RNS Number:4408Q
Chariot (UK) PLC
31 January 2007

Chariot (UK) plc

31 January 2007

Chariot (UK) plc
Unaudited interim results for the 6 months ended 31 October 2006

Chariot (UK) plc ("Chariot" or the "Company") announces its results for the 6
months ended 31 October 2006.


  * Chariot launched "monday - the charities lottery" game on 21 April 2006,
    and completed the first draw on 8 May 2006.

  * Initial sales were disappointing; the Company responded by reorganising
    the business and by reducing operating costs.  The Company completed a
    placing on 6 July 2006 raising #2.65 million (before expenses) at 5p per

  * Sales levels continued to decline month on month following the launch of
    the game, in spite of strategic initiatives undertaken by the Company. These
    strategic initiatives included: the introduction of subscription play;
    improved website functionality; affiliate and on-line marketing initiatives;
    simplification of the game, the introduction of other games; and, the
    introduction of a promotional #1 million weekly draw.

  * While continuing to strive to reduce costs and simplify operations in
    order to reach break even, the Company undertook an exercise to find a
    strategic partner or investor to acquire the Company, to make further
    investment into the Company, or to purchase some or all of the Company's

  * Despite a substantial effort by the Board and its advisers, it was not
    possible to secure a substantive transaction that would either allow its
    operations to continue, or realise significant value for shareholders.  As
    an alternative to cessation of the business, on 19 January 2007 the Company
    sold the intellectual property rights attaching to "monday - the charities
    lottery", as well as Chariot's entire player database, to NetPlay TV plc for
    a total consideration of #140,500, in cash.  NetPlay TV plc will continue to
    operate the game for the foreseeable future, thereby maintaining an
    opportunity for Chariot's charity partners and player base to continue to
    benefit from the game.

  * Chariot, having sold its principal operating assets, will wind down its
    remaining operations, with a view to becoming a listed cash shell.  With
    effect from today Chariot will be treated as an investing company under rule
    15 of the AIM Rules. In accordance with rule 15, the Board has, in line with
    its stated investment strategy, decided to seek a sustainable business to
    acquire and reverse into the Company. Such a business is expected to be in
    the wider leisure or consumer sectors. The Company now has positive net
    assets of approximately #500,000 which will enable it to implement its
    investment strategy.

  * With effect from today, Matthew Waterman (Chief Operating Officer and
    Finance Director) and Suzie Counsell (Non-Executive Director) have resigned
    from the board. Although Matthew Waterman's employment with the Company will
    also terminate with effect from today, he will continue to provide certain
    services to the Company in a consultancy role.  In addition, also with
    effect from today, Philip Evans (Managing Director and Charities Director)
    is stepping down from his executive role, but will continue as a
    non-executive director of the Company, together with Peter Jones and John


Chariot (UK) plc                     Noble & Company Limited

Tel: 07770 504 934                   Tel: 0207 763 2200
Philip Evans

Nick Naylor / Nick Athanas

Chariot (UK) plc

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to present to you Chariot's interim financial information for the
six months ended 31 October 2006.

In the Company's last annual report, published in July 2006, I described the
Company's difficult initial trading experience and the strategy that the Company
was undertaking in order to adapt to the circumstances in which it found itself.
  Unfortunately I have to report that the Company has continued to face severe
challenges, principally with regard to continuing poor levels of sales, which
have declined month on month since the launch of the game.

In the period since launch, the Company's strategy has consisted of two primary
elements:  firstly, an operating strategy to stabilise and increase revenues and
to bring operating costs into line with income, in order to deliver profitable
trading, and secondly, attempts to identify an appropriate partner or investor
to provide the financial resources required to ensure the long term future of
the game.

As regards the Company's operating strategy, in spite of a large number of
initiatives, including: the introduction of subscription play; improved website
functionality; affiliate and on-line marketing initiatives; simplification of
the game, the introduction of other games; and, the introduction of a
promotional #1 million weekly draw, the Company has not been able to increase or
sustain revenues or establish a break even position.

As regards identifying a suitable partner or investor, in spite of extensive
talks with numerous interested parties, the Board has been unable to secure a
transaction that would deliver a continuation of the Company's operations, and /
or realise significant value for shareholders.  In January 2007, the Company was
therefore forced to consider either cessation of the Company's operations or the
sale of some or all of the Company's business or assets in order to avoid an
insolvency procedure.

On 19 January 2007 the Company agreed the sale of the "monday" lottery game and
its other principal operating assets to NetPlay TV plc for cash consideration of
#140,500.  NetPlay TV plc will continue to operate the game for the foreseeable
future, with a view to including game draws in programmes on an established TV
network. The board of Chariot is pleased to have been able to secure a future
for the "monday" lottery and, therefore, maintain opportunities for both the
charity partners and the player base to continue to benefit from the game.
Following the sale, the Company will close its remaining operations, with a view
to becoming a listed cash shell.

With effect from today, Matthew Waterman (Chief Operating Officer and Finance
Director) and Suzie Counsell (Non-Executive Director) have resigned from the
board. Although Matthew Waterman's employment with the Company will also
terminate with effect from today, he will continue to provide certain services
to the Company in a consultancy role.  In addition, also with effect from today,
Philip Evans (Managing Director and Charities Director) is stepping down from
his executive role, but will continue as a non-executive director of the Company
and will replace Matthew Waterman as Company Secretary.  As part of the
winding-down of the Company's operations, both Matthew and Philip have entered
into settlement agreements with the Company in relation to the termination of
their employment, pursuant to which they will receive sums of #66,900 and
#30,700 respectively.

The Company would like to thank Matthew and Suzie for their contributions to the
Company during their time with Chariot and also Philip, for his contribution in
his executive role with the Company.

With effect from today Chariot will be treated under rule 15 of the AIM Rules as
an investing company and will be required to make a suitable investment in
accordance with the investing strategy set out below.  The AIM Rules require
that the Company must complete an acquisition which constitutes a reverse
takeover in accordance with that strategy within 12 months from the date of
today's announcement.

The Directors' key investment strategy is to acquire a company or companies
whose business is in the broader leisure or consumer sectors, although such a
business will not necessarily be a lottery operation. In light of the continuing
internationalisation of AIM, the Company will target companies across a broad
geographical area. The Company now has positive net assets of approximately
#500,000 which will enable it to implement its investment strategy.

The key attributes that the Directors will look for in a prospective investment
or acquisition are:

  * an experienced management team with a strong track record;

  * an ability to generate revenue streams; and

  * strong growth prospects with the ability to generate shareholder value.

The Board of Chariot (being Peter Jones, John Finan and Philip Evans) has
collectively advised or been involved in a number of businesses in the leisure
and consumer sectors and intends to actively use its sector expertise and
knowledge to identify and appraise investment opportunities, carry out due
diligence and negotiate acquisitions.

The Directors are currently reviewing potential investment and acquisition
opportunities within the leisure and consumer sectors but have not, at this
stage, carried out any due diligence nor entered into any firm commitment in
connection with any acquisitions or investments.  The Directors are of the
opinion that the Company will have the funds necessary to carry out such due
diligence as will be required on potential acquisitions although any reverse
takeover will require the Company to raise further funds for the enlarged group.

If an acquisition or investment, which would constitute a reverse takeover, is
not completed by 31 January 2008, dealings in the ordinary shares of the Company
will be suspended.  In these circumstances the Directors would anticipate giving
shareholders the opportunity to consider the future of the Company at a duly
convened extraordinary general meeting.

Peter Jones

Chariot (UK) plc

Profit and loss account for the 6 months ended 31 October 2006

                                                    Note   6 months ended 31   Year ended    30  6 months ended 31
                                                              October 2006    April     2006       October 2005
                                                              (Unaudited)         (Audited)          (Audited)

                                                                      #'000              #'000              #'000

Turnover                                                                908                  -                  -

Cost of sales                                                          (182)                 -                  -

Gross profit                                                            726                  -                  -

Administrative expenses                                              (8,714)            (7,983)              (957)

Operating loss                                       2               (7,988)            (7,983)              (957)

Interest receivable and similar income                                   49                126                  2
Interest payable and similar charges                                      -                 (1)                 -

Loss on ordinary activities before and after taxation                (7,939)            (7,858)              (955)

Loss per share
- Basic and diluted (pence)                         3              (15.23)p          (103.90)p           (25.83)p

All amounts relate to discontinued activities.

There are no recognised gains and losses for the periods other than those shown
in the profit and loss account above.

Chariot (UK) plc

Balance sheet at 31 October 2006

                                                  Note     31 October 2006      30 April 2006   31 October 2005
                                                           (Unaudited)           (Audited)           (Audited)

                                                                    #'000            #'000             #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                     100              223                 -
Tangible assets                                                        10              901                37

                                                                      110            1,124                37

Current assets
Debtors                                                               265            3,402               274
Cash at bank and in hand
                                                                    1,830            2,788             3,455

                                                                    2,095            6,190             3,729

Creditors: amounts falling due within
one year
Creditors                                                            (807)          (1,860)             (909)

Net current assets                                                  1,288            4,330             2,820

Total Assets                                                        1,398            5,454             2,857

Capital and reserves
Share capital                                     5                   710              160                 -
Share premium reserve                             5                10,615            8,583             4,506
Special reserve                                   5                 2,186            2,186                 -
Profit and loss reserve                           5               (12,113)          (5,475)           (1,649)

Shareholders' funds                                                 1,398            5,454             2,857

Chariot (UK) plc
Cash flow statement for the 6 months ended 31 October 2006

                                                 Note   6 months ended 31   Year ended 30     6 months ended 31
                                                           October 2006    April 2006            October 2005
                                                           (Unaudited)         (Audited)           (Audited)

                                                              #'000              #'000               #'000

Net cash outflow from operating activities         6         (3,399)            (9,144)             (1,162)

Returns on investment and servicing of finance     7             49                125                   3
Capital expenditure and financial investment       7           (190)            (1,178)                (39)

Cash outflow before use of liquid resources                  (3,540)           (10,197)             (1,198)
and financing

Management of liquid resources                     7          1,226             (1,788)                   -

Financing                                          7          2,582             12,982                4,315

Increase in cash                                                268                997                3,117

Chariot (UK) plc

Notes forming part of the financial information for the 6 months ended 31
October 2006

1 Interim Financial Information

The unaudited interim financial information for the 6 month period ended 31
October 2006 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The interim financial information has
been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the audited
financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2006, with the addition of:


Turnover represents the commission receivable in relation to the Company's role
as on-line retailer of society lottery tickets.

Basis of preparation

The comparatives in this report for the year ended 30 April 2006 and the 6 month
period ended 31 October 2005 are not the full statutory accounts for those
periods.  Copies of the statutory accounts for the year ended 30 April 2006 have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The Auditors' report on those
accounts was unqualified, but did contain an emphasis of matter concerning the
uncertainty as to the ability of the Company to continue as a going concern.
The auditors' report did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) - (3) of
the Companies Act 1985.

2 Operating loss

The operating loss is stated after:- impairment charges totalling #965,000 to
write down the carrying values of the Company's intangible and tangible fixed
assets to the directors' estimate of their recoverable amounts; and, share-based
payment expenses totalling #1,301,000.

3 Loss per share

                                                                   6 months ended  Year ended     6 months ended
                                                                     31 October    30 April         31 October
                                                                        2006         2006             2005
                                                                    (Unaudited)      (Audited)      (Audited)

                                                                         #'000           #'000          #'000

Loss used for calculation of basic and diluted loss per share           (7,939)         (7,858)          (955)

Weighted average number of shares used in basic
and diluted loss per share calculation                              52,132,728       7,561,473         14,790

Adjustment for bonus issue on 17 November 2005                               -               -      3,682,809

Adjusted weighted average number of shares used in basic
and diluted loss per share calculation                              52,132,728        7,561,473     3,697,599

None of the potential ordinary shares are considered to be dilutive.

Chariot (UK) plc

Notes forming part of the financial information for the 6 months ended 31
October 2006 (continued)

4 Dividends

There were no dividends paid or declared during the period.

5 Share capital and reserves

                                                          Share capital        Share      Special    Profit and
                                                                             premium      reserve  loss reserve

                                                                  #'000        #'000        #'000         #'000

As at 1 May 2005                                                      -           85            -         (694)
Shares issued in October 2005                                         -        4,421            -             -
Loss for the period                                                   -            -            -         (955)

At 31 October 2005 (audited)                                          -        4,506            -       (1,649)

Bonus issue of shares in November 2005                               76         (76)            -             -
Reduction of share capital                                            -      (4,430)        2,186         2,244
Shares issued in February 2006                                       84        9,519            -             -
Costs of share issue                                                  -        (936)            -             -
Share based payment expense                                           -            -            -           833
Loss for the period                                                   -            -            -       (6,903)

At 30 April 2006 (audited)                                          160        8,583        2,186       (5,475)

Shares issued in July 2006                                          550        2,200            -             -
Costs of share issue                                                  -        (168)            -             -
Share based payment expense                                           -            -            -         1,301
Loss for the period                                                   -            -            -       (7,939)

At 31 October 2006 (unaudited)                                      710       10,615        2,186      (12,113)

On 3 July 2006 the Company raised additional shareholders' equity of 53 million
shares at 5p per share by means of a private placing. Funds of #2,650,000 before
costs were received.

In addition, there was a further subscription for 2 million shares in
consideration for the release of the Company's obligations to pay certain fees
for advice received from the Company's nominated adviser in connection with the
private placing.

Chariot (UK) plc

Notes forming part of the financial information for the 6 months ended 31
October 2006 (continued)

6 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow in the cash flow

                                                                6 months ended Year ended 30    6 months ended
                                                                  31 October   April 2006      31 October 2005
                                                                     2006        (Audited)        (Audited)
                                                                     #'000          #'000            #'000

Operating loss                                                      (7,988)        (7,983)            (957)
   Adjustments for:
   Depreciation and impairment of tangible fixed assets              1,074             29                4
   Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                      7              -                -
   Amortisation and impairment of intangible fixed assets              123             27                -
   Share based payment expense                                       1,301            833                -
   Decrease / (increase) in debtors                                  3,137         (3,392)            (264)
   (Decrease) / increase in creditors                               (1,053)         1,342               55

Net cash outflow from operating activities                          (3,399)        (9,144)          (1,162)

7 Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in the cash flow statement

                                                          6 months ended 31   Year ended 30    6 months ended
                                                             October 2006       April 2006     31 October 2005
                                                             (Unaudited)         (Audited)          (Audited)
                                                               #'000              #'000              #'000

   Returns on investment and servicing of finance
   Interest received                                              49                126                  3
   Interest paid                                                   -                 (1)                 -

                                                                  49                125                  3

  Capital expenditure
  Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets                      -               (250)                  -
  Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                     (190)              (928)                (39)

                                                                (190)            (1,178)                (39)

 Management of liquid resources
 Cash placed on short-term deposit                             1,226             (1,788)                  -

Issue of ordinary shares (net of issue costs)                  2,582             13,088                  85
Proceeds from short-term loans                                     -                  -                 126
Repayment of short-term loans                                      -               (106)                (85)

                                                               2,582             12,982                 126

8   Copies of this announcement will be available, free of charge, for a period
of one month, from the Company's nominated adviser, Noble & Company Limited, 120
Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1AR.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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