Equity Special Situations Limited

                     ("ESS" or "Company" or "the Group")

       Unaudited Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2008

Equity Special Situations Limited, (AIM:EQS) the strategic
investment company, announces its unaudited results for the six month period
ended 30 June 2008.


As has been well documented over the course of the last year, stock
market conditions, particularly with regard to available finance for quoted
smaller cap companies, have never been so difficult. The AIM All-Share index
has fallen more than 40 per cent. in the last 12 months and the FTSE Small Cap
index has fallen by more than a third over the same period. What we are
witnessing is any bad news being issued by small companies being severely
punished and any good news not being duly rewarded, with the share prices of
those companies being only maintained, at best. Against this challenging
backdrop, we're pleased to announce our six month results, during which the
aggregate value of our investment portfolio has fallen by less than 3 per
cent. from �51.4 million at 31 December 2007 to �50.0 million at 30 June 2008.

Investment Strategy

Our investment strategy remains that of trying to achieve long term
capital growth for shareholders through the purchase, holding and sale of
significant minority stakes in companies and investment funds. We aim to
exploit special situations and seek out ideas and companies which we believe
will provide a material uplift in valuation to the investment price of ESS. We
often combine an initial investment into a company with the provision of
management and administrative support.

Over the last couple of years, we have focussed on the financial
services sector and have built up significant holdings in companies operating
in the area of wealth management, alternative assets, private banking,
corporate and trustee services and fund management.

Investee Companies

As at 30 June 2008, ESS held investments in 17 companies, up from
14 at the beginning of the period, 13 of which were in publicly quoted
companies and four of which were in unquoted companies. ESS also continues to
hold one rental property via its wholly owned subsidiary, ESS Property
Investments Limited. 13 of the investments are in companies operating in, or
related to, financial services. Important investment additions during the
period include new holdings in Bramdean Alternatives, the quoted fund of
funds, and Conister Financial Group ("CFG"), the offshore private banking

ESS and CFG began discussions in early 2008 to explore ways to
broaden the investment platforms of each business and to seek out potential
synergies between the two parties. This culminated in ESS and CFG taking a 9.9
per cent. shareholding in each other in June 2008. Since then, we have begun
to introduce a number of business opportunities to each other, particularly as
many of the clients of the companies within ESS's portfolio service a large
number of high net worth individuals, many of whom could become clients of

At the period end, ESS's largest investment by value remains
Syndicate Asset Management plc ("SAM"), which represented 63 per cent. of the
Group's investments (2007: 66 per cent.) at the period end. Other notable
holdings besides SAM and CFG include STM Group plc, which represents 9 per
cent. (2007: 10 per cent.) of the Group's investments and Noble Investments
(UK) plc which accounts for 5 per cent. (2007: 6 per cent.). ESS remains
committed to supporting those companies in which it has significant holdings
and is pleased to report that the underlying businesses of each of the key
investments are trading well and in line with their own managements'

Financial Review

Although we are pleased that the value of our investment portfolio
has fallen by only 3 per cent. during the six month period from �51.4 million
to �50.0 million, we nevertheless recorded a net loss on financial assets of
�6.7 million (2007: �3.5 million gain). The principal contributing factor to
this is ESS's exposure to SAM's share price which, after a strong performance
during the second half of 2007, fell back during the first half of 2008. As a
consequence, almost �4.0 million of ESS's total loss was due to SAM. Other
factors include the general reduction in liquidity in small cap stocks which
has, in turn, widened the available spreads and ultimately led to the drifting
of a number of share prices during the period in the absence of any company

However I'm pleased to report that, since the period end, and
following the recent reporting season in August and September, the share
prices of our biggest investee companies have, on the whole, performed
relatively well on the back of some good operational news.

Expenses of �0.5 million were in line with the same period last
year (2007: �0.5 million), although financing costs were materially higher at
�1.2 million (2007: �0.7 million), reflecting the higher levels of borrowings
when compared to the same period last year. The overall loss for the period
was �8.3 million (2007: �2.3 million profit), resulting in a loss per share of
49.83 pence (2007: 16.36 pence profit).

Cash balances of �4.3 million remain similar to those at the
beginning of the period (�4.5 million) and we have reduced our borrowings by
more than �6.1 million during the period from �31.7 million at 31 December
2007 to �25.6 million at 30 June 2008. Net assets at the period end were �31.1

During the period, we successfully raised more than �8.6 million
(before expenses) in two placings through the issue of, in aggregate,
4,423,007 new ordinary shares of 1 pence each ("Ordinary Shares"). We warmly
welcome our new shareholders to the Group. The effect of the loss for the year
and the additional shares issued during the period has resulted in a NAV of
150.96 pence at the period end, down 20 per cent. from 190.02 pence at the
beginning of the year and similar to the 151.99 pence achieved at the same
time last year.

Current trading and outlook

Since the period end, it has become clear that, as expected, there
are significant synergies between ESS and CFG and, as a consequence, ESS has
extended its strategic relationship with CFG through each party increasing its
shareholding in the other. In early September, ESS issued a further 2,206,090
Ordinary Shares to CFG in return for ESS receiving new shares in CFG. As a
result, ESS currently holds 19.9 per cent. of CFG and both parties are working
closely in order to extract some significant value for the respective
shareholders in the future.

We anticipate that the difficult stock market conditions for
smaller companies will remain for the foreseeable future; however, we are
pleased to report that our current unaudited NAV has improved since the period
end and we would anticipate further increases during the remainder of the
year. We therefore remain cautiously optimistic about the future.

Peter Griffin


                                 For the six month period         For the six month period          For the year ended
                                    ended 30 June 2008              ended 30 June 2007                31 December 2007
                                        (unaudited)                     (unaudited)                      (audited)

                 Note   Revenue     Capital       Total   Revenue   Capital     Total     Revenue    Capital       Total
                              �           �           �         �         �         �           �          �           �
Rental income             3,503           -      33,503         -         -         -      20,120          -      20,120
Interest income          29,471           -      29,471    41,771         -    41,771     138,845          -     138,845
receivable               31,611                  31,611         -         -         -      63,664                 63,664
Net (loss)/gains
on financial assets
at fair value
through profit or loss        - (6,702,057) (6,702,057)         - 3,485,908 3,485,908             10,914,924  10,914,924
Unrealised gain
on foreign
exchange                 13,396           -      13,396         -         -         -           -          -           -
INCOME                  107,981 (6,702,057) (6,594,076)    41,771 3,485,908 3,527,679     222,629 10,914,924  11,137,553
fees                     85,775           -      85,775    60,176         -    60,176     127,551          -     127,551
fees                    126,344           -     126,344   146,953         -   146,953     147,037      9,959     156,996
fees                          -     223,751     223,751         -   294,515   294,515           -  1,300,375   1,300,375
Audit fee                 8,000           -       8,000     3,750         -     3,750      16,550          -      16,550
Commissions              47,559           -      47,559    19,894         -    19,894      79,883          -      79,883
and regulatory
expenses                  8,010           -       8,010     6,935         -     6,935      47,270          -      47,270
Other operating
expenses                  4,998           -       4,998     8,711         -     8,711       5,935          -       5,935
EXPENSES                280,686     223,751     504,437   246,419   294,515   540,934     424,226  1,310,334   1,734,560
(LOSS)/PROFIT         (172,705) (6,925,808) (7,098,513) (204,648) 3,191,393 2,986,745   (201,597)  9,604,590   9,402,993
Finance costs       (1,172,122)           - (1,172,122) (668,550)         - (668,550) (1,900,457)          - (1,900,457)
BEFORE TAX          (1,344,827) (6,925,808) (8,270,635) (873,198) 3,191,393 2,318,195 (2,102,054)  9,604,590   7,502,536
Taxation                      -           -           -         -         -         -           -          -           -
AFTER TAX           (1,344,827) (6,925,808) (8,270,635) (873,198) 3,191,393 2,318,195 (2,102,054)  9,604,590   7,502,536
Basic earnings
per share
(pence per share) 2                             (49.83)                         16.36                              52.96
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

All income is attributable to the equity holders of the parent company. There are no minority interests.

30 JUNE 2008

                                                     30 June 2008 30 June 2007 31 December 2007
                                                Note  (unaudited) (unaudited)         (audited)
Non-current assets
Investment Property                                       338,673           -           286,168
Financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss                           49,651,044  40,322,990        51,159,648
Total non-current assets                               49,989,717  40,322,990        51,445,816
Current assets
Cash and cash
equivalents                                             4,268,508   6,940,685         4,453,469
Loans receivable                                        2,549,658     455,645         2,774,622
Other debtors and
receivables                                                     -           -           105,958
                                                        6,818,166   7,396,330         7,334,049
TOTAL ASSETS                                           56,807,883  47,719,320        58,779,865
Loans and overdrafts                                   11,336,689   1,270,918        10,615,837
Liabilities under
investment contracts                                   14,225,350  24,870,502        21,127,678
Other creditors and accruals                               97,140      44,091           115,108
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                      25,659,179  26,185,511        31,858,623
NET ASSETS                                             31,148,704  21,533,809        26,921,242
Share capital                                      4      206,334     141,676           141,676
Share premium account                                  20,578,903   8,145,464         8,145,464
Capital reserve
               - Realised                             (2,714,361)   (497,285)       (2,311,790)
               - Unrealised                            17,042,049  15,357,376        23,565,286
Share option reserve                                      242,676      39,584           242,676
Retained earnings                                     (4,206,897) (1,653,006)       (2,862,070)
TOTAL EQUITY                                          �31,148,704 �21,533,809       �26,921,242
Net asset value per
share (pence per share)                            3       150.96      151.99            190.02
P F Griffin                              M T Cahill
Director                                 Director


                                                      Capital     Capital   Share
                                Share       Share   reserve -   reserve -  option    Retained
                              capital     premium    realised  unrealised reserve    earnings       Total
                                    �           �           �           �       �           �           �
As at 1 January 2008          141,676   8,145,464 (2,311,790)  23,565,286 242,676 (2,862,070)  26,921,242
Profit/(loss) for the year          -           -   (402,571) (6,523,237)       - (1,344,827) (8,270,635)
Total recognised income
and expenses for
the period                          -           -   (402,571) (6,523,237)       - (1,344,827) (8,270,635)
Issue of new shares            64,658  13,013,439           -           -       -           -  13,078,097
Share Issue cost                    -   (580,000)           -           -       -           -   (580,000)
As at 30 June 2008            206,334  20,578,903 (2,714,361)  17,042,049 242,676 (4,206,897)  31,148,704
For the period ended
30 June 2007
                                                     Capital    Capital      Share
                                Share       Share  reserve -  reserve -     option    Retained
                              capital     premium   realised unrealised    reserve    earnings      Total
                                    �           �          �          �          �           �          �
As at 1 January 2007          141,676   8,145,464  (454,423) 12,103,329     19,792   (760,016) 19,195,822
Profit/(loss) for the year          -           -   (42,862)  3,254,047          -   (892,990)  2,318,195
Total recognised income
and expenses for
the period                          -           -   (42,862)  3,254,047          -   (892,990)  2,318,195
Share based payments                -           -          -          -     19,792           -     19,792
As at 30 June 2007            141,676   8,145,464  (497,285) 15,357,376     39,584 (1,653,006) 21,533,809
For the year ended 31 December 2007
                                                      Capital    Capital   Share
                                Share       Share   reserve -  reserve -  option    Retained
                              capital     premium    realised unrealised reserve    earnings      Total
                                    �           �           �          �       �           �          �
As at 1 January 2007          141,676   8,145,464   (454,423) 12,103,329  19,792   (760,016) 19,195,822
Profit/(loss) for the year          -           - (1,822,306) 11,426,896       - (2,102,054)  7,502,536
Total recognised income
and expenses for
the year                            -           - (1,822,306) 11,426,896       - (2,102,054)  7,502,536
Transfer to realised
reserves on disposal
of investments                      -           -    (35,061)     35,061       -           -          -
Share based payments                -           -           -          - 222,884           -    222,884
As at 31 December 2007        141,676   8,145,464 (2,311,790) 23,565,286 242,676 (2,862,070) 26,921,242


                                                                  Six month    Six month
                                                               period ended period ended       Year ended
                                                               30 June 2008 30 June 2007 31 December 2007
                                                                (unaudited)  (unaudited)        (audited)
Net cash outflow from
operating activities                                            (1,480,588)  (1,522,369)      (3,214,623)
Investing activities:
Purchase of securities                                          (7,087,702) (13,469,876)     (35,994,453)
Purchase of investment property                                           -            -        (286,168)
Proceeds from disposals
of listed securities                                              1,841,744    1,789,835       20,522,500
Loans receivable repaid                                             224,964            -                -
Loans receivable advanced                                                 -    (123,771)      (1,208,729)
Net cash outflow from
financial investment                                            (5,020,994) (11,803,812)     (16,966,850)
Loans payable received                                              720,852            -       16,301,997
Short term financing received                                             -   15,089,540        2,233,892
Loans payable repaid                                            (6,902,328)    (350,315)                -
Short term financing repaid                                               -    (571,412)                -
Issue of own shares                                              12,498,097            -                -
Net cash inflow from financing                                    6,316,621   14,167,813       18,535,889
(Decrease)/increase in cash
resources for the year/period                                    �(184,961)     �841,632      (1,645,584)
Net decrease in cash
and cash equivalents                                              (184,961)      841,632      (1,645,584)
Cash and cash equivalents
at 1 January 2008                                                 4,453,469    6,099,053        6,099,053
Cash and cash equivalents
at 30 June 2008                                                  �4,268,508   �6,940,685       �4,453,469


30 JUNE 2008



These unaudited interim financial statements have adopted the same
accounting policies, presentation and methods of

computation as the last audited financial statements which were
prepared in accordance with International Financial

Reporting Standards ("IFRS") issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board ("IASB"), interpretations issued by the International
Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee of the IASB ("IFRIC") and
applicable legal and regulatory requirements of Guernsey Law.


The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is as

                                             30 June 2008   30 June 2007  31 December 2007
 Earnings for the purpose of basic
 and diluted earnings
 per share being net profit
 attributable to equity holders of
 the parent                                   (8,270,635)      2,318,195         7,502,536
 Number of shares
 Weighted average number of
 ordinary shares for the                       16,597,184     14,167,604        14,167,604
 purposes of basic
 earnings per share
 Effect of dilutive potential
 of share options                                       -              -             8,427
 Weighted average number
 of ordinary shares for the
 purposes of diluted
 earnings per share                            16,597,184     14,167,604        14,176,031


The calculation of net asset value is based on the consolidated net
assets of �31,148,704 and on the ordinary shares in issue of 20,633,386 at the
balance sheet date.


                                                          30 June 2008   30 June 2007   31 December 2007
 50,000,000 ordinary
 shares of �0.01 each                                         �500,000       �500,000           �500,000
 Allotted and fully paid:
 Brought forward                                               141,676        141,676            141,676
 Issue of new shares
 during period/year                                             64,658              -                  -
 (30 June and 31 December 2007: 14,167,604
 ordinary shares of �0.01 each                          �      206,334 �      141,676         �  141,676

The Company has one class of ordinary shares which carry no right
to fixed income.

On 22 February 2008 the Company issued 2,307,693 new ordinary
shares of 1 pence each at a premium of 194 pence per share, raising proceeds
of approximately �4.5 million. The shares issued rank pari-passu with the
existing shares in issue.

On 21 April 2008 the Company issued 2,115,384 new ordinary shares
of 1 pence each at a premium of 194 pence per share, raising proceeds of
approximately �4.1 million. The shares issued rank pari-passu with the
existing shares in issue.

On 23 June 2008 the Company agreed to acquire a 9.9% interest in Conister
Financial Group plc, for a consideration of approximately �4.5 million. This
consideration was satisfied by the issue of 2,042,705 new ordinary shares of 1
pence each in the Company at a premium of 217 pence per share. The shares
issued rank pari-passu with the existing shares in issue.


On 1 July 2008, David Pinckney stepped down as chairman of the ESS
Advisory Panel.

On 8th September 2008 the Company acquired 7,101,798 new ordinary
shares in Conister Financial Group Plc ("CFG")("the Investment"), through the
issue to CFG of 2,206,090 new shares at 235p per share, ranking pari passu
with existing shares.

The report is available to view and download from the Company's website at

Further information:

Equity Special Situations Limited

Peter Griffin +44 (0)1481 751000

Jonathan Freeman +44 (0)1600 750432

Evolution Securities Limited

Jeremy Ellis/Chris Clarke +44 (0)20 7071 4300

GTH Communications

Toby Hall/Christian Pickel +44 (0)20 7153 8035


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