Eclipse VCT 3 plc

29 May 2007

Interim Financial Report: For the Half Year Ending 28 February 2007

Unaudited interim results for the 6 months to 28 February 2007

                       28 February  28 February
Financial highlights          2007         2006  31 August 2006

Net assets             �30,431,000  �12,311,000     �28,247,000
Net Asset Value
('NAV') per share           103.0p        94.9p           95.7p
Revenue return after
tax                       �255,000      �16,000        �218,000
Revenue return per
share*                        0.9p         0.2p            1.1p
Total return/(loss)
per share*                    8.1p       (0.2)p            1.0p
*Based on a weighted average of 29,541,147 shares in issue during the
period (28 February 2006: 6,540,148 and 31 August 2006: 18,516,747).

Eclipse VCT 3 plc ('Eclipse 3' or 'Fund') is a venture capital  trust
('VCT') and  the  investments  are  managed  by  Octopus  Investments
Limited ('Octopus' or  'Manager'). Eclipse 3  was launched in  August
2005 and  raised  over �29  million  (�28 million  net  of  expenses)
through an offer for  subscription which closed on  5 April 2006.  It
invests primarily in unquoted and AIM-quoted companies.

Chairman's Statement

It gives me great pleasure to present the interim results for the six
months ended  28  February  2007.    The  first  six  months  of  the
accounting period  have  seen  a strong  performance  from  both  the
unquoted and AIM portfolios, resulting  in a substantial increase  in
the net asset value of the Fund.

In conjunction  with  Eclipse  4,  Eclipse  3  was  the  largest  VCT
fundraising in the  2005/06 tax  year, raising  �29.1 million  (�28.1
million net of expenses) in each  of the funds. This takes the  total
funds raised across  the Eclipse  VCTs to �106  million. Having  four
Eclipse VCTs enables Octopus to invest up to �4 million per  investee
company (i.e. �1 million from each of the four VCTs) in a single  tax
year. This allows  Octopus to  invest in  more developed,  lower-risk
companies than typical VCTs.

Net Asset Value ('NAV')
The NAV per share at 28 February 2007 was 103.0p, an increase of 7.6%
since 31  August  2006. During  the  period under  review,  nine  new
investments were made in  unquoted and AIM-quoted companies,  meaning
that at 28 February 2007, Eclipse 3 had a portfolio of 21 investments
in qualifying companies, representing 29.7% of the Fund.

Unquoted investment portfolio
Four new  unquoted investments  were made  in the  six months  to  28
February 2007 at  a cost of  �3.8 million. The  overall value of  the
portfolio of nine unquoted investments was �5.7 million  representing
an increase of 3.6% compared with a cost of �5.5 million.

I am pleased to report that the valuation of one unquoted  investment
has been  increased in  our accounts  to reflect  the growth  in  the
investee company's profitability.  I am  also pleased  to report  the
successful  sale  of  our  holding  in  James  Harvard  International
Limited. James Harvard  is a  specialist recruitment  company in  the
clinical research sector. On sale,  Eclipse 3 received 2.4 times  the
original amount invested, which  represents a compound annual  return
of 98%.

A partial provision has been  made against one investment, where  the
underlying performance has been  below expectations. Further  details
of the valuations of  the Fund's investments are  set out within  the
Investment Manager's review.

AIM investment portfolio
I am  pleased to  report  that the  AIM  portfolio has  continued  to
perform well and five  new investments have  been completed over  the
period.  The  deal flow on  AIM remained strong  throughout 2006  and
following a slow start to 2007, the team are again seeing an increase
in investment opportunities.

The overall value  of the portfolio  of 12 AIM  investments was  �4.0
million representing an increase of 68% compared with a cost of  �2.4

The Fund is at an early  stage of its investment cycle and  dividends
are  largely  derived  from  the  income  earned  from  money  market
securities. No  dividend is  proposed at  this interim  stage of  the
year. In the medium-term, Octopus aims to produce a regular  tax-free
income stream for shareholders The level of dividends will be  driven
by realised profits  when investments  are sold and  income from  the
portfolio as investments mature.

 Share price and buy-back facility
Eclipse 3 has a share buy-back facility, proposing to buy-back shares
at no more  than a 10%  discount to the  prevailing NAV. This  should
assist the marketability of  the shares and  help prevent the  shares
from trading at a wide discount  to NAV. The Fund's mid market  share
price currently stands at 97p.

Shareholders should note that if they sell their shares within  three
years of the  original purchase  they forfeit any  income tax  relief
obtained. If you need to sell your shares, please contact Octopus  on
020 7710 2800.

VCT Qualifying Status
Eclipse 3 must be 70% invested  in qualifying companies by 31  August
2008 and maintain  this level  on a day  by day  basis thereafter  in
order to  comply  with VCT  regulations.  The Directors  continue  to
monitor the  Fund's  progress  towards  meeting  and  maintaining  HM
Revenue and Customs  conditions for  VCT approval  and have  retained
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  one  of  the  UK's  leading  firms   of
accountants, to advise in this area.

At 28 February 2007,  Eclipse 3 was  approximately 29.7% invested  in
qualifying holdings.  Two further unquoted investments have been made
since the  period end.  In light  of  the current  deal flow  we  are
confident that Eclipse 3  will meet the  relevant VCT regulations  by
its deadline  of  31  August  2008  and  be  able  to  maintain  them

Eclipse 3 is in the initial  investment period and has built a  broad
portfolio of investments in unquoted and AIM-quoted investments.  Our
intention is  to build  on  this progress  in  the coming  period  by
focusing  on  generating  value   from  the  existing  portfolio   of
investments, while also making further  investments from the flow  of
attractive opportunities that the Manager is seeing.

The early signs from the portfolio are encouraging and I expect to be
able to update you on further good progress in the coming months.

R Gregory Melgaard
25 May 2007

Investment Manager's Review

We are delighted to report significant progress across the  portfolio
over the last six months. Since 31 August 2006 the net assets of  the
fund have increased by 7.6% to  �30.4 million. This represents a  net
asset value of 103.0p per share, an uplift of 7.3p. The total  return
of the Fund after adding back the  dividend of 0.7p that was paid  in
December 2006 equates  to 103.7p  per share, compared  to an  initial
investment cost of 60p after the 40% upfront income tax relief.

During the six months to 28 February 2007 the Fund invested a further
�5.4  million  in   nine  new  investments   and  several   follow-on
investments. This takes  the total  invested by Eclipse  3 to  almost
�7.9 million, with  unrealised gains  on investment  of �1.8  million
taking the value of the portfolio  to over �9.7 million, an  increase
of more than 22% on cost.

Qualifying Status
VCTs have  three  years  to  invest 70%  of  the  money  raised  into
qualifying companies.  We are pleased to report that, at 28  February
2007, halfway  through the  three year  period, Eclipse  3 was  29.7%
invested in qualifying companies.

Review of Investments
At 28 February 2007, the  Eclipse portfolio comprised investments  in
12 AIM-quoted and 9  unquoted companies.  The  remainder of the  Fund
was invested in money market securities.

Once we  have made  an  investment, we  take  an active  approach  in
monitoring its  performance.  This  includes  regular  meetings  with
management teams  and,  in the  case  of most  unquoted  investments,
attending board meetings of the  portfolio companies. We are keen  to
invest in additional rounds of  funding in portfolio companies  where
we are familiar with the qualities  of the management team and  where
the performance has been closely monitored.

Portfolio Activity
During the  period,  the  Fund  made nine  new  investments.    These
investments are discussed below:

Adrenalin Design Limited
Adrenalin Design was formed to acquire Golddigga in an �18.5  million
transaction in  which  Eclipse  3 participated  alongside  the  other
Eclipse funds.  Golddigga  is a fast growing  fashion brand which  is
aimed at girls aged between 15  and 25.The brand is sold through  650
outlets across the UK and Europe. The strategy is to focus on growing
domestic and overseas sales through increased investment in marketing
And sales support.

Audio Visual Machines Limited

Audio Visual  Machines  ('AVM') is  a  leading audio  visual  systems
integrator and service  provider.   It works  with some  of the  UK's
leading businesses including BP, PwC and Lloyds TSB and provides  its
clients with everything from a simple projector installation  through
to a fully integrated video conferencing suite.  Funding was provided
to finance  the management  buy out  of the  business and  Eclipse  3
participated alongside the other Eclipse funds.

Brulines (Holdings) plc

Brulines  provides  draught  beer  dispense  monitoring  and  revenue
protection systems for over 16,000 pubs in the UK. The company listed
on AIM in October 2006 having raised �7 million.

Concateno plc
Concateno was created as a vehicle to identify and acquire  companies
in  the  support  services  and  utility  sectors.  In  October  2006
Concateno  announced  the   acquisition  of   Medscreen,  a   company
specialising in drug and alcohol  testing in key market sectors  such
as the maritime sector and Her Majesty's Prisons.

Hasgrove plc

Hasgrove is  an integrated  communications group  with operations  in
four European countries,  delivering solutions  in public  relations,
public affairs, advertising, design and online marketing.

Hexagon Human Capital plc

Hexagon is a recruitment firm specialising in interim management  and
executive search.  It  was  formed  in 2004  and  has  grown  through
acquisition, most recently by acquiring BIE in December 2006. Eclipse
3 initially invested alongside the  other Eclipse funds and  Barclays
Bank to support the acquisition.  Hexagon floated on AIM in  February
2007 generating a significant uplift for the Eclipse funds.

Vertu Motors plc

Vertu Motors was founded  in November 2006 by  senior members of  the
highly successful  Reg Vardy  plc  team (Reg  Vardy was  acquired  by
Pendragon plc in February  2006). The company raised  a total of  �25
million at 60p per share with  a strategy of consolidating the  motor
dealership sector and  driving operational  efficiencies and  organic
growth. In February 2007, the company announced a further fundraising
and the acquisition of the Bristol Street Group for �40 million.

NPI Media Group Limited
In January  2007, Eclipse  3 participated  in a  �15 million  funding
package to support the purchase by  NPI of three competitors to  form
the leading  UK publisher  of  distinctive 'local  interest'  history
books.  The company is based in Stroud and has subsidiary  operations
in France, Germany, Ireland and the  US.  In total the Eclipse  funds
provided �5.5 million of investment.

Gyro International Limited

In October 2006 Eclipse 3 participated  in a �6 million fund  raising
by Gyro International,  alongside the other  Eclipse funds and  third
party funds.  Eclipse VCT had previously invested in Gyro in February
2005, and the company and its management team is therefore well known
to Octopus.  Gyro provides an integrated range of marketing  services
to businesses  and has  clients  such as  Virgin Atlantic,  Sony  and
Palm.   Gyro  operates  through  seven  European  offices,  including
London, and two offices based in the USA.

Portfolio Valuation

At 28 February 2007, the Fund's portfolio comprised investments in 21
companies with a total cost of  �7.9 million and a carrying value  of
�9.7 million.   The Fund also  held �19.1 million  in cash and  money
market securities awaiting investment in qualifying holdings.

                                  Investment appreciation/   Carrying
                                     at Cost  depreciation      Value
Unquoted investments                   �'000         �'000      �'000
NPI Media Group        Ordinary
Limited                shares            153             -        153
                       Loan notes      1,338             -      1,338
                                       1,491          ---- 1,4911,491
Gyro International     Ordinary
Limited                shares            200           306        506
                       Loan notes        504             -        504
                                         704           306      1,010
Adrenalin Design       Ordinary
Limited                shares            102             -        102
                       Loan notes        803             -        803
                                         905             -        905
CSL Dualcom Limited    shares             82             -         82
                       Loan notes        723             -        723
                                         805             -        805
Audio Visual Machines  Ordinary
Limited                shares             73             -         73
                       Loan notes        638             -        638
                                         711             -        711
Perfect Pizza Limited  shares             35             -         35
                       Loan notes        337             -        337
                                         372             -        372
Capital Pubs Company 2 Ordinary
plc                    shares            200             -        200
                                         200             -        200
Red-M Group Limited    shares            120         (120)          -
                       Loan notes        121             -        121
                                         241         (120)        121
Blanc Brasseries       Ordinary
Holdings plc           shares             55             -         55
                                          55             -         55
Total unquoted
investments                            5,484           186      5,670
AIM-quoted investments
Worthington Nicholls
Group plc                                303           663        966
Hexagon Human Capital
plc                                      677           145        822
Tanfield Group plc                       140           443        583
Hasgrove plc                             400            77        477
Vertu Motors plc                         250           167        417
Brulines (Holdings)
plc                                      148            43        191
Concateno plc                             85            55        140
Healthcare Locums plc                    100             5        105
Autoclenz Holdings plc                   125          (30)         95
Cohort plc                                68            27         95
BBI Holdings plc                          64            29         93
Invocas plc                               40            11         51
Total AIM-quoted
investments                            2,400         1,635      4,035
Total investments                      7,884         1,821      9,705
Comprising:            shares          3,420         1,821      5,241
                       Loan notes      4,464             -      4,464

Ten Largest Holdings

NPI Media Group Limited

NPI Media Group is the UK market leader in the publishing of
distinctive 'local interest' history books.  In January 2007, Eclipse
3 invested as part of a �5.5 million investment from the Eclipse
funds.  Funding was provided to facilitate the acquisitions of NPI's
three largest competitors to make it the dominant player within its
publishing niche.

Further information can be found on the company's website,

Investment date                                     24 January 2007
Equity held                                                   12.6%
Cost                                                     �1,491,000
Valuation                                                �1,491,000
Valuation basis                               Cost (New Investment)
Dividends/interest received during the period                   Nil

The first audited financial information will be available for the
period to 30 June 2007.

Gyro International Limited

Gyro, which was founded in 1991, provides an integrated suite of
marketing services including brand strategy, direct marketing, web
marketing and event management. The company is one of Europe's
leading independent integrated marketing companies and clients
include Sony, Sun Microsystems, and Virgin Atlantic.  Octopus led a
�3 million funding round in February 2005 in which Eclipse invested
�1 million.  A further �6 million funding round was led in which
Eclipse 3 invested �704,000 alongside other Octopus funds.

Gyro has offices in London, Geneva, Stockholm, Amsterdam, New York,
Dublin, Hamburg and San Francisco and has recently acquired an agency
in Paris. The company was ranked the number one B2B agency in the UK
in 2005 and 2006.

The company has performed well with sales increasing from �11 million
in 2004 to over �25 million in the last financial year and, based on
strong trading results, the carrying value has been increased.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                       23 October 2006
Equity held                                                      2.9%
Cost                                                         �704,000
Valuation                                                  �1,010,000
Valuation basis                            Adjusted earnings multiple
Dividends/interest received during the                         �6,000
Last audited accounts                                    October 2005
Net assets                                                 �3,831,000
Loss before taxation                                        �(66,000)

Worthington Nicholls Group plc

Worthington Nicholls  is one  of the  UK's largest  air  conditioning
contractors providing  services  to  the hotel,  retail  and  leisure
sectors. The company has three divisions: project management,  design
and  installation   of  machines;   maintenance  of   machines,   and
ventilation hygiene. The  company listed  on AIM in  June 2006  after
raising �7.5 million.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                     27 September 2006
Equity held                                                     0.92%
Cost                                                         �303,000
Valuation                                                    �966,000
Valuation basis                            AIM investment - bid price
Dividends/interest received during the                            Nil
Last audited accounts                                  September 2006
Net assets                                                �33,040,000
Profit before taxation                                     �1,958,000

         Adrenalin Design Limited

Adrenalin Design  was formed  to acquire  Golddigga, a  fast  growing
fashion brand  which is  aimed at  girls  aged between  15 and  25.
Golddigga, which is based in Derby,  was founded in 1997.  The  brand
is sold  through  650  outlets  across the  UK  and  Europe  and  the
management's strategy is  to focus on  growing domestic and  overseas
sales through increased investment in  marketing and sales support.
Eclipse 3 invested �905,000 as part  of a total of �3.3m provided  by
the Eclipse funds.  The transaction was valued at �18.5m and included
bank debt, provided by Yorkshire Bank.

Further information can be found at the company's website,

Investment date                                   10 September 2006
Equity held                                                   10.9%
Cost                                                       �905,000
Valuation                                                  �905,000
Valuation basis                               Cost (new investment)
Dividends/interest received during the period                   Nil
Last audited accounts                                   August 2006
Net assets                                              �17,562,000
Profit before taxation                                   �1,993,000

Hexagon Human Capital plc

Hexagon is a recruitment firm that was established in 2004 with a
strategy for growth by acquisition. To date the company has bought
three executive search businesses and created a joint venture with a

In December 2006 funds managed by Octopus provided the company with
�2.5 million of funding, alongside �10 million from Barclays Bank, to
finance the acquisition of a fifth business, BIE, which is the UK's
leading interim management business. The enlarged group now has a
complementary balance between executive search and interim
management, which should give it greater stability in the event of a
market downturn. The business floated on AIM in February 2007.

Further information can be found at the company's website,

Investment date                                      23 December 2006
Equity held                                                      2.7%
Cost                                                         �677,000
Valuation                                                    �822,000
Valuation basis                            AIM investment - bid price
Dividends/interest received during the                            Nil
Last audited accounts                                   December 2005
Net liabilities                                            �(138,907)
Loss before taxation                                        �(85,000)

CSL Dualcom Limited

CSL is a leading supplier of dual path alarm signalling devices which
link intruder alarms via an alarm receiving centre to the police.
The devices communicate using both a telephone line and a Vodafone
wireless link for maximum integrity. Eclipse 3 invested �805,000
alongside the other Eclipse funds to finance the �6 million
management buy out of CSL Dualcom.

Further information can be found at the company's website,

Investment date                                        12 June 2006
Equity held                                                   10.0%
Cost                                                       �805,000
Valuation                                                  �805,000
Valuation basis                               Cost (new investment)
Dividends/interest received during the period               �19,575
Last audited accounts                                    March 2006
Net liabilities                                          �(318,000)
Profit before taxation                                      �86,445

Audio Visual Machines Limited

Audio Visual  Machines  ('AVM') is  a  leading audio  visual  systems
integrator and  service provider  with a  blue chip  client base.  It
generates revenue  from  the  installation of  AV  systems  and  from
providing ongoing  maintenance  and  support to  its  customers.  The
strategy is to grow by acquisition over the next two to three years.
Eclipse 3  invested �711,000  alongside the  other Eclipse  funds  to
support the management buy out of AVM from shareholders including The
Parkmead Group.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                   29 September 2006
Equity held                                                   11.3%
Cost                                                       �711,000
Valuation                                                  �711,000
Valuation basis                               Cost (new investment)
Dividends/interest received during the period                   Nil
Last audited accounts                                     June 2006
Net assets                                               �1,217,000
Profit before taxation                                     �327,000

Tanfield Group plc

Tanfield is  a leading  manufacturer of  zero emission  vehicles  and
aerial work  platforms.   Smiths  Electric  Vehicles is  the  leading
manufacturer of  road-going  commercial  electric  vehicles  and  its
product portfolio of  zero emission  trucks has  recently won  orders
from TNT,  Sainsbury,  Marks &  Spencer  and Scottish  &  Southern.
UpRight is the  UK's largest  manufacturer of  self propelled  aerial
work platforms  that  has  successfully  broadened  its  distribution
network and range of product. Tanfield  is expected to achieve a  pre
tax profit of �14.0 million on turnover of �94.8 million for the year
ending December 2007.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                           26 May 2005
Equity held                                                     0.35%
Cost                                                         �140,000
Valuation                                                    �583,000
Valuation basis                            AIM investment - bid price
Dividends/interest received during the                            Nil
Last audited accounts                                   December 2006
Net assets                                                �43,418,000
Profit before taxation                                     �3,458,000

Hasgrove plc

Hasgrove is  a pan  European  marketing and  communications  services
group which floated on AIM in November 2006 raising �6 million.   The
company, which focuses on public affairs, public relations and  brand
management, is expected to achieve a profit �3.4 million on  turnover
of �15.1 million for the year ending December 2007.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date
Equity held                                                     1.79%
Cost                                                         �400,000
Valuation                                                    �477,000
Valuation basis                            AIM investment - bid price
Dividends/interest received during                                Nil
the period
Last audited accounts                 10 month period ended        31
                                                        December 2006
Net assets                                                �13,011,000
Loss before taxation                                       �1,821,000

Vertu Motors plc

Vertu Motors  floated  on  AIM  during  December  2006,  raising  �25
million, as an acquisition vehicle in the motor retail sector.  Vertu
completed the acquisition  of Bristol Street  Motors for �40  million
during February 2007  and further acquisitions  are anticipated  over
the next twelve months.

Further  information  can   be  found  at   the  company's   website,

Investment date                                      18 December 2007
Equity held                                                     0.46%
Cost                                                         �250,000
Valuation                                                    �417,000
Valuation basis                            AIM investment - bid price
Dividends/interest received during the                            Nil

Recent Transactions

Since the  end of  the period  under review,  we have  completed  two
further unquoted investments:

Sweet Cred Holdings Limited

In March 2007, Octopus committed a total of �5 million from all  four
Eclipse funds into Sweet  Cred Holdings Limited.  Sweet Cred sells  a
wide range of products which combine sweets with toys that are themed
around the five cartoon characters in the Sweet Cred gang.

Promotion Space Limited

In April 2007,  Octopus committed a  total of �2.1  million from  all
four Eclipse funds into Promotion Space.  Promotion Space is based in
Wilmslow,  Cheshire   and  organises   promotions,  brand   awareness
campaigns and events in shopping centres across the UK.  This funding
will be  used  to  finance  growth  and  assist  with  the  strategic
development of the business.

Summary of  investments  made  by  other  funds  managed  by  Octopus
Investments Limited
It is a requirement that Octopus discloses if any of its other  funds
are also invested in  any of the Eclipse  VCT 3 portfolio  companies.
Details of these are shown below.

                          % equity held by     % equity held by other
                             Eclipse VCT 3   funds managed by Octopus
Audio Visual Machines                11.27                      33.73
Autoclenz Holdings plc                0.96                      11.88
BBI Holdings plc                      0.26                       3.35
Blanc Brasseries Holdings             0.66                       2.64
Brulines (Holdings) plc               0.50                       2.10
Capital Pubs Company 2                1.19                       6.98
Cohort plc                            0.19                       1.68
Concateno plc                         0.17                       0.98
CSL Dualcom Holdings                 10.00                      30.00
Golddigga Limited                    10.95                      31.85
Gyro International                    2.93                      19.38
Hasgrove plc                          1.79                       7.17
Healthcare Locums plc                 0.19                       0.73
Hexagon Human Capital plc             2.71                       8.88
Invocas plc                           0.13                       1.14
NPI Media Group Limited              12.64                      37.35
Perfect Pizza Limited                 4.90                      30.10
Red-M Group Limited                   0.25                       7.55
Tanfield Group plc                    0.23                       3.63
Vertu Motors plc                      0.46                       2.76
Worthington Nicholls plc              0.92                       3.07

Personal Service
At Octopus, we pride  ourselves not only on  our team's track  record
but also on our  personalised customer service.   We believe in  open
communication and  our  regular  updates are  designed  to  keep  you
involved and informed.

If you have any questions about this  review, or if it would help  to
speak to one of the fund managers, please do not hesitate to  contact
us on 020 7710 2800.

Simon Rogerson
Chief Executive

Income Statement
                 Six months ended       Six months ended
                 28 February 2007                          Period to 31 August
                                        28 February 2006                  2006

            Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital  Total Revenue Capital Total
              �'000   �'000 �'000   �'000   �'000  �'000   �'000   �'000 �'000

gains    on
investments       -     698   698       -       -      -       -       -     -

gains    on
investments       -   1,625 1,625       -      20     20       -     196   196

Income          506       -   506      92       -     92     600       -   600

fees           (82)   (247) (329)    (18)    (52)   (70)    (93)   (282) (375)
expenses      (109)       - (109)    (54)       -   (54)   (238)       - (238)

Return   on
before tax      315   2,076 2,391      20    (32)   (12)     269    (86)   183

Tax            (60)      60     -     (4)       4      -    (51)      51     -

Return   on
after tax       255   2,136 2,391      16    (28)   (12)     218    (35)   183
Basic   and
return  per
share          0.9p    7.2p  8.1p    0.2p  (0.4)p (0.2)p    1.1p  (0.1)p  1.0p

* The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the

* All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing

* The accompanying notes are an integral part of the interim
  financial information.

* The Company has only one class of business and derives its income from
  investments made in shares and securities and from bank and money market

Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds

                                    28 February 28 February 31 August
                                           2007        2006      2006
                                          �'000       �'000     �'000
Equity shareholders' funds as at 1       28,247           -         -
September 2006
Total gains and (losses) recognised       2,391        (12)       183
in period
Shares purchased for cancellation             -         (3)       (3)
Issue of redeemable non-voting                -        (50)      (50)
preference shares
Redemption of redeemable non-voting           -          50        50
preference shares
Net proceeds of share issue                   -      12,326    28,067
Dividends recognised in period            (207)           -         -
Shareholders' funds at  28 February      30,431      12,311    28,247

Balance Sheet
                  as at 28 February as at 28 February as at 31 August
                               2007              2006            2006

                     �'000    �'000     �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000

Fixed asset
investments                   9,705             1,496           3,280
Current assets
Investments         18,557                             25,045
Debtors              1,690                 49              15
Cash at bank           584             11,872              11
                    20,831             11,921          25,071
amounts falling
due within one
year                 (105)            (1,106)           (104)
Net current
assets                       20,726            10,815          24,967
Net assets                   30,431            12,311          28,247

Called up equity
share capital                 2,953             1,297           2,953
Share premium                25,114            11,029          25,114
Capital reserve
realised                        208              (48)           (231)
Capital reserve
unrealised                    1,893                20             196
Revenue reserve                 263                13             215
Total equity shareholders'
funds                        30,431            12,311          28,247

Net asset value
per share                    103.0p             94.9p           95.7p

Cash flow statement
                          Six months      Six months
                               ended           ended     Period to 31
                         28 February     28 February      August 2006
                                2007            2006

                       �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000   �'000    �'000

Net cash
from operating
activities                   (1,606)            (51)               76

Financial investment
Purchase of
investments          (5,384)         (1,476)         (3,084)
Sale of investments    1,282               -               -

Net cash outflow
from financial
investment                   (4,102)         (1,476)          (3,084)

Management of liquid
resources :
in cash funds          6,488                       -         (25,045)

Equity dividends
paid                   (207)

Financing :
Issue of own shares                   12,723          29,131
Share issue expenses                   (397)          (1064)
Repurchase of own
shares                                   (3)             (3)
Shares awaiting
issue                                  1,076
Total financing                6,281          13,399           28,064

Increase in cash
resources                        573          11,872               11

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
                                  28 February  28 February  31 August
                                         2007         2006       2006
                                        �'000        �'000      �'000
Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities                              2,391         (12)        183
Increase in debtors                   (1,675)         (49)       (15)
Increase in creditors                       1           30        104
Increase in capital value of
investments                           (1,625)         (20)      (196)
Profit on disposal of fixed
assets                                  (698)            -          -
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities                  (1,606)         (51)         76

Notes to the interim results
1. Basis of preparation
The interim financial information has been prepared in accordance
with applicable accounting standards and under the historical cost
convention except for the revaluation of investments.  The principal
accounting policies of the Company have remained unchanged from those
set out in its 2006 annual report and financial statements.
2. Publication of non-statutory accounts
The unaudited interim results for the six months ended 28 February
2007 and the six months ended 28 February 2006 do not constitute
statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies
Act 1985 and have not been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.
The comparative figures for the period ended 31 August 2006 have been
extracted from the audited financial statements for that year, which
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The independent
auditors' report on those financial statements under Section 235 of
the Companies Act 1985 was unqualified.
3. The calculation of the revenue and capital return per share is
based on the return on ordinary activities after tax for the period
and on 29,541,147 ordinary shares, being the weighted average number
of shares in issue during the period from 1 September 2006 to 28
February 2007. (February 2006: 6,540,148 and August 2006:
4. The calculation of net asset value per share is based on the net
assets at 28 February 2007 of �30,431,000 and on 29,541,147 (28
February 2006: 12,311,000 and 31 August 2006: 28,247,000) being the
number of shares in issue at the same date.
5. Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders.
Copies are available from the registered office of the Company at 8
Angel Court, London, EC2R 7HP.


Copyright � Hugin ASA 2007. All rights reserved.

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