RNS Number : 8364L

Eredene Capital PLC

16 August 2013

 Date:              16 August 2013 
 On behalf of:      Eredene Capital plc ("Eredene", "Eredene Group" 
                     or "the Company") 
 Embargoed until:   0700hrs 

Eredene Capital Plc

Tender Offer

1. Introduction

The Board has today announced the intention to propose a tender offer for up to 32% of the Company's issued shares at 17.2 pence per Share (the "Tender Offer") totalling GBP20m. A circular (the "Circular") explaining the terms of the Tender Offer and providing notice of a General Meeting to be held on 12 September 2013 has today been posted to Shareholders.

2. Background

In July 2012, Eredene announced as part of its final results that the Company was embarking on a new phase to concentrate on realising value from its existing investments and that it would make no further investment in new projects. Consequently, the Company made an initial return of GBP15.3m of surplus capital by way of a tender process in August 2012.

In the final results announced on 16 July 2013, the Company again confirmed its commitment to an orderly process of realising its investments in India and returning capital to shareholders. To that end, a post year-end sale of Eredene's stake in Ocean Sparkle Ltd, India's leading port operations and marine services company, was achieved for GBP8.2m at a gross premium over investment cost of 39% in Indian Rupee terms. Advisers have been appointed to handle the sale of further significant parts of the Group's logistics investments, and negotiations continue for the disposal of Eredene's stakes in a low-cost housing development near Mumbai.

The Board, taking into account the level of surplus capital following the Ocean Sparkle disposal, therefore intends to make a second return of capital to shareholders, by way of a tender offer at 17.2 pence per Share, being the net asset value per Share as at 31 March 2013.

In addition, the Board, being mindful of the increasing impact of fixed costs as its investment portfolio reduces in size, has undertaken a review of all ongoing operating costs with a view to reducing these to a level in keeping with its reducing operations. As a consequence, measures have been identified which will reduce the ongoing operating costs by more than 50 per cent. to approximately GBP1.3m per annum over the next 12 months. Such measures include a reduction in the size of the Board from seven to five. Further details of the proposed Board changes are set out in the notice of Annual General Meeting available at www.eredene.com.

3. The Tender Offer


The Tender Offer is designed to enable those Shareholders (other than certain Overseas Persons) who wish to realise Shares or their beneficial interest in Shares (as the case may be) to do so. Shareholders who successfully tender their Shares will receive 17.2 pence per Share. Further details of the Tender Offer are set out in Part IV of the Circular.

Benefits of the Tender Offer

The Board believes that proposing the Tender Offer on the terms set out here and in Part IV of the Circular is in the interests of Shareholders as a whole because:

-- A tender offer for up to 32% of the Shares in issue provides an opportunity for an exit for those Shareholders who wish to receive cash; and

-- A tender offer conducted at 17.2 pence provides an uplift to the prevailing share price of 11.875 pence as at 14 August 2013 (being the latest practicable date prior to the publication of this document).

Shareholders are not obliged to tender any Shares and, if they do not wish to participate in the Tender Offer, Shareholders should not complete or return their Tender Form.

Under the terms of the Tender Offer, Shareholders (other than certain Overseas Persons) will be entitled to tender up to 32% of the Shares they hold as at the Record Date of 11 October 2013 (their "Basic Entitlement"). Such Shareholders will be able to tender additional Shares but such excess tenders will only be satisfied to the extent that other Shareholders tender less than their aggregate Basic Entitlements, and will be satisfied on a pro rata basis. Tenders will be rounded down to the nearest whole number of Shares.

The Tender Offer is being made by Numis Securities. Numis Securities will purchase the Shares tendered as principal and, following the completion of all such purchases, will sell the relevant Shares on to the Company pursuant to the Repurchase Agreement at the Tender Price by way of a market transaction.

Those Shares which the Company acquires from Numis Securities will be cancelled on acquisition. The repurchase of Shares by the Company under the Tender Offer will be funded from the Company's cash resources, using the special reserve created by the Court-approved reduction of share capital carried out by the Company in November 2007 together with part of the new special reserve to be created by the Reduction of Capital.


Implementation of the Tender Offer will require approval by Shareholders at the General Meeting, which is to be held at 12.30 p.m. on 12 September 2013. The Tender Offer is also conditional upon completion of the Reduction of Capital (which must itself be approved by Shareholders and by the Court) and Numis Securities being satisfied that the Company has sufficient funds available to meet its obligations under the Repurchase Agreement. In addition, the Tender Offer may be postponed or terminated in certain other circumstances as set out in paragraph 2 of Part IV of the Circular.

4. Reduction of Capital

Reasons for, and background to, the Reduction of Capital

The Company may only make distributions to shareholders from its distributable reserves. The Company's share premium account and capital redemption reserve are non-distributable reserves and the Company is therefore unable to use the amounts standing to the credit of these accounts for that purpose. However, the Companies Act 2006 permits the Company (subject to the approval of Shareholders and of the Court) to cancel its share premium account and capital redemption reserve and credit the resulting amounts to the Company's profit and loss account.

As at 31 March 2013, the Company had the sum of GBP16,267,580.95 standing to the credit of the Company's share premium account and the sum of GBP8,491,227.20 standing to the credit of the Company's capital redemption reserve.

The Company is proposing to cancel the entirety of these balances to create additional distributable reserves. The Reduction of Capital will only become effective if the Cancellation Resolution is approved by Shareholders, the Court approves the Reduction of Capital and the order of the Court confirming the Reduction of Capital is delivered to, and registered by, the Registrar of Companies for England and Wales.

Court approval

Subject to the passing of the Cancellation Resolution, the Company intends to apply to the Court for an order approving the cancellation of its share premium account and capital redemption reserve. In order to approve the Reduction of Capital, the Court will need to be satisfied that the interests of the Company's creditors will not be prejudiced as a result of the Reduction of Capital and will consider such matters at a preliminary hearing scheduled to be held on 26 September 2013.

It is for the Court to determine whether any protection is required for creditors and, if so, what form it should take. If required to do so, the Company will put in place such form of creditor protection as the Court determines and which is acceptable to the Company. Such protection may include, amongst other things, giving an undertaking to the Court to create a special non-distributable reserve equal to the amount owed to creditors to remain in place until the relevant creditors of the Company who are not protected at that date by any other means have been otherwise protected or discharged. The Board reserves the right at any time before the Reduction of Capital becomes effective not to proceed with the Reduction of Capital.

If the Court approves the Reduction of Capital at the final hearing scheduled for 9 October 2013, it is expected that such cancellation will take effect no later than 11 October 2013.

Effect of the Reduction of Capital

If the Reduction of Capital becomes effective, the amounts resulting from the cancellation of the share premium account and the capital redemption reserve will be credited to the Company's profit and loss account (subject to the Court's confirmation and any special non-distributable reserve referred to above) to create additional distributable reserves. The Reduction of Capital does not involve any distribution or repayment to Shareholders. The principal effect of the Reduction of Capital will be to enable the Company to lawfully purchase its own shares (including by way of the Tender Offer) and/or pay dividends out of distributable reserves to a greater extent than it would otherwise be able to.

The Directors will determine the question of future distributions to Shareholders in accordance with the best interests of the Company, from time to time.

5. Overseas Persons

The making of the Tender Offer to persons outside the United Kingdom may be prohibited or affected by the relevant laws of the relevant overseas jurisdictions.

Shareholders with registered or mailing addresses outside the United Kingdom or who are citizens or nationals of, or resident in, a jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom should read carefully paragraph 9 of Part IV of the Circular.

It is the responsibility of all Overseas Persons to satisfy themselves as to the observance of any legal requirements in their jurisdiction including, without limitation, any relevant requirements in relation to the ability of such persons to complete and return a Form of Proxy or Tender Form or to make a TTE Instruction.

The Tender Offer is not being made directly or indirectly in, into, or from the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan or the Republic of South Africa, except where permitted by applicable law. Accordingly, the Tender Form may not be distributed or sent in, into or from (whether by use of mails or by any means or instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce) the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan or the Republic of South Africa and doing so may render invalid any purported tender. Any person (including, without limitation, custodians, nominees and trustees) who may have a contractual or legal obligation to forward the Tender Form should read paragraph 9 of Part IV of the Circular before taking any action.

Any Shareholder who is unable to give the warranties set out in paragraphs 6.1.9, 6.1.10 and 6.1.11 in Part IV of the Circular will be deemed not to have tendered their Shares pursuant to the Tender Offer and their Tender Forms may be rejected.

6. Taxation

The following paragraphs are intended only as a general guide to certain aspects of current UK tax law and HM Revenue & Customs' published practice, and do not constitute tax advice. They are of a general nature and only apply to Shareholders who are resident or ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom (except where indicated) and who hold their Shares beneficially as an investment.

Shareholders who sell Shares in the Tender Offer should, subject to the following, be treated as having sold their Shares in the normal way and may, depending on their individual circumstances, incur a liability to taxation on chargeable gains. Individual Shareholders and trustee Shareholders in the United Kingdom should be aware that HM Revenue & Customs may seek to treat part of the disposal proceeds of their Shares as income under the provisions of Chapter 1 of Part 13 ITA 2007, although it is not expected that these provisions would apply to sales made for genuine commercial reasons.

The attention of Shareholders is drawn to Part V of the Circular which sets out a general guide to certain aspects of current United Kingdom taxation law and HM Revenue & Customs' published practice.

Shareholders who are in any doubt as to their tax position or who are subject to tax in a jurisdiction other than the United Kingdom should consult an appropriate professional adviser.

7. General Meeting

The Reduction of Capital and the Tender Offer set out in this document are subject to (i) Shareholder approval at the General Meeting that has been convened for 12.30 p.m. on 12 September 2013, at the offices of Numis Securities at 10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LT and (ii) approval by the Court at a final hearing scheduled to be held on 9 October 2013. The Resolutions to be proposed are to approve the Reduction of Capital and to authorise the Company to make market purchases of its Shares pursuant to the Tender Offer on the terms set out in the Circular.

8. The Takeover Code

As a United Kingdom public company which has its registered office and place of central management and control in the United Kingdom, the Company is subject to the City Code. Under Rule 9 of the City Code, any person who acquires an interest (as defined in the City Code) in shares which, taken together with shares in which he is already interested and which persons acting in concert with him are interested, carry 30% or more of the voting rights of a company which is subject to the Code, is normally required to make a general offer to all the remaining shareholders to acquire their shares.

Ruffer LLP ("Ruffer") currently holds 96,161,393 Shares and Caledonia Investments plc ("Caledonia"), a company in which the Hon. Charles Cayzer is a director and has a beneficial interest, currently holds 77,441,190 Shares in the Company, representing 26.56% and 21.39% respectively of the Company's current issued share capital. If the Company were to acquire 32% of its issued share capital pursuant to the Tender Offer, and Ruffer did not participate, Ruffer would remain interested in 96,161,393 Shares, but those Shares would then represent approximately 39.07% of the reduced issued share capital of the Company. Similarly, if Caledonia did not participate in the Tender Offer and a full 32% of the current issued Shares were acquired by the Company, Caledonia would remain interested in 77,441,190 Shares, but those Shares would then represent 31.46% of the reduced issued share capital of the Company. In these circumstances, either Ruffer or Caledonia (as the case may be) would therefore be required to make a mandatory offer for the Company under Rule 9 of the Code.

The Company has, however, received irrevocable undertakings from both Ruffer and Caledonia to tender (or procure that the registered holder tenders) under the Tender Offer, as a minimum, their basic entitlement in respect of Shares held by them or over which they exercise discretionary investment management authority, thus ensuring that their respective interests shall not exceed 30% of the issued share capital following the Tender Offer. Ruffer and Caledonia have also both undertaken to vote (or procure that the registered holder votes) in favour of the Resolution at the General Meeting.

9. Recommendation

The Board considers that the Reduction of Capital and the Tender Offer, on which it has received advice from Numis Securities, are in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the Board recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of the Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting, as those Directors who directly hold beneficial interests in Shares intend to do in respect of their own beneficial holdings of Shares which, in aggregate, amount to 1,954,140 Shares representing approximately 0.5% of the issued share capital of the Company.

Whether or not Shareholders decide to tender any of their Shares will depend, among other things, on their individual circumstances including their tax position and on their view of the Company's prospects. Shareholders in any doubt as to the action they should take should consult an appropriately qualified independent financial adviser, authorised under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, without delay.

10. Expected timetable of principal events

 Latest time and date for receipt        12.30 p.m. on 10 September 
  of Forms of Proxy from shareholders                          2013 
  in respect of the General Meeting 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 General Meeting                         12.30 p.m. on 12 September 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Preliminary Court Hearing in relation            26 September 2013 
  to the Reduction of Capital 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Final Court Hearing to approve the                 09 October 2013 
  Reduction of Capital 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Latest time and date for receipt           1.00 p.m. on 11 October 
  of Tender Forms from shareholders                            2013 
  in respect of the Tender Offer 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Record Date for participation in              close of business on 
  the Tender Offer                                  11 October 2013 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Results of the Tender Offer announced              14 October 2013 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Settlement date - cheques despatched               15 October 2013 
  and CREST accounts credited with 
  proceeds in respect of successfully 
  tendered Shares and with unsold 
  uncertificated Shares 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 
 Balance certificates despatched         week commencing 14 October 
  in respect of certificates tendered                          2013 
--------------------------------------  --------------------------- 

Each of the times and dates in the expected timetable may be extended or brought forward without further notice. If any of the above times and/or dates change, the revised time(s) and/or date(s) will be notified to Shareholders by an announcement through a Regulatory Information Service provider.

All references to times are to London times.

Any defined terms not defined in this announcement are defined in the Circular.

Copies of the Circular have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM. The Circular will also shortly be available on the Company's website at www.eredene.com.

For further information:

 Eredene Capital PLC 
  Alastair King (Chief Executive) / Gary            Tel: +44 20 7448 
  Varley (Finance Director)                         8000 
 Numis Securities Limited (Nominated adviser 
  & broker)                                         Tel: +44 20 7260 
  Heraclis Economides/David Benda                   1000 
 Redleaf Polhill (Financial PR) 
  Henry Columbine / David Ison / Hannah Fensome     Tel: +44 20 7382 
  eredene@redleafpolhill.com                        4720 

Notes to Editors:

-- Eredene Capital PLC is a leading UK-based AIM quoted investor in infrastructure projects in India. Following the sale of its stake in OSL, it has a portfolio of eight principal investments in India, seven in port services, warehousing and logistics and one in low-cost housing (www.eredene.com).

-- Eredene trades on the Alternative Investment Market ("AIM") of the London Stock Exchange.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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