RNS Number : 9337S

Goldman Sachs Dynamic Opportunities

06 December 2012

6 December 2012

Goldman Sachs Dynamic Opportunities Limited

Recommended proposals for a voluntary winding up of the Company and cancellation of the listing of the Shares


The Company is today posting a Circular to Shareholders in connection with recommended proposals for a voluntary winding up of the Company and cancellation of the listing of the Shares.

On 13 December 2011 Shareholders approved the Winding Down Resolution pursuant to which the

Company's investment objective and policy were amended to permit an orderly realisation of the

Investments in the Continuing Portfolio and the return of the proceeds of such realisations to Shareholders. Between that date and 30 April 2012 approximately 50 per cent of the Continuing Portfolio (by NAV at 31 March 2012) was realised with the net proceeds being returned to Shareholders by way of a compulsory redemption of Shares (the "First Distribution").

Since then a further 35 per cent of the Continuing Portfolio (by NAV at 31 March 2012) has been realised with the net proceeds of approximately US$72 million expected to be returned to Shareholders (by way of a further compulsory redemption of Shares) on or about 10 December 2012 (the "Second Distribution"). Immediately following the Second Distribution, the Continuing Portfolio is expected to comprise 8 Investments of which 6 are Illiquid Investments. As at the close of business on 30 November 2012, the unaudited estimated Net Asset Value of the Continuing Portfolio (net of the Second Distribution) was approximately US$29.2 million.

The Board believes that the Continuing Portfolio no longer has an adequate spread of investment risk and hence the Shares are no longer suitable for listing on the Official List and trading on the London Stock Exchange. Accordingly, the Board believes that it is appropriate to proceed with a members' voluntary winding up and the appointment of a liquidator. Upon the appointment of the Liquidator, the Shares will no longer be transferable without the sanction of the Liquidator. The Board therefore believes that it would be appropriate to suspend and, subject to Shareholder approval in accordance with the requirements of the Listing Rules, cancel the listing of the Shares. Accordingly, Shareholders are being asked to vote in favour of the Winding Up Resolution.

Continuing Portfolio Liquidity

On the basis of the composition of the Continuing Portfolio as at 30 November 2012 (net of the Second Distribution), the assumptions set out in the table immediately below and taking account of the Company's prevailing net cash position, the Investment Manager's current expectation is that the Continuing Portfolio could be realised in accordance with the following indicative timetable (which should not be relied upon for any purpose):

 Realisation proceeds received    Cumulative percentage of Continuing 
  by                               Portfolio 
 31 January 2013                                                  55% 
 30 April 2013                                                    69% 
 After 30 April 2013                                             100% 

Source: Investment Manager

1. The above table assumes that no Liquidity Constraints are imposed or arise other than those of which the Investment Manager had actual knowledge as at 3 December 2012. There may be other matters or factors which affect the availability, amount or timing of receipt of the proceeds of realisation of some or all of the Investments in the Continuing Portfolio, including intervening economic events. Amounts or percentages shown after 30 April 2013 should be considered to be highly speculative.

2. The above table is based on estimated valuations (in US$) of the Continuing Portfolio as at 30 November 2012 and assumes valuations of investments are unchanged from that date. Such valuations may be estimated and/or unaudited and may be inaccurate and/or subject to conflicts of interest. Investments may not realise the assumed cash sum and/or percentage of such valuations at the times assumed or at all. The above table excludes cash required to settle outstanding redemption payments pursuant to the 2010 Redemption Offers and 2011 Redemption Offers and investments held within the 2010 redemption portfolio and 2011 redemption portfolio.

3. It is expected that the Company's remaining investments in the Continuing Portfolio at 30 April 2013 will constitute Investments in illiquid underlying funds that have suspended redemptions, imposed gates, invested in illiquid special investments or have other similar liquidity impairment (including side pockets, synthetic side pockets and/or liquidating trusts). It is currently uncertain when those Investments could be realised and their current value will fluctuate.

4. The above table assumes realisation proceeds are received within 30 days after the date on which realisation becomes effective.

The information in this table has not been subject to audit and should be considered to be illustrative.

The estimated Continuing Portfolio liquidity profile above is indicative only and should not under any circumstances be considered a prediction, forecast or guarantee of the actual Continuing Portfolio liquidity profile or an indication to the timing of distributions to Shareholders pursuant to the Winding Up. In addition, there is no guarantee that the assets in the Continuing Portfolio will be realised at their Net Asset Value or that the Continuing Portfolio can be realised in accordance with the above indicative timetable. It is possible that the Company may not be able to realise some of those assets at any material value.

It is also emphasised that the values of underlying Investments as at the time of realisation, and hence the amounts returned to Shareholders, may differ significantly from the values used in the Circular.

Winding Up

It is proposed that the Company be voluntarily wound-up in accordance with section 391(1)(b) of the Law on 31 December 2012 and that Ashley Paxton and Linda Johnson of KPMG Channel Islands Limited of 20 New Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 4AN be appointed liquidators of the Company. The remuneration of the Liquidator will be fixed on the basis of time spent by the Liquidator and members of its staff in attending to matters arising prior to and during the Winding Up. The payment of Directors' fees and expenses (other than in respect of accrued fees and expenses) to the Directors will cease from that point and no payments for loss of office will be made. However, the Liquidator intends to retain the services of certain or all of the Directors in order to assist with certain matters relating to the preparation and audit of accounts for the year ending 31 December 2012.

The Winding Up will become effective immediately upon the passing of the Winding Up Resolution to be proposed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company. Further details of the Extraordinary General Meeting are set out below and in the notice as set out at the end of this document.

If Shareholders vote in favour of the Proposals, on the Winding Up the Liquidator will set aside sufficient liquid assets in a Liquidation Fund to meet the Company's liabilities including the costs of the Proposals. The Liquidation Fund will include a Retention which will be set at an amount that the Liquidator considers sufficient to meet any unascertained and unknown liabilities of the Company. This Retention is currently expected to be approximately GBP150,000. The Retention is in addition to the costs of the Proposals as set out in more detail under the heading 'Costs of the Proposals' below.

In accordance with section 397 of the Law, the Liquidator has a statutory duty to realise the Company's assets and discharge its liabilities before distributing surplus assets to Shareholders. It is expected that the Liquidator will make a first distribution to Shareholders as referred to under "Distributions" below.

If the Winding Up Resolution is passed, it is expected that the Liquidator (on behalf of the Company) will instruct HFS to provide investment advisory services (but not discretionary management services) to the Company for the purposes of realising the remaining Continuing Portfolio in the period immediately following the Liquidator's appointment and until the entire Continuing Portfolio and the Redemption Portfolios have been realised.

After paying the costs of the Winding Up, settling all tax and other liabilities of the Company and the realisation of the remainder of the Continuing Portfolio and the Redemption Portfolios, the Liquidator will pay a final distribution to Shareholders comprising the balance of the Liquidation Fund and any proceeds from the realisation of the remainder of the Continuing Portfolio. The final distribution will be made as soon as is reasonably practicable. Proceeds from the realisation of the remainder of the Redemption Portfolios will be paid to those former shareholders who redeemed EUR Shares and/or US$ Shares in the 2010 and 2011 Redemption Offers after receipt thereof, although payments may be delayed until a sufficient balance has accumulated.

Arrangements with the Company's service providers

Assuming the Proposals proceed, all arrangements with the Company's service providers will be terminated upon the Company being placed into voluntary winding up or when any services being performed in connection with the Proposals have been completed (whichever is the later). No compensation is payable in connection with the termination of these contracts.

The Liquidator has indicated that it expects the Company to retain the services of the Administrator and the Company's existing auditors for a period following the commencement of the Winding Up, in order to facilitate the preparation and audit of the Company's financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2012. In addition, the Liquidator expects the Company to retain the Company's registrars to provide registrar services and to facilitate the payment of distributions.

The investment management agreement with the Investment Manager will cease (without compensation) once the Company is placed into voluntary winding up at which point it is expected that HFS will instead be appointed by the Company as its investment adviser. HFS will have no discretionary management authority but will instead advise the Company in connection with the realisation of the remaining Investments. HFS will not charge any fees for such investment advisory services but will be reimbursed by the Company for its costs and expenses.

Dealings, settlement and cancellation of listing

The Register will be closed and the Shares will be disabled in CREST at 5.00p.m. on 28 December 2012 and, to be valid, all transfers of Shares must be lodged before that time. The last day for trading in the Shares on the London Stock Exchange for normal settlement (in order to enable settlement prior to the closing of the Register) will be 21 December 2012. As from 24 December 2012, dealings should be for cash settlement only and will be registered in the normal way if the transfer, accompanied by documents of title, is received by the Registrar by 5.00 p.m. on 28 December 2012. Transfers received by the Registrar after 5.00m p.m. on 28 December 2012 will be returned to the person lodging them.

Dealings in Shares on the London Stock Exchange will be suspended at 7.30 a.m. on 31 December 2012 and, at the same time, the listing of the Shares on the Official List will be suspended and, subject to Shareholder approval, cancelled. If the Liquidator is appointed, the Shares will no longer be freely transferable without the sanction of the Liquidator.

Under the Listing Rules the cancellation of the listing of the Shares from the Official List and to trading on the London Stock Exchange can only be effected following the approval of Shareholders by a resolution passed by 75 per cent or more of the votes cast and the expiration of a period of not more than 20 business days from the date of that approval. The Winding Up Resolution contains provision for the approval by Shareholders of such cancellation.

Shareholders should be aware that, should the Proposals be implemented, the listing of the Shares on the Official List will then be cancelled with effect from 8.00 a.m. on 30 January 2013.

Costs of the Proposals

The expenses incurred in relation to the Proposals (including all printing costs, postage costs, professional advice and the Liquidator's fees) are currently estimated to amount to approximately GBP135,000 which excludes the payment of fees and expenses of certain service providers up to the time of the Winding Up Resolution and the fees of those Directors and service providers, where applicable, who may be retained following the commencement of the Winding Up.

2010 and 2011 redemption portfolios

Since the creation of the 2010 and 2011 redemption portfolios, approximately 92 per cent by value and 91 per cent by value respectively (using prevailing NAVs at or about the time of the respective first distributions of redemption monies) of the Investments comprised in them have been realised with those realisation proceeds being distributed to redeeming former shareholders.

The realisation of the remaining Investments in the Redemption Portfolios will continue during the Winding Up. If the Winding Up Resolution is approved by Shareholders, the Liquidator would take responsibility for realising the remaining Investments in the Redemption Portfolios (with the assistance of HFS as referred to above).

Illiquid Investments

The table below sets out the composition of the Redemption Portfolios and the Continuing Portfolio (post April 2013) as at 30 September 2012. Such portfolios comprise the following Illiquid Investments:

                                  % of GSDO NAV as at 30 September 2012 
 Illiquid Investment    2010 Redemption   2011 Redemption   Continuing Portfolio 
                         Portfolio         Portfolio         (post April 2013)(1) 
 Amaranth               2.9%              2.7%              2.1% 
 Eton Park              28.9%             34.9%             35.4% 
 Tisbury(2)             0.9%              0.7%              1.0% 
 Harbinger              16.5%             15.0%             14.6% 
 Silver Point           22.8%             20.8%             20.8% 
 Spinnaker              5.4%              5.2%              5.2% 
 TPG Axon               22.8%             20.8%             20.8% 
                        100.0%            100.0%            100.0% 

Source: Investment Manager

The allocations shown above exclude any cash in the respective portfolios and may change over time. The allocations noted above may not be representative of allocations in the future. It is currently uncertain when such Illiquid Investments could be realised and their current value will fluctuate.

(1) It is possible that the existing managers in which the Company invests could impose additional gates, side pockets, suspend redemptions or otherwise restrict liquidity in the funds they manage, which could have a material impact on the numbers provided above.

(2) The Tisbury investment was fully redeemed in October 2012.


Distributions of cash by the Liquidator pursuant to the Winding Up will take place in the normal course of a liquidation and through the usual channels. The Liquidator will only be in a position to make a distribution after the conclusion of a creditor notice period, which is generally a period of 2 to 3 weeks following its appointment. Should any additional creditor claims, of which the Liquidator was not previously aware, arise during the creditor notice period, this may impact on the timing and amount of any distribution.

Given the distribution of cash from the realisation of Investments which is expected to be made in December 2012, it is unlikely that any distribution will be made by the Liquidator before April 2013.

As there are no currency hedging arrangements in place in respect of the Shares, movements in exchange rates between the US$ and sterling may result in holders of the Shares receiving sterling cash distributions which are more or less than the NAV attributable to the Shares from time to time.

Further information

Further details of the Winding Up Proposals including certain risk factors (which are not intended to be exhaustive) are set out in the Circular.

Expected Timetable

 Latest time and date for receipt of              10.00 a.m. on 27 December 
  Forms of Proxy for the Extraordinary                                 2012 
  General Meeting 
 Register of members closed                        5.00 p.m. on 28 December 
 Suspension of Shares from trading on              7.30 a.m. on 31 December 
  the London Stock Exchange and suspension                             2012 
  of the listing for Shares on the Official 
 Extraordinary General Meeting                    10.00 a.m. on 31 December 
 Liquidator appointed                                      31 December 2012 
 Cancellation of Shares from trading                8.00 a.m. on 30 January 
  on the London Stock Exchange and cancellation                        2013 
  of the listing for Shares on the Official 
 Expected first liquidation distribution                      by April 2013 
  to Shareholders 
 The above times and/or dates may be subject to change and, in 
  the event of such change, the revised times and/or dates will 
  be notified to Shareholders by an announcement through a Regulatory 
  Information Service. 


 Robin Amer                                Tel: +44 (0)1481 744 000 
  RBC Offshore Fund Managers Limited 
 Niklas Ekholm                             Tel: +44 (0)20 7051 9270 
  Head of International Public Relations 
  Goldman Sachs Asset Management 
 Anisha Patel                              Tel: +44 (0)20 7774 2523 
  Media Relations 
  Goldman Sachs Asset Management 
 Stuart Klein                              Tel: +44 (0)20 7029 8703 
  Jefferies Hoare Govett 

Terms used in this announcement shall, unless the context otherwise requires, bear the meanings given to them in the Circular dated 6 December 2012.

A copy of the Circular will shortly be submitted to the National Storage Mechanism and will shortly be available for inspection at: www.Hemscott.com/nsm.do

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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