RNS Number:9750Q
Horizon Technology Group PLC
08 September 2005

                          Horizon Technology Group plc

          Dublin: HOR.I          London: HOR.L          ADR OTC:HZNTY

               Interim Results for the six months to 30 June 2005

                        20% growth in Profit before tax

                                             8 September 2005, London and Dublin

Horizon Technology Group plc, a leading system integrator and distributor of
information technology products in the UK and Ireland, announces its interim
results for the six months to 30 June 2005.

Financial & Operational Highlights

  * Profit before tax increased 20% year-on-year to Euro4.0 million.

  * Enterprise Solutions turnover growth of 12% year-on-year and 25%
    sequentially driven by market share gains in the UK and Ireland.

  * The seventh consecutive half-year of growth in operating profit - adjusted
    diluted EPS has increased by an average of 25% in each half-year period
    since the first half of 2002.

  * A 6% increase in gross profit was converted into a 20% increase in profit
    before tax reflecting the opportunity for leveraging efficiency in the

  * New partnerships entered into with EMC Corporation, VERITAS Software
    Corporation and Acer Corporation.

Commenting on the 2005 first half results, Gary Coburn, Horizon's CEO said:

        "These results reflect excellent progress for the group. Good customer
        satisfaction resulting in market share gains in the UK and Ireland, a
        high level of control of costs and the addition of new vendor
        partnerships have enabled Horizon to continue growth in profitability
        for the seventh consecutive half-year period."

Cathal O'Caoimh, Horizon's CFO also commented:

        "Horizon continues to deliver growth in earnings and real shareholder
        value. A 6% increase in gross profit has been translated into a 20%
        increase in profit before tax reflecting the group's sustainable
        operating leverage - the ability to achieve earnings growth from greater
        utilisation of operational capacity."


Horizon Technology Group plc is a leading technical integrator and distributor
of information technology products in the UK and Ireland. For more information
about Horizon Technology Group plc, visit www.horizon.ie


Enquiries to Mark Kenny or Jonathan Neilan of K Capital Source at +353-1-631
5500 or horizon@kcapitalsource.com.


for the six months to 30 June 2005


Horizon had an excellent first half, achieving growth in profit before tax of
20% year-on-year and completing the seventh consecutive half-year of growth in
profitability. Adjusted diluted EPS has increased by an average of 25% in each
half-year period since the first half of 2002.

FINANCIAL SUMMARY                            Six months to         Six months to
                                              30 June 2005          30 June 2004                       %
                                                     Euro'000                 Euro'000                  Change

Turnover                                           148,997               150,800                  (1.2%)
Gross profit                                        17,403                16,363                    6.4%
Operating costs                                     12,814                12,410                    3.3%
Operating profit                                     4,589                 3,953                   16.1%
Profit before tax                                    4,024                 3,357                   19.9%
EPS (Diluted - Euro cent)                                4.51                  3.85                   17.1%
EPS (Diluted adjusted - Euro cent)*                      4.65                  4.07                   14.3%

* Adjusted for unwinding of discount factor.

Reflecting the distinct trends within the group's two operating divisions,
revenue fell 1% year-on-year and grew 14% sequentially. Revenue in the
enterprise solutions division increased 12% year-on-year and 25% sequentially
driven by market share gains in the UK and Ireland, while revenue in the
distribution and channel services division decreased 18% year-on-year and was
flat on the level achieved in the six months to December 2004.

The very strong performance in the enterprise solutions division drove gross
profit up by 6%. This gross profit growth was translated into a 20% increase in
profit before tax reflecting the group's opportunity to leverage sizable
earnings growth from greater utilisation of operational capacity.

This performance demonstrates the group's ability to consistently achieve its
financial objective of earnings growth that exceeds turnover growth, through a
strategy of effective market share gains, rigorous cost control and organic

The group continued its focus on cost control and efficiency gains during this
period, limiting growth in operating costs to 3.3% year-on-year. Average
headcount in the six months to June 2005 was 211, an increase of 6.6% on the
same period last year and reflects an increase in revenue generating technical
consultants. Consultant utilisation inclusive of recent headcount increases
continues to be very high at around 90%.

Half-one operating profit increased 16% on last year and by 44% on 2003 and 86%
on 2002 reflecting the group's consistent performance. Horizon's first half
operating margin of 3.1% represents a significant increase on the 2.6% in the
corresponding period of last year.

The group's cash flow and financial position remains strong. Net debt at 30 June
2005 was Euro6.7m by comparison to Euro8.1m at the corresponding time last year.
Horizon retains significant financial capacity and has substantial unused credit
facilities available. Horizon's net debt is well within comfortable levels
representing less than one times annualised EBITDA and a debt / equity ratio of
22 / 78. Interest cover is 9.9 times.

The group continued its strategy of developing new partnerships with global IT
vendors. In the first half of 2005, the group entered into new partnerships with
EMC Corporation, VERITAS Software Corporation and Acer Corporation. The
establishment and development of such relationships is consistent with Horizon's
objective to deliver shareholder value through investment in selective areas of
growth and to focus on the provision of cost effective outsourcing services to
major international IT vendors. Such developments will provide the group with
incremental organic growth in revenue and earnings going forward. Horizon
continues to devote significant resources to enhancing such relationships.


The first six months of 2005 saw a continuation of the recovery in the IT market
that began about eighteen months ago. While corporate customers maintained their
cautious approach to IT capital expenditure, there were some signs of
growth-based investment particularly in the mobile element of the
telecommunications sector, traditionally an area of strength for the group.
There is intense competition in the market - both between IT vendors and within
the channel.

PC unit price depreciation has continued to be a significant trend in the
market, albeit at a lower rate than that experienced for the last two years, in
part due to the strengthening of the dollar in the first six months of 2005.
Industry unit volumes have grown to compensate and industry analysts expect that
unit growth will offset unit price depreciation in the foreseeable future.

Market demand for software and consulting services showed some improvement in
the first half of 2005, with evidence of several large corporate customers
beginning to invest for growth in the telecommunications, pharmaceutical and
finance sectors. Horizon benefited from this trend, particularly in application
development and business intelligence projects.


Horizon's objective and strategy remains constant - to deliver shareholder value
through the development of the business as a technical integrator and
distributor of information technology products in the UK and Ireland. The
group's focus is to generate long-term, consistent growth in shareholder value
by investing resources judiciously to capitalise upon future growth
opportunities while maintaining a strong financial position.

Growth in earnings will be delivered by:

  * Increasing revenues in each of its existing operations;

  * Investing in organic bolt-on developments such as new partnerships with
    global IT vendors in selective areas with growth potential

  * Monitoring the developing IT market in the UK and Ireland to identify
    opportunities for judicious acquisition: and

  * Through a focus on execution, service delivery and operational gearing to
    increase earnings at a faster rate than revenue growth.

Horizon's exposure to the Irish economy, where it generates nearly 44% of its
turnover, has been a significant strength in recent years. Geographically,
Horizon will continue to supply a wide range of IT services and products within
the Irish market and, in the UK, focus on the provision of enterprise solutions
in partnership with system integrators and leading global IT vendors.


The directors anticipate that the market recovery that began eighteen months ago
will continue and that there will be a greater level of growth-based investment
in technology by large corporate customers. This will vary by industry sector
and is likely to be strongest in the mobile communications sector in the next
twelve months.

Horizon's turnover growth will be dependent on market growth rates, the pace of
organic development and, increasingly, the extent to which major IT vendors
outsource to their channel. As the global vendors focus on their own internal
core competencies and cost reductions, they are increasingly outsourcing
technical services, marketing and supply chain functions to channel partners.
Horizon is uniquely positioned to address these emerging market trends.

Rigorous cost control and the group's ability to leverage growth in earnings
from greater utilisation of operational capacity provide opportunities to
convert anticipated turnover growth into superior returns for shareholders.

Samir Naji


7 September 2005


for the six months to 30 June 2005


The group operates through two separate trading divisions - Enterprise Solutions
division and Distribution & Channel Services division. The performance of each
division is detailed below.


This division assists customers in implementing IT strategies through the
provision of IT infrastructure, development and consulting services. Its
customer base is predominantly comprised of blue-chip companies. The division
includes the Irish and UK-based enterprise infrastructure and services (EIS)
businesses and the Irish enterprise application and services (EAS) business. It
has a current full time equivalent staff count of 158 employees.

                                             Six months to         Six months to           Six months to
                                              30 June 2005           31 Dec 2004            30 June 2004
                                                     Euro'000                 Euro'000                   Euro'000

Turnover                                            94,047                75,344                  83,697
Operating profit                                     4,618                 4,484                   4,018
Operating margin                                      4.9%                  6.0%                    4.8%

The division's turnover, at Euro94m increased 12.4% year-on-year and 24.8% on the
second half of 2004. All businesses within the division posted turnover growth
both year-on-year and sequentially. While the fastest rate of growth occurred in
the Irish application consulting operation, the larger UK EIS business accounted
for the majority of the absolute increase in revenue.

The division's operating profit is up 15% year-on-year which is a reflection of
the seasonality of the sales mix within the division combined with rigorous cost
control. Revenue in the UK EIS business peaks in the first half of the financial
year pulling down the weighted average operating margin in the first half.
Typically, operating margin is higher in the second half when the higher-margin
application consulting business represents a greater portion of the division's

The sectors of the market in which the group has seen growth over the last six
months include telecommunications, finance and electronics manufacturing.
Horizon achieved significant contract wins including eircom, Bank of Ireland and
Motorola Inc.

While there was unit price depreciation in the server market, particularly at
the high-volume lower end, it was not as prevalent as in the PC market. Market
volumes continued to grow as the penetration of computerisation percolated
deeper into commercial organisations. The combination of volume growth and price
depreciation has provided modest revenue growth in the overall market. Horizon
has out performed the market in both the UK and Ireland. In Ireland, the
division increased Sun Microsystems' penetration of the enterprise market. In
the UK, Horizon's market share has grown by winning a number of mid-range
infrastructure projects in partnership with global system integrators.

In January, the group entered into new partnerships with market leading vendors,
EMC Corporation and VERITAS Software Corporation thereby further strengthening
its position in the high-growth storage solutions market. Under these
partnerships, Horizon has begun providing a complete storage resource management
solution based on the EMC and VERITAS product suites, to existing and new
systems integration partners and customers. As anticipated, the two new
partnerships contributed modestly to revenues and earnings in the first half and
are contributing to an increasing pipeline going forward. The group continues to
invest in these developments and expects a growing contribution in future

 The group's Irish enterprise applications and services operation continued to
achieve strong growth in revenue and profitability in the last six months with
the growth coming primarily from business intelligence and bespoke applications
development. Significant contract wins were achieved in the telecommunications
and pharmaceutical segments of the market, which have traditionally been strong
sectors for Horizon's EAS business.

Large project wins include eircom, Quinndirect, Wyeth Corporation and Musgrave
Group. The EAS forward order book at the end of June continues to be very

In 2004, the group entered into a partnership with BMC Software and established
a Business Service Management (BSM) unit within its Irish EAS business. This
unit provides a complete range of BMC Software services including sales,
consulting, implementation and support to existing and new BMC Software
customers. The new unit has made a solid contribution to results in line with


Clarity Distribution is Ireland's leading value-added distributor of computer
and IT products. It offers leading edge supply chain management services to
resellers and to global technology vendors. This division operates in the Irish
market and has a current full time equivalent staff count of 49 employees.

                                             Six months to         Six months to           Six months to
                                              30 June 2005           31 Dec 2004            30 June 2004
                                                     Euro'000                 Euro'000                   Euro'000
Turnover                                            54,950                55,031                  67,103
Operating profit                                       919                   830                     963
Operating margin                                      1.7%                  1.5%                    1.4%

Turnover in the distribution and channel services division decreased 18.1%
year-on-year and was flat on the level achieved in the six months to December
2004. In a highly competitive market, the division shifted its emphasis from
revenue and market share growth to focus on return on investment, thereby
forgoing business that provided lower returns. At the same time, the division
reduced its cost structure so as to recognise the maintainable level of revenue
and retain its cost leadership position. The result is a business with lower
revenue, an increased operating margin and a higher return for shareholders.

PC unit price depreciation has continued to be a significant trend in the
market, albeit at a lower rate than that experienced for the last two years -
the strengthening of the dollar in the first six months of 2005 provided some
relief. Price depreciation is likely to continue into the future particularly in
the PC market and at the lower end of the server market. Industry unit volumes
have grown to compensate and industry analysts expect that unit growth will
offset unit price depreciation in the foreseeable future.

Clarity's enterprise business continued to show strong growth in the period,
driven by the success of HP storage products in the Irish market.

Clarity is the cost leader within the Irish IT distribution sector and continues
to focus on systems development, as well as on cost control, to maintain its
position as the most efficient supply chain operator in the market. This cost
leadership provides Clarity with an excellent platform to further develop the
range of services it offers to global IT vendors and resellers.

In June, the division entered into a new partnership to provide distribution and
channel services to Acer in Ireland. Acer is first in notebook volumes in 13
EMEA countries and in the EMEA region as a whole. It ranks among the world's top
five branded PC vendors with the highest year-on-year growth rates among the top
ten vendors. While the implementation of this new project has been initiated, it
is too early to conclude on the extent of its long-term potential.


for the six months to 30 June 2005
                                                                            Unaudited        Unaudited          Audited
                                                                        Six months to    Six months to       Year ended
                                                                         30 June 2005     30 June 2004      31 Dec 2004
                                                        Note                    Euro'000            Euro'000            Euro'000

REVENUE                                                 2                     148,997          150,800          281,175
Cost of sales                                                               (131,594)        (134,437)        (248,506)
                                                                             ________         ________         ________
GROSS PROFIT                                                                   17,403           16,363           32,669
                                                                             ________         ________         ________
Staff costs                                                                   (8,000)          (7,403)         (14,606)
Other operating charges                                                       (4,360)          (4,475)          (8,518)
Depreciation                                                                    (274)            (375)            (692)
Amortisation of intangibles                                                     (180)            (157)            (326)
                                                                             ________         ________         ________
OPERATING PROFIT                                                                4,589            3,953            8,527
Finance costs                                                                   (565)            (596)          (1,346)
                                                                             ________         ________         ________
PROFIT BEFORE TAX                                                               4,024            3,357            7,181
Income tax expense                                      3                       (767)            (593)          (1,445)
                                                                             ________         ________         ________
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD ATTRIBUTABLE TO ORDINARY                                  3,257            2,764            5,736
                                                                             ________         ________         ________
Earnings per share for the period                       4
Basic                                                                           4.64c            3.93c            8.16c
Diluted                                                                         4.51c            3.85c            7.97c
Diluted adjusted*                                                               4.65c            4.07c            8.43c

* Adjusted for unwinding of discount factor.


at 30 June 2005
                                                                            Unaudited        Unaudited           Audited
                                                                         30 June 2005     30 June 2004       31 Dec 2004
ASSETS                                                                          Euro'000            Euro'000             Euro'000
Property, plant and equipment                                                   2,799            3,018             2,834
Intangible assets                                                              10,530           10,454            10,716
Deferred income tax assets                                                        445              392               410
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
                                                                               13,774           13,864            13,960
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
Inventories                                                                    17,120           18,538            17,135
Trade and other receivables                                                    55,382           58,176            41,758
Cash and cash equivalents                                                       7,192           11,876             9,571
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
                                                                               79,694           88,590            68,464
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
TOTAL ASSETS                                                                   93,468          102,454            82,424
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
Equity share capital                                                            5,161            5,023             5,161
Share premium account                                                          71,453           69,788            71,453
Other reserves                                                                    290               96               181
Retained losses                                                              (37,830)         (43,915)          (41,091)
Cost of shares in the company held in an ESOP                                (15,547)         (15,547)          (15,547)
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
TOTAL EQUITY                                                                   23,527           15,445            20,157
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
Trade and other payables                                                          209              217               239
Provisions                                                                      2,027            2,620             2,629
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
                                                                                2,236            2,837             2,868
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
Trade and other payables                                                       50,168           59,274            42,452
Income tax liabilities                                                          2,517            1,157             1,756
Borrowings                                                                     13,807           19,860            14,059
Shares to be issued                                                                 -            1,835                 -
Provisions                                                                      1,213            2,046             1,132
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
                                                                               67,705           84,172            59,399
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                              69,941           87,009            62,267
                                                                           __________       __________        __________
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                   93,468          102,454            82,424
                                                                           __________       __________        __________


for the six months to 30 June 2005

                                                                        Unaudited           Unaudited          Unaudited
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to         Year ended
                                                                     30 June 2005        30 June 2004        31 Dec 2004
                                                                            Euro'000               Euro'000              Euro'000

Profit for the period                                                       3,257               2,764              5,736
Exchange difference on translation of foreign operations                        4               (109)              (257)
                                                                       __________          __________         __________
Total recognised income and expense in the period                           3,261               2,655              5,479
                                                                       __________          __________         __________


for the six months to 30 June 2005
                                                                        Unaudited           Unaudited          Unaudited
                                                                    Six months to       Six months to         Year ended
                                                                     30 June 2005        30 June 2004        31 Dec 2004
                                                                            Euro'000               Euro'000              Euro'000

At beginning of period                                                     20,157              12,749             12,749
Total recognised income and expense in the period                           3,261               2,655              5,479
Adjustment re share option expense                                            109                  41                126
Shares issued during the period                                                 -                   -              1,835
Share issue costs                                                               -                   -               (32)
                                                                       __________          __________         __________
                                                                           23,527              15,445             20,157
                                                                       __________          __________         __________


for the six months to 30 June 2005

                                                                            Unaudited        Unaudited        Unaudited
                                                                        Six months to    Six months to       Year ended
                                                                         30 June 2005     30 June 2004      31 Dec 2004
                                                                                Euro'000            Euro'000            Euro'000
Operating profit                                                                4,589            3,953            8,527
Discharge of provisions for liabilities and charges                             (798)          (1,853)          (3,130)
Depreciation and amortisation                                                     454              532            1,018
Loss/(profit) on sale of tangible fixed assets                                      -                5              (2)
Share based payment expense                                                       109               41              126
Increase in working capital                                                   (5,386)         (14,439)         (11,236)
                                                                           __________       __________       __________
CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATIONS                                                  (1,032)         (11,761)          (4,697)
Interest paid                                                                   (470)            (449)          (1,035)
Interest element of finance lease payments                                        (7)             (10)             (21)
Corporation tax paid                                                             (36)             (63)            (346)
                                                                           __________       __________       __________
NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                    (1,545)         (12,283)          (6,099)
                                                                           __________       __________       __________
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                                       (220)            (310)            (464)
Proceeds from disposal of tangible fixed assets                                     -                2               10
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets                                      (32)             (44)            (145)
Purchase of subsidiary undertaking net of cash acquired                         (191)             (97)          (2,133)
Sale of subsidiary                                                                 76               15             (33)
Interest received                                                                  13               24               34
                                                                           __________       __________       __________
NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                      (354)            (410)          (2,731)
Expenses on issue of ordinary share capital                                         -                -             (32)
Capital element of finance lease rental payments                                 (79)             (79)            (164)
                                                                           __________       __________       __________
NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                       (79)             (79)            (196)
NET DECREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                     (1,978)         (12,772)          (9,026)
Currency translation differences relating to cash and cash                      (149)              235             (15)
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF PERIOD                              (4,488)            4,553            4,553
                                                                           __________       __________       __________
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                                    (6,615)          (7,984)          (4,488)
                                                                           __________       __________       __________


for the six months to 30 June 2005


The financial information presented in this Interim Report has been prepared in
accordance with the Group's accounting policies under International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS). The transition date for implementation of IFRS by
the Group was 1 January 2004. The financial statements for the six months ended
30 June 2004 and for the year ended

31 December 2004, which were prepared in accordance with accounting practice
generally accepted in the Republic of Ireland, have been restated under IFRS
with effect from the transition date.

Full details of the accounting policies adopted by the Group on implementation
of IFRS, and of the impact on the reported results and balance sheet of the
group of the transition to IFRS, were published on 30 August 2005 and are
available on the Group's website www.horizon.ie.

Approved IFRS

The Group's accounting policies under IFRS are based on the Financial Reporting
Standards and Interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards
Board (IASB) and on International Accounting Standards (IAS) and Standing
Interpretations Committee Interpretations approved by the predecessor
International Accounting Standards Committee that have been subsequently
authorised by the IASB and remain in effect.

Furthermore, the financial information provided in this document is subject to
the issuance by the International Accounting Standards Board of additional
interpretations prior to the end of 2005, which may have retrospective impact
and thus require to be applied in the 2005 financial statements and the related
2004 comparatives. As a result, it is possible that further changes may be
required to the full year 2004 financial information contained in this document
prior to its inclusion as comparative data in the published 2005 year-end
consolidated financial statements under IFRS.


                                                Half year ended            Half year ended               Year ended
                                                  30 June 2005               30 June 2004               31 Dec 2004
                                                   Unaudited                  Unaudited

                                             Segment      Segment       Segment      Segment       Segment      Segment
                                             Revenue       Result       Revenue       Result       Revenue       Result
                                               Euro'000        Euro'000         Euro'000        Euro'000         Euro'000        Euro'000
    By Business Segment:
    Enterprise Solutions                      94,047        4,618        83,697        4,018       159,041        8,502
    Distribution & Channel Services           54,950          919        67,103          963       122,134        1,793
    Unallocated and Group eliminations             -        (948)             -      (1,028)             -      (1,768)
                                             _______      _______       _______      _______       _______      _______
                                             148,997        4,589       150,800        3,953       281,175        8,527
                                             _______      _______       _______      _______       _______      _______

                                             Segment                    Segment                    Segment
                                             Revenue                    Revenue                    Revenue
                                               Euro'000                      Euro'000                      Euro'000
    By destination:
    Republic of Ireland                       64,908                     74,625                    146,260
    Britain and Northern Ireland              82,232                     76,068                    134,695
    Mainland Europe                            1,798                        107                        214
    Rest of World                                 59                          -                          6
                                             _______                    _______                    _______
                                             148,997                    150,800                    281,175
                                             _______                    _______                    _______

 3. TAX

    The tax charge for the six months ended 30 June 2005 is based on the
    effective tax rate, which it is estimated will apply to earnings for the
    full year.


                                                                Six months to          Six months to        Year ended
                                                                 30 June 2005           30 June 2004       31 Dec 2004
                                                                        Euro'000                  Euro'000             Euro'000
    The computation of basic and diluted earnings
    per share is set out below:

    Profit after tax and minority interests                             3,257                  2,764             5,736
    Unwinding of discount factor                                          101                    162               325
                                                                   __________             __________        __________
    Adjusted profit before unwinding of discount factor                 3,358                  2,926             6,061
                                                                   __________             __________        __________

    Weighted average number of shares in issue                         70,263                 70,263            70,263
            for the period ('000)

    Dilutive potential ordinary shares:
    Employee share options                                              1,886                  1,554             1,629
                                                                   __________             __________        __________

    Diluted weighted average number of                                 72,149                 71,817            71,892
            ordinary shares ('000)

                                                                   __________             __________        __________
    Earnings per share for the period
    Basic                                                               4.64c                  3.93c             8.16c
    Diluted                                                             4.51c                  3.85c             7.97c
    Diluted adjusted*                                                   4.65c                  4.07c             8.43c

         *Adjusted for unwinding of discount factor.


                                                                  Six months to
                                                                   30 June 2005

    Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                            (1,978)
    Cash outflow from debt financing                                         79

    Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                         (1,899)
    Translation adjustment                                                 (150)

    Movement in net debt in the period                                   (2,049)
    Net debt at beginning of period                                      (4,682)

    Net debt at end of period                                            (6,731)


    The financial information contained in this interim statement does not
    constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 19 of the Companies
    (Amendment) Act, 1986. The financial information for the full preceding
    accounting period is based on the statutory accounts for the year ended 31
    December 2004.


The board of directors approved the unaudited interim accounts on 7 September

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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