RNS Number:2467M
22 January 2008


                           EBTM Plc ("EBTM")
         Interim Results for the six months ended 31 October 2007
                           Key Points

* Sales up 590% year-on-year, assisted by the acquisitions made in May and
  July 2007, to �3.59 million (2006: �0.52 million).

* The Group has posted its maiden operating profit. Profit before
  amortisation, depreciation, taxation and the FRS 20 charge for share
  incentives was �0.33 million (2006: loss of �0.26 million).

* On 31 May 2007, EBTM acquired Core Brands Limited whose main trading
  subsidiary was Lowlife Corporation Limited ("Lowlife"). Since the
  acquisition Lowlife has continued to trade well with sales up 40%
  year-on-year to the end of the period. However, the Board is adopting a
  cautious outlook for the wholesale division in 2008, given current consumer
  sentiment on the high street and we expect full year results to fall
  materially short of current market expectations.

* On 9 July 2007, the intellectual property rights related to the Atticus
  clothing brand were acquired. A delay in the appointment of a licensee in
  the USA has resulted in lower than expected royalty income. Licensees were
  appointed in the USA and Canada post the period end.

* On 15 August 2007, EBTM announced an order of some �800,000 for Atticus
  clothing from a major high street retailer in the UK. The effect of this
  transaction is recognised in the period ended 31 October 2007.

* New agreements announced during the period with Kerrang Magazine,
  Adeline Street Clothing (associated with the band Green Day) and Clandestine
  Industries clothing (associated with Pete Wentz of the band Fall Out Boy).

* In the four weeks leading up to the last shipment date for Christmas
  2007, online sales were up 47% year-on -year. However, despite record levels
  of traffic on our site, sales were below expectations as a result of
  disappointing conversion rates associated with the transition to the new
  e-commerce platform. However there is a plan to improve conversion rates
  back to historic levels by 30 April 2008. This plan is currently on target.

* The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Simon Hargreaves,
  formerly a non-executive Director as interim Finance Director whilst EBTM
  seeks to make a permanent appointment to this role.

Commenting on the results, David Howell, Chairman said:

"It is pleasing to be able to report a maiden operating profit at this stage.
The acquisition made last year has helped to scale the business and create a
vertically integrated retailer with exciting growth prospects. While the delay
in the appointment of licensees in North America for the Atticus brand and the
technical difficulties we have experienced with our trading platform have
temporarily held the business back and despite our cautious view of consumer
sentiment on the high street, we remain confident that we operate in a growth
market and that we have established a strong platform which has exciting
expansion opportunities in the UK and for future periods internationally."


EBTM plc                                                           
Richard Breeden, Chief Executive                                   020 7819 1950
Simon Hargreaves, Finance Director                                  07768 637643

Nominated Adviser                                                 
Nabarro Wells & Co. Limited                                        
Hugh Oram                                                          020 7710 7400

Zoe Biddick                                                        020 7448 1000

Operating Review

The half year to 31 October 2007 has been transformational in the development of

The Group has posted its maiden operating profit of �0.16 million (compared to a
loss of �0.32 million in the equivalent period last year) and is set for
continued rapid expansion. Sales have grown to �3.59 million, assisted by the
acquisitions of the Lowlife businesses and the Atticus brand, compared with
�0.52 million in the six months to 31 October 2006, an increase of 590%.

This is a position from which the directors believe we can sustain strong growth
in the future.

During the period, EBTM has made a key acquisition creating a fully vertically
integrated retailer which owns and licenses key clothing brands under the banner
of music inspired fashion, as well as having a significant and fast growing
wholesale distribution network in the UK and Europe and a sophisticated sourcing
network in the Far East.

I am pleased to announce that Simon Hargreaves has taken up the role of interim
Finance Director whilst we seek to make a full time appointment to the position.
Simon was previously a non-executive Director of EBTM plc and a Director of
Lowlife Corporation Limited prior to its acquisition by EBTM last year. His
background is as Group Finance Director of Vanco plc and Chief Executive of its
main trading division, Vanco Solutions..

Online Retail

Online sales have continued to grow. In June 2007 we moved our web platform to
Storefront, maintained by Maginus Software Solutions. This move was necessary to
provide the co-branded web stores which are part of our growth strategy.. The
new platform also allows the creation of single brand stores for our own brands,
all run from a central database and inventory.

However, because the new e-commerce platform required extensive fine-tuning, the
transition has resulted in a reduction in online conversion rates. As we address
and rectify these difficulties, conversion continues to improve but is not yet
fully restored to the level achieved prior to the transition. We are already
beginning to see the benefits of the new platform and are confident that the new
system will enable substantial growth in the product range, the customer
database and most importantly sales.

Online sales in the key four weeks leading to the last shipment date for
Christmas were up 47% year on year but, despite record levels of traffic during
this period, the lower conversion rates resulted in materially lower than
expected sales growth.

A plan is in place to restore conversion rates to historic levels by 30 April
2008. The company is currently on target to achieve this.

Acquisition of Lowlife Corporation Limited

On 31 May 2007, the Company entered into a contract to acquire the entire issued
share capital of Core Brands Limited, whose main trading subsidiary at the time
was Lowlife Corporation Limited ("Lowlife"). Lowlife is a wholesaler of music
inspired clothing and accessories. For the year ended 31 December 2006, Lowlife
reported sales of �3.5 million, and profits before tax of �646,000. At that date
it had net assets of �846,000.

In order to fund this acquisition the Company issued 110,526,315 new ordinary
shares of 0.5 pence each in the capital of the Company at 4.75 pence per share
("the Placing"). EBTM paid a total of �4.75 million prior to costs to acquire
the Lowlife business, which was settled as to �3.25 million in cash, financed by
the Placing and �1.5 million by way of an issue of 26,785,714 new ordinary
shares in the Company to Dale Masters, who owned 100% of the share capital in
Core Brands Limited.

Lowlife's products are marketed under a variety of brand names, some of which
are the subject of third party ownership and for which it pays royalties for the
right to use the brand name.

Lowlife has continued its expansion with sales growth of 40% year-on-year for
the six months to 31 October 2007. However, the Board is taking a cautious view
of the outlook for the remainder of this financial year and into the next given
current consumer sentiment on the high street. Specifically, a view has recently
been taken that several material wholesale opportunities that previously had
been viewed as having a reasonable chance of being closed in the period to 30
April 2008, will not now happen prior to this date.

The financial and operational management of the acquired businesses will be
further consolidated in 2008, creating additional cost synergies

Acquisition of Atticus clothing brand

The remaining funds from the placing were used to acquire the intellectual
property rights relating to the Atticus clothing brand for which EBTM paid
US$4.2 million prior to costs. This transaction was completed on 9 July 2007.
This is a brand which sits squarely with our proposition of music inspired

The acquisition of the intellectual property in Atticus ensures that EBTM
controls the design process in house and we no longer have to pay royalties for
sales of the brand. The Atticus clothing brand continues to trade well through
the Lowlife distribution network in the UK and Europe and the savings in royalty
payments, anticipated at the point of acquisition in June 2007, have been
delivered in line with management expectations.

Sales of Atticus continue to grow and on 15 August 2007, EBTM announced an order
of some �800,000 for Atticus clothing from a major high street retailer in the
UK. The effect of this transaction is recognised in the period ended 31 October

Management believes that working with the right partners is crucial to build
long term value in the brand. The search for an appropriate North American
licensee and the agreement of appropriate terms with the licensee has taken
longer than expected. As a result royalty income from the USA will fall
significantly short of previous expectations in the current financial year and
is now not anticipated to reach a material level until the year ending 30 April

Since the period end we are pleased to have concluded licence agreements for the
Atticus brand with licencees in the USA and Canada. We will work closely with
our partners and expect to begin to develop revenues from these markets in
future periods.


Our in-house design and sourcing functions, capabilities acquired with the
acquisition of Lowlife, have started to enable the further acceleration of "own
brand" products which began in 2006 and the roster of brands which we own or
distribute continues to grow.

Alongside the Atticus clothing brand there are a number of other music inspired
fashion brands which we either own or operate.

Our own brand, Lowlife, has established itself within the accessories market and
there are many opportunities to expand the reach of Lowlife products. We have
also begun to develop two new brands called Panic! and LIFE, which will
complement our existing product portfolio as we move into the next financial

In addition, we entered into wholesale and online retail agreements with Adeline
Clothing (announced on 5 September 2007) and Clandestine Industries (announced
19 September 2007) and since the period end we have entered into a distribution
agreement with Rockett clothing (an established music inspired fashion brand
from California).

We intend to continue to build a strong pipeline of music inspired brands to
augment those already in our stable.


The Group is now trading profitably. In the limited period since Christmas,
trading has been encouraging with sales of our own brands continuing to grow as
part of the overall sales mix, thereby enhancing gross margins.

While the directors are confident that the initiatives taken in the first half
year will add to future growth, we are cautious in outlook for 2008. The
temporary difficulties we have experienced with the transition to our new
e-commerce platform and the delay in the appointment of licensees for the
Atticus brand in North America, along with this cautious view for the wholesale
business as high street retail and consumer spending slows in 2008, lead us to
believe that full year results will fall materially short of our previous

Richard Breeden

Chief Executive

21 January 2008



We have been instructed by the Company to review the financial information for
the six month period ended 31 October 2007 which comprises the Consolidated
Income Statement, Consolidated Balance Sheet, Consolidated Cash flow Statement,
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and the related notes. We have read
the other information contained in the interim report and considered whether it
contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. Our work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to them in an
independent review report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than
the Company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The directors are
responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the AIM market which require that the accounting policies and
presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent with those
applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any changes, and
the reasons for them, are disclosed.

International Financial Reporting Standard

As disclosed in note 1, the next annual financial statements of the group will
be prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as
adopted for use in the EU. Accordingly, the interim report has been prepared in
accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of IFRS and the
disclosure requirements of the Listing Rules of the AIM market.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board. A review consists principally of making
enquiries of Group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data and based thereon, assessing
whether the accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied
unless otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of
controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with
International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and therefore provides a
lower level of assurance than an audit. Accordingly we do not express an audit
opinion on the financial information.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six month
period ended 31 October 2007.

Kingston Smith LLP
Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors
141 Wardour Street                        

                          Consolidated Income Statement
                    For the six months ended 31 October 2007

                                             As restated         As restated
                                              Note 5.4            Note 5.3
                         6 months to         6 months to           Year to
                         31 October          31 October           30 April
                            2007                2006                2007
                         Unaudited           Unaudited            Audited
                            �                    �                   �

Turnover                 3,586,578            520,454            1,354,447

Cost of Sales           (1,914,875)          (277,301)            (704,726)
                         --------             --------            --------

Gross Profit             1,671,703            243,153              649,721

Administrative          (1,434,429)          (564,890)          (1,245,311)
expenses                  --------           --------             --------

Profit/ (Loss) 
before amortisation,
depreciation, interest
payable and taxation       237,274           (321,737)            (595,590)

Amortisation and
depreciation               (74,856)            (2,269)              (8,644)
                           --------           --------             --------

Profit/(Loss)              162,418            (324,006)           (604,234)

Interest receivable          8,506              11,073              25,983

Interest pay               (13,929)             (2,486)             (3,745)
                           --------            --------            --------

Profit/ (Loss) on
Ordinary Activities
Before Taxation            156,995            (315,419)           (581,996)

Taxation                   (20,111)             18,424              36,848
                           --------            --------            --------

Retained Profit/
(Loss)for the 
financial period           136,884            (296,995)           (545,148)
                          ========             ========            ========

Profit/ (Loss)
per share

Basic                         0.06               (0.27)              (0.53)
Fully diluted                 0.06               (0.27)              (0.53)
                           ========             ========           ========

The above results have been restated to reflect the IFRS standards and IFRIC
interpretations issued and effective as at the time of preparing these

The profit and loss account has been prepared on the basis that all operations
are continuing operations.

There are no recognised gains and losses other than those passing through the
profit and loss account.

                  Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 October 2007

                                         As restated             As restated
                                         - note 5.2               - note 5.1
               31 October 2007         31 October 2006          30 April 2007
              Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited   Audited   Audited
                �           �             �           �          �         �

Fixed Assets
assets                   8,670,818                1,511,903           1,511,903
Tangible assets            227,617                    8,483             124,426
Deferred tax
asset                       85,221                   39,810              58,234
                          --------                 --------             -------
                         8,983,656               1 ,560,196           1,694,563
Current Assets
Stock         1,211,694                326,350                433,643
Debtors       2,407,524                177,062                300,105
Cash at bank
and in hand      45,130                394,821                617,710
               --------               --------                -------

              3,664,348                898,233               1,351,458

Due within
one year     (2,970,726)              (308,943)               (583,140)
               --------               --------                 -------

Net Current
Assets                     693,622                 589,290              768,318
                          --------                --------              -------

Total Assets
less Current                    
Liabilities              9,677,278               2,149,486            2,462,881
Due after
more than
one year                  (237,905)                (19,639)             (16,273)
                           --------                --------              -------

Net Assets /
(Liabilities)            9,439,373               2,129,847            2,446,608
                          ========                ========              =======

Capital and
Called up share
capital                  1,241,560                 486,250              552,500
Share premium
account                  8,695,864               2,180,175            2,617,425
reserve                    284,069                 132,700              194,114
Profit and
loss account              (782,120)               (669,278)            (917,431)
                           --------                --------             -------

Funds                     9,439,373               2,129,847           2,446,608
                           ========                ========             =======

Approved by the Board on 21
January 2008

R T Breeden

                        Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                    For the six months ended 31 October 2007

                                       As restated              As restated
                                   - note 5.2 and 5.4        - note 5.1 and 5.3
              Six months ended        Six months ended           Year ended
               31 October 2007        31 October 2006          30 April 2007
            Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited   Unaudited     Audited   Audited
                �           �           �             �          �         �

cash flow                (328,915)               (337,002)             (505,580)

Net finance
inflow          (5,423)                 8,587                    22,238
Tax paid             -                      -                        -
               --------              --------                   -------
                           (5,423)                  8,587                22,238
                          --------               --------               -------
Net cash
outflow from
activities               (334,338)               (328,415)             (483,342)


acquired on
acquisition of     
undertakings    (237,798)                   -                        -
Acquisition of
undertakings  (5,859,313)                   -                        -
Purchase of
assets           (88,749)               (4,839)                 (127,157)
                 --------              --------                   -------
Net cash
activities               (6,185,860)                (4,839)            (127,157)


Issue of
capital        5,267,500                     -                    503,500
repaid            (3,368)               (40,867)                  (44,233)
Bank and
other loans
taken out        450,000                      -                         -
                --------                --------                  -------

Net Cash
Activities                 5,714,132               (40,867)             459,267
                            --------               --------             -------

Decrease in 
Cash                        (806,066)             (374,121)            (151,232)
                             ========             ========              =======

                  Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

                    For the six months ended 31 October 2007

               Called up                   Deferred      Profit 
                share        Share       compensation   and loss
               capital      premium        reserve       account      Total
                  �            �              �             �           �

At 1 May       
2006            486,250     2,180,175        71,286     (372,283)     2,365,428
New shares           
issued                -             -             -           -               -
granted               -             -        61,414           -          61,414
Loss for
period                -             -             -     (296,995)      (296,995)
                --------      --------      --------      -------       -------
At 31 October
2006             486,250     2,180,175       132,700    (669,278)     2,129,847
                ========      ========      ========     =======        =======

At 1 November 
2006             486,250     2,180,175       132,700    (669,278)     2,129,847
New shares
issued            66,250       437,250             -           -        503,500
Share options                 
granted                -             -        61,414           -         61,414
Loss for the          
period                 -             -             -    (248,153)      (248,153)
                 --------      --------      --------    -------        -------
At 30 April
2007              552,500     2,617,425       194,114   (917,431)     2,446,608
                  ========     ========      ========     =======       =======

At 1 May 2007     552,500     2,617,425       194,114   (917,431)     2,446,608

New shares
issued            689,060     6,078,439             -          -      6,767,499
Share options 
granted                 -             -        89,955          -         89,955
Profit for
the period              -             -             -     136,884       136,884
difference                                                 (1,573)       (1,573)
                 --------      --------      --------     -------       -------
At 31 October
2007             1,241,560    8,695,864       284,069    (782,120)    9,439,373
                  ========     ========      ========     =======       =======

                  Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                    For the six months ended 31 October 2007

                                            As restated          As restated 
                                          Note 5.2 and 5.4     Note 5.1 and 5.3
                        6 months to         6 months to             Year to      
                        31 October          31 October             30 April
                           2007                2006                  2007        
                         Unaudited          Unaudited              Audited 
                            �                  �                      �          
1 Reconciliation of 
  Operating Profit/ (Loss) 
  to Operating cash flow

Operating profit/ (loss)   162,418            (324,006)            (604,234)
Depreciation                12,277               2,269                8,644
Amortisation                62,579                   -                    -
Share options (note 4)      89,955              61,414              122,828
Increase in debtors     (1,639,640)             29,017              (94,026)
Increase in stock         (321,604)           (196,346)            (303,639)
Increase in creditors    1,305,100              90,650              364,847
                         ---------            ---------           ---------
Operating cash flow       (328,915)            (337,002)           (505,580)
                         =========            =========            =========

2 Reconciliation of 
  Net Cash Flow to Movement 
  in Net (Debt)/ Cash

Decrease in cash 
in the period             (806,066)            (374,121)           (151,232)
Cash inflow from 
bank loans advanced       (450,000)                   -                   -
Cash outflow from 
bank loans repaid            3,368               40,867              44,233
                         ---------            ---------            ---------
Movement in net 
debt in the period      (1,252,698)            (333,254)           (106,999)
Net cash brought 
forward                    594,704              701,703             701,703
                         ---------            ---------           ---------
Net (debt)/ cash 
carried forward           (657,994)             368,449             594,704
                          =========            =========          =========

3 Analysis of Changes 
  in Net Debt

                              At 1 May      Cash         Other          At 31 
                                2007        Flow        Movements   October 2007
                                 �            �             �             �
Cash at bank and in hand       617,710    (572,580)             -        45,130
Overdrafts                           -    (233,486)             -      (233,486)
Debt due within one year        (6,733)   (446,632)       221,632      (231,733)
Debt due after one year        (16,273)          -       (221,632)     (237,905)
                             ----------   ---------      ---------     ---------
Total                          594,704  (1,252,698)             -      (657,994)
                            ==========    =========      =========     =========

                        Notes to the Financial Statements
                    For the six months ended 31 October 2007

1. General information

EBTM plc ('the Company') and its subsidiaries (together 'EBTM plc' or 'the
Group') is a manufacturer and on line and wholesale seller of fashion and
fashion related products.

The Company is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in the United
Kingdom. The address of its registered office is 141 Wardour Street, London, W1F

The Company has its primary listing on the Alternative Investment Market

These consolidated interim financial statements have been approved for issue by
the Board of Directors on 21 January 2008.

2. Accounting policies

The accounting policies adopted by the Group are in accordance with the
accounting policies updated at the prior year end.

(a) Accounting basis and standards

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention
and in accordance with applicable accounting standards. The accounting policies
are unchanged from the previous year.

(b) Basis of consolidation

The Group profit and loss account and balance sheet consist of the financial
statements of the parent company and its subsidiary undertaking. The results of
subsidiaries sold or acquired are included in the profit and loss account up to
or from the date control passes. Intra-group sales and profits are eliminated
fully on consolidation.

(c) Intangible fixed assets

Purchased intellectual property rights relating to clothing brands are
capitalised at cost as intangible fixed assets. Intellectual property rights are
amortised by equal annual amounts over their expected useful life of ten years.

Goodwill arising on acquisitions is capitalised in accordance with the
requirements of IFRS 3. Goodwill impairment is assessed by comparing the
carrying value of goodwill to the net present value of future cash flows derived
from the operating performance underpinned by each cash generating units'
three-year forecast. After this period, growth rates equivalent to nominal GDP
are generally assumed. In accordance with IFRS 3 the carrying value of goodwill
will continue to be reviewed for impairment on the basis stipulated and adjusted
should this be required. Impairment is recognised in the income statement and is
not subsequently reversed. The individual circumstances of each future
acquisition will be assessed to determine the appropriate treatment of any
related goodwill.

Goodwill arising on acquisitions before the date of transition to IFRS has been
retained at the previous UK GAAP amounts at the date of transition subject to
being tested for impairment at that date.

Intangible fixed assets are reviewed for impairment at the end of the first full
financial year following the acquisition and in other periods if events or
changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be
recoverable. The intangible assets have a useful life of 10 years and are
reviewed for impairment on an annual basis.

(d) Depreciation of fixed assets

Fixed assets are stated at historical cost.

Depreciation on fixed assets is provided at rates estimated to write off the
cost or revalued amounts, less estimated residual value, of each asset evenly
over its expected useful life as follows:

Plant and Machinery 3 years straight line

e-commerce software 3 years straight line

Fixtures, fittings and equipment 3 years straight line

(e) Turnover

Turnover represents the invoiced value of goods sold and services provided net
of value added tax.

(f) Stock

Stocks are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost includes
all direct costs incurred in bringing the stocks to their present location and
condition, including where appropriate, a proportion of manufacturing overheads.

(g) Investments

Fixed asset investments are stated at historical cost less any provision for
diminution in value

(h) Deferred taxation

In accordance with FRS 19, deferred tax is recognised as a liability or asset if
transactions or events that give the company the obligation to pay more tax in
future or a right to pay less tax in future have occurred by the balance sheet

(i) Foreign currencies

Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at
the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. Assets and
liabilities in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at rates of
exchange ruling at the end of the financial year. Exchange differences arising
from the translation of foreign investments, subsidiaries or associates are
taken directly to reserves. All other exchange differences are dealt with in the
profit and loss account.

(j) Leasing and hire purchase commitments

Rentals paid under operating leases are charged to income on a straight line
basis over the lease term.

(k) Share based payments

Certain employees and directors of the Company received equity settled
remuneration in the form of Company share options. The cost is charged to the
profit and loss account on the straight line basis over the vesting period and a
corresponding amount is reflected in the profit and loss reserves in
shareholders' equity adjusted at each balance sheet date to take into account
actual and expected levels of vesting. The charge is calculated as being the
fair value of the shares or the right to the shares on the date of grant,
reduced by any consideration payable by the employee. Fair value is measured
using a modified Black- Scholes option pricing model and is based on a
reasonable expectation of the extent to which performance criteria will be met.

3. Basis of preparation and statutory information

The 31 October 2007 interim consolidated financial statements of EBTM plc are
for the six month period ended 31 October 2007. These interim financial
statements have been prepared in accordance with those IFRS standards and IFRIC
interpretations issued and effective as at the time of preparing these
statements (December 2007) and IAS 34 'Interim Financial Reporting'.

The interim financial information for the six months ended 31 October 2007 and
31 October 2006 has not been audited and does not constitute statutory accounts
within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.

The information for the year ended 30 April 2007 does not constitute statutory
accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. A copy of the
statutory accounts, which were prepared under IAS, has been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those accounts was not qualified
and did not contain statements under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act

4. Prior year adjustment

During the year ended 30 April 2007, the Company adopted FRS20. This relates to
accounting for share based payments. As a result of this the results for the
period ended 31 October 2006 have been restated. The effect of this was that an
additional post tax charge of �42,990 was added to the loss for the period.

5. Explanation of transition to IFRSs

This is the first period for which the Group has presented its financial 
statements under IFRS. The following disclosures are required in the year of 
transition. The last financial statements under UK GAAP were for the year ended 
30 April 2007 and the date of transition to IFRS was therefore 1 May 2006.

5.1 Reconciliation of Equity at 30 April 2007 (date of last UK GAAP financial

                       UK GAAP            Effect of transition    As restated 
           Note  As previously reported         to IFRSs          under IFRSs
                     �            �          �          �         �        �

Fixed Assets

assets         a              1,432,329               79,574          1,511,903
assets                          124,426                    -            124,426
Deferred tax                        
asset                            58,234                    -             58,234  
                               --------              --------           -------
                              1,614,989                79,574         1,694,563

Stock              433,643                       -                      433,643
Debtors            300,105                       -                      300,105
Cash at bank
and in hand        617,710                       -                      617,710
                   -------                  -------                     -------
                 1,351,458                       -                    1,351,458
                   -------                  -------                     -------
Due within
one year          (583,140)                       -                    (583,140)
                    -------                 -------                     -------

Net Current                    
Assets                         768,318                      -           768,318
                              --------               --------           -------
Total Assets
less Current                
Liabilities                  2,383,307                 79,574         2,462,881
Due after
more than
one year                       (16,273)                     -           (16,273)
                               --------              --------           -------
Net Assets /
(Liabilities)                2,367,034                 79,574         2,446,608
                              ========               ========           =======

Capital and

Called up
share capital                  552,500                      -           552,500
Share premium                    
account                      2,617,425                      -         2,617,425
Deferred compensation
reserve                        194,114                      -           194,114
Profit and loss                         
account                       (997,005)                79,574          (917,431)
                              --------                 ------           -------
Shareholders'                2,367,034                 79,574         2,446,608
Funds                         ========               ========           =======

                                                         Note      �

Total equity previously reported under UK GAAP                 2,367,034

Reversal of amortization of goodwill from date            a       79,574
of transition                                                    -------

Total equity as restated under IFRSs                           2,446,608

5.2 Reconciliation of Equity at 31 October 2006

                        UK GAAP          Effect of  transition      As restated 
            Note  As previously reported       to IFRSs            under  IFRSs
                      �         �              �           �       �         �

Fixed Assets

assets        a                 1,472,116               39,787        1,511,903
assets        b                     8,483                    -            8,483
Deferred tax
asset                                   -               39,810           39,810
                                 --------             --------          -------
                                1,480,599               79,597        1,560,196

Stock              326,350                       -              326,350
Debtors            177,062                       -              177,062
Cash at bank
and in hand        394,821                       -              394,821
                   -------                --------              -------           
                   898,233                       -              898,233
Amounts falling   
Due within
one year          (308,943)                      -             (308,943)
                   -------                --------              -------

Net Current
Assets                             589,290                  -           589,290
                                  --------           --------           -------

Total Assets
less Current                           
Liabilities                      2,069,889             79,597         2,149,486
Amounts falling                                
Due after more 
than one year                      (19,639)                 -           (19,639)      
                                  --------           --------           -------

Net Assets /
(Liabilities)                    2,050,250             79,597         2,129,847
                                  ========           ========           =======

Capital and Reserves

Called up
share capital                      486,250                 -            486,250
Share premium
account                          2,180,175                 -          2,180,175
reserve         c                        -            132,700           132,700
Profit and
loss account  a, b, c             (616,175)           (53,103)         (669,278)
                                  --------           --------           -------

Funds                            2,050,250             79,597         2,129,847
                                  ========           ========           =======

                                                         Note      �

Total equity previously reported under UK GAAP                 2,050,250

Reversal of amortization of goodwill                      a       39,787
Tax effect of FRS 20                                      b       39,810
Creation of Deferred Compensation Reserve following 
adoption of FRS 20 regarding share based payments         c      132,700
Movement from profit and loss account to create Deferred
Compensation Reserve                                      d      (132,700)

Total equity as restated under IFRSs                            2,129,847

5.3 Reconciliation of profit or loss for the year ended 30 April 2007

                              UK GAAP              Effect of        As restated
                              As previously        transition         under
                     Note     reported             to IFRSs           IFRSs
                                  �                    �               �

Turnover                          1,354,447                 -         1,354,447

Cost of Sales                      (704,726)                -          (704,726)
                                   --------          --------          --------

Gross Profit                         649,721                -           649,721

Administrative                    (1,245,311)               -        (1,245,311)
expenses                            --------         --------          --------

Loss before
interest payable
and taxation         a              (595,590)               -          (595,590)
Amortisation                         (88,218)           79,574           (8,644)
and depreciation                     --------         --------         --------

Operating Loss                      (683,808)           79,574         (604,234)

Interest receivable                   25,983                 -           25,983
Interest payable                      (3,745)                -           (3,745)
                                    --------          --------          --------

Loss on Ordinary                    
Activities Before
Taxation                            (661,570)           79,574         (581,996)

Taxation                              36,848                 -           36,848
                                    --------          --------         --------
Retained loss
for the financial                             
period                              (624,722)           79,574         (545,148)
                                    ========          ========         ========

                                                      Loss on         Retained
                                                      ordinary        loss for
                               Note   Operating      activities    the financial
                                        loss         before tax        period
                                          �              �                �

Loss as previously reported
under UK GAAP                          (683,808)       (661,570)       (624,722)

Reversal of amortization 
goodwill                        a        79,574          79,574          79,574
Adoption of FRS 20 regarding                 
share based payments                          -               -               -
Tax effect of FRS 20                          -               -               -
                                        --------       --------        --------

Loss as restated under IFRSs            (604,234)       (581,996)      (545,148)
                                        ========        ========       ========

5.4 Reconciliation of profit or loss for the six months ended 31 October 2006

                              UK GAAP              Effect of         As restated
                              As previously        Transition           under
                     Note     reported             to IFRSs             IFRSs
                                   �                   �                  �

Turnover                            520,454                 -           520,454

Cost of Sales                      (277,301)                -          (277,301)
                                   --------          --------          --------

Gross Profit                        243,153                 -           243,153

Administrative        a            (503,476)          (61,414)         (564,890)
expenses                           --------          --------          --------

Loss before
interest payable
and taxation                       (260,323)           (61,414)        (321,737)

Amortisation          b             (42,056)            39,787           (2,269)
and depreciation                   --------           --------         --------

Operating Loss                     (302,379)           (21,627)        (324,006)

Interest receivable                  11,073                  -           11,073

Interest payable                     (2,486)                 -           (2,486)
                                   --------           --------         --------

Loss on Ordinary                   (293,792)           (21,627)        (315,419)
Activities Before

Taxation              c                   -             18,424           18,424
                                   --------           --------         --------

Retained loss
for the financial                              
period                             (293,792)            (3,203)        (296,995)
                                   ========           ========         ========

                                                      Loss on         Retained
                                                      Ordinary        loss for
                               Note     Operating     Activities   the financial
                                           loss       before tax        period
                                            �             �               �

Loss as previously reported
under UK GAAP                            (302,379)      (293,792)      (293,792)

Adoption of FRS 20 regarding
share based payments            a         (61,414)       (61,414)       (61,414)
Reversal of amortization of
goodwill                        b          39,787         39,787         39,787
Tax effect of FRS 20            c               -              -         18,424
                                         --------       --------       --------

Loss as restated under IFRSs             (324,006)      (315,419)      (296,995)
                                         ========       ========       ========

6. Acquistion of Core Brands Limited and Twenty Four Seven Trading Limited

On 31 May 2007, the Company issued 110,526,315 new ordinary shares of 0.5 pence
each in the capital of the Company at 4.75 pence per share ("the Placing").

On 31 May 2007, the Company entered into a contract to acquire the entire issued
share capital of Core Brands Limited and Twenty Four Seven Trading Limited. The
main trading subsidiary of Core Brands Limited at the time was Lowlife
Corporation Limited ("Lowlife"). Lowlife is a wholesaler and on-line retailer of
clothing and accessories in the area of music inspired fashion. For the year
ended 31 December 2006, Lowlife reported sales of �6.7 million, and profits
before tax of �646,000. At that date it had net assets of �846,000.

EBTM paid �4.25 million to acquire Core Brands Limited, settled as follows:

   * �1.5 million by way of an issue of 26,785,714 new ordinary shares in the
     company to Dale Masters, who owned 100% of the share capital in Core Brands
     Limited; and

   * �2.75 million in cash, to be financed by the Placing.

EBTM paid �500,000 in cash to acquire Twenty Four Seven Trading Limited.

Core Brands Limited

The fair value of the net assets acquired was �141,868, resulting in goodwill of
�4,579,868 which has been capitalised as an intangible asset.

                                      Book          Fair value          Fair
                                     value         adjustments          value
Net assets acquired                    �                �                 �

Tangible fixed assets               25,689                   -           25,689
Stock                              449,749                   -          449,749
Trade and other receivables        465,240                   -          465,240
Cash and cash equivalents         (259,078)                  -         (259,078)
Trade and other payables          (539,732)                  -         (539,732)
                                 ---------            --------         --------

                                   141,868                   -          141,868
                                 =========            ========

Goodwill                                                              4,579,868

Total consideration                                                   4,721,736

Satisfied by
Cash                                                                  2,750,000
Shares issued                                                         1,500,000
Acquisition costs                                                       471,736

Total                                                                 4,721,736

Twenty Four Seven Trading Limited

The fair value of the net liabilities acquired was �4,049, resulting in goodwill
of �504,049 which has been capitalised as an intangible asset.

                                      Book           Fair value           Fair
                                     value          adjustments          value
Net assets acquired                    �                 �                  �

Fixed assets                         1,030                   -           1,030
Stock                                6,698                   -           6,698
Trade and other receivables          2,539                   -           2,539
Cash and cash equivalents           21,280                   -          21,280
Trade and other payables           (35,596)                  -          (35,596)
                                  --------           ---------         --------

                                    (4,049)                 -            (4,049)
                                  ========          =========

Goodwill                                                                504,049

Total consideration                                                     500,000

Satisfied by
Cash                                                                    500,000
Shares issued                                                                 -
Acquisition costs                                                             -
Total                                                                   500,000

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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