Framlington AIM VCT 2 PLC 
Interim report for the six months ended 31 August 2011 
Overview of results 
                                        31 August     31 August    28 February 
                                          2011          2010          2011 
Net asset values ("NAV") at bid 
NAV of the Company                      GBP12,589,000   GBP14,108,000   GBP16,222,000 
NAV per ordinary share                       43.43p        47.66p        55.02p 
Market prices (mid market) 
Ordinary shares                              31.00p        40.50p        41.00p 
Adjusted NAV 
NAV per ordinary share                       43.43p        47.66p        55.02p 
Cumulative dividends paid since              24.00p        20.00p        20.00p 
Adjusted NAV                                 67.43p        67.66p        75.02p 
VCT status                                        %             %             % 
VCT value of qualifying investments              94            80            85 
VCT value of non-qualifying                       5            18            15 
VCT value of non-qualifying cash                  1             2             - 
Total VCT value                                 100           100           100 
The VCT values of investments are based on the original book cost of the 
investment adjusted to reflect the price of subsequent purchases of the 
Chairman's statement 
In the six months to the end of August the outlook for the world economy 
worsened. A potent combination of factors has combined to lessen confidence. At 
the beginning of the period, the unrest in various countries in the Middle East 
was widespread, culminating in the uprising in Libya. The major impact on the 
world economy was to cause oil prices to rise, draining spending power from 
Western consumers. Furthermore industrial production has been adversely 
affected by component supply disruptions arising from the Japanese earthquake 
and tsunami. 
Throughout the period, the problems in the Eurozone sovereign debt markets 
continued to worsen. The problems began to escalate to the larger economies of 
Spain and Italy. Their scale is such that any bail out will be hard to fund and 
require strong political leadership. Markets have continued to be volatile 
since the period end as views change as to whether politicians can address the 
underlying problems. Global prospects remain uncertain with unemployment 
staying stubbornly high while sovereign debt and bank recapitalisations remain 
on the agenda. 
Slowing global growth and a rise in risk aversion were a poor combination for 
the AIM market. The commodity related shares which dominate the index were in 
the main weak. Also, early stage companies suffered from the rise in risk 
aversion. This was most noticeable in those shares where additional capital 
might have to be raised to fund the company until they begin to generate 
positive cash flow. 
The net asset value (NAV) suffered, falling from 55.02p to 43.43p, after 
payment of a dividend of 4 pence per share in August 2011. Taking the payment 
of this dividend into account, the net asset value fell by 13.8% which compares 
with a fall of 7.9% in the All Share index and 16.7% in the Aim All Share Index 
(both on a total return basis). 
Within the portfolio those companies that needed to raise additional capital 
included Cyan Holdings, Plethora and Suretrack Monitoring, with 3D Diagnostics 
following just after the period end. The Company participated in all these fund 
raisings. Other poor performers during the period included AFC Energy (after a 
big rise), Avacta, Theo Fennell and BGlobal. The Company's largest holding, 
Craneware, fell during the period from 579p to 490p on profit taking, but 
rallied in September to around 600p on the back of strong results. 
On a brighter note too, good rises were seen in Photonstar, Green Compliance 
and Cohort, which announced that they were undertaking a strategic review to 
try and close the gap between the market capitalisation and underlying value. 
Also, Angle's share price has approximately doubled since the half year end 
after they announced that they were making excellent progress in the 
development of their separation device for the capture of cancer cells in the 
New qualifying purchases were made in Futura Medical, Music Festivals and 
Norman Broadbent. Futura Medical have products licensed to Reckitt Benckiser 
and Ansell Limited which are very close to market launch, when the company will 
begin to earn royalties. Music Festivals is run by Vince Power, who 
successfully built up the Mean Fiddler Group prior to its profitable sale. 
Norman Broadbent is a leading provider of executive search and leadership 
consultancy services. 
The Allied Domecq bond was sold and the Treasury holding was redeemed and the 
proceeds helped fund the dividend payment. In addition, the Chime Communication 
holding was sold. 
At a strategic level the Board has responded to the disappointing performance 
of the Company's investment portfolio. It is currently carrying out a review of 
its options in relation to the Company's operations, with a view to improving 
the overall future prospects for shareholders. 
Chris Marsh 
31 October 2011 
Directors' responsibility statement 
The Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTR") of the UK Listing Authority 
require the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in relation to the 
preparation and publication of the Interim Management Report and Financial 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
  * the condensed set of financial statements for the six months ended 31 
    August 2011 has been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting 
    standards and with the Statement of Recommended Practice "Financial 
    Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" ("the 
    SORP") issued in January 2009, and in accordance with the pronouncements on 
    interim reporting issued by the Accounting Standards Board; 
  * the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information 
    required by DTR 4.2.7R in relation to the indication of important events 
    during the first six months, and of the principal risks and uncertainties 
    facing the Company during the remaining six months, of the year ending 28 
    February 2012; and 
  * the Interim Management Report includes adequate disclosure of the 
    information required by DTR 4.2.8R in relation to related party 
    transactions and any changes therein. 
The interim report was approved by the Board on 31 October 2011 and the above 
responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the Chairman, Chris Marsh. 
Income statement 
                                    Six months to 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
                                        Revenue          Capital          Total 
                                         Return           Return 
                                          GBP000s            GBP000s          GBP000s 
Realised gains on investments                 -                2              2 
Unrealised losses on investments              -          (2,217)        (2,217) 
Income                                      151                -            151 
Investment management fee                  (36)            (108)          (144) 
Other expenses                             (84)                -           (84) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary                    31          (2,323)        (2,292) 
activities before taxation 
Tax on ordinary activities                    -                -              - 
Return/(loss) on ordinary                    31          (2,323)        (2,292) 
activities after taxation 
attributable to equity 
Return/(loss) per ordinary 
Basic                                     0.11p          (7.95)p        (7.84)p 
                                    Six months to 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
                                                 (as restated*) 
                                        Revenue          Capital          Total 
                                         Return           Return 
                                          GBP000s            GBP000s          GBP000s 
Realised gains on investments                 -              784            784 
Unrealised losses on investments              -            (947)          (947) 
Income                                      214                -            214 
Investment management fee                  (37)            (113)          (150) 
Other expenses                            (115)                -          (115) 
Return/(loss) on ordinary                    62            (276)          (214) 
activities before taxation 
Tax on ordinary activities                    -                -              - 
Return/(loss) on ordinary                    62            (276)          (214) 
activities after taxation 
attributable to equity 
Return/(loss) per ordinary 
Basic                                     0.21p          (0.92)p        (0.71)p 
                                     Year ended 28 February 2011 (audited) 
                                        Revenue          Capital          Total 
                                         Return           Return 
                                          GBP000s            GBP000s          GBP000s 
Realised gains on investments                 -            1,116          1,116 
Unrealised gains on investments               -              970            970 
Income                                      353                -            353 
Investment management fee                  (78)            (234)          (312) 
Other expenses                            (184)                -          (184) 
Return on ordinary activities                91            1,852          1,943 
before taxation 
Tax on ordinary activities                    -                -              - 
Return on ordinary activities                91            1,852          1,943 
after taxation attributable to 
equity shareholders 
Return per ordinary share: 
Basic                                     0.31p            6.23p          6.54p 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Income Statement 
prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. The revenue and capital columns are 
supplementary to this and are published under guidance from the Association of 
Investment Companies. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continued 
operations. No operations were acquired or discounted in the period. 
*The comparative figures for realised and unrealised gains have been restated 
to be aligned with the corresponding disclosures as set out in note 7 of the 
"Notes to the financial statements" in the Company's Annual Report and accounts 
for the year to 28 February 2011. 
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds 
Six months to 31 August 2011 (unaudited) 
                   Share   Share Distributable    Capital  Capital    Capital Revenue   Total 
                 capital premium       special redemption  reserve    reserve reserve 
                         account       reserve    reserve realised unrealised 
                   GBP000s   GBP000s         GBP000s      GBP000s    GBP000s      GBP000s   GBP000s   GBP000s 
At 28 February     2,948     122        19,177        167        -    (6,401)     209  16,222 
Share buybacks      (50)       -         (178)         50        -          -       -   (178) 
Movements on           -       -             -          -        -    (2,217)       - (2,217) 
revaluation of 
Gains on               -       -             -          -        2          -       -       2 
realisation of 
Transfer on            -       -             -          -    (683)        683       -       - 
disposal of 
Investment             -       -             -          -    (108)          -       -   (108) 
management fee 
charged to 
Transfer from          -       -         (851)          -      851          -       -       - 
special reserve 
Dividends paid         -       -       (1,014)          -     (62)          -    (87) (1,163) 
re period ended 
28 February 2011 
Revenue return         -       -             -          -        -          -      31      31 
for the period 
At 31 August       2,898     122        17,134        217        -    (7,935)     153  12,589 
Six months to 31 August 2010 (unaudited) 
                   Share   Share Distributable    Capital  Capital    Capital Revenue   Total 
                 capital premium       special redemption  reserve    reserve reserve 
                         account       reserve    reserve realised unrealised 
                   GBP000s   GBP000s         GBP000s      GBP000s    GBP000s      GBP000s   GBP000s   GBP000s 
At 28 February     3,005      67        21,487         96        -    (9,250)     267  15,672 
Share buybacks      (59)       -         (224)         59        -          -       -   (224) 
Shares issued re      14      55             -          -        -          -       -      69 
Movements on           -       -             -          -        -      (947)       -   (947) 
revaluation of 
Gains on               -       -             -          -      784          -       -     784 
realisation of 
Transfer on            -       -             -          -    (343)        343       -       - 
disposal of 
Investment             -       -             -          -    (113)          -       -   (113) 
management fee 
charged to 
Transfer from          -       -         (224)          -      224          -       -       - 
special reserve 
Dividends paid         -       -         (494)          -    (552)          -   (149) (1,195) 
re period ended 
28 February 2010 
Revenue return         -       -             -          -        -          -      62      62 
for the period 
At 31 August       2,960     122        20,545        155        -    (9,854)     180  14,108 
Year ended 28 February 2011 (audited) 
                   Share   Share Distributable    Capital  Capital    Capital Revenue   Total 
                 capital premium       special redemption  reserve    reserve reserve 
                         account       reserve    reserve realised unrealised 
                   GBP000s   GBP000s         GBP000s      GBP000s    GBP000s      GBP000s   GBP000s   GBP000s 
At 28 February     3,005      67        21,487         96        -    (9,250)     267  15,672 
Share buybacks      (71)       -         (267)         71        -          -       -   (267) 
Shares issued re      14      55             -          -        -          -       -      69 
Movements on           -       -             -          -        -        970       -     970 
revaluation of 
Gains on               -       -             -          -    1,116          -       -   1,116 
realisation of 
Transfer on            -       -             -          -  (1,879)      1,879       -       - 
disposal of 
Investment             -       -             -          -    (234)          -       -   (234) 
management fee 
charged to 
Transfer from          -       -       (1,858)          -    1,858          -       -       - 
special reserve 
Dividends paid re      -       -         (185)          -    (861)          -   (149) (1,195) 
period ended 28 
February 2010 
Revenue return         -       -             -          -        -          -      91      91 
for the period 
At 28 February     2,948     122        19,177        167        -    (6,401)     209  16,222 
Summarised balance sheet 
                              31 August 2011 31 August 2010    28 February 
                                       GBP000s          GBP000s          GBP000s 
                                 (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
Qualifying investments                11,625          9,665         12,704 
Non-qualifying investments               828          4,104          3,370 
Current assets                           211            497            240 
Creditors due within one year           (75)          (158)           (92) 
Net assets                            12,589         14,108         16,222 
Called up share capital                2,898          2,960          2,948 
Share premium account                    122            122            122 
Capital redemption reserve               217            155            167 
Distributable special reserve         17,134         20,545         19,177 
Capital reserves                     (7,935)        (9,854)        (6,401) 
Revenue reserves                         153            180            209 
Equity shareholders' funds            12,589         14,108         16,222 
Net asset value per share             43.43p         47.66p         55.02p 
(bid basis) 
Cash Flow Statement 
                                    Six months to  Six months to  Year ended 28 
                                   31 August 2011 31 August 2010  February 2011 
                                            GBP000s          GBP000s          GBP000s 
                                      (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
Net cash inflow from operating                 97            136            126 
Net cash outflow from servicing of              -              -              - 
Net cash inflow from investment             1,294            892            662 
Equity dividends paid                     (1,163)        (1,126)        (1,126) 
Net cash outflow from financing             (178)          (224)          (268) 
(note 5) 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                    50          (322)          (606) 
Reconciliation of operating profit 
to net cash inflow from operating 
Net (loss)/return before finance          (2,292)          (214)          1,943 
costs and taxation 
Less capital return for the period          2,323            276        (1,852) 
Net revenue before finance costs               31             62             91 
and taxation 
Decrease in revenue debtors                    79             58             32 
(Decrease)/ increase in revenue              (13)             16              3 
Net cash inflow from operating                 97            136            126 
Reconciliation of net cashflow to 
net funds 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                    50          (322)          (606) 
Net funds at the beginning of the             125            731            731 
Net funds at the end of period                175            409            125 
1 Accounting policies 
The financial information has been prepared on the basis of the accounting 
policies set out in the Company's financial statements for the year ended 28 
February 2011. Where presentational guidance set out in the Statement of 
Recommended Practice (SORP) "Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies 
and Venture Capital Trusts", issued in January 2009, is consistent with the 
requirements of UK GAAP, the directors have sought to prepare the financial 
statements on a consistent basis compliant with the recommendations of the 
2 Financial information 
This interim report has not been audited or reviewed by auditors pursuant to 
the Auditing Practices Board guidance on Review of Interim Financial 
The figures for the six months ended 31 August 2011 and the comparative figures 
for the corresponding period in the previous financial year are unaudited. 
The financial information for the year ended 28 February 2011 is extracted from 
the latest published accounts and does not constitute statutory accounts for 
that period. Those accounts carry an unqualified report from the auditors and 
have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 
3 Investment management fee 
                                6 months to 6 months to 31   Year ended 28 
                                  31 August    August 2010   February 2011 
                                      GBP000s          GBP000s           GBP000s 
                                (unaudited)    (unaudited)       (audited) 
Amount charged to revenue                36             37              78 
Amount charged to capital               108            113             234 
Total investment management             144            150             312 
4 Return/(loss) per ordinary share 
                                6 months to 6 months to 31  Year ended 28 
                                  31 August    August 2010  February 2011 
                                      GBP000s          GBP000s          GBP000s 
                                (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (audited) 
The return per share is based 
on the following figures: 
Revenue return                           31             62             91 
Capital (loss)/return               (2,323)          (276)          1,852 
Total                               (2,292)          (214)          1,943 
Weighted average number of       29,237,902     29,930,991     29,717,299 
ordinary shares in issue 
during the period 
Revenue return per ordinary           0.11p          0.21p          0.31p 
Capital (loss)/return per           (7.95)p        (0.92)p          6.23p 
ordinary share 
Total (loss)/return per             (7.84)p        (0.71)p          6.54p 
ordinary share 
5 Called up share capital 
During the six months ended 31 August 2011, the Company repurchased 500,000 
shares for a total consideration of GBP178,000 (six months ended 31 August 2010: 
592,000 shares for a total consideration of GBP224,000; year ended 28 February 
2011: 710,000 shares for a total consideration of GBP268,000). 
As stated in the Company's Report and Accounts for the year ended 28 February 
2011, the dividend reinvestment scheme has been terminated by the directors due 
to the small number of shareholders who have taken up this option. Accordingly, 
no further shares have been issued under the scheme. In the corresponding 
period to 31 August 2010, 145,694 shares were issued. 
The number of ordinary shares in issue at 31 August 2011 was 28,986,299. 
6 Net asset value per share 
The net asset value per share and the net assets attributable to the ordinary 
shares at the period end calculated in accordance with the Articles of 
Association were as follows: 
                                    31 August    31 August    28 February 
                                         2011         2010           2011 
                                        GBP000s        GBP000s          GBP000s 
                                  (unaudited)  (unaudited)      (audited) 
Net assets attributable to        GBP12,589,000  GBP14,108,000    GBP16,222,000 
ordinary shareholders 
Ordinary shares in issue           28,986,299   29,604,299     29,486,995 
Net asset value per share              43.43p       47.66p         55.02p 
Net asset value per share              67.43p       67.66p         75.02p 
adjusted for cumulative 
dividends paid since launch 
7 Related Party Transactions 
During the first six months of the current financial year, no transactions with 
related parties have taken place which have materially affected the financial 
position or the performance of the Company during the period. 
Investment objective 
The Company's investment objective is to achieve long term capital growth 
primarily through investment in a diversified portfolio of qualifying companies 
quoted on AIM. It is expected that realised capital gains, along with income, 
will be returned to the shareholders, at the discretion of the Directors, 
through the payment of dividends. The Investment Manager may also invest the 
assets of the Company in companies traded on the PLUS Market trading facility 
and in unquoted stocks, although this is not currently expected to be 
The majority of the Company's investments will be in newly issued shares, as it 
is a VCT requirement that 70% of the funds raised pursuant to the offer be 
invested in new issues of shares that qualify as qualifying holdings within 
three years of the share issue. The Company had to achieve this requirement by 
28 February 2009 and now has to comply on an on-going basis. 
Qualifying holdings are defined as holdings of shares or securities in unquoted 
(including AIM and PLUS Market companies) whose purpose is to carry on a 
qualifying trade wholly or mainly in the UK. Sectors that are excluded include 
property, financial services and commodities. Companies must not be controlled 
by the VCT or any other company. At the end of three years, up to 30% of a 
VCT's assets can be invested in non-qualifying investments such as bank 
deposits, gilts and fixed interest stock. At least 30% of the VCT's qualifying 
holdings must be ordinary shares with no preferential rights. The remainder can 
be in loans of at least five years' duration, or preference shares. 
The size of companies in which the Company may invest is limited by the VCT 
rules. Qualifying holdings, as defined above, must have gross assets of GBP15 
million or less immediately prior to investment and GBP16 million or less 
immediately after investment. Although the companies in which the Company 
invests are small, the risk that this entails is mitigated by the 
diversification of holdings which results from the requirement to invest 70% of 
funds raised in qualifying holdings. 
The maximum exposure to any one stock or group, other than another VCT, is 15% 
of the Company's investments. 
The Company's borrowings must be restricted to an amount which is less than 10% 
of the Company's issued share capital and reserves. 
Principal risks and uncertainties 
The directors believe that the principal risk faced by the Company is the loss 
of approval as a venture capital trust arising from a breach of the 
requirements of Section 274 of the Income Taxes Act 2007. This would mean that 
shareholders might have to repay the income tax relief they obtained on their 
investment in the Company and that the Company would lose its exemption from 
tax on any capital gains. The Manager reports to the board at each meeting on 
the Company's compliance with Section 274 and the board is advised on VCT 
issues by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The board considers that the most appropriate 
key performance indicators for the Company are its compliance with the 
requirements of Section 274. 
Other significant risks include the risk of a serious or prolonged fall in the 
stock market which would affect the Company's performance and value; consistent 
underperformance by the Manager; and the Company's shares failing to achieve a 
rating which reflects performance. The board seeks to mitigate these risks by 
monitoring the Manager's performance at each board meeting and discussing 
appropriate action where considered necessary. 
Investor information 
Structure of the Company 
The Company has one class of share capital, ordinary shares of 10p each. The 
Company had 28,986,299 ordinary shares in issue at 31 August 2011. VCTs are 
long term investments, with the full benefit of their tax reliefs being 
available to qualifying subscribers only where they hold their investment for 
three years. The initial duration of the Company has been set at seven years. 
The Board is required, under the Articles, to put a proposal for the 
continuation of the Company as a venture capital trust to Shareholders at the 
Company's annual general meeting in 2013 and thereafter at three year 
The Company is the second VCT to be managed by the Manager, the first being the 
Framlington AIM VCT PLC which was launched in December 2004. The two companies 
have the same investment policy. Where investments are identified which are 
suitable for both companies, the investment manager will allocate such 
investments between the two companies equitably taking account of all relevant 
factors including portfolio composition and the availability of cash for 
Results for year ending 28 February announced June 
Report and Accounts posted to shareholders June 
Annual General Meeting held July 
Results for six months to 31 August announced October 
Dividend policy 
Venture capital trusts can use all distributable reserves, including realised 
capital profits from the sale of underlying investments and income, for the 
payment of dividends, which are free of income tax to qualifying subscribers 
and qualifying purchasers. It is intended that the Company will take advantage 
of this by distributing some or all of its realised profits and other 
distributable reserves from time to time. 
Shareholders who wish to have dividends paid directly into a bank account, 
rather than by cheque to their registered address, may complete a mandate form 
for this purpose, which may be obtained from the Registrars. 
Market information 
The Company's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The net asset 
value per ordinary share is calculated weekly and published on the London Stock 
Exchange Company Announcements Service and, together with the share price, on 
the Manager's website axaframlington.com. 
Shareholder enquiries 
Capita Registrars are the Company's registrars and maintain the share register. 
In the event of queries regarding their holdings of shares, lost certificates, 
dividend payments, registered details, etc, shareholders should contact them on 
0871 664 0300 (calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras, lines open 8.30am 
to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday) or +44 (0)20 8639 3399 (from overseas). Changes of 
name or address must be notified to the registrars in writing. 
Any general enquiries about the Company should be directed to the Company 
Secretary, at the Company's registered office. 
Further information on the company can be found on the AXA Framlington website 
at www.axaframlington.com. The website contains information on all the AXA 
Framlington investment trusts, including up-to-date performance data, and AXA 
Framlington's Guide to VCTs. 
Copies of the 2011 annual accounts are available from the Company's registered 
office - 7 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7NX. 
Investment portfolio summary as at 31 August 2011 
The VCT values of investments are based on the original book cost of the 
investment adjusted to reflect the price of subsequent purchases of the 
Qualifying                                  Holding     Book  Bid value % of net 
investments                                             cost 
                                                           GBP          GBP   assets 
                                                                        by value 
Craneware           Ord 1p                  234,375  300,000  1,148,438     9.12 
London Italian      Unsecured Variable      875,000  875,000    875,000     6.95 
Restaurants         Rate Loan Notes 2013 
Locale Enterprises  Ord GBP1                    2,500  540,000    665,000     5.28 
Brulines Group      Ord 10p                 664,333  826,730    611,186     4.86 
EKF Diagnostics     Ord 1p                2,333,333  350,000    565,833     4.49 
AFC Energy          Ord 0.1p              1,354,989  136,673    555,545     4.41 
Plastics Capital    Ord 1p                  500,000  500,000    415,000     3.30 
Sinclair IS Pharma  Ord 1p                1,496,929  390,000    407,913     3.24 
Manroy              Ord 5p                  412,281  325,001    399,913     3.18 
Instem Life Science Ord 10p                 176,552  308,966    388,414     3.09 
Vertu Motors        Ord 10p               1,333,334  800,000    356,667     2.83 
PhotonStar LED      Ord 10p               2,031,334  568,868    345,327     2.74 
Kiotech             Ord 23p                 362,318  250,000    300,724     2.39 
Futura Medical      Ord 0.2p                370,370  250,000    251,852     2.00 
Tristel             Ord 1p                  625,625  309,310    250,250     1.99 
Music Festivals     Ord 10p                 384,616  250,000    242,308     1.92 
Cohort              Ord 10p                 265,300  363,930    230,811     1.83 
Pressure            Ord 5p                  144,000  216,000    208,800     1.66 
Norman Broadbent    Ord 1p                  384,615  250,000    203,846     1.62 
Green Compliance    Ord 50p                 333,333  250,000    199,166     1.58 
Energetix Group     Ord 5p                  875,000  350,000    196,875     1.56 
Avacta Group        Ord 0.1p             25,000,000  250,000    195,000     1.55 
Brady               Ord 1p                  245,000  144,550    169,050     1.34 
Suretrack           Ord 0.05p            41,904,762  230,000    167,619     1.33 
Active Risk Group   Ord 1p                  436,854  162,177    166,005     1.32 
Hasgrove            Ord 10p                 277,778  250,000    150,000     1.19 
Tangent             Ord 1p                2,692,308  350,000    148,077     1.18 
Angle               Ord 10p                 569,125  233,609    142,281     1.13 
Nanoco Group        Ord 10p                 211,864  250,000    138,771     1.10 
Surface Transforms  Ord 1p                1,471,875  250,219    132,469     1.05 
Theo Fennell        Ord 5p                  614,375  233,462    122,875     0.98 
Hightex Group       Ord 1p                2,857,143  200,000    107,143     0.85 
Byotrol             Ord 0.25p               877,500  526,500    105,300     0.84 
Corero Network      Ord 1p                  284,028  143,635     99,410     0.79 
PHSC                Ord 10p                 412,399  218,571     82,480     0.66 
Plethora Solutions  Ord 1p                2,689,394  250,002     80,682     0.64 
VSA Capital Group   Ord 0.2p              1,333,333  200,000     80,000     0.64 
Corac Group         Ord 10p                 750,000  315,000     73,125     0.58 
Cyan Holdings       Ord 0.2p             10,615,385  630,000     69,000     0.55 
Frontier IP Group   Ord 10p                 300,000  150,000     69,000     0.55 
Imagelinx           Ord 0.1p              9,000,000  450,000     67,500     0.54 
3D Diagnostic       Ord 0.1p              3,333,333  200,000     66,667     0.53 
Dillistone Group    Ord 5p                   90,000   37,500     65,700     0.52 
Wheelsure Holdings  Ord 1p                2,000,000  100,000     65,000     0.52 
Getech Group        Ord 0.25p               288,461   75,000     51,923     0.41 
Hot Tuna            Ord 0.01p            82,733,333  248,200     49,640     0.39 
Bglobal             Ord 1p                  426,667  213,334     48,000     0.38 
Savile Group        Ord 3p                  300,000  201,000     39,000     0.31 
Accumuli            Ord 0.25p               316,906  225,003     26,145     0.21 
Managed Support     Ord 1p                1,000,000  504,949     15,000     0.12 
Invocas Group       Ord 0.25p                68,575   76,118      6,857     0.05 
Travelzest          Ord 2p                   79,365  100,000      5,952     0.05 
Western & Oriental  Ord 0.5p              4,000,000  400,000        400        - 
Aero Inventory      Ord 1.25p                 4,725   14,175          -        - 
Argentvive          Ord 0.1p                600,000  300,000          -        - 
Bioganix            Ord 10p                 208,333  250,000          -        - 
Cashbox             Ord 1p                5,000,000  250,000          -        - 
Cashbox             Warrants              1,000,000        1          -        - 
Hat Pin             Ord 2.5p                400,000  291,284          -        - 
Hexagon Human       Ord 1p                  334,848  552,499          -        - 
London Italian      Ord GBP1                       25  125,000          -        - 
Optimisa            Ord 25p                  91,002  197,171          -        - 
Relax Group         Ord 10p                  83,334  150,001          -        - 
Sport Media Group   Ord 0.25p               666,667  500,000          -        - 
Total qualifying investments                                 11,624,939    92.34 
Non-qualifying investments                                      828,171     6.58 
Total fixed asset investments                                12,453,110    98.92 

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Framlington Aim Vct (LSE:FAMT)
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From Oct 2023 to Oct 2024 Click Here for more Framlington Aim Vct Charts.