Genel Energy PLC (GENL) Genel Energy PLC: Trading and operations update 18-Jan-2022 / 07:00 GMT/BST Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside information according to REGULATION (EU) No 596/2014 (MAR), transmitted by EQS Group. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


18 January 2022

Genel Energy plc

Trading and operations update

Genel Energy plc ('Genel' or 'the Company') issues the following trading and operations update in advance of the Company's full-year 2021 results, which are scheduled for release on 15 March 2022. The information contained herein has not been audited and may be subject to further review.

Bill Higgs, Chief Executive of Genel, said:

"In 2021 we generated significant free cash flow of USD86 million, and in 2022 we are set to build on this as the strength of the oil price and our positive outlook means that free cash flow is expected to more than double. Our focus in 2022 is on growing the business and supporting our progressive dividend long-term. We aim to increase cash flow through the progression of our asset development plans and the addition of income streams. Our priority is the derisking and commercialisation of Sarta, while the successful farm-out on our Somaliland licence opens the way to drill an exploration well on this exciting opportunity."


-- Production in 2022 is expected to be around the same level as 2021

-- Genel expects to generate free cash flow of up to USD200 million in 2022, pre dividend payments, at a Brentoil price of USD75/bbl? An increase or decrease in Brent of USD10/bbl impacts annual cash by USD50 million ? Under the terms of the Receivable Settlement Agreement signed in August 2017, the last overridepayment will be made relating to Tawke PSC production in July 2022. Given payments are received three months inarrears from the Kurdistan Regional Government ('KRG'), 10 override payments are expected in 2022 ? 2022 capital expenditure is expected to be between USD140 million and USD180 million, with key assetspending including:? c.USD75 million expenditure forecast at the Tawke PSC, an increase of c.USD25 million compared to2021 as drilling increases at the Tawke field ? c.USD45-80 million expenditure forecast at Sarta, with higher spend the result of appraisal success ? c.USD10-20 million expenditure forecast at Taq Taq ? Work is underway on planning a well in Somaliland, with expenditure in 2022 expected to be underUSD5 million ? Operating costs expected to be c.USD50 million (2021: USD44 million), equating to under USD5/bbl, retainingour advantageous low operating cost position

-- Following the termination of the Bina Bawi and Miran PSCs by Genel on 10 December 2021, Genel will beclaiming substantial compensation from the KRG. Genel's claims will be brought in a private London seatedinternational arbitration

-- Genel remains committed to paying a material and progressive dividend, as we look to offer a compellingmix of value-accretive growth and shareholder returns

-- Genel continues to invest in the host communities in which we operate. 2022 represents twenty years ofoperations in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which we will commemorate through the Genel20 programme, launchingsignificant new social activities throughout the year, aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals


-- USD281 million of cash proceeds were received from the KRG in 2021 (2020: USD173 million)

-- Capital expenditure of USD165 million (2020: USD109 million), with c.USD45 million spent at the Tawke PSC andc.USD110 million at Sarta and Qara Dagh

-- Free cash flow of USD86 million in 2021, pre dividend payments (2020: USD5 million free cash outflow),comparison impacted by:? Higher oil price of USD71/bbl in 2021, compared to USD42/bbl in 2020 ? 10 entitlement payments received in 2021, compared to 12 in 2020, following industry-wide reversionto payments three months in arrears by the KRG ? Receivable recovery payments of USD35 million received in 2021, with the resumption of Tawke overridepayments contributing a further USD72 million (USD23 million in override payments received in 2020)

-- Dividends paid in 2021 of 16¢ per share (2020: 15¢ per share), a total distribution of c.USD45 million

-- Cash of USD314 million at 31 December 2021, net cash of USD44 million (USD10 million at 31 December 2020)


-- Genel strives for safe operations with zero lost time injuries ('LTI') and zero tier one loss of primarycontainment events at Genel and TTOPCO operations. One LTI was reported in 2021 at Sarta-5 drilling operations andall corrective actions have been implemented? 1.2 million work hours subsequently completed across our operations without an LTI

-- Net production averaged 31,710 bopd in 2021, with net production in Q4 averaging 30,843 bopd? Production cost of c.USD4/bbl, with margin per barrel of USD24/bbl

-- Production by field was as follows:

              Gross production  Net production Net production 
              2021              2021           2020 
Tawke         108,710           27,180         27,570 
Taq Taq       5,940             2,610          4,250 
Sarta         6,400             1,920          160 
Total         121,060           31,710         31,980 

-- Genel expects our confirmed 2021 carbon intensity to be c.15 kgCO2e/bbl for scope 1 and 2 emissions,significantly below the global oil and gas industry average of 20 kgCO2e/boe? Expected carbon intensity in 2021 has increased from 13kg CO2e/bbl in 2020 due to full yearproduction at Sarta where associated gas is currently being flared. The gas management project to cease routineflaring is underway


-- Tawke PSC (25% working interest)? Gross production at the Tawke PSC averaged 108,710 bopd in 2021 (110,280 bopd in 2020) ? Drilling activity is set to ramp up in 2022

-- Sarta (30% working interest and operator)? The results of early production from the Sarta pilot continue to help shape the view of full fielddevelopment ? Gross production averaged 6,400 bopd in 2021, with just over 2.5 million barrels having been producedfrom start up in late November 2020 to year end 2021 ? Drilling and completion operations at Sarta-1D concluded in November 2021, the Viking I-21 Rig wassubsequently mobilised to Sarta-4 to workover the legacy exploration well for use as a produced water disposalwell ? Rigless well testing at Sarta-1D is now underway, with results expected early this quarter. This willallow for the performance of the thicker and more volumetrically significant Adaiyah reservoir to be fullyevaluated. Oil produced from Sarta-1D will be delivered to the early production facility via a short c.2 kmflowline that was installed in Q4 2021 removing any lag time between well testing results and monetisation ofthe resource ? The Sarta-5 and Sarta-6 step out wells are designed to appraise the field away from the pilotproduction facility and will be key in resolving the current uncertainty over the size and shape of the Sartafield ? Drilling and completion operations concluded at Sarta-5 at the end of 2021, and the Parker 265 Rig iscurrently mobilising to the Sarta 6 location with spud expected in the coming weeks ? Rigless well-testing operations will be conducted at Sarta-5 in Q1 2022 ? As of 1 January 2022, Genel became PSC operator of Sarta in line with the agreement with Chevron ? Genel has embarked on a renewable energy appraisal programme at Sarta, with the initial phase of thisstudy assessing wind, solar and hydro options to power the early production facility. The study began in Q32021 and will be completed in 2022, as Genel aims to reduce GHG emissions from our facilities

-- Taq Taq PSC (44% working interest and joint operator)? Gross production at Taq Taq averaged 5,940 bopd in 2021, following the ongoing suspension of drillingactivity ? Activity at Taq Taq continues to be focused on optimising cash flow, and drilling may resume in H22022


-- Qara Dagh (40% working interest and operator)? As announced on 4 January, drilling operations on the QD-2 well have been suspended and the welltemporarily abandoned ? The evaluation by licence partners Genel and Chevron of the QD-2 well and its results is nowunderway, and this will inform next steps on the licence

-- Somaliland (51% working interest and operator)? Following the signing of a farm-out agreement with OPIC Somaliland Corporation relating to theSL10B13 block, field partners are now working together to plan exploration drilling, with an aim of drilling awell in 2023

-- Morocco (75% working interest and operator)? A farm-out campaign continues to be planned relating to the Lagzira block offshore Morocco (75%working interest and operator), with the aim of bringing a partner onto the licence prior to consideringfurther commitments


For further information, please contact:

Genel Energy 
                                       +44 20 7659 5100 
Andrew Benbow, Head of Communications 
Vigo Consulting 
                                       +44 20 7390 0230 
Patrick d'Ancona 

This announcement includes inside information.

Notes to editors:

Genel Energy is a socially responsible oil producer listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange (LSE: GENL, LEI: 549300IVCJDWC3LR8F94). The Company is one of the largest London-listed independent hydrocarbon producers, with an asset portfolio that positions us well for a future of fewer and better natural resources projects. Genel has low-cost and low-carbon production from the Sarta, Taq Taq, and Tawke licences in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, providing financial resilience that allows investment in growth and the payment of a material and sustainable dividend, even at a low oil price. Genel also continues to pursue further growth opportunities. For further information, please refer to

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January 18, 2022 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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