Interim Management Statement
March 27 2008 - 9:29AM
UK Regulatory
Interim Management Statement
Eclipse VCT
plc ("Eclipse" or "Fund")
27 March 2008
Interim Management Statement
For the period from 1 December 2007 to 29 February
In accordance with Rule 4.3 of the UK Listing
Authority's Disclosure and Transparency rules, Eclipse presents its
Management Statement for the period 1 December 2007 to 29 February
2008. The statement also includes relevant
financial information between the end of the period and the date of
As at 29 As at 30 November As at 31
February 2008 2007 May 2007
Total net assets �36.6m �37.3m �39.1m
Net asset value per share 116.6p* 118.3p 126.1p
Cumulative dividends paid
since launch 10.7p 10.7p 6.7p
Share price 97.0p 110.0p 95.0p
Discount to Net Asset Value
("NAV") 16.8% 10.7% 27.8%
*This is the cum-dividend NAV. The Fund went ex-dividend on 29
February 2008
and the ex-dividend NAV is therefore 113.6p, implying the share price
traded at
a 14.6% discount to NAV.
In what has been turbulent times in the stock markets
over the last six to eight months, particularly arising from concerns
over the
sub-prime mortgage lending in the US, this has had an impact on the
of the share prices of UK smaller companies listed on AIM, and the
within the Fund's quoted portfolio have not been immune. The
unaudited cum-dividend NAV per share on 29
February 2008 was 116.6p, slightly down on the prior year end NAV of
126.1p and
also on the half-year NAV at 118.3p. By value of the Fund, the net
assets were
approximately 47% invested in unquoted companies and 20% invested in
companies, with the balance invested in money market securities and
cash. However, in terms of HM Revenue & Customs
VCT compliance, the Fund was nearly 87% invested in qualifying
assets. A dividend of 3.0p per share was paid on 21
March 2008, taking total dividends paid since launch to 13.7p. The
manager continues to actively monitor
both the unquoted and AIM-quoted portfolios and believes they will
yield attractive
returns over the medium to long-term time horizon.
Since the half-year end at 30 November 2007, over �2.7
million has been invested into unquoted companies, with �2.25 million
three new qualifying companies and the remainder into existing
companies. Furthermore, the Fund has
successfully exited from Gyro International Limited, although a
of the investment in NPI Media Group Limited into The History Press
realised a loss.
In the AIM portfolio, the investment in BBI Holdings
plc has been completely disposed of, crystallising a �64,000 gain,
and the
investment in Cello Group plc reduced, realising a profit of over
The new investments in the unquoted portfolio
comprised �286,000 in Bruce Dunlop Associates, an advertising media
�330,600 in Tristar Worldwide Limited, a global chauffeur service
provider, and
over �1.1 million in The History Press Limited, a publishing firm for
specialist books, with a further commitment provided by way of
guarantee of
�529,000 to be drawn down upon predetermined criteria.
Follow on investments occurred in Lilestone Holdings
Limited, Sweet Cred Holdings Limited and First Sports Retail Limited.
As mentioned, there have been two significant unquoted
company exits and one floatation. Gyro
International Limited was bought by a US private equity firm,
Eclipse to crystallise a profit of over �2.8 million. NPI Media
Group Limited was not so successful
and this investment generated a loss at the time of exit. Plastics
Capital Limited floated on the AIM
market crystallising a profit of over �1.1 million for the Fund.
Eclipse remains a shareholder in the company
with a holding worth over �786,000.
The total value of the AIM-quoted and unquoted investment
portfolio at 29 February 2008 was �24.6 million.
Ten largest qualifying
Company Investment class Carrying Percentage of total
value �'000 investments*
Reading Room
Limited Unquoted 2,031 5.5%
Luther Pendragon
Limited Unquoted 1,720 4.7%
The History Press
Limited Unquoted 1,633 4.4%
Holdings Limited Unquoted 1,097 3.0%
The Kendal Group
Limited Unquoted 1,204 2.8%
Perfect Pizza
Limited Unquoted 1,000 2.7%
The Grill Group
Limited Unquoted 992 2.7%
CSL DualCom
Limited Unquoted 983 2.7%
Sweet Cred
Holdings Limited Unquoted 914 2.5%
Adrenalin Design
Limited Unquoted 910 2.5%
* Including cash and money market securities
As stated in the half-yearly report for the period to 30
November 2007, a dividend of 3p per share was declared which was to
be paid to shareholders
who were on the register on 29 February 2008.
This was paid on 21 March 2008.
Eclipse invests in a diversified portfolio of unquoted
and AIM-quoted UK
companies with the intention of providing attractive tax-free
dividends and
long-term capital growth to its investors.
events and transactions
Other than the investment activities and dividends
stated above, the Fund purchased 403,576 of its own shares for
cancellation in
February 2008 at 100.0p per share.
The Fund also allotted 249,397 shares at 126.7p per
share on 4 December 2007 and 231,731 shares at 121.7p per share on 22
The Board are not aware of any further material events
or transactions between 1 March 2008 and the date of this report.
For further information please contact:
Octopus Investments Limited
Celia Whitten, Company Secretary 020 7710
Eclipse Vct (LSE:ECL)
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