Eaglet Investment Trust plc 
Half-yearly report for the six months ended 31 December 2008 
Investment policy 
The investment policy of Eaglet Investment Trust plc (the "Company" or the 
"Trust") is to achieve a capital return in excess of that of the Extended 
Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index (excluding Investment Companies) (the 
"Extended HGSCI") by investing in a diversified portfolio selected from among 
quoted companies with market capitalisations up to GBP150 million at the point 
of investment. 
It is the aim of the Investment Manager (the "Manager") to identify and invest 
in a diversified portfolio of smaller companies whose shares appear 
undervalued by the market and which have some or all of the following 
- experienced and well-motivated management; 
- products and services supplying growing markets; 
- sound operational and financial controls; and 
- cash generation to finance ongoing development allied with a progressive 
  dividend policy. 
The Manager believes that the development of a sound knowledge and 
understanding of investee companies is of paramount importance, given the 
sparseness and infrequency of stockbrokers' research provided on companies 
within the sector and this includes, where appropriate, company visits. 
The Manager has not employed gearing during the period under review. 
In accordance with the Listing Rules, the Company has a policy to invest no 
more than 15% of its gross assets in other investment companies. 
Performance statistics: Net Asset Value (capital growth) 
                                 Six months to  Twelve months Three years to  Five years to 
                                   31 December to 31 December    31 December    31 December 
                                          2008           2008           2008           2008 
                                             %              %              %              % 
Basic NAV                                -17.3          -25.6          -18.8          -25.0 
Extended HGSCI* (excl. 
Investment Companies) 
                                         -32.4          -43.0          -36.2           -7.0 
Outperformance/underperformance          +15.1          +17.4          +17.4          -18.0 
* The Company's benchmark 
Chairman's statement 
During the period under review the investment objective of Eaglet 
Investment Trust PLC ("the Company") has been to achieve a capital return in 
excess of the Extended Hoare Govett Smaller Companies Index (excluding 
Investment Companies) (the "Extended HGSCI Index" or "the Index") by investing 
in a diversified portfolio of quoted companies with a market capitalisation of 
up to GBP150 million at the point of investment. Over the last six months, your 
Company's net asset value per share ("NAV") fell by 17.3% compared with a fall 
in the benchmark Index of 32.4%. This means that Eaglet's NAV has outperformed 
its benchmark Index by 15.1% over the six months ended 31 December 2008. This 
outperformance is due to the realisation of a number of the Company's holdings 
and the holding of cash balances which has offset the fall in the value of the 
Over the twelve months since the new Board's appointment, Eaglet's 
NAV has outperformed that of its Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") 
peer group index by 16.3%. In addition, the Company was ranked second out of 
seventeen trusts within its AIC peer group measured over one year (Source: 
In November 2008 your Board placed a number of proposals before 
shareholders. In summary, these involved: 
- a tender offer under which shareholders on the register on 3 
March 2008 would have been able to sell up to 49% of their shares to the 
Company for cancellation at a price close to net asset value; 
- a change in the Company's investment policy, so that the 
Company would have invested in UK listed shares which are identified as having 
patterns of directors' dealing which suggest that following such signals would 
lead to superior investment performance; and 
- a the sale of a proportion of the remaining portfolio companies to 
Laxey Partners for cash at a price close to net asset value and an off-market 
purchase of 1,041,424 of the Company's shares held by Laxey Partners. 
These and other proposals, in the form of 12 resolutions, were 
voted on at an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") of the Company on 20 
November 2008. Certain resolutions did not achieve the required majority and 
since the resolutions were inter-conditional, the Company was unable to 
proceed with the tender offer and other proposals in their original form. 
The Board has consulted with a wider range of shareholders since 
the EGM and has formulated revised proposals which seek to balance the views 
and interests which have been expressed. These revised proposals include: 
i. a tender offer for up to 58% of the outstanding shares in issue 
on a mix-and-match basis; and 
ii. a change in the Company's investment policy so that the Company 
will invest in UK listed shares which are identified as having patterns of 
directors' dealing, which suggest that following such signals will lead to 
superior investment performance. 
Subsequent to the implementation of the tender offer, it is 
anticipated that the remainder of the current portfolio will be realised over 
the next eighteen months. Half of the proceeds of these realisations will be 
held in cash or cash equivalents and half will be invested according to the 
new investment policy. Over the next eighteen months, the Company intends to 
carry out a series of tender offers in order to give those shareholders who do 
not wish to participate in the new investment policy the opportunity to 
realise their investments in full as the current portfolio is realised. 
Subject to the revised proposals being approved by shareholders, 
the Company's new investment policy will be to achieve attractive returns for 
shareholders, primarily through capital appreciation, generally by investing 
in companies listed on regulated investment exchanges in the United Kingdom. 
The investment premise of The Directors' Dealing Investment Trust Plc (as the 
Company is proposed to be re-named) is that directors of listed companies are 
better informed than the market generally and therefore their investments in 
the companies they manage are expected to outperform the market. 
The Directors' Dealing Investment Trust Plc will invest in shares 
of UK listed companies which are identified as having patterns of directors' 
trading, which suggest that following such patterns could lead to attractive 
investment returns. These patterns have been combined to form various trading 
strategies which have historically outperformed the relevant FTSE index. The 
Board and Knox D'Arcy Asset Management ("KAM"), the proposed Investment 
Manager of the Company, believe that no other listed investment trust in the 
United Kingdom offers investors the opportunity to gain exposure to such 
trading strategies. 
Jonathan Carr 
25 February 2009 
Investment Manager's report 
During the six month period under review, the Company's net asset value per 
share ("NAV") fell by 17.3% compared with a fall in the benchmark Index of 
32.4%, an outperformance of 15.1% over the last six months. The decrease in 
NAV over the six month period under review was caused by a fall of 29.3% in 
the value of the listed portfolio. Twenty of the thirty holdings in the 
portfolio on 31 December 2008 fell by 30% or more during the six months under 
review and fourteen holdings fell by 50% or more. 
Over the twelve months to 31 December 2008, Eaglet's NAV has outperformed that 
of its Association of Investment Companies ("AIC") peer group index by 16.3%. 
In addition, the Company was ranked second out of seventeen in its peer group 
measured over one year (Source: AIC). The outperformance during the six months 
under review was the result of the realisation of a number of portfolio 
holdings and the holding of cash balances. Most of the Company's cash balances 
were invested in gilts during the period under review, which led to an 
unrealised capital gain of GBP0.7m as at 31 December 2008. 
Since the appointment of your new Board, investments to the value of GBP41m have 
been realised at an aggregate premium to net asset value of 1.35%. This has 
been achieved through the application of activist strategies, notwithstanding 
the receipt of offers for a number of such holdings at discounts to net asset 
value of 30% or more. To date, offers for portfolio holdings at a significant 
discount have been rejected. 
The market for the smaller/micro capitalisation companies that the Company has 
invested in is still very illiquid. If anything, this sector of the market has 
become more illiquid over the last six months. Even on the assumption that the 
Company could carry out 50% of the 10 day average volume traded in the market, 
some 59% of the current portfolio holdings would require in excess of 240 
trading days to sell. The continuation of the credit crunch is unlikely to 
improve this lack of liquidity. 
Whilst the next twelve months are likely to be challenging for all investors, 
we shall continue to seek opportunities to realise value for shareholders by 
pursuing an activist approach to certain of the portfolio holdings where value 
could be realised from such an approach. In the medium term we believe that, 
subject to shareholder approval, the new investment policy offers a unique 
opportunity to deliver value to shareholders. 
The new investment policy, if approved by shareholders at the forthcoming 
general meeting, is based on the premise that directors of listed companies 
are better informed than the market generally and therefore their investments 
in the companies they manage are expected to outperform the market. 
The Directors' Dealing Investment Trust Plc (as the Company will be renamed if 
the new investment policy is approved by shareholders) will invest in 
companies listed on regulated exchanges in the United Kingdom which are 
identified as having patterns of directors' trading which suggest that 
following such patterns could lead to attractive investment returns. 
Investors will often consider whether directors hold shares or have interests 
in the companies which they manage and whether there has been any recent 
buying or selling activity when making an investment decision. Such trading 
activity is often highlighted in the financial press as being a possible 
indicator of future share price performance. 
The proposed new investment policy is based upon independent empirical 
research into directors' trading in the UK market. The original research 
analysed directors' trades in shares of UK listed companies from 1994 to 2002 
and identified a number of directors' dealing strategies which outperformed 
the market. Subsequent analysis of directors' trades from 2002 to 2008 
confirmed the original research and both have been used to develop the trading 
strategies to be employed by the Company should the new investment policy be 
Approximately 203,000 directors' trades between January 1994 and December 2008 
have been analysed and a number of key trading criteria have been developed 
based on this analysis. These criteria have been combined to form various 
simulated trading strategies which have historically outperformed the relevant 
FTSE index. 
Given the scalability of the directors' dealing strategy, we anticipate that 
the directors' dealing portfolio will commence with a limited amount of 
capital and will grow as we dispose of the current portfolio holdings. We 
believe that the directors' dealing investment policy will generate attractive 
returns for shareholders over the medium to long term. 
Knox D'Arcy Investment Management Limited 
25 February 2009 
Portfolio review 
Portfolio breakdown by market capitalisation as at 31 December 2008 
Number of companies                      Total 
GBP150m+                                       1 
GBP100-150m                                    1 
GBP50-100m                                     2 
GBP25-50m                                      3 
GBP0-25m                                      23 
UK Treasury Gilts                            8 
Percentage of portfolio                      % 
GBP150m+                                     8.1 
GBP100-150m                                  3.1 
GBP50-100m                                   7.6 
GBP25-50m                                    5.2 
GBP0-25m                                    17.3 
UK Treasury Gilts                         58.7 
Number of companies                         38 
Number of declarable (3% and over)          21 
Sector analysis of portfolio as at 31 December 2008 
Sector weightings                 Market Value 
UK Treasury Gilts                         58.7 
Support services                          14.5 
Pharmaceuticals & biotechnology            8.1 
Health care equipment & services           6.0 
General financial                          2.7 
Equity investment instruments              2.6 
Food producers                             1.9 
Aerospace and defence                      1.9 
Real estate                                1.3 
Electronic & electrical equipment          1.0 
Media                                      0.8 
Software & computer services               0.5 
Total                                    100.0 
The portfolio consists entirely of UK quoted equity investments and UK 
Treasury Gilts. 
Twenty largest holdings 
Classification and main activities 
UK Treasury Gilts 
Conventional UK Government gilts. 
Abcam                                        Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology 
Production and distribution of research-grade antibodies via an online catalogue 
featuring detailed technical data sheets on each product. 
Concateno                                    Healthcare Equipment & Services 
Development, manufacture and sale of medical diagnostic tests and services, 
predominantly those used for the detection of alcohol and drug abuse. 
Harvey Nash Group                            Support Services 
A global multi-service recruitment organisation with 3,000 staff worldwide and 28 
offices covering the USA, Europe and Asia-Pacific. 
RWS Holdings                                 Support Services 
Provision of intellectual property support services (patent translations and technical 
searches) to the medical, pharmaceutical, chemical, aerospace, defence, automotive and 
telecoms industries. 
Nationwide Accident Repair Services          Support Services 
Repair of motor vehicles and the provision of accident claim management services. 
Cohort                                       Aerospace and Defence 
Provider of independent technical consultancy support and services, primarily although 
not exclusively to the defence sector. Provider of niche secure communications hardware 
and software, electronic warfare software and support services and management of secure 
IT facilities and services, again primarily, although not exclusively to the defence 
Clerkenwell Ventures                         General Financial 
Acquisition, development and operation of leisure businesses. 
Rapid Realisations                           Equity Investment Instruments 
To exploit the investment opportunity represented by companies in pre-IPO and other late 
stage situations with a view to arbitraging differences in public and private company 
Driver Group                                 Construction and Materials 
Provision of specialist commercial and dispute resolution services to the construction 
OpSec Security Group                         Support Services 
The group provides governments and corporations worldwide with industry leading 
anti-counterfeiting technologies solutions and services. Its unprecedented expertise in 
optical sciences, software, films, materials handling and supply chain management allow 
it to tailor individual solutions for each of its customers, effectively addressing the 
growing problem of counterfeiting. 
Fountains                                    Support Services 
Environmental and forestry management service provider to local authorities, utility 
companies and landowners. 
Property Recycling                           Real Estate 
The company identifies and acquires previously developed land, referred to as brownfield 
sites, where it can see the opportunity to improve valuation significantly through 
remediation and planning gain. 
Zetar                                        Food Producers 
Manufacture of novelty and niche chocolate products, sold under private label, Kinnerton 
or other chocolate manufacturer's brands within the UK, Australia and other export 
markets; sourcing, preparation and supply of premium quality dried fruits and nuts, 
fruit and other snacks, primarily within the UK. 
Abacus Group                                 Electronic and Electrical Equipment 
Electronic component distributor with outlets across Europe. 
Third Advance Value Realisation              Equity Investment Instruments 
To manage its investments to provide value and liquidity to its investors. 
Glisten                                      Food Producers 
The group is involved in the manufacture and sale of confectionery, ingredients and 
snacking products to a wide range of outlets in the UK and abroad. 
Advance AIM Value Realisation                Equity Investment Instruments 
To realise value from a portfolio of AIM securities and progressively return cash to 
Avesco Group                                 Media 
Provision of media services to the corporate presentation, entertainment and broadcast 
PHSC                                         Support Services 
Provider of Health and Safety consulting services to UK clients. 
Principal portfolio investments 
as at 31 December 2008 
                                                Market          % of         Market 
                                                 value     portfolio capitalisation 
                                                 GBP'000                           GBPm 
UK Gilts                                        33,185          58.7              - 
Abcam                                            4,599           8.1            177 
Concateno                                        3,400           6.0             99 
Harvey Nash Group                                2,776           4.9             21 
RWS Holdings                                     1,757           3.1            105 
Nationwide Accident Repair Services              1,335           2.4             37 
Cohort                                           1,050           1.9             49 
Clerkenwell Ventures                             1,017           1.8             23 
Rapid Realisations                                 900           1.6             54 
Driver Group                                       737           1.3             17 
OpSec Security Group                               704           1.2             10 
Fountains                                          586           1.0              8 
Property Recycling                                 582           1.0              4 
Zetar                                              558           1.0             18 
Abacus Group                                       552           1.0             39 
Third Advance Value Realisation                    539           1.0              9 
Glisten                                            523           0.9             15 
Advance AIM Value Realisation                      501           0.9              4 
Avesco Group                                       275           0.5              5 
PHSC                                               242           0.4              2 
Total                                           55,818          98.7 
The above holdings are in the ordinary shares of investee companies or in 
Treasury Bills. 
The 20 principal investments represent 98.7 % of the investment portfolio. 
Interim management report and responsibility statement 
Interim management report 
The important events that have occurred during the period under review are set 
out in the Chairman's statement and Manager's report. The key factors 
influencing the financial statements are also set out in the Chairman's 
statement and Manager's report. 
The principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the 
financial year are reviewed in the 
Manager's report. 
Under the Listing Rules the Manager is regarded as a related party of the 
Company. The amount paid to Unicorn Asset Management during the period was 
GBP469,357 (31 December 2007: GBP556,870; 30 June 2008: GBP751,299). The amount paid 
to Knox D'Arcy during the period was GBPnil (31 December 2007: GBPnil; 30 June 
2008: GBP250,000). Full details of the investment management fees payable during 
the current period are set out in note 6. 
Responsibility statement 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance 
with the Statement on Half-yearly Financial Reports issued by the UK 
Accounting Standards Board; 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by: 
(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication 
of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the 
financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; 
and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 
six months of the year; and 
(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party 
transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current 
financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or 
performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
This Half-yearly Report was approved by the Board of Directors on 25 February 
2009 and the above Responsibility Statement was signed on its behalf by 
Jonathan Carr, Chairman. 
Income statement 
(incorporating the profit and loss account*) of the Company for the six months 
to 31 December 2008 
                        Six months to              Year ended               Six months to 
                      31 December 2008            30 June 2008            31 December 2007 
                         (unaudited)                (audited)                (unaudited) 
             Note Revenue  Capital    Total Revenue  Capital    Total Revenue  Capital    Total 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Losses on 
at fair                 - (12,284) (12,284)       - (36,231) (36,231)       - (27,483) (27,483) 
Income                885        -      885   1,593        -    1,593     686        -      686 
fee           6         3        3        6   (695)    (695)  (1,390)   (617)    (616)  (1,233) 
fees          7     (699)        -    (699)       -        -        -   (684)        -    (684) 
expenses            (156)        -    (156) (1,005)    (209)  (1,214)   (169)        -    (169) 
Net return 
finance                33 (12,281) (12,248)   (107) (37,135) (37,242)   (784) (28,099) (28,883) 
and taxation 
payable and 
charges                 -        -        -   (223)    (223)    (446)   (204)    (204)    (408) 
Return on 
before and 
taxation               33 (12,281) (12,248)   (330) (37,358) (37,688)   (988) (28,303) (29,291) 
for the 
Return per 
share                0.15  (55.51)  (55.36)  (1.46) (165.18) (166.64)  (4.36) (124.84) (129.20) 
* The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are prepared under 
guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies ("AIC"). 
There are no other recognised gains or losses in the period and therefore no 
Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses has been prepared. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
These accounts are unaudited and are not the Company's statutory accounts. 
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds 
for the six months to 31 December 2008 
                    Share      Own 
                  capital   shares   Share    Capital  Capital    Capital 
                           held in premium redemption  reserve    reserve Revenue 
                          Treasury account    reserve realised unrealised reserve    Total 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Six months ended 
31 December 2008 
30 June 2008        6,126  (8,847)  28,319      1,838   53,709   (13,946)   3,704   70,903 
Net return after 
taxation for the        -        -       -          -        -          -      33       33 
Net losses on 
realisation of          -        -       -          -    (758)          -       -    (758) 
Fair value 
movement                -        -       -          -        -   (11,526)       - (11,526) 
in investments 
Costs allocated 
to                      -        -       -          -        3          -       -        3 
31 December 2008    6,126  (8,847)  28,319      1,838   52,954   (25,472)   3,737   58,655 
Year ended 30 
2008 (audited) 
30 June 2007        6,286  (8,544)  28,319      1,678   86,727    (7,759)   4,192  110,899 
Net return after 
taxation for the        -        -       -          -        -          -   (330)    (330) 
Dividend paid and 
declared                -        -       -          -        -          -   (158)    (158) 
Net losses on 
realisation of 
investments             -        -       -          - (33,737)          -       - (33,737) 
Transfer between 
reserves*               -        -       -          -   11,959   (11,959)       -        - 
Fair value 
movement                -        -       -          -  (8,266)      5,772       -  (2,494) 
in investments 
Costs allocated 
to                      -        -       -          -  (1,127)          -       -  (1,127) 
Cost of shares 
held                    -    (303)       -          -        -          -       -    (303) 
in Treasury 
Cost of shares 
purchased for 
cancellation            -        -       -          -  (1,847)          -       -  (1,847) 
Nominal value of 
shares purchased 
for                 (160)        -       -        160        -          -       -        - 
30 June 2008        6,126  (8,847)  28,319      1,838   53,709   (13,946)   3,704   70,903 
* With effect from 1 April 2007, changes in fair value of investments which 
are readily convertible into cash, without accepting adverse terms, at the 
balance sheet date are included in realised, rather than unrealised, capital 
reserves. The balance on both reserves at 1 July 2007 have been amended by a 
reverse transfer to reflect this change. 
                            shares   Share    Capital  Capital    Capital 
                    Share  held in premium redemption  reserve    reserve Revenue 
                  capital Treasury account    reserve realised unrealised reserve    Total 
                    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Six months ended 31 
December 2007 
30 June 2007        6,286  (8,544)  28,319      1,678   86,727    (7,759)   4,192  110,899 
Net return after 
taxation for the        -        -       -          -        -          -   (988)    (988) 
Dividend paid and 
declared                -        -       -          -        -          -   (158)    (158) 
Net gains on 
realisation of 
investments             -        -       -          -    1,329          -       -    1,329 
Fair value 
movement                -        -       -          -        -   (28,812)       - (28,812) 
in investments 
Costs allocated 
to                      -        -       -          -    (820)          -       -    (820) 
Cost of shares 
held in                 -    (303)       -          -        -          -       -    (303) 
Cost of shares 
purchased for 
cancellation            -        -       -          -    (681)          -       -    (681) 
Nominal value of 
shares purchased 
for                  (44)        -       -         44        -          -       -        - 
31 December 2007    6,242  (8,847)  28,319      1,722   86,555   (36,571)   3,046   80,466 
Balance sheet 
as at 31 December 2008 
                                           As at          As at            As at 
                                31 December 2008   30 June 2008 31 December 2007 
                           Note            GBP'000          GBP'000            GBP'000 
                                     (unaudited)      (audited)      (unaudited) 
Fixed assets 
Investments at fair value                 56,552         38,967           86,059 
Current assets 
Debtors                                      461            415               43 
Cash at bank                               1,904         32,538                2 
                                           2,365         32,953               45 
Creditors - amounts 
due within one year 
Bank overdraft                                 -              -            4,767 
Creditors                                    262            382                - 
Accruals                                       -            635              871 
                                             262          1,017            5,638 
Net current                                2,103         31,936          (5,593) 
Net assets                                58,655         70,903           80,466 
Share capital and reserves 
Called up share capital     8              6,126          6,126            6,242 
Own shares held in          8            (8,847)        (8,847)          (8,847) 
Share premium account                     28,319         28,319           28,319 
Capital redemption reserve                 1,838          1,838            1,722 
Capital reserve - realised                52,954         53,709           86,555 
- unrealised                            (25,472)       (13,946)         (36,571) 
Revenue reserve                            3,737          3,704            3,046 
Shareholders' funds - 
equity                                    58,655         70,903           80,466 
Total net assets for the 
of calculating net asset                  58,655         70,903           80,466 
values - 
including current period 
Net asset value per 
Ordinary                                 265.12p        320.48p          356.22p 
Number of Ordinary shares 
issue (excluding shares               22,123,926     22,123,926       22,588,926 
held in 
Statement of cash flows 
for the six months to 31 December 2008 
                          Six months to 31       Year ended     Six months to 31 
                             December 2008     30 June 2008        December 2007 
                                     GBP'000            GBP'000                GBP'000 
                               (unaudited)        (audited)          (unaudited) 
Operating activities 
Investment income 
received                               423            1,371                  873 
Deposit interest                       590               31                    8 
Treasury interest                    (172)                -                    - 
management                           (469)          (1,001)                (557) 
fees paid 
Secretarial fees                      (37)             (52)                 (24) 
Other cash payments                  (808)            (922)                (838) 
Net cash outflow 
from                                 (473)            (573)                (538) 
operating activities 
Servicing of finance 
Interest paid                            -            (487)                (431) 
Net cash outflow 
servicing of finance                     -            (487)                (431) 
Capital expenditure 
financial investment 
Purchases of                      (32,475)         (23,149)             (23,615) 
Sales of investments                 2,605           69,656               31,778 
Net cash 
from capital                      (29,870)           46,507                8,163 
and financial 
Equity dividends                         -            (158)                (158) 
Reorganisation costs                    92            (166)                    - 
Shares purchased for 
cancellation                         (383)          (1,465)                (681) 
Shares purchased for 
Treasury                                 -            (303)                (303) 
Net cash outflow 
from                                 (291)          (1,934)                (984) 
in                                (30,634)           43,355                6,052 
Notes to the accounts 
as at 31 December 2008 
1. Financial information 
The financial information contained in this report does not constitute full 
statutory accounts as defined in Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The 
financial information for the six months ended 31 December 2008 and 31 
December 2007 has not been audited nor reviewed by the Company's Auditor 
pursuant to the Auditing Practices Board guidance on such reviews. 
The information for the year ended 30 June 2008 has been extracted from the 
latest published audited financial statements, which have been filed with the 
Registrar of Companies. The report of the Auditors on those financial 
statements contained no qualification or statement under Sections 237 (2) or 
(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
2. Accounting policies 
The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention as 
modified by the revaluation of financial asset investments, and in accordance 
with applicable accounting standards and with the Statement of Recommended 
Practice 2003 regarding the Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies 
("SORP") as revised in December 2005. 
The financial statements are prepared on the basis of the accounting policies 
set out in note 1 of the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 
June 2008. 
All investments held by the Company are classified as `fair value through 
profit or loss'. For investments actively traded in organised financial 
markets, fair value is generally determined by reference to Stock Exchange 
quoted market bid prices or last traded prices at the close of business on the 
balance sheet date. 
3. Net asset value per share 
These net asset values have been calculated in accordance with the accounting 
policies set out in note 2. 
                 31 December         30 June         31 December 
                     2008             2008               2007 
                 GBP'000    pence    GBP'000    pence     GBP'000    pence 
Net asset       58,655   265.12   70,903   320.48    80,466   356.22 
* including current period revenue. 
4. Taxation 
The Company is subject to corporation tax at 28% (2007: 30%). Certain 
re-organisation costs may not be deductible for corporation tax. However, UK 
dividends are not subject to corporation tax and use of brought forward losses 
covers any current taxable income of the Company and, as a result, there is no 
taxation charge. 
                                             Six months to Year ended Six months to 
                                               31 December    30 June   31 December 
                                                      2008       2008          2007 
                                                     GBP'000      GBP'000         GBP'000 
Profit on ordinary 
activities                                              33      (330)         (988) 
before tax 
Profit on ordinary 
multiplied by the standard 
rate of                                                  9       (98)         (296) 
corporation tax in the UK 
of 28% 
(2007: 30%) 
UK dividends not chargeable 
to                                                    (74)      (390)         (204) 
corporation tax 
Expenses not deductible for 
tax                                                    197         72             6 
Expenses charged to capital 
reserve                                                  -      (332)         (246) 
(Utilisation of brought 
forward                                              (132)        748           740 
losses)/excess expenses of 
Total current tax                                        -          -             - 
5. Reconciliation of net revenue before finance costs and taxation to net cash 
(outflow)/inflow from operating activities 
                                           Six months to Year ended   Six months to 
                                                      31    30 June              31 
                                                December       2008        December 
                                                    2008                       2007 
                                                   GBP'000      GBP'000           GBP'000 
Net revenue before finance costs and            (12,248)   (37,242)        (28,883) 
Add back losses on investments                    12,284     36,231          27,483 
(Decrease)/increase in creditors and               (463)        419             680 
Increase in prepayments and accrued                (204)      (238)             (9) 
Decrease in dividends receivable                     158         48             191 
Capital related expenses                               -        209               - 
                                                   (473)      (573)           (538) 
6. Investment management Fee 
The investment management fee for the period was reduced by the unwinding of 
the provision to cover the unexpired period of notice in relation to an 
agreement with Unicorn Asset Management Limited. 
                                                       Revenue   Capital      Total 
                                                         GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000 
Investment management fee                                  123       123        246 
Unwinding of provision for 
unexpired period of notice                               (126)     (126)      (252) 
                                                           (3)       (3)        (6) 
Of these, the amounts payable to Investment Managers, throughout the period 
were as follows: 
                                       Six months to    Year ended    Six months to 
                                    31 December 2008  30 June 2008 31 December 2007 
                                               GBP'000         GBP'000            GBP'000 
Unicorn                                          226         1,140            1,203 
Knox D'Arcy                                       20           250               30 
                                                 246         1,390            1,233 
7. Professional fees 
During the six months ended 31 December 2008, a total of GBP699,212 (inclusive 
of irrecoverable VAT) was spent on non-recurring advisers' fees. 
8. Share Buybacks 
There were no share buybacks during the six months ended 31 December 2008. 
Directors and Advisers 
Directors:             Jonathan Carr (Chairman) 
                       Nicholas Jeffrey 
                       Garth Milne 
Company Secretary      Capita Sinclair Henderson    Tel: 01392 412 122 
and Registered Office: Beaufort House               Fax: 01392 253 282 
                       51 New North Road 
                       Exeter EX4 4EP 
Registrar:             Equiniti Limited             Tel: 0870 600 3970 
                       Aspect House                 Fax: 0870 600 3980 
                       Spencer Road                 www.shareview.co.uk 
                       West Sussex BN99 6DA 
Investment Manager:    Knox D'Arcy Investment       Tel: 020 7495 2202 
                       Management Limited 
                       11 St James's Place 
                       London SW1A 1NP 
Sources of further information 
The Company's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The mid-market 
prices are quoted daily in the Financial Times, the Daily Telegraph and the 
Daily Mail. Monthly information updates are available on the Company from 
www.trustnet.com. The Company has its own website at 
Share dealing 
Shares can be purchased and sold through your usual stockbroker or through the 
Eaglet Savings Scheme. 
Frequency of NAV publication 
The Company's net asset value is released to the Stock Exchange weekly. 
Banker:          HSBC Bank PLC        Solicitors:      Lawrence Graham 
                 8 Canada Square                       190 Strand 
                 London E14 5HQ                        London WC2R 1JN 
Auditor:         KPMG Audit Plc                        Covington & Burling 
                 100 Temple Street                     265 Strand 
                 Bristol BS1 6AG                       London WC2R 1BH 
Broker:          Arbuthnot Securities 
                 20 Ropemaker Street 
                 London EC2Y 9AR 
An investment company as defined under section 833 of the Companies Act 2006. 
Registered in England No. 2812946 

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