RNS Number : 1222T

Dawson International PLC

01 December 2011




   --       Home Furnishings business sold on 17 May, estimated net proceeds GBP6.5 million. 
   -        GBP4.4 million net proceeds received in the period. 
   -        Loss incurred in the six weeks to disposal GBP0.5 million. 
   --       Dawson now strategically positioned as a specialist cashmere business. 

Continuing operations highlights:

   --       Turnover GBP19.8 million (2010: GBP21.5 million). 
   --       Operating profit before exceptional items GBP0.3 million (2010: GBP1.2 million). 
   --       Operating profit after exceptional items GBP0.4 million (2010: GBP1.8 million). 

-- Margins of US business impacted by significant cashmere price increases in the past two years.

-- Net cash outflow GBP5.1 million (2010: GBP7.1 million), includes net proceeds from the sale of the Home Furnishings business of GBP4.4 million and additional payments to pension schemes of GBP2.3 million.

   --       Strong cash position of GBP5.0 million. 

Commenting on the half year results, chairman, David Bolton said:

"I am pleased to report a profit after tax of GBP0.6 million for the first half of the financial year as we progress our strategy to re-position and develop the Company as a specialist cashmere business, the area in which we are renowned. The disposal of our non-cashmere business, Dawson Home Group Limited, was completed on 17 May 2011 and our focus is now on growing our cashmere business by expanding our customer base in both new and existing geographical areas and expanding our product offering in both cashmere and complementary accessories.

We entered this financial year recognising that difficult global economic conditions coupled with significant raw material price increases in each of the last two years would have a negative impact on our results. We have traded ahead of our expectations in the first half of the year but this is due at least in part to the timing of sales and our expectations for the full year remain broadly unchanged.

We are cautiously hopeful that our negotiations with the Pensions Trustees and the Pensions Regulator are reaching a conclusion which will provide a measure of certainty for our pension scheme members, employees, customers and shareholders going forward."

For further information please contact:

 David Bolton, Chairman                  07710 497166 
 David Cooper, Group Finance Director    07836 299548 
 Zoe Biddick, Biddicks Financial 
  Public Relations                       0203 178 6378 
 Robin Gwyn, WH Ireland                  0161 832 2174 

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report a profit after tax of GBP0.6 million for the first half of the financial year as we progress our strategy to re-position and develop the Company as a specialist cashmere business, the area in which we are renowned. The disposal of our non-cashmere business, Dawson Home Group Limited, was completed on 17 May 2011 and our focus is now on growing our cashmere business by expanding our customer base in both new and existing geographical areas and expanding our product offering in both cashmere and complementary accessories.

Continuing operations reported an operating profit before exceptional items of GBP0.3 million which compares with a profit of GBP1.2 million in the previous year. This deterioration was expected and is due principally to two factors: Talbots, one of the significant customers of our US business has chosen to source directly this year. Despite the addition of a number of new customers, net sales of the US business consequently fell by $1.2 million or 5 per cent. Secondly, the US business has been particularly affected by the significant rise in cashmere raw material prices in the past two years with the result that margins have fallen by 6 per cent. Volatility of cashmere prices has always been a feature of our industry due to limited supply and variable quality but it is noteworthy that increased domestic consumption within China has now also impacted demand. We regard this as an opportunity and are currently exploring a number of options to market our products more widely in China. Further cost increases in cashmere fibre are possible in 2012, however when prices stabilise we expect to see margin recovery in the US business.

Our cashmere businesses in the UK and the USA are working more closely together to exploit marketing opportunities in the USA, Europe and the Far East. Where possible, cost savings have been achieved through integration and rationalisation of the management structure. We also recognise however the need to invest appropriately if we are to achieve growth and it is vital that this investment continues despite the difficult current economic conditions that we are operating in.

The results of continuing operations benefited from an exceptional credit of GBP0.1 million and from net finance income of GBP0.7 million relating to the defined benefit pension schemes. Including these items, the net profit from continuing operations was GBP1.1 million compared with a profit of GBP1.7 million last year.

The discontinued Home Furnishings business, Dawson Home Group Limited, made a loss of GBP0.5 million in the six week period to its disposal on 17 May 2011. Net proceeds of the sale, after disposal costs, are expected to be GBP6.5 million of which GBP4.8 million was received by the period end and the balance is due by 31 March 2012. The loss on sale of GBP2.5 million was fully provided in the last financial period.

As noted in the last annual report the most recent actuarial valuation of the UK defined benefit pension schemes indicated a funding deficit in excess of GBP50 million. While this figure is constantly moving as a result of changes in market conditions, it is of such a size that it has not been possible for the Company and the Trustee to agree realistic recovery plans despite protracted and expensive consultations. The Pensions Regulator has been involved through the course of these consultations and has recently been conducting its own review. We expect that this review will be concluded shortly and that a meeting between the parties will be held without undue delay to agree how to secure the best possible outcome for pension scheme members and the Company.

Operating and Financial Review

In 2010 the Company changed its accounting reference date from 31 December to 31 March. The half year financial statements therefore compare the six month period to 1 October 2011 with the six month period to 2 October 2010 and the fifteen month period to 2 April 2011.

Income Statement Summary

                                               6 months    6 months 
                                                     to          to 
                                              1 October   2 October 
                                                   2011        2010 
                                                 GBP000      GBP000 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations: 
   UK Knitwear                                    4,976       4,893 
   US Knitwear                                   14,800      16,561 
                                             ----------  ---------- 
                                                 19,776      21,454 
 Operating profit before exceptional 
   UK Knitwear                                      541         388 
   US Knitwear                                      982       2,400 
   Central overheads 
   - Pension costs                                (809)       (617) 
   - Other costs                                  (414)     (1,007) 
                                             ----------  ---------- 
                                                    300       1,164 
 Exceptional items                                  125         668 
 Net finance income (charges) 
 - on borrowings                                   (19)       (104) 
 - on pension obligations                           695           - 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Profit before tax - continuing operations        1,101       1,728 
 Loss before tax - discontinued operations        (480)       (436) 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                    621       1,292 
-------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

Operating Results - continuing operations

Turnover from continuing operations for the six months ended 1 October 2011 was GBP19.8 million, a reduction of GBP1.7 million or 8 per cent. Pre-exceptional operating profit for the period was GBP0.3 million, a reduction of GBP0.9 million or 74 per cent.

UK Knitwear

Turnover in the first half of the year was GBP5.0 million (2010: GBP4.9 million) and the operating profit GBP0.5 million (2010: GBP0.4 million). Both turnover and margins benefited from an improved sales mix with higher couture sales and lower sourced goods. This excellent first half performance will not be repeated in the second half of the year which is seasonally weaker and will be impacted by yarn price increases.

US Knitwear

Turnover in the first half of the year in US Dollars was $24.0 million (2010: $25.2 million) and the operating profit $1.6 million (2010: $3.7 million). Sales fell by $5.0 million as a result of one customer, Talbots, choosing to source directly. The revenue shortfall was largely compensated for by a combination of new business and earlier timing of sales to existing customers; however these were at lower margin. Margins generally fell across the business as the substantial increases in cashmere fibre prices experienced in the past two years were reflected in higher product costs which could not be fully passed on to customers. The business successfully introduced a cashmere/silk scarf accessory line in the period and a number of other accessories to complement the core cashmere offering are being considered. The US Knitwear business is expected to be loss making in the second half which, as with the UK Knitwear business, is seasonally weaker.

Central Overheads

Central overheads were GBP1.2 million (2010: GBP1.6 million). Reductions of GBP0.3 million were achieved in payroll costs following the reorganisation of the Corporate Office while an exchange gain of GBP0.1 million compared with a loss of GBP0.1 million in the previous year. Pension costs are a significant proportion of central overheads with administration fees, consultancy fees and pension protection fund levies totalling GBP0.8 million (2010: GBP0.6 million).

Exceptional Items - continuing operations

Net exceptional income for the period was GBP0.1 million (2010: GBP0.7 million). Exceptional income of GBP0.2 million resulted from the release of a provision for the costs of liquidating overseas dormant companies. Exceptional costs of GBP0.1 million were incurred to remove asbestos from a vacant factory which will now be demolished.

Net Finance Costs

Net finance costs, excluding pension related items were nil in the period (2010: GBP0.1 million). Net finance income on pension obligations was GBP0.7 million (2010: nil). This is a notional figure only calculated as the expected return on scheme assets in the year less the unwinding of one year's discount on pension obligations.

Discontinued Operations

Dawson Home Group Limited incurred a loss of GBP0.5 million (2010: GBP0.4 million) in the six week period prior to its disposal on 17 May 2011.

Balance Sheet Summary

                                  1 October   2 October       2 October 
                                       2011        2010            2010 
                                      Total       Total   Discontinued* 
                                     GBP000      GBP000          GBP000 
-------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------------- 
 Fixed assets                           641         933             261 
 Working Capital 
   Inventory                          3,645       9,801           6,141 
   Trade and other receivables       11,449      13,165           3,809 
   Trade and other payables         (5,095)     (9,743)         (3,514) 
                                 ----------  ----------  -------------- 
                                      9,999      13,223           6,436 
 Provisions                         (2,009)     (1,528)            (59) 
 Tax assets                             351       1,995               - 
 Pension obligations               (12,904)    (18,991)               - 
 Net funds                            5,006       5,509               - 
 Net assets                           1,084       1,141           6,638 
-------------------------------  ----------  ----------  -------------- 

* Net assets of the discontinued Home Furnishings business at 2 October 2010 are extracted from the total figures shown to demonstrate the impactof the disposal on comparative figures.

Fixed assets were GBP0.6 million (2010: GBP0.9 million) with the reduction primarily due to the disposal of Dawson Home Group Limited.

Working capital was GBP10.0 million (2010: GBP13.2 million) with the reduction primarily due to the disposal of Dawson Home Group Limited. Working capital at 1 October 2011 includes receivables due from Inner Mongolia King Deer Cashmere Company Limited of GBP0.5 million and Dawson Home Group Limited of GBP2.2 million.

Provisions were GBP2.0 million (2010: GBP1.5 million) with the increase primarily due to an additional provision made at 2 April 2011 in respect of US environmental liabilities.

Tax assets were GBP0.4 million (2010: GBP2.0 million) with the reduction primarily due to the reversal of the US deferred tax asset of GBP1.8 million at 2 April 2011.

The net pension liability, calculated in accordance with IAS19, was GBP12.9 million (2010: GBP19.0 million). The reduction reflects updated valuations by the scheme actuaries in the UK and the USA and deficit repair contributions of GBP2.2 million in the UK and GBP0.3 million in the USA.

Net funds were GBP5.0 million (2010: GBP5.5 million). In the six months to 1 October 2011 total cash outflow was GBP5.1 million (2010: GBP7.1 million outflow) with the significant items as follows:

- The cash outflow from continuing operating activities was GBP8.1 million (2010: GBP6.6 million) of which GBP2.3 million was additional contributions to pension schemes (2010: GBP0.2 million). The cash outflow before pension contributions reflects the seasonal build of working capital.

- The cash outflow from discontinued operating activities was GBP1.3 million (2010: GBP0.3 million).

- Net cash proceeds from the disposal of Dawson Home Group Limited were GBP4.4 million (2010: nil).

Going Concern

In carrying out their duties in respect of going concern, the Directors have reviewed the Group's financial position and cash flow forecasts for a period of twelve months from the date of signing this Half Year Report. These have been based on a comprehensive review of revenue, expenditure and cash flows, taking into account the likelihood of recovering the balance of King Deer debt and the deferred consideration from the disposal of Dawson Home Group Limited and specific business risks and the uncertainties brought about by the current economic environment.

The key assumption made in these forecasts is that there is no demand for a pensions' deficit repair contribution beyond the means of the Group to pay. Based on current negotiations with the Trustees and the Pensions Regulator, the Directors consider that the imposition of a Contribution Notice by either the Pensions Regulator or the scheme actuary is unlikely. The Company has not taken any steps which are materially detrimental to the pension schemes and, in any event, a Contribution Notice is likely to result in the insolvent realisation of Company assets which is not expected to be in any stakeholders' best interests.

On this basis, the Group's forecasts and projections, taking account of reasonably possible changes in trading performance and other business risks, show that the Group should be able to operate within the level of its current and forecast facilities. Accordingly, the Directors have continued to adopt the going concern basis of preparing the financial statements.

Strategy and Outlook

We entered this financial year recognising that difficult global economic conditions coupled with significant raw material price increases in each of the last two years would have a negative impact on our results. We have traded ahead of our expectations in the first half of the year but this is due at least in part to the timing of sales and our expectations for the full year remain broadly unchanged.

We are committed to our strategy of developing our core cashmere business and achieving growth both by accessing new markets and extending our product range. We are cautiously hopeful that our negotiations with the Pensions Trustees and the Pensions Regulator are reaching a conclusion which will provide a measure of certainty for our pension scheme members, employees, customers and shareholders going forward.

David Bolton


 Consolidated Income Statement 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 For the period ended 1 October 
                                                             6 months    6 months   15 months 
                                                                   to          to          to 
                                                            1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                                                 2011        2010        2011 
                                                     Note      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                              2        19,776      21,454      38,095 
 Cost of sales                                               (15,586)    (16,238)    (28,721) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Gross profit                                                   4,190       5,216       9,374 
 Other income                                                       3           3         124 
 Selling and distribution costs                                 (808)       (870)     (1,624) 
 Administrative expenses                                      (3,085)     (3,185)     (7,759) 
 Operating profit before exceptional 
  items                                               2           300       1,164         115 
 Exceptional items                                    3           125         668       1,787 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                  425       1,832       1,902 
 Operating profit 
  Finance income                                      5            11           2          10 
 Finance costs                                        5          (30)       (106)       (244) 
 Net finance income on pension assets/liabilities                 695           -         838 
 Profit before taxation                                         1,101       1,728       2,506 
 Taxation                                             6             -           -     (1,759) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Profit for the period from continuing 
  operations                                                    1,101       1,728         747 
 Discontinued operations 
 Loss for the period from discontinued 
  operations                                          4         (480)       (436)     (4,228) 
 Profit (loss) for the period                                     621       1,292     (3,481) 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Basic and diluted earnings (loss) 
  per share 
 - From continuing operations                         7          0.5p        0.8p        0.3p 
 - From continuing and discontinued 
  operations                                          7          0.3p        0.6p      (1.6)p 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 For the period ended 1 October 2011 
                                                             6 months    6 months   15 months 
                                                                   to          to          to 
                                                            1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                                                 2011        2010        2011 
                                                               GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Profit (loss) for the period                                     621       1,292     (3,481) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Other comprehensive income (loss): 
 Exchange differences on translation 
  of foreign operations                                           154       (139)         181 
 Actuarial gain (loss) on defined benefit 
  pension obligations                                         (4,273)           -       6,388 
 Other comprehensive income (loss) for 
  the period                                                  (4,119)       (139)       6,569 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income (loss) for 
  the period                                                  (3,498)       1,153       3,088 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income is all attributable 
  to equity holders of the parent. 
 Consolidated Balance Sheet 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 As at 1 October 2011 
                                                1 October   2 October    2 April 
                                                     2011        2010       2011 
                                         Note      GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                                      1         101          1 
 Property, plant and equipment                        640         832        646 
 Deferred tax asset                                     -       1,787          - 
 Total non-current assets                             641       2,720        647 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                        3,645       9,801      2,684 
 Trade and other receivables                       11,449      13,165      2,581 
 Income tax recoverable                               351         208        351 
 Cash and cash equivalents                          5,006       5,509     10,157 
 Disposal group held for sale                           -           -     11,636 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total current assets                              20,451      28,683     27,409 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total assets                                      21,092      31,403     28,056 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                           5,095       9,743      3,384 
 Provisions                                           506         510        495 
 Other financial liabilities                            -           -        106 
 Liabilities directly associated with 
  disposal group held for sale                          -           -      6,435 
 Total current liabilities                          5,601      10,253     10,420 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Provisions                                         1,503       1,018      1,510 
 Retirement benefit obligations           8        12,904      18,991     11,544 
 Total non-current liabilities                     14,407      20,009     13,054 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total liabilities                                 20,008      30,262     23,474 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Net assets                                         1,084       1,141      4,582 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Share capital                                     51,989      51,989     51,989 
 Share premium account                              5,489       5,489      5,489 
 Translation reserve                                  575         409        421 
 Retained earnings                               (56,969)    (56,746)   (53,317) 
 Total equity                                       1,084       1,141      4,582 
--------------------------------------  -----  ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Consolidated Statement of Changes in 
------------------------------------------  --------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
 For the period ended 1 October 
                                     Share     Share   Translation   Retained 
                                   Capital   Premium       Reserve   Earnings     Total 
                                    GBP000    GBP000        GBP000     GBP000    GBP000 
--------------------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
 At 3 April 2010                    51,989     5,489           548   (58,038)      (12) 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                         -         -         (139)      1,292     1,153 
 At 2 October 2010                  51,989     5,489           409   (56,746)     1,141 
--------------------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
 At 2 April 2011                    51,989     5,489           421   (53,317)     4,582 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                         -         -           154    (3,652)   (3,498) 
 At 1 October 2011                  51,989     5,489           575   (56,969)     1,084 
--------------------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ---------  -------- 
 Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 For the period ended 1 October 2011 
                                                6 months    6 months   15 Months 
                                                      to          to          to 
                                               1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                                    2011        2010        2011 
                                                  GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit before tax                                 1,101       1,728       2,506 
 Depreciation                                         87          90         216 
 Net finance (income) expense                      (676)         104       (604) 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                     512       1,922       2,118 
 Increase in inventories                           (879)     (2,607)     (1,455) 
 (Increase) decrease in receivables              (6,403)     (7,573)       1,458 
 Increase (decrease) in payables                   1,121       2,273     (1,369) 
 Increase (decrease) in provisions                 (216)        (77)         466 
 Cash generated (used) by operations             (5,865)     (6,062)       1,218 
 Additional contributions to pension 
  schemes                                        (2,257)       (200)       (480) 
 Taxes paid                                            -       (354)       (702) 
 Net cash generated (used) by operating 
  activities                                     (8,122)     (6,616)          36 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Interest received                                    13           2          10 
 Proceeds from disposal of Dawson Home 
  Group                                            4,443           -           - 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment          (71)        (19)        (48) 
 Purchase of intangible assets                         -           -        (47) 
 Net cash generated (used) by investing 
  activities                                       4,385        (17)        (85) 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Interest paid                                      (34)       (106)       (244) 
 Net cash used by financing activities              (34)       (106)       (244) 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash used by continuing operations          (3,771)     (6,739)       (293) 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Discontinued operations 
 Net cash used by operating activities           (1,289)       (310)     (1,960) 
 Net cash used by investing activities              (58)        (25)        (36) 
 Net cash used by discontinued operations        (1,347)       (335)     (1,996) 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents       (5,118)     (7,074)     (2,289) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the period                                   10,157      12,508      12,343 
 Exchange rate effects                              (33)          75         103 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the period                                    5,006       5,509      10,157 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Reconciliation of Movement in Net 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 For the period ended 1 October 2011 
                                                6 months    6 months   15 months 
                                                      to          to          to 
                                               1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                                    2011        2010        2011 
                                                  GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Decrease in cash and cash equivalents           (5,118)     (7,074)     (2,289) 
 Exchange rate effects                              (33)          75         103 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Decrease in net funds                           (5,151)     (6,999)     (2,186) 
 Opening net funds                                10,157      12,508      12,343 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Closing net funds                                 5,006       5,509      10,157 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 


   1.   Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies 

Basis of preparation

This half year report contains the condensed consolidated financial information of the Company and its subsidiaries ("the Group") for the six month period ended 1 October 2011 prepared in accordance with the AIM rules. It is unaudited and has not been reviewed by the auditors. The report does not contain all of the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements and does not therefore constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. It should be read in conjunction with the 2011 annual report.

In 2010 the Company changed its accounting reference date from 31 December to 31 March. The half year financial statements therefore compare the six month period to 1 October 2011 with the six month period to 2 October 2010 and the fifteen month period to 2 April 2011. Comparative information for the six month period to 2 October 2010, which has been extracted from management accounts, is unaudited and has not been reviewed by the auditors. Comparative information for the fifteen month period to 2 April 2011 is based on the statutory accounts for that period which were prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU and have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain statements under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The financial information is prepared on the historical cost basis and is presented in Sterling, rounded to the nearest thousand.

The condensed financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis which the Directors consider to be appropriate based on a review of projected cashflows which take into account (i) the general economic environment, which continues to be challenging and (ii) the business specific risks and uncertainties which are discussed on pages 13 and 14 of the 2011 annual report and are not considered to have changed. Further details are given in the Operating and Financial Review.

This half year report contains certain forward looking statements which are subject to various risks and uncertainties and should therefore be treated with an appropriate level of caution and not regarded as a forecast of future results.

Significant accounting policies

The interim condensed consolidated financial statements have been prepared applying the same accounting policies that are expected to be adopted in the Group's full financial statements for the twelve month period ended 1 April 2012 which are not expected to be significantly different to those set out in note 1 of the Group's audited financial statements for the period ended 2 April 2011.

The following new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are mandatory for the first time for financial periods commencing on or after 1 January 2011 but have had no material impact on the financial statements of the Group.

   --      Revised IAS 24 - Related party disclosures. 
   --      Amendment to IFRIC 14 - Prepayments of a Minimum Funding Requirement. 
   --      IFRS 2010 Improvements - Improvements to IFRSs 2010. 

This half year report was approved by the Board of Directors on 30 November 2011. Copies of this report and the 2011 Annual Report are available on the Company's website at www.dawson-international.co.uk

   2.   Segmental analysis 

The 'Chief Operating Decision Maker' has been identified as the Board of Directors.

The Board reviews the internal reports of the Group in order to assess performance and allocate resources and has determined the operating segments based on these internal reports as follows:

UK Knitwear

This segment comprises the Barrie business which manufactures cashmere and woollen garments which are sold mainly in the European market. It sells both to private label customers and under its own labels which include Barrie, John Laing and Glenmac.

US Knitwear

This segment comprises the Forte business which sources cashmere garments from China which are sold in the American market, primarily to large private label customers. It also sells to smaller boutique customers under its own 'Kinross' label. This business is highly seasonal, making most of its sales and profit in the third calendar quarter of the year.

                                                Revenue                          Profit (loss) 
                                    6 months    6 months   15 months    6 months    6 months   15 months 
                                          to          to          to          to          to          to 
                                   1 October   2 October     2 April   1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                        2011        2010        2011        2011        2010        2011 
                                      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
 UK Knitwear                           4,976       4,893       9,040         541         388         743 
 US Knitwear                          14,800      16,561      29,055         982       2,400       2,358 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Segmental revenues/results 
  before                              19,776      21,454      38,095       1,523       2,788       3,101 
 exceptional items 
  and central costs 
 Unallocated central 
  costs                                                                  (1,223)     (1,624)     (2,986) 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Operating profit before 
  exceptional items                                                          300       1,164         115 
 Exceptional items                                                           125         668       1,787 
 Net finance charges                                                        (19)       (104)       (234) 
 Net finance income 
  on pension assets/liabilities                                              695           -         838 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations                19,776      21,454      38,095       1,101       1,728       2,506 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 US Knitwear in US 
  dollars                             23,972      25,187      45,202       1,591       3,652       3,669 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

Net finance charges are not allocated across segments as borrowing requirements are managed on a Group wide basis.

The results of discontinued operations are disclosed in note 4.

                                                     6 months    6 months   15 months 
                                                           to          to          to 
                                                    1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                                         2011        2010        2011 
 3.    Exceptional items - continuing operations       GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
      -------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  King Deer debt recovery(i)                                -         668       2,754 
       Reorganisation costs 
  - US Knitwear                                             -           -       (103) 
  - Central(ii)                                           175           -       (249) 
  Environmental remediation costs                           -           -       (615) 
       Property costs(iii)                               (50)           -           - 
                                                          125         668       1,787 
 ------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

(i) In January 2010 the Company restructured a debt of $8.9 million (GBP5.7 million) due by Inner Mongolia King Deer Cashmere Company Limited ("King Deer") into a Loan Balance of $4.3 million (GBP2.8 million) due to be repaid in instalments by December 2011 and an Equity Balance of $4.6 million (GBP2.9 million), which had no fixed repayment date but was secured by an equity stake in King Deer. The Loan Balance of GBP2.8 million was recognised as exceptional income in the 15 month period to March 2011. Instalments of $3.5 million (GBP2.3 million) have been received to date with the balance of $0.8 million (GBP0.5 million) due in December 2011.

(ii) During the period a provision for the costs of dissolving dormant overseas subsidiaries was reassessed and GBP175,000 released.

(iii) During the period costs of GBP50,000 were incurred for the removal of asbestos from a vacant property which is planned to be demolished.

   4.   Discontinued operations 

As detailed in the 2011 annual report the Company completed the disposal of Dawson Home Group Limited on 17 May 2011. The consideration was based on net asset value at completion less a discount of GBP2.0 million. A provision of GBP2.5 million for loss on sale was made at March 2011 comprising the discount to net asset value and estimated disposal costs of GBP0.5 million. Immediately prior to the sale GBP2.5 million of stock was transferred to a Group company and was sold back to Dawson Home Group Limited in the six month period following the sale. Net assets at completion were GBP4.5 million. An initial consideration of GBP4.0 million was paid at completion. The balance of GBP0.5 million together with the stock sold since completion of GBP2.5 million is payable over the period to 31 March 2012.

The results of discontinued operations, which have been included in the Group Income Statement, were as follows:

                                    6 months    6 months   15 months 
                                          to          to          to 
                                   1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                        2011        2010        2011 
                                      GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Revenue                               5,591      14,120      38,476 
 Cost of sales                       (5,447)    (11,643)    (32,275) 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Gross profit                            144       2,477       6,201 
 Selling and distribution costs        (247)     (2,053)     (5,149) 
 Administrative expenses               (377)       (860)     (2,524) 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Operating profit                      (480)       (436)     (1,472) 
 Restructuring costs                       -           -       (256) 
 Loss on disposal of business              -           -     (2,500) 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Loss before tax                       (480)       (436)     (4,228) 
--------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                              6 months    6 months   15 months 
                                                    to          to          to 
                                             1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                                  2011        2010        2011 
 5.    Finance income (costs)                   GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
      ------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Interest receivable on short-term 
   deposits                                          4           2          10 
  Finance income                                     4           2          10 
 -----------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  Interest payable on asset backed 
   finance                                        (30)       (106)       (244) 
  Finance costs                                   (30)       (106)       (244) 
 -----------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                              6 months    6 months   15 months 
                                                    to          to          to 
                                             1 October   2 October     2 April 
                                                  2011        2010        2011 
 6.    Income tax expense                       GBP000      GBP000      GBP000 
      ------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
       Current tax expense: 
  Current year                                       -           -          64 
  Adjustments in respect of prior 
   years                                             -           -       (121) 
 -----------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                     -           -        (57) 
       Deferred tax: 
  Origination and reversal of timing 
   differences                                       -           -       1,816 
  Total income tax expense                           -           -       1,759 
 -----------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                        6 months      6 months     15 months 
                                                              to            to            to 
                                                       1 October     2 October       2 April 
 7.    Earnings (loss) per share                            2011          2010          2011 
      ------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ------------ 
  Weighted average number of shares 
   in issue                                          225,158,542   225,158,542   225,158,542 
 -----------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  ------------ 
       There were no potentially dilutive shares in either 
        the current or prior periods. 
       Basic and diluted earnings (loss) 
        per share 
                                                          GBP000        GBP000        GBP000 
       Profit (loss) for the period attributable 
        to equity holders of the parent: 
  Continuing operations                                    1,101         1,728           747 
  Discontinued operations                                  (480)         (436)       (4,228) 
                                                             621         1,292       (3,481) 
 ---------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
                                                           Pence         Pence         Pence 
       Basic and diluted earnings (loss) 
        per share: 
  Continuing operations                                      0.5           0.8           0.3 
  Discontinued operations                                  (0.2)         (0.2)         (1.9) 
                                                             0.3           0.6         (1.6) 
 ---------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Adjusted earnings (loss) per 
  share                               GBP000   GBP000    GBP000 
 Profit (loss) for the period 
  from continuing operations 
    attributable to equity holders 
     of the parent                     1,101    1,728       747 
 Add back exceptional items (note 
  3)                                   (125)    (668)   (1,787) 
-----------------------------------  -------  -------  -------- 
                                         976    1,060   (1,040) 
-----------------------------------  -------  -------  -------- 
                                       Pence    Pence     Pence 
 Adjusted earnings (loss) per 
  share                                  0.4      0.5     (0.5) 
-----------------------------------  -------  -------  -------- 

Adjusted earnings (loss) per share is calculated on the profit or loss for the period from continuing operations before exceptional items.

   8.   Retirement benefit obligations 

The Group operates two defined benefit pension schemes in the UK (the "Staff" and the "Works" schemes) which are closed to new members and a defined benefit pension scheme in the USA which is closed to all members. The UK schemes have less than 60 active members and the Company is considering closing the schemes to future accrual for existing members.

Full actuarial valuations of the UK schemes are made triennially by an independent, professionally qualified actuary and these form the basis of a recovery plan which is agreed by the Company and the pension Trustees. The assumptions applied by the actuary when calculating the deficit and recovery plan differ from those prescribed by IAS 19 for financial reporting purposes. In particular, the assumptions used for valuing liabilities are more conservative and can result in a significantly higher liability than that reported in the balance sheet. As discussed in the Chairman's Statement, the size of the deficit has meant that the Company and the Trustee have been unable to agree a recovery plan based on the latest actuarial valuation and are now discussing with the Pensions Regulator how to address this issue.

An update of the UK pension schemes valuation on an IAS 19 basis was carried out by the scheme actuary at 1 October 2011. There was no update of the US scheme valuation by the scheme actuary due to its smaller size and lower volatility.

The movements in the schemes were as follows:

                                     UK schemes   US scheme      Total 
                                         GBP000      GBP000     GBP000 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Scheme assets at 2 April 2011          108,287       4,503    112,790 
 Expected return on scheme assets         3,957         173      4,130 
 Actuarial loss                           (919)           -      (919) 
 Contributions by employers               2,088         257      2,345 
 Contributions by participants               33           -         33 
 Benefits paid                          (2,806)       (247)    (3,053) 
 Exchange                                     -         138        138 
 Scheme assets at 1 October 2011        110,640       4,824    115,464 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Scheme liabilities at 2 April 
  2011                                  118,122       6,212    124,334 
 Current service cost                        88           -         88 
 Interest cost                            3,262         173      3,435 
 Contributions by participants               33           -         33 
 Actuarial loss                           3,354           -      3,354 
 Benefits paid                          (2,806)       (247)    (3,053) 
 Exchange                                     -         177        177 
 Scheme liabilities at 1 October 
  2011                                  122,053       6,315    128,368 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 
 Deficit at 2 April 2011                (9,835)     (1,709)   (11,544) 
 Deficit at 1 October 2011             (11,413)     (1,491)   (12,904) 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------  --------- 

During the period deficit repair contributions of GBP2.0 million were made to the UK schemes, GBP1.8 million of which had been agreed with the Trustee following the disposal of Todd & Duncan in 2009.

The significant change in actuarial assumptions compared with those at 2 April 2011 was to the discount rate applied to UK scheme liabilities which was reduced from 5.6% to 5.2%.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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