RNS Number : 0934J

Evraz Plc

01 April 2015

EVRAZ PUBLISHES 2014 ANNUAL REPORT and reports full year 2014 results

1 April 2015 - EVRAZ plc ("EVRAZ" or "the Company") (LSE: EVR) has today:

-- posted its Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2014 ("2014 Annual Report") on its website: http://www.evraz.com/investors/annual_reports/ as required by DTR 6.3.5 R (3); and

-- submitted to the UK National Storage Mechanism a copy of its 2014 Annual Report in accordance with LR 9.6.1 R.

The 2014 Annual Report will shortly be available for inspection on the National Storage Mechanism http://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/NSM

The 2014 Annual Report and the Notice of the Company's Annual General Meeting, which will be held on 18 June 2015 in London, will be posted to shareholders in mid-May 2015.

The Appendix to this announcement contains additional information which has been extracted from the 2014 Annual Report for the purposes of compliance with DTR 6.3.5 only and should be read in conjunction with this announcement. Together these constitute the material required by DTR 6.3.5 and DTR 4.2.3 to be communicated to the media in unedited full text through a Regulatory Information Service. This announcement should be read in conjunction with and is not a substitute for reading the full 2014 Annual Report. Page and note references in the text below refer to page numbers and notes in the 2014 Annual Report.

EVRAZ announces its audited results for the year ended 31 December 2014 ("the Period").

The financial information contained in this document for the year ended 31 December 2014 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The audited statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2013 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2014 will be delivered following the Company's annual general meeting convened for 18 June 2015.

The auditor has reported on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2014. The auditor's report was unqualified.

Key Highlights

-- Health and safety performance improved in FY2014 with annual LTIFR decreasing from 1.96x to 1.60x

   --      Consolidated revenue fell 9% as a result of decline in Steel segment revenues 

-- Consolidated EBITDA demonstrated excellent growth of 28% to US$2,325 million mostly driven by the Steel segment

-- EVRAZ's capex in 2014 amounted to US$654 million, down from US$902 million in 2013. Most of the capex was spent on sustaining current capacity, while US$211 million was used for projects aimed either at increasing production or decreasing costs.

   --      Net debt was reduced 11% to US$5.8 billion bringing the net debt to EBITDA ratio to 2.5x 

-- Net loss was US$1,278 million vs. US$551 million in 2013 mostly due to impairment of assets (US$540 million) and foreign exchange loss (US$1,005 million)

-- The translation loss in Other comprehensive Income/(Loss) was approximately US$2 billion. It was caused by translating Russian roubles and Ukrainian hryvnia assets stated at historical cost using current (31 December 2014) exchange rate

   --      Successful implementation of the pulverised coal injection (PCI) project 
   --      The launch of mass production on EVRAZ Caspian Steel 

-- Return to pre-accident levels of annualised production on Raspadskaya - over 10mt of coking coal

-- EVRAZ North America Investment in EVRAZ Regina Steel upgrade and construction of a spiral pipe mill #5 approved

   --      Disposal of EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel based on an enterprise value of US$287 million 

-- In light of the strong financial performance in 2014, the Directors would like to make a return of capital to Shareholders of up to US$375 million by way of Tender Offer

Strategic progress

The Company has made notable progress on its strategic objectives during 2014, including:

   --      Sustainability in volatile market environment; EBITDA margin improved from 12.6% to 17.8% 

-- Operational efficiency plan implemented. Our actions to reduce costs and improve operational performance have had a significant positive impact on overall performance during the year

   --      Optimisation of asset portfolio; EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel sold 
   --      Strong cash flow sufficient to pay down debt; Net Debt/EBITDA down to 2.5x vs 3.6x YoY 

-- We are transforming our coal business into a large scale market participant in Russia and globally - revamping of Raspadskaya finalised

-- We are committed to investing into selected projects from our wide project portfolio that will achieve a rate of return which will significantly exceed our current cost of capital

-- We further extended our portfolio of high value-added products and enhanced the quality of customer service

-- The efficacy of our strategy was underlined by the strong operating results achieved by EVRAZ's business units in 2014

Financial Highlights

 Full year to 31 December 
 (US$ million)                                           2014               2013   Change 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 Consolidated revenue                                  13,061             14,411     (9)% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 Loss from operations                                   (101)              (161)    (37)% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 Consolidated EBITDA                                    2,325              1,821      28% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 Net profit/(loss)                                    (1,278)              (551)     132% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 Earnings/(loss) per share, basic (US$)                (0.78)             (0.34)     129% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 Net cash flows from operating activities               1,957              1,900       3% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 CAPEX                                                    654                902    (27)% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
                                             31 December 2014   31 December 2013 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 Net debt                                               5,814              6,534    (11)% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 
 Total assets                                          11,630             17,685    (34)% 
------------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  ------- 

Health, Safety and Environment

Health and safety of our employees and contractors is our ultimate value and key priority. We prioritise the safety and reliability of our businesses to protect the welfare of our employees and the environment.

Our strategic goal is to have zero fatal accidents at our plants. We believe that we can achieve this goal through extensive employee training and initiatives to create a culture of personal involvement and responsibility.

In 2014, we were focused on the implementation of electricity isolation initiatives and improvement of safety trainings practices. In conjunction with other initiatives this helped us to reduce our LTIFR by 18% in 2014. However, regrettably in 2014 the Company recorded 12 employee and 7 contractor fatalities vs. 18 and 6, incidents in 2013, correspondingly.

In 2015, all initiatives with a focus on safety training and the LOTO (Lockout, Tryout) energy isolation programme implementation will be continued. Compliance with environmental standards is one of the major long-term targets of EVRAZ's HSE policy. EVRAZ is actively assessing its environmental impacts and potential liabilities to improve management of those exposures. EVRAZ recognises the importance of abating climate change and supports the global effort to reduce greenhouse ("GHG") gas emissions into the atmosphere. Total 2014 GHG emissions decreased by 7% compared with the previous year due to implementation of the pulverised coal injection technology at EVRAZ ZSMK and disposals of certain assets.

Analysis of results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2014

Statement of operations

 (US$ million) 
 Segment                    2014      2013    Change   Relative change 
----------------------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 Steel                     9,519    10,792   (1,273)           (11.8)% 
----------------------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 Steel, North America      3,160     3,036       124              4.1% 
----------------------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 Coal                      1,318     1,486     (168)           (11.3)% 
----------------------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 Other operations            648       730      (82)           (11.2)% 
----------------------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 Eliminations            (1,584)   (1,633)        49            (3.0)% 
----------------------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------- 
 Total                    13,061    14,411   (1,350)            (9.4)% 
----------------------  --------  --------  --------  ---------------- 

Group revenues decreased by 9.4% in 2014, mostly as a result of a decline in the Steel segment revenues, which account for 72.9% of the total Group revenue. EVRAZ's steel sales volumes (including those from the Steel North America segment) declined by 1.9% to 15.2 million tonnes in 2014. The decline in the revenue of the Steel segment was largely caused by lower prices of steel products, in line with the general negative trend in steel pricing.

Additionally the timing of adjustments to domestic steel prices in Russia and Ukraine lagged behind the timing of the devaluation of local currencies against the US dollar that occurred in 2014. The selling prices of steel products decreased by 7.3% year on year accompanied by a fall in revenues from sales of steel segment non-core products, including iron ore, vanadium, coke, chemicals and scrap.

The Steel segment revenues were also impacted of changes in the Group's product mix during 2013-2014. Specifically, this related to the suspension of operations of EVRAZ Palini e Bertoli, EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel disposal and the closure of EVRAZ Claymont Steel and EVRAZ ZSMK plate rolling mill, as well as decline in the production of railway products.

While sales volumes of flat-rolled and railway steel products reduced, part of the production of semi-finished goods was switched from internal consumption to external sales. Changes in the sales mix contributed to a 2.9% decrease in revenues.

Revenues of the Steel, North America segment increased by 4.1% to US$3,160 million, compared to US$3,036 million in 2013, driven by higher sales volumes, particularly of tubular and railway products. The Coal segment revenues dropped by 11.3%, primarily due to reduced selling prices, partially offset by increased volumes.

 Revenue by region 
  (US$ million) 
 Region                  2014     2013    Change   Relative change 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 Russia                 5,279    6,136     (857)           (14.0)% 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 Americas               3,529    3,242       287              8.9% 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 Asia                   1,954    2,062     (108)            (5.2)% 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 CIS (excl. Russia)       926    1,175     (249)           (21.2)% 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 Europe                   916    1,385     (469)           (33.9)% 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 Africa                   447      404        43             10.6% 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 Rest of the world         10        7         3             42.9% 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 Total                 13,061   14,411   (1,350)            (9.4)% 
--------------------  -------  -------  --------  ---------------- 
 (US$ million) 
 Segment                  2014    2013   Change   Relative change 
----------------------  ------  ------  -------  ---------------- 
 Steel                   1,912   1,656      256               15% 
----------------------  ------  ------  -------  ---------------- 
 Steel, North America      279     158      121               77% 
----------------------  ------  ------  -------  ---------------- 
 Coal                      373     226      147               65% 
----------------------  ------  ------  -------  ---------------- 
 Other operations           37      37        -                0% 
----------------------  ------  ------  -------  ---------------- 
 Unallocated             (225)   (226)        1              (0)% 
----------------------  ------  ------  -------  ---------------- 
 Eliminations             (51)    (30)     (21)               70% 
----------------------  ------  ------  -------  ---------------- 
 Total                   2,325   1,821      504               28% 
----------------------  ------  ------  -------  ---------------- 

Steel segment EBITDA in 2014 is higher than in 2013 as a result of asset optimisation and cost reduction activities, as well as the decrease in expenses in US dollar terms at Russian and Ukrainian subsidiaries due to the local currencies devaluation in 2014. Lower prices of coking coal and iron ore also impacted positively the segment results. The economy on the cost side was partially offset by decline in steel products sales prices due to both global weak market environment and lag in price adjustment in Russia and Ukraine after currency devaluation.

Steel North America segment EBITDA was positively impacted by growing sales of tubular and long steel products, accompanied by implemented cost reduction initiatives.

The year on year increase in Coal segment EBITDA was related to the increase in sales volumes of coking coal and coking coal concentrate and a decrease in costs associated with Russian rouble weakening, portfolio optimisation at Yuzhkuzbassugol and operational improvements.

Eliminations mostly reflect the unrealised profits or losses of Steel segment in transactions with the Steel North America segment.

The implementation of the efficiency improvement plan brought about US$420 million of savings, including, as planned, approximately a US$55 million reduction in G&A costs (before the Russian rouble and Ukranian hryvnia devaluation effect) which contributed to the overall G&A contraction.

General and administrative (G&A) expenses declined by 15.3% YoY due to the asset portfolio optimisation, a G&A expense reduction programme implemented in 2014 as well as to a positive effect of the local currency devaluation in Russia and Ukraine. As a result our G&A expenses reduced to 5.7% of our revenues compared to 6.1% a year before.

Our actions to reduce costs and improve operational performance have had a significant positive impact on overall performance during the year. To facilitate assessment of performance our cost saving targets and quantification are based on management accounts adjusted to eliminate macroeconomic impacts (such as exchange rate fluctuations and inflation) and once-off expenditure (such as employee severance payments and other discontinuation costs). On this basis there has been a cost improvement of US$420 million during the year.

The following table provides a description of the cost cutting initiatives:

 (US$ million) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
 Cost cutting initiatives at ongoing operations, including               245 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
       Reduction of headcount and related G&A costs                       80 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
       Optimisation of tunneling works, maintenance costs, 
        degassing and ventilation 
        costs in the Coal segment                                         45 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
       Improving yields and raw material costs at steel mills             92 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
       Other cost optimisation                                            28 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
 Optimisation of asset portfolio                                         100 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
       Mines shutdowns and disposals at Evrazruda and Yuzhkuzbassugol     56 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
       Suspension of EVRAZ Claymont, disposal of Central heat 
        and Power Plant and 
        shutdown of a plate rolling mill at EVRAZ ZSMK                    44 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
 Increase in production                                                   75 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
       Volume growth at EVRAZ North America's ongoing assets              48 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
       Recovery of production at the Raspadskaya mine                     27 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 
 Total                                                                   420 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ---- 

Cost of revenues, expenses and results

 (US$ million) 
 Item                                                          2014       2013   Change   Relative change 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Cost of revenue                                            (9,734)   (11,501)    1,767           (15.4)% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Gross profit                                                 3,327      2,910      417             14.3% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Selling and distribution costs                             (1,009)    (1,213)      204           (16.8)% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 General and administrative expenses                          (743)      (877)      134           (15.3)% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Impairment of assets                                         (540)      (563)       23            (4.1)% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Foreign exchange gains/(losses), net                       (1,005)      (258)    (747)            289.5% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Other operating income and expenses, net                     (131)      (160)       29           (18.1)% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Profit from operations                                       (101)      (161)       60           (37.3)% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Interest expense, net                                        (546)      (676)      130           (19.2)% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Gain/(loss) on financial assets and liabilities, net         (583)       (43)    (540)               n/a 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Gain on disposal group classified as held for sale, net        136        131        5              3.8% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Other non-operating gains/(losses), net                         10        112    (102)               n/a 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Profit before tax                                          (1,084)      (637)    (447)             70.2% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Income tax benefit/(expense)                                 (194)         86    (280)               n/a 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 
 Net profit                                                 (1,278)      (551)    (727)            131.9% 
---------------------------------------------------------  --------  ---------  -------  ---------------- 

The Group's cost of revenue decreased by 15.4% due to reduction in all costs.

A detailed breakdown of the cost of revenue is as follows:

                                              % of                % of 
 (US$ million)                     2014    revenue     2013    revenue    Change   Relative change 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
 Revenue                         13,061              14,411 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
 Cost of revenue                  9,734      74.5%   11,501      79.8%   (1,767)           (15.4%) 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Raw materials, incl.           3,086      23.6%    3,396      23.6%     (310)            (9.1)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
          Iron ore                  700       5.4%      730       5.1%      (30)            (4.1)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
          Coking coal               431       3.3%      563       3.9%     (132)           (23.4)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
          Scrap                   1,251       9.6%    1,331       9.2%      (80)            (6.0)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
          Other raw materials       704       5.4%      772       5.4%      (68)            (8.8)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Semi-finished products           187       1.4%      489       3.4%     (302)           (61.8)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Auxiliary materials              823       6.3%    1,025       7.1%     (202)           (19.7)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Services                         753       5.8%      813       5.6%      (60)            (7.4)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Goods for resale                 843       6.5%      828       5.7%        15              1.8% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Transportation                   660       5.1%      826       5.7%     (166)           (20.1)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Staff costs                    1,577      12.1%    1,951      13.5%     (374)           (19.2)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Depreciation                     714       5.5%      951       6.6%     (237)           (24.9)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Electricity                      568       4.3%      642       4.5%      (74)           (11.5)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Natural gas                      294       2.3%      398       2.8%     (104)           (26.1)% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 
   Other costs                      229       1.8%      182       1.3%        47             25.8% 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  -------  ---------  --------  ---------------- 

The cost of raw materials decreased by 9.1% in 2014 driven mostly by lower coking coal and scrap costs which fell by US$132 million and US$80 million respectively. The decrease was accompanied by lower coal and scrap consumption, mainly as a result of mothballing one of EVRAZ ZSMK's coking plants, the shutdown of EVRAZ Claymont and the EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel disposal. The implementation of operational improvements resulted in optimised yields at the Russian steel mills which was another factor which led to the decrease in raw material costs.

The costs of purchased semi-finished products fell by 61.8% primarily due to the lower consumption of slab purchased from third parties by EVRAZ North America's assets which were substituted by shipments from EVRAZ NTMK. The EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel disposal also helped to reduce the semi-finished cost profile overall.

The 19.7% reduction in costs of auxiliary materials resulted from the disposal and suspension of subsidiaries as well as from cost optimisation programmes, in particular in the Coal segment, and the weakening of the Russian rouble and Ukrainian hryvnia.

The decrease in transportation costs was related to the Russian rouble weakening, the disposal of EVRAZ VGOK and Evrazruda's asset optimisation.

Staff costs decreased by US$374 million, or by 19.2%, which reflects the effect of the asset and personnel optimisation programmes, and impact on costs in Russia and Ukraine of local currency devaluation.

Total depreciation, depletion and amortisation in the cost of goods sold amounted to US$714 million in 2014 compared to US$951 million in 2013. The depletion charge was significantly reduced in the Coal segment driven by a lower depreciation and depletion expense at Yuzhkuzbassugol following the revision and detailing of future mine plans. In addition, the remaining useful lives of plant and equipment were reassessed and extended at EVRAZ NTMK, EVRAZ ZSMK and EVRAZ DMZ. This was also accompanied by a decrease of the US dollar amount of depreciation at our Russian and Ukrainian sites due to weakening of the local currencies.

Electricity costs decreased by 11.5%, due to lower consumption volumes, predominantly because of asset optimisation and disposals, and as a result of continued operational improvements. Natural gas expenditure was down by 26.1% due to a number of factors, including the disposal of Central Heat and Power Plant in H2 2013 which consumed significant volumes of natural gas, operational improvements at EVRAZ DMZ, the introduction of PCI technology at EVRAZ ZSMK, the disposal of EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel and the suspension of operations at EVRAZ Palini e Bertoli. Electricity and natural gas prices were generally stable in US dollar terms, while in Russia and Ukraine higher nominal prices were offset by the impact of currency movements.

Other costs include taxes, change in work in progress ("WIP") and finished goods, and certain energy costs. The increase in other costs in 2014 is mostly driven by a decrease in stock of WIP and finished goods.

The key drivers of lower selling and distribution expenses were reduced sales volumes to third parties and the Russian rouble weakening. This was accompanied by the impact of the EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel disposal closure of EVRAZ Claymont and suspension of operations at and EVRAZ Palini e Bertoli.

Impairment losses during the reporting period include US$(261) million related to impairments of several cash generating units at EVRAZ North America, US$(112) million related to idled EVRAZ Palini e Bertoli assets, and a US$(58) million impairment for EVRAZ Highveld Steel and Vanadium resulting from the decrease in prices for steel and steel products and the changes in forecast production volumes and the increase in the discount rates, as well as US$(71) million relating to several Yuzhkuzbassugol mines which were idled (Kusheyakovskaya and Abashevskaya).

Foreign exchange losses of US$(1,005) million arose, in particular, due to the US dollar-denominated amounts payable by subsidiaries in Russia and Ukraine, where the national currencies, which are also functional currencies of these subsidiaries, depreciated by 42% and 49%, respectively. In addition, there are debts between subsidiaries with different functional currencies and, consequently, gains/(losses) of one subsidiary recognised in the Statement of Operations cannot be not offset with the exchange gains/(losses) of another subsidiary with a different functional currency. The net amount of foreign exchange losses relating to intra-group debt included in foreign exchange losses was US$(265) million.

Interest expenses incurred by the Group have fallen over recent years as a result of the decrease in the level of debt and the refinancing of debt at lower interest rates. The interest expense for bank loans, bonds and notes amounted to US$503 million in 2014, down from US$617 million in 2013. It was also impacted by a decrease in the interest expense of the rouble-denominated bonds due to the rouble weakening.

As described in detail in Notes 22 and 25 of the consolidated financial statements, during 2010-2012 the Group issued rouble-denominated bonds that at issuance were economically swapped into fixed rate US dollar borrowings. Losses on financial assets and liabilities amounted to US$(583) million and included, inter alia, $(94) million of realised losses and US$(494) million of unrealised losses on the change in the fair value of these currency and interest rate swaps. As the Group does not apply hedge accounting to these swaps and the related economically hedged rouble-denominated borrowings, the offsetting reduction in the US dollar value of the rouble-denominated bonds was credited directly to the exchange differences on translation of foreign operations into the presentation currency in Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss).

In the reporting period the Group had an income tax expense of US$(194) million in comparison with a US$86 million benefit for 2013. The change reflects better operating results of the Group as well as an increase in the amount of non-deductible expenses and unrecognised temporary differences, mostly caused by the forex exchange losses and losses on derivatives, which either cannot be utilised or cannot be deductible for tax purposes in the respective subsidiaries.

Cash flow

 (US$ million) 
 Item                                                                        2014      2013   Change   Relative change 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities before change in working capital      1,976     1,535      441             28.7% 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 
 Changes in working capital                                                  (19)       365    (384)               n/a 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                   1,957     1,900       57              3.0% 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 
 Short-term deposits at banks, including interest                               8       677    (669)           (98.8)% 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets           (612)     (902)      290           (32.2)% 
 Purchase of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired                             (102)        31    (133)               n/a 
 Proceeds from sale of disposal groups classified as held for sale, net 
  of transaction costs                                                        311         1      310               n/a 
 Other investing activities                                                     6      (71)       77               n/a 
 Net cash flows from / (used in) investing activities                       (389)     (264)    (125)             47.3% 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 
 Net cash flows from financing activities                                 (1,811)   (1,367)    (444)             32.5% 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents       (282)      (48)    (234)               n/a 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                       (525)       221    (746)               n/a 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------  ---------------- 

Cash flows from operating activities before changes in working capital increased by 28.7% in 2014 to US$1,976 million compared to US$1,535 million in 2013 reflecting better operational results.

Free cash flow before debt repayments and dividends for the period was a positive US$1,012 million.

Calculation of free cash flow

  (US$ million) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Item                                                                                            2014 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 EBITDA                                                                                         2,325 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 EBITDA excluding non-cash items                                                                2,333 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Changes in working capital, excluding income tax                                                (19) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Income tax accrued                                                                             (357) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Net Cash flows from operating activities                                                       1,957 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Interest and similar payments                                                                  (493) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Capital expenditure, including recorded in financing activities                                (654) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Purchases of subsidiaries (net of cash acquired) and interests in associates/joint ventures    (131) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Proceeds from sale of disposal groups classified as held for sale, 
  net of transaction costs                                                                        311 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Other cash flows from investing activities                                                        35 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Equity transactions                                                                             (13) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 
 Free cash flow                                                                                 1,012 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------ 

CAPEX and key projects

In 2014, we continued to reduce our total capital expenditure to US$654 million compared to US$902 million in 2013 as a result of a comprehensive review of the Company's investment programme, as well as the decrease in expenses in US dollar terms at Russian and Ukrainian subsidiaries due to the local currencies devaluation in 2014. The majority of 2014 capex was directed towards maintenance spending.

In 2014, we commenced sales of 100 metre rails from EVRAZ ZSMK and the EVRAZ Caspian Steel (formerly the Vostochny rolling mill) started commercial operations. The Yerunakovskaya VIII coal mine reached planned mining volumes, and our PCI project at EVRAZ ZSMK become fully operational at all blast furnaces. We completed stage one of Sheregesh ore mine output enhancement project, and we continued to develop Mezhegey coal deposit. Also we commenced the execution phase for the continuous casting machines reconstruction Project at EVRAZ ZSMK.

A summary of our capital expenditure (including recognized in financing activities) for 2014 in millions of USD is as follows:

 Mezhegey coal mine development (Phase I)                   41   Ramp-up to be completed by 2016. Capacity of 2.0 mtpa 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 Construction of Yerunakovskaya VIII coal mine              35   Ramp-up of long-wall 48-3. Production of ca. 3 
                                                                 million tonnes of raw coking coal. 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 PCI at EVRAZ ZSMK                                          24   PCI units launched at all EVRAZ ZSMK's blast 
                                                                 furnaces. Ramp-up to be completed in Q1 2015. 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 Reconstruction of Sheregesh ore mine                       19   Stage one completed and mining commenced at a new 
                                                                 +115-metre level. The mine's annual output 
                                                                 to reach 4.8 million tonnes of raw ore. 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 EVRAZ ZSMK rail mill modernisation                         17   Ramp-up largely completed, equipment adjustment 
                                                                 continues. In May 2014, shipments of first 
                                                                 100 metre rails commenced. 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 Reconstruction of continuous casting machines at EVRAZ     11   In progress since Q2 2014, to be completed in Q4 
 ZSMK                                                            2015. Capacity of 2.0 mtpa 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 EVRAZ Caspian Steel (Vostochny rolling mill,               10   The mill commenced production and shipments of 
 Kazakhstan)                                                     products in H1 2014. 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 Other development projects                                 54 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 Maintenance                                               443 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 
 Total                                                     654 
--------------------------------------------------------  ----  ------------------------------------------------------ 

Effect of Russian rouble devaluation on book value

Under IAS 21, the financial information of each subsidiary is prepared in its functional currency and then translated into the Group reporting currency - the US dollar - for consolidation and presentation purposes. Changes in the carrying values of each subsidiary's assets and liabilities when translated into US dollars are recognised as a translation difference directly in other comprehensive income/(loss). Thus any significant depreciation or appreciation of the subsidiaries' functional currencies has significant effect on the carrying values of subsidiaries' and the Group's equity.

At the beginning of 2014, EVRAZ had approximately US$7 billion net asset exposure in Russian rouble (RUB, the functional currency of Russian subsidiaries) and Ukrainian hryvnia (UAH, the functional currency of the Ukrainian subsidiaries). These net assets mostly represented historical cost of property, plant and equipment of the RUB and UAH functional currency subsidiaries less related RUB and UAH nominated liabilities.

Rouble-denominated bonds are not a part of these net assets, as at the issuance they were economically swapped into fixed rate US dollar borrowings.

In 2014, there was a 42% depreciation of the Russian rouble and 49% depreciation of the Ukrainian hryvnia against the US dollar. This depreciation led to an approximately US$3 billion decline in the US dollar equivalent of the carrying values of net assets (primarily property, plant and equipment) of these subsidiaries and a corresponding decline in the Group's consolidated equity.

Based on the Group's existing capital structure, including the character and amount of intercompany loans between subsidiaries with different functional currencies, this decline was divided between

- the translation loss in Other Comprehensive Income/(Loss) of approximately US$2 billion, and

- the foreign exchange gains/(losses), net in the Statement of Operations of approximately US $1 billion, including US$0.3 billion of net loss on intercompany loans between subsidiaries with different functional currencies.

Management believes that the market value of the respective property, plant and equipment measured in US dollars declined on average to a significantly lower extent. This was also the case for their US dollar-measured cash-generating capacity, as determined by IAS 36 discounted cash flows value-in-use methodology (VIU). Most of the changes in the value in use during 2014 were caused by the shift in the product mix as a result of the decreasing demand in Russia caused related economic instability in the domestic markets of the related cash generating units, increase in the weighted average cost of capital as well as by the change in the long term forecasts for global iron ore and coal prices.

Even though IAS 16 allows the use of a fair value option for accounting for property, plant and equipment, the fair value accounting is rarely used in metals and mining industries and it is complicated for a capital extensive business. Moreover, the use of fair value model for accounting for property, plant and equipment would decrease the comparability of EVRAZ financial statements.

The schedule below provides the value in use of property, plant and equipment of the major Russian and Ukrainian subsidiaries, and their carrying values:

     Company        Country    Carrying       Value in       Carrying       Value in       Hypothetical 
                                 value*        use** of        value*        use** of          net of 
                                of PP&E        PP&E as        of PP&E        PP&E as        tax increase 
                                as of 31    of 31 December    as of 31    of 31 December    in carrying 
                                December         2013         December         2014           value of 
                                  2013                          2014                           equity 
                                                                                              as of 31 
                                                                                              2014 if 
                                                                                              VIU were 
                                                                                              used to 
                                                                                             value PP&E 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 NTMK               Russia         1,145             3,802         632             3,023           1,913 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 ZSMK               Russia         1,433             1,441         824             3,127           1,842 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 Raspadskaya        Russia         2,350             3,178       1,316             1,588             218 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 Yuzhkuzbassugol    Russia         1,318             1,342         704               965             209 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 KGOK               Russia           337             1,678         175               348             138 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 DMZ                Ukraine          241               251         115               157              34 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 Sukha Balka        Ukraine          306               334         145               179              28 
-----------------  ---------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 Total                             7,130            12,026       3,911             9,387           4,382 
----------------------------  ----------  ----------------  ----------  ----------------  -------------- 
 * as reported in the Group's consolidated financial statements 
  under IFRS 
 ** calculated in accordance with IAS 36 for the impairment test 
  at 31 December 2014. More details are provided in Note 6 "Impairment 
  of Assets" and Note 2 "Significant Accounting Policies" in the 
  Group's consolidated financial statements under IFRS 

Financing and liquidity

In 2014, in line with our financial strategic priorities we focused on effective liquidity management, positive free cash flow generation and debt reduction. 2014 started with total debt of US$8,166 million and during the year a number of refinancing actions and debt repayments have been completed. In January 2014, US$70 million was borrowed under a US Ex-Im guaranteed facility to refinance part of the EVRAZ ZSMK rail mill capex. On 12 August 2014, a US$425 million 5-year syndicated pre-export financing facility was signed, which was subsequently increased to $500 million. The proceeds were mainly used to refinance RUB 20 billion local bonds which matured in October 2014. In November 2014, the North American operations issued $350 million of senior secured notes with maturity in May 2019 as a debut transaction in a US High-yield market and in December 2014 extended the existing asset-based loan facility, originally maturing in 2016, until May 2019.

On 8 December 2014 EVRAZ launched a public tender offer for 8.25% guaranteed notes issued by Evraz Group S.A. maturing in November 2015. As a result of the tender and a series of bilateral purchases we redeemed and cancelled in aggregate $438 million or 76% of the outstanding notes. Further $10 million were repurchased in January and February of 2015, thus leaving US$129 million of the notes outstanding after the described transactions.

As a result of these actions, as well as a number of scheduled drawings and repayments of bank indebtedness, our total debt decreased by US$1,259 million to US$6,907 million as at 31 December 2014, while our net debt decreased by US$720 million to US$5,814 million at 31 December 2014 compared to US$6,534 million as at 31 December 2013. Interest expense accrued in respect of loans, bonds and notes was US$503 million for 2014, compared to US$617 million for 2013. Our net debt to EBITDA stood at 2.5 times compared to 3.6 times as at 31 December 2013.

As at 31 December 2014, debt with maintenance financial covenants comprised the $500 million syndicated facility and a number of bilateral facilities totaling approximately US$341 million. The covenants under the syndicated facility include only two key ratios calculated on the basis of EVRAZ plc's consolidated financials: a maximum net leverage and a minimum EBITDA interest cover. The ratios are tested two times a year on a 12-month basis with the levels of 4.5x and 2.0x respectively. Some of the older bilateral facilities have similar covenant ratios tested on the basis of Evraz Group S.A.'s consolidated figures.

As at 31 December 2014, we were in full compliance with our financial covenants in respect of the level of total debt and of net leverage (net debt to EBITDA not to exceed 4.5 times).

With the improved cash flow and net debt reduction in 2014, the risk of breaching financial covenants in the foreseeable future has reduced. Eurobond covenants currently do not limit the Group's ability to refinance EVRAZ's consolidated indebtedness.

Our cash on 31 December 2014 amounted to US$1,086 million and our short-term loans and current portion of long-term loans mainly represented by maturing capital markets instruments adjusted for hedging exposure under cross-currency swaps related to rouble-denominated bonds stood at US$1,040 million.

Analysis of Segment operations

For management purposes, in 2013 and previous periods the Group was organised into business units based on their products and services, and had four reportable operating segments:

-- Steel production segment included production of steel and related products at eleven steel mills.

   --      Mining segment included iron ore and coal mining and enrichment. 

-- Vanadium products segment included extraction of vanadium ore and production of vanadium products. Vanadium slag arising in the steel-making process was also allocated to the vanadium segment.

-- Other operations included energy-generating companies, seaports, shipping and railway transportation companies.

In 2014, the management reporting used by the chief operating decision maker for making decisions about resource allocation has changed to put more emphasis on analysis of the operating results of the coal segment and operations in North America. As such, new reportable segments were identified and the comparative segment information has been restated accordingly. The new reportable operating segments are:

-- Steel segment includes production of steel and related products at all mills except for those located in North America. Extraction of vanadium ore and production of vanadium products, iron ore mining and enrichment and certain energy-generating companies are also included in this segment as they are closely related to the main process of steel production.

-- Steel, North America is a segment, which includes production of steel and related products in the USA and Canada.

-- Coal segment includes coal mining and enrichment. It also includes operations of Nakhodka Trade Sea Port as it is used to a significant extent for shipping of products of the coal segment to the Asian markets.

-- Other operations include energy-generating companies, shipping and railway transportation companies.

 US$ millions     Steel            Steel, NA       Coal            Other 
---------------  ---------------  --------------  --------------  ------------ 
                  2014    2013     2014    2013    2014    2013    2014   2013 
---------------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  ----- 
 Revenue          9,519   10,792   3,160   3,036   1,318   1,486   648    730 
---------------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  ----- 
 EBITDA           1,912   1,656    279     158     373     226     37     37 
---------------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  ----- 
 EBITDA margin    20.1%   15.3%    8.8%    5.2%    28.3%   15.2%   5.7%   5.1% 
---------------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  ----- 
 CAPEX            317     476      84      89      232     343     21     3 
---------------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  ----- 


On 2 July 2014, EVRAZ paid dividends in the amount of US$90.4 million which represented the approximate cash portion of the proceeds from the sale of EVRAZ Vitkovice Steel.

The dividend policy has been revised to support the financial strategy of deleveraging and envisages that regular dividends will be paid only when the net leverage (net debt to EBITDA) target of below 3.0x is achieved.

Key recent developments

Tender offer

On 31 March 2015, the Board resolved to announce a return of capital to be effected by a tender offer to shareholders at $3.10 per share in the amount of up to $375 million.

In the future, the Company may consider returning cash to its shareholders should the net debt to EBITDA ratio continue to be below 3x with net debt reduction on track.

Oulook and guidance

Steel segment

We expect global steel demand to continue to grow. However steel pricing will remain volatile and largely driven by existing underutilization of production capacity in selected markets, and specifically competition from Chinese steel producers in the international steel markets as China's economic growth slowdown persists. Downward price pressure caused by increased Chinese steel exports and growing competition between major steel exporters will offset some of the efficiency and cost reduction gains achieved by EVRAZ in 2014.

The Company expects to run its steel-making capacities in Russia and Ukraine at full fully utilisation. While the Russian steel market remains the priority, EVRAZ will closely monitor the recent changes in the market and Russia's weakening demand caused by the devaluation of the Russian rouble. The Company expects to sell a significantly larger part of its steel in export markets.

The Russian construction steel market is expected to be highly competitive as newly commissioned mini-mills reach their designed capacity. Intensified competition will reduce producers margins and put additional pressure on steel imports into the country.

Steel, North America

Overall steel demand will be driven by the continuous economic recovery in the United States and increasing demand from selected economic sectors (construction, automotive, energy).

We expect to run our steel-making capacities at full utilisation. We remain very positive about our rail and large-diameter businesses in North America.

OCTG demand will face severe headwinds in 2015 resulting from lower oil prices and high inventory levels at the distributors' level. Hence we expect utilization of our OCTG mills in the US and Canada to be significantly lower than in 2014.

Coal segment

In 2015, EVRAZ is planning to expand sales in Russia, whilst maintaining the volumes shipped to premium export markets. In 2015, coke production in Russia is expected to decrease by 2-3%, which will result in a higher competition in the Russian coal market; quality grade coal will be in great demand and the oversupply of soft coal grades is expected to be maintained.

We remain on track to full recovery of coal volumes at Raspadskaya which together with positive effects of the Russian rouble devaluation will further reduce coking coal costs. The Russian coal market will retain its key importance for our business, however as we expect the Russian coal consumption to be stable in volume terms, most of the additional coal production will be shipped to export markets.



Key risks

Like all businesses, EVRAZ is affected by, and must manage, risks and uncertainties that can impact its ability to deliver its strategy. While the risks can be numerous, the principal risks faced by the Group in 2014 and valid as of the date of this report's publication as identified by the Board are described below along with the corresponding mitigating actions and changes in the risk level during the year.

 Risk                 Risk description                    Risk level 2014 vs. 2013 and 
                                                           mitigating actions 
-------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Global economic      EVRAZ operations are 
  factors,             dependent on the global              EVRAZ has a focused investment 
  industry             macroeconomic environment            policy aimed at reducing and 
  conditions           and economic and industry            managing the cost base with 
  and cost             conditions, e.g. global              the objective of being among 
  effectiveness        supply / demand balance              the sector's lowest cost producers. 
                       for steel and particularly           In respect of its mining operations 
                       for iron ore and coking              the Company has a focus on 
                       coal which has the potential         divestiture or downscaling 
                       to affect both product               of high cost and lower coal 
                       prices and volumes across            quality mining assets and 
                       all markets. As EVRAZ                development of efficient low 
                       operations have a high               cost mining operations. 
                       level of fixed costs,                For both mining and steelmaking 
                       global economic and industry         operations the Company executes 
                       conditions can impact                cost reduction projects to 
                       the Company's operational            reinforce competitiveness 
                       performance.                         of assets. Particularly, conversion 
                       In addition, any reduction           and logistics cost optimisation 
                       in availability of long-term         programmes were initiated 
                       funding puts constraints             during the year. 
                       on the Company's ability 
                       to grow its business. 
                       Poor availability of 
                       long-term funding requires 
                       the Company to prioritise 
                       debt repayments rather 
                       than focus on long-term 
                       capital investment projects 
                       (see Treasury below). 
-------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Health, safety       Safety and environmental            HSE issues have direct oversight 
  and environmental    risks are inherent to               at Board level and HSE procedures 
  (HSE) issues         the Company's principal             and material issues are given 
                       business activities of              top priority at all internal 
                       steelmaking and mining.             management meetings. Management 
                       Further, EVRAZ operations           KPIs place significant emphasis 
                       are subject to a wide               on safety performance. EVRAZ 
                       range of HSE laws, regulations      has instigated a programme 
                       and standards, the breach           to improve the management 
                       of any of which may result          of safety risks across all 
                       in fines, penalties,                business units with the objective 
                       suspension of production,           of embedding a new safety, 
                       or other sanctions. Such            harm-free culture at all management 
                       actions could have a                and operational levels. 
                       material adverse effect             The Company continues to focus 
                       on the Company's business,          on standardisation of critical 
                       financial condition and/or          safety programmes with a main 
                       business prospects.                 focus in 2014 on implementing 
                       The key environmental               an energy isolation programme, 
                       issues are primarily                or LOTO (Lockout Tryout). 
                       concerned with air emissions,       Further, EVRAZ has introduced 
                       used water quality and              a programmes of Behaviour 
                       tailings management.                Safety Conversations to drive 
                                                           a more proactive approach 
                                                           to preventing injuries and 
                                                           incidents. Safety training 
                                                           has been reviewed and strengthened 
                                                           and an operational safety 
                                                           assessment is undertaken for 
                                                           all new projects. 
-------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Potential            EVRAZ operates in a number          Although these risks are mostly 
  actions by           of countries and there              not within the Company's control, 
  governments          is a risk that governments          EVRAZ and its executive teams 
                       or government agencies              are members of various national 
                       could adopt new laws                industry bodies and, as a 
                       and regulations, or otherwise       result, contribute to the 
                       impact the Company's                thinking of such bodies and, 
                       operations. New laws,               when appropriate, participate 
                       regulations or other                in relevant discussions with 
                       requirements could have             political and regulatory authorities. 
                       the effect of limiting              The Company has diligently 
                       the Company's ability               taken international legal 
                       to obtain financing in              advice in order to assess 
                       international markets,              the compliance requirements 
                       or sell its products.               and risks of consequences 
                       To date the Company has             from sanctions against Russian 
                       not been significantly              businesses and develop procedures 
                       impacted by recent geopolitical     to ensure that sanction requirements 
                       developments relating               are complied with across the 
                       to Ukraine. There is                Company's operations. 
                       a risk, however, that 
                       if these events were 
                       to escalate, there could 
                       be an impact on EVRAZ's 
                       operations in the country 
                       (EVRAZ generates approximately 
                       6% of consolidated revenue 
                       from its Ukrainian business), 
                       including on revenues 
                       from the sale of coking 
                       coal to third party Ukrainian 
                       EVRAZ may also be adversely 
                       affected by government 
                       sanctions against Russian 
                       business or otherwise 
                       reducing its ability 
                       to conduct business with 
                       potential or existing 
                       counterparties. Despite 
                       potential negative impact 
                       from sanctions EVRAZ 
                       does not presently expect 
                       them to have long term 
                       effects on the Company's 
-------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Treasury             EVRAZ, as with many other           EVRAZ employs skilled specialists 
                       large and multi-national            to manage and mitigate such 
                       corporates, faces various           risks and the management of 
                       treasury risks including            such risks is embedded in 
                       liquidity, credit access,           internal controls. Oversight 
                       currency and interest               of the key risks is reported 
                       rate fluctuation, and               within the monthly Board reports 
                       tax compliance risks.               and compliance with the internal 
                       EVRAZ may be impacted               controls is reviewed by the 
                       by a possible introduction          independent internal audit 
                       of limitations on repatriation      function, which reports to 
                       of foreign currency proceeds        the Audit Committee. In addition, 
                       from exports, as well               the Company is developing 
                       as additional regulations           a robust sanctions risk management 
                       or limitations on cross-border      system. 
                       capital flows. In addition,         EVRAZ continues to undertake 
                       and as mentioned above,             actions in order to extend 
                       potential actions by                its debt maturity profile 
                       governments, including              and lower short-term external 
                       economic sanctions impacting        funding needs, as well as 
                       Russian entities may                to proactively manage the 
                       increase the Company's              remaining portion of debt 
                       capital market risk in              subject to maintenance covenants. 
                       respect of new funding              Liquidity risk is managed 
                       issues.                             through revisiting capital 
                                                           expenditure plans, cost optimisation 
                                                           programmes and continued asset 
                                                           portfolio rationalisation, 
                                                           and by pro-active liability 
                                                           management and revision of 
                                                           the Company's dividend policy. 
                                                           The EVRAZ treasury management 
                                                           team and the directors regularly 
                                                           review all funding requirements 
                                                           and exposures. 
-------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Functional           Group borrowing capacity            EVRAZ works to reduce the 
  currency             may be impacted in times            amount of intercompany loans 
  devaluation          of severe devaluation               payable from subsidiaries 
                       of the subsidiaries'                with Russian rouble and Ukrainian 
                       functional currencies               hryvnia functional currencies, 
                       relative to the US dollar:          to limit the possible devaluation 
                       while Group EBITDA and              effect on Group consolidated 
                       cash generating capacity            net income. 
                       can increase (at least              EVRAZ is also closely monitoring 
                       in the medium term) -               and controlling cost inflation 
                       because a large proportion          resulting from severe devaluations. 
                       of sales are priced in 
                       dollars - its profit 
                       and equity can decrease 
-------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Business             Prolonged outages or                The Company has defined and 
  interruption         production delays, especially       established disaster recovery 
                       in coal mining, could               procedures which are subject 
                       have a material adverse             to regular review. Business 
                       effect on the Company's             interruptions in mining mainly 
                       operating performance,              relate to production safety. 
                       production, financial               Measures to mitigate these 
                       condition and future                risks include methane monitoring 
                       prospects. In addition,             and degassing systems, timely 
                       long term business interruption     mining equipment maintenance, 
                       may result in loss of               employee safety training and 
                       customers and competitive           development of geodynamic 
                       advantage, and damage               monitoring systems. Detailed 
                       to the Company's reputation.        analysis of causes of incidents 
                                                           is performed in order to develop 
                                                           and implement preventative 
                                                           actions. Records of minor 
                                                           interruptions are reviewed 
                                                           to identify any more significant 
                                                           underlying issues. 
-------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 
 Human Resources      The principal HR risk               Succession planning is a key 
  (HR)                 is the availability of              feature of EVRAZ's human resources 
                       management and employees            management. EVRAZ has invested 
                       with the necessary attributes       substantial resource in training, 
                       and skills. This is particularly    internal mentoring, and development 
                       the case for certain                of its pool of successors. 
                       regions and business                EVRAZ seeks to meet its leadership 
                       units, e.g. engineers,              and skill needs through retention 
                       mining experts and project          of its employees, internal 
                       managers. Associated                promotion, structured professional 
                       risks involve selection,            internal mentoring and external 
                       recruitment, training               development programmes. This 
                       and retention of employees          includes internal training, 
                       and qualified executives.           schools of engineers, technical 
                                                           forums, and expertise certification 
                                                           programmes. Additionally, 
                                                           training programmes at the 
                                                           Moscow Skolkovo business school 
                                                           are used for the key strategic 
                                                           management pool. 
-------------------  ----------------------------------  --------------------------------------- 

Related Party Disclosures

Related parties of the Group include associates and joint venture partners, key management personnel and other entities that are under the control or significant influence of the key management personnel, the Group's ultimate parent or its shareholders. In considering each possible related party relationship, attention is directed to the substance of the relationship, not merely the legal form.

Amounts owed by/to related parties at 31 December were as follows:

                                                                           Amounts due from        Amounts due to 
                                                                            related parties        related parties 
                                                                        ---------------------  ---------------------- 
 US$ million                                                             2014    2013    2012   2014    2013    2012 
                                                                        ------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------ 
 Kazankovskaya                                                             $ -     $ -   $ 23     $ -     $ -     $ - 
 Raspadsky Ugol                                                              -       -      2       -       -      42 
 Vtorresource-Pererabotka                                                   11       4      3       5      13      45 
                                                            Yuzhny GOK      37       5      4      96     336     163 
 Liability to management of Raspadskaya for the acquisition of Corber        -       -      -       -     102       - 
                                                        Other entities       7       7     14       7       7       7 
                                                                            55      16     46     108     458     257 
 Less: allowance for doubtful accounts                                     (2)     (3)   (34)       -       -       - 
                                                                        ------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------ 
                                                                          $ 53    $ 13   $ 12   $ 108   $ 458   $ 257 
----------------------------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------ 

In 2014, 2013 and 2012, the Group recognised an expense for bad and doubtful debts of related parties in the amount of $Nil, $Nil and $4 million, respectively.

Transactions with related parties were as follows for the years ended 31 December:

                                      Sales to            Purchases from 
                                   related parties        related parties 
 US$ million                    2014    2013    2012   2014    2013    2012 
                               ------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------ 
 Genalta Recycling Inc.           $ -     $ -    $ -    $ 24    $ 22    $ 14 
 Interlock Security Services        1       1      1      39      51      48 
 Kazankovskaya                      -       -      1       -       -       1 
 Raspadsky Ugol                     -       -      8       -       5     127 
 Vtorresource-Pererabotka          17      16     14     465     462     485 
 Yuzhny GOK                        42      62     66     125     150     124 
 Other entities                     3       7      9      24      38      31 
                               ------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------ 
                                 $ 63    $ 86   $ 99   $ 677   $ 728   $ 830 
-----------------------------  ------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------ 

Genalta Recycling Inc. is a joint venture of a Canadian subsidiary of the Group. It sells scrap metal to the Group.

Interlock Security Services is a group of entities controlled by a member of the key management personnel, which provide security services to the Russian and Ukrainian subsidiaries of the Group.

Kazankovskaya was an associate of the Group. The Group purchased coal from the entity and sold mining equipment and inventory to Kazankovskaya. In 2012, the Group issued short-term loans to Kazankovskaya bearing an interest rate ranging from 8.1% to 8.5% per annum. At the reporting dates, the Group assessed the recoverability of these loans and recognised a loss, which was included in the other non-operating expenses caption of the consolidated statement of operations (2012: $5 million). In 2013, the Group acquired a controlling interest in Kazankovskaya and subsequently sold the subsidiary to a third party, consequently, this entity ceased to be a related party to the Group.

Lanebrook Limited is a controlling shareholder of the Company. In 2008, the Group acquired from Lanebrook a 1% ownership interest in Yuzhny GOK for a cash consideration of $38 million. As part of the transaction, the Group signed a put option agreement that gives the Group the right to sell these shares back to Lanebrook Limited for the same amount. In January 2014, the Group sold 0.14% of the shares to Lanebrook Limited for $6 million. The put option for the remaining shares expires on 31 December 2015.

In addition, in 2012 the Group sold one of its subsidiaries to Lanebrook.

OOO Raspadsky Ugol ("Raspadsky Ugol"), a subsidiary of Raspadskaya, sold coal to the Group and the Group sold steel products and rendered services to Raspadsky Ugol. In 2013, Raspadsky Ugol ceased to be a related party as the Group obtained control over the entity.

Vtorresource-Pererabotka is a subsidiary of Streamcore, the Group's joint venture, acquired in 2012. It sells scrap metal to the Group and provides scrap processing and other services. In 2014, 2013 and 2012, the purchases of scrap metal from Vtorresource-Pererabotka amounted to $383 million (1,601,041 tonnes), $370 million (1,420,990 tonnes) and $399 million (1,366,423 tonnes), respectively.

Yuzhny GOK, an ore mining and processing plant, is an associate of Lanebrook Limited. The Group sold steel products to Yuzhny GOK and purchased sinter from the entity. In 2014, the volume of purchases was 1,486,415 tonnes. In 2014, the Ukrainian hryvnia has depreciated against the US dollar by 97%. As a result, the Group recognised a $88 million foreign exchange loss on the balances and transactions with Yuzhny GOK.

On 1 April 2014, the Group received a non-interest bearing loan of 2,935 million Ukrainian hryvnias ($267 million at the exchange rate as of the date of disbursement) from Standart IP, an entity under control of one of the major shareholders. The proceeds were used for the purposes of short-term liquidity management for a Ukrainian subsidiary. The loan was fully repaid in several instalments by 10 April 2014.

The transactions with related parties were based on prevailing market terms.

Compensation to Key Management Personnel

Key management personnel include the following positions within the Group:

   --      directors of the Company, 
   --      vice presidents, 
   --      top managers of major subsidiaries. 

In 2014, 2013 and 2012, key management personnel totalled 51, 57 and 55 people, respectively. Total compensation to key management personnel were included in general and administrative expenses in the consolidated statement of operations and consisted of the following:

 US$ million                        2014     2013     2012 
                                  -------  -------  ------- 
 Salary                              $ 20     $ 24     $ 21 
 Performance bonuses                   29       13       14 
 Social security taxes                  4        3        3 
 Share-based payments (Note 21)        14       11       10 
 Termination benefits                   1        -        - 
 Other benefits                         1        1        1 
                                  -------  -------  ------- 
                                     $ 69     $ 52     $ 49 
--------------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 

Other disclosures on directors' remuneration required by the Companies Act 2006 and those specified for audit by the Directors' Remuneration Report Regulations 2002 are included in the Directors' Remuneration Report.


Each of the directors whose names and functions are listed on pages 70-71 of the Annual report confirm that to the best of their knowledge:

- the consolidated financial statements of EVRAZ plc, prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole (the 'Group');

- the Annual Report and Accounts, including the Strategic Report include a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company and the Group, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face.

By order of the Board


Alexander Frolov

Chief Executive Officer


31 March 2015


Consolidated Statement of Operations

(in millions of US dollars, except for per share information)

                                                                                          Year ended 31 December 
                                                                                       2014        2013        2012 
                                                                                                 restated*   restated* 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations 
    Sale of goods                                                                     $ 12,745    $ 14,071    $ 14,367 
    Rendering of services                                                                  316         340         359 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                                        13,061      14,411      14,726 
 Cost of revenue                                                                       (9,734)    (11,501)    (11,803) 
 Gross profit                                                                            3,327       2,910       2,923 
 Selling and distribution costs                                                        (1,009)     (1,213)     (1,211) 
 General and administrative expenses                                                     (743)       (877)       (839) 
 Social and social infrastructure maintenance expenses                                    (30)        (50)        (51) 
 Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                        (48)        (47)        (56) 
 Impairment of assets                                                                    (540)       (563)       (413) 
 Foreign exchange gains/(losses), net                                                  (1,005)       (258)        (41) 
 Other operating income                                                                     35          53          75 
 Other operating expenses                                                                 (88)       (116)       (129) 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Profit/(loss) from operations                                                           (101)       (161)         258 
 Interest income                                                                            17          23          23 
 Interest expense                                                                        (563)       (699)       (654) 
 Share of profits/(losses) of joint ventures and associates                                 10           8           1 
 Gain/(loss) on derecognition of equity investments, net                                     -          89           - 
 Gain/(loss) on financial assets and liabilities, net                                    (583)        (43)         164 
 Gain/(loss) on disposal groups classified as held for sale, net                           136         131          23 
 Other non-operating gains/(losses), net                                                     -          15         (6) 
 Loss before tax                                                                       (1,084)       (637)       (191) 
 Income tax benefit/(expense)                                                            (194)          86       (229) 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net loss                                                                            $ (1,278)     $ (551)     $ (420) 
                                                                                    ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Attributable to: 
   Equity holders of the parent entity                                               $ (1,175)     $ (504)     $ (393) 
   Non-controlling interests                                                             (103)        (47)        (27) 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                                     $ (1,278)     $ (551)     $ (420) 
                                                                                    ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Earnings/(losses) per share: 
   basic, for profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders of the parent entity, 
    US dollars                                                                        $ (0.78)    $ (0.34)   $ (0.29) 
   diluted, for profit/(loss) attributable to equity holders of the parent entity, 
    US dollars                                                                       $ (0.78)    $ (0.34)    $ (0.29) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

*The amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2013 and 2012 financial statements and reflect adjustments made in connection with the cessation of classification of subsidiaries as held for sale.


Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

(in millions of US dollars)

                                                                                          Year ended 31 December 
                                                                                       2014        2013        2012 
                                                                                                 restated*   restated* 
 Net loss                                                                            $ (1,278)     $ (551)     $ (420) 
 Other comprehensive income/(loss) 
  Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent 
  Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations into presentation 
   currency                                                                            (1,918)       (375)         281 
  Exchange differences recycled to profit or loss                                         (66)          90          96 
  Net gains/(losses) on available-for-sale financial assets                               (12)           7           4 
                                                                                       (1,996)       (278)         381 
  Effect of translation to presentation currency of the Group's joint ventures and 
   associates                                                                             (79)        (11)          44 
  Net gains/(losses) on available-for-sale financial assets of the Group's joint 
   ventures and 
   associates                                                                                -           -           1 
                                                                                          (79)        (11)          45 
  Items not to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods 
  Gains/(losses) on re-measurement of net defined benefit liability                       (33)         119        (74) 
  Income tax effect                                                                         15        (30)          14 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                                          (18)          89        (60) 
  Gains/(losses) on re-measurement of net defined benefit liability recognised by 
   the Group's 
   joint ventures and associates                                                             -           -         (2) 
  Decrease in revaluation surplus in connection with the impairment of property, 
  plant and equipment                                                                        -         (9)           - 
       Income tax effect                                                                     -           2           - 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                                             -         (7)           - 
 Total other comprehensive income/(loss)                                               (2,093)       (207)         364 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income/(loss), net of tax                                       $ (3,371)     $ (758)      $ (56) 
                                                                                    ==========  ==========  ========== 
 Attributable to: 
   Equity holders of the parent entity                                               $ (3,164)     $ (677)      $ (28) 
   Non-controlling interests                                                             (207)        (81)        (28) 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                                     $ (3,371)     $ (758)      $ (56) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 

* The amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2013 and 2012 financial statements and reflect adjustments made in connection with the cessation of classification of subsidiaries as held for sale.


Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

(in millions of US dollars)

                                                                                           31 December 
                                                                                2014           2013           2012 
                                                                                            restated*      restated* 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                                                   $ 5,796        $ 9,490        $ 8,064 
 Intangible assets other than goodwill                                               441            588            735 
 Goodwill                                                                          1,541          1,988          2,203 
 Investments in joint ventures and associates                                        121            191            551 
 Deferred income tax assets                                                           97             86             70 
 Other non-current financial assets                                                   98            144             92 
 Other non-current assets                                                             40             62             64 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                                   8,134         12,549         11,779 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                                                       1,372          1,744          2,080 
 Trade and other receivables                                                         654            915            944 
 Prepayments                                                                          82            124            143 
 Loans receivable                                                                     24             21             19 
 Receivables from related parties                                                     53             13             12 
 Income tax receivable                                                                23             59             59 
 Other taxes recoverable                                                             158            283            330 
 Other current financial assets                                                       40             71            712 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                         1,086          1,604          1,382 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                                   3,492          4,834          5,681 
 Assets of disposal groups classified as held for sale                                 4            302            277 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                                   3,496          5,136          5,958 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total assets                                                                   $ 11,630       $ 17,685       $ 17,737 
                                                                           =============  =============  ============= 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent entity 
  Issued capital                                                                 $ 1,507        $ 1,473        $ 1,340 
  Treasury shares                                                                      -            (1)            (1) 
  Additional paid-in capital                                                       2,481          2,326          1,820 
  Revaluation surplus                                                                155            162            173 
  Other reserves                                                                       -            156              - 
  Unrealised gains and losses                                                          -             12              5 
  Accumulated profits                                                              1,299          2,589          3,009 
  Translation difference                                                         (3,644)        (1,685)        (1,424) 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                                   1,798          5,032          4,922 
 Non-controlling interests                                                           218            431            200 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                                   2,016          5,463          5,122 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Long-term loans                                                                   5,470          6,041          6,375 
 Deferred income tax liabilities                                                     471            841            928 
 Employee benefits                                                                   364            492            593 
 Provisions                                                                          173            254            332 
 Other long-term liabilities                                                         442            230            181 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                                   6,920          7,858          8,409 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                                                          1,379          1,488          1,531 
 Advances from customers                                                             155            180            157 
 Short-term loans and current portion of long-term loans                             761          1,816          1,795 
 Payables to related parties                                                         108            458            257 
 Income tax payable                                                                   86             57             48 
 Other taxes payable                                                                 151            203            195 
 Provisions                                                                           41             45             40 
 Dividends payable by the Group's subsidiaries to non-controlling 
  shareholders                                                                         -              5              8 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                                   2,681          4,252          4,031 
 Liabilities directly associated with disposal groups classified as held 
  for sale                                                                            13            112            175 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                                   2,694          4,364          4,206 
                                                                           -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                                                   $ 11,630       $ 17,685       $ 17,737 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 


Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

(in millions of US dollars)

                                                                                          Year ended 31 December 
                                                                                       2014        2013        2012 
                                                                                                 restated*   restated* 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Net profit/(loss)                                                                   $ (1,278)    $ (551)     $ (420) 
  Adjustments to reconcile net profit/(loss) to net cash flows from operating 
      Deferred income tax (benefit)/expense (Note 8)                                     (163)       (335)        (38) 
      Depreciation, depletion and amortisation (Note 7)                                    833       1,114       1,259 
      Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                                     48          47          56 
      Impairment of assets                                                                 540         563         413 
      Foreign exchange (gains)/losses, net                                               1,005         258          41 
      Interest income                                                                     (17)        (23)        (23) 
      Interest expense                                                                     563         699         654 
      Share of (profits)/losses of associates and joint ventures                          (10)         (8)         (1) 
      (Gain)/loss on derecognition of equity investments, net                                -        (89)           - 
      (Gain)/loss on financial assets and liabilities, net                                 583          43       (164) 
      (Gain)/loss on disposal groups classified as held for sale, net                    (136)       (131)        (23) 
      Other non-operating (gains)/losses, net                                                -        (15)           6 
      Bad debt expense                                                                      41           8          12 
      Changes in provisions, employee benefits and other long-term assets and 
       liabilities                                                                        (62)        (68)        (55) 
      Expense arising from equity-settled awards (Note 21)                                  30          25          22 
      Other                                                                                (1)         (2)         (6) 
                                                                                    ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                                                                         1,976       1,535       1,733 
 Changes in working capital: 
      Inventories                                                                         (87)         229         121 
      Trade and other receivables                                                          (1)          65        (78) 
      Prepayments                                                                          (2)          15          37 
      Receivables from/payables to related parties                                       (246)         131         141 
      Taxes recoverable                                                                     33          48         120 
      Other assets                                                                          11        (17)          18 
      Trade and other payables                                                             150       (135)          96 
      Advances from customers                                                               27          30         (1) 
      Taxes payable                                                                        100           4        (43) 
      Other liabilities                                                                    (4)         (5)         (1) 
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                                1,957       1,900       2,143 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Issuance of loans receivable to related parties                                                 (4)    (2)      (5) 
 Proceeds from repayment of loans issued to related parties, including interest                    -      -        1 
 Issuance of loans receivable                                                                      -    (2)        - 
 Proceeds from repayment of loans receivable, including interest                                   3      3        4 
 Return of capital by a joint venture (Note 11)                                                    -      -       38 
 Purchases of subsidiaries, net of cash acquired (Note 4)                                      (102)     31     (12) 
 Purchases of interest in associates/joint ventures (Note 11)                                   (29)   (61)        - 
 Restricted deposits at banks in respect of investing activities                                   1    (2)        - 
 Short-term deposits at banks, including interest                                                  8    677    (656) 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets                              (612)  (902)  (1,261) 
 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment                                          14      7        9 
 Proceeds from sale of disposal groups classified as held for sale, net of transaction costs 
  (Note 12)                                                                                      311      1      311 
 Dividends received                                                                                2      1       88 
 Other investing activities, net                                                                  19   (15)     (61) 
                                                                                               -----  -----  ------- 
 Net cash flows used in investing activities                                                   (389)  (264)  (1,544) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----  -----  ------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Purchase of treasury shares in the course of the Group's reorganisation (Note 
  20)                                                                                    $ -          $ -        $ (4) 
 Purchase of treasury shares (Note 20)                                                  (13)          (6)            - 
 Proceeds from loans provided by related parties                                         267            -            - 
 Repayment of loans provided by related parties                                        (251)            -            - 
 Purchases of non-controlling interests (Note 4)                                           -            -          (1) 
 Dividends paid by the parent entity to its shareholders (Note 20)                      (90)            -        (375) 
 Dividends paid by the Group's subsidiaries to non-controlling shareholders              (3)          (1)          (1) 
 Proceeds from bank loans and notes                                                    2,579        1,976        2,706 
 Repayment of bank loans and notes, including interest                               (3,223)      (3,978)      (2,716) 
 Net proceeds from/(repayment of) bank overdrafts and credit lines, including 
  interest                                                                             (942)          621          292 
 Payments for purchase of property, plant and equipment on deferred terms               (42)            -            - 
 Payments under covenants reset (Note 22)                                                  -          (1)          (7) 
 Gain/(loss) on derivatives not designated as hedging instruments (Note 25)             (94)           51           81 
 Collateral under swap contracts (Note 18)                                                14         (21)           10 
 Restricted deposits at banks in respect of financing activities                           -            -            2 
 Payments under finance leases, including interest                                       (1)          (8)         (29) 
 Other financing activities                                                             (12)            -            - 
 Net cash flows used in financing activities                                         (1,811)      (1,367)         (42) 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                  (282)         (48)           32 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                             (525)          221          589 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year                                1,604        1,382          801 
                                                                                 -----------  -----------  ----------- 
  Add back: decrease/(increase) in cash of disposal groups classified as assets 
   held for sale 
   (Note 12)                                                                               7            1          (8) 
                                                                                 ===========  ===========  =========== 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year                                    $ 1,086      $ 1,604      $ 1,382 
                                                                                 ===========  ===========  =========== 
 Supplementary cash flow information: 
   Cash flows during the year: 
       Interest paid                                                                 $ (517)      $ (586)      $ (559) 
       Interest received                                                                  10           23            7 
       Income taxes paid by the Group                                                  (263)        (249)        (298) 
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

* The amounts shown here do not correspond to the 2013 and 2012 financial statements and reflect adjustments made in connection with the cessation of classification of subsidiaries as held for sale.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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