RNS Number : 5614U 
Hexagon Human Capital PLC 
26 June 2009 

Date:                      26 June 2009 
On Behalf of:            Hexagon Human Capital plc ("the Group" or "the 
Embargoed until:    0700hrs 
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2009 
Hexagon Human Capital Plc (AIM: HHC), the UK's leading provider of senior 
interim management and one of the UK's leading executive search businesses, 
announces its unaudited preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2009. 
Financial and Operational Highlights: 
  - Net fee income (NFI) increased by 15% to GBP22.5m (2008: GBP19.5m) 
  - Earnings before interest, tax, amortisation, impairment and non operating 
charges (EBITA) increased by 4% to GBP5.9m (2008: GBP5.7m) 
  - Achieved EBITA conversion 26% (2008: 29%) 
  - Adjusted earnings per share 19.04p (2008:19.42p) 
  - Operating cash inflow GBP3.1m (2008: GBP3.9m) 
  - Debtor days reduced to 41 (2008: 48) 
  - Total net debt and deferred consideration reduced by GBP5.5m (29%) to 
GBP13.7m (2008: GBP19.2m) 
  - Well balanced performance across a number of market sectors and functional 
  - Decisive action taken to enable business to operate successfully in 
challenging markets 
  - Operational management re-structured streamlining senior management team 
  - Goodwill impairment review resulting in write down of goodwill by GBP7.1m 
  - Debt restructured in April 2009 by conversion of GBP2.3m of a term loan to a 
convertible loan maturing December 2011 
Robert Walker, Chairman of Hexagon Human Capital Plc, commented: 
"The year to 31 March 2009 was one of further progress for Hexagon. Management 
focus during this year particularly in the second half has been on cost control, 
cash generation and on reducing the Group's bank and other indebtedness rather 
than on acquisition initiatives. Acquisition activity in the year was limited to 
a number of infill acquisitions to support the Group's international presence. 
Trading in the first quarter of the current financial year remains volatile. The 
board has continued its programme of cost reduction to protect the business from 
the effects of the global recession in what will continue to be a challenging 
For further information, please contact: 
Hexagon Human Capital Plc 
Jonathan Wright, Chief Executive Officer 
Carl Thompson, Chief Financial Officer      020 7337 1133 
Brewin Dolphin Investment Banking (Nomad) 
Matt Davis 
Alison Barrow 
     0845 270 8605 
Redleaf Communications hexagon@redleafpr.com 
Emma Kane/ Sanna Sumner/ Rebecca Sanders-Hewett    020 7566 6700 
  Notes to Editors: 
  *  Hexagon Human Capital is the market-leader in providing senior interim 
  management and is a leading executive search company; 
  *  The Group floated on AIM on February 2007; 
  *  It was established in 2004 by Jonathan Wright and Dr Swee Lip Quek with a 
  strategy to buy and build in the interim management and executive search 
  *  Hexagon has built up a portfolio of profitable companies operating in a variety 
  of sectors: 
    *  Archer Mathieson: A leading UK provider of interim management and executive 
    recruitment in the specialist fields of finance, IT and human resources; 
    *  BIE Interim Executive: The UK's leading senior interim management company; 
    *  Correlate Search : Provider of specialist executive search in the international 
    financial services industry, with operations in the UK, Dubai and Hong Kong ; 
    *  Euromedica: the UK's leading life sciences and healthcare executive search 
    company with operations in the UK, Benelux, France, Switzerland, Scandinavia and 
    *  Oxygen Executive Search: providing leadership talent through offices in the UK 
    and US to international clients in the retail financial services, industrial, 
    consumer, professional services and real estate sectors. 
  *  The Group's report and accounts for the year ended 31 March 2009 are expected to 
  be posted to shareholders on or around 24 August 2009 and will also be available 
  from the Company's head office at 33 Cornhill, London EC3V 3ND and will be 
  available to download from its website at: www.hexagongroup.com 
On behalf of the board of Hexagon Human Capital Plc I am pleased to report 
another year of progress for the Group in volatile market conditions. 
We have successfully grown both our senior interim management and executive 
search divisions in the year and are pleased to be able to report overall growth 
of NFI by 15% to GBP22.5m and growth in EBITA of 4% to GBP5.9m. The second half 
of the year proved to be more challenging and management has focused on reducing 
costs within the business and maximising cross selling opportunities. 
Acquisition activity has been purposely limited to infill businesses that 
enhance the Group's international capabilities. 
The board recommends no dividend is paid at this time. The position will be 
reviewed again based on results for the year ending 31 March 2010. 
Unsolicited bid 
In February 2009 the Group received an unsolicited approach from a third party 
which in the board's opinion not only undervalued the Company but was also 
conditional on raising equity and bank leverage. The board accordingly rejected 
this proposal. Whilst this approach and continued interest from other parties in 
various of parts of the Group underscores the valuable nature of Hexagon's core 
assets the board does not believe that it is in shareholders interests to look 
to sell businesses at current valuations. Nor is the Company under any pressure 
to do so. 
Bank support 
In April 2009 the company secured a revised debt facility from Barclays Bank 
Plc, more detail is included in the Chief Executive's Review. We have agreed 
with our bankers an increased availability under our current facilities; this is 
ahead of the conclusion of discussions by end July 2009 on extended facilities. 
The fact that the bank continues to work alongside us in these difficult times 
is testament to the underlying quality of the business. 
Current Trading and Outlook 
The current financial year has started slowly which has led the board to 
reassess its expectations of future trading levels, accordingly a further 
restructuring of our cost base has taken place designed to ensure that the Group 
continues to weather the impact of the global recession in what is likely to be 
a challenging year. 
Robert Walker 
25 June 2009 
Hexagon has performed solidly during the year in increasingly difficult market 
conditions. Following a strong first half where we achieved good growth in NFI 
and EBIT, the second half performance was impacted by a significantly harder 
trading climate. The board believes that our full year result of EBITA of 
GBP5.9m and NFI to EBITA conversion of 26% (2008: 29%) compares favourably with 
our peer group companies and is testament to the Group's prudent management. 
We have remained focused on our core strategy of building a leading senior 
interim management business supported by a portfolio of specialist executive 
search businesses. During the year we traded with over 300 clients including 25 
of the FTSE 100. Consistent with our stated strategy of developing incremental 
business by managing our two divisions to work more cooperatively an increasing 
number of our clients are now shared between the divisions. 
The board started to see the effects of more difficult trading conditions in 
December 2008 and as a consequence decisive action, as detailed later in this 
report, has been taken to reduce the Company's cost base and restructure its 
debt service and deferred consideration obligations. 
Business Review 
  *  Senior Interim Management 
Hexagon is the UK's leading provider of senior interim managers through its two 
brands BIE and Archer Mathieson. Although growth in the period proved 
challenging our senior interim business proved relatively resilient to current 
market pressures with NFI of GBP8.5m (2008: GBP7.8m). NFI production per 
consultant remained strong at GBP500,000 (2008: GBP520,000) and we converted NFI 
to operating profit at 46% (2008: 50%). 
During the year the founders of BIE retired from the business, accordingly this 
strong performance was delivered by the next generation of management, which 
augers well for future periods. 
The year saw changes to the skills required by our clients with a clear focus on 
more financially orientated interims capable of managing businesses in 
distressed situations. Although overall demand for interim managers has declined 
our margins have been increasing since January 2009, reflecting a greater 
requirement for more senior interim managers in the challenging economic 
  *  Executive Search 
Our executive search businesses enjoyed an outstanding first half to the year, 
which set the platform to grow NFI by 19% for the full year. Organic growth was 
supported by the acquisitions of Correlate Search (formerly Akamai) and The 
Winchester Group. Our senior search brand Oxygen continued to penetrate its FTSE 
100 and 250 client base and through the acquisition of the Winchester Group in 
Atlanta (see below) has been able to support its key clients in their two most 
important markets. 
Although all areas of the market have seen falling demand for executives our 
strategy of having a broad portfolio of specialist brands has proved valuable. 
In particular our market leading pharmaceutical and healthcare business 
Euromedica has seen consistent demand from its clients and it is important to 
note that more than 80% of its business has been transacted with organisations 
based in Continental Europe. It is disappointing to report that during the year 
members of the founding management team of Roberts & Corr unexpectedly left the 
business. This inevitably impacted the performance of this business and was the 
key driver for the merger of Roberts & Corr with Correlate Search mentioned 
Overall NFI production fell from GBP370,000 per consultant to just over 
GBP300,000 in the year and we converted NFI to operating profit at 14% (2008: 
  *  Acquisitions 
During the year acquisition activity was purposely limited with the Group 
acquiring the Winchester Group in Atlanta USA and Correlate Search in the UK and 
the Middle East. 
The acquisition of the Winchester Group, which has been re-branded Oxygen, was 
part of Oxygen's strategic development and enables them to remain as a key 
supplier to a number of large FTSE clients who demand coverage in the USA from 
their executive search providers. 
We reported in our interim results that we had worked on the acquisition of a 
major European interim management provider but were forced to abort negotiations 
in September 2008 after a strengthening in the Euro, tightening of the debt 
markets and reduction in our share price. This required us to write off advisors 
fees of GBP0.5m. 
During the year the board's focus has been on effective management of its 
existing businesses and whilst introductions to interesting acquisition 
opportunities have continued we do not believe the current climate is 
appropriate for the group to utilise cash resources to make further 
acquisitions. This will remain under review. 
Restructuring Programme 
The impact of the global economic slow down began to impact the Group materially 
in the final quarter of the financial year and the board has accordingly 
reassessed their expectations of likely trading levels for the current financial 
year. The board has taken the following actions which it believes will allow it 
to successfully weather a continuing weak trading environment: 
  *  Restructuring of Bank debt 
Towards the end of the third quarter of financial year the board produced 
proposals to enhance the Company's cash position. This pro-active action would 
assist the Group in its ability to trade through a prolonged downturn whilst 
meeting its deferred consideration and bank indebtedness repayment obligations. 
However, the board became aware that certain shareholder groups, which by virtue 
of the size of their shareholding would be able to block a non pre-emptive issue 
of fresh equity, were unwilling to support an equity fundraising and did not 
want to be diluted by other investors. Accordingly, the board was forced to look 
at alternative options. 
Following a shareholder vote at an extraordinary general meeting on 5 March 2009 
the Company was successful in securing revised banking facilities. Under these 
new banking facilities maturing in December 2011 Barclays Bank has the option of 
converting GBP2.3m of senior debt into equity at a price of 48p. Since this time 
given current market conditions and pressure on working capital the Company has 
agreed with its bankers an increased availability under its current facilities. 
This is ahead of the conclusion of discussions by 31 July 2009 on extended 
  *  Costs savings 
Through recent initiatives taken, both pre and post the end of the financial 
year, the board has made cost savings of over GBP1.7m on an annualised basis. 
Key features of the cost reduction programme include: 
    *  A headcount reduction across the Group of approximately 15% of the workforce, 
    saving GBP700,000. 
    *  Salary reductions agreed with senior executives in excess of GBP800,000 
    *  An office consolidation exercise to reduce rent and property service costs by 
    *  The cessation of all discretionary expenditure 
    *  A reorganisation of senior management responsibilities to ensure that with the 
    exception of our central finance function all senior executives are in business 
    producing roles 
The beneficial effects of this programme have been progressive but from July 
2009 onwards we expect the full impact of these savings to be seen in our 
  *  Deferred Consideration Payments 
In June 2008, the board entered into negotiations with the vendors of BIE to 
restructure future deferred consideration obligations. These negotiations were 
successfully concluded resulting in a reduction of the outstanding deferred 
consideration liability by GBP1.6m. Importantly this will result in the Company 
avoiding a cash outflow of GBP0.8m in the current financial year. In addition, 
as a consequence of the founders of Roberts & Corr leaving the business deferred 
consideration obligations were reduced by a further GBP1.8m avoiding a cash 
outflow of GBP0.9m in the current financial year (based on the deferred 
consideration accrued at 31 March 2008). 
  *  Management Team and Company Structure 
We have continued to follow our founding principles of shared ownership and 
empowered management and building our Group around a portfolio of specialist 
brands. During the year we have merged two of our executive search businesses - 
Roberts & Corr and Correlate Search - under the Correlate brand. 
We have taken the opportunity to enhance our leadership team and one of our most 
senior operational managers Ian Lloyd has taken on broader general management 
responsibilities across the Group. 
In addition to the appointment of Ian we have taken the decision during the 
first quarter of the current year to make changes to the management of some of 
our businesses to ensure that all senior executives have direct responsibility 
for developing revenues and are accountable for business performance. 
Financial management of our operating companies remains with our central 
financial management team under the direction of the CFO. During the year we 
have further developed the quality of operational reporting and we have good 
visibility of all key performance metrics. 
Current Trading and Prospects 
The final quarter of the financial year produced volatile trading however 
monthly performance has been steadily improving in the first quarter of the 
current year which gives us confidence that demand is stabilising. 
We expect trading conditions to remain difficult for the rest of the current 
year and as a result the board has adjusted its expectations regarding trading 
levels for the remainder of the current financial year. Our predictions are that 
we will see some recovery in the second half of the current year but demand will 
remain below that of the first half of last year. Consequently a goodwill 
impairment review has led to us writing down the carrying value of goodwill by 
GBP7.1m to reflect more accurately the value of our assets in the current 
  *  Performance Improvement 
The Group's current consulting workforce is now amongst the most experienced in 
the industry. In the current climate the average NFI run rate is GBP370,000 per 
year. When measured against the same run rate 12 months ago this shows we have 
approximately GBP3.4m of surplus NFI capacity, which illustrates the short term 
potential of the business when the market improves. 
Since a low point in November 2008 our interim daily margins will have improved 
by 10% by the end of the first quarter of the current financial year. 
The final two months of the first quarter of the current year has seen improved 
volumes of retained executive search work; the best performance since November 
Our management team are fully focused on increasing sales activity within all 
our divisions and through a consistent initiative to explore cross selling 
opportunities within our major clients. Our position of supplying leadership 
talent, and in particular our leading position in the senior interim management 
market, has insulated us from the worst of the economic downturn. We are 
confident that the quality of our brands and our people will enable Hexagon to 
continue to outperform its peers. 
Group Strategy 
Despite the current difficult trading conditions we believe that the Group is 
well placed to benefit from a recovery in the market. Our consultant 
productivity levels remain amongst the highest in the sector and our ability to 
convert NFI to EBITA at premium levels will in the board's opinion see us build 
market share once our clients become confident about economic recovery. 
We remain committed to our prime objective of developing Europe's leading senior 
interim management company supported by a portfolio of high quality specialist 
Executive Search businesses. We expect to deliver organic growth as well as 
value enhancing acquisitions to achieve this once we have a supportive trading 
Jonathan Wright 
Chief Executive Officer 
25 June 2009 
Unaudited results for the year to March 2009 
In the year to March 2009 we grew Net Fee Income (NFI) by 15% to GBP22.5m and 
Earnings Before Interest, Tax and Amortisation (EBITA) by 4% to GBP5.9m, a 
conversion rate of 26%. In the year our executive search business grew NFI by 
19% to GBP14.0m and our interim management business grew NFI by 9% to GBP8.5m. 
In the year our operating cost base grew by GBP2.9m from GBP13.8m to GBP16.7m, 
primarily as a result of acquiring the Correlate team, whose total costs in the 
year were GBP2.7m. Central management and administration costs were held at 
GBP1.1m as last year. 
| Year to March      |  2009    |  2008    |  Growth  | 
| Net Fee Income     |  GBPm    |  GBPm    |          | 
| Interim Management |    8.5   |    7.8   |    9%    | 
|                    |          |          |          | 
| Executive Search   |  14.0    |  11.7    |   19%    | 
| Total              |  22.5    |  19.5    |   15%    | 
|                    |          |          |          | 
| EBITA              |          |          |          | 
| Interim Management |   4.0    |   3.9    |    3%    | 
| Executive Search   |   1.9    |   1.8    |    6%    | 
| Total              |   5.9    |   5.7    |    4%    | 
|                    |          |          |          | 
The impact of acquisitions in the year was to add the following: 
Correlate Search (formerly Akamai)        2.9      0.2 
Oxygen Inc     (formerly Winchester)    0.3    (0.1) 
Total                                                   3.2     0.1 
Organic NFI was therefore GBP19.4m with 9% growth in interim management and an 
8% decline in executive search. Organic EBITA growth was 2% coming entirely from 
interim management. 
EBITA of GBP5.9m is before the following non-operating charges: 
  *  Amortisation of intangibles 
    *  Ongoing charge                       GBP1.1m     (2008: GBP1.5m) 
    *  Additional impairment charge       GBP7.1m    (2008: nil) 
  *  Advisors' costs in respect of an aborted acquisition    GBP0.5m    (2008: nil) 
  *  Share based payments charge                                GBP0.1m     (2008: 
        Total non-operating charges 
GBP8.8m    (2008: GBP1.6m) 
These largely non cash costs ultimately reduced the operating result for the 
year to a loss of GBP2.9m (2008: profit of GBP4.1m). Without the additional 
impairment charge the operating result would have been a profit of GBP4.1m in 
line with last year. 
Net finance costs rose by GBP0.4m in the year to GBP1.7m and included: 
  *  Net cost of bank interest to the Group of GBP0.8m (2008: GBP0.6m), being the net 
  interest arising on the net cash/debt in the Group during the year. It should be 
  noted that in April 2007, we took out an interest rate swap to protect against 
  the impact of any increases in interest rates 
  *  Other finance charges of GBP0.9m (2008: GBP0.6m) 
The loss before tax (after the amortisation and goodwill impairment charges 
totalling GBP8.1m) was GBP4.6m (2008: profit before tax GBP2.9m). Ordinarily a 
GBP4.6m loss from ordinary activities would result in a tax credit of GBP1.3m 
(based on a notional 28% tax rate) but the impact of non-deductible charges 
(including amortisation, goodwill impairment and finance charges relating to 
deferred consideration) a tax charge of GBP0.9m. 
Basic earnings per share were (30.30p) (2008: 9.79p) and was 19.04p (2008: 
19.42p) after adjusting for amortisation net of tax, impairment, non operating 
costs and finance charges on deferred consideration. Adjusted fully diluted 
earnings per share (after tax but before amortisation, impairment, non operating 
costs and finance charges on deferred consideration) were 18.26p (2008: 18.6p). 
Reported Balance Sheet at March 2009 
Intangible Assets 
Intangible fixed assets, GBP31.8m (2008: GBP41.3m) represents the cost of 
goodwill and intangibles (net of amortisation charges) on acquisitions to date. 
Under IFRS the intangibles are being amortised as follows: 
    Brands                      indefinite life              Order book 
                12 months 
    Customer contracts       6 years                    Computer software 
        3 years 
Intangible assets have reduced by GBP9.5m as follows: 
  *  amortisation charge GBP1.1m ; being the normal write down of intangibles based 
  on the useful lives defined above, plus 
  *  impairment charges to the goodwill arising on the acquisition on the following 
    *  Roberts & Corr Ltd               GBP2.6m 
    *  BIE Interim Executive Ltd    GBP2.4m 
    *  Archer Mathieson Ltd           GBP1.8m 
    *  The Winchester Group        GBP0.3m 
                   Total impairment charge         GBP7.1m, plus 
  *  the release of GBP3.4m deferred consideration provisions originally due over the 
  next two years but no longer payable after the departure of the vendors of BIE 
  and Roberts & Corr. The liability to deferred consideration has reduced to 
  GBP4.2m discounted to take into account the timing of payments (2008: GBP13.4m) 
  with the potential payments still subject to EBIT performance, less 
  *  Intangible assets arising on the acquisitions of Correlate Search and the 
  Winchester Group, GBP2.1m 
Other Assets and Liabilities 
Current assets reduced to GBP6.1m (2008: GBP12.6m) primarily due to the use of 
GBP4.7m cash to fund deferred consideration obligations. In addition, the 
consolidated outstanding gross receivables from clients totalled GBP4.0m (2008: 
GBP5.6m) representing 41 days sales outstanding (2008: 48 days). This is a major 
improvement year on year after a significant focus on cash collections. 
Total liabilities reduced to GBP25.0m (2008: GBP38.0m) primarily after the 
reduction of deferred consideration obligations by GBP9.2m. 
Net Debt and Cash Flow 
At 31 March 2009, with Barclays Bank plc we had an GBP0.7m overdraft (2008: cash 
GBP4.2m) and term loans of GBP8.7m (2008: GBP10m) therefore net debt of GBP9.4m 
(2008: GBP5.8m). The increased debt is largely due to the payments of deferred 
consideration on Archer Mathieson, BIE and Roberts & Corr, totalling GBP4.7m. 
Cash absorbed in the year was GBP5.0m (2008: absorbed GBP6.6m). Operating cash 
generated was GBP3.1m (2008: GBP3.9m) with non-operating cash absorbed of 
GBP8.1m (2008: absorbed GBP10.5m), 
GBP0.7m of funds generated were spent on acquisitions (net of cash acquired) 
(2008: GBP5.4m) and GBP0.2m (2008: GBP0.1m) on capital expenditure. Tax payments 
were GBP0.2m (2008: payment GBP0.1m). 
In April 2009, given the uncertain trading climate and the desire to conserve 
cash in the forthcoming year, we agreed the switch up to GBP2.3m of our term 
loan into a convertible loan (according to the terms published on 17 February 
2009) enabling the company to benefit from a GBP2.3m reduction in loan 
repayments in the year to March 2010 and giving the Bank the option to convert 
GBP2.3m debt into equity in the period to December 2011. 
Additionally given current market conditions and pressure on cash flow we are in 
discussions with Barclays regarding the extension of our short term working 
capital facilities to ensure we have adequate headroom to successfully trade 
through this challenging period. 
Carl Thompson 
Chief Financial Officer 
25 June 2009 
| Unaudited Consolidated Income Statement                  |           |           | 
| for the year ended 31 March 2009            |            |           |           | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
|                                |            |      Year ended        |      Year | 
|                                |            |                        |     ended | 
|                                |            |   31 March |           |  31 March | 
|                                |            |       2009 |           |      2008 | 
+--------------------------------+            +------------+-----------+-----------+ 
|                                |            |    GBP'000 |            |   GBP'000 | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Revenue                        |            |     35,073 |           |    28,664 | 
| Cost of sales                  |            |   (12,540) |           |   (9,176) | 
| Net Fee Income                 |            |     22,533 |           |    19,488 | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Administrative expenses        |            |   (25,469) |           |  (15,361) | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Operating (loss)/profit        |            |    (2,936) |           |     4,127 | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Analysed as:                   |            |            |           |           | 
| Earnings before interest, tax, |            |      5,860 |           |     5,745 | 
| impairment and amortisation    |            |            |           |           | 
| Impairment                     |            |    (7,050) |           |         - | 
| Amortisation                   |            |    (1,089) |           |   (1,545) | 
| Abortive acquisition costs     |            |      (544) |           |         - | 
| Equity-settled share-based     |            |      (113) |           |      (73) | 
| payments                       |            |            |           |           | 
|                                |            |    (2,936) |           |     4,127 | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Finance costs                  |            |    (1,707) |           |   (1,462) | 
| Finance income                 |            |          8 |           |       207 | 
| (Loss)/profit before tax       |            |    (4,635) |           |     2,872 | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Income tax expense             |            |      (932) |           |     (998) | 
| (Loss)/(profit) after taxation |            |    (5,567) |           |     1,874 | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Attributable to:               |            |            |           |           | 
| Equity holders of the parent   |            |    (5,559) |           |     1,794 | 
| Minority interests             |            |        (8) |           |        80 | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
|                                |            |    (5,567) |           |     1,874 | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Earnings per share             |            |            |           |           | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| Basic (pence)                  |            |    (30.30) |           |      9.79 | 
| Diluted (pence)                |            |    (30.30) |           |      9.36 | 
| Adjusted earnings per share*   |            |     19.04  |           |    19.42  | 
| Adjusted diluted earnings per  |            |      18.26 |           |    18.56  | 
| share*                         |            |            |           |           | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| *Adjusted earnings per share are before the effect of amortisation of other      | 
| intangible assets (net of deferred tax), impairment and finance charges on       | 
| deferred consideration.                                                          | 
|                                |            |            |           |           | 
| All amounts relate to continuing activities |            |           |           | 
| Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity                                                         |             |          |           |          |          |           |              |                                                                                                    |         | 
| as at 31 March 2009                                               |                                 |             |          |           |          |          |           |              |           |                                                                                                  | 
|                                 |                                 |                       Called up |       Share |   Merger |     Share |   Equity |  Foreign |  Retained | Attributable |  Minority |                                                                                     Total equity | 
|                                 |                                 |                           share |     premium |  reserve | incentive |  reserve | exchange |  earnings |    to equity | interests |                                                                                                  | 
|                                 |                                 |                         capital |             |          |      plan |          |  reserve |           |   holders of |           |                                                                                                  | 
|                                 |                                 |                                 |             |          |           |          |          |           |   the parent |           |                                                                                                  | 
+                                 +---------------------------------+---------------------------------+-------------+----------+-----------+----------+----------+-----------+--------------+-----------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 
|                                 |                                 |                         GBP'000 |     GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |  GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |      GBP'000 |   GBP'000 |                                                                                          GBP'000 | 
|                                 |                                 |                                 |             |          |           |          |          |           |              |           |                                                                                                  | 
| Balance at 1 April 2007                                           |                             246 |       9,392 |    5,171 |         - |      147 |      (1) |     (357) |       14,598 |        48 |                                                                                           14,646 | 
| Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations         |                               - |           - |        - |         - |        - |        6 |         - |            6 |         - |                                                                                                6 | 
| Income tax on items taken directly to equity                      |                               - |           - |        - |         - |     (45) |        - |         - |         (45) |         - |                                                                                             (45) | 
| Net income recognised directly in equity                          |                               - |           - |        - |         - |     (45) |        6 |         - |         (39) |         - |                                                                                             (39) | 
| Profit for the year ended 31 March 2008                           |                               - |           - |        - |         - |        - |        - |     1,794 |        1,794 |        80 |                                                                                            1,874 | 
| Total recognised income/(expense) for the period                  |                               - |           - |        - |         - |     (45) |        6 |     1,794 |        1,755 |        80 |                                                                                            1,835 | 
|                                 |                                 |                                 |             |          |           |          |          |           |              |           |                                                                                                  | 
| Shares issued in the period                                       |                               2 |         298 |        - |         - |        - |        - |         - |          300 |         - |                                                                                              300 | 
| Equity-settled share-based payments credit                        |                               - |           - |        - |         - |        - |        - |        73 |           73 |         - |                                                                                               73 | 
| Balance at 31 March 2008                                          |                             248 |       9,690 |    5,171 |         - |      102 |        5 |     1,510 |       16,726 |       128 |                                                                                           16,854 | 
|                                 |                                 |                                 |             |          |           |          |          |           |              |           |                                                                                                  | 
|                                 |                                 |                                 |             |          |           |          |          |           |              |           |                                                                                                  | 
| Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations         |                               - |           - |        - |         - |        - |       53 |         - |           53 |         - |                                                                                               53 | 
| Income tax on items taken directly to equity                      |                               - |           - |        - |         - |     (68) |        - |         - |         (68) |         - |                                                                                             (68) | 
| Net income recognised directly in equity                          |                               - |           - |        - |         - |     (68) |       53 |         - |         (15) |         - |                                                                                             (15) | 
| Loss for the year ended 31 March 2009                             |                               - |           - |        - |         - |        - |        - |   (5,559) |      (5,559) |       (8) |                                                                                          (5,567) | 
| Total recognised (expense)/income for the period                  |                               - |           - |        - |         - |     (68) |       53 |   (5,559) |      (5,574) |       (8) |                                                                                          (5,582) | 
|                                 |                                 |                                 |             |          |           |          |          |           |              |           |                                                                                                  | 
| Shares issued in the period                                       |                              31 |       2,039 |        - |         - |        - |        - |         - |        2,070 |         - |                                                                                            2,070 | 
| Purchase of minority interest                                     |                               - |           - |        - |         - |        - |        - |         - |            - |     (128) |                                                                                            (128) | 
| Share incentive plan shares                                       |                               - |           - |        - |      (28) |        - |        - |         - |         (28) |         - |                                                                                             (28) | 
| Equity-settled share-based payments credit                        |                               - |           - |        - |         - |        - |        - |       113 |          113 |         - |                                                                                              113 | 
| Balance at 31 March 2009                                          |                             279 |      11,729 |    5,171 |      (28) |       34 |       58 |   (3,936) |       13,307 |       (8) |                                                                                           13,299 | 
| Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet   |           |              |           | 
| as at 31 March 2009                    |           |              |           | 
|                                        |           |     31 March |  31 March | 
+                                        +           +--------------+-----------+ 
|                                        |           |                                   2009 |      2008 | 
+                                        +           +----------------------------------------+-----------+ 
|                                        |           |                                GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| ASSETS                                 |           |              |           | 
| Non-current assets                     |           |              |           | 
| Goodwill                               |           |       24,058 |    32,206 | 
| Other intangible assets                |           |        7,708 |     9,072 | 
| Property, plant and equipment          |           |          467 |       380 | 
| Held-to-maturity investments           |           |            3 |         3 | 
| Deferred tax asset                     |           |           34 |       658 | 
|                                        |           |       32,270 |    42,319 | 
|                                        |           |              |           | 
| Current assets                         |           |              |           | 
| Trade receivables                      |           |        3,998 |     5,639 | 
| Prepayments and accrued income         |           |        2,116 |     2,763 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents              |           |            - |     4,223 | 
|                                        |           |        6,114 |    12,625 | 
|                                        |           |              |           | 
| Total assets                           |           |       38,384 |    54,944 | 
|                                        |           |              |           | 
| LIABILITIES                            |           |              |           | 
| Non-current liabilities                |           |              |           | 
| Borrowings                             |           |      (6,051) |   (7,811) | 
| Deferred consideration on acquisitions |           |      (2,818) |   (8,372) | 
| Other payables                         |           |            - |   (1,246) | 
| Derivative financial instruments       |           |        (141) |      (62) | 
| Deferred tax liabilities               |           |      (2,153) |   (2,535) | 
|                                        |           |     (11,163) |  (20,026) | 
| Current liabilities                    |           |              |           | 
| Bank overdraft                         |           |        (760) |         - | 
| Trade and other payables               |           |      (6,438) |   (8,857) | 
| Deferred consideration on acquisitions |           |      (1,405) |   (5,030) | 
| Borrowings                             |           |      (2,644) |   (2,189) | 
| Current tax payable                    |           |      (2,675) |   (1,988) | 
|                                        |           |     (13,922) |  (18,064) | 
|                                        |           |              |           | 
| Total liabilities                      |           |     (25,085) |  (38,090) | 
|                                        |           |              |           | 
| Net Assets                             |           |       13,299 |    16,854 | 
|                                        |           |              |           | 
| EQUITY                                 |           |              |           | 
| Issued capital                         |           |          279 |       248 | 
| Share premium                          |           |       11,729 |     9,690 | 
| Merger reserve                         |           |        5,171 |     5,171 | 
| Share incentive plan reserve           |           |         (28) |         - | 
| Equity reserve                         |           |           34 |       102 | 
| Foreign exchange reserve               |           |           58 |         5 | 
| Retained earnings                      |           |      (3,936) |     1,510 | 
| Capital and reserves attributable to   |           |       13,307 |    16,726 | 
| equity holders of the parent           |           |              |           | 
| Minority interests                     |           |          (8) |       128 | 
|                                        |           |              |           | 
| Total equity                           |           |       13,299 |    16,854 | 
| Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow statement   |           |           |           | 
| for the year ended 31 March 2009             |           |           |           | 
|                                              |           |      Year |      Year | 
|                                              |           |     ended |     ended | 
|                                              |           |  31 March |  31 March | 
+----------------------------------------------+           +-----------+-----------+ 
|                                              |           |      2009 |      2008 | 
+----------------------------------------------+           +-----------+-----------+ 
|                                              |           |   GBP'000 |   GBP'000 | 
| Cash flows from operating activities         |           |           |           | 
| (Loss)/profit before taxation                |           |   (4,635) |     2,872 | 
| Adjustments for:                             |           |           |           | 
| Depreciation and amortisation                |           |     1,260 |     1,661 | 
| Impairment                                   |           |     7,050 |         - | 
| Equity-settled share-based payments          |           |       113 |        73 | 
| Finance income                               |           |       (8) |     (207) | 
| Finance expense                              |           |     1,707 |     1,462 | 
| Operating profit before working capital and  |           |     5,487 |     5,861 | 
| provision changes                            |           |           |           | 
|                                              |           |           |           | 
| Decrease/(increase) in trade and other       |           |     3,123 |   (1,254) | 
| receivables                                  |           |           |           | 
| Decrease in trade and other payables         |           |   (5,283) |     (580) | 
| Cash generated from operating activities     |           |     3,327 |     4,027 | 
|  Income tax paid                             |           |     (210) |     (132) | 
| Net cash flows from operating activities     |           |     3,117 |     3,895 | 
|                                              |           |           |           | 
| Cash flows from investing activities         |           |           |           | 
| Purchase of property, plant and equipment    |           |     (224) |     (141) | 
| Purchase of intangible assets                |           |         - |      (14) | 
| Purchase of subsidiary undertakings (net of  |           |     (715) |   (5,362) | 
| cash)                                        |           |           |           | 
| Purchase of minority interest                |           |     (128) |        -  | 
| Payment of deferred consideration            |           |   (4,687) |   (3,755) | 
| Interest received                            |           |         8 |       207 | 
| Net cash flows used in investing activities  |           |   (5,746) |   (9,065) | 
|                                              |           |           |           | 
| Cash flows from financing activities         |           |           |           | 
| Interest paid                                |           |   (1,049) |     (742) | 
| Repayment of borrowings                      |           |   (2,281) |   (3,753) | 
| Proceeds from borrowings                     |           |       976 |     3,089 | 
| Net cash flows (used in)/from financing      |           |   (2,354) |   (1,406) | 
| activities                                   |           |           |           | 
|                                              |           |           |           | 
| Net increase in cash and cash equivalents    |           |   (4,983) |   (6,576) | 
| Net foreign exchange difference              |           |         - |        13 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning   |           |     4,223 |    10,786 | 
| of the period                                |           |           |           | 
| Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the  |           |     (760) |     4,223 | 
| period                                       |           |           |           | 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
for the year ended 31 March 2009 
1 Significant accounting policies 
Basis of preparation 
Hexagon Human Capital plc is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled 
in the United Kingdom and listed on the AIM market. 
The preliminary announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory financial 
statements within the meaning of S.434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial 
information included in this announcement has been extracted from the un-audited 
financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2009 and the published 
financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2008. 
The financial information contained within this preliminary report have been 
prepared using accounting policies consistent with those of the financial 
statements for the year ended 31 March 2008, which are based on the recognition 
and measurement principles of IFRS as adopted by the European Union. 
The consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost 
basis except for derivative financial instruments that have been measured at 
fair value. The consolidated financial statements are presented in pounds 
sterling and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand except when 
otherwise indicated. 
2 Segmental analysis 
|  |                   |        |      Interim Management       |   |       Executive Search        |  |            Group              | 
|  |                   |        | Year ended |       Year ended |   | Year ended |       Year ended |  |   Year ended |     Year ended | 
|  |                   |        |   31 March |         31 March |   |   31 March |         31 March |  |     31 March |       31 March | 
|  |                   |        |       2009 |             2008 |   |       2009 |             2008 |  |         2009 |           2008 | 
|  |                   |        |    GBP'000 |          GBP'000 |   |    GBP'000 |          GBP'000 |  |      GBP'000 |        GBP'000 | 
| Revenue              |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Ongoing operations   |        |     21,078 |           16,945 |   |     10,822 |           11,719 |  |       31,900 |         28,664 | 
| Acquisitions         |        |          - |                - |   |      3,173 |                - |  |        3,173 |              - | 
| Total revenue        |        |     21,078 |           16,945 |   |     13,995 |           11,719 |  |       35,073 |         28,664 | 
|  |                   |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Net fee income       |        |      8,538 |            7,769 |   |     13,995 |           11,719 |  |       22,533 |         19,488 | 
|  |                   |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Result               |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Segment result       |        |      3,950 |           3,886  |   |      1,797 |            1,786 |  |        5,747 |          5,672 | 
| Impairment of intangible      |    (4,200) |                - |   |    (2,850) |                - |  |      (7,050) |              - | 
| assets                        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Amortisation of intangible    |      (614) |          (1,150) |   |      (475) |            (395) |  |      (1,089) |        (1,545) | 
| assets                        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Unallocated expenses |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |        (544) |              - | 
| Earnings before interest and  |      (864) |           2,736  |   |    (1,528) |           1,391  |  |      (2,936) |          4,127 | 
| tax                           |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
|  |                   |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Net finance costs    |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |      (1,699) |        (1,255) | 
| (Loss)/profit before |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |      (4,635) |          2,872 | 
| tax                  |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
|  |                   |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Assets and           |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| liabilities          |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Segment assets       |        |     25,872 |           33,045 |   |     10,143 |           14,255 |  |       36,015 |         47,300 | 
| Unallocated assets   |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |        2,369 |          7,644 | 
| Total assets         |        |     25,872 |           33,045 |   |     10,143 |           14,255 |  |       38,384 |         54,944 | 
|  |                   |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Segment liabilities  |        |    (2,516) |          (3,576) |   |    (3,606) |          (3,496) |  |      (6,122) |        (7,072) | 
| Unallocated          |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |     (18,963) |       (31,018) | 
| liabilities          |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Total liabilities    |        |    (2,516) |          (3,576) |   |    (3,606) |          (3,496) |  |     (25,085) |       (38,090) | 
|  |                   |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Segment net assets   |        |     23,356 |           29,469 |   |      6,537 |           10,759 |  |       29,893 |         40,228 | 
| Unallocated net      |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |     (16,594) |       (23,374) | 
| assets               |        |            |                  |   |            |                  |  |              |                | 
| Total net assets     |        |     23,356 |           29,469 |   |      6,537 |           10,759 |  |       13,299 |         16,854 | 
3 Business Combination 
| Correlate Search                                                                | 
| In April 2008, the Group purchased the business and assets of Akamai Financial  | 
| Markets (UK) Ltd and the entire share capital of Akamai Financial Markets       | 
| Executive Search (Dubai) Ltd (collectively referred to as 'Akamai') from Hat    | 
| Pin Plc for consideration of GBP1 each. Deal costs were GBP113k. The acquired   | 
| business has been rebranded Correlate Search.                                   | 
| Correlate is a specialist provider of executive search services to the          | 
| international financial services industry and has operations in the UK and in   | 
| Dubai which provides the Group with an important Middle East base.              | 
| For the 12 months to December 2007 Akamai had unaudited net fee income of       | 
| GBP4.3m and losses before interest and tax of GBP0.4m.                          | 
| The allocation of the purchase price to the assets and liabilities of Akamai at | 
| the date of acquisition are:                                                    | 
|                             |                   |                |              | 
|                                                                                 | 
|                         |   |              Book |     Fair value |         Fair | 
|                         |   |             value |    adjustments |        value | 
|                         |   |           GBP'000 |        GBP'000 |      GBP'000 | 
|                         |   |                   |                |              | 
| Property, plant and         |                 4 |              - |            4 | 
| equipment                   |                   |                |              | 
| Intangible assets           |                 - |            176 |          176 | 
| Trade and other receivables |               632 |              - |          632 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |               299 |              - |          299 | 
| Total assets                |               935 |            176 |        1,111 | 
|                         |   |                   |                |              | 
| Trade and other payables    |           (1,422) |              - |      (1,422) | 
| Deferred tax                |                 - |           (49) |         (49) | 
|                         |   |                   |                |              | 
| Total liabilities           |           (1,422) |           (49) |      (1,471) | 
|                         |   |                   |                |              | 
| Net assets                  |             (487) |            127 |        (360) | 
|                         |   |                   |                |              | 
| Goodwill arising on         |                   |                |          473 | 
| acquisition                 |                   |                |              | 
|                         |   |                   |                |              | 
| Total consideration         |                   |                |          113 | 
|                         |   |                   |                |              | 
| Satisfied by:               |                   |                |              | 
| Cash paid                   |                   |                |            - | 
| Direct costs relating to    |                   |                |          113 | 
| the acquisition             |                   |                |              | 
|                         |   |                   |                |          113 | 
| Net cash outflow arising on |                   |                |              | 
| acquisition:                |                   |                |              | 
| Cash consideration          |                   |                |            - | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |                   |                |        (299) | 
| acquired                    |                   |                |              | 
| Direct costs relating to    |                   |                |          113 | 
| the acquisition             |                   |                |              | 
| Net cash outflow            |                   |                |        (186) | 
|                                                                                     | 
| Since the acquisition Akamai has contributed towards the Group GBP2.9m of net    | 
| fee income and GBP0.2m of earnings before interest and tax for the year ended 31 | 
| March 2009.                                                                      | 
| The goodwill that arose from the combination can be attributed to the value of   | 
| anticipated revenues, and the value of the workforce of Akamai which cannot be   | 
| recognised as an intangible asset under IAS 38 Intangible assets.                | 
|                                                                                  | 
| The Winchester Group Limited                                                     | 
| In October 2008, the Group acquired the entire share capital of The Winchester   | 
| Group Limited for a consideration of GBP1,504k including deferred consideration  | 
| of GBP667k and excluding deal costs of GBP164k. The Winchester Group Limited is  | 
| an executive search provider to the real estate, hospitality, telecommunications | 
| and pharmaceutical sectors.                                                      | 
| The allocation of the purchase price to the assets and liabilities of The        | 
| Winchester Group Limited at the date of acquisition are:                         | 
|                                                                                  | 
|                         |   |                Book |     Fair value |        Fair | 
|                         |   |               value |    adjustments |       value | 
|                         |   |             GBP'000 |        GBP'000 |     GBP'000 | 
|                         |   |                     |                |             | 
| Property, plant and         |                  30 |              - |          30 | 
| equipment                   |                     |                |             | 
| Intangible assets           |                   - |            297 |         297 | 
| Trade and other receivables |                 203 |              - |         203 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |                  12 |              - |          12 | 
| Total assets                |                 245 |            297 |         542 | 
|                         |   |                     |                |             | 
| Trade and other payables    |               (218) |              - |       (218) | 
| Deferred tax                |                   - |           (83) |        (83) | 
|                         |   |                     |                |             | 
| Total liabilities           |               (218) |           (83) |       (301) | 
|                         |   |                     |                |             | 
| Net assets                  |                  27 |            214 |         241 | 
|                         |   |                     |                |             | 
| Goodwill arising on         |                     |                |       1,427 | 
| acquisition                 |                     |                |             | 
|                         |   |                     |                |             | 
| Total consideration         |                     |                |       1,668 | 
|                         |   |                     |                |             | 
| Satisfied by:               |                     |                |             | 
| Cash paid                   |                     |                |         749 | 
| Retention                   |                     |                |          88 | 
| Deferred consideration      |                     |                |         667 | 
| Direct costs relating to    |                     |                |         164 | 
| the acquisition             |                     |                |             | 
|                         |   |                     |                |       1,668 | 
| Net cash outflow arising on |                     |                |             | 
| acquisition:                |                     |                |             | 
| Cash consideration          |                     |                |         749 | 
| Cash and cash equivalents   |                     |                |        (12) | 
| acquired                    |                     |                |             | 
| Direct costs relating to    |                     |                |         164 | 
| the acquisition             |                     |                |             | 
| Net cash outflow            |                     |                |         901 | 
| The amount of deferred consideration is variable subject to the performance of The | 
| Winchester Group Limited during the trading periods up to 2012. It has been        | 
| provided for on a discounted basis in creditors at the directors' estimate of the  | 
| final payments.                                                                    | 
|                                                                                    | 
| Since the acquisition Winchester Group Limited has contributed to the Group        | 
| GBP320k of net fee income and a GBP30k                                             | 
| loss before interest and tax for the year ended 31 March 2009. Had the acquisition | 
| occurred on 1 April 2008                                                           | 
| the net fee income for the year ended 31 March 2009 would have been GBP1,300k and  | 
| the earnings before interest and                                                   | 
| tax for the year would have been GBP150k.   |              |              |        | 
|                                             |              |              |        | 
| The goodwill that arose on the combination can be attributed to the value of       | 
| anticipated future revenues, and the value of the workforce of The Winchester      | 
| Group Limited which cannot be recognised as an intangible asset under IAS 38       | 
| Intangible assets.                                                                 | 
| Deferred consideration will be settled in a mixture of cash and ordinary shares.   | 
|                                                                                    | 
|                                                                                    | 
|                                                                           |        | 
4 Earnings per share 
|  |                                                   |       Year ended |       Year ended | 
|  |                                                   |        31 March  |        31 March  | 
|  |                                                   |             2009 |             2008 | 
|  |                                                   |          GBP'000 |          GBP'000 | 
|  |                                                   |                  |                  | 
| (Loss)/profit attributable to equity holders of the  |          (5,559) |            1,794 | 
| parent                                               |                  |                  | 
| Add back:                                            |                  |                  | 
| Amortisation of other intangible assets net of       |              784 |            1,105 | 
| deferred tax                                         |                  |                  | 
| Finance charges on deferred consideration            |              681 |              581 | 
| Impairment                                           |            7,050 |               -  | 
| Abortive acquisition costs                           |              544 |               -  | 
| Minority interest                                    |              (8) |               80 | 
| Adjusted profit for the year                         |            3,492 |            3,560 | 
|  |                                                   |                  |                  | 
|  |                                                   |           Number |          Number  | 
|  |                                                   |                  |                  | 
| Weighted average number of shares                    |       18,343,591 |       18,331,782 | 
| Dilutive effect of share plans                       |          775,209 |          844,985 | 
|  |                                                   |                  |                  | 
| Diluted weighted average number of shares            |       19,118,800 |      19,176,767  | 
|  |                                                   |                  |                  | 
|  |                                                   |            Pence |            Pence | 
| Basic earnings per share                             |          (30.30) |            9.79  | 
| Diluted earnings per share                           |          (30.30) |            9.36  | 
| Adjusted earnings per share*                         |           19.04  |           19.42  | 
| Adjusted diluted earnings per share*                 |            18.26 |           18.56  | 
|  |                                                   |                  |                  | 
| *Adjusted earnings per share are before the effect of amortisation of other intangible     | 
| assets (net of deferred tax), impairment and finance charges on deferred consideration.    | 
5 Post balance sheet events 
In April 2009, the Group transferred GBP2.3m of its term loan into a convertible 
loan (according to the terms published on 17 February 2009) enabling the Group 
to benefit from a GBP2.3m reduction in loan repayments in the year to March 2010 
and giving the Bank the option to convert GBP2.3m of debt into equity in the 
period to December 2011. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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