RNS Number : 4704X 
Utilico Limited 
06 December 2010 

For immediate release 
6th December 2010 
                                Utilico Limited 
    Recommended proposals for amendments to Utilico's investment policy, the 
 acquisition of the assets of Eclectic Investment Company plc ("Eclectic"), the 
  acquisition of certain assets from General Provincial Life Pension Fund (L) 
Limited ("GPLPF"), cancellation of share premium account, increase of authorised 
        share capital and change of name to Utilico Investments Limited 
Utilico is today posting a Circular (and accompanying Prospectus) which convenes 
the necessary shareholder meetings to implement proposals for a change in 
Utilico's investment policy and to seek shareholder approval for this and other 
associated matters. 
The Utilico Board has concluded that the current investment policy, restricted 
predominantly to the infrastructure and utilities sectors, no longer offers long 
term attractions for Shareholders. This has arisen as a result of a number of 
changes to these sectors over recent years. 
The Board is therefore proposing a new investment objective and policy that will 
allow the Company to invest across all sectors and markets.  To reflect these 
changes it is also proposed that Utilico will change its name to Utilico 
Investments Limited. 
The change in the Company's investment policy would give rise to a potential 
conflict for Utilico's manager, ICM, as Ingot, Utilico's former manager and an 
affiliate of ICM, manages Eclectic Investment Company plc, which has a similar 
investment mandate.  As Eclectic's investment portfolio contains a number of 
attractive assets that would comply with Utilico's proposed new investment 
policy, the Board considers that the most appropriate way to resolve this 
potential conflict, as well as allowing Utilico to acquire an attractive and 
diversified portfolio of assets, is for the Company to acquire Eclectic's 
investment portfolio through a scheme of reconstruction and winding up of 
Eclectic.  This would also lead to potential efficiency savings as the asset 
base of the Company would increase by the value of the assets acquired. 
Pursuant to the Scheme and related transactions, Utilico will acquire all of 
Eclectic's investment portfolio in consideration for a cash payment to Eclectic 
and the issue of New Utilico Shares to certain Eclectic Shareholders. As a 
result of this transaction, Utilico's Gross Assets will increase by 
approximately GBP14.0m. 
It is also proposed that Utilico acquires 19,965,369 Resolute Mining Limited 
ordinary shares from GPLPF (having a value, based on their closing bid price on 
30 November 2010 and a A$/sterling exchange rate of 1.6238 on that date, of 
GBP15.0 million) in exchange for New Utilico Shares. The Board and the Manager 
believe that Resolute is an attractive investment and that it is advantageous to 
the Company to take this opportunity to increase its holding in this company. 
This also has the benefit of increasing Utilico's asset base further, which is 
particularly positive for ZDP Shareholders as it will provide additional ZDP 
Cover.  The New Utilico Shares will be issued to GPLPF at the Utilico FAV per 
Share as at the Calculation Date with the Resolute ordinary shares being 
acquired being valued at their closing bid price on the same day translated into 
sterling at the prevailing A$/sterling exchange rate. 
Applications will be made for the New Utilico Shares to be admitted to a premium 
listing of the Official List and to trading on the main market for listed 
securities of the London Stock Exchange.  The New Utilico Shares will be issued 
in registered form and may be held either in certificated form and settled 
through CREST. The New Utilico Shares will be transferable  and will rank pari 
passu in all respects with each other and the existing Utilico Shares save in 
respect of any distribution made or declared on the existing Utilico Shares 
prior to the Effective Date. 
As previously announced to the market, despite having positive revenue earnings 
in addition to revenue reserves, under Bermuda law, Utilico has been unable to 
pay a dividend to Shareholders as a result of having negative capital reserves 
since March 2008. Whilst the bonus issue mechanism used in April this year 
allowed for some profits representing income to be returned to Shareholders, the 
Board believes that a more permanent solution is needed.  To this end, the 
Company is proposing to cancel the amount standing to the credit of the 
Company's share premium account, which will allow it to resume dividend 
payments.  Any such dividends will only be paid out of existing and future 
revenue profits, which will ensure that the interests of ZDP Shareholders are 
not prejudiced thereby and will be made in accordance with Bermuda law. 
Finally, it is necessary to increase the authorised share capital of the Company 
to create sufficient additional New Utilico Shares to implement the Proposals, 
whilst leaving a degree of headroom for the future. 
Investment objective and policy 
Background to change of investment objective and policy 
The Board and ICM have reviewed and discussed at length the merits of the 
current investment policy.  This review concluded that the infrastructure and 
utilities sectors in emerging markets remain attractive. However, in developed 
markets this is not the case and in such markets these asset classes face a 
number of challenges, namely the following: 
·      Low growth. GDP growth in certain developed markets is likely to be 
depressed for a number of years. This arises from various factors, including 
declining populations, ageing populations and significant capital requirements 
to reduce both personal and sovereign debt levels exacerbated by current 
financial market pressures. 
·      High debt. A number of utility and infrastructure investment 
opportunities require significant debt finance.  The ability to roll this debt 
over into the next cycle will be challenging given the increased margin and 
asset cover requirements that many lenders have imposed following the recent 
credit crisis. Further, many lenders are likely to need to reduce their loan 
books to meet regulatory requirements and reduce risk. This poses an additional 
risk to equity investors. 
·      Uncertain political environment. Governments are under severe constraints 
to redress sovereign debt concerns. In Europe this is being met by the 
imposition of severe austerity measures in a number of countries, which is 
likely to result in a reduction in government spending on infrastructure and 
related projects, and an increase in protectionist tax and regulation. This was 
illustrated by the Spanish response to the solar industry where the Spanish 
Government has unilaterally reduced the feed-in tariffs for new solar energy 
projects and has publicly considered that this decision should have 
retrospective effect. 
·      Smaller investment universe.  The strength of Utilico's manager, ICM, has 
been in exploiting quoted investments and ICM's investment team is structured to 
focus on this. However, the pool of listed utility and infrastructure 
investments in the developed markets has reduced significantly in recent times. 
In the UK, a number of utility and infrastructure companies have been taken 
private, including BAA and many of the water and power generation and supply 
companies. The reduced pool of listed investments limits ICM's investment 
flexibility. While there is a requirement for significant investment in this 
sector the Board believes that this is likely to be through public private 
finance initiatives or in the private equity arena, which is not ICM's core 
The Board is therefore proposing a new investment objective and a new investment 
policy, which will allow the Company to invest across all sectors and markets. 
This will position Utilico as an absolute return fund, utilising strengths in 
infrastructure and utilities investment as well as in the wider market.  The 
Board expects the investment outlook to change as the world's economies are 
rebalanced and that the wider flexibility offered by the new investment policy 
will be beneficial to Utilico's Shareholders and indirectly ZDP Shareholders. 
Proposed new investment objective and investment policy 
If all of the Resolutions to be proposed at the SGM and the Class Meetings and 
the Eclectic Resolutions are passed by the requisite majorities, the Company's 
new investment objective and investment policy will be as follows: 
Proposed investment objective 
Utilico's investment objective will be to maximise shareholder returns by 
identifying and investing in investments where the underlying value is not 
reflected in the market price. 
Proposed investment policy 
Utilico will seek to invest in undervalued investments and under its proposed 
investment policy will have the flexibility to make investments in a wide range 
of sectors and markets worldwide. 
The Company will identify and invest in opportunities where the underlying value 
is not reflected in the market price.  This perceived undervaluation may arise 
from any number of factors including technological, market motivation, 
prospective financial engineering opportunities, competition or shareholder 
In the short to medium term it is anticipated that the Company will continue to 
have a significant proportion of its Gross Assets invested in developed markets 
in existing utilities and related stocks, including (but not limited to) water 
and sewerage companies, waste, electricity, gas, telecommunications, ports, 
airports, service companies, rail, roads, any business with essential service or 
monopolistic characteristics and in any new utilities which may arise.  The 
Company may also invest this segment of its portfolio in businesses which supply 
services to or otherwise support the utilities and related sectors. 
Subject to compliance with the Listing Rules in force from time to time, Utilico 
may invest in other investment funds or vehicles, including any managed by the 
Manager, where such investment would be complementary to the Company's 
investment objectives and policy. 
The Company will continue to have the flexibility to invest in any instrument 
appropriate to the particular opportunity under consideration, including shares, 
bonds, convertibles, options, warrants, futures and debt securities and to 
invest in unlisted securities.   The Company may use derivative instruments for 
the purposes of efficient portfolio management and to obtain investment 
exposure, such as contracts for difference, financial futures, call and put 
options and warrants.  The Company may from time to time seek to actively 
protect the Company's portfolio and balance sheet from major market corrections. 
 This may include foreign currency hedges, interest rate hedges, stock market 
index options and similar instruments. 
The Company will have the flexibility to invest in markets worldwide although 
investments in the utilities and infrastructure sectors will principally be made 
in the developed markets of Australasia, Western Europe and North America, as 
Utilico's exposure to the emerging markets utilities and infrastructure sectors 
will primarily be through its holding in Utilico Emerging Markets Limited. 
Utilico will have the flexibility to invest directly in these sectors in 
emerging markets with the prior agreement of Utilico Emerging Markets Limited. 
The Company believes it is appropriate to support investee companies with their 
capital requirements while at the same time maintaining an active and 
constructive shareholder approach through encouraging the organisation of 
capital structure and business efficiencies.  The Manager's investment team will 
maintain regular contact with investee companies and Utilico may often be among 
the largest shareholders.  There are no limits on the proportion of an investee 
company that Utilico may hold and Utilico may take legal or management control 
of a company from time to time. 
The Company aims to maximise value for Shareholders through a relatively 
concentrated portfolio of investments.  There will be no fixed limits on the 
allocation of investments between sectors and markets, however the following 
investment limits will apply: 
·       investments in unlisted companies will, in aggregate, not exceed 20% of 
the Gross Assets at the time that any new investment is made; and 
·       no single investment will exceed 30% of Gross Assets at the time such 
investment is made, save that this limit shall not prevent the exercise of any 
warrants, options or similar convertible instruments acquired prior to the 
relevant investment reaching the 30% limit. 
Under the Bye-laws, the Group is permitted to borrow an aggregate amount equal 
to 100% of the Group's Gross Assets.  Borrowings will be drawn down in any 
currency appropriate for the portfolio. 
As required by the Listing Rules, there will be no material change to the 
investment policy without prior approval of Shareholders. Any such change would 
also require the consent of ZDP Shareholders in accordance with the Subscription 
The Scheme 
The Board has reached agreement with Eclectic to acquire the investment 
portfolio of Eclectic through the Scheme. 
The Scheme will result in Eclectic Shareholders who elect to do so receiving New 
Utilico Shares, valued at the Utilico FAV per Share as at the Calculation Date, 
issued by the Company in exchange for the transfer to the Company of certain 
investments held by Eclectic. The Scheme will also provide for Eclectic 
Shareholders who do not elect for New Utilico Shares to receive a cash exit in 
respect of their investment in Eclectic equal to 95 per cent. of the Eclectic 
FAV per Share on the Calculation Date. Eclectic Shareholders who do not make an 
election under the Scheme will be deemed to have elected for the Cash option. In 
order to provide sufficient cash to fund the Cash Option and the costs of 
Eclectic's liquidation, Utilico has agreed to purchase certain assets from 
Eclectic shortly before the Scheme becomes effective pursuant to the Sale and 
Purchase Agreement. 
Eclectic is an investment company with a broad investment policy, which permits 
Eclectic to make investments worldwide across all sectors and in a variety of 
financial instruments without having to focus on any country, sector or 
industry.  As at 30 November 2010, Eclectic had unaudited net assets of GBP19.3 
million. The ten largest investments in Eclectic's portfolio constituted 86.0 
per cent. of the portfolio. 
The majority of the assets of Eclectic to be acquired by the Company pursuant to 
the Scheme would fall outside the scope of the Company's existing investment 
policy.  The Scheme is therefore conditional, inter alia, on the amendment of 
the Company's investment policy. 
The Scheme will not result in any changes to the management arrangements or the 
management and performance fees currently paid by Utilico to ICM. 
The majority shareholder in Eclectic, NLPL, is controlled by the ultimate 
beneficial owner of GPLPF, the majority shareholder in Utilico.  This means that 
Eclectic is a related party of Utilico for the purposes of the Listing Rules. 
As a result, the entry into the Transfer Agreement and the Sale and Purchase 
Agreement pursuant to the Scheme constitute related party transactions for 
Utilico, which must be approved by the Utilico Shareholders, excluding GPLPF and 
any of its associates. 
The Scheme is also conditional, inter alia, on the approval of Eclectic 
shareholders at two separate general meetings. 
Benefits of the Scheme 
The Board believes that the Scheme represents a good opportunity for the Company 
to attract new shareholders and to increase the size of the Company. The main 
benefits of the Scheme for Shareholders and ZDP Shareholders are that: 
·    the Company will acquire a portfolio of assets which are, in the Manager's 
opinion, attractive investments; 
·    Eclectic will cease to exist, which will eliminate a potential source of 
conflict of interest for ICM and Ingot as affiliates and investment managers of 
two funds with similar investment policies; 
·    the Company's asset base will increase, which should have a beneficial 
effect on the Company's total expense ratio; and 
·    ZDP Cover will be improved through the increase in the Company's Gross 
Valuations for the Scheme 
New Utilico Shares will be issued to Eclectic Shareholders who elect to receive 
New Utilico Shares under the Scheme on the basis of the Eclectic FAV per Share 
and the Utilico FAV per Share as at the Calculation Date.  The Eclectic FAV and 
the Utilico FAV will be based on the Net Asset Values of Eclectic and Utilico as 
calculated in accordance with their normal accounting policies (which are 
substantially similar) but adjusted as follows. 
·           by deducting from the net asset value of the Eclectic Shares (i) all 
known costs of the Scheme and of its liquidation incurred or to be incurred by 
Eclectic and all other known liabilities of Eclectic and (ii) the Liquidators' 
retention (expected to be GBP50,000) to cover unknown liabilities; and 
·           by deducting from the net asset value of the Utilico Shares all 
known costs of the Proposals incurred or to be incurred by Utilico. 
Illustrative financial effects of the Scheme 
For illustrative purposes only, if the Scheme had become effective at close of 
business on 30 November 2010 and based on the assumptions set out in the notes 
below, the Eclectic FAV per Share would have been 107.66 pence and the Utilico 
FAV per Share would have been 204.31 pence.  Based on the assumptions set out 
below, an electing Eclectic Shareholder would receive approximately 0.526 New 
Utilico Shares in respect of each Eclectic Share held. 
On this basis, an Eclectic Shareholder would receive New Utilico Shares with an 
aggregate market price of GBP798.21 for every 1,000 Eclectic Shares held, which 
have an aggregate market price of GBP855.00, based on the closing share price of 
an Eclectic Share as at 30 November 2010.  On this basis, Utilico would issue up 
to 6,668,737 New Utilico Shares, representing 7.7 per cent. of the existing 
issued Ordinary Shares. 
It should be noted that these figures are given for illustrative purposes only 
and should not be regarded as a forecast of the actual Eclectic FAV per Share or 
the actual Utilico FAV per Share to be calculated on the Calculation Date. 
1.   As at close of business on 30 November 2010, the middle market share price 
of an Eclectic Share was 85.5 pence and of a Utilico Share was 151.75 pence; 
2.   As at close of business on 30 November 2010, the unaudited NAV per Eclectic 
Share and the unaudited Eclectic FAV per Share were 109.51 pence and 107.66 
pence respectively; 
3.   As at close of business on 30 November 2010, the unaudited NAV per Utilico 
Share and the unaudited Utilico FAV per Share were 205.03 pence and 204.31pence 
4.   Shareholders holding 71.83 per cent. of the Eclectic Shares validly elect 
for New Utilico Shares in respect of their entire holdings (being those who have 
given irrevocable undertakings to roll-over their investment); 
5.   Current period revenue reserves are included within the relevant NAV 
6.   Eclectic's total costs in implementing the Proposals are GBP275,000; 
7.   The retention proposed by the Liquidators to cover unknown liabilities of 
Eclectic is GBP50,000; 
8.   Utilico's total costs in implementing the Scheme and associated matters are 
9.   Completion of the Proposals as described in herein; and 
10.  No account of the Warrants is taken in calculating the Utilico FAV per 
The Cash Option 
Under the Cash Option, Eclectic Shareholders may elect to dispose of some or all 
of their Eclectic Shares for cash equivalent to 95 per cent. of the Eclectic FAV 
per Share.  Based upon the illustrative ratio given above this would represent a 
premium of 19.6 per cent. to the closing share price of an Eclectic Share as at 
30 November 2010. If no form of election is received by Eclectic, the relevant 
Eclectic Shareholder will be deemed to have elected for the Cash Option in 
respect of their entire holding of Eclectic Shares. 
If no form of election is received by Eclectic, the relevant Eclectic 
Shareholder will be deemed to have elected for the Cash Option in respect of 
their entire holding of Eclectic Shares. 
Eclectic Shareholders who are resident outside the United Kingdom, the Channel 
Islands and the Isle of Man will be deemed to have elected for the Cash Option 
under the Scheme.  This is subject to the discretion of the Independent 
Directors and the Independent Eclectic Directors to allow such Eclectic 
Shareholders to elect for New Utilico Shares provided that the Independent 
Directors and the Independent Eclectic Directors are satisfied that such 
Eclectic Shareholders can be issued New Utilico Shares without breaching any 
relevant securities laws or regulations and without the need for compliance on 
the part of Utilico or Eclectic with any overseas laws, regulations, filing 
requirements or the like. 
Funding the Cash Option 
The beneficial holders of 71.83 per cent. of the Eclectic Shares have 
irrevocably undertaken to elect for New Utilico Shares under the Scheme.  If all 
other Eclectic Shareholders elect, or are deemed to elect, for the Cash Option, 
the maximum aggregate cash required by Eclectic to satisfy those elections would 
be approximately GBP5.1million, based upon 95 per cent. of the illustrative 
Eclectic FAV per Share shown above.  In order to ensure that Eclectic has 
sufficient cash, Utilico has agreed to enter into the Sale and Purchase 
Agreement shortly before the Second Eclectic GM.  Under the Sale and Purchase 
Agreement, Utilico will purchase certain investments from Eclectic (valued as at 
the Calculation Date in the same manner as if they would be transferred pursuant 
to the Scheme) in consideration for a cash payment.  These assets will be 
investments within Utilico's current investment policy. The amount of assets 
sold to Utilico under the Sale and Purchase Agreement will depend on elections 
received under the Scheme and Eclectic's other cash requirements and cannot, 
therefore, be determined at this time. The Sale and Purchase Agreement is not 
conditional upon completion of the Scheme. 
Information on Resolute and the GPLPF Subscription 
As part of the Proposals, GPLPF has agreed, subject to shareholder approval, to 
subscribe for New Utilico Shares in consideration for the acquisition by 
Utilico, in accordance with Utilico's proposed investment policy of 19,965,369 
Resolute ordinary shares (having a value, based on their closing bid price on 30 
November 2010 and a A$/GBP sterling exchange rate on that date of 1.6238, of 
GBP15.0 million). 
Resolute is incorporated in Western Australia and has its registered office at 
4th Floor, The BGC Centre, 28 The Esplanade, Western Australia 6000. Resolute is 
a developer and operator of gold projects, with operations in Africa, 
principally in Mali and Tanzania, and in Australia. Its ordinary shares, 
convertible loan notes and listed options are quoted on the official list of the 
Australian Stock Exchange. 
Utilico currently has an interest in 25,000,000 ordinary shares, 60,011,871 
convertible loan notes, 16,150,491 listed options and 2,250,000 unlisted options 
in Resolute.  As at 30 November 2010 these assets were valued at GBP70.6 million 
in aggregate and represented 19.1% of Gross Assets.  Eclectic has an interest in 
500,000 ordinary shares and 5,711,667 convertible loan notes in Resolute with an 
aggregate value as at the same date of GBP4.8 million. 
The Directors, advised by the Manager, believe that these investments, and the 
opportunity to acquire further Resolute ordinary shares pursuant to the GPLPF 
Subscription, offer counter cyclical diversification through exposure to the 
gold sector and that they still remain undervalued with potential for 
significant upside. 
The 19,965,369 ordinary shares in Resolute to be acquired by the Company from 
GPLPF will be valued at closing bid value as at the Calculation Date and the New 
Utilico Shares issued in consideration will be valued at the Utilico FAV per 
Share on the Calculation Date and applying the A$/GBP sterling exchange rate at 
that date.  Based upon valuations and the A$/GBP sterling exchange rate as at 30 
November 2010, the satisfaction of the consideration would result in the issue 
of 7,341,748 New Utilico Shares to GPLPF, representing 8.5 per cent. of the 
current issued ordinary share capital and 7.3 per cent. of the enlarged issued 
ordinary share capital of Utilico on the assumption that the Scheme is also 
implemented and that all Eclectic Shareholders (other than those who have 
irrevocably undertaken to elect for New Utilico Shares) elect for, or are deemed 
to elect for, the Cash Option pursuant to the Scheme. 
GPLPF is interested in 52.6 per cent. of the current issued share capital of 
Utilico and accordingly the GPLPF Subscription constitutes a related party 
transaction for the purposes of the Listing Rules.  It is therefore conditional 
on the approval of the Shareholders excluding GPLPF and any of its associates. 
If the GPLPF Subscription and the Scheme are both implemented, based on the 
assumptions in relation to the Cash Option and the valuations set out above, 
GPLPF will be interested in 52,778,632 Utilico Shares representing 52.6 per 
cent. of the enlarged issued ordinary share capital of Utilico. 
Illustrative financial effects of the Proposals 
By way of illustration only, based on the Group's unaudited Net Asset Value of 
GBP177.1 million as at 30 November 2010 had the Scheme become effective and the 
GPLPF Subscription taken place at the date of this document, the Group's Net 
Asset Value would have been increased by 16.0% (such increase representing the 
aggregate of (i) the unaudited Net Asset Value of Eclectic of GBP19.3 million 
adjusted for the Cash Option (assuming this is taken up by all the Eclectic 
Shareholders other than those who have irrevocably undertaken to elect for New 
Utilico Shares) and for all expenses in relation to the Scheme and (ii) the 
value of the assets acquired pursuant to the GPLPF Subscription of GBP15.0 
The Share Premium Cancellation 
As previously announced to the market, despite having positive revenue earnings 
in addition to revenue reserves, under Bermuda law, Utilico has been unable to 
pay a dividend to Shareholders as a result of having negative capital reserves 
since March 2008.  In light of this position, the Board, in conjunction with its 
advisers, has examined alternative ways to enable the Company to make cash 
distributions to Shareholders equal to the dividends the Board would otherwise 
have declared if they were permitted to do so in accordance with Bermuda law. 
This resulted in the bonus issue and buyback of Ordinary Shares on 21 April this 
Whilst the bonus issue and buyback mechanism allowed the Company to make a 
distribution equivalent to the dividend that would have been paid but for the 
Bermuda legal issue, this method is unsatisfactory as a long term solution.  It 
relies on ZDP Cover exceeding 1.4 times immediately following any bonus issue 
and is administratively more complicated than the payment of a cash dividend. 
With these concerns in mind, the Board is therefore proposing the Share Premium 
Cancellation.  This will eliminate the negative capital reserves as the negative 
balance is less than the amount standing to the credit of the share premium 
account and thereby permit the future payment of dividends out of the Company's 
revenue reserves and future revenue profits on both the existing Ordinary Shares 
and New Utilico Shares. 
As at 30 June 2010, being the last date to which audited accounts have been 
prepared, the negative balance on the Company's capital reserve account was 
GBP138.0 million, whilst the credit balance on the share premium account 
amounted to GBP223.5 million. At the same date, the Company's revenue reserve 
was GBP4.1 million. 
Both the Scheme  and the GPLPF Subscription are conditional on the Share Premium 
Cancellation taking place. 
The Share Premium Cancellation requires the consent of both Shareholders and ZDP 
Shareholders. The Board has considered the interests of ZDP Shareholders and 
considers that ZDP Shareholders' interests are not prejudiced by the Share 
Premium Cancellation.  Any dividends paid to Shareholders will only be paid from 
the Company's existing and future revenue reserves, which would not be available 
to ZDP Shareholders even on the Company's winding up (as they would constitute 
Winding-Up Revenue Profits under the Bye-laws, which are attributable to the 
Ordinary Shares only). 
In addition, had the GPLPF Subscription and the Scheme taken place prior to the 
publication of this document, they would have had the effect of increasing ZDP 
Cover from 1.52 times as at 30 November 2010 to 1.63 times.  This figure assumes 
that both the GPLPF Subscription and the Scheme proceed and that all Eclectic 
Shareholders other than those who have irrevocably undertaken to elect for New 
Utilico Shares elect for, or are deemed to elect for, the Cash Option pursuant 
to the Scheme. 
Dividend Policy 
If the Share Premium Cancellation takes place, the Directors intend to reinstate 
the Company's original dividend policy, under which they anticipate distributing 
the majority of net revenue arising from normal income streams (such as 
dividends from portfolio companies) less normal costs (such as management fees). 
 Any dividend payments would be made in accordance with Bermuda law. 
Costs and expenses 
The costs to be incurred by Utilico in connection with the Proposals are 
expected to be approximately GBP625,000 in aggregate (including irrecoverable 
VAT but excluding stamp duty). 
If any of the Resolutions are not passed at the SGM or at the Class Meetings or 
the Proposals do not otherwise proceed it is estimated that the Company would 
suffer approximately GBP485,000 of irrecoverable costs. 
Related party issues 
The Scheme 
As at the date of this document, GPLPF owns and is entitled to exercise votes 
attaching to 45,436,884 Ordinary Shares, representing 52.6 per cent. of the 
issued Ordinary Shares. NLPL owns and is entitled to exercise votes attaching to 
9,252,332 Eclectic Shares, representing 52.5 per cent. of the issued Eclectic 
Shares (excluding treasury shares).  GPLPF and NLPL are ultimately controlled by 
the same beneficial owner and as a result Eclectic and Utilico constitute 
related parties for the purposes of Chapter 11 of the Listing Rules. The Scheme, 
which requires the entry into of the Transfer Agreement and the Sale and 
Purchase Agreement, is therefore a related party transaction for the purposes of 
the Listing Rules. 
The Listing Rules require that a related party transaction of a listed company 
must be approved by its shareholders, other than the related party and any of 
its associates who are not allowed to vote on the relevant resolutions. The 
Scheme is therefore conditional, inter alia, on the passing of a separate 
resolution, which will be proposed as an ordinary resolution which will require 
the approval of a majority of the Ordinary Shareholders voting on the 
resolution. GPLPF and its associates will not vote on this resolution. 
The GPLPF Subscription 
The GPLPF Subscription is a transaction between the Company and GPLPF (the 
Company's majority shareholder) and is a related party transaction for the 
purposes of the Listing Rules.  As a result, the GPLPF Subscription is 
conditional on the passing of a separate resolution, which will be proposed as 
an ordinary resolution which will require the approval of a majority of the 
Ordinary Shareholders voting on the resolution.  GPLPF and its associates will 
not vote on this resolution. 
Conditions to the Proposals 
The Proposals are conditional upon all of the Utilico Resolutions and the 
Eclectic Resolutions being passed by the requisite majorities. Accordingly, if 
any of the Utilico Resolutions or the Eclectic Resolutions are not passed no 
element of the Proposals will be implemented other than the Sale and Purchase 
Agreement which may be implemented without the Eclectic Resolutions being passed 
at the Second Eclectic GM. 
The change to the investment policy and the Share Premium Cancellation are also 
conditional upon the approval of the ZDP Shareholders with each of the 2012, 
2014 and 2016 ZDP Shareholders voting at separate class meetings. 
Irrevocable undertakings 
The Board has consulted with its two largest shareholders, GPLPF and Foreign and 
Colonial Investment Trust plc ("FCIT"), who hold in aggregate 64.7 per cent. of 
the Company's issued Ordinary Shares. GPLPF and FCIT have signed irrevocable 
undertakings to vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the SGM, in 
GPLPF's case with the exception of the related party resolutions. 
The board of Eclectic has consulted with certain of its major shareholders, 
holding 71.83 per cent. of Eclectic's issued share capital (excluding shares 
held in treasury), who have all undertaken to vote in favour of the Scheme and 
to elect to receive New Utilico Shares in respect of their entire holding of 
Eclectic Shares. 
Outline Timetable 
| Circular posted to Shareholders and   | 6 December 2010     | 
| ZDP Shareholders                      |                     | 
| Latest time for receipt of Forms of   | 2pm on 5 January    | 
| Proxy                                 | 2011                | 
| Latest time and date for receipt of   | 12 noon on 5        | 
| Election Forms                        | January 2011        | 
| Calculation Date                      | Close of business   | 
|                                       | on 5 January 2011   | 
| Special General Meeting               | 10.00am (Bermuda    | 
|                                       | time) on 7 January  | 
|                                       | 2011                | 
| 2012 ZDP Class Meeting                | 10.05am (Bermuda    | 
|                                       | time) on 7 January  | 
|                                       | 2011                | 
| 2014 ZDP Class Meeting                | 10.10am (Bermuda    | 
|                                       | time) on 7 January  | 
|                                       | 2011                | 
| 2016 ZDP Class Meeting                | 10.15am (Bermuda    | 
|                                       | time) on 7 January  | 
|                                       | 2011                | 
| First Eclectic GM                     | 12 noon on 7        | 
|                                       | January 2011        | 
| Announcement of results of the        | 17 January 2011     | 
| Proposals                             |                     | 
| Second Eclectic GM                    | 12 noon on 17       | 
|                                       | January 2011        | 
| Effective Date of the GPLPF           | 17 January 2011     | 
| Subscription, the Scheme and Eclectic |                     | 
| in liquidation                        |                     | 
| Admission and dealings in respect of  | 8.00 am on 18       | 
| the New Utilico Shares commence       | January 2011        | 
| CREST accounts credited in respect of | 18 January 2011     | 
| Depositary Interests for New Utilico  |                     | 
| Shares in uncertificated form         |                     | 
| Certificates for New Utilico Shares   | on or as soon as    | 
| in certificated form despatched       | practicable after   | 
|                                       | 18 January 2011     | 
| Cheques expected to be despatched and | on or as soon as    | 
| CREST payments made to Eclectic       | practicable after   | 
| Shareholders in respect of the Cash   | 18 January 2011     | 
| Option                                |                     | 
(i)         The dates set out in the expected timetable above may be adjusted by 
the Company, in which event details of the new dates will be notified to the UK 
Listing Authority and the London Stock Exchange, and an announcement will be 
made through a Regulatory Information Service. 
(ii)        All references to time in this document are to London time, except 
for the time of the Utilico Meetings, which are references to Bermuda time. 
Further Information 
A Circular is being posted to Shareholders today. 
Copies of the Circular and the accompanying Prospectus are available on the 
Utilico website www.utilico.bm and maybe obtained from the Company Secretary, 
Martin Cassels on +44 131 718 195. 
A copy of the Circular and Prospectus has been submitted to the National Storage 
Mechanism and is available for inspection at: www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do. 
Charles Jillings 
Utilico Limited 
+44 1372 271 486 
Alastair Moreton/Dermot McKechnie 
Westhouse Securities Limited 
+44 207 601 6100 
Capitalised terms have the meaning set out in the definitions section of the 
Circular unless the sense or context determines otherwise. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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Eclectic Inv Co (LSE:ECIT)
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