5 April 2023 
                                   DRUMZ PLC 
                          ("Drumz" or the "Company") 
                 Acquisition of Acuity Risk Management Limited 
      Approval of waiver of obligations under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code 
  Placing and Subscription of 32,222,222 New Ordinary Shares at 4.5 pence per 
                             Share Reorganisation 
                          Admission to trading on AIM 
                                Change of Name 
                           Notice of General Meeting 
Drumz plc (AIM: DRUM), the investing company focused on building value in 
technology, is pleased to announce that it has conditionally agreed terms to 
acquire Acuity Risk Management Limited ("ARM"), a supplier of Governance, Risk, 
Compliance ("GRC") software and services. Drumz currently owns 25 per cent. of 
the issued share capital of ARM and it is proposing to acquire the balance of 
the issued and to be issued share capital. 
·       Acquisition of ARM for a total consideration of approximately £ 
3.6 million. The Consideration will be satisfied by the payment of £0.5 million 
in cash and the issue of 45,709,570 New Ordinary Shares which at closing 
mid-market price of 6.75 pence per Existing Ordinary Share on 3 April 2023 as 
adjusted by the Share Reorganisation, being the latest practicable date prior 
to the publication of this announcement, are valued at £3.1 million. 
  * In addition, Acquisition Options over 2,420,506 New Ordinary Shares may be 
    granted to the Founders in the event that the Company's share price does 
    not at any time exceed an average of 6.99 pence on any five consecutive 
    trading days during the three months immediately following Admission. 
  * A conditional placing and subscription to raise £1.45 million (before 
    expenses) by the issue of 32,222,222 New Ordinary Shares at a price of 4.5 
    pence per New Ordinary Share (the Issue Price represents a discount of 
    approximately 33.3 per cent. to the Closing Price. 
  * Clear Capital has been appointed as a Joint Broker with immediate effect 
  * The key performance indicators of ARM are: 
      + monthly recurring revenue: £0.14 million as at 28 February 2023 (30 
        September 2022: £0.13 million, 31 March 2022: £0.10 million) 
      + forward contracted revenue: £2.17 million as at 28 February 2023 (30 
        September 2022: £1.99 million, 31 March 2022: £2.17 million) 
      + renewal rate: 96 per cent. as at 28 February 2023 (30 September 2022: 
        96 per cent., 31 March 2022: 82 per cent.) 
      + sales pipeline: £3.83 million as at 22 March 2023 (30 September 2022: £ 
        1.67 million, 31 March 2022: £1.36 million). 
·       Subject to, inter alia, shareholder approval and admission to trading 
on AIM, the Acquisition and Placing are expected to complete on 25 April 2023. 
·       Subject to, inter alia, shareholder approval and admission to trading 
on AIM, the Company will change its name to Acuity RM Group plc and TIDM will 
be (AIM:ACRM) 
The acquisition of ARM will constitute a reverse takeover pursuant to Rule 14 
of the AIM Rules for Companies and as such will require Shareholder approval. 
The Admission Document is being posted today to shareholders which sets out in 
more detail the background and reasons for the Acquisition, the Placing, 
Subscription, Change of Name, and certain other proposals and also includes a 
notice of General Meeting. A General Meeting of the Company is being convened 
for 10:00 a.m. on 24 April 2023 at the offices of Marriott Harrison LLP 80 
Cheapside London EC2V 6EE. The Admission Document will be available on the 
Company's website: www.drumzplc.com and following Admission on Company's new 
website:  www.acuityrmgroup.com. 
Angus Forrest, CEO of Drumz said: "We are delighted to announce Drumz's 
acquisition of Acuity Risk Management Ltd (Acuity). Over the past two and a 
half years we have worked closely with the Acuity team.  Since we invested the 
business has taken greater control of its activities particularly sales and 
marketing resulting in consistent growth and improvement in the Key Performance 
Indicators.  We believe this is a very exciting time and stage in the Company's 
development as it expands its activities in North America, the world's largest 
market for Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC).  GRC is a large market - 
$14bn in 2022 rising to $27bn in 2027 (MarketsandMarkets)." 
Simon Marvell, CEO of ARM said: "Drumz has been a great supporter of Acuity 
since its original investment in September 2020.  Over the intervening period, 
Drumz has helped us to strengthen our commercial team and grow the 
business.   We operate in a large and fast-growing market so we are delighted 
and excited to be proceeding with this transaction which we believe will help 
us to raise our profile as a public company and further accelerate development 
of the business and its expansion in new markets". 
The expected timetable of principal events is set out in Appendix II to this 
Announcement. Capitalised terms have the meaning set out in Appendix III to 
this Announcement. 
For further information: 
Drumz plc                                               020 3582 0566 
Angus Forrest, Chief Executive Officer 
WH Ireland (NOMAD & Joint Bookrunner)                    www.whirelandcb.com 
Mike Coe / Sarah Mather                                 020 7220 1666 
Peterhouse Capital Limited (Joint Bookrunner) 
Lucy Williams / Duncan Vasey                      020 7469 0936 
Clear Capital Markets Limited (Joint Bookrunner)   020 3869 6080 
Andrew Blaylock 
                            ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 
 1. Introduction 
On 5 April 2023, the Company announced that it had conditionally agreed terms 
to acquire Acuity Risk Management Limited ("ARM"), a supplier of Governance, 
Risk, Compliance ("GRC") software and services. Drumz currently owns 25 per 
cent. of the issued share capital of ARM and it is proposing to acquire the 
balance of the issued and to be issued share capital for a total consideration 
of approximately £3.6 million. The Consideration will be satisfied  by the 
payment of £0.5 million in cash and the issue of 45,709,570 New Ordinary Shares 
which at the Closing Price are valued at £3.1 million. In addition, Acquisition 
Options over 2,420,506 New Ordinary Shares may be granted to the Founders in 
the event that the Company's share price does not at any time exceed an average 
of 6.99 pence on any five consecutive trading days during the three months 
immediately following Admission. 
The Company also announces that it has conditionally raised £1.45 million 
(before expenses) pursuant to a Placing and Subscription, with certain 
institutions and other investors, through the proposed issue of 32,222,222 New 
Ordinary Shares at a price of 4.5 pence per New Ordinary Share. The Placing and 
Subscription are conditional (amongst other things) upon the passing of certain 
resolutions in order to ensure that the Directors have the necessary 
authorities and powers to allot the New Ordinary Shares. 
The Issue Price represents a discount of approximately 33.3 per cent. to the 
Closing Price. 
In conjunction with the Acquisition, Placing and Subscription the Existing 
Directors believe it is appropriate to undertake a share reorganisation to 
simplify the number and pricing of the Company's Existing Ordinary Shares. 
Details of the Share Reorganisation which will comprise a consolidation and 
sub-division are set out in paragraph 6 below. 
The Directors believe that it is appropriate, should the Acquisition be 
approved by Shareholders at the General Meeting and be completed, that the name 
of the Company be changed to Acuity RM Group plc to reflect the business of the 
Enlarged Group. 
The Placing, and Subscription, Acquisition and Change of Name are conditional 
(amongst other things) upon the passing of certain resolutions in order to 
ensure that the Directors have the necessary authorities and powers to allot 
the New Ordinary Shares. As a result, a number of proposals are to be put to 
Shareholders at the General Meeting. 
The Acquisition, if completed, will constitute a reverse takeover of the 
Company under Rule 14 of the AIM Rules and is, therefore, subject to the 
approval of Shareholders at the General Meeting. 
The Founders are presumed to be acting in concert for the purposes of the 
Takeover Code. On Admission the Concert Party will hold 44,973,171 New Ordinary 
Shares, as a result of the issue of the Concert Party Consideration Shares, 
representing approximately 37.16 per cent. of the Enlarged Ordinary Share 
Capital. In addition if all the Acquisition Options, held by or to be issued to 
the Founders were exercised (and no other Options or Adviser Warrants were 
exercised) the Founders would hold a total of 47,393,677 New Ordinary Shares, 
representing 38.39 per cent. of the Company's then issued  New Ordinary Share 
capital. Under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code, the Concert Party would normally be 
obliged to make an offer as a result of the (1) Concert Party Consideration 
Shares and (2) the exercise of the Acquisition Options, to all Shareholders 
(other than the Concert Party) to acquire their New Ordinary Shares for cash at 
the Closing Price. The Panel has agreed to waive this obligation, subject to 
the approval of the Independent Shareholders on a poll of the Waiver Resolution 
at the General Meeting. 
On completion of the Acquisition and readmission to AIM the Company will own 
100 per cent. of the shares of ARM and be treated as a trading company for the 
purposes of the AIM Rules. The Enlarged Group's strategy will be to develop its 
business to deliver long term, sustainable growth in shareholder value. In the 
short to medium term this is expected to come from organic growth and 
thereafter may also come from complementary acquisitions. 
2. Background on the Company and reasons for the Acquisition 
Drumz was incorporated under the name J. Billam Limited in 1935 and in 1964 it 
became a public company with its shares traded on the London Stock Exchange. In 
June 1995, its name changed to Billam PLC and in 1997 its shares were admitted 
to AIM. In 2000, it became an investing company on AIM. It subsequently changed 
its name to Energiser Investments plc in 2008 and to Drumz in 2020. Drumz is an 
investing company admitted to trading on AIM with an investment policy focused 
principally, but not exclusively, on acquiring investments in technology 
businesses based in Europe. 
Drumz currently has two investments, being a 25 per cent. shareholding in ARM 
and a 5.85 per cent. legacy shareholding in KCR. Drumz is proposing to acquire 
the remaining issued shares and to be issued shares in ARM as part of the 
Proposals. Further details on ARM are set out in paragraph 3 below. KCR is an 
AIM listed property business focused on the residential sector and the Existing 
Directors are looking to dispose of this investment, which is outside the 
Company's current investment policy. However, in common with many smaller 
companies, there is limited liquidity in the shares of KCR and therefore the 
Board is not able to give a view on when or if a disposal of this investment 
might be effected. 
On 4 September 2020, Drumz acquired a 20 per cent. stake in ARM and Angus 
Forrest was appointed chairman of the board of ARM as a board representative of 
Drumz. On 6 September 2021 Drumz exercised an option to acquire a further five 
per cent., thereby increasing its shareholding to 25 per cent. 
Since Drumz's investment, the focus of the ARM Directors has been on increasing 
the commercialisation of ARM. Contract terms have been revised and all sales of 
ARM's risk management software, STREAM®, have been on a SaaS or private cloud 
(on-premise) subscription basis. Sales and marketing activities have been 
revised and strengthened, with a new digital marketing programme and the sales 
team has been strengthened through a combination of recruitment, training and 
management. This has resulted in several new customer wins including a major UK 
broadcaster, a US technology company and a German engineering company. STREAM® 
is currently being used by around 70 organisations, across the UK, Germany, US 
and other territories. 
ARM has demonstrated strong growth over the past two years and the Existing 
Directors believe that there continue to be opportunities for rapid organic 
expansion and therefore the Acquisition presents the Company and its 
Shareholders with what the Directors believe is an exciting opportunity. 
Accordingly, the Existing Directors propose that, subject to approval of the 
Resolutions by the Shareholders at the General Meeting, the Company should 
acquire the entire issued share capital of ARM not already owned by Drumz. 
3. Summary information on ARM 
ARM was incorporated on 18 December 2019 as a limited company and commenced 
trading in March 2020 when it acquired the trade and assets of Acuity RM LLP. 
ARM is an established provider of risk management services. ARM's award-winning 
STREAM® is a GRC software platform, which collects data about organisations to 
improve business decisions and management. It is used by around 70 
organisations in markets including government, utilities, defence, 
broadcasting, manufacturing and healthcare. Most customers use it for managing 
cybersecurity and IT risks and for compliance with ISO 27001 and other 
standards and regulations. STREAM® is sold on a SaaS or private cloud delivery 
(on-premise) basis, typically with a three year licence, invoiced annually in 
advance. Sales are made directly through the Company's own sales team and via a 
growing network of partners in the UK and the US. 
The Directors believe that Acuity is well placed to continue to build market 
share in the growing GRC market which was valued at c.$14.9 billion in 2022 and 
is expected to grow strongly to c.$27.1 billion in 2027, as more organisations 
accept the need and importance to manage the risks affecting them (Source: 
ARM is headquartered and operates from its office in the UK (London). ARM 
currently employs or contracts with 19 people, all of whom are UK based. 
The table below sets out a summary of financial information on ARM, prepared in 
accordance with IFRS, for the periods indicated. As this is only a summary, 
Shareholders are advised to read the Admission Document and not rely solely on 
this summarised information. 
Summary historical financial information of ARM 
                                                          Unaudited   Unaudited 
                                      Audited    Audited        Six         Six 
                                         Year    Period*     months      months 
                                        ended      ended      ended       ended 
                                     31 March          31 March 30 September 30 
                                         2022       2021       2022        2021 
                                        £'000      £'000      £'000       £'000 
Revenue                                 1,558      1,226        853         735 
Gross profit                            1,455      1,123        788         683 
EBITDA**                                (319)      (411)      (289)       (185) 
Loss from operations                    (525)      (599)      (385)       (293) 
*Being the period from incorporation on 18 December 2019 
**Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation 
The Directors believe that two of the largest drivers of enterprise value for a 
business using a SaaS/ subscriptions model are growth rate and scale. Since 
Drumz invested in ARM, ARM has been focused on building its commercial 
infrastructure to enable it to accelerate its growth and achieve greater scale. 
 1. Principal terms of the Acquisition 
On 5 April 2023, the Company entered into the Acquisition Agreements with the 
Founders and the Option Holders pursuant to which the Company has conditionally 
agreed to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of ARM, not 
already owned by Drumz. The Sellers comprise (i) the Founders and (ii) the 
Option Holders (who are certain employees of ARM that have been granted options 
over shares in ARM). 
The Company entered into the SPA with the Founders on 5 April 2023. The options 
held by the Option Holders will be exercised and the shares issued as a result 
of that exercise shall be acquired by the Company on Completion pursuant to the 
terms of the Option Holder SPAs, which were entered into by the Company and 
each of the Option Holders on 5 April 2023. 
The total consideration for the Acquisition is £3.6 million, to be satisfied as 
to £0.5 million payable in cash and 45,709,570 New Ordinary Shares with a value 
of £3.1 million at the Closing Price. 
In addition, Acquisition Options over 2,420,506 New Ordinary Shares have been 
granted to the Founders in the event that the Company's share price does not at 
any time exceed an average of 6.99 pence on any five consecutive trading days 
during the three months immediately following Admission. 
The Cash Consideration and 44,973,171 Consideration Shares will be paid/issued 
to the Founders pursuant to the SPA. 736,399 Consideration Shares will be 
issued to the Option Holders pursuant to the Option Holder SPAs. 
Completion is conditional, inter alia, on the approval of the Resolutions at 
the General Meeting, Admission and no material adverse change having occurred 
in respect of ARM prior to Completion. 
Pursuant to the SPA, the Founders have also agreed to enter into new service 
agreements with the Company and have entered into the Lock-in Deeds. 
 1. Change of Name 
To reflect the new direction of the Company, the Board is proposing to change 
the name of the Company to: 
"Acuity RM Group plc" 
The change of name will become effective once the Registrar of Companies has 
issued a new certificate of incorporation on the change of name. This is 
expected to occur on or around 2 May 2023. The tradeable instrument display 
mnemonic ("TIDM") of the Company is expected to change to AIM:ACRM effective 
from 8.00 a.m. on or around 2 May 2023. 
 1. Share Reorganisation 
The Directors believe that the Company's current capital structure, with 
419,822,048 Existing Ordinary Shares of 0.1p each in issue and a share price at 
a fraction of a penny, is unwieldly in volume for a company of Drumz's market 
capitalisation and should therefore be simplified. The Share Reorganisation 
will, if implemented, result in a smaller number of shares in issue, which the 
Existing Directors believe is more appropriate for a company of Drumz's size, 
and will allow the Company's share price to be traded at a more realistic 
In addition, there are several hundred shareholders with holdings of shares 
which are worth less than £19 and which the Directors believe are simply 
uneconomic and/or unviable for shareholders to trade. Furthermore the cost of 
administering the register of shareholders and circularising them as required 
by law and by the Articles is disproportionately high. 
For these reasons the Directors consider it both appropriate and beneficial to 
the Company and to the Shareholders to undertake the Share Reorganisation. 
Under the Share Reorganisation, 1,952 new Ordinary Shares will be issued at a 
price of 0.1p per share to ensure that as part of the Share Reorganisation an 
exact whole number of Consolidated Ordinary Shares is issued. Following this, 
the Ordinary Shares in issue at the Record Date will be consolidated into 
Consolidated Ordinary Shares on the basis of one Consolidated Ordinary Share 
for every 2,000 Ordinary Shares. Each Consolidated Ordinary Share will then be 
sub-divided into 200 New Ordinary Shares and 1,800 New Deferred Shares. 
Most Shareholders will not, at the Record Date, hold a number of Existing 
Ordinary Shares that is exactly divisible by the consolidation ratio. The 
result of the Consolidation, if approved, will be that such Shareholders will 
be left with a fractional entitlement to a resulting New Ordinary Share. Any 
such fractions as a result of the Consolidation will be aggregated and, 
following the Sub-division, the Directors will (in accordance with the 
Articles) sell the aggregated shares in the market for the benefit of the 
relevant Shareholders. 
The proceeds from the sale of the fractional entitlements shall be distributed 
pro rata amongst the relevant Shareholders save that where a Shareholder is 
entitled to an amount which is less than £10 it will (in accordance with the 
Articles) not be distributed to such Shareholder but will be retained for the 
Company's benefit. 
The rights attaching to the New Ordinary Shares will be identical in all 
respects to those of the Existing Ordinary Shares. 
The New Deferred Shares created as a result of the Sub-division will have the 
same rights and restrictions as the Existing Deferred Shares. These rights are 
minimal, thereby rendering the Deferred Shares effectively valueless. The 
rights attaching to the Deferred Shares can be summarised as follows: 
  * they will not entitle holders to receive any dividend or other distribution 
    or to receive notice or speak or vote at general meetings of the Company; 
  * they will have no rights to participate in a return of assets on a winding 
  * they will not be freely transferable; 
  * the creation and issue of further shares will rank equally or in priority 
    to the Deferred Shares; 
  * the passing of a resolution of the Company to cancel the Deferred Shares or 
    to effect a reduction of capital shall not constitute a modification or 
    abrogation of their rights; and 
  * the Company shall have the right at any time to purchase all of the 
    Deferred Shares in issue for an aggregate consideration of £1.00. 
There are no immediate plans to purchase or to cancel the Deferred Shares, 
although the Directors propose to keep the situation under review. 
Shareholders who hold more than 2,000 Existing Ordinary Shares, before the 
Share Reorganisation, will continue to hold approximately the same percentage 
of the Company's ordinary share capital post the Share Reorganisation. However, 
Shareholders will be diluted by the issue of the Consideration Shares, the 
Placing Shares, the Subscription Shares and the Adviser Shares. 
Existing share certificates will cease to be valid following the Share 
Reorganisation. New share certificates in respect of the New Ordinary Shares 
will be issued by first class post at the risk of the Shareholder within 10 
business days of Admission. No certificates will be issued in respect of the 
New Deferred Shares, nor will CREST accounts of Shareholders be credited in 
respect of any entitlement to the New Deferred Shares. No application will be 
made for the New Deferred Shares to be admitted to trading on AIM or any other 
investment exchange. 
CREST Shareholders will have their CREST accounts credited with their New 
Ordinary Shares following Admission, which is expected to be on 25 April 2023. 
 1. Details of the Placing and Subscription 
The Company has raised approximately £1.45 million (before expenses) pursuant 
to the Placing, through the proposed issue of 31,000,000 Placing Shares by the 
Company at the Issue Price. The Company has raised a further approximately £ 
55,000 (before expenses) pursuant to the Subscription, through the proposed 
issue of 1,222,222 Subscription Shares by the Company at the Issue Price. The 
Placing and Subscription Shares in aggregate represent approximately 26.6 per 
cent. of the Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital). 
After the expenses of the Proposals, estimated to be £0.55 million (excluding 
VAT) in total, of which £50,000 will be settled by the issue of the Adviser 
Shares, the Company is expected to received approximately £0.95 million from 
the Placing. WH Ireland have agreed that part of the fees and commissions 
payable under the Placing Agreement will be satisfied via the issue by the 
Company of the Adviser Shares, treated as fully paid, on Admission. 
The Issue Price represents a discount of 33.3 per cent. to the Closing Price . 
The Existing Directors (other than Nick Clark) intend to subscribe for up to 
2,000,000 New Ordinary Shares (a total aggregate amount of approximately £ 
90,000 at the Issue Price) as part of the Placing and Subscription. This 
intention is not legally binding and any subscriptions by the Existing 
Directors pursuant to the Placing and Subscription will be announced through 
the Regulatory News Service. 
The Placing and Subscription are conditional, among other matters, on the 
passing of the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting granting 
authority to the Directors to allot the New Ordinary Shares on a 
non-pre-emptive basis and on Admission. 
The Company, the Directors and Joint Bookrunners have entered into the Placing 
Agreement relating to the Placing which contains customary warranties from the 
Company in favour of the Joint Bookrunners in relation to, inter alia, the 
accuracy of the information in the Admission Document and other matters 
relating to the Company, ARM and the Enlarged Group's business. In addition, 
the Company has agreed to indemnify the Joint Bookrunners in relation to 
certain liabilities that they may incur in respect of the Placing. 
 1. Use of Placing and Subscription proceeds 
The net proceeds of the Placing and Subscription are expected to be 
approximately £0.95 million and are intended to be used for: 
  * the Cash Consideration of £0.5 million; 
  * the further expansion of the technical and sales and marketing team and 
    from Q4 2023 investment in STREAM® (particularly the development of its web 
    application) of approximately £0.3 million and; 
  * additional working capital for the Enlarged Group of approximately £0.15 
As at 28 February 2023, the amounts owed to and from certain ARM Directors will 
be settled in full, resulting in a net outflow of approximately £80,175. 
9.  Existing Directors, Proposed Director and corporate governance 
The Existing Directors will remain on the Board post Admission and Simon 
Marvell will be appointed to the Board effective from and conditional on 
On Admission the Board will comprise: 
  * Simon Bennett, Independent Non-Executive Chairman 
  * Angus Forrest, Chief Executive Officer 
  * Simon Marvell, Executive Director 
  * Nick Clark, Non-Executive Director 
  * John Wakefield, Independent Non-Executive Director 
It is expected that Simon Marvell will retire as a Director during the course 
of 2023 at which time it is anticipated Kerry Chambers will be appointed to the 
Board. Following his resignation from the Board, it is expected that Simon will 
continue as a non-executive director of ARM and be available to the Enlarged 
Group on a consultancy basis. 
10. Current trading 
(a)      Drumz plc 
On 16 September 2022 the Company announced its interim results for the six 
months ended 30 June 2022. On 4 November 2022 the Company announced it had 
published a circular convening a general meeting for ordinary shareholders in 
order to adopt new articles and amend the class rights of deferred shares and a 
class meeting for holders of deferred shares approving the amendment of the 
class rights of deferred shares. On 22 November 2022 the Company announced that 
the resolution proposed at the general meeting was duly passed and that the 
class meeting was adjourned as it was inquorate. On 29 November 2022 the 
Company announced that the resolution proposed at the adjourned class meeting 
was duly passed. On 5 April 2023, the Company announced the proposed 
Acquisition of ARM, approval of waiver of obligations under Rule 9 of the 
Takeover Code, the conditional Placing and Subscription to raise £1.45 million 
and the proposed Share Reorganisation. 
(b)      ARM 
The unaudited results of ARM for the six months ended 30 September 2022 show 
revenue of £0.85 million up 16 per cent. on the equivalent period and an 
increased loss before tax of £0.40 million principally as a result of larger 
administrative costs and reflecting the investment in sales and marketing team. 
Since 30 September 2022, ARM has continued to trade in line with the ARM 
Directors' expectations. 
The key performance indicators of ARM as sourced from its unaudited management 
information are: 
  * monthly recurring revenue: £0.14 million as at 28 February 2023 (30 
    September 2022: £0.13 million, 31 March 2022: £0.10 million) 
  * forward contracted revenue: £2.17 million as at 28 February 2023 (30 
    September 2022: £1.99 million, 31 March 2022: £2.17 million) 
  * renewal rate: 96 per cent. as at 28 February 2023 (30 September 2022: 96 
    per cent., 31 March 2022: 82 per cent.) 
  * sales pipeline: £3.83 million as at 22 March 2023 (30 September 2022: £1.67 
    million, 31 March 2022: £1.36 million). 
Progress continues to be made in the development of Acuity's partner channel. 
In addition, the number of consultants at existing partners CGI and PA 
Consulting engaging with Acuity is increasing and two new referral partners 
(Security Scorecard and Mastercard RiskRecon, both from the US) have been taken 
on since 30 September 2022. Furthermore, some potentially significant new 
partner opportunities are emerging both in the UK and US. 
The ARM Directors expect that ARM's revenue for the year ending 31 March 2023 
will be second half weighted and believe that ARM is on track for revenue of 
circa £1.75 million for the year. The ARM Directors will be targeting revenue 
of over £3 million for the year ending 31 March 2024. 
11. Strategy of the Enlarged Group 
On completion of the Acquisition and readmission to AIM the Company will own 
100 per cent. of the shares of ARM and be treated as a trading company for the 
purposes of the AIM Rules. The Enlarged Group's strategy will be to develop its 
business to deliver long term, sustainable growth in shareholder value. In the 
short to medium term this is expected to come from organic growth and 
thereafter may also come from complementary acquisitions. 
The Group will be focused on key business objectives including: 
  * accelerate revenue growth both organically in existing and other global 
  * further penetrate existing markets by forging stronger customer and partner 
  * improve productivity; 
  * continue to invest in developing STREAM® to enhance its offering; and 
  * become a profitable and cash generative group. 
The Directors believe that Acquisition and Admission will facilitate growth 
opportunities of the Enlarged Group. 
The principal place of business of Acuity and the Enlarged Group will move to 
80 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6EE with effect from 1 May 2023. 
12. Lock-in and orderly market arrangement 
(a) Lock-in 
The Company, the Joint Bookrunners and the Founders (who together will hold 
37.16 per cent. of the Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital) have entered into the 
Lock-in Deeds, pursuant to which the Founders have agreed that subject to 
certain customary exceptions, (i) for a period of 12 months from the date of 
Completion, neither they nor their connected persons shall transfer or dispose 
of the Concert Party Consideration Shares or shares which they hold upon 
exercise of any options or warrants over New Ordinary Shares granted to them 
without the prior permission of the Company and the Joint Bookrunners and (ii) 
for a further period of 12 months, the Founders shall, and will use best 
endeavours to procure that their associates shall, only transfer or dispose of 
New Ordinary Shares in which they have a beneficial interest through or with 
the agreement of the Joint Bookrunners (provided that such broker's terms are 
competitive to the terms being offered by other brokers and the sale price is 
at least equivalent to the price that the relevant transferee can obtain 
elsewhere), in order to maintain an orderly market in the New Ordinary Shares. 
(b) Orderly market arrangements 
The Existing Directors have entered into the Orderly Market Deeds, pursuant to 
which they have agreed that subject to certain customary exceptions, for a 
period of 24 months from the date of Admission, they shall, and will use best 
endeavours to procure that their associates shall, only transfer or dispose of 
New Ordinary Shares in which they have a beneficial interest through or with 
the agreement of the Joint Bookrunners (provided that such broker's terms are 
competitive to the terms being offered by other brokers and the sale price is 
at least equivalent to the price that the relevant transferee can obtain 
elsewhere), in order to maintain an orderly market in the New Ordinary Shares. 
13. Admission, settlement, CREST and dealings 
Application will be made to the London Stock Exchange for the Enlarged Ordinary 
Share Capital to be admitted to trading on AIM, conditional on (amongst other 
things) Shareholders' approval at the General Meeting. It is expected that 
Admission will become effective and that dealings in the Enlarged Ordinary 
Share Capital will commence at 8.00 a.m. on 25 April 2023. 
Following Admission, share certificates in respect of the New Ordinary Shares 
are expected to be despatched by post to subscribers who wish to receive New 
Ordinary Shares in certificated form by no later than 10 business days 
following Admission. 
In respect of subscribers in the Placing who wish to receive Placing Shares in 
uncertificated form, New Ordinary Shares are expected to be credited to their 
CREST stock accounts at 8.00 a.m. on 2 May 2023. The Company reserves the right 
to issue any New Ordinary Shares in certificated form should it consider this 
to be necessary or desirable. 
14.  Share options 
The Company has share options outstanding over 15 million Existing Ordinary 
Shares. Of the 15 million options, 11 million are exercisable at 0.65 pence per 
share (equivalent to 1.1 million exercisable at 6.5 pence per New Ordinary 
Share, post the Share Reorganisation) and four million are exercisable at an 
exercise price of 0.55 pence per Ordinary Share (equivalent to 0.4 million 
exercisable at 5.5 pence per New Ordinary Share, post the Share 
The Directors believe that the success of the Company will depend to a high 
degree on the future performance of key employees in executing the Company's 
growth strategy. Therefore, following Admission, the Company intends to 
establish a share option scheme as an important means of retaining, attracting 
and motivating key employees and contractors, and also for aligning the 
interests of the management team with those of Shareholders. 
The Company shall have a pool of shares available for employee and management 
share options equivalent to 10 per cent. of the entire issued share capital of 
the Company from time to time. 
15.  Adviser Warrants 
The Company has agreed to issue Adviser Warrants on Admission over an aggregate 
of 2,149,999 New Ordinary Shares to Peterhouse and Clear Capital. 
16.  Dividend policy 
As the Company is in the early stages of executing its growth plan, the 
Directors intend to reinvest any future earnings for the foreseeable future to 
finance the growth of the Enlarged Group and to provide capital growth for 
Shareholders. The Directors will however consider the payment of dividends when 
it becomes commercially prudent to do so in accordance with applicable laws and 
subject always to the Enlarged Group having sufficient cash and distributable 
reserves for this purpose. 
17.  General Meeting and Resolutions 
The Admission Document will contain a notice convening a General Meeting of the 
Company to be held at 10:00 a.m. on24 April 2023 at the offices of Marriott 
Harrison LLP 80 Cheapside London EC2V 6EE at which resolutions will be proposed 
to, inter alia, approve the authorities required in order to effect the 
Acquisitions, the Placing, the Share Reorganisation and certain other 
shareholder authorities. 
                                  APPIX I 
                         VOR PLACING AND ADMISSION 
Number of Existing Ordinary Shares in issue at the date of this 
announcement                  419,822,048 
Number of Existing Ordinary Shares in issue immediately following the General 
Meeting   419,824,000 
Number of Consolidated Ordinary Shares immediately following the 
Consolidation                   209,912 
Number of New Ordinary Shares immediately following the 
Sub-division                             41,982,400 
Price                                                                                                                        4.5 
Number of Placing 
Shares                                                                                                31,000,000 
Number of Subscription 
Shares                                                                                          1,222,222 
Number of Consideration 
Shares                                                                                      45,709,570 
Number of Adviser 
Shares                                                                                                 1,111,111 
Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital on 
Admission                                                                121,025,303 
Number of Existing Deferred Shares in issue at the date of this 
announcement               2,268,113,165 
Number of New Deferred Shares issued pursuant to the Share 
Reorganisation                 377,841,600 
Number of Deferred Shares in issue immediately following 
Admission                            2,645,954,765 
Number of Options, Acquisition Options and Adviser Warrants on 
Admission                        6,070,505 
Placing Shares and Subscription Shares as a percentage of the Enlarged 
Ordinary         26.6 per cent. 
Share Capital 
Consideration Shares as a percentage of the Enlarged Ordinary Share 
Capital               37.8 per cent. 
Gross proceeds of the Placing and 
Subscription                                                              £1.45 
Net proceeds of the Placing and Subscription (net of expenses and the issue 
of                £0.95 million 
the Adviser Shares) 
Market capitalisation of the Company on Admission* 
                                                        £5.45 million 
TIDM of the Existing Ordinary 
Shares                                                                                    "DRUM" 
TIDM of the New Ordinary Shares** 
LEI                                                                                                           213800JHJFKALDJA5X97 
ISIN of the Existing Ordinary 
Shares                                                                         GB00B06CZD75 
SEDOL of the Existing Ordinary 
Shares                                                                              B06CZD7 
ISIN of the New Ordinary 
Shares                                                                            GB00BR0WHY71 
SEDOL of the New Ordinary 
Shares                                                                                  BR0WHY7 
* based on the Issue Price 
** the new TIDM shall become effective only if the Resolutions are passed at 
the General Meeting and once the Registrar of Companies has issued a change of 
name certificate 
                                  APPIX II 
Publication and posting of the Admission Document                    5 April 
(including Notice of General Meeting), and Form of 
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy    10:00 a.m. on 20 April 
and receipt of electronic proxy appointments via the 
CREST system 
General Meeting                                       10:00 a.m. on 24 April 
Record Date                                            6.00 p.m. on 24 April 
Admission effective and trading in the Enlarged        8.00 a.m. on 25 April 
Ordinary Share Capital expected to commence on AIM 
Completion of the Acquisition expected                 8.00 a.m. on 25 April 
Expected date for CREST accounts to be credited in     8.00 a.m. on 25 April 
respect of New Ordinary Shares following the Share 
Expected date for CREST accounts to be credited in        8.00 a.m. on 2 May 
respect of Placing Shares 
Despatch of definitive share certificates (where     within 10 business days 
applicable) in respect of New Ordinary Shares to be             of Admission 
held in certificated form 
Expected date of Name and TIDM change                 8.00 a.m. on or around 
                                                                       2 May 
All of the above timings refer to UK time. All future times and/or dates 
referred to in this Announcement are subject to change at the discretion of the 
Company and the Joint Bookrunners. 
Any changes to the above dates and times will be notified by the Company via 
RIS announcements. 
                                 APPIX III 
"£" or "UK pounds sterling"              the lawful currency of the United 
"$" or "US dollars"                            the lawful currency of the 
United States of America 
"Acuity"                                           the business operated by ARM 
and previously operated by Acuity RM LLP 
"Acuity RM LLP"                              Acuity RM LLP, a limited liability 
partnership incorporated in England and Wales with registered number OC314841 
with its registered office at Wey Court West, Union Road, Farnham, GU9 7PT and 
formerly known as Acuity Risk Management LLP 
"Acquisition"                                   the proposed acquisition by the 
Company of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of ARM not already 
owned by Drumz pursuant to the Acquisition Agreement 
"Acquisition Agreements"               the SPA and the Option Holder SPAs 
"Acquisition Options"                     option over 2,420,506 New Ordinary 
Shares exercisable in the event that the Company's share price does not at any 
time exceed an average of 6.99 pence on any five consecutive trading days 
during the three months immediately following Admission 
"ARM"                                              Acuity Risk Management 
Limited, a private limited company incorporated in England and Wales with 
registered number 12369714 and with its registered office at Wey Court West, 
Union Road, Farnham, GU9 7PT 
"ARM Directors"                               Angus Forrest, Simon Marvell, 
Richard Mayall and Kerry Chambers 
 "acting in concert"                          has the meaning given to it in 
the Takeover Code 
"Admission"                                    the admission of the Enlarged 
Ordinary Share Capital to trading on AIM and that admission becoming effective 
in accordance with the AIM Rules for Companies 
"Admission Document"                   the admission document dated 5 April 
2023, to be issued by the Company to Shareholders, explaining inter alia the 
Acquisition, Placing, Subscription, Share Reorganisation and incorporating the 
notice of General Meeting 
"Adviser Shares"                             1,111,111 New Ordinary Shares to 
be issued by the Company on Admission to WH Ireland in satisfaction, in part, 
of the fees and commissions payable by the Company pursuant to the Placing 
"Adviser Warrants"                         the warrants to be issued, 
conditional on Admission, by the Company to Peterhouse and Clear Capital 
"AIM"                                               AIM, the market of that 
name operated by the London Stock Exchange 
"AIM Rules"                                     together, the AIM Rules for 
Companies, and, where the context requires, the AIM Rules for Nominated 
"AIM Rules for Companies"              the rules and guidance for companies 
whose shares are admitted to trading on AIM entitled "AIM Rules for Companies" 
published by the London Stock Exchange as amended from time to time 
"AIM Rules for                                  the rules and guidance for 
nominated advisers entitled "AIM Rules 
Nominated Advisers"                      for Nominated Advisers" published by 
the London Stock Exchange as amended from time to time 
"Announcement"                             this announcement 
"Articles"                                         the articles of association 
of the Company at the date of this Announcement 
"Board"                                           the board of directors of the 
"Business Day"                                a day (other than Saturday, 
Sunday or a public holiday), on which clearing banks in the City of London are 
generally open for business 
"Cash Consideration"                      the cash element of the Consideration 
payable by the Company to the Founders pursuant to the SPA, being £500,000 
"certificated" or                               Existing Ordinary Shares or 
where the context requires, New 
"in certificated form"                       Ordinary Shares, which are 
evidenced by the issue of share certificates and are recorded on the register 
as being held in certificated form 
"Change of Name"                           the proposed change of name of the 
Company to Acuity RM Group plc 
"Clear Capital"                                 Clear Capital Markets Limited, 
a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 09294557 and 
with its registered office at 12th Floor, Broadgate Tower - Office 1213 20 
Primrose Street, London, England, EC2A 2EW 
"Closing Price"                                the closing mid-market price of 
6.75 pence per Existing Ordinary Share on 3 April 2023, as adjusted by the 
Share Reorganisation, being the latest practical day prior to publication of 
this Announcement 
"Companies Act"                             the Companies Act 2006 (as amended) 
"Company" or "Drumz"                    Drumz plc, a public limited company 
incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 00298654 and with its 
registered office at Burnham Yard, London End, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire, 
HP9 2JH 
"Completion"                                   completion of the Acquisition in 
accordance with the Acquisition Agreement 
"Concert Party"                               the Founders 
"Concert Party Consideration Shares" the 44,973,171 Consideration Shares being 
allotted and issued to the Founders 
"Consideration"                               the consideration payable, under 
the Acquisition Agreement, in respect of the Acquisition, comprising the Cash 
Consideration, the Consideration Shares and the Acquisition Options 
"Consideration Shares"                   the 45,709,570 New Ordinary Shares to 
be allotted and issued at the Closing Price by the Company to the Sellers 
pursuant to the Acquisition Agreements 
"Consolidation"                               the proposed consolidation of 
every 2,000 Existing Ordinary Shares into one Consolidated Ordinary Share 
"Consolidated Ordinary Share"       the ordinary shares of 200p each arising 
from the Consolidation 
"CREST"                                           the relevant system (as 
defined in the CREST Regulations) in respect of which Euroclear is the operator 
(as defined in those regulations) 
"CREST Manual"                             the compendium of documents entitled 
"CREST Manual" issued by Euroclear from time to time and comprising the CREST 
Reference Manual, the CREST Central Counterparty Service Manual, the CREST 
International Manual, the CREST Rules, the CSS Operations Manual and the CREST 
Glossary of Terms 
"CREST Regulations"                      the Uncertificated Securities 
Regulations 2001 (SI2001/3755) 
"Deferred Shares"                            the Existing Deferred Shares and 
the New Deferred Shares 
"Directors"                                      the Existing Directors and/or 
the Proposed Director, as the context requires 
"Disclosure Guidance and                the disclosure guidance and 
transparency rules issued by the FCA 
Transparency Rules"                      acting in its capacity as the 
competent authority pursuant to Part VI of FSMA 
"Enlarged Group"                            the Company, and, subject to 
Completion, ARM 
"Enlarged Ordinary Share Capital" the issued ordinary share capital of the 
Company on Admission, comprising the New Ordinary Shares 
"eGRC"                                            enterprise governance, risk 
and compliance 
"Executive Directors"                      Angus Forrest and Simon Marvell 
"Existing Deferred Shares"              the deferred shares of 0.1p each in the 
capital of the Company 
"Existing Directors"                          Angus Forrest, Simon Bennett, 
John Wakefield and Nick Clark, being the directors of the Company as at the 
date of this Announcement 
"Existing Issued Ordinary                the 419,822,048 Ordinary Shares in 
issue as at the date of this 
Share Capital" or                             document "Existing Ordinary 
"FCA"                                              the Financial Conduct 
"Form of Proxy"                              the form of proxy accompanying the 
Admission Document for use in connection with the General Meeting 
"Founders"                                      the founders of ARM, being 
Simon Marvell and Richard Mayall 
"FSMA"                                            the Financial Services and 
Markets Act 2000 (as amended) 
"GDPR"                                            the General Data Protection 
Regulation (GDPR), being a legal framework that sets guidelines for the 
collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the 
European Union (EU) 
"GRC"                                              governance, risk and 
"General Meeting"                           the general meeting of the Company 
to be held at the offices of Marriott Harrison LLP 80 Cheapside London EC2V 6EE 
on 24 April 2023 at 10.00 a.m. 
"HMRC"                                           His Majesty's Revenue & 
"Independent Shareholders"           the Shareholders save for those 
Shareholders who are participating in the Placing and Subscription 
"IFRS"                                              International Financial 
Reporting Standards 
"Issue Price"                                    4.5 pence per New Ordinary 
"ISO 27001"                                     a specification for an 
information security management system, a framework of policies and procedures 
that includes all legal, physical and technical controls involved in an 
organisation's information risk management processes 
"Joint Bookrunners"                        WH Ireland, Peterhouse and Clear 
"KCR"                                              KCR Residential REIT plc 
"Lock-in Deeds"                              the lock-in deeds entered into 
between the Company, WH Ireland, Peterhouse, Clear Capital and each of the 
"London Stock Exchange"               London Stock Exchange plc 
"Market Abuse Regulation"             the Market Abuse Regulation (2014/596/EU) 
(incorporating the technical standards, delegated regulations and guidance 
notes, published by the European Commission, London Stock Exchange, the FCA and 
the European Securities and Markets Authority) as it applies in the UK by 
virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, as amended from time to 
"New Deferred Shares"                    the deferred shares of 0.1p each in 
the capital of the Company arising from the Share Reorganisation 
"New Ordinary Shares"                   the new ordinary shares of 0.1p each in 
the capital of the Company arising from the Share Reorganisation 
"Non-Executive Directors"               each of Simon Bennett, John Wakefield 
and Nick Clark 
"Notice of General Meeting"            the notice convening the General 
"Official List"                                   the Official List of the FCA 
"on-premise"                                   IT infrastructure hardware and 
software applications that are hosted on-site 
"Options"                                        rights to acquire New Ordinary 
"Option Holder SPAs"                     the agreements to be entered into on 
Completion between each (1) Option Holder and (2) the Company 
"Option Holders"                             certain employees of ARM who hold 
options over shares in the capital of ARM 
"Orderly Market Deeds"                    the orderly market deeds entered into 
between the Company, WH Ireland and the Existing Directors 
"Ordinary Shares"                            the ordinary shares of 0.1p each 
in the capital of the Company 
"Peterhouse"                                   Peterhouse Capital Limited, a 
company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 02075091 and 
with its registered office at 3rd Floor, 80 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6EE 
"Placing"                                         the conditional placing by 
the Joint Bookrunners of the Placing Shares with investors at the Issue Price 
pursuant to the Placing Agreement 
"Placing Agreement"                       the agreement dated 5 April 2023 
between the Company, the Existing Directors, the Proposed Director and Joint 
Bookrunners relating to the Placing 
"Placing Shares"                             the 31,000,000 New Ordinary Shares 
to be issued, pursuant to the Placing at the Issue Price 
"Proposals"                                     the Share Reorganisation, 
Acquisition, the Rule 9 Waiver, the Placing, the Subscription, the Change of 
Name, the Resolutions and Admission 
"Proposed Director"                        Simon Marvell to be appointed as a 
director of the Company 
"QCA Code"                                    the Corporate Governance Code for 
Small and Mid-sized quoted companies as published by the Quoted Companies 
Alliance from time to time 
"Registrar"                                      Neville Registrars Limited, a 
company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 04770411 and 
with its registered office at Neville House, Steelpark Road, Halesowen, West 
Midlands, B62 8HD 
"Resolutions"                                  the resolutions to be proposed 
at the General Meeting, each a "Resolution" 
"Rule 9 Waiver"                                 the waiver by the Panel (which 
is conditional on the Waiver Resolution) of the obligations that would 
otherwise arise for the Concert Party to make a general offer for the Enlarged 
Group under Rule 9 of the Takeover Code as a consequence of the allotment and 
issue of the Concert Party Consideration Shares to the Concert Party pursuant 
to the Proposals, granted by the Panel conditional upon approval of the Waiver 
Resolution by Independent Shareholders voting on a poll 
"SaaS"                                             Software as a Service, being 
a method of software delivery and licencing in which software is accessed 
online via a subscription, as opposed to the more traditional method of 
acquiring a perpetual licence via a single upfront payment and installing the 
software on an individual computer or server 
"Sellers"                                          the Founders and the Option 
"Shareholders"                                holders of Existing Ordinary 
Shares each individually being a "Shareholder" 
"Share Reorganisation"                   the proposed Consolidation and 
"SPA"                                              the conditional agreement 
dated 5 April 2023 between (1) the Founders and (2) the Company 
"Sub-division"                                 the proposed sub-division of 
each Consolidated Ordinary Share into 200 New Ordinary Shares and 1,800 New 
Deferred Shares 
"Subscription"                                 the conditional subscription of 
the Subscription Shares by certain investors 
"Subscription Shares"                     1,222,222 New Ordinary Shares to be 
issued pursuant to the Subscription at the Issue Price 
"STREAM®"                                     STREAM ® Integrated Risk Manager, 
ARM's award-winning, proprietary GRC software platform 
"Takeover Code" or "Code"              the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers 
issued from time to time by or on behalf of the Panel 
"Takeover Panel" or "Panel"              the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers 
"TIDM"                                             tradable instrument display 
"uncertificated" or                            recorded on a register of 
securities maintained by Euroclear UK & 
"in uncertificated form"                     International Limited in 
accordance with the CREST Regulations as being in uncertificated form in CREST 
and title to which, by virtue of the CREST Regulations, may be transferred by 
means of CREST 
"United Kingdom" or "UK"                the United Kingdom of Great Britain and 
Northern Ireland 
"US" or "United States"                    the United States of America 
"US Securities Act"                          the United States Securities Act 
of 1933 (as amended) 
"WH Ireland"                                    WH Ireland Limited, a company 
incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 02002044 and with its 
registered office 24 Martin Lane, London EC4R 0DR 
"Waiver Resolution"                         an ordinary resolution to be voted 
on by Independent Shareholders (on a poll) at the General Meeting 
                          FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS 
All statements other than statements of historical fact, contained in this 
Announcement constitute "forward-looking statements". In some cases 
forward-looking statements can be identified by terms such as "expects", 
"predicts", "anticipates", "may", "should", "will", "intends", "plans", 
"believes", "targets", "seeks", "estimates", "aims", "projects", "pipeline" and 
variations of such words and similar expressions (including their negative or 
other variations) are intended to identify such forward-looking statements and 
expectations. These statements are not guarantees of future performance or the 
ability to identify and consummate investments and involve certain risks, 
uncertainties, outcomes of negotiations and due diligence and assumptions that 
are difficult to predict, qualify or quantify. These forward-looking statements 
are not based on historical facts but rather on the Directors' expectations 
regarding the Enlarged Group's future growth, results of operations, 
performance, future capital and other expenditures (including the amount, 
nature and sources of funding thereof), competitive advantages, business 
prospects and opportunities. Such forward-looking statements reflect the 
Directors' current beliefs and assumptions and are based on information 
currently available to management. Forward-looking statements involve 
significant known and unknown risks and uncertainties. A number of factors 
could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in 
the forward-looking statements including risks associated with vulnerability to 
general economic and business conditions, competition and other regulatory 
changes, actions by governmental authorities, the availability of capital 
markets, reliance on key personnel and other factors, many of which are beyond 
the control of the Company. These forward-looking statements are subject to, 
among other things, the risk factors described in the Admission Document. 
Although the forward-looking statements contained in this Announcement are 
based upon what the Directors believe to be reasonable assumptions, the Company 
cannot assure investors that actual results will be consistent with these 
forward-looking statements. Potential investors should therefore not place 
undue reliance on forward-looking statements (which speak only as of the date 
of this Announcement). No reliance should be put on any written or oral 
forward-looking statements that the Company, or persons acting on its behalf, 
may issue. Forward-looking statements contained in this Announcement based on 
past trends or activities should not be taken as a representation that such 
trends or activities will continue in the future and no forward-looking 
statement contained in this Announcement is intended to provide any 
representation, assurance or guarantee as to future events or results. The 
Company will comply with its obligations to publish updated information as 
required by FSMA, the Market Abuse Regulation and/or the AIM Rules for 
Companies or otherwise by law and/ or by any regulatory authority but assumes 
no further obligation to publish additional information. Subject to any 
requirement under applicable legislation or regulation, the Company will not 
(and expressly disclaims any undertaking or obligation to) publicly release any 
revisions it may make to any forward-looking statements or other information 
that may occur due to any change in its expectations or to reflect events or 
circumstances after the date of this Announcement. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 05, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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