RNS Number : 1983F


16 May 2017

16 May 2017

DCC Reports a Year of Strong Growth and Development

DCC, the leading international sales, marketing and business support services group, today announced its results for the year ended 31 March 2017.

 Highlights                           2017         2016   % change 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 DCC Energy volumes (litres)      14.649bn     13.021bn     +12.5% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Revenue - continuing(1) 
  (excl. DCC Energy)            GBP3.196bn   GBP2.932bn      +9.0% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Operating profit(2) - 
  continuing1                    GBP345.0m    GBP285.3m     +20.9% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total operating profit2         GBP363.6m    GBP300.5m     +21.0% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Adjusted earnings per 
  share2 - continuing1              286.6p       242.8p     +18.1% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Total adjusted earnings 
  per share2                        303.7p       257.1p     +18.1% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Dividend per share                111.80p       97.22p     +15.0% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Free cash flow 3                GBP415.5m    GBP291.1m     +42.7% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 
 Return on capital employed 
  - continuing1                      20.3%        21.9% 
-----------------------------  -----------  -----------  --------- 

-- All divisions of DCC recorded strong profit growth, with Group operating profit on a continuing basis increasing by 20.9% (12.8% on a constant currency basis) to GBP345.0 million.

-- Adjusted earnings per share on a continuing basis up 18.1% (10.3% on a constant currency basis) to 286.6 pence.

-- Proposed 16.3% increase in the final dividend, which, together with the interim dividend increase of 12.5%, will see the total dividend for the year increase by 15.0%, the 23(rd) consecutive year of dividend growth since DCC listed in 1994.

-- Excellent cash flow performance, with free cash flow conversion of 114% and a return on total capital employed of 20.3%.

-- Very active period of corporate development, with over GBP550 million committed to acquisitions, including the agreed acquisition of Esso's retail network in Norway, the agreed acquisition of Shell's LPG business in Hong Kong & Macau, DCC's first material step beyond Europe, and further acquisition activity across DCC Energy, DCC Healthcare and DCC Technology.

-- The agreed disposal of DCC's environmental division for an enterprise value of GBP219 million brings increased strategic focus to the Group.

   --   The Group expects that the year ending 31 March 2018 will be another year of profit growth and development. 

(1) Excluding DCC Environmental, the agreed disposal of which was announced on 5 April 2017

(2) Excluding net exceptionals and amortisation of intangible assets

(3) After net capital expenditure and before net exceptionals, interest and tax payments

Commenting on the results, Tommy Breen, Chief Executive, said:

"I am very pleased to report that the year ended 31 March 2017 has been a strong year of growth and development for DCC. The results reflect the continued successful execution of our strategy in significantly growing our operating profits, converting those profits into cash and re-deploying capital into our Energy, Healthcare and Technology businesses.

The Group continues to have the ambition, capacity and opportunity for further development. We expect that the coming year will be another year of profit growth and development for DCC."

Presentation of results and dial-in / webcast facility

There will be a presentation of these results to analysts and fund managers at 9.00 am today in the London Stock Exchange. The slides for this presentation can be downloaded from DCC's website, www.dcc.ie.

There will also be audio conference access to, and a live webcast of, the presentation. The access details for the presentation are:

   Ireland:                                1800 992 778 
   UK / International:          +44 (0)203 427 1905 
   Passcode:                            4979141 
   Webcast Link:                    https://edge.media-server.com/m6/p/q6eq9non 

This report, a webcast of the presentation and further information on DCC is available at www.dcc.ie.

For reference, please contact:

 Tommy Breen, Chief Executive                          Tel: +353 1 2799 
 Fergal O'Dwyer, Chief Financial          Email: investorrelations@dcc.ie 
 Kevin Lucey, Head of Capital                                 Web: www.dcc.ie 
   For media enquiries: Powerscourt               Tel: +44 20 7250 
   (Lisa Kavanagh)                                      1446 

Group Results

A summary of the Group's results for the year ended 31 March 2017 is as follows:

                                                                 2017               2016 
                                                                  GBP'm              GBP'm                    % change 
 Revenue - continuing(1)                                                  12,270             10,448             +17.4% 
 Operating profit(2) 
  DCC Energy                                                     254.9              205.2                       +24.3% 
  DCC Healthcare                                                            49.0               45.0              +8.7% 
  DCC Technology                                                            41.1               35.1             +17.1% 
 Operating profit(2) - continuing(1)                             345.0              285.3                       +20.9% 
 Operating profit(2) - discontinued operations                   18.6               15.2                        +22.2% 
 Group operating profit(2)                                                 363.6              300.5             +21.0% 
 Equity accounted investments' profit after tax                  0.7                            0.5 
 Finance costs (net)                                             (32.1)                      (29.0) 
 Profit before net exceptionals, amortisation of intangible 
  assets and tax                                                           332.2              272.0             +22.1% 
 Net exceptional charge after tax and non-controlling 
  interests                                                               (24.8)             (23.7) 
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                        (39.2)             (31.6) 
 Profit before tax                                                         268.2              216.7             +23.7% 
 Taxation                                                                 (47.3)             (36.0) 
 Profit after tax                                                          220.9              180.7             +22.2% 
 Non-controlling interests                                                 (4.7)              (2.7) 
 Attributable profit                                                       216.2              178.0             +21.4% 
 Adjusted earnings per share(2) - continuing(1)                           286.6p             242.8p             +18.1% 
 Total adjusted earnings per share(2)                                     303.7p             257.1p             +18.1% 
 Dividend per share                                              111.80p                     97.22p             +15.0% 
 Operating cash flow                                                       546.9              411.7             +32.8% 
 Free cash flow(3)                                               415.5              291.1                       +42.7% 
 Net debt at 31 March                                                      121.9               54.5 
 Total equity at 31 March                                        1,507.7            1,350.5 
 Return on capital employed - continuing(1)                      20.3%              21.9% 
 (1) Excluding DCC Environmental, the agreed disposal of which was announced on 5 April 2017 
  (2) Excluding net exceptionals and amortisation of intangible assets 
  (3) After net capital expenditure and before net exceptionals, interest and tax payments 

Revenue - continuing operations

Revenue from continuing operations increased by 17.4% (11.5% on a constant currency basis) to GBP12.3 billion.

Overall volumes in DCC Energy increased by 12.5% to 14.6 billion litres, driven by the full year impact of the acquisition of the Esso Retail business in France and by the first time contribution of the acquisitions of Gaz Européen and Dansk Fuels. On a like-for-like basis, volumes were 1.0% ahead of the prior year. DCC Energy's revenue increased by 20.7% (14.0% on a constant currency basis).

Excluding DCC Energy, revenue from continuing operations was up 9.0% (5.0% on a constant currency basis), with revenue in DCC Technology increasing by 10.1% (5.8% on a constant currency basis) and revenue in DCC Healthcare increasing by 3.2% (1.3% on a constant currency basis).

Operating profit - continuing operations

Operating profit from continuing operations increased by 20.9% to GBP345.0 million (12.8% on a constant currency basis); approximately one third of the constant currency operating profit growth was organic. The Group also benefited from the full year impact of the acquisitions completed during the prior year. The average sterling/euro translation rate for the year of 1.1956 was 12.7% weaker than the average of 1.3697 in the prior year.

Operating profit in DCC Energy, the Group's largest division, was 24.3% ahead of the prior year and 13.9% ahead of the prior year on a constant currency basis. DCC Energy benefited from the full year impact of the acquisitions of Butagaz and Esso Retail France in the prior year. Over one third of the constant currency profit growth was organic and was driven by a strong performance from the LPG business, despite the headwind of rising product prices.

Operating profit in DCC Healthcare was 8.7% ahead of the prior year (8.0% on a constant currency basis); approximately two thirds of the constant currency growth was organic. The business benefited from a strong organic performance from DCC Health & Beauty Solutions, although DCC Vital was, as anticipated, impacted somewhat by the weakness of sterling, particularly in pharma products. Medisource, acquired by DCC Vital in January 2017, has traded in line with expectations.

Operating profit in DCC Technology increased by 17.1% (12.5% on a constant currency basis), benefiting from the contributions from acquisitions completed in the current and prior year. Approximately one third of the constant currency operating profit growth was organic and was driven by a good performance from the UK and Irish business. A weaker demand environment impacted trading in the French retail-focused business, although the Swedish and supply chain businesses experienced better trading conditions and achieved good organic growth.

An analysis of the divisional performance in each half of the year, for the Group's continuing operations, is set out below:

                          2016/17                 2015/16                  % change 
                  ----------------------  ----------------------  ------------------------- 
                      H1      H2      FY      H1      H2      FY       H1       H2       FY 
 Operating         GBP'm   GBP'm   GBP'm   GBP'm   GBP'm   GBP'm 
 DCC Energy         76.0   178.9   254.9    52.9   152.3   205.2   +43.8%   +17.5%   +24.3% 
 DCC Healthcare     19.8    29.2    49.0    18.4    26.6    45.0    +7.0%    +9.8%    +8.7% 
 DCC Technology     11.3    29.8    41.1     8.6    26.5    35.1   +31.9%   +12.2%   +17.1% 
 Group             107.1   237.9   345.0    79.9   205.4   285.3   +34.0%   +15.8%   +20.9% 
  EPS* (pence)      82.2   204.4   286.6    62.1   180.7   242.8   +32.2%   +13.1%   +18.1% 
 * Excluding net exceptionals and amortisation of 
  intangible assets 

Operating profit - discontinued operations

The Group's discontinued operations represent the operations of DCC Environmental, the disposal of which was announced on 5 April 2017. The disposal is expected to complete during the first quarter of the Group's financial year ending 31 March 2018.

DCC Environmental achieved very strong organic profit growth, with operating profit increasing to GBP18.6 million, 22.2% ahead of the prior year.

Finance costs (net)

Net finance costs increased to GBP32.1 million (2016: GBP29.0 million) primarily due to the non-cash partial unwind of discounted acquisition related liabilities acquired in the Butagaz transaction. The underlying finance costs of the Group were broadly in line with the prior year as they are principally driven by the level of the Group's gross private placement debt, which remained largely unchanged. Average net debt during the year was GBP301 million compared to GBP185 million during the year ended 31 March 2016, with the increase reflecting the full year impact of the completion of the acquisitions of Butagaz and Esso Retail France during the prior year and the aggregate spend of GBP394 million on acquisitions and net capital expenditure in the current year.

Profit before net exceptional items, amortisation of intangible assets and tax

Profit before net exceptional items, amortisation of intangible assets and tax increased by 22.1% to GBP332.2 million (14.4% on a constant currency basis).

Net exceptional charge and amortisation of intangible assets

The Group incurred a net exceptional charge after tax and non-controlling interests of GBP24.8 million as follows:

 Restructuring costs                                      19.3 
 Acquisition related costs                                10.3 
 Adjustments to contingent acquisition consideration       5.1 
 IAS39 mark-to-market gain                              (10.1) 
 Other                                                     1.6 
 Tax and non-controlling interest                        (1.4) 
 Net exceptional charge                                   24.8 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------- 

The Group has focused on the efficiency of its operating infrastructures and sales platforms, particularly in areas where it has been acquisitive in recent years. The Group incurred an exceptional charge of GBP19.3 million in relation to restructuring of existing and acquired businesses. The majority of the charge relates to restructuring and integration in the Energy division where the Group has been most acquisitive. The charge also includes integration costs related to acquisition activity and costs in respect of the pre-operating period of the new UK national distribution centre in the Technology division.

Acquisition costs, which include professional fees and tax costs (such as stamp duty) incurred in evaluating and completing acquisitions, amounted to GBP10.3 million and reflect the significant level of development activity undertaken by the Group during the year.

Most of the Group's debt has been raised in the US Private Placement market and swapped, using long term interest, currency and cross currency interest rate derivatives, to both fixed and floating rate sterling and euro. The level of ineffectiveness calculated under IAS 39 on the fair value and cash flow hedge relationships relating to fixed rate debt, together with gains or losses arising from marking to market swaps not designated as hedges, offset by foreign exchange translation gains or losses on the related fixed rate debt, is charged or credited as an exceptional item. In the year ended 31 March 2017, this amounted to an exceptional non-cash gain of GBP10.1 million. Following this credit, the cumulative net exceptional charge taken in respect of the Group's outstanding US Private Placement debt and related hedging instruments is GBP5.6 million. This, or any subsequent similar non-cash charges or gains, will net to zero over the remaining term of this debt and the related hedging instruments.

The net increase in the provision for contingent acquisition consideration is due to the stronger than anticipated trading performance of a small number of businesses acquired during the last three years, where earn-out arrangements are in place.

There was a net tax charge of GBP1.7 million and a non-controlling interest credit of GBP3.1 million in relation to the above net exceptional charge.

The charge for the amortisation of acquisition related intangible assets increased to GBP39.2 million from GBP31.6 million, principally reflecting acquisitions completed in the current and prior year.

Profit before tax

Profit before tax increased by 23.7% to GBP268.2 million.


The effective tax rate for the Group increased to 17.5% from 16% in the prior year. The increase is primarily due to the larger proportion of the Group's profits now generated in Continental Europe.

Adjusted earnings per share

Adjusted earnings per share on a continuing basis increased by 18.1% (10.3% on a constant currency basis) to 286.6 pence.

Total adjusted earnings per share also increased by 18.1% (10.8% on a constant currency basis) to 303.7 pence.


The Board is recommending an increase of 16.3% in the final dividend to 74.63 pence per share, which, when added to the interim dividend of 37.17 pence per share, gives a total dividend for the year of 111.80 pence per share. This represents a 15% increase over the total prior year dividend of 97.22 pence per share. The dividend is covered 2.6 times by adjusted earnings per share on a continuing basis (2.5 times in 2016). It is proposed to pay the final dividend on 20 July 2017 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 26 May 2017.

Over its 23 years as a listed company, DCC has an unbroken record of dividend growth at a compound annual rate of 14.7%.

Cash flow

The Group generated excellent operating and free cash flow during the year as set out below:

 Year ended 31 March                                                                 2017           2016 
                                                                                     GBP'm          GBP'm 
 Group operating profit                                                              363.6          300.5 
 Decrease in working capital                                                          84.0           37.6 
 Depreciation and other                                                               99.3           73.6 
 Operating cash flow                                                                 546.9          411.7 
 Capital expenditure (net)                                                         (131.4)        (120.6) 
 Free cash flow                                                                      415.5          291.1 
 Interest and tax paid, net of dividend from equity accounted investments           (91.2)         (63.4) 
 Free cash flow after interest and tax                                               324.3          227.7 
 Acquisitions                                                                      (262.4)        (394.0) 
 Dividends (incl. dividends paid to non-controlling interests)                      (95.3)         (80.9) 
 Exceptional items/disposals (net)                                                  (31.5)         (15.4) 
 Share issues                                                                          2.6          197.7 
 Net outflow                                                                        (62.3)         (64.9) 
 Opening net (debt)/cash                                                            (54.5)           30.0 
 Translation and other                                                               (5.1)         (19.6) 
 Closing net debt                                                                  (121.9)         (54.5) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 

Operating cash flow in 2017 was GBP546.9 million compared to GBP411.7 million in the prior year. Working capital reduced by GBP84.0 million, with the inflow driven by the increase in the oil price during the year and a seasonal reduction in working capital in a number of businesses acquired in the second half of the year. Overall working capital days were negative 3.3 days sales, compared to negative 3.9 days sales in the prior year, reflecting the acquisition during the year of businesses with positive working capital characteristics. DCC Technology selectively uses supply chain financing solutions to sell, on a non-recourse basis, a portion of its receivables relating to certain larger supply chain/sales and marketing activities. The level of supply chain financing at 31 March 2017 increased modestly on the prior year and supply chain financing had a positive impact on Group working capital days of 4.2 days (31 March 2016: 4.9 days).

Net capital expenditure amounted to GBP131.4 million for the year (2016: GBP120.6 million) and was net of disposal proceeds of GBP12.3 million. The increased level of gross capital expenditure reflects the increasing scale of the Group and also an increase in development capital expenditure in the Energy division's Retail business. The net capital expenditure exceeded the depreciation charge in the year by GBP39.4 million.

The Group's free cash flow amounted to GBP415.5 million, an excellent 114% conversion of operating profit into cash.

Return on capital employed

The creation of shareholder value through the delivery of consistent, long-term returns well in excess of its cost of capital is one of DCC's core strategic aims. The increase in the Group's operating profit and strong working capital management resulted in a Group return on capital employed from continuing operations of 20.3%. The return on capital employed by division was as follows:

                        2017    2016 
 DCC Energy            21.6%   24.4% 
 DCC Healthcare        17.5%   17.1% 
 DCC Technology        17.1%   17.8% 
 Group - continuing    20.3%   21.9% 
--------------------  ------  ------ 

As previously reported, in the prior year the overall Group return and that of DCC Energy was flattered somewhat by the acquisitions of Butagaz and Esso Retail France which were completed during the prior year. The pro-forma return for DCC Energy and the Group for the prior year (i.e. including these acquisitions as if they had been in place for the full year ended 31 March 2016) would have been approximately 21% and 20% respectively.

Committed acquisitions, disposal and capital expenditure

Committed acquisition and capital expenditure in the current year amounted to GBP685.3 million as follows:

                            Acquisitions        Capex              Total 
                                   GBP'm        GBP'm              GBP'm 
 DCC Energy                        461.3         79.9              541.2 
 DCC Healthcare                     28.4          8.0               36.4 
 DCC Technology                     64.2         36.9              101.1 
 DCC Environmental                     -          6.6                6.6 
 Total                             553.9        131.4              685.3 
-------------------  -------------------  -----------  ----------------- 

Acquisition activity

Committed acquisition expenditure amounted to GBP553.9 million and included:

DCC Energy

Shell LPG Hong Kong & Macau

On 5 April 2017, DCC announced that DCC Energy had reached agreement with Shell Gas (LPG) Holdings BV to acquire its liquefied petroleum gas ("LPG") business in Hong Kong and Macau ("Shell HK&M") based on an enterprise value of HK$1.165 billion (c. GBP120 million). The business is one of the leading LPG businesses in Hong Kong and is the market leader in Macau. The business is required to be separated from the broader Shell Hong Kong operations and the transaction requires certain regulatory consents and operating licence approvals. The acquisition is expected to complete before the end of DCC's financial year ending 31 March 2018.

Shell HK&M is one of the leading LPG sales and marketing businesses in Hong Kong and Macau, where it has been selling LPG for almost sixty years. The business provides LPG in bulk, cylinder and autogas formats to domestic, commercial and industrial customers. In Hong Kong it is the market leader in supplying piped LPG to the very large apartment complexes common in the territory. Shell HK&M supplies the complexes through its infrastructure of bulk tanks and piping to service the energy needs of over 100,000 households. Shell HK&M is the number three player in the cylinder market and also supplies autogas to Shell's retail network. The business is the market leader in the smaller Macau market. Shell HK&M is headquartered in Kowloon and operates a terminal and filling plant on Tsing Yi Island.

In the year ended 31 December 2016, the business supplied approximately 74,000 tonnes of LPG and under DCC's ownership is expected to deliver an annual operating profit of c. HK$145 million (c. GBP15 million). Following the completion of the acquisition, the business will continue to operate under the Shell brand in both Hong Kong and Macau, based on a long term brand licence agreement.

The acquisition is consistent with DCC Energy's ambition to build a substantial presence in the global LPG market. The acquisition represents a further strengthening of DCC's relationship with Shell and gives DCC a strong market position in Hong Kong and Macau. It is also DCC's first material step in building its business beyond Europe and gives DCC a platform for development in the growing LPG market in Asia.

Esso Retail Norway

On 7 February 2017, DCC Energy announced the acquisition of Esso Retail Norway. The acquisition is another significant step for DCC in building its retail petrol station business in Europe. The national network sells c. 600 million litres of fuel annually and is the third largest in Norway with approximately 20%(3) of retail volumes. It comprises 142 company-operated sites (127 retail service stations and 15 unmanned stations) and has contracts to supply 108 Esso-branded dealer owned stations. The total consideration will be NOK 2.43 billion (c. GBP235 million), plus the value of stock in tank at the date of acquisition, all payable in cash on completion. The acquired business, which is substantially asset backed, is expected to generate a return on invested capital employed of approximately 15% in the first full year of ownership.

The transaction is subject to customary regulatory approvals and closing conditions and is expected to complete in the final calendar quarter of 2017.

(3) Estimate based on Wood MacKenzie market data

Gaz Européen

In January 2017, DCC Energy acquired Gaz Européen Holdings SAS ("Gaz Européen"), a natural gas retail and marketing business which supplies business and public sector customers in France. DCC acquired 97% of the share capital of Gaz Européen on completion, based on an initial enterprise value of EUR110 million (GBP96 million). The remaining shares, which are held by members of Gaz Européen's management team, will be acquired based on Gaz Européen's results for the three years ending 31 March 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Gaz Européen is a specialist retailer of natural gas and focuses on supplying energy management companies, apartment blocks (with collective heating systems), public authorities and the service sector in France. In its financial year ended 31 December 2015, the company supplied c. 5.1 TWh of natural gas (equivalent to approximately 390,000 tonnes of LPG) and currently supplies c. 10,000 sites. The company is headquartered in Paris and employs 31 staff; it has an experienced and ambitious management team with a track record of delivering strong growth. In its financial year ended 31 December 2015, Gaz Européen generated revenue of EUR205 million (GBP178 million) and normalised operating profit of EUR15.7 million (GBP13.7 million).

DCC Energy has, for some time, been developing its presence in natural gas organically in selected geographies as it believes that there is a significant opportunity to leverage its sales and marketing expertise, customer reach and brand recognition in the LPG and oil distribution markets into complementary adjacencies, including the natural gas sector. Gaz Européen is DCC Energy's first major acquisition in natural gas and complements Butagaz's leading position in LPG in France. One of the key strengths identified during the acquisition of Butagaz was its brand recognition amongst French gas consumers generally. The combination of Butagaz's marketing and brand strength and Gaz Européen's expertise in the natural gas market will provide an excellent platform for growth in the French natural gas market.

DCC Healthcare


In January 2017, DCC Healthcare strengthened its position in the procurement, sales and marketing of pharmaceutical products in Ireland when it completed the acquisition of Medisource Ireland Limited ("Medisource") for an initial enterprise valuation of EUR31.5 million (GBP27.4 million).

Medisource is a specialist in the procurement and sale of exempt medicinal products ("EMPs"). EMPs are pharmaceutical products which are imported into a market with the authorisation of the relevant regulatory authority (the Health Products Regulatory Authority in Ireland) in order to meet requirements of specific patients where no suitable licenced product is available in that market. The products are typically licenced in another jurisdiction. Medisource has a market leadership position in EMPs in Ireland based on excellent customer service and a strong network of international suppliers. The acquisition complements DCC Vital's current pharma product offering in Ireland, strengthens DCC Vital's access to the hospital and retail pharmacy channel and will provide further insight into potential pharma product development opportunities. DCC Healthcare expects to generate a return on its investment in Medisource in line with the divisional return on capital employed in its first full year of ownership.

DCC Technology


In December 2016, DCC Technology completed the acquisition of Hammer Consolidated Holdings Limited ("Hammer"), a specialist distributor of server and storage solutions to resellers in the UK and Continental Europe. Employing 165 people and based in Basingstoke, Hampshire, Hammer distributes products for a range of leading suppliers and also provides product design and build solutions tailored to the requirements of customers in specific industries. The business is complementary to DCC Technology's existing server and storage business and has added almost 1,000 new reseller customers. In its most recent financial year, Hammer recorded sales of GBP155.0 million and operating profit of GBP6.3 million. The acquisition was based on an initial enterprise value of GBP38.3 million and was structured as an initial payment at completion, followed by earn out payments over three years based on Hammer's future trading results.


In November 2016, DCC Technology acquired Medium (U.K.) Limited ("Medium"), a distributor of professional audio visual equipment to resellers in the UK. Medium, which partners with a number of leading brands in the market including CTouch, LG, NEC and Samsung, is complementary to DCC Technology's developing position in professional audio visual products in the UK market. The consideration for the acquisition was based on an enterprise valuation of GBP8.3 million.

DCC also acquired a number of other small businesses during the year in the Energy, Healthcare and Technology sectors.

Total cash spend on acquisitions for the year ended 31 March 2017

The total cash spend on acquisitions in the year was GBP262.4 million. This included the payment of deferred and contingent acquisition consideration previously provided of GBP59.1 million.


DCC Environmental

On 5 April 2017, DCC announced that it had agreed to sell its Environmental division to Exponent for an enterprise value of GBP219 million, on a debt-free, cash-free basis. The Environmental division, which is active in the treatment and recycling of non-hazardous and hazardous waste in Britain and Ireland, comprises the British businesses, William Tracey Group, Oakwood Fuels and Wastecycle, and Enva in Ireland.

DCC expects to receive cash proceeds on completion of approximately GBP170 million (25% of the British businesses are owned by DCC's long-standing minority partner). The transaction is expected to complete in the first quarter of DCC's financial year ending 31 March 2018. The transaction is expected to give rise to an exceptional profit in the year ending 31 March 2018 of approximately GBP30 million.

Capital expenditure

Net capital expenditure for the year of GBP131.4 million (2016: GBP120.6 million) compares to a depreciation charge of GBP92.0 million (2016: GBP74.8 million). The capital expenditure is net of GBP12.3 million of proceeds on disposal of fixed assets.

DCC Technology has now successfully completed the construction and commissioning of a new, purpose built, 450,000 sq. ft. UK national distribution centre in the north of England, close to the majority of its existing facilities. The facility is now operational, with activity being transitioned from the existing warehousing infrastructure on a phased basis. The transition will be fully completed by the end of the year ending 31 March 2018.

Financial strength

An integral part of the Group's strategy is the maintenance of a strong and liquid balance sheet to enable it to take advantage of development opportunities as they arise. As a result of the operating cash flow in the year, DCC's financial position remains very strong. At 31 March 2017, the Group had net debt of GBP121.9 million, total equity of GBP1.5 billion, cash resources, net of overdrafts, of GBP973 million and a further GBP400 million of undrawn committed debt facilities. The Group's outstanding term debt at 31 March 2017 had an average maturity of 5.6 years. Substantially all of the Group's debt has been raised in the US Private Placement market with an average credit margin of 1.69% over floating Euribor/Libor.

At 31 March 2017, the Group's Net Debt: EBITDA was 0.3 times. As referred to above, the Group has committed to acquire Shell HK&M and Esso Retail Norway and also to dispose of its Environmental Division. The pro-forma net impact of these transactions would be to increase the Group's net debt at 31 March 2017 by approximately GBP185 million equating to a pro-forma Net Debt: EBITDA of 0.6 times.

Management and organisational changes

As announced on 5 April 2017, Tommy Breen, Chief Executive, will retire from the Group after over 30 years of service. He will stand down from his position and from the Board following the conclusion of the Group's Annual General Meeting on 14 July 2017. He will be succeeded by Donal Murphy, Executive Director and Managing Director of DCC Energy. Donal joined DCC in 1998 and has led the growth and development of the Energy division as Managing Director since 2006. Prior to his current role he was Managing Director of the Technology division.

For the year ending 31 March 2018 DCC will report LPG and Retail & Oil as two separate divisions, consistent with the revised management and organisational structure of the Group. Henry Cubbon will continue to lead DCC's LPG business. Eddie O'Brien, previously Managing Director of DCC's Retail and Fuelcard activities, will assume responsibility for all Retail & Oil activities. The four divisional Managing Directors of LPG, Retail & Oil, Healthcare and Technology will report to the Chief Executive.


The Group expects that the year ending 31 March 2018 will be another year of profit growth and development.

Annual Report and Annual General Meeting

DCC's 2017 Annual Report will be published in June 2017. The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held at 11.00 am on Friday 14 July 2017 in The InterContinental Hotel, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Performance Review - Divisional Analysis

 DCC Energy                          2017          2016   % change 
----------------------------  -----------  ------------  --------- 
 Volumes (litres)                 14.649b       13.021b     +12.5% 
----------------------------  -----------  ------------  --------- 
 Revenue                       GBP9,074.1   GBP7,515.3m     +20.7% 
----------------------------  -----------  ------------  --------- 
 Operating profit               GBP254.9m     GBP205.2m     +24.3% 
----------------------------  -----------  ------------  --------- 
 Operating profit per 
  litre                             1.74p         1.58p 
----------------------------  -----------  ------------  --------- 
 Return on capital employed         21.6%         24.4% 
----------------------------  -----------  ------------  --------- 

DCC Energy had an excellent year, with operating profit increasing to GBP254.9m, 24.3% ahead of the prior year (13.9% ahead on a constant currency basis) and generating a return on capital employed of 21.6%. The business benefited from the full year contribution of acquisitions completed in the prior year and strong organic growth in the LPG business. In addition, it was another year of significant development activity for DCC Energy.

DCC Energy sold 14.6 billion litres of product during the year, an increase of 12.5% over the prior year. Volumes were 1.0% ahead of the prior year on a like-for-like basis, with the LPG business achieving strong organic volume growth with commercial and industrial customers.

DCC will present LPG and Retail & Oil as two separate divisions from 1 April 2017, in line with the revised management and organisational structure of the business.

 DCC Energy - LPG             2017        2016   % change 
----------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Volumes (litres)           3.077b      2.295b     +34.1% 
----------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Operating profit        GBP160.4m   GBP116.8m     +37.4% 
----------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Operating profit per 
  litre                      5.21p       5.08p 
----------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

The LPG business had an excellent year achieving operating profit growth of 37.4%, 23.9% on a constant currency basis. Approximately half of the constant currency operating profit growth was organic. The very strong volume growth of 34.1% included the benefit of a full year's volumes from Butagaz, acquired in the prior year, and also from the acquisition of the Gaz Européen natural gas business in France, acquired in January 2017. The like-for-like volume growth was 6.1%. This strong organic volume performance was broadly based, with good growth in Britain, Ireland and France. The LPG business has continued to focus on growing its sales to industrial and commercial customers, with the commercial and environmental benefits of LPG continuing to attract new customers to the segment.

The operating margin per litre was modestly ahead of the prior year and declined, as anticipated, on a constant currency basis due to the impact on mix of lower margin natural gas volumes becoming more material during the year and a significantly higher product price environment relative to the prior year.

In recent years, the LPG business has organically developed its natural gas offering in Ireland and now has a substantial market share in the commercial sector of the market. In January 2017, DCC completed the acquisition of Gaz Européen, a specialist retailer of natural gas to business customers in France, principally co-ownership housing. The business has performed in line with expectation since acquisition. It is intended to launch a start-up consumer offering in natural gas during the coming year, which will require investment in sales and marketing, but importantly, will leverage the natural gas operations and expertise of Gaz Europeén and the Butagaz brand, France's most-recognised gas brand.

On 5 April 2017, DCC announced that agreement had been reached with Shell Gas (LPG) Holdings BV to acquire its liquefied petroleum gas business in Hong Kong and Macau ("Shell HK&M"). The business is one of the leading LPG businesses in Hong Kong and is the market leader in Macau. In its most recent financial year to 31 December 2016, Shell HK&M distributed approximately 74,000 tonnes of LPG to its customers and under DCC's ownership is expected to achieve operating profit of HK$145 million (c. GBP15 million). The acquisition gives DCC a strong market position in Hong Kong and Macau and provides a platform for development in the growing LPG market in Asia.

Following the completion of the acquisition of Shell HK&M, the LPG business will have strong market leadership positions in eight countries and is well placed to continue its development in existing territories, build on its emerging position in natural gas and, over time, further develop its geographic footprint.

 DCC Energy - Retail &        2017       2016   % change 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Volumes (litres)          11.572b    10.726b      +7.9% 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Operating profit         GBP94.5m   GBP88.4m      +6.9% 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 Operating profit per 
  litre                      0.82p      0.82p 
-----------------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

DCC Energy Retail & Oil had a good year, with operating profit growth of 6.9% (1.2% on a constant currency basis). The volume growth of 7.9% was driven by the inclusion for the full year of the Esso Retail business in France and the acquisition of Dansk Fuels in Denmark in November 2016. Organically, volumes and operating profits were in line with the prior year.

The Retail businesses achieved good growth during the year, benefiting from the full year contribution from the Esso Retail business in France and good performances from the Swedish and Fuelcard businesses. The Retail business continues to invest in building its network of sites and leveraging its strong sales offering in fuel cards in Britain. The Oil business continued to experience difficult trading conditions in Britain and Ireland, however good progress was made in the development of the business in adjacent areas, such as aviation and lubricants. The restructuring and integration of Dansk Fuels, Shell's Danish commercial, aviation and retail business acquired in November 2016, is progressing in line with expectations.

On 7 February 2017, DCC announced that agreement had been reached with Esso Norges AS to acquire its retail petrol station network in Norway. The retail network is the third largest in Norway with approximately 20% of retail volumes and comprises a national network of 142 company-operated sites (127 retail service stations and 15 unmanned stations) and contracts to supply 108 Esso-branded dealer owned stations (together referred to as "Esso Retail Norway"). Esso Retail Norway sells c. 600 million litres of fuel annually. The majority of the stations are in the more populous south of the country and, of the 142 company-operated sites, 110 are held freehold, with 32 being leasehold.

The agreement to acquire Esso Retail Norway will see DCC Energy's Retail & Oil business operate in eight countries in Europe, supplying commercial, industrial, domestic and retail customers. The business will operate a retail network of c. 1,000 sites and supply an additional 2,000 dealer-owned stations.

 DCC Healthcare                     2017        2016   % change 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Revenue                       GBP506.5m   GBP490.7m      +3.2% 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Operating profit               GBP49.0m    GBP45.0m      +8.7% 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Operating margin                   9.7%        9.2% 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Return on capital employed        17.5%       17.1% 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------  --------- 

DCC Healthcare performed strongly during the year, generating operating profit growth of 8.7% (8.0% on a constant currency basis) and approximately two thirds of the constant currency profit growth was organic. The business again improved its operating margin and continues to generate excellent returns on capital employed.

DCC Vital, which is focused on the sales and marketing of medical devices and pharmaceuticals to healthcare providers in Britain and Ireland, generated good operating profit growth.

In Britain, DCC Vital generated strong profit growth in the supply of products and services to general practitioners ("GP's"), enhancing its market leadership position in that sector. The business also grew its sales of medical devices into hospitals, particularly in the areas of laparoscopic surgery and anaesthesia. As reported previously, pharma margins were impacted by the weaker sterling exchange rate. In Ireland, DCC Vital grew its pharma sales both organically and by acquisition. In January 2017, it enhanced its offering to Irish hospital and retail pharmacy customers with the acquisition of Medisource, the market leader in the sourcing and supply of exempt medicinal products. Medisource has performed well since acquisition. DCC Vital also grew its sales of medical devices to hospitals in Ireland, with particularly good growth in the diagnostics area. In addition, the business successfully launched a range of products for the Irish GP market, leveraging its existing GP supplies portfolio and infrastructure in Britain.

DCC Health & Beauty Solutions, which provides outsourced solutions to international nutrition and beauty brand owners, continued its track record of very strong organic revenue and profit growth, benefiting from further investment in sales and product development resources. The business generated strong sales growth in nutrition across all of its product formats - tablets, capsules, soft gels and liquids - with particularly strong growth in soft gels and liquids. The sales growth was achieved with customers across its key markets of Britain, Scandinavia and continental Europe. The business's activities in the beauty sector also performed very well with strong sales growth across a range of customers, particularly in the premium skincare area. Design Plus, acquired in September 2015, generated very strong organic sales and profit growth, benefiting from sales growth into the US market and cross-selling into existing DCC Health & Beauty customers.

DCC Healthcare is well placed to continue to build on its track record of organic and acquisitive growth. The business is ambitious to expand its geographic footprint and to enhance its product and service offering to healthcare providers and health and beauty brand owners.

 DCC Technology                      2017        2016   % change 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Revenue                       GBP2.689bn   GBP2.442b     +10.1% 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Operating profit                GBP41.1m    GBP35.1m     +17.1% 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Operating margin                    1.5%        1.4% 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Return on capital employed         17.1%       17.8% 
----------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 

DCC Technology, which trades as Exertis, achieved strong operating profit growth of 17.1% (12.5% on a constant currency basis), reflecting organic profit growth in the UK and Ireland and the benefit of the acquisitions of Hammer and CUC completed in the current and prior year respectively.

The UK business generated strong growth. The business benefited from the acquisition of Hammer and good organic growth in audio visual, print and office supplies, smart technology and security products, which more than offset the continued weak market for computing and mobile products. Hammer, acquired in December 2016, has performed well since acquisition and has significantly strengthened the server and storage offering of Exertis, particularly in the provision of products and services to the growing application and cloud-service provider market. The acquisition, together with recent investments in the wireless networking, security and audio visual business units, have enabled the UK business to further develop its vendor portfolio and identify opportunities to extend its enterprise solutions offering.

The UK business has completed and commissioned its new national distribution centre in Lancashire. The centre is now operational and the transition from the business' existing facilities will be completed by the end of the financial year ending 31 March 2018. The upgrade of the business' technology platform is also being implemented on a phased basis and is progressing in line with expectations.

The business in Ireland achieved strong organic growth, driven by good business development in the mobile and retail sectors and growth in the sales of networking and security products. The business in the Middle East, although modest, achieved very strong organic growth as it continues to expand its supplier relationships and customer reach in the region.

DCC Technology's business in Continental Europe recorded a mixed performance. CUC, now renamed Exertis Connect, which was acquired in December 2015, performed well and has successfully extended its cable and connector product range into the UK and Sweden. Operating profit declined in the French consumer products business reflecting a weak demand environment, particularly for consumer storage and navigation products, which resulted in margin pressure. The business in the Nordic region generated good growth, driven by continued growth in audio visual products and the organic expansion of its operations into Norway.

The Supply Chain Services business continues to invest in its global service offering and achieved good organic profit growth as it benefited from new contract wins.

Forward-looking statements

This announcement contains some forward-looking statements that represent DCC's expectations for its business, based on current expectations about future events, which by their nature involve risk and uncertainty. DCC believes that its expectations and assumptions with respect to these forward-looking statements are reasonable, however because they involve risk and uncertainty as to future circumstances, which are in many cases beyond DCC's control, actual results or performance may differ materially from those expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Group Income Statement

For the year ended 31 March 2017

                                                                        2017                                 Restated 2016 
                                --------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------- 
                                          Pre   Exceptionals                             Pre   Exceptionals 
                                 exceptionals       (note 5)           Total    exceptionals          (note          Total 
 Continuing            Notes          GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000         GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Revenue                 4         12,269,802              -      12,269,802      10,447,630              -     10,447,630 
 Cost of sales                   (11,006,805)              -    (11,006,805)     (9,437,643)              -    (9,437,643) 
                                -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Gross profit                       1,262,997              -       1,262,997       1,009,987              -      1,009,987 
  expenses                          (323,320)              -       (323,320)       (280,541)              -      (280,541) 
 Selling and 
  expenses                          (605,182)              -       (605,182)       (455,769)              -         (455,769) 
 Other operating 
  income                               28,297          1,879          30,176          25,124         13,609         38,733 
 Other operating 
  expenses                           (17,787)       (38,176)        (55,963)        (13,456)       (27,261)       (40,717) 
                                -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit before 
  of intangible assets                345,005       (36,297)         308,708         285,345       (13,652)        271,693 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                             (39,130)              -        (39,130)        (31,146)              -       (31,146) 
                                                                              --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit        4            305,875       (36,297)         269,578         254,199       (13,652)        240,547 
 Finance costs                       (72,910)              -        (72,910)        (64,790)        (9,419)       (74,209) 
 Finance income                        40,973         10,101          51,074          35,962              -         35,962 
 Equity accounted investments' 
  profit after tax                        712              -             712             504              -            504 
                                                                              --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Profit before tax                    274,650       (26,196)         248,454         225,875       (23,071)        202,804 
        Income tax 
           expense                   (44,113)        (1,756)        (45,869)        (33,707)            710       (32,997) 
                                -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Profit for the year 
  (continuing operations)             230,537       (27,952)         202,585         192,168       (22,361)        169,807 
 Profit for the 
  year from 
  operations              8            15,160              -          15,160          12,224          (988)         11,236 
                                -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Profit after tax 
  for the 
  year                       1        245,697       (27,952)         217,745         204,392       (23,349)        181,043 
                                -------------  -------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Owners of the 
  Parent                                                             216,197                                       178,031 
  interests                                                            1,548                                         3,012 
                                                              --------------                                 ------------- 
                                                                     217,745                                       181,043 
                                                              --------------                                 ------------- 
 Earnings per 
 Basic earnings 
  per share           6                                              243.64p                                       202.64p 
 Diluted earnings 
  per share           6                                              242.00p                                       201.02p 
 Basic adjusted 
  earnings per 
  share               6                                              303.68p                                       257.14p 
 Diluted adjusted 
  earnings per 
  share               6                                              301.63p                                       255.07p 
                                                              --------------                                 ------------- 
 Earnings per ordinary share 
  - continuing operations 
 Basic earnings 
  per share           6                                              226.56p                                       189.85p 
 Diluted earnings 
  per share           6                                              225.04p                                       188.33p 
 Basic adjusted 
  earnings per 
  share               6                                              286.59p                                       242.78p 
 Diluted adjusted 
  earnings per 
  share               6                                              284.66p                                       240.83p 
                                                              --------------                                 ------------- 

Group Statement of Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 March 2017

                                                        2017       2016 
                                                     GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Group profit for the financial 
  year                                               217,745    181,043 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Items that may be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or 
 Currency translation                                 37,084     37,971 
 Movements relating to 
  cash flow hedges                                   (6,803)      2,230 
 Movement in deferred tax 
  liability on cash flow 
  hedges                                               1,334        120 
                                                    --------  --------- 
                                                      31,615     40,321 
                                                    --------  --------- 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
 Group defined benefit pension 
 - remeasurements                                    (3,056)      4,894 
 - movement in deferred tax 
  asset                                                  413      (570) 
                                                    --------  --------- 
                                                     (2,643)      4,324 
                                                    --------  --------- 
 Other comprehensive income 
  for the financial year, net 
  of tax                                              28,972     44,645 
                                                    --------  --------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the financial year                             246,717    225,688 
                                                    --------  --------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Owners of the Parent                                242,735    220,411 
 Non-controlling interests                             3,982      5,277 
                                                    --------  --------- 
                                                     246,717    225,688 
                                                    --------  --------- 
 Attributable to: 
 Continuing operations                               230,199    212,978 
 Discontinued operations                              16,518     12,710 
                                                    --------  --------- 
                                                     246,717    225,688 
                                                    --------  --------- 

Group Balance Sheet

 As at 31 March 2017 
                                                    2017         2016 
                                     Notes       GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                   750,020      739,503 
 Intangible assets                             1,422,572    1,297,065 
 Equity accounted investments                     24,938       22,139 
 Deferred income tax assets                       22,619       21,285 
 Derivative financial instruments                273,767      209,518 
                                               2,493,916    2,289,510 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                     456,395      393,948 
 Trade and other receivables                   1,222,597      916,069 
 Derivative financial instruments                 18,233       15,915 
 Cash and cash equivalents                     1,048,064    1,182,034 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
                                               2,745,289    2,507,966 
 Assets classified as held 
  for sale                             8         193,170            - 
                                               2,938,459    2,507,966 
 Total assets                                  5,432,375    4,797,476 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
 Capital and reserves attributable 
  to owners of the Parent 
 Share capital                                    15,455       15,455 
 Share premium                                   277,211      277,211 
 Share based payment reserve           9          18,146       14,954 
 Cash flow hedge reserve               9        (13,581)      (8,112) 
 Foreign currency translation 
  reserve                              9         105,537       70,887 
 Other reserves                        9             932          932 
 Retained earnings                             1,074,434      948,316 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
 Equity attributable to 
  owners of the Parent                         1,478,134    1,319,643 
 Non-controlling interests                        29,587       30,833 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
 Total equity                                  1,507,721    1,350,476 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                    1,319,967    1,260,421 
 Derivative financial instruments                    506          343 
 Deferred income tax liabilities                 155,297      133,646 
 Post employment benefit 
  obligations                         11              29          347 
 Provisions for liabilities                      255,650      213,115 
 Acquisition related liabilities                  66,617       81,411 
 Government grants                                   261          904 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
                                               1,798,327    1,690,187 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                      1,820,517    1,437,832 
 Current income tax liabilities                   25,051       45,172 
 Borrowings                                      148,445      192,804 
 Derivative financial instruments                  5,894        8,401 
 Provisions for liabilities                       31,022       31,373 
 Acquisition related liabilities                  28,300       41,231 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
                                               2,059,229    1,756,813 
 Liabilities associated 
  with assets classified 
  as held for sale                     8          67,098            - 
                                               2,126,327    1,756,813 
 Total liabilities                             3,924,654    3,447,000 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                  5,432,375    4,797,476 
                                            ------------  ----------- 
 Net debt included above 
  (including cash attributable 
  to assets held for sale)             10      (121,949)     (54,502) 
                                            ------------  ----------- 

Group Statement of Changes in Equity

 For the year                                  Attributable to owners 
 ended 31                                           of the Parent 
 March 2017 
                                                                                Other                            Non- 
                            Share               Share         Retained       reserves                     controlling         Total 
                          capital             premium         earnings          (note         Total         interests        equity 
                          GBP'000             GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000           GBP'000       GBP'000 
 At 1 April 2016           15,455             277,211          948,316         78,661     1,319,643            30,833  1,350,476 
 Profit for the 
  year                          -                   -          216,197              -       216,197             1,548       217,745 
  translation                   -                   -                -         34,650        34,650             2,434        37,084 
 Group defined 
  remeasurements                -                   -          (3,056)              -       (3,056)                 -       (3,056) 
 - movement in 
  tax asset                     -                   -              413              -           413                 -           413 
  relating to 
  cash flow 
  hedges                        -                   -                -        (6,803)       (6,803)                 -       (6,803) 
 Movement in 
  tax liability 
  on cash 
  flow hedges                   -                   -                -          1,334         1,334                 -         1,334 
  income                        -                   -          213,554         29,181       242,735             3,982       246,717 
 Re-issue of 
  shares                        -                   -            2,600              -         2,600                 -         2,600 
 Share based 
  payment                       -                   -                -          3,192         3,192                 -         3,192 
 Dividends                      -                   -         (90,036)              -      (90,036)           (5,228)      (95,264) 
 At 31 March 
  2017                     15,455             277,211        1,074,434        111,034     1,478,134            29,587     1,507,721 
                  ---------------  ------------------  ---------------  -------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 For the year                                    Attributable to owners 
 ended 31                                             of the Parent 
 March 2016 
                                                                                 Other                             Non- 
                             Share               Share         Retained       reserves                      controlling          Total 
                           capital             premium         earnings          (note          Total         interests         equity 
                           GBP'000             GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000           GBP'000        GBP'000 
 At 1 April 2015            14,688              83,032          849,119         35,909        982,748             4,245        986,993 
 Profit for the 
  year                           -                   -          178,031              -        178,031             3,012        181,043 
  translation                    -                   -                -         35,706         35,706             2,265         37,971 
 Group defined 
 - remeasurements                -                   -            4,894              -          4,894                 -          4,894 
 - movement in 
  tax asset                      -                   -            (570)              -          (570)                 -          (570) 
  relating to 
  cash flow 
  hedges                         -                   -                -          2,230          2,230                 -          2,230 
 Movement in 
  tax liability 
  on cash 
  flow hedges                    -                   -                -            120            120                 -            120 
  income                         -                   -          182,355         38,056        220,411             5,277        225,688 
 Issue of share 
  capital                      767             194,179                -              -        194,946                 -        194,946 
 Re-issue of 
  shares                         -                   -            2,781              -          2,781                 -          2,781 
 Share based 
  payment                        -                   -                -          2,198          2,198                 -          2,198 
 Dividends                       -                   -         (80,938)              -       (80,938)                 -       (80,938) 
  arising on 
  acquisition                    -                   -          (5,001)          2,498        (2,503)            21,311         18,808 
 At 31 March 2016           15,455             277,211          948,316         78,661      1,319,643            30,833  1,350,476 
                   ---------------  ------------------  ---------------  -------------  -------------  ----------------  ------------- 

Group Cash Flow Statement

 For the year ended 31 
  March 2017 
                                                        2017        2016 
                                            Note     GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Profit for the financial 
  year                                               217,745     181,043 
 Add back non-operating 
 - tax                                                49,054      35,314 
 - share of equity accounted 
  investments' profit                                  (712)       (504) 
 - net operating exceptionals                         36,297      14,640 
 - net finance costs                                  21,999      38,408 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Group operating profit 
  before exceptionals                                324,383     268,901 
 Share-based payments expense                          3,192       2,198 
 Depreciation                                         92,015      74,822 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                                              39,168      31,622 
 (Profit)/loss on disposal 
  of property, plant and 
  equipment                                            (173)         415 
 Amortisation of government 
  grants                                               (235)       (419) 
 Other                                                 4,571     (3,412) 
 Decrease in working capital                          83,949      37,585 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash generated from operations 
  before exceptionals                                546,870     411,712 
 Exceptionals                                       (31,269)    (19,567) 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash generated from operations                      515,601     392,145 
 Interest paid                                      (70,108)    (64,432) 
 Income tax paid                                    (62,180)    (35,346) 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash flows from operating 
  activities                                         383,313     292,367 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Proceeds from disposal 
  of property, plant and 
  equipment                                           12,315      13,523 
 Dividends received from 
  equity accounted investments                           125         365 
 Disposal of subsidiaries 
  and equity accounted investments                         -       4,173 
 Interest received                                    40,966      36,004 
                                                      53,406      54,065 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Purchase of property, 
  plant and equipment                              (143,698)   (134,172) 
 Acquisition of subsidiaries                  12   (203,327)   (390,042) 
 Payment of accrued acquisition 
  related liabilities                               (59,069)     (3,913) 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
                                                   (406,094)   (528,127) 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash flows from investing 
  activities                                       (352,688)   (474,062) 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Proceeds from issue of 
  shares                                               2,600     197,727 
 Net cash inflow on derivative 
  financial instruments                               14,212       1,953 
 Increase in finance lease 
  liabilities                                              -          59 
                                                      16,812     199,739 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Repayment of interest-bearing 
  loans and borrowings                             (108,140)    (14,832) 
 Repayment of finance lease 
  liabilities                                          (177)       (151) 
 Dividends paid to owners 
  of the Parent                                7    (90,036)    (80,938) 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling                   (5,228)           - 
                                                   (203,581)    (95,921) 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash flows from financing 
  activities                                       (186,769)     103,818 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Change in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                      (156,144)    (77,877) 
 Translation adjustment                               38,929      38,249 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of year                             1,090,037   1,129,665 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of year                                     972,822   1,090,037 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  consists of: 
 Cash and short term bank 
  deposits                                         1,048,064   1,182,034 
 Overdrafts                                         (88,041)    (91,997) 
 Cash and short term deposits                         12,799           - 
  attributable to assets held 
  for sale 
                                                     972,822   1,090,037 
                                                  ----------  ---------- 

Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements

For the year ended 31 March 2017

   1.             Basis of Preparation 

The financial information, from the Group Income Statement to note 16, contained in this preliminary results statement has been derived from the Group financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2017 and is presented in sterling, rounded to the nearest thousand. The financial information does not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements. The Annual Report will be distributed to shareholders and made available on the Company's website www.dcc.ie. It will also be filed with the Companies Registration Office. The auditors have reported on the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2017 and their report was unqualified. The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2016 represents an abbreviated, restated (see note 8) version of the Group's statutory financial statements on which an unqualified audit report was issued and which have been filed with the Companies Registration Office.

The financial information presented in this report has been prepared in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority and the accounting policies that the Group has adopted for 2017 which are consistent with those applied in the prior year.

   2.             Accounting Policies 

There were no changes to IFRS which became effective for the Group during the financial year which resulted in material changes to the Group's consolidated financial statements.

   3.            Reporting Currency 

The Group's financial statements are presented in sterling, denoted by the symbol 'GBP'. Results and cash flows of operations based in non-sterling countries have been translated into sterling at average rates for the year, and the related balance sheets have been translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. The principal exchange rates used for translation of results and balance sheets into sterling were as follows:

                            Average rate            Closing 
                   ----------------------  -------------------- 
                         2017        2016       2017       2016 
                     StgGBP1=    StgGBP1=   StgGBP1=   StgGBP1= 
 Euro                  1.1956      1.3697     1.1689     1.2633 
 Swedish Krona        11.3729     12.7937    11.1423    11.6547 
 Danish Krone          8.9150     10.2297     8.6942     9.4134 
 Norwegian Krone      10.9811     12.4995    10.7169    11.8938 
   4.             Segmental Reporting 

DCC is an international sales, marketing and business support services group headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision maker. The chief operating decision maker has been identified as Mr. Tommy Breen, Chief Executive and his executive management team.

As announced on 5 April 2017, the Group entered into an agreement to dispose of its Environmental division. Following this change in the composition of operating segments, segmental reporting has been revised and the prior year segmental disclosures have been restated as required under IFRS 8.

The Group is organised into three operating segments: DCC Energy, DCC Healthcare and DCC Technology.

DCC Energy is the leading liquefied petroleum gas ('LPG') and oil sales and marketing business in Europe with a growing position in the retail petrol station market.

DCC Healthcare is a leading healthcare business, providing products and services to healthcare providers and health and beauty brand owners.

DCC Technology is a leading European sales, marketing and services partner for global technology brands.

Net finance costs and income tax are managed on a centralised basis and therefore these items are not allocated between operating segments for the purpose of presenting information to the chief operating decision maker and accordingly are not included in the detailed segmental analysis below. Intersegment revenue is not material and thus not subject to separate disclosure.

  An analysis of the Group's performance, based on continuing 
  operations, by operating segment and geographic location 
  is as follows: 
 (a) By operating segment 
                                             Year ended 31 
                                             March 2017 
                                                                                                                                               DCC                          DCC                         DCC 

Continuing operations Energy Healthcare Technology Total

                                  GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Segment revenue                9,074,135           506,562        2,689,105     12,269,802 
                                ---------  ----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit*                254,941            48,944           41,120        345,005 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                         (28,239)           (7,258)          (3,633)       (39,130) 
 Net operating exceptionals 
  (note 5)                       (20,487)           (2,695)         (13,115)       (36,297) 
                                ---------  ----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit                 206,215            38,991           24,372        269,578 
                                ---------  ----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
                                             Year ended 31 March 2016 
                                                                                                                                             DCC                             DCC                             DCC 

Continuing operations

   Energy                Healthcare                Technology                         Total 
                                  GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Segment revenue                7,515,308           490,617        2,441,705     10,447,630 
                                ---------  ----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit*                205,181            45,039           35,125        285,345 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                         (21,381)           (7,138)          (2,627)       (31,146) 
 Net operating exceptionals 
  (note 5)                        (9,057)             5,859         (10,454)       (13,652) 
                                ---------  ----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
 Operating profit                 174,743            43,760           22,044        240,547 
                                ---------  ----------------  ---------------  ------------- 
   (b)           By geography 

The Group has a presence in 15 countries worldwide. The following represents a geographical analysis of revenue and non-current assets in accordance with IFRS 8, which requires disclosure of information about the country of domicile (Republic of Ireland) and countries with material revenue and non-current assets.

Revenue from continuing operations is derived almost entirely from the sale of goods and is disclosed based on the location of the entity selling the goods. The analysis of non-current assets is based on the location of the assets. There are no material dependencies or concentrations on individual customers which would warrant disclosure under IFRS 8.

                                     Revenue       assets** 
                      ------------------------  -------------------- 
                             2017         2016       2017       2016 
                          GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Republic of Ireland       759,439      639,149    123,348    132,892 
United Kingdom          7,239,193    6,852,640    985,717  1,010,908 
France                  2,402,290    1,487,875    869,895    733,287 
Other                   1,868,880    1,467,966    218,570    181,620 
                      -----------  -----------  ---------  --------- 
                       12,269,802   10,447,630  2,197,530  2,058,707 
                      -----------  -----------  ---------  --------- 

* Operating profit before amortisation of intangible assets and net operating exceptionals

** Non-current assets comprise intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and equity accounted investments

   5.             Exceptionals 
                                                2017       2016 
                                             GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Restructuring costs                        (19,345)   (15,777) 
 Acquisition and related costs              (10,308)    (7,226) 
 Adjustments to contingent acquisition 
  consideration                              (5,114)      6,290 
 Impairment of property, plant 
  and equipment                              (1,164)      (947) 
 Gain arising from legal case 
  settlements                                      -      4,291 
 Legal and other operating exceptional 
  items                                        (366)      (283) 
 Net operating exceptional items            (36,297)   (13,652) 
 Mark to market of swaps and 
  related debt                                10,101    (9,419) 
                                           ---------  --------- 
 Net exceptional items before 
  taxation                                  (26,196)   (23,071) 
 Tax attributable to net exceptional 
  items                                      (1,756)        710 
                                           ---------  --------- 
 Net exceptional items after 
  taxation (continuing operations)          (27,952)   (22,361) 
 Net exceptional items relating 
  to discontinued operations                       -      (988) 
                                           ---------  --------- 
 Net exceptional items after 
  taxation                                  (27,952)   (23,349) 
 Non-controlling interest share 
  of net exceptional items after 
  taxation                                     3,138      (323) 
                                           ---------  --------- 
 Net exceptional items attributable 
  to owners of the Parent                   (24,814)   (23,672) 
                                           ---------  --------- 

The Group has focused on the efficiency of its operating infrastructures and sales platforms, particularly in areas where it has been acquisitive in recent years. The Group incurred an exceptional charge of GBP19.345 million (2016: GBP15.777 million) in relation to restructuring of existing and acquired businesses. The majority of the charge relates to restructuring and integration in the Energy division where the Group has been most acquisitive. The charge also includes integration costs related to acquisition activity and costs in respect of the pre-operating period of the new UK national distribution centre in the Technology division.

Acquisition costs, which include professional fees and tax costs (such as stamp duty) incurred in evaluating and completing acquisitions, amounted to GBP10.308 million (2016: GBP7.226 million) and reflect the significant level of development activity undertaken by the Group during the year.

The net increase in the provision for contingent acquisition consideration of GBP5.114 million (2016: decrease of GBP6.290 million) is due to the stronger than anticipated trading performance of a small number of businesses acquired during the last three years, where earn-out arrangements are in place.

Most of the Group's debt has been raised in the US Private Placement market and swapped, using long term interest, currency and cross currency interest rate derivatives, to both fixed and floating rate sterling and euro. The level of ineffectiveness calculated under IAS 39 on the fair value and cash flow hedge relationships relating to fixed rate debt, together with gains or losses arising from marking to market swaps not designated as hedges, offset by foreign exchange translation gains or losses on the related fixed rate debt, is charged or credited as an exceptional item. In the year ended 31 March 2017, this amounted to an exceptional non-cash gain of GBP10.101 million (2016: charge of GBP9.419 million). Following this credit, the cumulative net exceptional charge taken in respect of the Group's outstanding US Private Placement debt and related hedging instruments is GBP5.6 million. This, or any subsequent similar non-cash charges or gains, will net to zero over the remaining term of this debt and the related hedging instruments.

There was a net tax charge of GBP1.756 million (2016: credit of GBP0.710 million) and a non-controlling interest credit of GBP3.138 million (2016: charge of GBP0.323 million) in relation to the above net exceptional charge.

The gain arising from legal case settlements in the prior year of GBP4.291 million was primarily due to a final cash recovery in respect of the Pihsiang legal claim.

   6.             Earnings per Ordinary Share 
                                     Discontinued                             Discontinued 
                         Continuing    operations             Continuing        operations 
                         operations         (note      Total  operations             (note        Total 
                                               8)                                       8) 
                               2017          2017       2017        2016              2016         2016 
                            GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000           GBP'000      GBP'000 
Profit attributable 
 to owners of the 
 Parent                     201,037        15,160    216,197     166,795            11,236      178,031 
Amortisation of 
 intangible assets 
 after tax                   28,456             6     28,462      23,811               390       24,201 
Exceptionals after 
 tax (note 5)                24,814             -     24,814      22,684               988       23,672 
                         ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------- 
Adjusted profit 
 after taxation and 
 interests                  254,307        15,166    269,473     213,290            12,614      225,904 
                         ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------- 
                         Continuing  Discontinued             Continuing      Discontinued 
                         operations    operations      Total  operations        operations        Total 
                               2017          2017       2017        2016              2016         2016 
Basic earnings per            pence         pence      pence       pence 
 ordinary share                                                                      pence        pence 
Basic earnings per 
 ordinary share             226.56p        17.08p    243.64p     189.85p  12.79p               202.64p 
Amortisation of 
 intangible assets 
 after tax                   32.07p         0.01p     32.08p      27.11p   0.44p             27.55p 
Exceptionals after 
 tax                         27.96p             -     27.96p      25.82p   1.13p             26.95p 
                         ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------- 
Adjusted basic earnings 
 ordinary share             286.59p        17.09p    303.68p     242.78p   14.36p            257.14p 
                         ----------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------- 
Weighted average 
 number of ordinary 
 shares in issue 
 (thousands)                                          88,735                                 87,854 
                                                   ---------                                ----------- 

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attributable to owners of the Parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, excluding ordinary shares purchased by the Company and held as treasury shares. The adjusted figures for basic earnings per ordinary share (a non-GAAP financial measure) are intended to demonstrate the results of the Group after eliminating the impact of amortisation of intangible assets and net exceptionals.

                          Continuing          Discontinued             Continuing  Discontinued 
                          operations            operations      Total  operations    operations      Total 
                                2017                  2017       2017        2016          2016         2016 
Diluted earnings               pence                 pence      pence       pence 
 per ordinary share                                                                       pence        pence 
Basic earnings per 
 ordinary share              225.04p           16.96p         242.00p     188.33p    12.69p       201.02p 
Amortisation of 
 intangible assets 
 after tax                    31.84p             0.01p         31.85p      26.89p   0.43p         27.32p 
Exceptionals after 
 tax                          27.78p                     -     27.78p      25.61p   1.12p         26.73p 
                          ----------  --------------------  ---------  ----------  ------------  ----------- 
Adjusted basic earnings 
 ordinary share              284.66p    16.97p                301.63p     240.83p   14.24p        255.07p 
                          ----------  --------------------  ---------  ----------  ------------  ----------- 
Weighted average 
 number of ordinary 
 shares in issue 
 (thousands)                                                   89,338                               88,564 
                                                            ---------                            ----------- 

The earnings used for the purposes of the continuing diluted earnings per ordinary share calculations were GBP201.037 million (2016: GBP166.795 million) and GBP254.307 million (2016: GBP213.290 million) for the purposes of the continuing adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share calculations.

The earnings used for the purposes of the discontinued diluted earnings per ordinary share calculations were GBP15.160 million (2016: GBP11.236 million) and GBP15.166 million (2016: GBP12.614 million) for the purposes of the discontinued adjusted diluted earnings per ordinary share calculations.

The weighted average number of ordinary shares used in calculating the diluted earnings per ordinary share for the year ended 31 March 2017 was 89.338 million (2016: 88.564 million). A reconciliation of the weighted average number of ordinary shares used for the purposes of calculating the diluted earnings per ordinary share amounts is as follows:

                                           2017    2016 
                                           '000    '000 
Weighted average number of ordinary 
 shares in issue                         88,735  87,854 
Dilutive effect of options and awards       603     710 
                                         ------  ------ 
Weighted average number of ordinary 
 shares for diluted earnings per share   89,338  88,564 
                                         ------  ------ 

Diluted earnings per ordinary share is calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary shares. Share options and awards are the Company's only category of dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Employee share options and awards, which are performance-based, are treated as contingently issuable shares because their issue is contingent upon satisfaction of specified performance conditions in addition to the passage of time. These contingently issuable shares are excluded from the computation of diluted earnings per ordinary share where the conditions governing exercisability would not have been satisfied as at the end of the reporting period if that were the end of the vesting period.

The adjusted figures for diluted earnings per ordinary share (a non-GAAP financial measure) are intended to demonstrate the results of the Group after eliminating the impact of amortisation of intangible assets and net exceptionals.

   7.             Dividends 
                                                        2017       2016 
                                                     GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Final - paid 64.18 pence 
  per share on 21 July 2016 
  (2016: paid 55.81 pence 
  per share on 23 July 2015)                          57,621     50,646 
 Interim - paid 37.17 pence 
 per share on 12 December 
 (2016: paid 33.04 pence 
 per share on 7 December 
 2015)                                                32,415     30,292 
                                                      90,036     80,938 
                                       ---------------------  --------- 

The Directors are proposing a final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 March 2017 of 74.63 pence per ordinary share (GBP66.284 million). This proposed dividend is subject to approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.

    8.             Discontinued Operations 

As announced on 5 April 2017, the Group entered into an agreement to dispose of the Environmental segment. The proceeds on disposal will be used to fund the continued development of DCC's Energy, Healthcare and Technology divisions. The disposal is expected to complete in the quarter to 30 June 2017 at which time control of the Environmental businesses will pass to the acquirer. The transaction is expected to give rise to an exceptional profit in the year ending 31 March 2018 of approximately GBP30 million.

The conditions for the segment to be classified as a discontinued operation have been satisfied, and, accordingly, the results of the Environmental segment are presented separately as discontinued operations in the Group Income Statement and the assets and liabilities of this segment are classified as an asset held for sale at the balance sheet date.

The following table details the results of discontinued operations included in the Group Income Statement:

                                                 2017        2016 
                                              GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Revenue                                      175,232     153,455 
 Cost of sales                              (119,654)   (107,551) 
                                           ----------  ---------- 
 Gross profit                                  55,578      45,904 
 Operating expenses                          (37,032)    (30,726) 
                                           ----------  ---------- 
 Operating profit before amortisation 
  of intangible assets and exceptional 
  items                                        18,546      15,178 
 Amortisation of intangible 
  assets                                         (38)       (476) 
 Net operating exceptionals                         -       (988) 
                                           ----------  ---------- 
 Operating profit                              18,508      13,714 
 Net finance costs                              (163)       (161) 
                                           ----------  ---------- 
 Profit before tax                             18,345      13,553 
 Income tax expense                           (3,185)     (2,317) 
                                           ----------  ---------- 
 Profit from discontinued operations 
  after tax                                    15,160      11,236 
                                           ----------  ---------- 

The following table details the cash flow from discontinued operations included in the Group Cash Flow Statement:

                                         2017       2016 
                                      GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Net cash flow from operating 
  activities                           22,461     19,153 
 Net cash flow from investing 
  activities                          (6,661)   (12,389) 
 Net cash flow from discontinued 
  operations                           15,800      6,764 
                                     --------  --------- 

The fair value less costs to sell of the major classes of assets and liabilities held for sale as at 31 March 2017 are as follows:

 Property, plant and equipment                65,551 
 Intangible assets                            79,335 
 Deferred income tax assets                      298 
 Inventories                                   1,922 
 Trade and other receivables                  33,264 
 Interest receivable                               1 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    12,799 
 Assets classified as held for 
  sale                                       193,170 
 Trade and other payables                   (35,741) 
 Amounts due in respect of property, 
  plant and equipment                           (32) 
 Current income tax liabilities              (3,533) 
 Deferred income tax liabilities               (357) 
 Provisions for liabilities 
  and charges                                (3,800) 
 Acquisition related liabilities            (23,204) 
 Government grants                             (431) 
 Liabilities associated with 
  assets classified as held for 
  sale                                      (67,098) 
 Net assets of the disposal 
  group                                      126,072 

The proceeds on disposal are expected to exceed the carrying value of the related net assets and accordingly no impairment losses have been recognised on the classification of these operations as held for sale.

   9.             Other Reserves 
 For the year ended 31 
  March 2017 
                                                 Share      Cash     currency 
                                                 based      flow 
                                               payment     hedge  translation     Other 
                                               reserve   reserve      reserve  reserves    Total 
                                               GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
 At 1 April 2016                                14,954   (8,112)       70,887       932   78,661 
 Currency translation                                -         -       34,650         -   34,650 
 Movements relating 
 to cash flow hedges                                 -   (6,803)            -         -  (6,803) 
 Movement in deferred tax 
  liability on cash flow hedges 
  -                                                        1,334            -         -    1,334 
 Share based payment                             3,192         -            -         -    3,192 
 At 31 March 2017                               18,146  (13,581)      105,537       932  111,034 
                                   -------------------  --------  -----------  --------  ------- 
 For the year ended 31 
  March 2016 
                                                 Share      Cash     currency 
                                                 based      flow 
                                               payment     hedge  translation     Other 
                                               reserve   reserve      reserve  reserves    Total 
                                               GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
 At 1 April 2015                                12,756  (10,462)       32,683       932   35,909 
 Currency translation                                -         -       35,706         -   35,706 
 Movements relating 
  to cash flow hedges                                -     2,230            -         -    2,230 
 Movement in deferred tax 
  liability on cash flow hedges 
  -                                                          120            -         -      120 
 Transfer to non-controlling 
 interests                                           -         -        2,498         -    2,498 
 Share based payment                             2,198         -            -         -    2,198 
 At 31 March 2016                               14,954   (8,112)       70,887       932   78,661 
                                   -------------------  --------  -----------  --------  ------- 
   10.          Analysis of Net Debt 
                                                       2017          2016 
                                                    GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Non-current assets: 
 Derivative financial instruments                   273,767       209,518 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
 Current assets: 
 Derivative financial instruments                    18,233        15,915 
 Cash and cash equivalents                        1,048,064     1,182,034 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
                                                  1,066,297     1,197,949 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities: 
 Finance leases                                       (165)         (127) 
 Derivative financial instruments                     (506)         (343) 
 Unsecured Notes                                (1,319,802)   (1,260,294) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
                                                (1,320,473)   (1,260,764) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
 Current liabilities: 
 Bank borrowings                                   (88,041)      (91,997) 
 Finance leases                                       (190)         (379) 
 Derivative financial instruments                   (5,894)       (8,401) 
 Unsecured Notes                                   (60,214)     (100,428) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
                                                  (154,339)     (201,205) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
   Net debt excluding cash attributable 
   to assets held for sale                        (134,748)      (54,502) 
 Cash and short-term deposits attributable           12,799             - 
  to assets held for sale (note 8) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
   Net debt including cash attributable 
   to assets held for sale                        (121,949)      (54,502) 
                                               ------------  ------------ 
   11.          Post Employment Benefit Obligations 

The Group's defined benefit pension schemes' assets were measured at fair value at 31 March 2017. The defined benefit pension schemes' liabilities at 31 March 2017 were updated to reflect material movements in underlying assumptions.

The net deficit on the Group's post employment benefit obligations decreased from GBP0.347 million at 31 March 2016 to GBP0.029 million at 31 March 2017. The movement in the deficit primarily reflects contributions in excess of the current service cost offset by an actuarial loss on liabilities arising from a decrease in the discount rate used to value these liabilities.

   12.          Business Combinations 

A key strategy of the Group is to create and sustain market leadership positions through acquisitions in markets it currently operates in, together with extending the Group's footprint into new geographic markets. In line with this strategy, the principal acquisitions completed by the Group during the year, together with percentages acquired were as follows:

-- the acquisition in November 2016 of 100% of Shell's commercial, aviation and retail fuels business in Denmark ('Dansk Fuels');

-- the acquisition of 100% of Medium (U.K.) ('Medium') in November 2016. Medium is a distributor of professional audio visual equipment to resellers in the UK;

-- the acquisition in December 2016 of 100% of Hammer Consolidated Holdings Limited ('Hammer'), a UK based specialist distributor of server and storage solutions to resellers in the UK and Continental Europe;

-- the acquisition in January 2017 of 79% of Medisource Ireland Limited, a specialist in the procurement and sale of Exempt Medicinal Products, based in Ireland; and

-- the acquisition of 97% of Gaz Européen Holdings SAS ('Gaz Européen') in January 2017. Gaz Européen, which is based in France, is a natural gas retail and marketing business which supplies business and public sector customers.

The acquisition data presented below reflects the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired (excluding net cash/debt acquired) in respect of acquisitions completed during the year, together with measurement period adjustments made to the provisional fair values in respect of the acquisition of Butagaz S.A.S. which was completed during the year ended 31 March 2016. These measurement period adjustments, which have no net cash impact, resulted in an increase in goodwill of GBP0.986 million and primarily comprise reclassifications between categories of assets and liabilities.

                                       Gaz Européen     Others      Total      Total 
                                                    2017       2017       2017       2016 
                                                 GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                        468      7,797      8,265    204,605 
Intangible assets - other 
 intangible assets                                48,595     19,918     68,513    298,014 
Equity accounted investments                           -        404        404     15,292 
Deferred income tax assets                             -         60         60     11,605 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total non-current assets                          49,063     28,179     77,242    529,516 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                                        9,287     22,920     32,207     52,339 
Trade and other receivables                       61,627    144,901    206,528     97,904 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total current assets                              70,914    167,821    238,735    150,243 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred income tax liabilities                 (16,731)    (3,171)   (19,902)  (101,174) 
Provisions for liabilities                             -   (11,129)   (11,129)  (169,894) 
Government grants                                      -          -          -       (46) 
Total non-current liabilities                   (16,731)   (14,300)   (31,031)  (271,114) 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                        (46,539)  (118,238)  (164,777)   (95,423) 
Provisions for liabilities                         (102)    (5,215)    (5,317)   (18,604) 
Current income tax asset/(liability)                  29     12,312     12,341   (18,719) 
Acquisition related liabilities                        -   (13,522)   (13,522)          - 
                                       -----------------  ---------  --------- 
Total current liabilities                       (46,612)  (124,663)  (171,275)  (132,746) 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Identifiable net assets 
 acquired                                         56,634     57,037    113,671    275,899 
Non-controlling interest 
 arising on acquisition                                -          -          -   (21,311) 
Other reserve movements 
 arising on acquisition                                -          -          -      2,503 
Intangible assets - goodwill                      44,328     72,847    117,175    214,470 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total consideration                              100,962    129,884    230,846    471,561 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Satisfied by: 
Cash                                             109,736    132,282    242,018    500,492 
Cash and cash equivalents 
 acquired                                       (11,158)   (27,533)   (38,691)  (110,450) 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Net cash outflow                                  98,578    104,749    203,327    390,042 
Acquisition related liabilities                    2,384     25,135     27,519     81,519 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
Total consideration                              100,962    129,884    230,846    471,561 
                                       -----------------  ---------  ---------  --------- 

The acquisition of Gaz Européen has been deemed to be a substantial transaction and separate disclosure of the fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities has therefore been made. None of the remaining business combinations completed during the year were considered sufficiently material to warrant separate disclosure of the fair values attributable to those combinations. The carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities acquired, determined in accordance with IFRS, before completion of the combination together with the adjustments made to those carrying values disclosed above were as follows:

                                       Book   Fair value      Fair 
                                      value  adjustments     value 
Gaz Européen                   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000 
Non-current assets (excluding 
 goodwill)                              590       48,473    49,063 
Current assets                       71,103        (189)    70,914 
Non-current liabilities                   -     (16,731)  (16,731) 
Current liabilities                (45,816)        (796)  (46,612) 
                                   --------  -----------  -------- 
Identifiable net assets acquired     25,877       30,757    56,634 
Goodwill arising on acquisition      75,085     (30,757)    44,328 
                                   --------  -----------  -------- 
Total consideration                 100,962            -   100,962 
                                   --------  -----------  -------- 
                                        Book   Fair value       Fair 
                                       value  adjustments      value 
Others                               GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Non-current assets (excluding 
 goodwill)                            30,105      (1,926)     28,179 
Current assets                       168,343        (522)    167,821 
Non-current liabilities              (1,470)     (12,830)   (14,300) 
Current liabilities                (123,184)      (1,479)  (124,663) 
                                   ---------  -----------  --------- 
Identifiable net assets acquired      73,794     (16,757)     57,037 
Goodwill arising on acquisition       56,090       16,757     72,847 
                                   ---------  -----------  --------- 
Total consideration                  129,884            -    129,884 
                                   ---------  -----------  --------- 
                                        Book   Fair value       Fair 
                                       value  adjustments      value 
Total                                GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000 
Non-current assets (excluding 
 goodwill)                            30,695       46,547     77,242 
Current assets                       239,446        (711)    238,735 
Non-current liabilities              (1,470)     (29,561)   (31,031) 
Current liabilities                (169,000)      (2,275)  (171,275) 
                                   ---------  -----------  --------- 
Identifiable net assets acquired      99,671       14,000    113,671 
Goodwill arising on acquisition      131,175     (14,000)    117,175 
                                   ---------  -----------  --------- 
Total consideration                  230,846            -    230,846 
                                   ---------  -----------  --------- 

The initial assignment of fair values to identifiable net assets acquired has been performed on a provisional basis in respect of a number of the business combinations above given the timing of closure of these transactions. Any amendments to these fair values within the twelve month timeframe from the date of acquisition will be disclosable in the 2018 Annual Report as stipulated by IFRS 3.

The principal factors contributing to the recognition of goodwill on business combinations entered into by the Group are the expected profitability of the acquired business and the realisation of cost savings and synergies with existing Group entities.

None of the goodwill recognised in respect of acquisitions completed during the financial year is expected to be deductible for tax purposes.

Acquisition related costs included in other operating expenses in the Group Income Statement amounted to GBP10.308 million.

No contingent liabilities were recognised on the acquisitions completed during the year or the prior financial years.

The gross contractual value of trade and other receivables as at the respective dates of acquisition amounted to GBP210.874 million. The fair value of these receivables is GBP206.528 million (all of which is expected to be recoverable) and is inclusive of an aggregate allowance for impairment of GBP4.346 million.

The fair value of contingent consideration recognised at the date of acquisition is calculated by discounting the expected future payment to present value at the acquisition date. In general, for contingent consideration to become payable, pre-defined profit thresholds must be exceeded. On an undiscounted basis, the future payments for which the Group may be liable for acquisitions completed during the year range from GBP2.630 million to GBP56.697 million.

The acquisitions during the year contributed GBP318.4 million to revenues and GBP6.8 million to profit after tax and non-controlling interests. Had all the business combinations effected during the year occurred at the beginning of the year, total Group revenue (continuing) for the year ended 31 March 2017 would have been GBP12,843.3 million and total Group profit after tax (continuing) would be GBP211.3 million.

   13.          Seasonality of Operations 

The Group's operations are significantly second-half weighted primarily due to a portion of the demand for DCC Energy's products being weather dependent and seasonal buying patterns in DCC Technology.

   14.          Related Party Transactions 

There have been no related party transactions or changes in related party transactions that could have a material impact on the financial position or performance of the Group during the 2017 financial year.

   15.          Events after the Balance Sheet Date 

As announced on 5 April 2017, the Group reached agreement to dispose of its Environmental division. The transaction is expected to complete in the quarter to 30 June 2017, following receipt of competition clearance from the Irish competition authority. The Group expects to receive cash proceeds on completion of approximately GBP170 million (25% of the British businesses are owned by DCC's long-standing minority partner) and the transaction is expected to give rise to an exceptional profit in the year ending 31 March 2018 of approximately GBP30 million.

The Group also announced on 5 April 2017 that it has reached agreement with Shell Gas (LPG) Holdings BV to acquire its liquefied petroleum gas ('LPG') business in Hong Kong and Macau based on an enterprise value of HK$1.165 billion (c. GBP120 million). The business is one of the leading LPG businesses in Hong Kong and is the market leader in Macau. The business is required to be separated from the broader Shell Hong Kong operations and the transaction requires certain regulatory consents and operating licence approvals. The acquisition is expected to complete before the end of DCC's financial year ending 31 March 2018.

   16.          Board Approval 

This report was approved by the Board of Directors of DCC plc on 15 May 2017.

Supplementary Financial Information

For the year ended 31 March 2017

Alternative Performance Measures

The Group reports certain alternative performance measures ('APMs') that are not required under International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') which represent the generally accepted accounting principles ('GAAP') under which the Group reports. The Group believes that the presentation of these APMs provides useful supplemental information which, when viewed in conjunction with our IFRS financial information, provides investors with a more meaningful understanding of the underlying financial and operating performance of the Group and its divisions.

These APMs are primarily used for the following purposes:

- to evaluate the historical and planned underlying results of our operations;

- to set director and management remuneration; and

- to discuss and explain the Group's performance with the investment analyst community.

None of the APMs should be considered as an alternative to financial measures derived in accordance with GAAP. The APMs can have limitations as analytical tools and should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for an analysis of our results as reported under GAAP. These performance measures may not be calculated uniformly by all companies and therefore may not be directly comparable with similarly titled measures and disclosures of other companies.

The principal APMs used by the Group, together with reconciliations where the non-GAAP measures are not readily identifiable from the financial statements, are as follows:

Operating profit before net exceptionals and amortisation of intangible assets ('EBITA')


This comprises operating profit as reported in the Group Income Statement before net operating exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets.

                                                     2017      2016 
Calculation                                       GBP'000   GBP'000 
===============================================  ========  ======== 
Operating profit before net exceptionals 
 and amortisation 
 of intangible assets ('EBITA') - continuing      345,005   285,345 
Operating profit before net exceptionals 
 and amortisation 
 of intangible assets ('EBITA') - discontinued     18,546    15,178 
===============================================  ========  ======== 
Operating profit before net exceptionals 
 and amortisation of intangible assets 
 ('EBITA')                                        363,551   300,523 
===============================================  ========  ======== 

Operating profit before net exceptionals, depreciation and amortisation of intangible assets ('EBITDA')


EBITDA represents earnings before net interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation of intangible assets, share of equity accounted investments' profit after tax and net exceptional items.

                   2017      2016 
Calculation     GBP'000   GBP'000 
=============  ========  ======== 
EBITA           363,551   300,523 
Depreciation     92,015    74,822 
=============  ========  ======== 
EBITDA          455,566   375,345 
=============  ========  ======== 

Net interest


The Group defines net interest as the net total of finance costs and finance income before interest related exceptional items as presented in the Group Income Statement.

                                              2017      2016 
Calculation                                GBP'000   GBP'000 
========================================  ========  ======== 
Finance costs before exceptional items    (72,910)  (64,790) 
Finance income before exceptional items     40,973    35,962 
========================================  ========  ======== 
Net interest - continuing                 (31,937)  (28,828) 
Net interest - discontinued                  (163)     (161) 
========================================  ========  ======== 
Net interest                              (32,100)  (28,989) 
========================================  ========  ======== 

Effective tax rate


The Group's effective tax rate expresses the income tax expense before exceptionals and deferred tax attaching to the amortisation of intangible assets as a percentage of EBITA less net interest.

                                                        2017      2016 
Calculation                                          GBP'000   GBP'000 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
EBITA                                                363,551   300,523 
Net interest                                        (32,100)  (28,989) 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
EBT                                                  331,451   271,534 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
Income tax expense before exceptionals 
 and deferred tax attaching to 
 amortisation of intangible assets - continuing       54,787    41,042 
Income tax expense before exceptionals 
 and deferred tax attaching to 
 amortisation of intangible assets - discontinued      3,217     2,403 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
Total income tax expense before exceptionals 
 and deferred tax attaching to 
 amortisation of intangible assets                    58,004    43,445 
==================================================  ========  ======== 
Effective tax rate (%)                                 17.5%     16.0% 
==================================================  ========  ======== 

Adjusted earnings per share


The Group defines adjusted earnings per share as basic earnings per share adjusted for the impact of net exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets.

                                               2017    2016 
Calculation                                   pence   pence 
===========================================  ======  ====== 
Adjusted earnings per share - continuing     286.59  242.78 
Adjusted earnings per share - discontinued    17.09   14.36 
===========================================  ======  ====== 
Adjusted earnings per share                  303.68  257.14 
===========================================  ======  ====== 

Constant currency


The translation of foreign denominated earnings can be impacted by movements in foreign exchange rates versus sterling, the Group's presentation currency. In order to present a better reflection of underlying performance in the period, the Group retranslates foreign denominated current year earnings at prior year exchange rates.

                                                2017        2016 
Revenue - continuing, constant currency      GBP'000     GBP'000 
========================================  ==========  ========== 
Revenue - continuing                      12,269,802  10,447,630 
Currency impact                            (622,001)           - 
========================================  ==========  ========== 
Revenue - continuing, constant currency   11,647,801  10,447,630 
========================================  ==========  ========== 
EBITA - continuing, constant currency 
========================================  ==========  ========== 
EBITA - continuing                           345,005     285,345 
Currency impact                             (23,084)           - 
========================================  ==========  ========== 
EBITA - continuing, constant currency        321,921     285,345 
========================================  ==========  ========== 
  Adjusted earnings per share - continuing, 
  constant currency 
============================================  ========  ======= 
Adjusted earnings - continuing                 254,307  213,290 
Currency impact                               (16,677)        - 
============================================  ========  ======= 
EBITA - continuing, constant currency          237,630  213,290 
Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
 in issue ('000)                                88,735   87,854 
============================================  ========  ======= 
Adjusted earnings per share - continuing, 
 constant currency                             267.80p  242.78p 
============================================  ========  ======= 

Dividend cover


The dividend cover ratio measures the Group's ability to pay dividends from earnings.

                                             2017    2016 
Calculation                                 pence   pence 
=========================================  ======  ====== 
Adjusted earnings per share - continuing   286.59  242.78 
Dividend                                   111.80   97.22 
=========================================  ======  ====== 
Dividend cover (times)                       2.6x    2.5x 
=========================================  ======  ====== 

Net capital expenditure


Net capital expenditure comprises purchases of property, plant and equipment, proceeds from the disposal of property, plant and equipment and government grants received in relation to property, plant and equipment.

                                                2017      2016 
Calculation                                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
==========================================  ========  ======== 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment    143,698   134,172 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant 
 and equipment                              (12,315)  (13,523) 
==========================================  ========  ======== 
Net capital expenditure                      131,383   120,649 
==========================================  ========  ======== 

Free cash flow


Free cash flow is defined by the Group as cash generated from operations before exceptional items as reported in the Group Cash Flow Statement after net capital expenditure.

                                             2017       2016 
Calculation                               GBP'000    GBP'000 
======================================  =========  ========= 
Cash generated from operations before 
 exceptionals                             546,870    411,712 
Net capital expenditure                 (131,383)  (120,649) 
======================================  =========  ========= 
Free cash flow                            415,487    291,063 
======================================  =========  ========= 

Free cash flow (after interest and tax payments)


Free cash flow (after interest and tax payments) is defined by the Group as free cash flow after interest paid, income tax paid, dividends received from equity accounted investments and interest received.

                                               2017      2016 
Calculation                                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
=========================================  ========  ======== 
Free cash flow                              415,487   291,063 
Interest paid                              (70,108)  (64,432) 
Income tax paid                            (62,180)  (35,346) 
Dividends received from equity accounted 
 investments                                    125       365 
Interest received                            40,966    36,004 
=========================================  ========  ======== 
Free cash flow (after interest and tax 
 payments)                                  324,290   227,654 
=========================================  ========  ======== 

Cash conversion ratio


The cash conversion ratio expresses free cash flow as a percentage of EBITA.

                                2017      2016 
Calculation                  GBP'000   GBP'000 
==========================  ========  ======== 
Free cash flow               415,487   291,063 
EBITA                        363,551   300,523 
==========================  ========  ======== 
Cash conversion ratio (%)       114%       97% 
==========================  ========  ======== 

Net debt/EBITDA


The net debt to earnings before net interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation of intangible assets, share of equity accounted investments' profit after tax and net exceptional items ('EBITDA') ratio is a measurement of leverage, and shows how many years it would take for a company to pay back its debt if net debt and EBITDA are held constant.

                      2017      2016 
Calculation        GBP'000   GBP'000 
================  ========  ======== 
Net debt           121,949    54,502 
EBITDA             455,566   375,345 
================  ========  ======== 
Net debt/EBITDA        0.3       0.2 
================  ========  ======== 

Return on capital employed ('ROCE') - continuing


ROCE represents operating profit (continuing) before net operating exceptional items and amortisation of intangible assets expressed as a percentage of the average total continuing capital employed. Total continuing capital employed represents total equity adjusted for net debt/cash, goodwill and intangibles written off, acquisition related liabilities and equity accounted investments.

                                                    2017       2016 
Calculation                                      GBP'000    GBP'000 
=============================================  =========  ========= 
Total equity                                   1,507,721  1,350,476 
Net debt (continuing)                            134,748     69,473 
Goodwill and intangibles written off 
 (continuing)                                    228,340    189,210 
Equity accounted investments (continuing)       (24,938)   (22,139) 
Acquisition related liabilities (continuing, 
 current and non-current)                         94,917     99,438 
Net assets of the disposal group               (126,072)  (104,694) 
=============================================  =========  ========= 
                                               1,814,716  1,581,764 
=============================================  =========  ========= 
Average total capital employed - continuing    1,698,240  1,301,757 
EBITA - continuing                               345,005    285,345 
=============================================  =========  ========= 
Return on capital employed (%) - continuing        20.3%      21.9% 
=============================================  =========  ========= 

Committed acquisition expenditure


The Group defines committed acquisition expenditure as the total acquisition cost of subsidiaries as presented in the Group Cash Flow Statement (excluding amounts related to acquisitions which were committed to in previous years) and future acquisition related liabilities for acquisitions committed to during the year.

                                              2017       2016 
Calculation                                GBP'000    GBP'000 
========================================  ========  ========= 
Net cash outflow on acquisitions during 
 the year                                  203,327    390,042 
Cash outflow on acquisitions which were 
 committed to in the previous year        (34,372)  (351,045) 
Acquisition related liabilities arising 
 on acquisitions during the year            41,041     81,519 
Acquisition related liabilities which 
 were committed to in the previous year   (14,082)   (79,288) 
Amounts committed in the current year      358,000     39,000 
========================================  ========  ========= 
Committed acquisition expenditure          553,914     80,228 
========================================  ========  ========= 

Net working capital


Net working capital represents the net total of inventories, trade and other receivables (excluding interest receivable), and trade and other payables (excluding interest payable, amounts due in respect of property, plant and equipment and government grants).

                                                 2017         2016 
Calculation                                   GBP'000      GBP'000 
========================================  ===========  =========== 
Inventories                                   456,395      393,948 
Inventories (asset classified as held 
 for sale)                                      1,922            - 
Trade and other receivables                 1,222,597      916,069 
Trade and other receivables (asset held 
 for sale)                                     33,264            - 
Interest receivable (included in trade 
 and other receivables)                         (223)        (230) 
Trade and other payables                  (1,820,517)  (1,437,832) 
Trade and other payables (asset held 
 for sale)                                   (35,741)            - 
Interest payable (included in trade 
 and other payables)                            4,534        3,967 
Amounts due in respect of property, 
 plant and equipment (included in trade 
 and other payables)                            6,349        2,967 
Government grants (included in trade 
 and other payables)                                9           26 
========================================  ===========  =========== 
Net working capital                         (131,411)    (121,085) 
========================================  ===========  =========== 

Working capital (days)


Working capital days measures how long it takes in days for the Group to convert working capital into revenue.

                              2017       2016 
Calculation                GBP'000    GBP'000 
=======================  =========  ========= 
Net working capital      (131,411)  (121,085) 
March revenue            1,223,575    967,014 
=======================  =========  ========= 
                              (3.3       (3.9 
Working capital (days)       days)      days) 
=======================  =========  ========= 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 16, 2017 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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