This announcement constitutes regulated information. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
Henderson Private Equity Investment Trust plc (the "Company"), whose objective 
is to conduct an orderly realisation of the assets of the Company in a manner 
that seeks to maximise their value and return cash to Shareholders promptly, 
announces results for the half-year ended 30 June 2011. 
                          30 June 31 December      Change   30 June      Change 
                                                    since                 since 
                             2011        2010                  2010 
                                              31 December               30 June 
                                                     2010                  2010 
Net assets                 GBP72.1m      GBP62.3m       15.8%    GBP58.9m       22.5% 
Net asset value per        382.5p      330.4p       15.8%    312.3p       22.5% 
Share price                274.0p      221.5p       23.7%    131.5p      108.4% 
Discount                    28.4%       33.0%         N/A     57.9%         N/A 
FTSE All-Share index      3,096.7     3,062.9        1.1%   2,543.5       21.7% 
LPX Europe index            360.2       338.8        6.3%     256.2       40.6% 
(sterling adjusted) 
LPX Indirect index           46.7        38.6       21.0%      31.1       50.2% 
(sterling adjusted) 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
Interim Management Report 
Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
The UK and European mid-market buy-out sector, the Company's key area of focus, 
continued to favour sellers during the half-year to 30 June 2011. In 
particular, the robust secondary market for limited partnership interests and 
improved exit opportunities for underlying portfolio companies provided the 
Company with positive conditions for the execution of its asset realisation 
Company Performance 
The Company performed well during the period under review. Net Asset Value 
("NAV") per share grew by 15.8% whilst the Company's share price increased by 
23.7% compared with rises of 1.1% in the FTSE All-Share Index and 21.0% in the 
LPX Indirect Index (sterling adjusted). 
Pleasingly, the Company's share price discount to NAV per share fell to 28.4% 
at 30 June 2011 compared with 33.0% at the 31 December 2010 year end. 
Liquidity and Outstanding Commitments 
The Company's balance sheet and liquidity position strengthened significantly 
during the period. This was achieved mainly through the disposal of two limited 
partnership interests, August Equity Partners II A and Rutland Fund II. These 
sales generated cash proceeds of GBP20.6 million and released the Company from GBP 
17.3 million of undrawn commitments. As a result, borrowings under the 
Company's GBP30.0 million committed bank facility were reduced to zero by 30 June 
2011, whilst total undrawn commitments to limited partnerships were GBP12.6 
million at 30 June 2011 compared with GBP34.1 million at the 31 December 2010 
year end. In addition, the Company held GBP3.1 million of cash deposits and GBP5.1 
million of liquid listed investments at 30 June 2011. 
In view of this much improved liquidity position and further realisations that 
have occurred after the half-year end, the Company cancelled GBP20.0 million of 
its GBP30.0 million committed bank facility, thereby generating considerable 
savings in bank charges. The balance of the facility will be cancelled when it 
is considered prudent to do so. 
Dividend Policy and Dividend 
It remains the Company's policy to pay dividends only to the extent required to 
maintain investment trust status. In this regard, in order to meet the s1158 
income retention test for the period ended 31 December 2009, it was necessary 
for the Company to declare a dividend of GBP50,896, equating to a payment of 
0.27p per ordinary share. The dividend was paid on 7 April 2011 to Shareholders 
on the register on 18 March 2011. 
Related Party Transactions 
During the first six months of the current financial year, no transactions with 
related parties have taken place which materially affected the financial 
position or performance of the Company during the period. Details of any 
related party transactions are contained in the Annual Report and Financial 
Outlook and Risks 
The Company's asset realisation strategy has started well. As explained in more 
detail in the Portfolio Manager's Review, prices achieved to date have been 
highly satisfactory, whilst the underlying portfolios of the Company's earlier 
vintage limited partnerships, which may be held to maturity, have performed 
well. The Company's strong share price performance during the 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
half-year to 30 June 2011, which has continued up to the time of writing, 
suggests that the Company is indeed pursuing the right strategy. 
Whilst the outlook for the Company's strategy remains encouraging, it is of 
course the case that the macro-economic environment across the UK and Europe is 
fragile and could, at some point, negatively impact the Company's performance. 
In addition, and as described in more detail in the Portfolio Manager's Review, 
the portfolio is becoming less diversified as the realisation strategy 
progresses. The Portfolio Manager and your Board are however working hard to 
deliver an attractive final outcome for the Company's Shareholders. 
John Mackie CBE 
19 August 2011 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
(a)    the set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with the 
       Accounting Standards Board's statement "Half-Yearly Financial Reports"; 
(b)    the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information 
       required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7R (indication of 
       important events during the first six months and description of 
       principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the 
       year); and 
(c)    the Interim Management Report includes a fair review of the information 
       required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8R (disclosure of 
       related party transactions and changes therein). 
For and on behalf of the Board of Directors 
John Mackie CBE 
19 August 2011 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
Asset Realisation Strategy - Progress 
The Company's asset realisation strategy, adopted on 27 September 2010, 
gathered considerable momentum during the six months to 30 June 2011. 
In particular, the secondary market for limited partnership interests continued 
to be highly competitive and provided the Portfolio Manager with some 
attractive disposal opportunities. As a result, three limited partnership 
interests, August Equity Partners II A, Elderstreet Capital Partners and 
Rutland Fund II were sold for total cash proceeds of GBP20.8 million at a blended 
discount of approximately 2% to their combined Net Asset Value ("NAV"). In 
addition, these disposals released the Company from GBP17.4 million of undrawn 
limited partnership commitments. 
One listed holding, Private Equity Investor, was also exited during the period 
generating cash proceeds of GBP388,469. 
Shortly after the half-year end, the Company announced three further asset 
disposals. First, in July, the Company's direct investment interests in The 
Logic Group Holdings Limited were sold for cash of GBP4.6 million, an 82% premium 
to its NAV immediately prior to disposal. Secondly, during August, the sale of 
the Company's limited partnership holding in Lyceum Capital Fund II A was 
completed at NAV generating cash proceeds of GBP2.8 million. Finally, again in 
August, the Company sold its limited partnership holding in Palatine Private 
Equity Fund for cash proceeds of GBP457,341. 
Further asset disposals are planned to occur before the 31 December 2011 year 
Portfolio Activity 
Limited Partnerships - Drawdowns and Distributions 
Limited partnership fund drawdowns from the Company totalled GBP4.6 million 
during the period, GBP3.1 million of which related to new investments. The 
largest of these was Astorg IV's investment in Saverglass, a French-based world 
leader in the design and manufacture of high-quality glass bottles for spirits 
and fine wine. The Company's share of this investment was GBP1.1 million. 
Encouragingly, exit and distribution activity showed some improvement with 
limited partnership distributions totalling GBP2.9 million, the highlight being GBP 
1.3 million from Parallel Ventures 2006 in relation to 3i's April flotation of 
Norma Group on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. A further distribution may arise 
following the expiry of a six month lock-up period covering 3i's remaining 
Listed Investment Portfolio - Disposals 
As mentioned above, the Company's holding in Private Equity Investor was sold 
during the period generating cash proceeds of GBP388,469. 
Portfolio Valuation 
Generally, the Company's portfolio continued to perform creditably during the 
period under review. At 30 June 2011 the value of the Company's total 
investments (including cash) was GBP72.6 million of which GBP59.8 million 
represented investments in limited partnerships. 
Due to FSA Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2 requiring the Company to 
publish its half-year financial statements by 31 August 2011, it has not been 
possible to update all limited partnership valuations using reports for the 
quarter ended 30 June 2011. As a result, 16.6% by value of the limited 
partnership portfolio has been valued using 31 March 2011 reports and 77.9% 
using 30 June 
                                                                   Page 5 of 16 
            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
2011 reports. In addition, 5.5% of the limited partnership portfolio was valued 
according to disposal prices achieved shortly after the half-year end. All 
limited partnership valuations for 30 June 2011 in relation to the Company's 
remaining limited partnership investments are expected to be reflected 
fully in the Company's NAV announcement for 30 September 2011. This will be 
released to the market in mid-October 2011. 
The Company's remaining limited partnership funds are invested in approximately 
fifty underlying companies. Whilst there have been isolated problems during the 
period under review, generally trading has held-up well across the portfolio. 
Indeed, it should be noted that, on receipt of the Rutland Fund I quarterly 
report for the quarter ended 30 June, it became apparent that the Company had 
benefited from a GBP5.5 million upward revaluation of Notemachine, a provider of 
ATM services in the UK and Germany. The value of Notemachine now constitutes 
more than 15% of total Company assets for the purposes of s1158. This means 
that the Company can currently make no additional investment in Notemachine 
through Rutland Fund I. 
As mentioned previously, the Company's direct investment interests in The Logic 
Group Holdings Limited were sold for cash of GBP4.6 million during July. This 
figure has therefore been adopted for valuation purposes in the Company's 
half-year results. 
At 30 June 2011 the listed portfolio comprised seven shareholdings with a total 
value of GBP5.1 million. On a like-for-like basis, this compared with GBP4.3 
million at 31 December 2010, and reflects the narrowing of discounts which 
occurred across the listed private equity sector during the period. 
Shareholders should be aware that as the realisation strategy progresses the 
risk exists that portfolio value becomes increasingly concentrated on a reduced 
number of managers and underlying portfolio companies. In particular this risk 
relates to the earlier vintage funds such as Rutland Fund I, August Equity 
Partners I and Parallel Ventures 2006 which may be held to their maturity. 
The value of the Company's investment portfolio remains vulnerable to any 
significant setback to economic recovery in the UK and Europe and falls in 
public market valuations which, in turn, are likely to translate into lower 
underlying portfolio company valuations. 
It is the case, however, that market conditions across the UK and European 
private equity sector continue to favour sellers of assets such as your 
Company. For example, competition for secondary purchases of limited 
partnership holdings, particularly in relation to the types of mid-market funds 
held by the Company, continues to be fierce as private equity investors seek to 
deploy very high levels of available capital. At the same time, the Company's 
earlier vintage limited partnerships, which may be held to maturity, are 
benefiting from recently improved exit conditions for their underlying 
investments. Finally, the Company's listed portfolio has benefitted from the 
general re-rating of the private equity sector. In short, the Company's 
adoption of an asset realisation strategy appears, at this point at least, to 
have been well-timed. 
At the time of the adoption of the Company's revised investment strategy in 
September 2010 the Board and the Portfolio Manager indicated that the asset 
realisation programme was likely to be largely complete within two years. To 
the extent that current private equity market conditions described above 
continue to prevail, this still appears to be a workable timeframe. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
Finally, Shareholders should note that, as described in the Chairman's 
Statement, the Company's balance sheet and liquidity position has improved 
significantly since the 31 December 2010 year end. 
Importantly, this now provides a solid and stable financial platform from which 
the Portfolio Manager can conduct the disposal of the Company's remaining 
Ian Barrass 
Portfolio Manager 
19 August 2011 
For further information contact: 
Ian Barrass              John Mackie            Sarah Gibbons-Cook 
Portfolio Manager        Chairman               Investor Relations and PR 
Tel: 020 7818 2964       Tel: 020 7600 9105 
                                                Henderson Global Investors 
                                                Tel: 020 7818 3198 
As at 30 June 2011 
Company                 Category  Country/        Vintage Valuation GBP      % of 
                                  Region                          000  Portfolio 
Rutland Fund I          LP        UK                 2000      18,907      26.1% 
August Equity Partners  LP        UK                 2001      12,112      16.7% 
Parallel Ventures 2006  LP        UK                 2006      10,254      14.1% 
Astorg IV               LP        France             2008       7,118       9.8% 
The Logic Group         Direct    UK                 2007       4,561       6.3% 
Pragma Capital II       LP        France             2007       3,677       5.1% 
Lyceum Capital Fund II  LP        UK                 2007       2,843       3.9% 
Century CP IV           LP        US                 2007       2,802       3.9% 
Graphite Enterprise     Listed    UK                 2007       1,975       2.7% 
Fondinvest VIII         LP        France             2007       1,658       2.3% 
                                                           ---------- ---------- 
Ten largest investments                                        65,907      90.9% 
EIH plc                 Listed    India              2007         785       1.1% 
SVG Capital 8.25%       Listed    UK                 2007         746       1.0% 
Wendel Investments      Listed    Europe             2007         650       0.9% 
Reconstruction Capital  Listed    Eastern            2007         578       0.8% 
II                                Europe 
Palatine Private Equity LP        UK                 2007         457       0.6% 
Dinamia                 Listed    Spain              2007         200       0.3% 
HgCapital Trust IT      Listed    UK                 2007         168       0.2% 
                                                           ---------- ---------- 
Total Investments                                              69,491      95.8% 
Cash                                                            3,065       4.2% 
Total Portfolio                                                72,556     100.0% 
LP = Limited Partnership 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
The table below summarises the ten largest underlying investments by value in 
the Company's portfolio of unlisted private equity funds. The valuations are 
gross, before any carry provision. 
Underlying         Sector        General    Vintage   Cost GBP Valuation       % of 
                                 Partner                '000      GBP'000  Portfolio 
Notemachine        Business      Rutland       2006   14,528     12,893      21.7% 
                   Services      Fund I 
Liberty            Healthcare    August I      2007    3,462      6,884      11.6% 
Advantage          Healthcare    Rutland       2005    3,584      5,770       9.7% 
Healthcare                       Fund I 
Rollfold Group     Manufacturing August I      2006    2,017      3,155       5.3% 
Norma              Manufacturing Parallel      2006        -      2,492       4.2% 
Planit Holdings    Software      August I      2006    2,719      2,299       3.9% 
Metalor            Manufacturing Astorg IV     2009      833      1,688       2.9% 
Premo              Manufacturing Parallel      2007    1,914      1,452       2.5% 
ONO Development    Manufacturing Parallel      2006      413      1,221       2.1% 
Photonis           Manufacturing Astorg IV     2008      739      1,211       2.1% 
                                                    -------- ---------- ---------- 
Ten Largest Underlying                                30,209     39,065      66.0% 
Other Underlying Investments                          23,602     20,222      34.0% 
Total Underlying Investments                          53,811     59,287     100.0% 
Type of investment by value 
Percentage of portfolio     30 June 2011    31 December 2010       30 June 2010 
                                       %                   %                  % 
Limited partnerships                  83                  91                 90 
Listed funds                           7                   6                  6 
Direct unquoted                        6                   3                  3 
Cash                                   4                   -                  1 
                                     100                 100                100 
Geographic exposure of investments by value 
Percentage of portfolio     30 June 2011    31 December 2010       30 June 2010 
                                       %                   %                  % 
UK                                    65                  69                 70 
Europe                                30                  27                 25 
Other                                  5                   4                  5 
                                     100                 100                100 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
for the six months ended 30 June 2011 
                             (Unaudited)                (Unaudited)                 (Audited) 
                           Half-Year Ended            Half-Year Ended              Year ended 
                            30 June 2011                30 June 2010            31 December 2010 
                      Revenue   Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue Capital    Total 
                       return    return    GBP'000   return   return    GBP'000   return  return    GBP'000 
                        GBP'000     GBP'000             GBP'000    GBP'000             GBP'000   GBP'000 
Gains from                  -    10,065   10,065        -    2,539    2,539        -   6,204    6,204 
investments held at 
fair value through 
profit or loss (note 
(Losses)/gains on           -       (6)      (6)        -       70       70        -      66       66 
foreign exchange 
Income (note 3)           704         -      704       88        -       88      942       -      942 
Investment              (360)         -    (360)    (380)        -    (380)    (824)       -    (824) 
management fee 
(note 4) 
Administrative          (410)         -    (410)    (407)        -    (407)    (901)       -    (901) 
                     --------  -------- -------- -------- -------- --------  ------- -------  ------- 
Return on ordinary       (66)    10,059    9,993    (699)    2,609    1,910    (783)   6,270    5,487 
activities before 
finance costs and 
Interest payable and    (125)         -    (125)    (103)        -    (103)    (448)       -    (448) 
                     -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- --------  ------- ------- -------- 
Return on ordinary      (191)    10,059    9,868    (802)    2,609    1,807  (1,231)   6,270    5,039 
activities before 
Taxation                  (1)         -      (1)      (1)        -      (1)      182       -      182 
                     -------- --------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ------- -------- 
Return on ordinary      (192)    10,059    9,867    (803)    2,609    1,806  (1,049)   6,270    5,221 
activities after 
finance costs and 
taxation (note 6) 
                        =====     =====    =====    =====    =====    =====   ======   =====    ===== 
Return per ordinary    (1.0)p     53.4p    52.4p   (4.2)p    13.8p     9.6p   (5.6)p   33.3p    27.7p 
share (based on 
average number of 
shares in issue 
during the period 
(note 6) 
                       ======     =====    =====    =====    =====    =====   ======   =====    ===== 
The columns of this statement headed "total" represent the Company's income 
statement, prepared in accordance with UK GAAP. The revenue and capital columns 
are supplementary to this and are published under guidance from the Association 
of Investment Companies. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the current or prior 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
for the six months ended 30 June 2011 
For the six months     Called      Share    Capital  Capital    Revenue  Shareholders' 
ended 30 June 2011   up share   premium  redemption reserves  reserve* GBP   funds GBP'000 
(unaudited)          capital   account GBP  reserve GBP     GBP'000       '000 
                        GBP'000       '000       '000 
Balance at 1 January      984     17,321        705    42,770        499        62,279 
Capital attributable        -          -          -    10,059          -        10,059 
to Ordinary 
Revenue attributable        -          -          -         -      (192)         (192) 
to Ordinary 
Equity dividends                                                    (51)          (51) 
declared and paid 
                     --------  ---------   -------- ---------   --------     --------- 
Balance at 30 June        984     17,321        705    52,829        256        72,095 
                        =====      =====      =====    ======      =====        ====== 
For the six months     Called      Share    Capital   Capital    Revenue Shareholders' 
ended 30 June 2010   up share    premium redemption  reserves reserve* GBP   funds GBP'000 
(unaudited)           capital  account GBP  reserve GBP     GBP'000       '000 
                        GBP'000       '000       '000 
Balance at 1 January      984     17,321        705    36,500      1,548        57,058 
Capital attributable        -          -          -     2,609          -         2,609 
to Ordinary 
Revenue attributable        -          -          -         -      (803)         (803) 
to Ordinary 
                     --------  ---------   -------- ---------   --------     --------- 
Balance at 30 June        984     17,321        705    39,109        745        58,864 
                        =====      =====      =====    ======      =====        ====== 
For the year ended     Called      Share    Capital   Capital    Revenue Shareholders' 
31 December 2010     up share    premium redemption  reserves reserve* GBP   funds GBP'000 
(audited)             capital  account GBP  reserve GBP     GBP'000       '000 
                        GBP'000       '000       '000 
Balance at 1 January      984     17,321        705    36,500      1,548        57,058 
Capital attributable        -          -          -     6,270          -         6,270 
to Ordinary 
Revenue attributable        -          -          -         -    (1,049)       (1,049) 
to Ordinary 
                     -------- ----------   -------- --------- ----------    ---------- 
Balance at 31             984     17,321        705    42,770        499        62,279 
December 2010 
                        =====     ======      =====    ======     ======        ====== 
*The revenue reserve represents the amount of the Company's reserves 
distributable by way of dividend. 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
at 30 June 2011 
                                       (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                           30 June        30 June   31 December 
                                              2011           2010          2010 
                                             GBP'000          GBP'000         GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments                                 69,491         72,028        78,357 
                                        ----------     ----------    ---------- 
Current assets 
Debtors                                         16            422            39 
Cash at bank                                 3,065            964           137 
                                        ----------     ----------    ---------- 
                                             3,081          1,386           176 
Current liabilities 
Other creditors                              (477)          (799)         (603) 
                                        ----------     ----------    ---------- 
Net current assets/ (liabilities)            2,604            587         (427) 
                                       -----------    -----------   ----------- 
Total net assets less current               72,095         72,615        77,930 
                                            ======         ======        ====== 
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one 
Bank Loan                             _                  (13,751)      (15,651) 
                                        ----------     ----------    ---------- 
Net Assets                                  72,095         58,864        62,279 
                                            ======         ======        ====== 
Capital and reserves 
Called-up share capital                        984            984           984 
Share premium                               17,321         17,321        17,321 
Capital redemption reserve                     705            705           705 
Capital reserve (note 7)                    52,829         39,109        42,770 
Revenue reserve                                256            745           499 
                                        ----------     ----------    ---------- 
Shareholders' funds                         72,095         58,864        62,279 
                                            ======         ======        ====== 
Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share          382.5p         312.3p        330.4p 
(note 8) 
                                            ======         ======        ====== 
                                                                  Page 11 of 16 
            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
for the six months ended 30 June 2011 
                                        (Unaudited)  (Unaudited) (Audited) Year 
                                        Six months    Six months       ended 31 
                                           ended 30     ended 30  December 2010 
                                        June 2011 GBP  June 2010 GBP          GBP'000 
                                               '000         '000 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from                   74        (703)          (664) 
operating activities 
Tax (paid)/refunded                             (1)            -            246 
Financial investment 
Purchase of unlisted fixed asset            (4,613)     (10,827)       (15,372) 
Sale of listed fixed asset investments          511        1,469          1,469 
Sale of unlisted fixed asset                 23,033        1,508          3,389 
                                         ----------   ----------     ---------- 
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from               18,931      (7,850)       (10,514) 
financial investment 
Equity dividends paid                          (51)            -              - 
Net cash inflow/ (outflow) before            18,953      (8,553)       (10,932) 
Bank loan (repaid)/ drawn                  (15,651)        6,023          7,923 
Bank interest paid                            (368)         (57)          (401) 
                                         ----------   ----------     ---------- 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                   2,934      (2,587)        (3,410) 
Net funds at start of the period                137        3,481          3,481 
(Losses)/gains on foreign exchange              (6)           70             66 
                                         ----------   ----------     ---------- 
Net funds at the end of the period            3,065          964            137 
                                             ======       ======         ====== 
Represented by 
Cash at bank                                  3,065          964            137 
                                         ----------   ----------     ---------- 
                                              3,065          964            137 
                                             ======       ======         ====== 
                                                                  Page 12 of 16 
            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
1.   Accounting policies 
     The financial statements have not been prepared on a going concern basis 
     as the Company is seeking to realise the investment portfolio, return the 
     capital to shareholders and then liquidate the Company, as outlined in the 
     asset realisation strategy agreed by shareholders on 27 September 2010. 
     The current expectation is that the process is likely to be materially 
     complete by September 2012. The financial statements have therefore been 
     prepared on a break-up basis. 
     A review of the investment portfolio has been undertaken to identify those 
     unlisted investments that may be held until the underlying fund investment 
     reaches its contractual end and those that are likely to be exited early. 
     The former have been valued largely based on the audited and unaudited 
     valuations provided by the investee funds. The valuations of the latter 
     have been based on the audited and unaudited valuations provided by the 
     investee funds less any discount that the Portfolio Manager believes will 
     arise on exiting the fund early. 
     The Company is not an investment company within the meaning of Section 833 
     of the Companies Act 2006; however, it conducts its affairs as an 
     investment trust for taxation purposes under Section 1158-1159 of the 
     Corporation Tax Act 2010. As such, the Directors consider it appropriate 
     to present the financial statements in accordance with the Statement of 
     Recommended Practice `Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies 
     and Venture Capital Trusts' (the `SORP'), issued by The Association of 
     Investment Companies in January 2009. 
     For the period under review the Company's accounting policies have not 
     varied from those described in the Annual Report and Financial Statements 
     for the year to 31 December 2010. 
2.   Gains on investments held at fair  (Unaudited) (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                         Six months  Six months      Year ended 
                                              ended       ended 
                                                                    31 December 
                                         30 June 20     30 June            2010 
                                                 11        2010 
                                              GBP'000       GBP'000 
     Realised gains/(losses): 
     Listed investments                          26          84              84 
     Unlisted investments                     (875)       (428)             298 
                                        ----------- -----------     ----------- 
                                              (849)       (344)             382 
     Investment holding gains/(losses): 
     Listed investments                         902          93             610 
     Unlisted investments                    10,012       2,790           5,212 
                                        ----------- -----------     ----------- 
                                             10,914       2,883           5,822 
                                             ======      ======         ======= 
     Net gains on investments held at        10,065       2,539           6,204 
     fair value 
                                             ======      ======         ======= 
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            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
NOTES, continued 
3.   Dividends and other income      (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                      Six months     Six months      Year ended 
                                           ended          ended     31 December 
                                      30 June 20   30 June 2010 
                                              11                          GBP'000 
     Income from fixed asset 
     Franked income: 
     Dividends from listed UK                 11             49              41 
     Dividends from unlisted UK                -             10               - 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                              11             59              41 
     Unfranked income: 
     Dividends from listed overseas            9             48              34 
     Distributions from UK unlisted          649           (52)             798 
     Listed UK loan stock                     31             31              62 
     Interest from listed UK                   3              -               - 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                             692             27             894 
     Total income from fixed asset           703             86             935 
     Other income 
     Deposit interest                          1              2               7 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                             704             88             942 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
4.   Management and performance fees (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                      Six months     Six months      Year ended 
                                                          ended     31 December 
                                      30 June 20                           2010 
                                              11      June 2010 
                                           GBP'000          GBP'000 
     Investment management fee -             360            380             824 
     charged to revenue 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
     Since 1 October 2010, the management fee has been fixed at a monthly fee 
     of GBP70,000 (net of VAT) per month for six months reduced to GBP50,000 (net 
     of VAT) per month for the following eighteen months (i.e. from 1 April 
     In addition to the management fee, the Company's Manager is entitled to a 
     performance fee of 10% of any amounts available to be returned to 
     Shareholders over the cash hurdle. The cash hurdle is set at an amount 
     which incentivises the Manager to out-perform the other realisation 
     options available to the Company plus a notional accrual representing the 
     time value of money between the date of Shareholder approval of the fee 
     and the actual returns of cash in excess of the hurdle. The total 
     performance fee payable to the Manager is capped at GBP2,852,900 and the 
     opening cash hurdle and accrual rate is GBP41,470,466 and 8% respectively. 
                                                                  Page 14 of 16 
            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
NOTES, continued 
5.   Commitments                     (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                      Six months     Six months      Year ended 
                                           ended  ended 30 June     31 December 
                                                           2010            2010 
                                    30 June 2011 
                                                          GBP'000           GBP'000 
     The level of outstanding commitments at the period end 
     Fondinvest VIII                       3,408          3,403           3,390 
     Rutland Fund I*                       2,839          3,021           2,898 
     Lyceum Capital Fund II                2,077          3,764           3,335 
     Pragma Capital II                     2,025          3,396           2,890 
     Parallel Ventures 2006*                 817            915             817 
     Century CP IV                           474          1,267             797 
     August Equity Partners I*               348            608             348 
     Palatine Private Equity Fund            329            496             478 
     Astorg IV                               319          1,290           1,350 
     August Equity Partners II                 -         13,134          11,997 
     Rutland Fund II                           -          6,767           5,737 
     KB Fund III and KB Fund III B             -          1,791               - 
     Elderstreet Capital Partners*             -             31              31 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                          12,636         39,883          34,068 
                                          ======         ======          ====== 
     * denotes fund in post-investment period as at 30 June 2011 
6.   Return per Ordinary share       (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                      Six months     Six months      Year ended 
                                           ended          ended     31 December 
                                    30 June 2011   30 June 2010 
                                           GBP'000          GBP'000 
     Revenue return                        (192)          (803)         (1,049) 
     Capital return                       10,059          2,609           6,270 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
     Total                                 9,867          1,806           5,221 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
     Weighted average number of 
     Ordinary shares in issue         18,850,212     18,850,212      18,850,212 
     Revenue return                       (1.0)p         (4.2)p          (5.6)p 
     Capital return                        53.4p          13.8p           33.3p 
                                      ----------     ----------    ------------ 
     Total return                          52.4p           9.6p           27.7p 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
                                                                  Page 15 of 16 
            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
NOTES, continued 
7.  Capital reserves                 (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                      Six months     Six months      Year ended 
                                           ended          ended     31 December 
                                    30 June 2011   30 June 2010 
                                           GBP'000          GBP'000 
    Opening balance                       42,770         36,500          36,500 
    Losses/(Gains) on realisations         (849)          (344)             997 
    Movements in investment               10,914          2,883           5,207 
    (Losses)/gains on foreign                (6)             70              66 
                                     -----------    -----------     ----------- 
                                          52,829         39,109          42,770 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
    Included within the above             11,516        (2,337)             602 
    reserve are 
    investment holding gains / 
    (losses) of 
                                          ======         ======         ======= 
8.  Net asset value per Ordinary     (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                      Six months     Six months      Year ended 
                                           ended          ended     31 December 
                                    30 June 2011   30 June 2010 
    Net assets attributable to            72,095         58,864          62,279 
    shareholders (GBP'000) 
    Ordinary shares in issue at       18,850,212     18,850,212      18,850,212 
    end of 
                                   ------------- --------------  -------------- 
                                          382.5p         312.3p          330.4p 
                                        ========       ========        ======== 
9.   Dividends on Ordinary Shares 
     There will be no interim dividend for the year to 31 December 2011 (2010: 
     nil). A dividend of GBP50,896 (0.27p per share) was paid on 7 April 2011 in 
     respect of the 2009 year end in order to comply with Section 1158 
     (formerly Section 842) of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
10.  Called up Share Capital 
     At 30 June 2011 there were 18,850,212 Ordinary shares of 5p each in issue 
     and 832,000 Ordinary shares of 5p each held in treasury (30 June 2010 and 
     31 December 2010: 18,850,212 in issue and 832,000 in treasury). 
11.  Related parties 
     During the first six months of the current financial year, no transactions 
     with related parties have taken place which have materially affected the 
     financial position or performance of the Company during the period. 
     Details of related party transactions are contained in the Annual Report 
     and Financial Statements. 
                                                                  Page 16 of 16 
            Unaudited Results for the Half-Year Ended 30 June 2011 
NOTES, continued 
12.  Going concern 
     Following the adoption of the realisation strategy of the Company at the 
     General Meeting held on 27 September 2010, future operations of the 
     Company will not be conducted on a going concern basis. In forming this 
     judgement the Directors have considered the level of the Company's assets, 
     its available liquidity, the likelihood and timescales over which 
     investments may be realised and outstanding commitments that may be drawn. 
13   Comparative Information 
     The financial information contained in this half-year report does not 
     constitute statutory financial statements as defined in section 434 of the 
     Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the half years ended 30 
     June 2011 and 30 June 2010 has not been audited or reviewed by the 
     Company's auditors. The figures and financial information for the year 
     ended 31 December 2010 are an extract based on the latest published 
     financial statements and do not constitute statutory accounts for that 
     year. Those financial statements have been delivered to the Registrar of 
     Companies and included the report of the auditors which was unqualified 
     and did not contain a statement under either section 498(2) or 498(3) of 
     the Companies Act 2006. 
14.  General Information 
      a. Company Status 
     Henderson Private Equity Investment Trust plc is incorporated in England 
     and is an investment trust in accordance with Section 1158 of the 
     Corporation Tax Act 2010. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange. The 
     ISIN number is GB0030955313. The London Stock Exchange Code is HPEQ. 
      b. Directors, Secretary and Registered Office 
     The Directors of the Company are John Mackie (Chairman), Terry Connor, 
     Barry Dean and Ian Orrock. The Secretary is Henderson Secretarial Services 
     Limited, represented by Tracey Lago. The registered office is 201 
     Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE. 
15.  Half-Year Report 
     The Half-Year Report will be available in typed format on the Company's 
     website (www.hendersonprivateequity.com) or from the Company's registered 
     office, An abbreviated version, the `Update', will be circulated to 
     shareholders in early September. 
                                   - ENDS - 

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