(the ICAV)
Important Notice to Shareholders
Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure
(the Fund),
a sub-fund of the ICAV
15 March
Dear Shareholder
This letter is to inform you, on behalf of the
board of directors of the ICAV (the Board), of the proposal to terminate
the Fund.
Termination of
the Fund
The Board has considered the viability of the
Fund and, taking into account the current levels of assets under
management, has determined that it is in the best interests of you
as a shareholder to terminate the Fund.
Pursuant to the ICAV's instrument of
incorporation (the Instrument), the Board may terminate
any fund in circumstances where the Net Asset Value is less than
the Minimum Fund Size. The Board has therefore resolved to
terminate the Fund, in accordance with clause 11 of the Instrument,
with effect from 29th April 2024 (the Termination Date).
Due to the termination of the Fund, it will be
de-listed from the stock exchanges on which it is listed, and
trading in the Fund on those stock exchanges will cease with effect
from close of business on 16th April 2024. Therefore,
buying and selling of Shares in the Fund in the secondary market
may only be made until close of business on 16th April
Requests for subscription and/or redemption of
Shares in the Fund in the primary market may be made in the usual
manner in accordance with the prospectus of the ICAV (the
Prospectus) until the Dealing Deadline on 22nd April
2024. From and including 23rd April 2024 to the
Termination Date, no further subscription or redemption requests
will be accepted.
Orders to sell Shares through a stock exchange
can be placed via an authorised intermediary or stockbroker. Please
note that the ICAV does not charge any redemption charge for the
sale of Shares in the secondary market. However, Shareholders
should note that orders in the secondary market may incur costs
over which the ICAV has no control.
All net cash proceeds derived from the
realisation of the assets of the Fund will be paid to those
Shareholders remaining in the Fund on the Termination Date as soon
as possible following the Termination Date, and in any event by
10th May 2024. Please refer to the timeline in the table
below. All net cash proceeds will be delivered to the Shareholders
via their stockbroker, depository or bank, in which they hold an
15th March 2024
Notice to Shareholders
16th April 2024
Last day of trading on relevant
exchanges from which the Fund is to
be delisted
22nd April 2024
Dealing Deadline for redemption
23rd April 2024
Last Dealing Day
29th April 2024
Termination Date
10th May 2024
Record Date for
10 Business Days after the
Termination Date
Settlement Date for
If you have any queries or if any of the above
is not clear you should seek advice from your stockbroker, bank
manager, legal adviser, accountant or other independent financial
Any further information in relation to the
above may be obtained by contacting info@hanetf.com. This
notice will also be available at www.hanetf.com.
Capitalised terms used in this
notice shall have the same meaning ascribed to them in the latest
version of the Prospectus unless the context otherwise
We thank you for your continuing support of the