                       --------  --------  ------------  --------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  --------- 
Balance at 30 
 June 2016               27,283   225,255        28,238       (6)     (29,097)    (262,484)   (10,811)                -   (10,811) 
                       --------  --------  ------------  --------  -----------  -----------  ---------  ---------------  --------- 
Condensed Group Statement of Cash Flow 
for the six months ended 30 June 2016 
                                  Six months  12 months   Six months 
                                       ended      ended        ended 
                                     30 June   December      30 June 
                                        2016       2015         2015 
                                    US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000 
                                 (Unaudited)  (Audited)  (Unaudited) 
------------------------  -----  -----------  ---------  ----------- 
ACTIVITIES                Notes 
(Loss)/profit before 
 tax                                 (2,367)      1,442      (1,184) 
Adjusted for : 
Depreciation                             192        425          229 
Employment benefit 
 (share-based payments)                    -          -         (51) 
Profit on disposal and 
 scrapping of property, 
 plant and equipment                       -      (146)          (9) 
Impairment of assets                       -        346            - 
Net (gain)/loss on 
 exchange                               (16)         75           16 
Finance income                         (463)    (1,149)        (546) 
Finance costs                            752      3,066          788 
Fair value movement in 
 embedded derivative                       -    (7,081)            - 
Changes in working 
(Increase)/decrease in 
 prepayments and other 
 receivables                            (28)        689          527 
Decrease/(increase) in 
 inventory                                41       (44)         (36) 
(Decrease)/increase in 
 trade and other 
 payables                               (18)        173        (833) 
Decrease in provisions                     -          -        (282) 
                                 -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Cash flows used in 
 operations                          (1,907)    (2,204)      (1,381) 
Finance income                             4        203           66 
Finance costs                          (289)        580            - 
                                 -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Net cash used in 
 activities                          (2,192)    (1,421)      (1,315) 
                                 -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Purchases of property, 
 plant and equipment        5              -       (92)          (5) 
Proceeds from disposal 
 of property, plant and 
 equipment                                 -        180            - 
Increase in 
 guarantee deposit                         -         65         (17) 
                                 -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Net cash from/(used in) 
 investing activities                      -        153         (22) 
                                 -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Proceeds from issue of 
 shares for cash                       2,062      1,261        1,260 
Cost relating to the 
 issue of shares                       (178)       (60)         (48) 
Net proceeds from issue 
 of convertible notes                    441          -            - 
                                 -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Net cash from financing 
 activities                            2,325      1,201        1,212 
                                 -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Net increase/(decrease) 
 in cash and cash 
 equivalents                             133       (67)        (125) 
Cash and cash 
 at 1 January                            556        914          914 
Effects of exchange rate 
 fluctuations on cash 
 balances                              (254)      (291)          388 
                                 -----------  ---------  ----------- 
Cash and cash 
 at end of period                        435        556        1,177 
                                 ===========  =========  =========== 
Notes to the Condensed Interim Group Financial Statements 
for the six months ended 30 June 2016 
1. Basis of preparation 
This condensed set of financial statements has been 
 prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial 
 Reporting as adopted by the EU. The annual Financial 
 Statements of the Group are prepared in accordance 
 with International Financial Reporting Standards and 
 Interpretations (collectively "IFRS") issued by the 
 International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB") 
 as adopted by the European Union ("EU"). The condensed 
 interim Group financial statements have been prepared 
 applying the accounting policies and presentation 
 that were applied in the preparation of the Company's 
 published consolidated financial statements for the 
 year ended 31 December 2015 except for the changes 
 described in note 2. 
The consolidated financial statements are presented 
 in United States Dollars ("US$" or "US Dollar") and 
 rounded to the nearest thousand. The functional currency 
 of the parent company, Central Rand Gold Limited, 
 is the US Dollar. The functional currency of its principal 
 subsidiary, Central Rand Gold SA is the South African 
 Rand ("ZAR" or "Rand"). 
The interim financial information for the six months 
 to 30 June 2016 and 30 June 2015 is unaudited and 
 does not constitute statutory financial information. 
 The comparatives for the full year ended 31 December 
 2015 are not the Group's full statutory accounts for 
 that year. It does not include all disclosures that 
 would otherwise be required in a complete set of financial 
 statements and should be read in conjunction with 
 the 2015 Annual Report. The auditor's report on those 
 accounts was (i) unqualified, (ii) included an emphasis 
 of matter in respect of going concern and (iii) did 
 not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) 
 of the Companies Act 2006. 
Going concern 
The Board has prepared the condensed interim Group 
 financial statements on the going concern basis notwithstanding 
 net current liabilities at 30 June 2016 of US$14.1 
 million, having considered the current operations, 
 the current funding position and the projected funding 
 requirements for the business for at least 12 months 
 from the date of approval of the financial statements 
 as detailed below. Since the 2015 year end, the Group 
 ceased open pit mining operations and will instead 
 temporarily focus on toll treatment operations under 
 a binding tolling agreement with a third party which 
 is expected to be cash flow generative to Central 
 Rand Gold SA. The Group has also raised a further 
 US$1.9 million from share placements that took place 
 during the period under review. Furthermore, the Company 
 have identified opportunities to raise additional 
 funding from a number of parties and expect to enter 
 into binding documentation shortly. 
Central Rand Gold entered into an agreement with Redstone 
 Capital Limited to extend both the maturity of the 
 Loan Notes and the expiry date of the Warrants to 
 31 October 2016 which will enable the Company to continue 
 to progress the capital raising work stream. All other 
 terms of the Loan Notes and Warrants remained the 
The Board has prepared cash flow projections until 
 30 September 2017 that reflect the current toll treating 
 plan adopted by the Directors. This updated plan is 
 based on a contract concluded with Nikkel Mining, 
 and is valid for a period of one year, with an option 
 to extend the contract and terms beyond that period. 
 The tolling plan incorporates the upgrade to Mill 
 number 1, and is based on an average capacity of 19,000 
 tonnes per month, as from October 2016. The Company 
 is presently pursing a transaction with one existing 
 shareholder of the Company for an investment of US$4,000,000 
 (the "Strategic Investment") into the Company's wholly 
 owned immediate subsidiary Central Rand Gold (Netherlands 
 Antilles) N.V. ("CRG NV"). The final terms and structure 
 of the Strategic Investment have not been finalised 
 yet. There are current fund-raising initiatives within 
 the Group, and the Board will direct the monies to 
 various projects, as well as to the working costs 
 of the Group. Some of the material uncertainties that 
 existed as at 31 December 2015 have been addressed 
 during the period under review, while others still 
 exist. Therefore, there still is doubt on the Group's 
 ability to continue as a going concern. Nevertheless, 
 after taking account the Group's cash flow projections, 
 these projections show that the Group has sufficient 
 funding for at least the next 12 months from the date 
 of approval of these condensed interim Group financial 
 statements and hence the Board has prepared the condensed 
 interim Group financial statements on a going concern 
The Board is optimistic about the future of the Company 
 with agreements for tolling in place, as well as the 
 various initiatives on acquisitions and joint venture 
 projects. The Board believes that this will collectively 
 improve the Company's position in the market. 
2. Accounting policies 
Except as described below, the accounting policies 
 applied by the Group in these condensed interim Group 
 financial statements are the same as those applied 
 by the Group in its consolidated financial statements 
 as at and for the year ended 31 December 2015, as 
 described in those consolidated financial statements. 
The Group has adopted the following standards and 
 amendments to standards, including any consequential 
 amendments to other standards, with a date of initial 
 application of 1 January 2016: 
-- IFRS 5: Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued 
-- IFRS 7: Financial Instruments: Disclosures 
-- IFRS 10: Consolidated Financial Statements 
-- IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements 
-- IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment 
-- IAS 19: Employee Benefits 
-- IAS 27: Separate Financial Statements 
-- IAS 34: Interim Financial Reporting 
-- IAS 38: Intangible Assets 
The adoption of these Standards is not expected to 
 have a significant impact upon the Group's net results, 
 net assets or disclosures. 
Taxes on income in the interim periods are accrued 
 using the tax rate that would be applicable to expected 
 total annual earnings. 
3. Estimates and judgements 
The preparation of condensed interim Group financial 
 statements requires management to make judgements, 
 estimates and assumptions that affect the application 
 of accounting policies and the reported amounts of 
 assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual 
 results may differ from these estimates. 
In preparing this condensed interim Group financial 
 statements, the significant judgements made by management 
 in applying the Group's accounting policies and the 
 key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same 
 as those that applied to the consolidated annual financial 
 statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 
4. Financial risk management 
The Group's financial risk management objectives and 
 policies are consistent with those disclosed in the 
 consolidated annual financial statements as at and 
 for the year ended 31 December 2015. 
Fair value 
The aggregate net fair values of all current financial 
 assets and financial liabilities, as well as non-current 
 receivables, instalment sales and finance leases approximate 
 the carrying amounts at the financial reporting date. 
Foreign currency rates 
The US Dollar rates of exchange applicable to the 
 period are as follows: 
                                2016            2015        2015 
                             Six months         Year     Six months 
                                  to            ended         to 
                               30 June        December     30 June 
                               Closing         Closing     Closing 
                               Average         Average     Average 
South African Rand             0.07 0.07         0.08      0.08 0.08 
Pound Sterling                 1.34 1.43         1.53      1.57 1.52 
Australian Dollar              0.74 0.74         0.75      0.77 0.78 
5. Property, plant and equipment 
During the six months ended 30 June 2016, the Group 
 did not purchase any items of property, plant and 
 equipment (2015: US$5,280). 
6. Loans receivable 
Puno Gold Investments Proprietary Limited ("Puno") 
Since the last report for the year ended 31 December 
 2015 there has been no resolution to the dispute relating 
 to alleged procedural breaches of the Central Rand 
 Gold SA Shareholders' Agreement between Central Rand 
 Gold SA and its current Black Economic Empowerment 
 ("BEE") shareholder, Puno. The dispute surrounds the 
 allocation of intercompany loans which fund the budget 
 and work programme and the incurring of, and level 
 of, certain costs. 
On 1 April 2016 judgment was handed down in the appeal 
 and Central Rand Gold SA was successful in so far 
 as the preliminary points were concerned. Costs in 
 the appeal, including wasted costs pertaining to the 
 preliminary points have been granted against Puno 
 which are currently in the process of being 'taxed' 
 legally before the taxing masters of the relevant 
 courts and will be recovered from Puno. The remainder 
 of the arguments pertaining to the merits of the matter 
 need to be addressed by the court of first instance. 
 Central Rand Gold SA took the necessary steps for 
 the matter to be referred back to the Judge in order 
 to give judgment on the remainder of the issues. 
On 29 April 2016, Puno served on Central Rand Gold 
 SA an application on the basis of sections 344(f) 
 and 345 of the Companies Act 2008, (Act 71 of 2008), 
 as amended, for an order to wind up (liquidation) 
 Central Rand Gold SA. Upon advice from Central Rand 
 Gold SA's legal advisors, Central Rand Gold SA is 
 opposing the application and lodged answering affidavits. 
 The time period for Puno to file their replying affidavit 
 lapsed on 22 June 2016. Puno's opportunity to file 
 further affidavits has now lapsed and Central Rand 
 Gold SA awaits Puno's confirmation whether they intend 
 to persist in their application. The Company is of 
 the opinion that, as a subsidiary of a listed Company, 
 it has sufficient support from the Holding Company 
 to successfully trade out of the loss making situation. 
The Group still believes that ultimately their position 
 will prevail. The Board is still of the opinion that 
 this will not have any material consequences in respect 
 of the consolidated accounts of the Group. 
The loan payable to Puno contains the same allocations 
 referred to above. 
7. Inventories 
                                        June   December         June 
                                        2016       2015         2015 
                                    US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000 
Consumables                               42         29           39 
Ore stockpiles                            37         91           73 
                          ------------------  ---------  ----------- 
Total inventories                         79        120          112 
                          ==================  =========  =========== 
8. Share capital and share premium 
The Company issued the following shares during the 
 period under review: 
  *    A first share placement on 9 February 2016 of 
       14,279,371 new ordinary shares at 3.5 pence, which 
       raised US$0.72 million (GBP0.50 million). 
  *    A second share placement on 9 March 2016 of 
       20,719,644 new ordinary shares at 3.5 pence, which 
       raised US$1.05 million (GBP0.73 million). 
  *    A subscription of 4,620,005 new ordinary shares on 7 
       June 2016 at an issue price of 3 pence each, which 
       raised US$0.20 million (GBP0.14 million). 
  *    6,585,513 new ordinary shares were issued to Bergen 
       Global Opportunity Fund, LP on 7 June 2016 at par 
       value, which raised US$0.09 (GBP0.07 million). 
                                                     9. Loan payable 
                                          Net proceeds (USD million) 
                                        June   December         June 
                                        2016       2015         2015 
                                    US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000 
Non-current                            8,071      7,236       14,392 
Current                                7,400      6,959            - 
                          ------------------  ---------  ----------- 
                                      15,471     14,195       14,392 
                          ==================  =========  =========== 
Loan payable consists of 
 the following: 
                                        June   December         June 
                                        2016       2015         2015 
                                    US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000 
Puno Gold Investments 
 Limited                               8,071      7,236        8,620 
Redstone Capital Limited               6,959      6,959        5,772 
Bergen Global 
 Fund, LP                                441          -            - 
                                      15,471     14,195       14,392 
                          ==================  =========  =========== 
10. Revenue 
                                        June   December         June 
                                        2016       2015         2015 
                                    US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000 
Gold sales                             1,764      8,056        4,314 
Other by-product sales                     1         37           38 
                          ------------------  ---------  ----------- 
                                       1,765      8,093        4,352 
                          ==================  =========  =========== 
The revenue relates to the sale of gold derived from 
 mining activities that take place in South Africa 
 and the sale of other by-products. 1,417 (30 June 
 2015: 4,316) ounces of gold was sold. 
11. Production costs 
                                        June   December         June 
                                        2016       2015         2015 
                                    US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000 
Production costs 
the following items: 
- Consumables                            347      1,864          791 
- Utilities                              452      1,153          404 
- Plant hire                             534      2,276          957 
- Labour hire                            131        467          199 
- Toll treatment                          89        649          425 
- Environmental 
 provision                                 -      (330)            - 
                          ------------------  ---------  ----------- 
                                       1,553      6,079        2,776 
                          ==================  =========  =========== 
12. Changes to the Board 
During the period under review, Mr A Phillips resigned 
 as a Director of the Group on 6 June 2016. 
13. Operational expenses 
                                        June   December         June 
                                        2016       2015         2015 
                                    US$ '000   US$ '000     US$ '000 
Operational expenditure comprises the following items: 
- Assaying costs                          41        196           98 
- Consulting services                     93        293           58 
- Environmental costs                      4          7            3 
- Mineral property 
 paid                                      -          9           15 
                          ------------------  ---------  ----------- 
                                         138        505          174 
                          ==================  =========  =========== 
14. Other expenses 
                                      June    December       June 
                                      2016        2015       2015 
                                  US$ '000    US$ '000   US$ '000 
Auditor's remuneration                 113         146          - 
Accounting fees                        126           -          - 
Corporate social investment             13           1          - 
Legal costs                             64         169         40 
Travel and accommodation                12          40         26 
Telecommunications                      42         109        174 
Other expenses                         295         633        320 
                                ----------  ----------  --------- 
                                       665       1,098        560 
                                ==========  ==========  ========= 
15. Other income and gains 
                                      June    December       June 
                                      2016        2015       2015 
                                  US$ '000    US$ '000   US$ '000 
Sundry income                            5         305        107 
                                ==========  ==========  ========= 
16. Income tax expense 
Income tax expense is recognised based on management's 
 best estimate of the weighted average annual income 
 tax rate expected for the full financial year. The 
 estimated average annual tax rate used for the year 
 to 30 June 2016 is 0% (2015: 0%) due to assessable 
 losses available to Central Rand Gold SA and the Guernsey 
 resident status of Central Rand Gold resulting in 
 0% effective rates. 
17. Commitments 
There are no commitments outstanding at 30 June 2016. 
18. Loss/earnings per share 
                                      June    December       June 
                                      2016        2015       2015 
Headline (loss)/earnings 
 per share (US cents per 
 share)                             (2.16)        1.42     (1.24) 
Diluted headline loss per 
 share (US cents per share)         (2.15)      (2.29)     (1.24) 
Reconciliation between loss 
attributable to the equity 
holders of the Group and 
the headline loss attributable 
to the equity holders of 
the Group: 
(Loss)/profit attributable 
 to equity holders of the 
 Group (US$'000)                   (2,367)       1,442    (1,184) 
Less: Profit on disposal 
 of property, plant and 
 (US$'000)                               -       (146)        (9) 
                                ----------  ----------  --------- 
(Loss)/profit used in 
 headline (loss)/earnings 
 per share (US$'000)               (2,367)       1,296    (1,193) 
                                ==========  ==========  ========= 
19. Segment reporting 
An operating segment is a component of an entity that 
 engages in business activities from which it may earn 
 revenues and incur expenses, whose operating results 
 are regularly reviewed by the entity's chief operating 
 decision maker to make decisions about resources to 
 be allocated to the segment and assess its performance, 
 and for which discrete financial information is available. 
 The entity's chief operating decision maker reviews 
 information in one operating segment, being the acquisition 
 of mineral rights and data gathering in the Central 
 Rand Goldfield of South Africa, therefore management 
 has determined that there is only one reportable segment. 
 Accordingly, no analysis of segment revenue, results 
 or net assets has been presented. No corporate or 
 other assets are excluded from this segment. 
20. Share-based payments 
No additional shares and share options in the Company 
 were granted during the six months ended 30 June 2016. 
21. Related parties 
No disclosable related party transactions occurred 
 during the period. 
22. Contingent liability 
During the previous financial year, the following 
 contingent liability existed and still exists as at 
 30 June 2016: 
Thin capitalisation 
The tax legislation with regards to thin capitalisation 
 changed with effect from 1 April 2012 and is applicable 
 in respect of years of assessment commencing on or 
 after that date. The safe harbour ratio of 3:1 included 
 in the previous legislation was replaced with the 
 concept of "arm's length." In instances where the 
 loans are considered not to be on an arm's length 
 basis all or part of the interest charged could be 
 disallowed as a deduction. Any interest not allowed 
 as a deduction will be treated as an adjustment in 
 terms of Section 31 of the Income Tax Act. In terms 
 of Section 31(3) of the Income Tax Act, any adjusted 
 amount for transfer pricing and thin capitalisation 
 purposes, prior to 1 January 2015, constituted a deemed 
 loan. As per the amended law, should this amount, 
 plus interest deemed to have accrued on it, not have 
 been repaid to the taxpayer by the relevant non-resident 
 connected person by 31 December 2014, the outstanding 
 "deemed loan" must "be deemed to be a dividend consisting 
 of a distribution of an asset in specie, that was 
 declared and paid by that resident to that other person 
 on 1 January 2015". Such deemed dividend will be subject 
 to Dividends Withholding Tax ("DWT"), at a rate of 
In prior years, management obtained legal opinion 
 based on which they concluded that there is no deemed 
 loan. In further assessing the impact of the amendments 
 on its intercompany loans, management concluded that 
 due to the lack in industry guidance pertaining to 
 the application of the "arm's length" concept, management 
 will be unable to confirm their conclusion without 
 finalising a full Transfer Pricing benchmarking study 
 applying OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation 
 and Development) principles. 
23. Events occurring after reporting date 
The Company has subsequent to 30 June 2016: 
  *    Completed and executed the definitive documents which 
       govern the Joint Venture Tolling Agreement ("Tolling 
       Venture") with the third party supplier of gold 
       bearing ore ("Ore Supplier"). The Company has 
       received multiple deliveries of gold bearing ore from 
       the Ore Supplier and has commenced processing the 
       gold bearing ore. 
  *    Continued to advance due diligence and negotiations 
       with additional third parties regarding a variety of 
       joint venture alternatives. 
  *    Completed the refurbishment of Mill 1. 
  *    Had discussions with the owner of a tailings deposit 
       located in close proximity to the Company's 
       metallurgical plant (the "Target Tailings Deposit"). 
       The Target Tailings Deposit is considered to host 
       several million tonnes of gold bearing material. The 
       Company conducted test work on the Target Tailings 
       Deposit material, the results of which are not yet 
       available and the commercial terms of the agreement 
       relating to the Target Tailings Deposit have not been 
       finalised yet. The Company is contemplating a 
       transaction structure that will allow both the 
       Tolling JV and the Target Tailings Deposit to operate 
       concurrently however the Board highlights that no 
       assurances can be given with respect to the Target 
       Tailings Deposit at this stage. 
The Company has subsequent to 30 June 2016: 
  *    Issued a total of 12,959,882 new ordinary shares 
       ("Conversion Shares") in respect of a total of 
       US$213,000 of convertible security pursuant to the 
       convertible securities issuance deed entered into 
       with Bergen Global Opportunity Fund, LP ("Bergen") on 
       7 June 2016. 
  *    Issued a total of 20,642,637 ordinary shares in 
       respect of a partial exercise of the convertible 
       securities previously entered into with Bergen. 
  *    Entered into an agreement with Redstone Capital to 
       extend both the maturity of the Loan Notes and the 
       expiry date of the Warrants to 31 October 2016 which 
       will enable the Company to continue to progress the 
       capital raising work stream. All other terms of the 
       Loan Notes and Warrants remained the same. 
  *    Pursued a transaction with one existing shareholder 
       of the Company for an investment of up to 
       US$4,000,000 (the "Strategic Investment"). The 
       Strategic Investment envisages the investment into 
       the Company's wholly owned immediate subsidiary 
       Central Rand Gold (Netherlands Antilles) N.V. ("CRG 
       NV"). The final terms and structure of the Strategic 
       Investment are still to be finalised. 
Intended Board changes 
It is intended that Nathan Taylor and Mark Austin 
 will resign from the Board in the short term. The 
 Board has identified and invited two individuals to 
 join the Board as Non-executive Directors as soon 
 as the necessary on-boarding paperwork has been completed. 

Company profile

Our business

Central Rand Gold Limited ("Central Rand Gold" or "the Company") is engaged in a gold mining and exploration project that aims to bring profitable and sustainable gold mining back to the City of Johannesburg, bringing many benefits to the City, the communities surrounding its mining operations, its staff, its shareholders and other stakeholders. The Company plans to extract all profitable gold from its resource base using appropriate mining, processing and environmentally friendly technologies. Once the mineralised areas are worked out, stabilised and rehabilitated, the land will become available for urban development.

Due to the flooding of the Central Basin, the Company suspended underground operations in October 2014 until the Central Basin water table reduces sufficiently to enable underground mining to recommence. The Company has subsequently focused on mining surface and open pit operations. However, due to the grade variability from the surface operations, the Company ceased open pit mining operations in May 2016 and its short term focus will be on the rehabilitation of opened up areas, as well as processing material under the Tolling Agreement (the "Tolling Agreement"), which commenced in July 2016, in order to maintain operations.

According to the Tolling Agreement, a third party supplier of ore will source and deliver gold-bearing material to Central Rand Gold's metallurgical plant for processing by Central Rand Gold. Under the Tolling Agreement, Central Rand Gold will receive a graduated fee for processing the material in accordance with the number of tonnes processed through the metallurgical plant.


Central Rand Gold is the holding company for a group of companies ("Group"). Central Rand Gold listed on the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and the Main Boards of both the London Stock Exchange ("LSE") and the JSE Limited ("JSE") in November 2007, after consolidating contiguous exploration permits covering approximately 138 square kilometres in the most prolific gold-producing area of the world - the Central Rand Goldfields on the southern outskirts of Johannesburg. On 18 September 2013, Central Rand Gold opted to transfer its listing to the alternative exchanges of AIM in London and to the AltX in Johannesburg.

Mining Rights and Prospecting Rights

Previously, the Group acquired seven New Order Prospecting Rights which constitute from west to east, Western Areas A, B and E, the three Cs (one Prospecting Right for Consolidated Main Reef, Crown Mines and City Deep), Anglo Deep, Village Main and Robinson Deep and the defunct Simmer and Jack Gold Mine. The Prospecting Rights extended over an area from west to east of approximately 40 kilometres and north to south of approximately seven kilometres (the "Central Rand Project"). The Southern Deeps New Order Prospecting Right Application (the "Prospecting Application"), which has been pending a decision since 2007, was refused by the Department of Mineral Resources ("DMR") in 2015. A letter disputing reasons for the refusal has been lodged with the Deputy Director General of Mineral Regulations with no updates as yet. Central Rand Gold South Africa Proprietary Limited ("Central Rand Gold SA") has decided not to pursue the matter. The South Deep Prospecting Right renewal, that was rejected on a technicality issue by the DMR, is still under appeal with

no outcome of the decision as yet.

Currently, there are five of the seven New Order Prospecting Rights that still remain active, namely the Western Areas A, B and E, Village Main and Robinson Deep and Simmer and Jack. The Western Areas A, B and E and Village Main and Robinson Deep Prospecting Rights are currently under renewal for an additional three year period. All Prospecting Rights, except for one, have since been transferred from Rand Quest Syndicate Limited ("RQS") to Central Rand Gold SA via Section 11 applications lodged with the DMR. A Section 11 application for the Simmer and Jack Prospecting Right has been lodged but is still pending approval by the DMR.

The Company received its first New Order Mining Right from the DMR on 17 September 2008. This Mining Right, which was awarded 14 months after the initial application, enables Central Rand Gold to mine gold at its Consolidated Main Reef, Langlaagte, Crown Mines and City Deep tenements. The Company's current mining right renewal has been submitted to the DMR, using the SAMRAD online application system. The renewal is for a period of 20 years. The Company has yet to receive notification in writing from the Regional Manager of Mineral Resources confirming the acceptance of the application.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 28, 2016 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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