RNS Number:4654D
Hacas Group PLC
10 January 2000


                   HACAS Group PLC ("HACAS")
  (The leading UK social housing consultancy with offices in
                     London and Edinburgh)

                             1999        1998    Change

Turnover                   #4.74m      #3.46m      +38%

Profit before tax**    #1,127,643    #640,407      +76%

Earnings per share          2.90p       1.76p      +65%

Dividend                    1.10p          -          -
** As HACAS Group PLC traded for less than three months before
its  financial year end in 1998, the figures set out above for
that  year  are  annualised full year  figures  for  the  main
operational company HACAS Ltd combined with The Royal  Borough
of  Kensington and Chelsea Assured Homes PLC.  The figures are
taken from the accounts of both companies for 1998.

*    600 projects completed for 275 clients during the year
*    Significant growth in all sectors
*    Core consultancy business shows steady underlying growth
*     HACAS Exchequer Services consolidates its postion  as  a
 leading funding adviser
*    Good start for HACAS Asset Management Services
*     Successfully advised Glasgow City Council  (the  largest
 housing authority in Scotland)
*     Appointed to advise Birmingham City Council (the largest
 housing authority in England)
*    Operating margins being maintained
*    Cash balances increased to #2.8 million
*    Trading in first three months ahead of the similar period
 last year
*     Confident  that the Group will be able to maintain  good

For further information:
Julian Ashby (Chairman)                          020 7609 9491
Brian Coleman-Smith / Bruce Croxford             020 7786 9600
Binns & Co Public Relations

Background note:

The Market

The  social  housing sector is the Group's  primary  operating
market.   The  sector  comprises housing  associations,  local
authority  and other public sector housing providers  together
with  the  related  government departments, regulators,  trade
bodies, suppliers and funders.  This sector owns over  25%  of
the UK housing stock.

The  HACAS group advises some of the largest local authorities
(such  as  Birmingham  City Council) and  a  majority  of  the
largest  housing  associations.  The 500 most regular  housing
association  clients hold assets ranging between  #50  million
and   #1.4   billion.    Other  clients   include   government
departments,  Housing  Corporation, Scottish  Homes,  National
Audit Office and the Audit Commission.

Government policy encourages area regeneration and substantial
investment  in  repairing  and  modernising  local   authority
housing.   This  often  involves the  transfer  of  the  local
authority's  housing  stock  to  a  housing  association   and
substantial funding from the commercial loans market.   It  is
anticipated  that  some #13 billion of such  funding  will  be
required over the next ten years.  This is a key area  of  the
Group's work.

HACAS  carries  out  research for government  departments  and
regulators and also advises financial institutions, commercial
companies  involved in the social housing sector  as  well  as
Eastern European governments.

                        HACAS Group PLC
  (The leading UK social housing consultancy with offices in
                     London and Edinburgh)
                       30 SEPTEMBER 1999
                     CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT
We  have now completed our first full year of operations since
HACAS  Ltd  reversed into General Industries to  create  HACAS
Group  PLC  in  July 1998.  In order to provide  a  meaningful
comparison  with 1997/98 we have used the pro-forma  unaudited
financial statement included in last year's Annual Report.

We  are happy to report excellent results for the year  to  30
September  1999.   All  parts  of  the  Group  have   exceeded
expectations.  Group turnover has increased by  38%  to  #4.74
million.   Profits before tax are up 76% to #1.13 million  and
earnings per share are up 65% to 2.9p per share.  The  results
have  benefited  from  The  Royal Borough  of  Kensington  and
Chelsea  Assured Homes PLC's property disposals programme  and
increased  billing  in the last quarter.  Nevertheless,  there
has  also  been steady underlying growth in the core  business
and HACAS Exchequer Services has consolidated its position  as
a leading funding adviser.

We  declared an interim dividend of 0.5p per share in May 1999
and propose a final dividend of 0.6p per share  payable on  12
April 2000 to shareholders in the register at 21 January 2000.
This will make a total dividend for the year of 1.1p.

Growth, Acquisitions and New Ventures
We continue to expand through organic growth and have welcomed
a  number of excellent consultants into the Group.  The social
housing  sector (providing around 25% of UK housing) has  many
small  consultancy and service company providers of  which  we
are  one  of the largest.  We are in discussions with  several
smaller  consultancies  which could extend  the  work  of  the
Group.   The establishment of HACAS Asset Management  Services
has  brought  one  such set of negotiations  to  a  successful
conclusion and is generating significant additional business.

Consultancy   is   a  people  business  and  our   outstanding
performance  in  the  year  has been  due  to  the  skill  and
commitment of our staff team.  We are pleased that so many are
also  shareholders and this long term interest in the  Group's
future  is  being strengthened by the operation of  our  share
option scheme.  We thank them all for their contribution.

The  government's  regeneration  objectives  mean  that  stock
transfers and private funding will continue and increase.   In
addition,  radical  changes to the local  authority  financial
framework  are taking place.  Both of these are key  areas  of
growth  for the Group.  We are at the forefront of a range  of
regeneration and Private Finance Initiative schemes and advise
many authorities on the impact of resource accounting.  In the
first  three months of the current financial year  trading  is
ahead  of the same period last year and all parts of the Group
are operating profitably.  I am confident that we will be able
to maintain good progress through the year.

Julian Ashby


This  is my second review as Managing Director of HACAS  Group
PLC since the successful completion of the reverse takeover of
General Industries PLC in July 1998 and the acquisition of The
Royal  Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Assured Homes PLC  in
August 1998.

Throughout 1999 we have had sustained growth in all  our  main
operating  areas  and  consolidated our expansion  with  local
authority  clients.  We have continued to broaden  our  client
base  and  take on additional consultants with an  established
track record and profile within the sector.  The establishment
of  HACAS  Asset  Management Services  has  been  successfully
completed and it extends our services into the area of housing
stock   condition   management  and  forecasting   for   local
authorities and housing associations.

We  were  delighted to follow our success in advising  Glasgow
City  Council  (the largest housing authority in Scotland)  by
being appointed to advise Birmingham City Council (the largest
housing  authority  in  England)  on  its  stock  reinvestment
proposals.   We have been taking a lead in the development  of
innovative  approaches to regeneration.  We are involved  with
all  four  of  London's New Deal for Communities schemes,  are
advising on three of the housing "pathfinder" PFI schemes  and
have   helped   to   establish  an  innovative   approach   to
regeneration through the Forest Gate Community Company.

We  have  undertaken flagship research work for the Department
of  Environment,  Transport & the Regions on  stock  condition
strategic  financial  projections and rent  issues  which  has
enhanced our status in the sector.  Another key area of growth
has  been in our specialist recruitment division.   This  good
progress has continued in the current year.

During  the year, The Royal Borough of Kensington and  Chelsea
Assured  Homes  PLC sold four properties and has  subsequently
sold  a  further  three.   The  disposal  of  our  residential
investment portfolio is on target.  This contributed  usefully
to   profits  in  the  past  year  and  will  make  a  further
contribution this year.

Operating  margins are being maintained or improved  over  all
our  areas  of  activity.  Together with a  broadening  client
base,  this  makes  us  well placed to increase  turnover  and
profits.  The business generates a strong cashflow and we  now
have  available balances of around #2.8m.  The  Group  has  no
borrowings and bad debts continue at minimal levels.

Range of work
The  range  of  work  we undertake within the  social  housing
sector is continuing to broaden.

While housing associations account for around 54% of our work,
we  have experienced significant growth in every sector shown.
During  the  year  we  completed over  600  projects  for  275

We  consider that the diversity of clients within  this  niche
sector  is  a  source of strength to the Group.  Many  of  the
Group's  clients  that are not either housing associations  or
local  authorities are high profile and include the Department
of  Environment, Transport and the Regions, Audit  Commission,
National Audit Office, Housing Corporation and major financial
institutions such as Halifax PLC.

Information Technology
Our information technology arrangements enable our consultants
and  admin staff to access our network from home or when  they
are   on   the  move.   This  has  contributed  to   increased
productivity.    We  have  also  successfully   upgraded   our
accounting and billing software during the year.  We  continue
to  develop  our use of new technology and you are welcome  to
visit our web site at hacas.co.uk.

During  the  year  we have exhibited at the two  main  housing
sector conferences and been guest speakers at many others.  We
continue  to  be in demand to provide articles for  the  trade
press.   Our expanding senior executive recruitment work  gets
our  name  in  front of the key decision makers on  a  regular
basis  and our web site at hacas.co.uk has provided  an  extra
source of business.

We have authored a number of key specialist publications which
have  sold well and demonstrate our special expertise  in  the
sector.    These  include  Housing  associations:   a   viable
financial  future  for  the Chartered  Institute  of  Housing,
Learning  from  problem  cases for  the  Housing  Corporation,
Flexible  tenure  schemes  for Scotland  for  Scottish  Homes,
Partnerships  and  Practicalities  for  the  National  Housing
Federation.   Effective and protected housing investment   for
the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Derek Joseph
Managing Director

Pro Forma Unaudited Profit and Loss Account
for the 12 months ended 30 September 1999

                                       Year ended     Year ended
                                     30 September   30 September
                                             1999           1998
Turnover                                4,597,608      3,324,483
Rental Income                             140,015        141,718
Net Operating Expenses                 (3,747,711)   (2,973,853)
Expenses Attributable to Offer                  -        (54,407)
(not written off to Share Premium
                                    -------------  -------------
Operating Profit                          989,912        437,941
Interest Receivable                        93,841        147,949
Profit on property disposals               43,890              -
                                    -------------  -------------
Profit on ordinary activities           1,127,643        585,890
before taxation
Tax on ordinary activities               (378,241)     (190,414)
                                    -------------  -------------
Profit on ordinary activities             749,402        395,476
after taxation
                                    -------------  -------------
Dividends                                (283,926)             -
                                    -------------  -------------
Profit retained                           465,476        395,476
                                    =============  =============

Earnings  per  share  based on 25,824,932  (1998  -  25,542,782)
shares  in  issue  and  in  1998  excluding  operating  expenses
attributable to the offer were 2.90p (1998 - 1.76p).
Earnings  per  share  based on 27,124,832  (1998  -  26,842,782)
shares  in  issue  and  in  1998  excluding  operating  expenses
attributable  to the offer (fully diluted) were  3.06p  (1998  -
The  figures for all three companies for the twelve months ended
30  September 1999 are drawn from the published accounts for the
period, however, the comparators for 1998 are calculated on  the
following basis:-
I.  The  1998  figures for HACAS Limited are  based  on  audited
accounts for the 9 months to 30 September 1998 and for the three
months  to  31  December 1997 pro rata for the audited  accounts
from the 12 months to 31 December 1997.
II.  The  1998  figures for the Royal Borough of Kensington  and
Chelsea Assured Homes PLC are based on the audited accounts  for
the 10 months ended 30 September 1998 and for the 2 months to 30
November  1997  pro rata from the audited accounts  for  the  12
months to 30 November 1997.
III.  The 1998 figures for HACAS Group PLC are 12 months figures
pro  rata taken from the audited accounts for the period  of  14
months and 19 days ended 30 September 1998.
IV.  The  1998  and  1999 figures for turnover  -  continuing  o
perations and net operating expenses - for HACAS Limited and The
Royal  Borough  of  Kensington and  Chelsea  Assured  Homes  PLC
include an amount of inter-group turnover.
In the opinion of the directors of HACAS Group PLC these amounts
are not material and do not affect the operating profit shown in
the unaudited profit and loss account for the 12 months ended 30
September 1998.

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the year ended 30 September 1999

                                                  1999      1998
                                                     #         #
Rental income                                  140,015    20,316
Fees receivable                              4,597,608   803,909
                                          ------------   -------
                                             4,737,623   824,225
                                          ------------   -------
Administrative expenses                      3,747,711   726,906
                                          ------------   -------
OPERATING PROFIT                               989,912    97,319
Investment income                               93,841    84,831
Profit on disposal of investment properties     43,890         -
                                          ------------   -------
PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE                            
TAXATION                                     1,127,643   182,150
Taxation                                      (378,241) (56,614)
Dividends                                    (283,926)         -
                                          ------------  --------
RETAINED PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD                 465,476   125,536
                                          ============  ========
Earnings per share (Basic)                      2.900p    1.761p
                                          ============  ========
Earnings per share(Diluted)                     2.763p    1.728p
                                          ============  ========

The turnover for the period arises from the Group's continuing


                                                  1999     1998
                                                     #        #
Profit for the financial year                  709,402  125,536
Unrealised surplus on the revaluation of       498,131         
investment properties                                         -
                                          ------------  -------
Total gains and losses since last annual     1,247,533  125,536
                                          ============  =======

30 September 1999

                                                 1999      1998
                                                    #         #
FIXED ASSETS                                                   
Investments                                    50,004    10,004
Tangible assets                             1,971,785  1,702,497
Intangible assets                           (795,785)  (842,461)
                                            ---------  --------
                                            1,226,004   870,040
CURRENT ASSETS                              ---------  --------
Work in progress                              293,376   285,190
Debtors                                       996,971   751,080
Cash at bank and in hand                    2,828,580  2,283,207
                                            ---------  --------
                                            4,118,927  3,319,677
CREDITORS: Amount falling due within one    1,117,842   861,214
                                            ---------  --------
NET CURRENT ASSETS                          3,001,085  2,458,263
                                            ---------  --------
TOTAL ASSET LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES        4,227,089  3,328,303
                                            ---------  --------
                                            4,155,089  3,328,303
                                            =========  ========
CAPITAL AND RESERVES                                           
Called up share capital                     2,582,493  2,554,278
Share premium account                         483,453    483,453
Profit and loss account                       591,012    125,536
Revaluation reserve                           498,131          -
                                            ---------  --------
Shareholders' funds                         4,155,089  3,163,267
Minority interests                                  -    165,036
                                            ---------  --------
                                            4,155,089  3,328,303 
                                            =========  ========
 Cash Flow Statement
 for the year ended 30 September 1999
                                                   1999       1998
                                                      #          #
 Cash flow from operating activities            725,847    655,150
 Returns on investments and servicing of                          
 finance                                        (34,775)    84,831
 Taxation                                      (165,156)  (46,711)
 Capital expenditure and financial                                
 investment                                     124,239          -
 Acquisitions and disposals                    (132,997)   501,683
                                              ---------    -------
 CASH FLOW BEFORE FINANCING                     517,158  1,194,953
 Financing                                       28,215  1,088,254
                                              ---------   --------
 INCREASE IN CASH IN THE PERIOD                 545,373  2,283,207
                                              =========   ========
           Increase in cash in the period                  545,373
           Net cash at 1 October 1998                    2,283,207
           Net cash at 30 September 1999                 2,828,580

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Hacas Grp. (LSE:HCS)
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