For Immediate Release 30 January 2009 
                              IN HOUSE GROUP PLC 
                         ("In House" or the "Company") 
                                INTERIM REPORT 
We present the Group's interim results for the six month period ended 31 
October 2008. 
The Group had Revenues of GBP37,000 (2007 - GBP934,000) for the period under 
review. The operating loss on ordinary activities for the period amounted to GBP 
140,000 (2007- GBP182,000). 
The loss per share for the period was 0.068p (2007 - 0.04p). 
Current Trading 
The period under review continued to be one of consolidation for the Group, one 
property owning company (Berrymount Developments Limited) was acquired at the 
end of the previous period and one (Avanti Properties Limited) was acquired 
just after the period end (in November 2008). 
On 27 May 2008 the Company's Share Capital was reorganised with 645,589,628 
0.249p Deferred Shares being created and 839,248,182 0.001p Ordinary Shares 
being authorised of which 645,589,628 were in issue at that time. 
Clearly the current economic climate has brought uncertainty to the property 
sector. Three particular implications result from the current conditions. 
First, it is a very difficult market in which to sell properties; this means 
the Group has been unable to sell its existing stock. Second, it has been 
difficult to complete any further acquisitions of property portfolios due to 
the uncertain economic climate. Third, interest rates have been declining, 
which, as the Group's interest charges are linked to base rate, has been 
helping its margins. 
The Group is, therefore, currently concentrating on managing its existing stock 
of residential properties. A good proportion of the properties are let to 
asylum seekers or benefits claimants with the rents paid directly by either 
local authorities or other agencies which therefore provide a high quality of 
income to the Group. This revised strategy is reflected in the results for the 
period, Revenue, being the gains made on trading residential units and income 
from property management, is significantly reduced as there were no property 
sales in the current period while Operating Income, being mainly the rental 
income, is significantly up on previous periods (2008: GBP335,000, 2007: GBP87,000) 
due to the property acquisitions that commenced in the autumn of 2007. 
The Group had expected to make further property acquisitions and is still 
looking for appropriate opportunities but the current economic uncertainty is 
impacting on the ability to complete such deals. The Group retains its existing 
funding facility with Dunfermline Building Society and expects to be able to 
acquire further properties using this facility only once the current economic 
uncertainty has eased. 
There are currently around 25 properties that require some refurbishment before 
they can be relet which the Directors estimate would cost some GBP140,000 in 
total. The Group does not currently have the funds to do this; but is seeking 
ways to do so as the Directors believe that these properties can readily be 
rented and will provide a good payback on the investment required. 
As announced on 27 January 2009, the Group is arranging short term funding to 
meet its immediate cash needs and is currently in discussions with a number of 
parties in relation to long term funding to address the refurbishment 
requirements, restart property acquisitions and, once these have been arranged, 
finance the acquisition of the property management companies. 
David Meddings 
30 January 2009 
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited 
                                            6 months     6 months    Year ended 
                                               ended        ended 
                                          31 October   31 October 30 April 2008 
                                                2008         2007 
                                               GBP'000        GBP'000         GBP'000 
Revenue                                           37          934           963 
Cost of sales                                   (10)        (923)       (1.074) 
                                              ______       ______        ______ 
Gross profit (loss)                               27           11         (111) 
Administrative expenses                        (271)        (260)         (713) 
Operating income                                 335           87           282 
Operating expenses                             (231)         (20)         (171) 
                                              ______       ______        ______ 
Operating loss                                 (140)        (182)         (713) 
Investment Income                                  1            3             8 
Other gains and losses                         (115)            0           254 
Finance costs                                  (437)         (64)         (336) 
                                              ______       ______        ______ 
Loss on ordinary activities before             (691)        (243)         (787) 
Taxation                                           0            0             1 
                                              ______       ______        ______ 
Loss for the Period attributable to            (691)        (243)         (786) 
the equity holders of the parent 
                                               =====        =====         ===== 
Loss per share: basic (pence)                (0.068)      (0.044)       (0.134) 
                                               =====        =====         ===== 
1. Loss per share 
The calculation of basic loss per share is based upon the loss for the period 
and the weighted average number of 1,022,109,220 (30 April 2008 - 587,724,160, 
31 October 2007 547,344,711) shares in issue during the period. Given the loss 
for the period, no fully diluted earnings per share is disclosed. 
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited 
                                           31 October   31 October     30 April 
                                                 2008         2007         2008 
                                                GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Intangible assets                                   9           15           12 
Plant and equipment                                 2            3            3 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
                                                   11           18           15 
Trading Properties                             11,958        3,843       12,606 
Trade and other receivables                       227          108          730 
Cash and cash equivalents                          44           28          162 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
                                               12,229        3,979       13,498 
Borrowings                                      (102)        (143)        (141) 
Trade and other payables                        (583)        (303)        (440) 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
                                                (685)        (446)        (581) 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
NET CURRENT ASSETS/(LIABILITIES)               11,544        3,533       12,917 
Borrowings                                   (12,458)      (3,625)     (12,805) 
Deferred tax liabilities                            0            0        (648) 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
NET LIABILITIES                                 (903)         (74)        (521) 
                                               ======       ======       ====== 
Share capital                                   1,625        1,551        1,614 
Share premium account                           1,777        1,446        1,479 
Retained earnings                             (4,305)      (3,071)      (3,614) 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
TOTAL EQUITY ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE                (903)         (74)        (521) 
                                               ======       ======       ====== 
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited 
                                             6 months     6 months   Year ended 
                                                ended        ended 
                                           31 October   31 October     30 April 
                                                 2008         2007         2008 
                                                GBP'000        GBP'000        GBP'000 
NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM                  (139)      (3,195)      (9,550) 
Interest received                                   1            3            8 
Acquisition of Subsidiary                           0            0      (1,420) 
Purchase of plant and equipment                   (1)          (1)          (4) 
Disposal of plant & equipment                       0            0            3 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
NET CASH GENERATED                                  0            2      (1,413) 
Interest paid                                   (437)         (64)        (336) 
Proceeds on issue of share capital (net           309          431          487 
of costs) 
Net new (repayments of) borrowings                385        3,394       11,514 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
NET CASH INFLOW/(OUTFLOW)                         257        3,761       11,665 
NET INCREASEIN CASHAND CASH EQUIVALENTS         (118)          568          702 
                                               ======       ======       ====== 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE                  162        (540)        (540) 
                                               ======       ======       ====== 
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF            44           28          162 
                                               ======       ======       ====== 
Cashflows from Operating Activities 
Operating loss                                  (140)        (182)        (713) 
Depreciation of plant and equipment                 2            2            3 
Amortisation of intangibles                         3            3            6 
Gain on Disposal of plant & equipment               0            0          (1) 
Movement in trading properties                  (648)      (2,814)      (8,102) 
Movement in receivables                           502         (79)        (687) 
Movement in payables                              142        (125)         (36) 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
Cash (absorbed)/generated by operations         (139)      (3,195)      (9,530) 
Income taxes paid                                   0            0         (20) 
                                               ______       ______       ______ 
NET CASH (OUTFLOW)/INFLOW FROM                  (139)       (3195)      (9,550) 
                                               ======       ======       ====== 
For the Period to 31 October 2008          Share     Share  Retained     Total 
                                         Capital   Premium  Earnings    Equity 
                                           GBP'000   Account     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening                                    1,614     1,479   (3,614)     (521) 
New Share Capital Subscribed                  11       298         0       309 
Loss for the period attributable to            0         0     (691)     (691) 
Equity holders of the parent company 
                                          ______    ______    ______    ______ 
Closing                                    1,625     1,777   (4,305)     (903) 
                                          ======    ======    ======    ====== 
For the Year to 30 April 2008              Share     Share  Retained     Total 
                                         Capital   Premium  Earnings    Equity 
                                           GBP'000   Account     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Opening                                      959     1,607   (2,828)     (262) 
New Share Capital Subscribed                 655        46         0       701 
Share Issue Expenses                           0     (174)         0     (174) 
Loss for the period attributable to            0         0     (786)     (960) 
Equity holders of the parent company 
                                          ______    ______    ______    ______ 
Closing                                    1,614     1,479   (3,614)     (521) 
                                          ======    ======    ======    ====== 
 1. Basis of preparation 
The accounting policies used are consistent with those that will be adopted in 
the annual financial statements for the year ending 30 April 2009, subject to 
any changes to IFRS that may be implemented in the mean time. 
The preparation of the interim financial statements required management to make 
estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, 
expenses, assets, liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the 
date of the interim financial statements. If in the future such estimates and 
assumptions, which are based upon the management's best judgement at the date 
of the interim financial statements, deviate from the actual circumstances, the 
original estimates and assumptions will be modified as appropriate in the 
period in which the circumstances change. 
2. Status of Accounts 
The interim financial information is unaudited.  The financial information does 
not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 240 of the Companies 
Act 1985. 
3. Period of accounts 
The financial statements include the results of the Group for the period from 1 
May 2008 to 31 October 2008. The comparatives cover the periods from 1 May 2007 
to 30 April 2008, and from 1 May 2007 to 31 October 2007 respectively. 
4. Going Concern 
In determining the appropriate basis of preparation of the Financial 
Statements, the Directors are required to consider whether the Group can 
continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. 
The Board has prepared projected cash flow information for the period ending 12 
months from the date of approval of these Financial Statements ("the 
Projections") based on the Group continuing to let out its existing property 
portfolio to meet its finance and operating costs. 
These Projections assume that the current negotiations with regard to 
additional short term and long term funding will be successful and that the 
company will be able to recommence acquisitions of properties shortly using the 
existing lending and bridging facilities. 
Having reviewed these Projections and having made reasonable enquiries in 
making the underlying assumptions, together with assessing the position of 
current lenders, the Directors have reasonable expectation that the Group will 
be able to meet its liabilities moving forward as they fall due. It is on this 
basis that the Directors consider it appropriate to prepare the Group's 
Financial Statements on the going concern basis. However, for the reasons 
described above, the Directors recognise that there are material uncertainties 
that may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue as a going 
concern, and therefore, that it may be unable to realise its assets and 
discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. 
There is a risk that the above material uncertainties as to the Group's ability 
to continue as a going concern may not be resolved satisfactorily. The 
Financial Statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the 
Group were unable to continue as a going concern, which would include writing 
down the carrying value of assets to their recoverable amount and providing any 
further liabilities that might arise, as it is not practicable to determine or 
quantify them. 
5. Trading Properties 
Under the requirements of IFRS 3 the properties acquired in Berrymount in March 
2008 were brought in to the accounts for 30 April 2008 at fair value on 
acquisition. The directors being aware of the changes in the property market 
since that time have had these properties revalued and have determined that the 
current value is approximately the cost of those properties to the Group and 
therefore the uplift on these properties to fair value at acquisition has been 
reversed along with the associated deferred tax provision. The impact of this 
has been to reduce trading properties by GBP763,000, remove the deferred tax 
provision of GBP648,000 and a charge to the Profit and Loss Account in the period 
of GBP115,000 (disclosed as Other gains and losses). 
6. Post Balance Sheet Events 
On 5 November the group made a further acquisition relating to a portfolio of 
North West residential properties via the acquisition of Avanti Properties 
Limited. Funding was arranged with Dunfermline Building Society using the 
existing facilities in place. 
The following share issues have also been made: 
On 4 November 2008 the company issued 3,125,000 ordinary shares of 0.001p at a 
price of 0.08p per share in settlement of a GBP2,500 introductory commission to 
Mufid & Co re an agreement with Primegold Properties Limited to manage its 12 
residential properties in Lancashire. 
On 6 November 2008 the company has issued 285,714,286 ordinary shares of 0.001p 
at a price of 0.007p to UEB Consulting Limited on conversion of GBP20,000 of the 
loans for working capital purposes. 
On 17 November 2008 the company issued 50,000,000 Ordinary Shares at a price of 
0.05p in settlement of a GBP25,000 payment for a three month exclusivity period 
to acquire Breatheasy Finance Limited. 
On 19 November 2008 the company has issued 285,714,286 ordinary shares of 
0.001p at a price of 0.007p to UEB Consulting Limited on conversion of GBP20,000 
of the loans for working capital purposes. 
On 19 November 2008 the company has issued has issued 20,000,000 ordinary 
shares of 0.001p at a price of 0.02p per share to UEB Consulting Limited in 
settlement of a GBP4,000 fee for repair work on property owned by the Group. 
On 16 December 2008 the company has issued 142,857,143 ordinary shares of 
0.001p at a price of 0.0035p to UEB Consulting Limited on conversion of GBP5,000 
of the loans for working capital purposes. 
On 16 December 2008 the company has issued 342,857,143 ordinary shares of 
0.001p at a price of 0.0035p Cairns Investment Holdings Limited on conversion 
of a GBP12,000 loan provided for working capital purposes. 
On 7 January 2009 the company has issued 142,857,143 ordinary shares of 0.001p 
at a price of 0.0035p to UEB Consulting Limited on conversion of GBP5,000 of the 
loans for working capital purposes. 
7. Copies of the report 
Copies of this interim statement will be made available to the public on the 
Group's Website (www.ihgroup.co.uk) and will be available at Number One, 
Birchwood One Business Park, Dewhurst Road, Warrington WA3 7GB. 
Contact: Marcus Cassidy, In House Group Plc on 0845 061 9999 
Roland Cornish, Beaumont Cornish Limited, 
0207 628 3396 

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