Downing Planned Exit VCT 5 plc 
FINAL RESULTS for the year ended 30 November 2010 
                                                30 Nov       30 Nov 
                                                  2010         2009 
                                                 Pence        Pence 
 Net asset value per Ordinary share               34.5         87.4 
 Cumulative distributions per Ordinary share      56.0          6.0 
                                             -----------   --------- 
 Total return per Ordinary share                  90.5         93.2 
I am pleased to update Shareholders on developments that have taken place in the 
year ended 30 November 2010 and on the work that remains to be done as the 
Company continues to unwind its investment portfolio. 
Portfolio activity and investment valuations 
The  Company's objective  from the  outset has  been to  seek to return funds to 
Shareholders  after approximately  five years  since the  close of the Company's 
fundraising  in April 2006.  The  Investment Manager continued  to work actively 
towards  investment  realisations  throughout  the  year,  achieving proceeds of 
 GBP2.9m, all exits being at sums equal to previous carrying values. 
The  Company now effectively  has four main  investments remaining but does face 
some  problems in exiting  from these investments.  Bank lending continues to be 
difficult  to  secure,  particularly  in  the  aftermath  of the Irish financial 
crisis.   The delicate state of the  commercial and residential property markets 
is also having a significant impact on exit plans. 
It  is envisaged that exits from investments in West Tower Holdings, and the two 
Hoole  Hall entities (Hoole  Hall Country Club  Holdings and Hoole  Hall Spa and 
Leisure  Club)  will  be  achieved  with  the assistance of bank debt. Obtaining 
suitable  bank funding is  proving time-consuming but  the Manager is optimistic 
that  realisations from  each of  these investments  will be achieved during the 
next few months. 
Heyford  Contracting (South) is a building contractor which has been involved in 
the construction of office buildings in Banbury and Uppingham, both of which are 
now  nearing completion.  The weakness of the commercial property market and the 
general  economic conditions cast a significant  level of uncertainty as to both 
the  timing of and price at which an  exit will ultimately be achieved.  In view 
of this, a provision of  GBP300,000 has been made against the investment. 
Coast   Constructors  Limited  (previously  Richstone  Contracting  Limited)  is 
involved  in building an apartment and hotel development in South Devon, on land 
owned  by Aminghurst  Limited. Following  the suspension  of building work and a 
comprehensive  review  of  the  project,  modified  planning permission has been 
obtained  and  building  work  on  the  site  has  now  recommenced. The revised 
development  has  required  further  funding  from  both  your Company and other 
funders  and it is now anticipated that a full exit from the investment will not 
be  achieved until all  apartments and the  completed hotel have  been sold.  As 
with  Heyford Contracting, this  leaves some uncertainty  in terms of timing and 
the  final  proceeds  from  this  investment.  Taking  the  investments in Coast 
Constructors  and Aminghurst together, a net  reduction in valuation of  GBP332,000 
has been made. 
Net Asset Value 
The  Net Asset Value per share ("NAV") at 30 November 2010 stood at 34.5p.  With 
dividends  paid to  date of  56.0p per share  Total Return  (NAV plus cumulative 
dividends) stood at 90.5p per share. 
The  Company may be liable to pay a  performance incentive fee to members of the 
management  team  and  directors  if  certain  targets are met.  The targets are 
related to the timing and amount of future dividends and it is uncertain at this 
stage what level of fee, if any, will ultimately be payable. 
The  loss on  activities after  taxation for  the year  was  GBP621,000 (2009 loss: 
 GBP1,285,000)  comprising a revenue loss of   GBP31,000 (2009 profit:  GBP372,000) and a 
capital loss of  GBP590,000 (2009: loss  GBP1,657,000). 
The  Board would  normally declare  dividends when  funds become  available as a 
result  of investment  realisations.  Recently  some of  the Company's available 
funds  have had to be reinvested in Coast  Contractors to help to fund the build 
out  of  the  project  as  described  above.   As a result, the Company does not 
currently have a significant amount of available funds and is not therefore in a 
position to declare a further dividend at this time. 
We  anticipate that the  next dividend will  be declared in  the third or fourth 
quarter of 2011. 
Winding up plans 
Under  the Company's Articles of Association,  the Company must put a resolution 
to  Shareholders at the AGM in 2011 proposing  that the Company discontinue as a 
Venture  Capital Trust. This is proposed as Resolution 6 at the forthcoming AGM. 
 If  the resolution is passed,  the Directors will put  formal proposals for the 
liquidation,  reorganisation or  reconstruction of  the Company  to Shareholders 
within 9 months of the passing of the resolution. 
As  the Company is now at the stage of realising investments and returning funds 
to  Shareholders, it  is reducing  in size  and may,  in due course, become less 
economically viable as a fully listed company than it currently is.  VCT winding 
up  regulations were  introduced several  years ago  to allow  VCTs to go into a 
members'  voluntary liquidation and  enjoy a relaxation  of the usual VCT rules. 
 For  example, a VCT in liquidation would  delist and therefore save listing and 
other  associated  fees.   This  may  therefore  be an attractive option for the 
Share buybacks 
In  view of the  fact that the  Company is now  in the process  of unwinding its 
portfolio  and returning proceeds to Shareholders, the Board is keen to see that 
all  investment proceeds are  distributed across the  whole Shareholder base and 
that  funds utilised for share buybacks at  this stage in the Company's life are 
Having  said that,  the Board  acknowledges that  occasionally there  are forced 
sellers  of shares and  feels that the  Company should provide  at least a basic 
level  of support in  those circumstances.    Rather than suspend share buybacks 
entirely,  the Board will from time to  time consider making market purchases of 
its  own shares. Any such purchases are likely to be undertaken at a substantial 
discount to the NAV. 
The  Board envisages  that all  Shareholders, other  than those who may consider 
themselves  to be forced sellers, will continue to hold their shares and receive 
the  dividends  from  the  Company  which  are  expected  to  be paid as further 
investment realisations are achieved, as this effectively ensures that they exit 
from the investment at NAV rather than suffering a discount. 
The Company did not buy any of its own shares during the year. 
A  special resolution to renew the Directors'  authority to buy in the Company's 
shares is proposed for the forthcoming AGM as Resolution 5. 
Annual General Meeting 
The  Company's fifth Annual  General Meeting will  be held at 10 Lower Grosvenor 
Place, London SW1W 0EN at 10.45 a.m. on 19 May 2011. 
One  item of special business is proposed at the AGM in respect of the authority 
to buy shares as noted above. 
It  is now just short of five years since the close of the Company's fundraising 
and 56p per share has been returned to Shareholders to date. Taking into account 
the  income  tax  relief  of  40p per  share that Shareholders received on their 
original  investment, the net cost of the investment to original Shareholders is 
now   just  4p per  share  and  therefore  most  of  the  remaining  returns  to 
Shareholders  can be viewed  as "profit" on  the investment.  The  level of this 
profit  will  be  determined  by  the  success  the  Manager  has in exiting the 
remaining investments. 
Whilst there is some uncertainty about when exits can be achieved, the Manager's 
priority  is to preserve capital value. There are clear exit routes in place for 
some of the remaining investments and the Manager is confident that these can be 
achieved  at  or  close  to  original  cost.  In  the  case  of  the two largest 
investments,  there is work to be done to secure satisfactory outcomes. In these 
cases,  there  is  the  possibility  that  proceeds could ultimately be somewhat 
higher  or, indeed,  lower than  the current  valuations and it appears unlikely 
that these exits will be complete within the next 12 months. 
While  this outlook is a  little more downbeat than  we had hoped at this stage, 
the  Board  believes  that  the  Manager  is  taking  the right approach towards 
realising the remaining portfolio and, in time, can achieve satisfactory results 
for Shareholders. 
Hugh Gillespie 
In 2010 the Investment Manger was focused on realising investments, with the aim 
of returning funds to Shareholders. The challenging economic environment has 
continued to create uncertainty in the marketplace which has led to a slower 
than anticipated exit from investments as we have sought to achieve the optimal 
exit value for our Shareholders. Despite this challenging environment the 
Company successfully divested  GBP2.9m of investments during the year. 
Investment activity 
The  Company began the  year with  GBP9.4m  of investments and  ended the year with 
 GBP6.0m.  The  GBP3.4m reduction was driven by disposals in investments of  GBP2.9m, and 
a   GBP637,000 valuation reduction on existing  investments which was partly offset 
by  a small new investment. The Company  succeeded in recovering the cost of all 
investments   disposed   of   during  the  year  despite  the  current  economic 
environment.  The Company's year end portfolio comprises 11 investments on which 
it is actively seeking exit routes. 
In  April  2010, the  Company  made  a   GBP169,000  additional investment in Coast 
Constructors   Limited   (previously   called   Richstone  Contracting  Limited) 
increasing  the cost of investment to   GBP1.119m. Previously, a full provision had 
been  taken against  the original  investment whilst  a revised funding plan was 
developed.  In  April  the  revised  funding  for  both  Coast  Constructors and 
Aminghurst  Limited was implemented to recover value in these investments, which 
are  both dependent on  the same development  in South Devon.  Post year-end the 
Company  made a further  GBP636,000 investment in Coast Constructors Limited and is 
expected to realise this investment by the end of 2011.  Following completion of 
the  development, Aminghurst Limited will own a hotel on the site that is likely 
to take longer to realise. 
The  Company is planning to seek further realisations through the refinancing of 
West  Tower Holdings Limited and the Hoole Hall Spa and Country Club investments 
which are all performing in line with budget. This process is taking longer than 
we  initially expected, as banks' enthusiasm  for lending to small businesses of 
this  nature remains muted.  We  are aiming to borrow  up to 50% of the value of 
the freehold trading properties. 
Portfolio valuation 
Whilst the majority of the portfolio performed in line with expectations in the 
period, the  GBP637,000 valuation reduction was driven by three investments: 
Aminghurst Limited and Coast Constructors Limited (discussed above) and Heyford 
Contracting (South) Limited. Heyford Contracting (South) Limited is the 
developer of commercial offices in Banbury and in Uppingham. Construction of the 
offices is now completed and in order to exit the investment we are dependent on 
the successful sale of the properties.  It is likely to take between 18 months 
and three years to achieve an exit from this investment at reasonable values, 
and even then we are unlikely to recover the full amount of our 
investment. Accordingly, it is the Company's view that a reduction in value is 
appropriate at this time. 
The  general  economic  conditions  in  the  UK  are  expected  to  see a modest 
improvement  in 2011. The continued  lack of available  funding from traditional 
sources  creates challenges for exiting  from the Company's remaining portfolio, 
with  the Company expecting that some investments  will take longer to exit than 
originally  expected. Despite these challenges we  continue to focus on securing 
profitable exits and returning further Shareholders' funds in 2011. 
Downing Managers 5 Limited 
Portfolio of investments 
The following investments, all of which are incorporated in England and Wales, 
were held at 30 November 2010: 
                                            Cost Valuation     in year      % of 
                                            GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000 portfolio 
West Tower Holdings Limited                1,750     1,750           -     24.2% 
Heyford Contracting (South) Limited**      1,650     1,199       (300)     16.6% 
Hoole Hall Spa and Leisure Club Limited    1,000     1,000           -     13.9% 
Hoole Hall Country Club Holdings Limited     875       875           -     12.1% 
Coast Constructors Limited (formerly 
Richstone Contacting Limited)              1,119       643         474      8.9% 
Sanguine Hospitality Limited*                243       238         (5)      3.3% 
Future Films Production Services Limited     142       142           -      2.0% 
Chapel Street Hotel (2008) LLP*               63       126           -      1.8% 
Vermont Developments Limited*                902        50           -      0.7% 
Chapel Street Hotel Limited*                   3         3           -      0.0% 
Aminghurst Limited*                          993         -       (806)      0.0% 
                                           8,740     6,026       (637)     83.5% 
Cash at bank and in hand                             1,194                 16.5% 
Total investments                                    7,220                100.0% 
* Non qualifying investment 
**Partially non qualifying investment 
 Coast Constructors Limited (formerly Richstone Contacting Limited)     169 
                                                 MV at             Loss Realised 
                                         Cost 30/11/09 Proceeds vs cost     gain 
                                          GBP000      GBP000      GBP000     GBP000      GBP000 
Heyford Contracting (North) Limited     1,037      990    1,037       -       47 
Bowman Care Homes Limited*                600      600      600       -        - 
East Dulwich Tavern Limited*              319      319      319       -        - 
Future Films Production Services 
Limited                                   308      308      308       -        - 
Westow House Limited*                     281      281      281       -        - 
Atlantic Dogstar Limited*                 150      150      150       -        - 
Heyford Homes VCT Limited*                150      150      150       -        - 
Hoi Polloi Pub Company Limited*           100      100      100       -        - 
Vermont Developments Limited*               1        -        -     (1)        - 
                                        2,946    2,898    2,945     (1)       47 
*non qualifying VCT investment 
Statement of Directors' responsibilities 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the Report of the Directors, the 
Directors' Remuneration Report, and the financial statements in accordance with 
applicable law and regulations. They are also responsible for ensuring that the 
Annual Report includes information required by the Listing Rules of the 
Financial Services Authority. 
Company  law requires  the Directors  to prepare  financial statements  for each 
financial  year.  Under  that  law  the  Directors  have  elected to prepare the 
financial  statements  in  accordance  with  United  Kingdom  Generally Accepted 
Accounting  Practice (United  Kingdom Accounting  Standards and applicable law). 
Under company law the directors must not approve the financial statements unless 
they  are satisfied that they give a true  and fair view of the state of affairs 
of  the Company  and of  the profit  or loss  of the  Company for that period.In 
preparing those financial statements, the Directors are required to: 
 · select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
 · make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
 ·  state whether applicable UK Accounting  Standards have been followed, subject 
to  any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; 
 ·  prepare the  financial statements  on the  going concern  basis unless  it is 
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The  Directors are responsible for keeping  adequate accounting records that are 
sufficient  to show  and explain  the Company's  transactions and  disclose with 
reasonable  accuracy at any  time the financial  position of the  Company and to 
enable  them  to  ensure  that  the  financial  statements,  and  the Directors' 
Remuneration Report, comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.They 
are  also responsible for safeguarding  the assets of the  Company and hence for 
taking  reasonable steps  for the  prevention and  detection of  fraud and other 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate 
and  financial information  relating to  the Company  included on  the Manager's 
website.  Legislation  in  the  United  Kingdom  governing  the  preparation and 
dissemination  of  the  financial  statements  and other information included in 
annual reports may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Statement as to disclosure of information to Auditors 
The Directors in office at the date of the report have confirmed, as far as they 
are aware, that there is no relevant audit information of which the Auditors are 
unaware. Each of the Directors has confirmed that they have taken all the steps 
that they ought to have taken as Directors in order to make themselves aware of 
any relevant audit information and to establish that it has been communicated to 
the Auditor. 
By order of the Board 
Grant Whitehouse 
Secretary of Downing Planned Exit VCT 5 plc 
Company number: 5632108 
Registered office: 
10 Lower Grosvenor Place 
London SW1W 0EN 
For the year ended 30 November 2010 
                           Year ended 30 November  Year ended 30 November 
                                    2010                    2009 
                           Revenue Capital   Total Revenue Capital   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Income                         203       -     203     887       -     887 
Losses on investments            -   (590)   (590)       - (1,657) (1,657) 
                               203   (590)   (387) 
                                                       887 (1,657)   (770) 
Investment management        (100)       -   (100)   (195)       -   (195) 
Other expenses               (134)       -   (134)   (162)       -   (162) 
(Loss)/return on ordinary 
activities before tax         (31)   (590)   (621)     530 (1,657) (1,127) 
Tax on ordinary activities       -       -       -   (158)       -   (158) 
(Loss)/return attributable 
 to equity Shareholders       (31)   (590)   (621)     372 (1,657) (1,285) 
Basic and diluted loss per 
share                       (0.2p)  (2.8p)  (3.0p)    1.7p  (7.8p)  (6.1p) 
All  Revenue and  Capital items  in the  above statement  derive from continuing 
operations.  No operations  were acquired  or discontinued  during the year. The 
total  column within the Income Statement represents the profit and loss account 
of the Company. 
A  Statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses has  not been prepared as all 
gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as noted above. 
Other  than  revaluation  movements  arising  on  investments held at fair value 
through   the   Income   Statement,   there  were  no  differences  between  the 
return/deficit as stated above and at historical cost. 
                                            Year ended             Year ended 
                                      30 November 2010       30 November 2009 
                                                  GBP'000                   GBP'000 
 Opening Shareholders' funds                    18,384                 20,534 
 Purchase of own shares                              -                  (328) 
 Total recognised loss for the year              (621)                (1,285) 
 Dividends paid                               (10,512)                  (537) 
                                        ----------------       --------------- 
 Closing Shareholders' funds                     7,251                 18,384 
as at 30 November 2010 
                                                              2010          2009 
                                                      GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                                  6,026         9,392 
Current assets 
Debtors                                                133           205 
Cash at bank and in hand                             1,194         8,993 
                                                    -------       ------- 
                                                     1,327         9,198 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year        (81)         (185) 
                                                    -------       ------- 
Net current assets                                           1,246         9,013 
                                                          ---------     -------- 
Net assets less current liabilities                          7,272        18,405 
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than                (21)          (21) 
 one year 
                                                          ---------     -------- 
Net assets                                                   7,251        18,384 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                        210           210 
Capital redemption reserve                                       7             7 
Special reserve                                              9,785        19,772 
Capital reserve - realised                                       2             3 
Revaluation reserve                                        (2,713)       (2,124) 
Revenue reserve                                               (40)           516 
                                                          ---------     -------- 
Total equity Shareholders' funds                             7,251        18,384 
Basic and diluted net asset value per Ordinary Share         34.5p         87.4p 
for the year ended 30 November 2010 
                                                   Year      Year 
                                                  ended     ended 
                                                 30 Nov    30 Nov 
                                                   2010      2009 
                                                   GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Net cash (outflow)/ inflow                         (9)       487 
 from operating activities 
 Corporation tax paid                              (54)     (236) 
 Capital expenditure 
 Purchase of investments                          (169)   (4,066) 
 Sale of investments                              2,945    12,904 
 Net cash inflow from capital expenditure         2,713     8,838 
 Equity dividends paid                         (10,512)     (537) 
 Net cash (outflow)/ inflow before financing    (7,799)     8,552 
 Purchase of own shares                               -     (328) 
 Net cash outflow from financing                      -     (328) 
 (Decrease)/ increase in cash                   (7,799)     8,224 
1. Accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The Company has prepared its financial statements under UK Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP") and in accordance with the Statement of 
Recommended Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and 
Venture Capital Trusts" January 2009 ("SORP"). 
The  financial  statements  are  prepared  under  the historical cost convention 
except for certain financial instruments measured at fair value and on the basis 
that it is not necessary to prepare consolidated accounts. 
The  Company implements new Financial Reporting  Standards ("FRS") issued by the 
Accounting  Standards Board when required. No  new standards have had a material 
effect on the Company's operations for the year under review. 
Presentation of Income Statement 
In  order to  better reflect  the activities  of a  venture capital trust and in 
accordance  with the SORP,  supplementary information which  analyses the Income 
Statement  between  items  of  a  revenue  and capital nature has been presented 
alongside  the Income  Statement. The  net revenue  is the measure the directors 
believe   appropriate   in  assessing  the  Company's  compliance  with  certain 
requirements set out in Part 6 of the Income Tax Act 2007. 
Venture capital investments are designated as "fair value through profit or 
loss" assets due to investments being managed and performance evaluated on a 
fair value basis. A financial asset is designated within this category if it is 
both acquired and managed on a fair value basis, with a view to selling after a 
period of time, in accordance with the Company's documented investment policy. 
The fair value of an investment upon acquisition is deemed to be cost. 
Thereafter investments are measured at fair value in accordance with the 
International Private Equity and Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines ("IPEV") 
together with FRS26. 
For  unquoted investments, fair value is  established using the IPEV guidelines. 
The  valuation methodologies for unquoted entities used by the IPEV to ascertain 
the fair value of an investment are as follows: 
 · Price of recent investment; 
 · Multiples; 
 ·Net assets; 
 ·Discounted cash flows or earnings (of underlying business); 
 · Discounted cash flows (from the investment); and 
 · Industry valuation benchmarks. 
The  methodology applied takes account of the nature, facts and circumstances of 
the  individual investment and uses  reasonable data, market inputs, assumptions 
and estimates in order to ascertain fair value. 
Where   an   investee  company  has  gone  into  receivership,  liquidation,  or 
administration  (where there is  little likelihood of  recovery) the loss on the 
investment, although not physically disposed of, is treated as being realised. 
Gains  and losses arising from changes in  fair value are included in the Income 
Statement for the year as a capital item and transaction costs on acquisition or 
disposal of the investment are expensed. 
It  is not the Company's policy  to exercise significant influence over investee 
companies.  Therefore the results  of these companies  are not incorporated into 
the  Income Statement  except to  the extent  of any  income accrued. This is in 
accordance  with  the  SORP  that  does  not require portfolio investments to be 
accounted for using the equity method of accounting. 
Dividend  income from investments is recognised when the Shareholders' rights to 
receive payment has been established, normally the ex-dividend date. 
Interest  income is accrued on  a time apportionment basis,  by reference to the 
principal  sum outstanding and  at the effective  rate applicable and only where 
there is reasonable certainty of collection. 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. In respect of the analysis 
between revenue and capital items presented within the Income Statement, all 
expenses have been presented as revenue items except as follows: 
 · Expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an investment are deducted 
from the disposal proceeds of the investment. 
 · Expenses are split and presented partly as capital items where a connection 
with the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments held can be 
demonstrated. The Company has adopted the policy of allocating Investment 
Manager's fees, 100% as revenue. 
The tax effects on different items in the Income Statement are allocated between 
capital and revenue on the same basis as the particular item to which they 
relate using the Company's effective rate of tax for the accounting period. 
Due  to  the  Company's  status  as  a  Venture  Capital Trust and the continued 
intention  to meet the conditions  required to comply with  Part 6 of the Income 
Tax  Act 2007, no provision for taxation is  required in respect of any realised 
or unrealised appreciation of the Company's investments which arise. 
Deferred  taxation,  which  is  not  discounted,  is  provided in full on timing 
differences  that result in an obligation at  the balance sheet date to pay more 
tax,  or a right to pay  less tax, at a future  date, at rates expected to apply 
when  they crystallise  based on  current tax  rates and law. Timing differences 
arise  from  the  inclusion  of  items  of  income  and  expenditure in taxation 
computations  in periods different from those in  which they are included in the 
Other debtors, other creditors and loan notes 
Other  debtors (including  accrued income),  other creditors  and loan notes are 
included  within the accounts at amortised cost, equivalent to the fair value of 
the expected balance receivable/payable by the Company. 
2. Basic and diluted return per share 
                                   number of   Revenue   Capital 
                                   shares in   return/      gain 
                                       issue    (loss)    (loss) 
 Return per share is calculated                   GBP'000      GBP'000 
 on the following: 
 Year ended 30 November 2010      21,024,816      (31)     (590) 
 Year ended 30 November 2009      21,321,461       372   (1,657) 
As the Company has not issued any convertible securities or share options, there 
is  no  dilutive  effect  on  return  per  Ordinary  share. The return per share 
disclosed  therefore represents both  the basic and  diluted return per Ordinary 
3. Basic and diluted net asset value per Ordinary Share 
                                                        2010              2009 
                           Shares in issue   Net Asset Value   Net Asset Value 
                         2010         2009   Pence      GBP'000   Pence      GBP'000 
                                               per               per 
                                             share             share 
 Ordinary Shares   21,024,816   21,024,816    34.5     7,251    87.4    18,384 
As  the Company has not issued any convertible shares or share options, there is 
no  dilutive net asset value  per Ordinary Share. The  Net Asset Value per share 
disclosed  therefore represents both  the basic and  diluted net asset value per 
Ordinary Share. 
4. Principal financial risks 
As a VCT, the majority of the Company's assets are represented by financial 
instruments which are held as part of the investment portfolio. In order to 
ensure continued compliance with relevant VCT regulation and to be in a position 
to deliver the long term capital growth, which is part of the Company's 
investment objective, the Board is very much aware of the need to manage and 
mitigate the risks associated with these financial instruments. 
The  management of these risks starts with the application of a clear investment 
policy  which has  been developed  by the  Board who  are experienced investment 
professionals.  Furthermore, the  Board has  appointed an experienced Investment 
Manager  to whom they have communicated  the Company's investment objectives and 
whose  remuneration  is  linked  to  the  achievement  of  those objectives. The 
Investment  Manager  reports  regularly  to  the  Board  on  performance, and to 
facilitate the direct Board involvement with key decisions, on whether or not to 
invest,  disinvest and the  nature, terms and  the security of investments being 
In  assessing  the  risk  profile  of  its  investment  portfolio, the Board has 
identified  two  principal  classes  of  financial  instrument,  loan  notes and 
unquoted  equity. All  investments are  "fair value  through the profit and loss 
account" and are recognised as such on initial recognition. 
In addition to its investment portfolio, the VCT maintains a cash position. Cash 
is  mainly held  by Bank  of Scotland  plc and  Royal Bank  of Scotland plc. The 
Directors  consider that the  risk profile associated  with cash deposits is low 
and thus the carrying value in the financial statements is a close approximation 
of the fair value. 
The  Board has reviewed  the Company's financial  risk profile. Despite the fact 
that there has been a clear deterioration in the economic climate, the Board has 
concluded  that, as a result  of the manner in  which the Company structures its 
investments  so as  to try  to reduce  downside risk,  the Company's exposure to 
financial risk has not changed significantly since the previous year. 
The  main risks  arising from  the Company's  financial instruments are interest 
rate,  market risk and  credit risk. The  Board reviews and  agrees policies for 
managing  each of these risks and they are summarised below. These policies have 
remained  unchanged since the beginning  of the financial year.  A review of the 
specific financial risks faced by the Company is presented below. 
Market risk 
The  key market risks to which the company is exposed are interest rate risk and 
market  price  risk.  The  Company  has  undertaken  sensitivity analysis on its 
financial  instruments,  split  into  the  relevant component parts, taking into 
consideration  the economic climate at the time  of review in order to ascertain 
the appropriate risk allocation. 
Market price risk 
The Company has no holdings in any listed or quoted equities at the year end. As 
such  it has  no direct  exposure to  substantial movements experienced by stock 
markets. The Company generally structures its investments such that the majority 
of  any losses  are initially  borne by  its investment  partners. Therefore the 
Company  has reduced its  exposure to a  fall in the  value of the businesses in 
which  it invests and any underlying assets  held by those businesses, such that 
it  has  a  charge  over  substantial  assets  of  the  underlying business. The 
sensitivity  of the investments to a 10% increase or decrease in valuation would 
be  an increase or decrease in total  return of  GBP603,000 (2009:  GBP939,000) and an 
increase or decrease in net asset value of the same amount or 8% (2009: 5%). 
Interest rate risk 
The  Company's investment  portfolio includes  variable rate,  floating rate and 
fixed  rate financial  instruments, the  fair values  of which are influenced by 
differing degrees to changes in market price. Generally, unless the risk profile 
attaching to the loan note changes, the fair value of variable and floating rate 
investments  is  unlikely  to  alter  materially.  The  fair value of fixed rate 
investments  would, theoretically,  increase as  base rates  fall. However, as a 
result  of  the  structuring  of  the  Company's  investments,  the  fixed  rate 
investments  (loan notes) have strict  redemption and transferability conditions 
and,  therefore,  any  theoretical  uplift  in  fair  value  would not be a fair 
reflection of the realisable value of this class of investment. 
The Company's future cash flows can be influenced by changes in interest rates 
resulting in an increase or decrease in income from investments linked to the 
base rate, and by the credit worthiness of the borrowers of the funds. The 
maximum exposure to this risk amounts to the value of variable and floating rate 
assets of  GBP1.5 million (2009:  GBP10.0 million). Sensitivity has been tested by the 
impact on the NAV over a one year period of a fall in the base rate to nil, 
being the largest possible fall. The estimated impact on performance and NAV is 
not deemed significant. 
Credit risk 
Credit risk is the risk that the counterparty to a financial instrument is 
unable to discharge a commitment to the Company made under that instrument. 
Investments  in loan stocks comprise a fundamental part of the Company's venture 
capital  investments  and  are  managed  within  the  main investment management 
Cash  is  mainly  held  by  Bank  of  Scotland  plc. Consequently, the Directors 
consider  that the risk profile associated  with cash deposits is low. Interest, 
dividends  and other receivables are predominantly covered within the investment 
management procedures. 
Liquidity risk 
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company encounters difficulties in meeting 
obligations associated with its financial liabilities. Liquidity risk may also 
arise from either the inability to sell financial instruments when required at 
their fair values of from the inability to generate cash inflows as required. As 
the Company only ever has a very low level of creditors being  GBP81,000 (2009: 
 GBP185,000), holds significant cash balances and no borrowings (other than the 
 GBP21,000 of loan notes issued to the management team in respect of the 
performance incentive fee), the Board believes that the Company's exposure to 
liquidity risk is low. 
4. Related party transactions 
Downing  Managers 5 Limited ("DM5"), a wholly owned subsidiary, is the Company's 
Investment  Manager.  During  the  year  ended  30 November 2010  GBP100,000 (2009: 
 GBP195,000) was payable to DM5. Additionally, DM5 provides accounting, secretarial 
and  administrative services for an annual fee  of  GBP40,000 (plus RPI) per annum. 
During  the  year  ended  30 November  2010,  GBP45,000  (2009:  GBP45,000) was due in 
respect  of administration  fees. At  the year  end a  balance of  GBP31,000 (2009: 
 GBP59,000) was due to DM5. 
Each  Director holds loan notes issued by the Company as part of the performance 
incentive arrangements. 
The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the 
Company's statutory financial statements in accordance with section 434 
Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 30 November 2010, but has been extracted 
from the statutory financial statements for the year ended 30 November 2010, 
which were approved by the Board of Directors on 30 March 2011 and will be 
delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General 
Meeting. The Independent Auditor's Report on those financial statements was 
unqualified and did not contain any emphasis of matter nor statements under s 
498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
The  statutory accounts for the year  ended 30 November 2009 have been delivered 
to  the Registrar of Companies and received an Independent Auditors report which 
was  unqualified and did not contain any emphasis of matter nor statements under 
s 498(2) and (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
A copy of the full annual report and financial statements for the year ended 30 
November  2010 will be printed  and posted to  shareholders shortly. Copies will 
also  be available to the public at the  registered office of the Company at 10 
Lower  Grosvenor Place, London, SW1W 0EN and will be available for download from 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Downing Planned Exit VCT 5 PLC via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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