1 February 2024
Galileo Resources
("Galileo" or "the
New Kalahari Copper Belt
Targets Defined on PL039/2018 and PL040/2018
Following the recent announcement of
the discovery of three copper targets on the Galileo licence
PL253/2028, the Company is pleased to announce two further new
targets derived from a recent TerraleachTM* soil geochemical survey
on licences PL039/2018 and PL040/2018 located
towards the south-eastern basin margin of the Kalahari Copper
Previous scout drilling by Galileo
revealed the correct prospective lithological sequence most
typically associated with mineralisation in the region leading the
external consultant to advise that the
orientation and wide separation of these scout drill holes would
readily allow for the development of an economic style deposit to
sit between them. Galileo followed up with ionic leach soil
sampling resulting in the discovery of the current anomalous
· The
new Galileo geochemical targets occupy a similar geological setting
('the Galileo Fold') to that drilled by Khoemacau Copper Mining
('Khoemacau') coincident with the Mowana Fold axis and Zones 5 and
9 mineralisation together with the recently announced drill
intercepts by Arc Minerals ('Arc') on the adjoining Virgo
· At
Mowana, Khoemacau reported drill intercepts of 4.3m @ 1.65% Cu and
6.1m @ 2.56% Cu. Arc also recently drilled scout holes on the same
structure on an adjacent licence and reported 1m intervals assaying
up to 3.65% Cu.
Independent external assessment reported that
"the geological and structural setting of
the Galileo Fold is almost identical to that of the Mowana Fold and
is believed to share the same level of prospectivity."
On PL 039/2018, anomalous soil results are
associated with the plunge nose of the Galileo Fold
On PL40/2018, three geochemical targets have been
identified with the southern target extending over
Survey lines were widely spaced, and the Company
is assessing available geophysical data ahead of a drill programme
over priority targets.
Colin Bird Chairman and CEO commented
"Following on
the back of the recently announced discoveries on PL253/2028 to the
north of these licences our new targets are very encouraging
particularly when you consider that the copper values in soils on
PL39/2018 define an area independently assessed to be directly
analogous to the Khoemacau/Arc Mowana Fold prospect and I would
direct shareholders to the attached figure to see the remarkable
similarity between the two target areas. The scale of our
discoveries should also not be overlooked for example, the southern
target on PL40/2018 is the same size as Khoemacau's Zone 5 target.
In the coming months we will undertake further work to pin down
drilling targets in this exciting area."
Figure 1 - Galileo PLs 039 & 040 - geological setting and
soil geochemistry

Technical Sign-Off: Technical
information in this announcement has been reviewed by Edward (Ed)
Slowey, BSc, PGeo, Technical Director of Galileo. Mr Slowey is a
geologist with more than 40 years' relevant experience in mineral
exploration and mining, a founder member of the Institute of
Geologists of Ireland and is a Qualified Person under the AIM
rules. Mr Slowey has reviewed and approved this
*TerraleachTM: The technique is a partial leach
method that assays for mobile ions which have migrated into the
weathering zone, and which are only weakly or loosely attached to
the surfaces of soil particles. Studies have shown that these ions
have the ability to disperse through unmineralised rock and
overburden to surface from depth, thus having the capacity to
indicate buried mineralisation.
You can also follow Galileo on
Twitter: @GalileoResource
For further information, please
contact: Galileo Resources PLC
Colin Bird, Chairman
Tel +44 (0) 20 7581 4477
Beaumont Cornish Limited -
Roland Cornish/James
Tel +44 (0) 20 7628 3396
Novum Securities Limited - Joint
Colin Rowbury /Jon
+44 (0) 20 7399 9400
Shard Capital Partners LLP - Joint
Damon Heath
Tel +44 (0) 20 7186 9952
The information contained within this announcement is deemed
by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under
the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014 as it forms part of
UK Domestic Law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act
2018 ("UK MAR").