RNS Number:5325P
Ennstone PLC
09 September 2003

                                  ENNSTONE plc
                          ("Ennstone" or "the Group")

             Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2003

Ennstone, an aggregates and building products company with operations in the UK
and eastern USA, reports another record set of results for the half year period.


*  Group turnover up 26% to #46.2 million (2002: #36.7 million)

*  EBITDA up 9.5% to #7.0 million (2002: #6.4 million)

*  Earnings per share rose 1% to 0.72p (2002: 0.71p)

*  Cash inflow from operations up over 40% to #5.9 million (2002: #4.2 million)

*  Interim dividend increased by 9.4% to 0.35 pence per ordinary share
   (2002: 0.32 pence)

*  UK - Excellent performance. Operating profit up 22%

*  US - Satisfactory performance despite severe weather conditions

Vaughan McLeod, Chairman commented:

"Overall, the Group achieved a record performance in challenging first half
conditions.  The resilience of our business is built around a low cost base,
product flexibility and delivering the customers' requirements.  This strategy
will enable the Group to make further progress in 2003."

                                                                9 September 2003

Further information about Ennstone can be found at www.ennstone.co.uk


Ennstone plc                                                        01332 694444
Vaughan McLeod, Chairman                    (9 September 2003)     020 7457 2020

College Hill                                                       020 7457 2020
Mark Garraway or Matthew Gregorowski

                              CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

I am delighted to announce that the Group has achieved record profits for the
first six months of the year.  The UK operations made an excellent contribution
to the Group's overall result whilst the US, despite the impact of severe
weather conditions and adverse US dollar movements, produced a satisfactory

Financial Results

                                        Six months to 30     Six months to 30             Increase
                                               June 2003            June 2002
                                                   #'000                #'000

Group turnover                                    46,153               36,660              + 25.9%
EBITDA                                             6,976                6,372                +9.5%
Group operating profit                             3,507                3,341               + 5.0%
Profit before tax                                  1,735                1,653               + 5.0%
Basic earnings per share                           0.72p                0.71p               + 1.4%
Interim dividend per share                         0.35p                0.32p               + 9.4%

Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation ("EBITDA")
increased by 9.5% to #7.0 million on Group turnover up 25.9% to #46.2 million.
Profit before taxation increased by 5.0% to #1.7 million.  Group operating
margin on sales of 7.6% was affected by an increase in surfacing and contracting
work in Scotland, which is at significantly lower margins, and the impact of a
full six months aggregates levy.

The Group's net interest charge was at a similar level to the comparative period
last year at #1.4 million.  The effective tax rate for the period of 30% is
based on our estimate of the overall tax charge for the year.  Basic earnings
per share were 0.72p per share (2002: 0.71p).

Net cash inflow from operating activities increased by 40.6% to #5.9 million.
Capital expenditure in the period amounted to #11.1 million, of which #6.2
million was in cash, relating mainly to a major upgrade of plant at Cloud Hill
Quarry and continuing investment in new greenfield production facilities in the
US.  During the period, the Group invested #5.6 million on acquisitions.  Net
debt at the end of the period was #60.7 million.

Equity shareholder funds at 30 June 2003 were #77.0 million (31 December 2002:
#74.2 million), resulting in gearing of 78.9%.


The interim dividend has been increased by almost 10% to 0.35p per ordinary
share reflecting the Board's confidence that further progress will be made
throughout the remainder of the year.

The interim dividend will be paid on 9 January 2004 to shareholders on the
register at close of business on 12 December 2003.

UK Aggregates (Turnover: #36.9 million;  Operating Profit: #3.5 million)

Our UK business is built around a low cost base, a focussed range of products
and the production capacity to respond to short term peaks in demand.  These
strengths were amply demonstrated in the first six months of this year.

England - Ennstone Breedon

Crushed rock and sand and gravel volumes were buoyant throughout the period,
particularly in the first quarter, and resulted in an excellent contribution
from this business.  Development of new production facilities at Cloud Hill
Quarry are nearing completion and will provide significant additional capacity
of single size aggregates in the second half.  In line with our strategy of
expanding niche products, we have recently installed a new automated bagging
facility in Breedon Quarry, giving us an important foothold in this market.
Sales of decorative aggregates are continuing to grow.

Our stone products business had an excellent first half.  Overall sales
increased by 39% with the strongest performance coming from reconstituted stone
products.  Whilst the busy housing market contributed to this performance,
productivity improvements, arising from capital expenditure last year at both
Stainton and Burford, resulted in a lower cost base and have been an important
platform for growth.  Our brand named products are becoming well established in
the market place.

In June, we acquired the entire share capital of T & T Aggregates Limited,
incorporating a limestone quarry near Doncaster, expanding our regional market
especially in the important M1-A1 region.  Additional capital expenditure on new
plant at this quarry will be incurred in the second half which will enable us to
maximise the potential of this acquisition.

Scotland  - Ennstone Thistle

Increased turnover from surfacing and contracting work in Scotland, although at
lower margins, enabled Ennstone Thistle to deliver record profits in the first
half.  Our operations on the West Coast of Scotland delivered a strong
performance, with focused cost reductions combined with the addition of a small
contracting business placing us in an excellent position.

Expenditure by the Scottish Executive on highway maintenance increased our sales
of asphalt and dry stone in the first half.  Sales of single size aggregates
into the pre-cast and ready mixed concrete markets have also increased and, with
the development of our own ready mixed concrete business, further growth in dry
stone sales are anticipated.

BEAR Scotland Limited, our associated highway maintenance business,
significantly improved its operational performance during the six months to 30
June 2003.  A recent review by the independent Performance Audit Group, on
behalf of the Scottish Executive, publicly acknowledged this improved
performance.  Future success relies upon further funds being released by the
Scottish Executive and continuing efforts to achieve the challenging cost
assumptions made at the time of the tender in 2000.  BEAR is currently on track
to achieve its 2003 forecasts, but its 2004 targets may be a little optimistic.

US Aggregates (Turnover: #9.3 million;  Operating Profit: #0.9 million)

The performance of our US operations was dominated by the extreme weather
conditions in the first half of the year.  For the first time since our
acquisition of this business, snow remained on the ground in Pennsylvania until
early April.  Snow also virtually eliminated concrete production in Virginia in
February and early March, whilst exceptionally wet conditions severely hampered
us again in May.

Turnover was broadly similar to the comparative period last year.  However, an
increase in the proportion of lower margin products sold, as a result of the
adverse weather, coupled with the negative effect of US dollar movements,
resulted in a reduction in US operating profit.

Quarry developments in Pennsylvania and Virginia are nearing completion and
these, together with the planned opening of Charlottesville concrete plant in
September, will provide us with a strong base for increasing performance in the
second half of this year.

Our US operations continued to expand with the acquisition, in June 2003, of
Valley Redi Mix Inc., based in North West Virginia.  Cost and synergy benefits
are rapidly being achieved and once operational integration has been fully
completed, further improvements are anticipated.


Enneurope plc ("Enneurope"), an AIM listed aggregates company with operations in
Poland in which Ennstone has a 29.99 per cent. interest, has today announced a
placing and open offer of #3 million, before expenses, to fund its acquisition
strategy which is aimed at developing a 25% market share in North West Poland.
Enneurope recently acquired a concrete plant and related assets in Stargard to
supplement its existing operations.

Ennstone has entered into an agreement with Arlington Group plc ("Arlington")
and Enneurope which will provide for Arlington to invest up to #3 million in
Enneurope by way of a firm placing and underwriting of an open offer of new
Enneurope shares at a price of 15 pence per share (the "Proposals").  The
Proposals are subject to Enneurope shareholder approval.

The Board of Ennstone believes that this fundraising should enable Enneurope to
make strong progress towards building a significant market presence in North
West Poland over the next few months.  This will leave Enneurope well placed to
take advantage of Poland's entry into the EU in 2004, following the strong
referendum vote in favour of EU membership.


Demand in the UK remains firm with encouraging levels of activity and we expect
to deliver a good performance for the year as a whole.

In the US, following the bad weather in the first half, there is a substantial
backlog of orders which should improve demand prospects and, combined with the
development of our new quarries, we remain optimistic of achieving our
performance targets for the full year.

Overall, the Group achieved a record performance in challenging first half
conditions.  The resilience of our business is built around a low cost base,
product flexibility and delivering the customers' requirements.  This strategy
will enable the Group to make further progress in 2003.

Vaughan Mcleod

                                                                9 September 2003

                      Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                     for the six months ended 30 June 2003

                                                               Six months      Six months            Year
                                                                    ended           ended           ended
                                                                  30 June         30 June     31 December
                                                                     2003            2002            2002
                                                                unaudited       unaudited         audited
                                                                    #'000           #'000           #'000

Group turnover                                                     46,153          36,660          76,950
Cost of sales                                                    (31,282)        (23,631)        (47,164)

Gross profit                                                       14,871          13,029          29,786
Net operating expenses                                           (11,364)         (9,688)        (20,909)

Group operating profit                                              3,507           3,341           8,877
Share of loss of associated undertakings                            (373)           (250)         (1,887)
Profit on reduction in interest in associated                           -               -             845
                                                                    (373)           (250)           1,042

Loss on sale of investments and fixed assets                            -             (8)            (81)
Income from other fixed asset investments                               -              26              42

Profit on ordinary activities before interest                       3,134           3,109           7,796
Interest payable and similar charges                              (1,399)         (1,456)         (2,787)

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                       1,735           1,653           5,009
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                (530)           (500)         (1,259)

Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                        1,205           1,153           3,750
Minority interests                                                      6               9              24

Profit for the financial period                                     1,211           1,162           3,774
Dividends                                                           (601)           (521)         (1,680)

Retained profit for the financial period                              610             641           2,094

Earnings per ordinary share
   Basic                                                            0.72p           0.71p           2.32p
   Diluted                                                          0.72p           0.71p           2.31p

There were no material acquisitions and no discontinued operations during either
the current or preceding periods.

                           Consolidated Balance Sheet
                               as at 30 June 2003

                                                               30 June            30 June       31 December
                                                                  2003               2002              2002
                                                             unaudited          unaudited           audited
                                                                 #'000              #'000             #'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                               25,578             22,401            23,120
Tangible assets                                                112,002             92,110            98,500
Investments                                                      1,687              2,703             1,966

                                                               139,267            117,214           123,586

Current assets
Stocks                                                           5,494              5,055             5,259
Debtors                                                         21,716             19,651            19,287
Investments                                                      1,813              2,090             2,478
Cash at bank and in hand                                         1,522              2,649             2,120

                                                                30,545             29,445            29,144

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                (29,903)           (24,176)          (27,627)

Net current assets                                                 642              5,269             1,517

Total assets less current liabilities                          139,909            122,483           125,103

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year       (56,474)           (43,823)          (44,646)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                         (6,478)            (4,248)           (6,226)

Net assets                                                      76,957             74,412            74,231

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                         67,823             65,685            65,697
Share premium account                                           11,296             10,785            10,787
Other reserves                                                   2,347              2,347             2,347
Profit and loss account                                        (4,612)            (4,565)           (4,712)

Equity shareholders' funds                                      76,854             74,252            74,119
Minority interests - equity and non-equity                         103                160               112

                                                                76,957             74,412            74,231

                        Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                     for the six months ended 30 June 2003

                                                       Six months          Six months
                                                            ended               ended            Year ended
                                                          30 June             30 June           31 December
                                                             2003                2002                  2002
                                                        unaudited           unaudited               audited
                                                            #'000               #'000                 #'000

Operating profit                                            3,507               3,341                 8,877
Depreciation and amortisation                               3,842               3,263                 6,957
Working capital movements                                 (1,495)             (2,440)               (1,501)

Net cash inflow from operating activities                   5,854               4,164                14,333

Returns on investments and servicing of finance           (1,464)             (1,403)               (2,757)

Taxation                                                    (291)                 101                 (593)

Capital expenditure and financial investment              (5,481)             (2,504)               (3,616)

Acquisitions and disposals                                (5,571)               1,907               (3,322)

Equity dividends paid                                           -                   -               (1,517)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                (6,953)               2,265                 2,528

Management of liquid resources                                458                 295                 1,059

Financing                                                   3,898             (2,569)               (2,153)

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                 (2,597)                 (9)                 1,434

Reconciliation of Net Cash Flow to Movement in Net Debt
for the six months ended 30 June 2003

                                                       Six months          Six months
                                                            ended               ended            Year ended
                                                          30 June             30 June           31 December
                                                             2003                2002                  2002
                                                        unaudited           unaudited               audited
                                                            #'000               #'000                 #'000

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                 (2,597)                 (9)                 1,434
Cash (inflow)/outflow from movements in debt and          (1,567)               2,569                 2,167
lease financing
Cash inflow from change in liquid resources                 (458)               (295)               (1,059)

Changes in net debt resulting from cash flows             (4,622)               2,265                 2,542
Loans and finance leases acquired with subsidiary            (46)                   -               (1,553)
New finance leases                                        (4,956)             (2,399)               (6,020)
Exchange movements                                            361                 704                 1,317

Movement in net debt in the period                        (9,262)                 570               (3,714)

Net debt at the beginning of period                      (51,471)            (47,757)              (47,757)

Net debt at the end of period                            (60,734)            (47,187)              (51,471)

          Consolidated Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses
                     for the six months ended 30 June 2003

                                                    Six months       Six months           Year ended
                                                         ended            ended          31 December 
                                                  30 June 2003     30 June 2002                 2002
                                                     unaudited        unaudited              audited   
                                                         #'000            #'000                #'000

Profit for the financial period                          1,211            1,162                3,774
Exchange movements                                       (510)          (1,093)              (2,071)

Total recognised gains for the period                      701               69                1,703
Change in accounting policy for deferred tax                 -                -                (622)

Total recognised gains since last report                   701               69                1,081

Segmental analysis
for the six months ended 30 June 2003

                                                   Six months        Six months           Year ended
                                                        ended             ended          31 December 
                                                 30 June 2003      30 June 2002                 2002
                                                    unaudited         unaudited              audited   
                                                        #'000             #'000                #'000
Group turnover
    United Kingdom                                     36,873            27,239               57,232
    United States                                       9,280             9,421               19,718

                                                       46,153            36,660               76,950

Operating profit
    United Kingdom                                      3,459             2,835                7,436
    United States                                         863             1,345                3,029
    Central administration                              (815)             (839)              (1,588)

Group operating profit                                  3,507             3,341                8,877

United Kingdom
   Share of loss of associated undertakings             (373)             (250)              (1,887)
   Profit on reduction in interest in associated
    undertaking                                             -                 -                  845
                                                        (373)             (250)              (1,042)
   Loss on sale of investments and fixed assets             -               (8)                 (81)
   Income from other fixed asset investments                -                26                   42

Profit on ordinary activities before interest           3,134             3,109                7,796

                   Notes to the Interim Financial Statements
                     for the six months ended 30 June 2003

1.   Basic earnings per ordinary share are calculated by dividing the profit 
     attributable to ordinary shareholders of #1,211,000 (2002:#1,162,000) by 
     the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period 
     of 167,808,095 (2002: 163,018,790).

2.   The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2003 and the 
     comparative figures for the six months ended 30 June 2002 have not been 
     audited or reviewed.  The unaudited financial information is stated on a 
     basis of accounting policies and presentation consistent with that adopted 
     in the most recent audited consolidated financial statements for the year 
     ended 31 December 2002.  The summarised financial information in respect of 
     the year ended 31 December 2002 does not constitute financial statements 
     within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The financial 
     statements for that year have been reported on by the Company's auditor and 
     delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The audit report was unqualified 
     and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or section 237(3) of 
     the Companies Act 1985.

3.   Copies of the 2003 Interim Report are available from the Company's 
     Registered Office, Breedon Hall, Breedon on the Hill, Derby, DE73 1AN.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange