RNS Number : 1867D

Hightex Group PLC

26 March 2014

Hightex Group plc

("Hightex" or "the Group")

Unaudited Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2013

Hightex Group plc (AIM: HTIG), a leading systems engineering company, which designs, fabricates and installs large area, cable supported lightweight membrane roofs and façades worldwide, announces its unaudited results for the six months ended 30 June 2013.

Financial Overview:

   --     Turnover of EUR3.4 million (H1 2012: EUR7.9 million) 
   --     Gross profit down 55% to EUR0.5 million (H1 2012: EUR1.1 million) 
   --     Overheads (actual) down 14% to EUR1.4 million (H1 2012: EUR1.6 million) 

(excluding the change in net currency gains and losses of EUR189,000)

   --     Pre-tax loss of EUR1.5 million (H1 2012: loss of EUR1.0 million) 
   --     Result per share - loss of 0.53c (H1 2012: loss of 0.35c) 
   --     Net cash balances of EUR0.7 million (H1 2012: EUR1.0 million) 

Operational Highlights:

   --     The installation of the roof of the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was completed 

in May 2013. Work on the Estadio Beira-Rio in Porto Alegre, Brazil made good progress. These two contracts contributed most of the first half revenues.

   --     Hightex accounted for further revenues from Natal project of EUR 0.5 million. 

-- Hightex is actively pursuing other potential significant contracts, in the United Kingdom, North

America and Europe.

Post Balance Sheet Event and Prospects:

-- Difficulties in obtaining financial information from its Brazilian joint venture SEPA Hightex

Coberturas Ltda. triggered material uncertainty over Brazilian receivables. Directors

concluded to not be in a position to issue interim results for the six months period ended 30

June 2013 resulting in a suspension from trading at AIM effective from 26 September 2013.

   --      Lacking verifiable information, Hightex has accounted for a provision on respective 

receivables. The provision will be clarified following further discussion with the Company's

    auditors.   The unwelcome consequences of this situation were difficulties in Hightex's 

working capital. Reference is made to Note 3 "Going Concern" of the interim financial


   --     On October 2nd 2013 SolarNext announced it had raised EUR255,000 by way of a short term 

loan secured over 39.2% of the share capital of SolarNext. In December 2013 Hightex sold

30.6% of SolarNext for EUR397,000 and the terms of the original short term loan were varied

resulting in the transfer to the lenders of 19.6% of the shares in SolarNext. In aggregate,

50.2% of SolarNext was sold to a number of UK investors, including management.

   --     Closing a loan facility with TCA Global Credit Master Fund, LP for up to USD 10,000,000 in 

March 2014.

   --     At operational level all three contracts in Brazil (Maracana Stadium, Estadio Beira-Rio and 

Natal) have been executed and will be ready for the World cup in 2014.

   --     Further the construction of the Prince Sultan Cultural Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, had 

been halted in 2013, however a new contract is now under negotiation.

-- Signed contracts to date delivered aggregate revenues of EUR6.7 million in the second half of

2013. Further significant contracts being pursued are expected to deliver revenues in 2014.

   --      Because of lower than expected SolarNext revenues in the first half year, and disappointing 

sales in the second half of 2013 resulting from political uncertainty on the governmental

energy policy in Germany, SolarNext incurred a loss in 2013 and aims to achieve profitability

in 2014.

   --      Hightex has submitted a number of offers in response to tender requests for projects where 

membrane is an essential part of the total structure. The Directors believe that new

membrane contracts will be won in the first half of2014.

-- It is the Directors' belief that identifying an industrial partner with financial strength would

complement the engineering expertise and reputation of Hightex and would be of benefit for

the Group.

For further information:

 Hightex Group plc 
 Charles DesForges, Executive    Tel: +44 (0) 20 7603 
  Chairman                                       1515 
 Frank Molter, Chief Executive   www.hightexworld.com 
 Geoff Nash - Corporate Finance   Tel: +44 (0) 20 7600 
 Simon Starr - Broking                 www.finncap.com 

Chairman's statement


On 26 September 2013 Hightex Group plc ("Hightex") announced that it had experienced difficulty in obtaining relevant financial information from its Brazilian joint venture partner SEPA Hightex Coberturas Ltda. In consequence the Directors then believed that there was a material uncertainty over some of the Brazilian receivables, which led them to conclude that they were not in a position to issue interim results for the six months to 30 June 2013 until there was greater certainty in respect of those receivables. As a result of this postponement of this announcement, trading in Hightex's shares was suspended from AIM with effect from 26 September 2013.

Significant events after 1 July 2013

The lack of verifiable information and transparency of the accounts of the Brazilian joint venture, which led to the postponement of the interims announcement, has been resolved by making a provision for specific debts arising in Brazil. The provision be clarified following further discussion with the Company's auditors. Legal advice has been sought as to appropriate action required to resolve this situation for the ultimate benefit of shareholders. The unwelcome consequence for Hightex was the creation of difficulties in its working capital. Hightex has traded judiciously through the subsequent period and is pleased to announce that it has now signed a loan facility with TCA Global Credit Master Fund, LP for up to USD10,000,000. The first USD 1,800,000 has been drawn down. With the aid of this facility, Hightex has restored its sufficiency of working capital for the foreseeable future.

As part of the Company's effort in the second half of 2013 to provide working capital from all possible sources, an interest of 50.2% in the shareholding of SolarNext was sold to a number of UK investors including management.

At the operational level, all of the contracts in Brazil have been executed and the stadia will be ready for the World Cup in June 2014. The Maracana Stadium was completed in May 2013 and used for the Confederations Cup in 2013. The Porto Alegre stadium has already staged a match after the President of Brazil officially opened it in February 2014. The construction of the Saudi Arabian structure in Riyadh, which had been halted in 2013, is now due to be approved under a new design provision and a new contract is under negotiation.

In the light of this announcement, the publication of the delayed interim announcement and the signing of the loan facility agreement, trading in the shares of Hightex is expected to be restored with effect from today, 26 March 2014.

Commentary on 2013 interim results

In the first six months of 2013, Hightex's revenues decreased from EUR7.9 million to EUR3.4 million. The stadia of Maracana and of Beira Rio contributed most of the first half revenues.

Work on the Prince Sultan Cultural Centre in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, suffered a delay as a result of changes in the local construction codes and therefore contributed little to first half revenues.

The 60% fall in revenues resulted in a gross profit EUR0.5 million(2012 first half: gross profit of EUR1.1 million). This is mainly explained by the low turnover for the Brazilian stadia of Porto Alegre and Natal in the first half of 2013.

Management responded to the financial pressures by making further reductions in general expenses, these being mainly achieved in the German operating company. These expenses fell to EUR1.3 millionin the first half of 2013 (2012: EUR1.6 million).

The result before tax in the first six months was a loss of EUR1.5 million compared with the loss of EUR1.0 million in the first six months of 2012. Expressed in per share terms, the result of the first six months of 2013 amounted to a loss of 0.53 cents, compared with a loss per share of 0.35 cents in the first half of 2012.

Shareholders' funds were EUR6.4 million, compared with EUR7.7 million at 31 December 2012 and EUR7.9 million at 30 June 2012. Cash balances as at 30 June 2013 were EUR0.7 million, compared with EUR0.9 million as at 31 December 2012 and EUR1.0 million as at 30 June 2012.


In the first half of 2013 SolarNext revenues were disappointing. The market for thermal cooling did not develop as rapidly as the industry had forecast and it was further adversely affected by the exceptionally cold weather in Europe during the spring of 2013. In the second half of 2013 sales continued at a low level because of political uncertainty on the governmental energy policy in Germany. These factors led to most industrial sectors putting investment plans on hold until the political complexion of the new government became clear. However, in the early weeks of 2014, a major recovery was seen in sales and SolarNext has already taken orders with a higher value than for all of 2013. The new controlling shareholder group is committed to introducing further funds into SolarNext so as to provide working capital to match the expected increase in turnover.


Hightex has submitted a number of offers in response to published tenders for projects where the membrane component is an essential part of the total structure. The Directors believe that new contracts will be won in the first half of 2014 and the Company is vigorously pursuing a number of potential contracts, including two stadia and infrastructure projects in the Middle East as well as other identified projects in Europe and Africa. If successful, such contract wins would increase revenues in 2014 and subsequent years, bringing prospects for a return of Group profitability.

The Directors also believe that identifying an industrial partner with greater financial strength would complement the engineering expertise and the reputation of Hightex would be of benefit to the Group, its shareholders and its employees. The Board will also consider if necessary raising further capital from current shareholders.

The Directors and all employees are striving to secure new membrane and cable structure contracts and to drive SolarNext to profitability. 2014 will no doubt be challenging but Hightex's reputation for innovative engineering excellence places the Company in a good position when confidence in and infrastructure investment returns to the global economy.

Charles DesForges

Executive Chairman


                                  Notes      6 Months      6 Months   12 Months 
                                               30-Jun        30-Jun      31-Dec 
                                                 2013          2012        2012 
                                          (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                              EUR'000       EUR'000     EUR'000 
 Continuing operations 
 Revenue                                        3,426         7,908      17,688 
 Cost of sales                                (2,932)       (6,845)    (15,110) 
 Gross profit                                     494         1,063       2,578 
 Operating expenses: 
 Selling and distribution 
  costs                                         (380)         (521)       (943) 
 Research and development 
  costs                                          (76)         (104)       (231) 
 Administrative expenses                      (1,064)         (937)     (1,591) 
 Underlying loss before 
  interest, tax, depreciation 
  and amortisation                            (1,026)         (499)       (187) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                  (363)         (428)       (823) 
 Operating loss                               (1,389)         (927)     (1,010) 
 Share option charge                              (7)          (33)         (2) 
 Finance income                                     7             4          21 
 Finance costs                                  (130)         (102)       (311) 
 Share of the profit 
  of associates                                    36            59          93 
 Loss before tax                              (1,483)         (999)     (1,209) 
 Income tax (charge)/credit         4             (6)           (1)         (3) 
 Loss for the period                          (1,489)       (1,000)     (1,212) 
                                         ============  ============  ========== 
 Loss attributable to 
  equity holders         (1,489)   (1,000)   (1,212) 
                         (1,489)   (1,000)   (1,212) 
                        ========  ========  ======== 
 Loss per share (cents) 
 Basic                     5   (0.53)   (0.35)   (0.43) 
 Diluted                   5   (0.53)   (0.35)   (0.43) 


 Other comprehensive 
                               6 Months      6 Months   12 Months 
                                 30-Jun        30-Jun      31-Dec 
                                   2013          2012        2012 
                            (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                EUR'000       EUR'000     EUR'000 
 Loss for the period           (1, 489)       (1,000)     (1,212) 
                           ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Exchange differences 
  in translating foreign 
  operations                        152          (16)          34 
                           ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss for the period           (1,337)       (1,016)     (1,178) 
                           ============  ============  ========== 
 Total comprehensive 
  loss attributable to 
  equity holders                (1,337)       (1,016)     (1,178) 
                                (1,337)       (1,016)     (1,178) 
                           ============  ============  ========== 


                                  Notes         30-Jun        30-Jun      31-Dec 
                                                  2013          2012        2012 
                                           (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                               EUR'000       EUR'000     EUR'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                        6,722         6,722       6,722 
 Other intangible assets                         1,587         1,861       1,716 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment (net)                                4,973         5,131       5,081 
 Other financial assets                            655           629         767 
 Investments in associate                          531           460         494 
 Deferred tax assets                                 0             2           1 
                                          ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total non-current assets                       14,468        14,805      14,781 
                                          ------------  ------------  ---------- 
   Current assets 
 Inventories and work 
  in progress                                      285           247         246 
 Accounts receivable                             5,780         6,809       7,525 
 Cash and cash equivalents                         803         1,174         949 
 Total current assets                            6,868         8,230       8,720 
                                          ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total assets                                   21,336        23,035      23,501 
                                          ============  ============  ========== 
   Shareholders' equity 
   Share capital                                 3,682         3,682       3,682 
 Share premium                                  15,059        15,059      15,059 
 Retained losses                              (12,302)      (10,601)    (10,813) 
 Share option reserve                               46            70          39 
 Translation reserve                             (113)         (315)       (265) 
 Total equity attributable 
  to equity holders                              6,372         7,895       7,702 
                                          ------------  ------------  ---------- 
   Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                       11,030        10,463      11,796 
 Borrowings                                      1,406         1,578       1,391 
                                          ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total current liabilities                      12,436        12,041      13,187 
                                          ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                      2,470         3,023       2,555 
 Deferred tax liability                             58            76          57 
 Total non-current liabilities                   2,528         3,099       2,612 
                                          ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                              14,964        15,140      15,799 
                                          ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities and 
  equity                                        21,336        23,035      23,501 
                                          ============  ============  ========== 


                                      6 Months      6 Months   12 Months 
                                        30-Jun        30-Jun      31-Dec 
                                          2013          2012        2012 
                                   (Unaudited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
                                       EUR'000       EUR'000     EUR'000 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Operating loss for the period:        (1,389)         (927)     (1,010) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Loss for disposal                          16             -         (2) 
 Foreign exchange differences              155          (15)          28 
 Bad debts written off                       4             -         105 
 Depreciation                              233           284         543 
 Amortisation and impairment 
  of intangibles                           130           144         280 
 Operating cash flows before 
  movements in working capital           (851)         (514)        (56) 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Increase in inventories                  (39)          (32)        (31) 
 (Increase) / decrease in 
  accounts receivable                    1,741           670       (150) 
 Increase / (decrease) in 
  accounts payable                       (737)           304       1,637 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash generated / (used in) 
  from operating activities                114           428       1,400 
 Interest paid                           (130)         (102)       (311) 
 Income tax paid                           (2)           (1)        (22) 
 Net cash generated / (used 
  in) from operating activities           (18)           325       1,067 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Acquisition of other financial 
  assets                                 (144)         (120)       (258) 
 Acquisition of intangible                   -           (9)           - 
 Acquisition of property, 
  plant and equipment                    (145)         (186)       (392) 
 Interest received                           7             4          21 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                             (282)         (311)       (629) 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Payment of finance lease 
  liabilities                             (14)          (45)        (88) 
 Proceeds from loan                        256             -          27 
 Repayment of loans                      (161)       (1,208)     (1,654) 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Net cash (used in) / generated 
  from financing activities                 81       (1,253)     (1,715) 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash 
  equivalents                            (219)       (1,239)     (1,277) 
 Cash and cash equivalents, 
  beginning of period/year                 917         2,189       2,189 
 Effect of foreign exchange 
  on cash and cash equivalent              (3)             -           5 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents, 
  end of period / year                     695           950         917 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
 Cash at bank and in hand 
 Cash and cash equivalents                  79           144         160 
 Cash lodged under performance 
  and warranty bonds                       724         1,030         789 
 Bank overdraft                          (108)         (224)        (32) 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 
                                           695           950         917 
                                  ------------  ------------  ---------- 


                               Share      Share      Retained     Share       Foreign        Total 
                               capital    premium     losses      option      currency 
                                                                  reserve    translation 
                               EUR'000    EUR'000      EUR'000    EUR'000        EUR'000     EUR'000 
   Balances at 1 January 
   2012                          3,682     15,059      (9,601)         37          (299)       8,878 
                             ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ---------- 
  Loss for the period                -          -      (1,000)          -              -     (1,000) 
 Currency translation 
  differences                        -          -            -          -           (16)        (16) 
                             ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the period              -          -      (1,000)          -           (16)     (1,016) 
 Share option charge                 -          -            -         33              -          33 
   Balances at 30 June 
   2012                          3,682     15,059     (10,601)         70          (315)       7,895 
                             ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ---------- 
 Loss for the period                 -          -        (212)          -              -       (212) 
 Currency translation 
  differences                        -          -                       -             50          50 
                             ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the period              -          -        (212)          -             50       (162) 
 Share option charge                 -          -            -       (31)              -        (31) 
   Balances at 31 December 
   2012                          3,682     15,059     (10,813)         39          (265)       7,702 
                             ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ---------- 
 Loss for the period                 -          -      (1,489)          -              -     (1,489) 
 Currency translation 
  differences                        -          -            -          -            152         152 
                             ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the period              -          -      (1,489)          -            152     (1,337) 
 Share option charge                 -          -            -          7              -           7 
   Balances at 30 June 
   2013                          3,682     15,059     (12,302)         46          (113)       6,372 
                             ---------  ---------  -----------  ---------  -------------  ---------- 
   1.    General information 

Hightex Group Plc was incorporated on 28 June 2006 under the Companies Act 1985. The Company was registered under the number 5860429. The Company's registered office is located at Masters House, 107 Hammersmith Road, London W14 0QH. The Company is domiciled in the United Kingdom.

The consolidated financial information is presented in Euros (EUR).

   2.    Basis of preparation 

The next annual financial statements of Hightex Group ('the Group') will be prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the EU applied in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006.

Accordingly, the interim financial information in this report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with IFRS. IFRS is subject to amendment and interpretation by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) and there is ongoing process of review and endorsement by the European Commission. The financial information has been prepared on the basis of IFRS that the directors expect to be applicable as at 31 December 2013.

The financial information has been prepared under the historical cost convention. The principal accounting policies set out below have been applied to all periods presented.

The consolidated interim financial information has been prepared assuming that the Group will continue as a going concern. Reference is made to Note 3. "Going Concern" below.

The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation have been followed in these unaudited interim financial statements as those which were applied in the preparation of the Group's annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2012.

The interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2013 was approved by the directors on 24 March 2014.

   3.    Going concern 

Due to difficulties in obtaining relevant financial information from its Brazilian joint venture SEPA Hightex Coberturas Ltda. and material uncertainty over some of the Brazilian receivables Hightex faced difficulties in its working capital due to lack of cash receipts from these projects after the balance sheet date 30 June 2013. In order to restore the going concern assumption the Company has taken the following material measures:

   --      sale of 50.2% of the shares in SolarNext AG 

-- signing a loan facility with TCA Global Credit Master Fund, LP for up to USD 10,000,000, of which the first USD 1,800,000 has been drawn down.

Based on the financial forecasts for 2014 and 2015 and the Group's economic prospects the directors of Hightex Group have made the assessment, that these measures provide sufficient working capital in order to overcome the period until Hightex Group is able to earn operating positive cash flows from new projects in 2014. In assessing whether the going concern assumption is appropriate, the directors have taken into account all available information for the foreseeable future; in particular for the twelve months from the date of issue of the interim financial information. This included the nature of the business in which Hightex operates, the contracted revenues for the remainder of 2013, expected contract wins in 2014, as well as the aforementioned financing facilities available to the Group.

   4.    Taxation 
                                    30-Jun         30-Jun      31-Dec 
                                      2013           2012        2012 
                                   EUR'000        EUR'000     EUR'000 
                               (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)   (Audited) 
 Deferred taxation                     (4)              -          19 
 Current taxation                      (2)            (1)        (22) 
                             -------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Corporate taxation charge             (6)            (1)         (3) 
                             =============  =============  ========== 
   5.    Earnings per share 
   Six months      Six months           Year 
        ended           ended          ended 
      30 June         30 June    31 December 
         2013            2012           2012 
      EUR'000         EUR'000        EUR'000 
  (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
 Earnings for the purpose 
  of basic and 
 diluted earnings per share 
  being net loss 
 attributable to equity 
  shareholders                         (1,489)            (1,000)           (1,212) 
 Number of shares 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares 
 for basic earnings per 
  share                            282,820,727        282,820,727       282,820,727 
 Share options                               -                  -                 - 
 Warrants                                    -                  -                 - 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares 
 for diluted earnings per 
  share                            282,820,727        282,820,727       282,820,727 
   Earnings per share (cents) 
 Basic                                  (0.53)             (0.35)            (0.43) 
 Diluted                                (0.53)             (0.35)            (0.43) 
   6.    Dividend 

The directors do not propose the payment of an interim dividend (2012: nil).

   7.    Contingent liabilities 

The group had contingent liabilities of EUR893,000 (31 December 2012: EUR529,000) under contracted performance and warranty bonds and advance payments.

   8.    Post balance sheet events 

The following material post balance sheet events have incurred to date:

At operational level all three contracts in Brazil (Maracana Stadium, Estadio Beira-Rio and Natal) have been executed and will be ready for the World cup in 2014.

Difficulties in obtaining financial information from its Brazilian joint venture SEPA Hightex Coberturas Ltda. triggered material uncertainty over Brazilian receivables. Directors concluded to be not in a position to issue interim results for the six months period ended 30 June 2013 resulting in a suspension from trading at AIM effective from 26 September 2013.

Lacking verifiable information Hightex has accounted for a provision on respective Brazilian receivables. The provision will be clarified following further discussion with the Company's auditors. The consequences of this situation were difficulties in Hightex' working capital.

Providing working capital from all possible sources in the second half of 2013 included the sale of 50.2% of the shares in SolarNext AG and signing a loan facility with TCA Global Credit Master Fund, LP for up to USD 10,000,000 in March 2014.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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