RNS Number : 1591V
  F&C Private Equity Trust PLC
  23 May 2008

 To: Stock Exchange  For immediate release:
                     23 May 2008 

    F&C Private Equity Trust plc

    Quarterly results for the three months to 31 March 2008 

    *     NAV total return for the three months of 2.9 per cent for the B shares;

    *     NAV total return for the three months of 1.2 per cent for the A shares;

    *     A share special dividend of 1.0 pence declared;

    *     Realisation of private equity assets of £8.2 million;

    *     New investment in private equity assets of £ 17.4 million;

    Manager's Review


    F&C Private Equity Trust has continued to make good progress during the first quarter of 2008. The fully diluted net asset value ("NAV")
per ordinary share (formerly the B shares) at 31 March was 237.84 pence, an increase of 2.9 per cent since 31 December 2007. The NAV per
restricted voting share (formerly the A shares) was 8.85 pence per share, an increase of 6.5 per cent, after adjusting for the return of
capital of 36.25p per share on 25 January.

    The Board has declared a special dividend of 1.0 pence per restricted voting share, reflecting the continuing progress in realising that
pool's assets. This dividend will be paid on 27 June 2008.

    The net assets of the Company at 31 March were £180m, of which £174m was attributable to the ordinary shares and £6m to the
restricted voting shares. £0.7m of the latter will be returned to the holders of the restricted voting shares by the special dividend. The
Company had cash and near cash equivalents of £13m at 31 March and a revolving credit facility of £40m which is completely undrawn. The
outstanding undrawn commitments of the company total £168m.

    It is anticipated that at the Annual General Meeting later today shareholders will approve the renaming of the A shares as Restricted
Voting shares and the B shares as Ordinary shares.

    New Investments

    New investment activity has continued fairly strongly into 2008 with total new investments of £17.4m. This included £4m invested
directly into the Inflexion led buy-out of SMD Hydrovision, the world's leading privately owned designer and manufacturer of specialised
systems for laying subsea cables and pipelines in trenches and the world's second largest supplier of Workclass Remotely Operated Vehicles
"WROVs" (electrically powered unmanned submarines that are able to work in depths and conditions that would otherwise be inaccessible for
human divers). The company primarily supplies the oil and gas sector as well as providing equipment for the telecoms, renewable energy,
mining and defence industries. F&C Private Equity Trust acquired 9.6% of SMD Hydrovision in the £70m buy-out. A further £1m was invested
in SMD Hydrovision through the Inflexion 2006 Buy-out Fund. There was a wide range of other new investments from 28 funds. Some of the
larger ones include £1.6m by Candover 2005 into Dutch engineering conglomerate Stork NV; £0.5m by AIG New Europe fund into Orzel Bialy, a Polish waste management company specializing in recycling car
batteries; £0.9m by TDR Capital into Algeco/ Scotsman, the modular buildings manufacturer; £0.4m by DBAG V in ICTS, a leading company in
aviation security systems; and, £0.4m by Gilde Buy-out Fund III in Hofmann Menu, a market leading provider of frozen food products. These
diverse companies have the common characteristics of strong positions in growing niche markets.


    The quarter has seen considerable exit activity and this has lead to distributions of £8.2m. Notable examples include the sale of
Algeco/Scotsman by TDR I yielding £2.3m, a 3.5x investment multiple and 90% IRR. As noted above we have rolled forward part of the proceeds
of the sale into a new co-investment vehicle as part of a larger deal alongside TDR Fund II. The sale of dental company IDH by LGV Fund 5
achieved an investment multiple of 4.3x, an IRR of 127% and an inflow of £1.9m to F&C PET. The earlier LGV Fund 4 also had a realisation in
the healthcare sector with the sale of Classic Hospitals which yielded £0.9m with an investment multiple of 2.7x and IRR of 50%. Candover
2005 fund have sold Norwegian cable company GET returning £0.7m for F&C PET, a multiple of 2.2x and IRR of 50%.

    New Commitments

    We continue to broaden and strengthen the portfolio with commitments to new funds. F&C PET made three new commitments during the
quarter; EUR9m to Spanish fund N+1 Fund II, EUR9m to Swiss based fund Capvis III and £5m to Environmental Technologies Fund, our first
investment in the 'cleantech' area.

    Valuation changes

    There were many small valuation changes in the quarter reflecting the trading performance and progress towards exit of underlying
companies. Most of the exits described above had already been reflected in the valuation of the previous quarter. The Company also reaped a
significant currency benefit from its exposure to Euro denominated assets during the quarter.  On a fundamental basis our investment in
metal shelving and locker manufacturer Whittan has performed well and there is an uplift of £0.9m this quarter.


    The initial quarter of 2008 has not seen any significant set backs in our portfolio, while a number of successes have been recorded. The
economic and financial background is widely anticipated to become more challenging and we are closely monitoring how our investment partners
and the managers with whom they work are coping with the more difficult conditions. The degree of economic slowdown, which sectors are
affected, how badly and where and when are all still debatable. It is our belief that the focused and motivated ownership which is the
hallmark of private equity investment and the specific skills of our investment partners will be critical to achieving a strong performance
for our shareholders for the remainder of 2008. We will continue to strengthen the portfolio and particularly to take advantage of
investment opportunities which these changing conditions present.

    For more information, please contact:

 Hamish Mair                                 0131 465 1184
 Martin Cassels                              0131 465 1095
 hamish.mair@fandc.com  / martin.cassels@fandc.com 


    Income Statement for the 
    three months ended 31 March 2008


                                                Revenue  Capital    Total
                                                  £'000    £'000    £'000

 Gains on investments                                 -    6,412    6,412
 Currency losses                                      -     (21)     (21)
 Income               - franked                       -        -        -
                      - unfranked                   355        -      355
 Investment management fee                        (101)  (1,104)  (1,205)
 Other expenses                                   (129)        -    (129)
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Net return before finance costs and taxation       125    5,287    5,412

 Interest payable and similar charges               (8)     (22)     (30)
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Return on ordinary activities before taxation      117    5,265    5,382

 Taxation on ordinary activities                   (36)       36        -
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Return on ordinary activities after taxation        81    5,301    5,382
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per A share - Basic                      0.09p    0.46p    0.55p
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per B share - Basic                      0.03p    6.91p    6.94p
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per B share - Fully diluted              0.03p    6.73p    6.76p
                                                _______  _______  _______


    Income Statement for 
    three months ended 31 March 2007


                                                Revenue  Capital    Total
                                                  £'000    £'000    £'000

 Gains on investments                                 -    6,567    6,567
 Currency losses                                      -     (63)     (63)
 Income               - franked                       -        -        -
                      - unfranked                   464        -      464
 Investment management fee                         (80)    (216)    (296)
 Other expenses                                   (120)        -    (120)
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Net return before finance costs and taxation       264    6,288    6,552

 Interest payable and similar charges                 4       11       15
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Return on ordinary activities before taxation      268    6,299    6,567

 Taxation on ordinary activities                   (60)       75       15
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Return on ordinary activities after taxation       208    6,374    6,582
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per A share - Basic                      0.19p    0.07p    0.26p
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per B share - Basic                      0.28p    8.55p    8.83p
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per B share - Fully diluted              0.27p    8.38p    8.65p
                                                _______  _______  _______


    Income Statement for 
    Year ended 31 December 2007


                                                Revenue  Capital    Total
                                                  £'000    £'000    £'000

 Gains on investments                                 -   57,141   57,141
 Currency losses                                      -  (1,343)  (1,343)
 Income               - franked                     103        -      103
                      - unfranked                 2,915        -    2,915
 Investment management fee                        (391)  (1,994)  (2,385)
 Other expenses                                   (631)        -    (631)
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Net return before finance costs and taxation     1,996   53,804   55,800

 Interest payable and similar charges              (17)     (49)     (66)
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Return on ordinary activities before taxation    1,979   53,755   55,734

 Taxation on ordinary activities                  (587)      569     (18)
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Return on ordinary activities after taxation     1,392   54,324   55,716
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per A share - Basic                      0.60p   19.84p   20.44p
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per B share - Basic                      1.37p   56.74p   58.11p
                                                _______  _______  _______
 Returns per B share - Fully diluted              1.34p   55.52p   56.86p
                                                _______  _______  _______



    Balance Sheet

                                 As at 31 March 2008  As at 31 March 2007  As at 31 December 2007
                                     (unaudited)          (unaudited)             (audited)

                                     £000       £000      £000       £000      £000      £000
 Investments at market value
 Listed on recognised exchanges     9,340                3,748               43,984
 Unlisted at directors'           165,976              129,196              150,597
                                  _______              _______              _______
                                             175,316              132,944             194,581

 Current assets
 Debtors                              292                  136                  789
 Cash at bank                       7,041               18,057                5,822
                                  _______              _______              _______
                                    7,333               18,193                6,611
 Amounts falling due within one   (1,054)                (511)              (1,462)
                                  _______              _______              _______
 Net current assets                            6,279               17,682               5,149
                                             _______              _______             _______
 Total assets less current                   181,595              150,626             199,730
 Amounts falling due after more              (1,626)                    -               (822)
 than one year
                                             _______              _______             _______
 Net assets                                  179,969              150,626             198,908
                                             _______              _______             _______

 Capital and reserves
 Called up ordinary capital                    1,394                1,394               1,394
 Special distributable capital                15,679               40,000              40,000
 Special distributable revenue                38,363               38,363              38,363
 Capital redemption reserve                      664                  664                 664
 Capital reserve                             122,771               69,520             117,470
 Revenue reserve                               1,098                  685               1,017
                                             _______              _______             _______
 Total shareholders' funds                   179,969              150,626             198,908
                                             _______              _______             _______
 Net asset value per A share -
 Basic                                         8.85p               24.69p              44.56p
 Net asset value per B share -
 Basic                                       240.77p              185.47p             233.82p
 Net asset value per B share -
 Fully diluted                               237.84p              183.25p             231.08p


    Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholder's Funds

                                 Three months ended  Three months ended  Year ended 
                                      31 March 2008       31 March 2007  31 December

                                        (unaudited)         (unaudited)


 Opening shareholders' funds                198,908             146,233      146,233

 Return on ordinary activities                5,382                           55,716
 after taxation                                                   6,582
 Dividends paid                                   -             (2,189)      (3,041)
 Return of capital paid                    (24,321)                   -            -

                                            _______             _______      _______
 Closing shareholders' funds                179,969             150,626      198,908
                                            _______             _______      _______


    1.       The unaudited quarterly results have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set 
    out in the statutory accounts of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2007.

2.         The Board has proposed a special dividend for the A shares of 1.0 pence payable on 27 June
      2008 to shareholders on the Registrar on 6 June 2008. The ex dividend date is 4 June 2008.
3.         These are not full statutory accounts in terms of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The 
      full audited accounts for the year to 31 December 2007, which were unqualified, have been 
      lodged with the Registrar of Companies.
4.        Returns per A share are based on the average number of shares in issue during the period of 
Returns per B share are based on the following number of shares in issue during the period:-

Basic                72,282,273
Fully diluted      74,241,429
Basic net asset value per A share is based on 67,084,807 shares in issue at the end of the period.
Basic net asset value per B share is based on 72,282,273 shares in issue at the end of the period.

Fully diluted net asset value per B share is based on 74,241,429 shares in issue at the end of the period.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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