RNS Number:0072P
e-pay Asia Limited
29 February 2008


                               e-pay Asia Limited
                        ("e-pay Asia" or the "Company")

            e-pay Asia Limited is the leading provider of electronic
  payment solutions and top up services for prepaid mobile users in South East

            Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2007


   * New management team appointed in July

   * Business realignment completed - focused on strong Malaysian core

   * Revenue from Malaysia up 11% to A$11.3m (2006: A$10.2m)

   * Revenue for the year was A$14.3m (2006: A$19.3m)

   * A$14.5m of positive net operating cash during the year

   * Cash balance was A$13.4m and Net Debt was A$0.4m at year end (2006:
     A$8.9m and A$3.9m respectively)

   * Earnings per share of 0.08 cents (A$) (2006: 3.05 cents)

   * Net profit attributable to members of A$0.2m (2006: A$6.0m)

   * Long term strategy in place for entry into significant Chinese market

John Croft, Chairman of e-pay Asia, commented:

"While this has been a challenging year, we believe the Company now has the team
and the structures in place to drive the business forward in 2008. We expect to
continue to grow our core Malaysian business and are excited about our prospects
in new territories such as China. I look forward to updating shareholders in due


Yap Chih Ming          Shane Dolan                David Newton
Chief Financial        Director                   Director
e-pay Asia Limited     Biddicks                   Seymour Pierce Limited
Tel: +6017 229 1616    London, United Kingdom     London, United Kingdom
+603 5632 2488         Tel: +44 207 448 1000      Tel: +44 207 107 8000
investor@epay-asia.com shane.dolan@biddicks.co.uk davidnewton@seymourpierce.com

Chairman's Statement

The period under review has been a difficult year for your company with the
decision to close our Indonesian operation as a result of challenging trading
conditions. Changes in Telco trading policies which would have resulted in
substantially increased operating costs made continued operations in that market
unsustainable. As a result, we refocused on the growth opportunities that exist
both in our core Malaysian business and opportunities that exist in new markets.

Revenue for the year ended 31 December 2007 decreased by A$5m as a result of the
closure of our Indonesian operation and lower software licences sales. Software
licences sales revenue declined to A$2.6m (2006: A$7.2) as a result of the
decision announced in July to change our strategy and move away from direct
licence sales in order to secure better long term returns for the business via
joint ventures. EBITDA decreased to A$4.6m (2006: A$10.3m), again mainly due to
lower software licence sales. EBITDA margin was 32% (2006: 52%) for the full
year with reported basic earnings per share of 0.08 cents (A$) (2006: 3.05

The Company retains a strong financial position with cash balances of A$13.4m,
(2006: A$8.9m) and net debt of A$0.4m, (2006: A$3.9m). In addition, there was a
significant improvement in key business metrics for the period with trade
debtors turnover reduced to 2 days (2006: 7 days) and stock turnover improved to
5 days (2006: 7 days).

In terms of our core Malaysian business, I am pleased to report that revenues
were up 11% over the previous comparable period with encouraging prospects for
2008 as we anticipate accelerating conversion from scratch card top up to
electronic top up, a market in which we enjoy a dominant position. This trend
will be driven partly by the arrival of new Telco players such as MVNO and WIMAX
. Increased competition among Telcos is underpinning their move to electronic
top-up in order to reduce their delivery costs and improve margins.

This provides the Company with good growth prospects as it will enable it to
capitalise on the needs of these new networks via its physical terminal outlets,
which are located throughout Malaysia. In addition, during 2008, we expect to
broaden our service coverage further via the addition of significant new retail
partners in tandem with enhanced product offerings.

With regards to international markets, our long term strategy for entry into the
Chinese market has evolved. As previously announced, we will now do this via a
joint venture to ensure we have a strong, local presence in this territory. This
approach, the Board believes, improves the likelihood of long term success and
is a stronger proposition than our original approach of selling software
licenses outright.

In order to support our overall strategy, management changes have been made with
the appointment of Wong Yin Ching, previously Group Chief Operating Officer, as
Chief Executive Officer and Yap Chih Ming, who was Director of Finance, as Chief
Financial Officer. We also appointed two non-executive directors over the
period, Jack Tan and James Huey, while I stepped up to the position of Chairman
following the resignation of Michael Lee.

I would to take this opportunity to thank all of the Company's employees,
business partners and associates for their significant contribution to the
business during the period under review

The Company now has a solid management team in place and, after having faced and
resolved a series of challenges, the Board is confident of steady progress in
the year ahead.

John Croft

29 February 2008

Chief Executive Officer's Review


The performance of the Company during the period under review was adversely 
affected by a number of factors.  Firstly, the Board decided to change strategy 
with regard to entry to the lucrative market in China by moving from selling 
software licences to forming a joint venture.  This has resulted in software 
revenues reducing by A$4.6m.  The Board believes that the long term success of 
EPY is best achieved by having a physical presence in this market.

In addition to this, our operations in Indonesia were closed due to operating
costs increasing dramatically as a result of changing Telco trading policies.

Revenue for the year was A$14.3m (2006: A$19.3m) while net profit attributable 
to members was A$0.2m (2006: A$6.0m). The Company  generated A$14.5m positive 
net operating cash during the year giving closing  cash balances of A$13.4m and 
net debt of A$0.4m (2006: A$8.9m and A$3.9m respectively).  Earnings per share 
were 0.08 cents (A$) with no dividend proposed for the period. These results 
were achieved despite the closure of our Indonesian operation in October and the 
decision to stop selling software licences directly as detailed above. The 
Company's Dividend policy will be reviewed periodically depending on the overall 
performance of the business.

Operational efficiencies post restructuring have improved markedly with a
significant reduction in trade debtors turnover and an improved stock turnover
position reflecting the success of our restructuring programme.


Our core market in Malaysia of prepaid airtime sales continues to be strong,
registering an 11% growth in revenue over the year. Our strategy for 2007 was
one of consolidation and focus in driving productivity of our existing
terminals. As part of this strategy, we focused on:

 a. Identifying unproductive terminal locations and replacing them with retailers
    who demonstrate better market potential
 b. Continuing to target new channels and retailers. This is an ongoing exercise
 c. Initiating various advertising and marketing activities programmes to up 
    sell e-pay Asia products and services
 d. Consolidating and improving on internal processes to continue to make our
    services more attractive to retailers
 e. Putting together a highly motivated sales team to manage the market

The new management team's first task since taking on its responsibilities was to
review all our existing businesses in the region and to identify the
opportunities and problem areas. The decision to close the Company's Indonesian
operations resulted from this detailed review which, as highlighted above,
identified the increasing complexities and challenges faced by the Company in
operating there.

New markets

During the period, e-pay Asia began to lay the foundation for successful entry
into our key new markets. While we ended strategic alliance discussions with
India's E-Charge Tech Pvt Ltd, the Company's strategy with regard to the
significant Indian market remains unchanged. We will continue to be on the look
out for opportunities in the Indian mobile telecommunication market.

More significantly, we announced in September that we had signed an agreement
with AsiaNet Technology Limited ('ANTL') to mark our first move to address the
sizeable electronic mobile top-up market opportunities in China.

ANTL is a special purpose vehicle incorporated in Hong Kong which has strategic
partnership alliances within the telecoms sector in certain provinces in China
and intends to embark on a mobile prepaid top-up business in these territories.
The Board believes that this is a significant opportunity for the Company. China
has a population of 1.32 billion with mobile phone subscriptions standing at 480
million in March 2007, expected to rise to 520 million in 2008 and 600 million
by 2010.

This agreement allows e-pay Asia to work through a local partner, which as
previously stated will enable the business to become embedded within the Chinese
mobile services sector, thereby securing longer term benefits and returns.
Further progress will be announced in due course once the various agreements and
licences have been secured.


2007 has been a challenging year but we believe that the actions we have taken
throughout the course of the period have laid a more solid foundation from which
to grow our business in 2008. Malaysia remains a strong market for us as we
continue to grow our business here, in tandem with addressing the opportunities
which exist in new growth markets such as China.

Wong Yin Ching

29 February 2008

Preliminary final report (Appendix 4E)

1. Company details

Name of entity
ABN No. 99 089 227 887

Financial year ended ('current period') Financial year ended ('previous period')
-----------------------                 ----------------------------
31 December 2007                        31 December 2006
-----------------------                 ----------------------------

2. Key Information on: Results for announcement to the market

 -----     ------------------------                  ---------------------------

 2.1   Revenue                      Down 26             %   to          14,278
 2.2   Profit (loss) after tax      Down 97             %   to             206
       attributable to members
 2.3   Net profit (loss) for the    Down 97             %   to             206
 ----- period attributable to
                                    --------            ---------------------
 2.4   Dividends              Amount per security   Franked amount per security
 ----- ------------------------     --------            ---------------------
       Final dividend declared           - c                           - c
 ----- subsequent to 31 December    --------            ---------------------
       Interim dividend               1.36 c                           - c
 ----- ------------------------     --------            ---------------------
 2.5   Record date for determining entitlements to the final
       Date dividend is declared
       Date dividend is payable
 ----- --------------------------------                   --------------
                                                          9th March 2007
                                                      27th February 2007
                                                         10th April 2007
 ----- -------------------------------------------------
 2.6   As at 31st December 2007

       Total number of issued ordinary shares                      281,656,343
       Weighted average number of issued ordinary shares in 2007   258,515,950
       Diluted weighted average number of issued ordinary shares   258,515,950
 ----- -------------------------------------------------

3. e-pay Asia Limited

Income Statement

Financial year ended 31 December 2007

                  ----------------------- -------  -------------  -------------
                                          Notes   Consolidated   Consolidated
                                                          2007           2006
                                                             $              $
Revenue                                   3(a)      14,278,381     19,347,341
Other Income                              3(b)               -        106,586
Employee benefits expense                           (3,803,054)    (3,946,361)
Advertising and marketing promotions                  (300,257)      (563,464)
Accommodation and travelling expenses                 (543,983)      (794,748)
Telephone and utility charges                         (600,323)      (987,962)
Professional and consultancy fees                     (942,399)    (1,219,955)
Operating lease rentals                               (249,232)      (287,263)
Terminal installation and maintenance
fees                                                  (245,336)      (267,326)
Legal settlement expenses                                    -       (189,511)
Other operating expenses                            (1,249,873)      (927,380)
                                                   -------------  -------------
Profit before finance costs,
depreciation & amortisation, impairment
losses and income tax                                6,343,924     10,269,957
Finance costs                                       (1,503,954)      (795,519)
Impairment of goodwill                                (928,501)             -
Impairment of plant and equipment                     (618,329)        (4,544)
Impairment of amounts due from associate
entities                                              (151,811)             -
                                                   -------------  -------------
Depreciation and amortisation expense               (2,084,298)    (1,777,032)
                                                   -------------  -------------
Profit before income tax                             1,057,031      7,692,862
Income tax expense                                    (348,872)       (80,194)
                                                   -------------  -------------
Profit for the year                                    708,159      7,612,668
                                                   =============  =============
Attributable to :
Equity holders of the parent entity                    206,287      6,011,365
Minority interest                                      501,872      1,601,303
                                                   -------------  -------------
                                                       708,159      7,612,668
                                                   =============  =============
Basic earnings per share (cents)                          0.08           3.05
Diluted earnings per share (cents)                        0.08           2.93
-----------------------                   -------  -------------  -------------

The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Income Statement.

Notes to Income Statement

Income Statement Items                             Consolidated   Consolidated
                                                           2007           2006
                                                              $              $
3(a) Revenue:
Software sales revenue                                2,569,379      7,209,023
Airtime commission revenue                           10,766,259     11,401,818
Interest income                                         561,039        160,560
Licensing fees income                                         -        129,582
Other revenue                                           381,704        446,358
Total revenue                                        14,278,381     19,347,341

3(b) Other income:

Foreign exchange gain                                         -         27,426
Profit on sale of W Home business assets                      -         79,160
Total Other Income                                            -        106,586

3(c) Profit before Income Tax includes the
following Net Gains and Expenses:
(i) Gains
Foreign exchange gains                                        -         27,426

(ii) Expenses

Depreciation and amortisation :

Depreciation of:

- Leasehold improvements                                      -          2,420

- Plant and equipment                                 1,415,287      1,557,077

Total depreciation                                    1,415,287      1,559,497

Amortisation of:

- Software                                              647,212        194,803

- Other intangible assets                                21,799         22,732

Total amortisation                                      669,011        217,535

Total depreciation and amortisation                   2,084,298      1,777,032

Impairment of trade receivables                         149,022         15,384

Impairment of amounts due from associate
entities                                                151,811              -
Impairment of goodwill                                  928,501              -
Impairment of plant and equipment                       618,329          4,544

Loss on disposal of plant and equipment                   5,371         13,223

Operating lease rentals-minimum lease payments          249,232        287,263

Finance costs                                         1,503,954        795,519

4. e-pay Asia Limited

Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2007

                                                 Consolidated     Consolidated
                                                         2007             2006
                                                            $                $
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents                          13,367,423       10,505,432
Receivables                                         3,141,979       11,229,753
Other financial asset                               2,624,000                -
Prepaid airtime top-up value                        8,374,507       10,192,144
Other - deposits and prepayments                      178,996          282,432
Total Current Assets                               27,686,905       32,209,761

Non-Current Assets
Property, plant and equipment                       2,817,727        4,479,523
Intangible assets- Goodwill                                 -          928,501
- Software                                          2,249,946        2,949,237
- Others                                               43,088           67,425
Investments - equity accounted                              -                -
Available-for-sale financial assets                    84,337          126,504
Deferred tax assets                                         -           41,709
Total Non-Current Assets                            5,195,098        8,592,899

Total Assets                                       32,882,003       40,802,660

Current Liabilities
Payables                                            7,078,777       10,932,431
Borrowings                                         12,073,563       12,441,408
Current tax liabilities                                 1,834           61,444
Provisions                                             84,476          117,776
Others-deferred income                                 70,000          322,000
Total Current Liabilities                          19,308,650       23,875,059

Non-Current Liabilities
Payables                                                    -          586,702
Borrowings                                            906,719        2,002,783
Deferred tax liability                                 74,111           77,314
Provisions                                            118,325          205,209
Total Non-Current Liabilities                       1,099,155        2,872,008

Total Liabilities                                  20,407,805       26,747,067

Net Assets                                         12,474,198       14,055,593

Issued capital                                     12,163,687       11,187,177
Reserves                                            1,067,199        1,463,437
Accumulated losses                                 (3,096,786)        (522,818)
Equity attributable to equity holders of the
parent entity                                      10,134,100       12,127,796

Minority Interest                                   2,340,098        1,927,797

Total Equity                                       12,474,198       14,055,593

5. e-pay Asia Limited

Statement of Changes in Equity for the financial year ended 31 December 2007

                                                 Consolidated    Consolidated
                                                         2007            2006
                                                            $               $
Balance at the beginning of the year               14,055,593       1,576,686

Exchange difference on translation                   (443,641)        (24,124)
of foreign operations
Available for sale financial assets,                  (42,167)        (48,496)
net of tax
Net income (loss) recognised directly in equity      (485,808)        (72,620)

Profit for the year                                   708,159       7,612,668

Total recognised profit (loss) for the period
attributable to members of                            222,351       7,540,048

e-pay Asia Limited

Investment acquisitions settled by issue of
equity                                                      -       2,523,960

Liabilities/expenses settled by the issue of
equity                                                919,776       1,148,695

Contributions of equity, net of transaction
costs                                                  56,734         845,155

Value of options issued in connection                       -         855,374

with issue of convertible notes

Value of conversion rights                                  -         138,300
- convertible notes
Purchase of minority interest in                            -        (419,866)
Interim dividend declared                          (2,780,256)              -

Dividend declared to minority interest                      -        (603,759)
in subsidiaries                                             -         451,000
Contribution by equity holder
Total equity at year end                           12,474,198      14,055,593

6. e-pay Asia Limited

Cash Flow Statement for the financial year ended 31 December 2007

                                       Notes     Consolidated    Consolidated
                                                         2007            2006
                                                            $               $
Cash flows from operating activities

Receipts from customers                           581,677,305     513,802,917
Payments to suppliers and employees              (566,324,316)   (510,902,503)
Interest received                                     437,039         160,560
Interest paid                                      (1,216,652)       (690,837)
Tax paid                                             (109,836)        (96,254)
Net operating cash flows                6(b)       14,463,540       2,273,883

Cash flows from investing activities

Proceeds from disposal of plant and
equipment                                             165,250         131,485
Payments for plant and equipment                     (846,091)     (3,421,133)
Subscription of convertible loan note              (2,500,000)              -
Payments for investments                                    -      (1,381,418)
Net investing cash flows                           (3,180,841)     (4,671,066)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issues of shares and
options                                                56,734         845,157
Proceeds from borrowings                            2,607,615       8,941,111
Repayments of borrowings                           (6,111,273)     (1,354,222)
Capital raising expenses                                    -        (537,115)
Dividends paid                                     (2,780,256)              -
Net financing cash flows                           (6,227,180)      7,894,931

Net increase in cash held                           5,055,519       5,497,748

Cash at the beginning of the financial
period                                              8,882,440       3,469,223
Currency translation difference                      (570,536)        (84,531)
Cash at the end of the financial year   6(a)       13,367,423       8,882,440

The accompanying notes form an integral part of this Cash Flow Statement.

6(a) Reconciliation of cash

Cash at the end of the end of financial year as shown in statement of cash flows
is reconciled to items in the Balance
Sheet as follows:
--------------------------                   -------------     ---------------
                                              Consolidated        Consolidated
                                                      2007                2006
                                                         $                   $
Cash and cash equivalents                        4,768,442           6,699,876
Term deposits                                    8,598,981           3,805,556
Bank overdrafts (included in current-
borrowings)                                              -         (1,622,992)
                                             -------------     ---------------
Total cash in statement of cash flows           13,367,423           8,882,440
--------------------------                   -------------     ---------------

6(b) Reconciliation of net cash provided by operating activities to operating
profit after income tax

                                                Consolidated      Consolidated
                                                        2007              2006
                                                           $                 $
Profit after income tax                              708,159         7,612,668

Adjustments for non cash items:
- Depreciation and amortisation                    2,084,298         1,777,032
- Impairment of goodwill                             928,501                 -
- Foreign exchange differences                     (215,302)          (27,426)
- Impairment of trade receivables                    149,022            15,384
- Loss on disposal of plant and equipment              5,371            13,223
- Impairment of plant and equipment                  618,329             4,544
- Non cash interest income                         (124,000)                -
- Amortisation of borrowing cost                     456,792           104,683
- Non cash contribution by equity holder                   -           451,000
- Other reconciling items                           (13,567)            51,852
Increase (decrease) in liabilities:
- Payables                                         (115,704)       (1,237,515)
- Tax liabilities                                   (17,901)          (15,552)
- Provisions                                       (120,183)          (77,015)

( Increase) decrease in assets:
- Receivables                                      8,219,056        (6,940,994)
- Prepaid airtime value                            1,900,669           541,999

Net operating cash inflows                        14,463,540         2,273,883

7. Dividends

7.1 Individual dividends per security

-------------------    ---------      -------       --------      ----------                    
                    Date dividend   Amount per   Franked amount   Amount per 
                     is payable      security     per security    security of
                                                   at 30% tax   foreign source
-------------------  ---------       -------        --------      ----------                     
Final dividend:             -            -c              -c               -c   
Current year
Previous year               -            -c              -c               -c
-------------------  ---------       -------        --------      ----------    
Interim dividend:                                   
Current year      10th April 2007     1.36c              -c               -c

Previous year               -            -c              -c               -c
-------------------  ---------       -------        --------      ----------   

7.2 Total dividend per security (interim plus final)

                                   ---------------         ----------------
                                   Current year             Previous year
                                   ---------------         ----------------
+Ordinary securities                   1.36c                     -c
                                   ---------------         ----------------

8. NTA backing

                                              Current period   Previous period
Net tangible asset backing per 
+ordinary security                                 3.6 cents         5.3 cents

9. Control gained

9.1 Control gained over entities

Name of entity (or group   NIL
of entities)
Date control gained                             NIL

Contribution of such entities to the reporting  NIL
entity's profit/(loss) during the period
(where material).

Profit/(loss) of the acquired entities for the  NIL
whole of the previous financial year was:

10. Details of associates and joint venture entities

Name of associate/   1. Reporting entity's         2. Contribution to net profit
joint venture           percentage holding            /(loss)(where material) 
                     Current      Previous           Current    Previous
                     Period       corresponding      Period     corresponding
                                  period                        period
e-pay Pakistan
Limited                 30%              30%         -              -
Network                 18%              18%         -              -
(Thailand) Co. Ltd

11. Foreign entities

Details of origin of accounting standards used in compiling the report

In compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards


This report is based on accounts which are in the process of being audited.

Date: 29 Feb 2008

Jack Tan, Director

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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