Downing Distribution VCT 2 plc 
Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                                                   30 Sept   31 Mar   30 Sept 
                                                      2011     2011      2010 
                                                     Pence    Pence     Pence 
 Ordinary Shares of 1p each 
 Net asset value per share                            93.1    104.5     101.9 
 Cumulative dividends paid since 1 April 2010          9.6      7.1       4.6 
 Total return per share                              102.7    111.6     106.5 
 'D' Shares of 10p each 
 Net asset value per share                            80.3     92.5      85.9 
 Cumulative dividends since launch of share pool       6.0      1.0       1.0 
 Total return per share                               86.3     93.5      86.9 
                                                   Pence per 
 Forthcoming Dividends             Payable             share 
 Ordinary Share interim dividend   30 March 2012         2.5 
No 'D' Share dividend has been declared at this time. 
I present the Company's Half-Yearly Report for the period ended 30 September 
2011. Since the last year end, stock markets have experienced another period of 
instability with the FTSE AIM All Share Index falling substantially.  Although 
the Company has less exposure to the AIM market than in the past, the 
performance of its AIM and PLUS-quoted stocks has had a significant influence on 
performance over the period. 
Net asset value ("NAV") 
The NAV per Ordinary Share at 30 September 2011 stood at 93.1p, a decrease of 
8.9p per Ordinary Share (8.6%) compared to the year end position and after 
taking into account the 2.5p dividend paid during the period. 
The NAV per 'D' Share stood at 80.3p, a decrease of 7.2p per 'D' Share (7.8%) 
compared to the year end position and after taking into account the 5.0p 
dividend paid during the period. 
Venture capital investment portfolio 
Ordinary Share pool 
During the period,  GBP886,000 was invested in two new investments and four follow- 
on investments. 
The Investment Manager has continued to rationalise the quoted portfolio and has 
made a number of disposals generating proceeds of  GBP506,000. Partial redemptions 
of loan stock also took place from four unquoted companies, with proceeds 
thereon amounting to  GBP272,000. Additionally, IS Pharma plc was acquired in a 
share-for-share takeover by Sinclair IS Pharma plc. 
In terms of valuations, AIM and PLUS-quoted investments in the Ordinary Share 
pool fell by  GBP775,000 over the period.  In addition, a number of adjustments 
were made to the unquoted investment valuations with the net effect being an 
unrealised loss of  GBP318,000. 
The largest fall in value amongst the unquoted investments  has been in respect 
of Camandale Limited, a business which owns and operates two pubs in Kilmarnock, 
Scotland. It has recently become clear that one of the pubs has been trading 
very poorly. The previous management were replaced and steps have been taken to 
try stabilise the business.  The company has recently been put into 
administration and a strategy is now being drawn as to the best way to recover 
value. The Board has made a provision of  GBP147,000 against the Ordinary Share 
pool's investment at this time. 
'D' Share pool 
During the period,  GBP42,000 was invested in two follow-on investments. 
The Investment Manager took opportunities to reduce the holdings in two AIM- 
quoted stocks.  The pool also benefited from a number of partial loan stock 
redemptions at par. Total disposal proceeds for the pool were  GBP154,000. 
As with the Ordinary Share pool, the 'D' Share pool's holding in IS Pharma plc 
was also acquired in a share-for-share takeover by Sinclair IS Pharma plc. 
Over the period, the 'D' Share pool's AIM investments fell in value by  GBP125,000. 
Valuation adjustments to the unquoted investments showed a net unrealised loss 
of  GBP75,000. The largest single adjustment was a write down of  GBP37,000 in 
relation to the investment in Camandale as mentioned above. 
Other investments 
Ordinary Share pool 
The remaining hedge fund investments held by the Ordinary Share pool were 
disposed of during the period, with proceeds on disposal amounting to  GBP177,000. 
'D' Share pool 
In line with the 'D' Share prospectus , the 'D' Share pool continues to hold a 
FTSE index tracker product. At the period end, this investment was valued at 
 GBP516,000 with unrealised gains thereon of  GBP4,000. 
The loss on ordinary activities after taxation for the period was  GBP1.260 
million, comprising a revenue return of  GBP39,000 and a capital loss of  GBP1.299 
million.   GBP1.054 million of the loss is attributable to the Ordinary Share pool 
and  GBP206,000 to the 'D' Share pool. 
Share capital 
The Company has a policy of purchasing its own shares that become available in 
the market. The Board has currently set a price of a 15% discount to NAV for 
such purchases but continues to monitor the market in the Company's shares and 
may make adjustments to the policy as appropriate. Such purchases will be 
subject to VCT regulations, company law, liquidity considerations and the 
Listing Rules. 
During the period, the Company purchased 252,129 Ordinary Shares for an average 
price of 86.4p per share at a cost of  GBP219,000, and 43,000 'D' Shares for an 
average price of 76.1p per share at a cost of  GBP33,000 (both approximately equal 
to a 15% discount to the most recently published NAV). These shares were 
subsequently cancelled. 
In line with the Company's intention of paying annual dividends of 5.0p per 
Ordinary Share, 2.5p will be paid on 30 March 2012 to Shareholders on the 
register at 2 March 2012. 
No 'D' Share dividend is being declared at this time.  The focus of the strategy 
for the 'D' Share pool remains that of returning at least a further 24p per 
share to investors in 2012. 
Risks and uncertainties 
Under the Disclosure and Transparency Directive, the Board is required, in the 
Company's half year results, to report on principal risks and uncertainties 
facing the Company over the remainder of the financial year. 
The Board has concluded that the key risks are: 
(i) investment risk associated with investing in small businesses; 
(ii) investment risk arising from market volatility; and 
(iii) failure to maintain approval as a VCT. 
In the case of (i) and (ii) the Board is satisfied with the Company's approach 
to these risks.  As a VCT, the Company has significant exposure to relatively 
small businesses.  However, by seeking to hold a well-diversified portfolio of 
businesses with strong management teams, the impact of falling markets and 
challenging economic conditions should be mitigated as much as possible given 
the Company's status as a VCT and its investment policy. 
The Company's compliance with the VCT regulations is continually monitored by 
the Manager, who regularly reports to the Board on the current position.  The 
Company also retains PricewaterhouseCoopers to provide regular reviews and 
advice in this area.  The Board considers that this approach reduces the risk of 
a breach of the VCT regulations to a minimal level. 
Going concern 
The Company has sufficient financial resources at the period end, and holds a 
diversified portfolio of investments. As a consequence, the Directors believe 
that the Company is well placed to manage its business risks successfully, 
despite the current uncertain economic outlook. 
The Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Thus, 
they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the 
financial statements. 
After a period of relative stability, volatile stock market conditions have 
returned fuelled by, amongst other things, fears of a "double-dip" recession and 
the growing Eurozone crisis. Although the AIM market has recovered a little 
during October, it has since fallen back and the FTSE AIM All Share Index 
remains well below its level from earlier in the year.  With a gloomy outlook 
for the economy, portfolio companies are likely to continue to face challenging 
conditions for some time to come. 
The Company is currently close to fully invested and therefore is not in a 
position to  consider making many new investments. Despite the economic 
conditions, the Investment Manager reports that it is continuing to see a steady 
flow of good quality potential investments opportunities.  In order that the 
Company is able to take advantage of some of these opportunities, a new 
fundraising for the coming VCT season is being planned. It is expected that the 
fundraising will be undertaken as a new share class and should increase the size 
of the VCT such that the Company's fixed running costs can be spread over a 
greater asset base. Further details will be sent to all Shareholders in due 
Andrew Griffiths 
as at 30 September 2011 
                                                              As at  As at 
                                                        30 Sep 2010 31 Mar 
                           Note    As at 30 Sep 2011                  2011 
                                Ordinary    'D' 
                                  Shares Shares   Total       Total  Total 
                                    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000 
Investments                        9,620  2,069  11,689      11,590 13,094 
Current assets 
Debtors                               41     68     109         148     48 
Cash at bank and in hand           1,086    125   1,211       2,973  1,837 
                                   1,127    193   1,320       3,121  1,885 
Creditors: amounts falling 
due within one year                (153)   (19)   (172)       (309)  (234) 
Net current assets                   974    174   1,148       2,812  1,651 
Net assets                        10,594  2,243  12,837      14,402 14,745 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital    7         113    280     393         401    400 
Capital redemption reserve 8       3,611      4   3,615       3,606  3,608 
Share premium account      8       1,971      -   1,971       1,823  1,940 
Special reserve            8       3,552  1,966   5,518       6,869  6,537 
Capital reserve - realised 8       2,637     53   2,690       2,505  2,448 
Revaluation reserve        8     (1,107)   (24) (1,131)       (519)     70 
Revenue reserve            8       (494)   (36)   (530)       (594)  (569) 
Merger reserve             8         311      -     311         311    311 
Equity shareholders' funds 6      10,594  2,243  12,837      14,402 14,745 
Net asset value per: 
Ordinary Share             6       93.1p                     101.9p 104.5p 
'D' Share                  6              80.3p               85.9p  92.5p 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
Company position 
                          Six months ended          Six months ended       ended 
                  Note    30 September 2011        30 September 2010    31 March 
                       Revenue Capital   Total   Revenue Capital  Total    Total 
                          GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000 
- continuing               187       -     187        77       -     77      214 
- acquisitions               -       -       -        68       -     68      145 
(Losses)/gains on 
- continuing                 - (1,224) (1,224)         -    (18)   (18)      239 
- acquisitions               -       -       -         -     811    811    1,280 
Net gain on acquisition 
of net 
assets                       -       -       -         -   3,494  3,494    3,512 
                      ------------------------- ------------------------ ------- 
                           187 (1,224) (1,037)       145   4,287  4,432    5,390 
Investment management     (23)    (73)    (96)      (28)    (85)  (113)    (210) 
Other expenses           (125)     (2)   (127)     (126)     (1)  (127)    (238) 
                      ------------------------- ------------------------ ------- 
(Loss)/return on 
activities before 
taxation                    39 (1,299) (1,260)       (9)   4,201  4,192    4,942 
Taxation                     -       -       -         -       -      -        - 
                      ------------------------- ------------------------ ------- 
(Loss)/return      4 
to equity 
shareholders                39 (1,299) (1,260)       (9)   4,201  4,192    4,942 
                      ------------------------- ------------------------ ------- 
Ordinary Share     4      0.3p  (9.4p)  (9.1p)      0.1p   36.3p  36.4p    41.3p 
'D' Share          4         -  (7.3p)  (7.3p)    (0.6p)  (3.2p) (3.8p)     2.9p 
The total column within the Income Statement represents the profit and loss 
account of the Company. 
A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has not been prepared as all 
gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as noted above. 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
Split as: 
Ordinary Shares                                                             Year 
                              Six months ended       Six months ended        31 
                              30 September 2011      30 September 2010     March 
                           Revenue Capital   Total Revenue Capital Total   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000 
- continuing operations        161       -     161      64       -    64     167 
- acquisitions                   -       -       -      68       -    68     145 
(Losses)/gains on 
- continuing operations          - (1,031) (1,031)       -      56    56     122 
- acquisitions                   -       -       -       -     811   811   1,280 
Net gain on acquisition of 
assets                           -       -       -       -   3,494 3,494   3,512 
                          ----------------------------------------------- ------ 
                               161 (1,031)   (870)     132   4,361 4,493   5,226 
Investment management fees    (19)    (60)    (79)    (23)    (68)  (91)   (172) 
Other expenses               (103)     (2)   (105)   (102)     (1) (103)   (194) 
                          ----------------------------------------------- ------ 
(Loss)/return on ordinary 
activities before taxation      39 (1,093) (1,054)       7   4,292 4,299   4,860 
Taxation                         -       -       -       -       -     -       - 
                          ----------------------------------------------- ------ 
(Loss)/return attributable 
equity shareholders             39 (1,093) (1,054)       7   4,292 4,299   4,860 
                          ----------------------------------------------- ------ 
'D' Shares 
- continuing operations         26       -      26      13       -    13      47 
(Losses)/gains on 
- continuing operations          -   (193)   (193)       -    (74)  (74)     117 
                          ----------------------------------------------- ------ 
                                26   (193)   (167)      13    (74)  (61)     164 
Investment management fees     (4)    (13)    (17)     (5)    (17)  (22)    (38) 
Other expenses                (22)       -    (22)    (24)       -  (24)    (44) 
                          ----------------------------------------------- ------ 
(Loss)/return on ordinary 
activities before taxation       -   (206)   (206)    (16)    (91) (107)      82 
Taxation                         -       -       -       -       -     -       - 
                          ----------------------------------------------- ------ 
(Loss)/return attributable 
to equity shareholders           -   (206)   (206)    (16)    (91) (107)      82 
                          ----------------------------------------------- ------ 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                            Note       30 Sep 2011       30 Sep 2010 31 Mar 2011 
                                 Ordinary    'D' 
                                   Shares Shares   Total       Total       Total 
                                     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Opening Shareholders' funds        12,121  2,624  14,745       7,083       7,083 
Issue of share capital on               -      -       -       3,914       3,913 
Proceeds of new share issue            33      -      33          25         163 
Share issue costs                     (2)      -     (2)           -        (19) 
Repurchase of own shares            (219)   (33)   (252)       (262)       (498) 
Total recognised (losses) 
/gains for                        (1,053)  (207) (1,260)       4,192       4,942 
the period 
Dividends paid               5      (286)  (141)   (427)       (550)       (839) 
Closing Shareholders' funds        10,594  2,243  12,837      14,402      14,745 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                              Note      30 Sep 2011      30 Sep 2010 31 Mar 2011 
                                   Ordinary    'D' 
                                     Shares Shares Total       Total       Total 
                                       GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Net cash outflow from 
operating activities          9        (62)   (25)  (87)        (30)        (80) 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments               (887)   (42) (929)     (2,447)     (4,902) 
Disposal of investments                 955     99 1,054       1,985       3,772 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) 
from                                     68     57   125       (462)     (1,130) 
capital expenditure 
Equity dividends paid                 (285)  (142) (427)       (550)       (841) 
Cash acquired                             -      -     -       1,990       1,990 
Merger costs                            (4)      -   (4)       (156)       (200) 
                                        (4)      -   (4)       1,834       1,790 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
before financing                      (283)  (110) (393)         792       (261) 
Proceeds of new share issue              25      -    25          25         168 
Share issue costs                       (6)      -   (6)           -        (12) 
Purchase of own shares                (219)   (33) (252)       (262)       (476) 
Net cash outflow from                 (200)   (33) (233)       (237)       (320) 
(Decrease)/increase in cash   10      (483)  (143) (626)         555       (581) 
as at 30 September 2011 
                                                        in the               % 
 ORDINARY SHARE POOL                 Cost Valuation      period   of portfolio 
                                     GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Top ten venture capital investments (by value) 
 Ludorum plc                        1,127       952       (307)           8.9% 
 Cadbury House Holdings Limited *     974       930        (79)           8.6% 
 Elektron Technology plc              549       732       (169)           6.8% 
 Helcim Group Limited *               547       547           -           5.1% 
 Mears Group plc **                   551       522          58           4.9% 
 Domestic Solar Limited *             500       500           -           4.7% 
 Tracsis plc                          351       483         132           4.5% 
 Accumuli Group plc                   400       462        (61)           4.3% 
 Leytonstone Pub Limited *            453       453           -           4.2% 
 Pennant International plc            212       390        (56)           3.7% 
                                  -------- --------- ----------- ------------- 
                                    5,664     5,971       (482)          55.7% 
 Other venture capital investments  5,063     3,649       (611)          34.2% 
                                  -------- --------- ----------- ------------- 
                                   10,727     9,620     (1,093)          89.9% 
                                  --------           ----------- 
 Cash at bank and in hand                     1,086                      10.1% 
                                           ---------             ------------- 
 Total investments                           10,706                     100.0% 
                                           ---------             ------------- 
**quoted on the London Stock Exchange full list 
                                            Unrealised gain/(loss)            % 
 'D' SHARE POOL            Cost Valuation            in the period of portfolio 
                           GBP'000      GBP'000                     GBP'000 
 Top ten venture capital investments (by value) 
 Animalcare Group plc        83       242                        8        11.0% 
 Ludorum plc                183       220                     (64)        10.0% 
 Cadbury House Holdings     160       165                     (14)         7.5% 
 Limited * 
 Leytonstone Pub Limited    129       129                        -         5.9% 
 Tristel plc                113       110                     (41)         5.0% 
 Hoole Hall Country Club     96        96                        -         4.4% 
 Holdings Limited * 
 The 3D Pub Co Limited *     83        83                        -         3.8% 
 Tramps Nightclub Limited    80        83                        3         3.8% 
 Future Biogas (SF)          81        81                        -         3.7% 
 Limited * 
 Aminghurst Limited *        75        75                        -         3.4% 
                          1,083     1,284                    (108)        58.5% 
 Other venture capital      478       269                     (92)        12.3% 
 Other investments          531       516                        4        23.5% 
                          2,092     2,069                    (196)        94.3% 
                         -------         -------------------------- 
 Cash at bank and in hand             125                                  5.7% 
                               -----------                        ------------- 
 Total investments                  2,194                                100.0% 
                               -----------                        ------------- 
All venture capital investments are listed on AIM unless otherwise stated 
* unquoted 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                                              Ordinary          'D' 
                                                 Share   Share pool 
                                                  pool                Total 
                                                  GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Venture Capital investments 
 Financial News Publishing Limited *                60            -      60 
 Future Biogas (SF) Limited *                       10            6      16 
 Helcim Group Limited *                            172            -     172 
 Hoole Hall Country Club Holdings Limited *        144           36     180 
 Kidspace Adventures Limited *                     150            -     150 
 Sinclair IS Pharma plc **                         246          114     360 
 Tracsis plc                                       350            -     350 
                                                 1,132          156   1,288 
All venture capital investments are listed on AIM unless otherwise stated 
* unquoted 
** arising on share for share takeover of IS Pharma plc 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                         Market value                                      Total 
                           at 1 April                      Profit/      realised 
                               2011 *       Disposal     (loss) vs         gain/ 
                   Cost                     proceeds          cost        (loss) 
                   GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Venture capital 
@UK plc             300            87             77         (223)          (10) 
Electron            117           192            230           113            38 
Technology plc 
Global 3 Digital      -             -             28            28            28 
Hoole Hall Spa      158           158            158             -             - 
and Leisure Ltd 
IS Pharma plc **    225           236            246            21            10 
Ludlow Taverns       75            75             75             -             - 
Springhill Ltd 
Sinclair IS         115           115            103          (12)          (12) 
Pharma plc 
Synergy Health       65            86             96            31            10 
Tramps Nightclub     11            11             11             -             - 
                  1,066           960          1,024          (42)            64 
Other investments 
Goldman Sachs       182           163            162          (20)           (1) 
Signet Global        20            16             15           (5)           (1) 
Fixed Inc Strat. 
                    202           179            177          (25)           (2) 
                  1,268         1,139          1,201          (67)            62 
Venture capital 
Animalcare Group     20            52             55            35             3 
Hoole Hall Spa       23            23             23             -             - 
and Leisure Ltd 
IS Pharma plc **    100           109            114            14             5 
Ludlow Taverns       25            25             25             -             - 
Springhill Ltd 
Sinclair IS          53            53             48           (5)           (5) 
Pharma plc 
Tramps Nightclub      3             3              3             -             - 
                    224           265            268            44             3 
*after adjusting for purchases in the period 
**share-for-share takeover by Sinclair IS Pharma plc 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
1. The unaudited half yearly financial results cover the six months to 30 
September 2011 and have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies 
set out in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2011, which were 
prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice and in accordance with 
the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" January 2009. 
2. The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from 
investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
3. The comparative figures were in respect of the six months ended 30 September 
2010 and the year ended 31 March 2011. 
4. Return per share 
                        Ordinary Shares                     'D' Shares 
                   30 Sept    30 Sept     31 Mar     30 Sept   30 Sept    31 Mar 
                      2011       2010       2011        2011      2010      2011 
Return per share based on: 
Net revenue 
return/(loss)           39          7         81           -      (16)       (7) 
for the period 
( GBP'000) 
               ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ 
Net capital 
(loss)/gain for    (1,093)      4,292      4,779       (206)      (91)        89 
the period 
( GBP'000) 
               ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ 
average number 
of shares in    11,564,236 11,825,670 11,767,213   2,831,952 2,836,269 2,836,269 
               ---------------------------------- ------------------------------ 
5. Dividends 
Ordinary Shares                    30 September 2011     31 March 
Paid in the period                                           2011 
                               Revenue   Capital   Total    Total 
                                  GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
2011 final   29/09/2011: 2.5p        -       286     286        - 
2011 interim 25/03/2011: 2.5p        -         -       -      289 
2011 Special 21/05/2010: 4.6p*       -         -       -      550 
                              --------- --------- --------------- 
                                     -       286     286      839 
                              --------- --------- --------------- 
* The special dividend was 1.5p per Original Ordinary Share, equivalent to 4.6p 
per Ordinary Share. 
 'D' Shares                            30 September 2011               31 March 
 Paid in the period                                                        2011 
                               Revenue       Capital       Total          Total 
                                GBP'000          GBP'000          GBP'000           GBP'000 
 2011 final   29/09/2011: 5p   -             141           141                - 
                             -----------   -----------   ---------   ----------- 
6. Net asset value per share 
Ordinary Shares                       30 Sept      30 Sept       31 Mar 
                                         2011         2010         2011 
NAV per share based on: 
Net Assets ( GBP'000)                     10,594       11,967       12,121 
                                  ------------ ------------ ----------- 
Number of Ordinary Shares in issue 
at period end                      11,376,204   11,738,314   11,598,424 
                                  ------------ ------------ ----------- 
NAV per share                           93.1p       101.9p       104.5p 
                                  ------------ ------------ ----------- 
 'D' Shares 
 NAV per share based on: 
 Net Assets ( GBP'000)                     2,243           2,435           2,624 
                                  -------------   -------------   ------------ 
 Number of 'D' Shares in issue at   2,793,269       2,836,269       2,836,269 
 period end 
                                  -------------   -------------   ------------ 
 NAV per share                          80.3p           85.9p           92.5p 
                                  -------------   -------------   ------------ 
7 Called up share capital 
                                        Shares    GBP'000 
 Ordinary Shares of 1p each 
 As at 1 April 2011                 11,598,424     116 
 Shares issued in period                29,909       - 
 Shares bought back and cancelled    (252,129)     (3) 
 As at 30 September 2011            11,376,204     113 
 'D' Shares of 10p each 
 As at 1 April 2011                  2,836,269     284 
 New shares issued in period                 -       - 
 Shares bought back and cancelled     (43,000)     (4) 
 As at 30 September 2011             2,793,269     280 
8. Reserves 
                    Capital   Share Special  Capital 
                 redemption premium reserve  reserve Revaluation Revenue  Merger 
                    reserve account                -     reserve reserve reserve 
                       GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000        GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
At 1 April 2011       3,608   1,940   6,537    2,448          70   (569)     311 
Proceeds of new 
share issue               -      33       -        -           -       -       - 
Share issue               -     (2)       -        -           -       -       - 
Shares                    7       -   (252)        -           -       -       - 
Capital                   -       -       -     (75)           -       -       - 
on                        -       -       -       65     (1,289)       -       - 
Realisation of 
from                      -       -       -     (88)          88       -       - 
previous years 
between                   -       -   (767)      767           -       -       - 
Dividends paid            -       -       -    (427)           -       -       - 
Retained net              -       -       -        -           -      39       - 
At 30 September       3,615   1,971   5,518    2,690     (1,131)   (530)     311 
The special reserve is available to the Company to enable the purchase of its 
own shares in the market without affecting its ability to pay dividends/capital 
Distributable reserves comprise the special reserve, capital reserve - realised, 
revenue reserve, and the merger reserve and are reduced by revaluation reserve 
losses of  GBP1,385,000 (31/03/2011:  GBP124,000).  At the period end there were 
 GBP6,604,000 (31/03/2011:  GBP8,503,000) of reserves available for distribution. 
9. Cash outflow from operating activities and returns on investments 
                                           30 Sept   30 Sept    31 Mar 
                                              2011      2010      2011 
                                              GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
 (Loss)/return on ordinary activities 
 before taxation                           (1,260)     4,192     4,942 
 (Losses)/gains on investments               1,224     (793)   (1,519) 
 Net gain on acquisition of net assets           -   (3,494)   (3,512) 
 Increase in other debtors                     (6)      (12)      (21) 
 (Decrease)/increase in other creditors       (45)        77        30 
 Net cash outflow from operating              (87)      (30)      (80) 
10. Analysis of net funds 
                                 30 Sept       30 Sept       31 Mar 
                                    2011          2010         2011 
                                    GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000 
 Beginning of period               1,837         2,418        2,418 
 Net cash (outflow)/inflow         (626)           555        (581) 
                               -----------   -----------   --------- 
 End of period                     1,211         2,973        1,837 
                               -----------   -----------   --------- 
11. The unaudited financial statements set out herein do not constitute 
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 
and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The figures for the 
year ended 31 March 2011 have been extracted from the financial statements for 
that year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the 
auditors' report on those financial statements was unqualified. 
12. The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the half yearly 
financial report has been prepared in accordance with the "Statement: Half 
Yearly Financial Reports" issued by the UK Accounting Standards Board and the 
half yearly financial report includes a fair review of the information required 
a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial 
year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place during the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the entity during that period, and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
13. Copies of the unaudited half yearly financial results will be sent to 
Shareholders shortly. Further copies can be obtained from the Company's 
Registered Office and will be available for download from www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Downing Distribution VCT 2 plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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