RNS Number:8212V
Griffin Group PLC
16 December 2005

                               GRIFFIN GROUP plc
                         ("Griffin" or the "Company")


Financial highlights:

  * Turnover up 220% to #10.58m (2004: #3.31m)

  * Net Profit before exceptional items up 107% to #938,597 (2004: #453,642)

  * Goodwill impairment write off amounting to #372,712 treated as exceptional

  * Earnings per share before exceptional items up 48% to 1.38p (2004: 0.93p)

  * Net current assets #2,557,016 (2004: #1,115,638) including cash at bank of
    #904,451 and publicly tradable investments of #925,152

  * Net assets #1,913,909 (2004: #1,700,375) equivalent to 4.71p per share
    (2004: 4.3p)

  * UK operations continued to be buoyant achieving six new AIM admissions and
    completed a number of corporate transactions

  * US operations have continued to struggle in difficult market conditions in
    their sector resulting in a trading loss of #65,591 before goodwill
    amortisation of #105,744 and the exceptional goodwill impairment write off
    of #372,712

  * Disposal of the US operations to the US management team completed shortly
    after the year end date


I am pleased to be able to report another year of record results for the Group
reflecting a further significant improvement in the performance of the Group
during this last financial year.

In the year ended 30 September 2005, turnover increased 220 per cent. to
#10,585,325 (2004: #3,310,569) as a result of an increase in completed
transactions in the period. Administrative costs rose as a result of the
additional business at #4,426,320 (2004: #1,495,352). Net profit before taxation
and the exceptional goodwill write off amounted to #938,597 (2004: #453,642) and
earnings per share (excluding the exceptional goodwill write off) amounted to
1.38p (2004: 0.93p). Shareholders' funds increased to #1,913,909 (2004:
#1,700,375) equivalent to 4.71p per share. The Directors do not propose to
declare a dividend (2004: nil). At the end of the year, the Company had cash on
hand of #904,451 and investments held as short term stock of #925,152.

Griffin Corporate Finance Limited ("Griffin UK")

Griffin UK has undertaken ten corporate transactions in the year and established
six new AIM flotations and one Ofex flotation. The corporate transactions and
publicly floated companies cover various industry sectors. The corporate finance
fee income amounted to #3.16 million and trading of investments totalled #5.8

The new AIM and Ofex admissions promoted by Griffin UK are as follows:

Interbulk Investments plc     Initial investment into an intermodal transport 

Ionian Estates plc            Initial investment into a Croatia property 
                              development business

Process Handling plc          Initial investment into an international pneumatic 
                              conveying solutions business

Euro Investment Fund plc      Initial investment into a specialist packaging 
                              business providing a Child Resistant Senior 
                              Friendly solution to the pharmaceutical industry

Croatia Ventures plc          Under new management

Nanotech Energy plc           Under new management

Firenze Ventures plc          Just admitted to Ofex at the year end

Griffin UK's policy is not to maintain large long-term holdings in these
companies and, whilst a management agreement exists whereby Griffin provides
administrative support to these new AIM companies, Griffin UK looks to input
appropriate new executives into these companies at an early opportunity, once
the strategic direction of each company is determined.

Griffin Securities Inc ("Griffin US")

Your Company has today completed the disposal of the US subsidiaries and trading
operations to the US management team. The disposal is effective from 1 October
2005 and the disposal proceeds were $825,885 all payable in cash on completion.
The disposal proceeds represent the net assets disposed of plus $200,000

Trading performance in the US operations has been disappointing and lacks the
growth potential that your Board is seeking for the Group. The results of the US
operations in recent years are set out below:

                                        2005           2004          2003
                                           #              #             #
Turnover                           1,563,826      1,681,627       396,452

(Loss)/Profit before taxation
and goodwill amortisation            (65,591)       140,600      (222,212)

Goodwill amortisation               (105,744)      (105,748)     (105,748)
Goodwill impairment write down      (372,712)             -             -

(Loss)/Profit before taxation       (544,047)        34,852      (327,960)

The board has decided that it was in the best interests of the Company to
dispose of the US operations due to the lack of potential growth and profits
from the US business, to ensure management time remained focused on the
profitable operations in the UK and to obtain an inflow of funds from the
disposal of the US operations by converting the US balance sheet assets into

At the same time as the disposal the US directors on the Group board, Adrian
Stecyk and Chrystyna Bedrij, resigned as directors of the Company to concentrate
on the management of the US operations. Your board wishes to thank them for
their hard work over recent years and wishes them every success with the future
trading of the US operations. No remaining members of the Group board have any
interest in the US operations disposed of.

Under the AIM Rules, as Adrian Stecyk and Chrystyna Bedrij are both directors of
the Company and interested in this disposal, the transaction is to a related
party. Accordingly the terms of the disposal have been reviewed by Stephen Dean
and Vince Nicholls, the independent directors, who after consultation with the
Company's Nominated Adviser, believe the terms of the disposal to be fair and
reasonable insofar as the shareholders of the Company are concerned.

Directors' Share Dealings and Shareholdings

In relation to the disposal of the US operations, as set out above, Adrian
Stecyk and Chrystyna Bedrij have today disposed of 1,305,113 ordinary shares of
5p each at 3.25p per share and no longer hold any shares in their personal names
in the Company. First Financial Securities Limited, a company in which Adrian
Stecyk holds a beneficial interest, has today disposed of 3,134,593 ordinary
shares of 5p each at 3.25p per share and now holds 5,422,643 ordinary shares of
5p each (13.33%). Global Investments Limited, a company in which Stephen Dean
holds a discretionary beneficial interest, has today acquired 1,539,706 ordinary
shares of 5p each at 3.25p per share and now holds 8,000,000 ordinary shares of
5p each (19.67%). Vince Nicholls has today acquired 2,900,000 ordinary shares of
5p each at 3.25p per share and now holds 4,000,000 ordinary shares of 5p each

Group Financial Overview

During the year, the Group has achieved pre tax profits (excluding the
exceptional goodwill impairment write off) of #938,597. Due to the disposal of
the US operations after the year end, the goodwill in the group's balance sheet
has been written down to #100,000 representing the excess over net assets
achieved from the disposal. The Group's net assets as at 30 September 2005
amounted to #1,913,909 equivalent to 4.71p per share. Earnings per share
(excluding the exceptional goodwill write off) have increased by 48% to 1.38p
(2004: 0.93p) which, based on the current share price of 6.13p, puts the shares
at a p/e of around 4.44.

As at 30 September 2005, the Group's cash balances were #904,451 and the Group
also held investments (publicly tradeable on markets in London and New York) at
book values totalling #925,152, all held for short term disposal. The Group's
only debts are the convertible loan notes totalling #925,000. #175,000 of these
loans is due for repayment or conversion in March 2006. The new loans of
#750,000 were entered into just before the year end date and are repayable or
convertible by 28 September 2007. The cash balances at 30 September 2005 do not
reflect the receipt of the new loans of #750,000 as the funds were in transit at
the year end date. The Directors consider that the Group's financial position
and its trading position are very satisfactory.

We believe the Group's financial performance for 2005 supports the Directors'
belief that the economic climate is conducive to the smaller company markets in
which we operate in the UK. The Directors are actively seeking strategic
opportunities for the Company.  In the last year, we have increased the Group's
profile, developed the UK operating business and increased shareholder value
substantially. The Directors believe the current year will present substantial
opportunities for the Group's future success.

The employees and advisers of the Group have worked hard to achieve these record
results and the Board would like to thank all of them for their continuing
support and loyalty.

Stephen Dean

For The Year Ended 30 September 2005
                                                2005        2004
                                                   #           #

TURNOVER - Continuing operations           9,021,499   1,628,942
         - Discontinuing operations        1,563,826   1,681,627
                                          ___________ ___________
                                          10,585,325   3,310,569

COST OF SALES                             (5,275,093) (1,250,651)
                                          ___________ ___________
GROSS PROFIT                               5,310,232   2,059,918
Administrative expenses                   (4,426,320) (1,495,352)
Goodwill amortisation                       (105,744)   (105,748)
                                          ___________ ___________

Goodwill impairment write off               (372,712)          -
                                          ___________ ___________

OPERATING PROFIT                             405,456     458,818

- Continuing operations                      949,503     423,966
- Discontinuing operations                  (544,047)     34,852

Interest receivable & similar income         178,879       3,261
Interest payable                             (18,450)     (8,437)
                                          ___________ ___________
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE         565,885     453,642

Taxation                                    (381,378)   (121,627)
                                          ___________ ___________
RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE YEAR                 184,507     332,015
                                          ___________ ___________

Basic earnings per share (note 1)               0.46p       0.93p
Diluted earnings per share (note 1)             0.45p       0.93p

Basic earnings per share before goodwill
impairment                                      1.38p       0.93p

The Company made no recognised gains or losses other than the result for the

The continuing operations represent the UK operations which are continuing.

The discontinued operations represent the US operations which were disposed of
with effect from 1 October 2005.

As at 30 September 2005
                                                2005         2004
                                                   #            #
Intangible fixed assets                      100,000      578,456
Tangible fixed assets                          6,893        6,281
                                          ___________  ___________
                                             106,893      584,737
                                          ___________  ___________
Investments (note 5)                         925,152      946,428
Debtors                                    3,475,173      641,681
Cash at bank & in hand                       904,451      711,500
                                          ___________  ___________
                                           5,304,776    2,299,609

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due within one
Convertible debt                            (175,000)    (225,000)
Other creditors                           (2,572,760)    (958,971)
                                          ___________  ___________
NET CURRENT ASSETS                         2,557,016    1,115,638
                                          ___________  ___________

CREDITORS: Amounts falling due after more
than one year                               (750,000)           -
                                          ___________  ___________
NET ASSETS                                 1,913,909    1,700,375
                                          ___________  ___________
Called up share capital - equity           2,033,831    1,974,181
Share premium account                        527,349      557,972
Profit & loss account                       (647,271)    (831,778)
                                          ___________  ___________
EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                 1,913,909    1,700,375
                                          ___________  ___________

For The Year Ended 30 September 2005
                                               2005        2004

                                                  #           #
OPERATING ACTIVITIES (note 2)              (690,058)     35,374

Interest received                           178,879       3,261
Interest paid                               (18,450)     (8,437)
                                         ___________ ___________

INVESTMENTS & SERVICING OF FINANCE          160,429      (5,176)

UK corporation tax paid                           -           -

Purchase of tangible fixed assets            (6,447)     (6,882)
                                         ___________ ___________

& FINANCIAL INVESTMENT                       (6,447)     (6,882)

Purchase of investments                           -           -
Disposal of investments                           -           -
                                         ___________ ___________

NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM ACQUISITIONS &              -           -

EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID                             -           -
                                         ___________ ___________
NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW BEFORE           (536,076)     23,316
                                         ___________ ___________
Issue of ordinary share capital              59,650     675,000
Costs of share issues                       (30,623)   (257,038)
Debt finance introduced                     750,000     225,000
Debt finance repaid                         (50,000)          -
                                         ___________ ___________

NET CASH INFLOW FROM FINANCING              729,027     642,962
                                         ___________ ___________

INCREASE IN CASH (notes 3 & 4)              192,951     666,278
                                         ___________ ___________

1    Earnings per share

     The basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the profit for the 
     financial year attributable to shareholders by the weighted average number 
     of shares in issue. In calculating the diluted earnings per share, share
     options and warrants outstanding have been taken into account.

     The weighted average number of shares were:         2005         2004
                                                       Number       Number
     Weighted average number of shares             40,405,344   35,577,892
     Effect of outstanding warrants and options       400,000            -
                                                   __________   __________
     Adjusted weighted average number of ordinary  40,805,344   35,577,892
                                                   __________   __________
2    Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities

                                                         2005         2004
                                                            #            #
     Operating profit                                 405,456      458,818
     Depreciation                                       5,835       11,784
     Amortisation                                     105,744      105,748
     Goodwill impairment write off                    372,712            -
     Provision against investments                          -       18,300
     (Increase)/decrease in investments                21,276     (599,483)
     (Increase)/decrease in debtors                (2,833,492)    (555,250)
     Increase/(decrease) in creditors               1,232,411      595,457
                                                   ___________   __________
     Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating        (690,058)      35,374
                                                   ___________   __________

3    Reconciliation of change in cash to movement in net funds

                                                         2005         2004
                                                            #            #
     Increase in cash in the year                     192,951      666,278
     Debt finance introduced                         (750,000)    (225,000)
     Debt finance repaid                               50,000
                                                   ___________   __________
     Movement in net funds                           (507,049)     441,278
                                                   ___________   __________

4    Analysis of net cash and debt

                                           2004     Cashflow          2005
                                              #            #             #
     Cash at bank                       711,500      192,951       904,451
                                      __________   __________    __________
     Net funds                          711,500      192,951       904,451
     Convertible loan notes            (225,000)    (700,000)     (925,000)
                                      __________   __________    __________
                                        486,500     (507,049)      (20,549)
                                      __________   __________    __________
5    Investments
     The investments represent shares which are publicly tradeable on a 
     recognised market in either USA or UK.

6    The Board of Directors does not propose to pay a dividend.
7    The financial information set out in this document has not been audited and 
     does not constitute statutory group accounts.
8    The report and accounts for the year to 30 September 2005 will be posted to 
     shareholders and, after being laid before the Annual General Meeting, will 
     be delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

Copies of the Report and Accounts will be available to the public, free of
charge, from the office of Griffin Group plc, Hilden Park House, 79 Tonbridge
Road, Hildenborough, Kent, TN11 9BH during normal office hours, with the
exception of Saturdays, Sundays and bank holidays, for one month from today.


Griffin Group plc
Stephen Dean, Chairman                                   0034 605 282 211

Nabarro Wells & Co Limited
Keith Smith                                                 020 7710 7400

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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