RNS Number : 2633W

i-nexus Global PLC

21 December 2021

21 December 2021

i-nexus Global plc

("i-nexus", the "Company" or the "Group")

Final Results

i-nexus Global plc (AIM: INX), a leading provider of cloud-based Strategy Execution software solutions designed for the Global 5000, today provides its audited results for the year ended 30 September 2021 ("FY21").

Financial Highlights

   --    Group revenue GBP3.6m (FY20: GBP4.1m) 

o Recurring revenue GBP3.3m (FY20: GBP3.7m)

o Services revenue GBP0.3m (FY20: GBP0.4m)

   --    Administrative expenses reduced by 27% to GBP4.1m (FY20: GBP5.6m) 
   --    Group loss before taxation reduced to GBP1.1m (FY20: GBP2.4m) 
   --    Cash & cash equivalents at the period end of GBP0.6m (FY20: GBP0.1m) 
   --    Exit Monthly Recurring Revenue ("MRR") GBP235k (FY20: GBP305k) 

-- Financial position of the Company secured for the near term by the Convertible Loan notes subscribed for during the year by shareholders

   --    Currently trading on an EBITDA positive basis 

Operational Highlights

-- Despite the ongoing impact on enterprise software Budgets, successful in closing four new deals across the year with three being in the last quarter

-- Higher level of non-renewing customers than anticipated, but levels of non-renewing customers reduced in the last three months of the year

-- Marketing initiatives started to bear fruit as our investments saw the highest historical results in terms of engagement, reach and therefore leads; confirming our ability to rebuild our prospect pipeline

Post Period End Highlights & Outlook

   --    Sales momentum emerged in Q4 and is continuing in FY22 

-- At the time of writing this report we have closed six deals in six months; validating our ability to win new business, the longest period on record of regular deal delivery

-- Our average deal size is increasing and we now have clear predictable conversion rates of leads into deals

-- After another tough year we have emerged in a strong position and primed to deliver double digit net Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) growth in FY22

Simon Crowther, Chief Executive, of i-nexus Global plc, commented: " The substantial challenges posed by the pandemic continued in the year, but the ongoing investments made in our products and the changes to our Go To Market strategy started to deliver an increase in new customer win rate in Q4, increased industry recognition and a growing confidence across the business as we head into FY22. The efforts we have made in cash conservation and the uplift in revenues meant we traded on an EBITDA positive footing (adjusted for non-underlying items) for the last three months of the year, with a visible cash runway.

"Our sales pipeline continues to develop with solid new opportunities being created monthly and we have seen a general shortening of sales cycles, reflecting in our improved conversion metrics. We therefore enter the new financial year with a greater level of optimism.

"The changes brought by the pandemic have highlighted the need for scalable, robust, digital strategy execution tools and the market for our software is growing. We are confident we are well positioned, with a differentiated offering, to play a leadership role in this maturing market and are focused on delivering a year of growth."

For further information please contact:

 i-nexus Global plc                       Via: Alma PR 
  Simon Crowther, CEO 
  Alyson Levett, CFO 
 Singer Capital Markets (Nominated        Tel: +44 (0)207 496 
  Adviser and Broker)                      3000 
  Sandy Fraser / Alaina Wong (Corporate 
  Tom Salvesen (Corporate Broking) 
 Alma PR                                  Tel: +44 (0) 203 405 
  Caroline Forde                           0205 

About i-nexus Global plc

i-nexus Global plc ("i-nexus") helps organisations achieve their goals. Whether executing a strategy, driving operational excellence and continuous performance improvement, or coordinating portfolios and programs to transform results, i-nexus strategy execution software underpins success.

Today, we support organisations in managing over 200,000 strategic programmes around the world.

i-nexus transforms how organisations plan, execute, and track goals. We inspire the confidence to leave behind the spreadsheets, presentations and reports those organisations rely on, replacing it with a cloud-based, collaborative solution.

Chairman's Statement

For many businesses 2020/21 remained challenging due to economic and commercial uncertainty coupled with all the ongoing disruption caused by the global pandemic. Of course, certain businesses were in the right markets to benefit from the unprecedented demands created by this environment, whilst others were on the wrong side of the "must have / like to have" decision process. However, while in FY20 we saw many large businesses retract from longer term decision making on procuring discretionary enterprise software purchases, during FY21 we saw a distinct change in behaviour from our existing and potential customers as they returned to addressing the fundamental challenge of increasing longer term productivity.

Critical to addressing this challenge is how enterprises deploy their strategy. Having agreed strategic goals, how they set the goals across large and complex businesses, how they measure whether or not they are on track to achieve those goals and finally what to do to course correct if they are not on target. As a Board we are confident that the challenge which i-nexus addresses, the automation of Business Improvement and Strategy Deployment, is one which all businesses face and more and more will seek to address over the coming years. We remain confident that we have an extremely capable solution as demonstrated by the quality of the customers which we currently serve and those with which we are currently negotiating.

i-nexus Global plc went into the FY20 downturn in a particularly weak position, both from a cash and from a sales perspective, but crucially we were supported at this critical time by our major shareholders. We demonstrated to those shareholders the inherent value in this business in terms of the technology we have developed, the customers who have deployed it and the new customers who have signed contracts or are currently in our pipeline. We all acknowledge that there was and continues to be considerable uncertainty about the speed at which the market for strategy deployment software develops but are confident that there is a significant market to address and that such deployments go the heart of how businesses operate. We remained 'hunkered down' during FY21, keeping costs to a minimum, successfully rebuilding our sales pipeline, continuing to service our existing customers, signing new ones and continuing on a more limited basis to develop our technology. Preservation of cash until such time as we can see a clear, sustainable improvement in sales and revenues, was our number one priority and remains so.

Although we successfully signed a number of new customers during FY21 we were hit by higher levels of churn amongst some of our existing customers than we were anticipating. The principal drivers for this churn were M&A activity and customers who found themselves in particularly hard-hit industries. In retrospect, given the considerable M&A activity amongst our customers, such events are not entirely unexpected. We have continued to support such customers in a totally professional manner and one in particular, having been acquired, has already started a new pilot to deploy i-nexus across the new merged entity. The result of this higher than anticipated churn was a tighter than anticipated cash position which was once again supported by our shareholders.

We remain confident that the market we address is emerging and that i-nexus is a leading automation product enabling businesses to deploy strategy more efficiently. We are also confident that we are running as lean a cost base as manageable in challenging times, that we have the appropriate and committed management team and that our core market is undoubtedly growing.

Although we believe that the stock market currently undervalues the business on any comparable metric, we recognise that the management of the business must demonstrate to investors that i-nexus has the exciting potential we can see and that we as a team can realise the results we envisage. Whilst we do so, we will manage our cash resources as effectively as possible, continue to develop one of the best platforms available to enable the automation of business improvement and strategy deployment and continue to drive our exciting sales pipeline as hard as our resources permit.

Finally, I would like once again to thank our management team and employees for their dedication and commitment during these challenging times. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all shareholders who have continued to support the business and in particular those who subscribed for additional Loan Notes during the most challenging of times. They have given the business the opportunity to continue to pursue the growth in new and existing customers and ultimately the financial results the management team work unstintingly to achieve.

Richard Cunningham


CEO's Statement


We have emerged as a stronger business as a result of the commercial and operational challenges of FY21. After the major milestone in FY20 of deploying an upgraded version of i-nexus with a new modern interface across all our customers, which has deepened our understanding of our customers' needs, we are generating the highest number of new sales leads per month, on average one new demo request is arriving per working day and the start of a stable cadence of new contract wins is now visible. We are now moving into what I expect to be an exciting phase in i-nexus' history.

Our shareholders were an invaluable support during the challenges of FY21 and have provided the means for us to get back on a growth trajectory. I would like to add my thanks for that to those expressed by our Chairman.


The substantial challenges posed by the pandemic continued in the year, but the ongoing investments made in our products and the changes to our Go To Market ("GTM") strategy started to deliver an increase in new customer win rate in Q4, increased industry recognition and a growing confidence across the business as we head into FY22. The efforts we have made in cash conservation and the uplift in revenues meant we traded on an EBITDA positive footing (adjusted for non-underlying items) for the last three months of the year, with a visible cash runway.

The fundraising gave us much needed working capital. We remain conscious of the challenges that still lie ahead, but we are passionate about continuing to deliver on our growth strategy in the coming year while carefully managing our cash resources to ensure the long-term future of the business.

Market opportunity

All businesses set goals, plan how to deliver them and track performance. The challenge is if they can do this at pace, with insight and high levels of visibility across their complex operating environment. In most cases the answer to this is no and this is where i-nexus' software delivers considerable value. While the last 18 months has been painful for many, it brought into focus the importance of strategy being up to date, all in one place and at the fingertips of those driving a business forward and most importantly, remotely and digitally accessible. This, we believe, will see the momentum we have seen in recent months continue and grow in the coming year.

Sales & Marketing activity

Since the launch of our next generation platform, i-nexus Workbench, last year we are encouraged by the exceptionally positive response from existing customers and the high level of interest from new prospects. The flexibility and usability of the platform has enabled us to implement live trials and "test drives" for prospects for the first time, enabling high levels of engagement where prospects can see their own data in the system, providing a powerful proof of the ROI which can be delivered.

The success of these trials and test drives can be seen in the uplift in customer win rate in Q4 and into the new financial year, with five trials converted into annual contracts since July 2021 - an encouraging run rate of new business not experienced for some time.

The four new customers signed in the year were a major domestic appliance manufacturer, the first of six portfolio companies of a US-based Private Equity business, with further companies in their portfolio now evaluating the platform, a European pharmaceutical organisation and a European automotive technology company. Subsequent to the year end, we have signed one further contract with the second of the portfolio companies mentioned above with further deals progressing through contracting.

We currently have several further live trial implementations at multiple enterprises across the US, UK and Europe and a paid Pilot with a major technology company. We continue to see an uplift in new business enquiries as a result of our targeted marketing activities but are mindful that the economic backdrop remains uncertain.

Existing account activity

Typically, our software is initially utilised within one division of our customers, or one geography, with considerable scope for further expansion. However, within the year, we saw lower levels of customer expansion deals than previously with only two notable additions, a cross sell at an existing account to a new geography, Singapore and the conclusion of an enterprise deal with a major technology company whereby their MRR will ramp across the next 3-5 years. Despite these two increases success elsewhere was limited with COVID-19 continuing to impact enterprise software budgets. We have seen some improvement post year end and anticipate a higher level of customer expansion deals in FY22.


We have seen a considerably higher level of new business enquiries as we progressed through the year, reflecting both the improving business landscape and our inclusion on G2, the world's largest online technology marketplace within the 'best strategic planning' software category. Having not appeared in this list previously, we now consistently rank highly, having received forty two reviews and three awards. Year on year the result is encouraging with new contacts nearly twice last year's average, content download 1.5 times those on average a year ago and both returning contacts and returning web visits at least five times those a year ago. All of this activity has seen our rate of leads and, importantly, demo requests increase.

Our focus for the year ahead will be to convert this increase in marketing reach, maintain this consistency in the rate of new customer acquisition, expanding with our existing customers and delivering net customer growth.

Business structure

The business comprises four core teams: GTM (Sales & Marketing), Product (Development, Product & Cloud Ops), Success, (all the customer facing & delivery teams) and Business Support (Finance, HR & Admin). Each team has clearly laid out performance metrics and KPIs, to be delivered against quarterly. A key feature of the change in the GTM approach has been to utilise domain experts, with an in depth knowledge of i-nexus, throughout the sales cycle. This has enabled a far greater level of interaction with the prospect's team on a peer-to-peer basis. In addition, we have also adopted a similar approach in customer success, whereby our Solution Consultants are acting as success managers for our accounts. Both these changes are delivering positive results.

As with many software companies, we are an agile business and well-equipped to facilitate remote working. Our staff continue to work successfully from home, with no disruption to the Group's continuity of service and indeed some benefits of the greater ease of collaboration. We took the decision in the year not to renew the lease on our Coventry HQ. We require a more flexible workspace for the future as lockdown restrictions lift and resource planning can become more definitive.


Evolving market

Our software category - Strategy Execution Management (SEM) - continues to evolve and gain momentum as companies accelerate digitising mission-critical processes in this post pandemic world. Faced with market uncertainty, this "new normal" future requires companies to increase responsiveness by dynamically managing their strategic plan; something that we believe simply cannot be achieved in spreadsheets and other conventional productivity tools.

The growing importance of the SEM market has been acknowledged by leading analysts including Gartner Research, with SEM now considered an integral part of the new Strategy Portfolio Management (SPM) software category.


Our competitive landscape has shifted accordingly. Falling under Strategic Portfolio Management from an analyst perspective, has had two effects. It has both distanced us from many previous SEM competitors but also introduced new SPM competitors.

Against remaining SEM vendors, i-nexus is differentiated in both its depth of capabilities and its ability to support larger deployments where stringent IT requirements - including data security - must be met and flexibility in configuration is needed. Those capabilities include the X-Matrix interactive planning used by multiple strategy execution methodologies including Hoshin Kanri.

i-nexus has two clear advantages in strategy execution against SPM vendors: powerful strategic planning and performance management capabilities that complement portfolio management features. Plus, i-nexus' customers benefit from experience gained from over fifteen years of market experience in strategy execution.

Customer priorities

The past twelve months have seen the emergence of two clear trends in customer priorities. The first is around the governance of strategic data. Responding to changing market conditions requires real-time strategic insight that depends ultimately on quality data. Customers increasingly rely on i-nexus to centralise and manage this data, and furthermore present executives with visualisation and reporting on strategic health

The second noticeable trend is growing interest in rethinking the traditional annual strategic planning process, applying agile principles to strategic planning and delivery. Approaching strategic execution in a more incremental way enables customers to regularly assess not just progress toward the strategic plan but also any internal and external factors that might warrant strategic course correction.

In the year ahead we will continue to evaluate our product market fit and deliver those enhancements that respond to the market needs, especially those resulting from a greater extent of virtual operations.


While we secured one new customer at the start of the year via a partner, our consulting partners largely continued to be impacted by COVID-19, seeing their own pipelines slow down and facing substantial uncertainty, we therefore have reduced our focus on this area for the time-being.


Once again, I would like to thank our amazing team personally and on behalf of the Board. We are incredibly lucky with the talent and commitment of the team that we have at i-nexus. This has not been an easy year, but everyone has worked incredibly hard to make it a success and I am delighted for all of us that we are now starting to see the fruits of those labours.

Current Trading and Outlook

We exited the year with a Monthly Recurring Revenue rate of GBP235k and we continue to trade on a monthly EBITDA positive basis. Importantly, we have seen levels of non-renewing customers reduce considerably over the last five months and we do not expect to see a repeat of the rates seen last year.

Our sales pipeline continues to develop with solid new opportunities being created monthly and we have seen a general shortening of sales cycles, reflecting in our improved conversion metrics. We therefore enter the new financial year with a greater level of optimism.

The changes brought by the pandemic have highlighted the need for scalable, robust, digital strategy execution tools and the market for our software is growing. We are confident we are well positioned, with a differentiated offering, to play a leadership role in this maturing market and are focused on delivering a year of growth.

Simon Crowther

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Financial Officer's Report

Reported revenue

Revenue reduced to GBP3.6m (FY20: GBP4.1m) as the COVID-19 pandemic continued to affect our rate of new deal conversion and professional services billing until the last quarter of the year. The Group signed four new customers, three in the last quarter (FY20: two), all under recurring contracts of more than one year in length, paid in advance annually. Upsells and cross sells in our existing accounts were lower than previous years, adding GBP10k Monthly Recurring Revenue in the year (FY20: GBP40k). At the same time, we experienced exceptional levels of non-renewing contracts, some of which were a direct result of COVID-19, and we exited FY20 with closing MRR of GBP235k (FY20 exit MRR: GBP305k).

Revenue from recurring contracted software subscriptions was GBP3.3m (FY20: GBP3.7m), this reduction reflecting the low levels of new MRR generated from sales and the high level of non-renewing contracts. Revenue from associated professional services was GBP0.3m (FY20: GBP0.3m). We had expected some resurgence in our services billing closer to levels seen historically, but this did not materialise during the earlier part of the year. This also showed signs of improvement in the last 3 months of the year with billing in this area reaching an average of GBP29k per month from an average of just GBP5k per month from December 2020 to May 2021.

Gross Margin

Gross margin in the year was GBP3.0m, or 83% (FY20: GBP3.0m, or 73%) after accounting for commission payable to the Group's business partners. This improvement is a demonstration of how well the team have responded to the pressures on the business in the past twelve months.

Reported gross margin is the combined gross margin over both recurring software subscriptions and professional services.


Overheads (defined as the aggregate of staff costs and other operating expenses, but excluding those costs included in cost of sales, depreciation of tangible assets and amortisation of intangible assets, and share based payment charges) reduced by 27% in the year to GBP3.9m (FY20: GBP5.31m). This cost saving was a combination of a full year of reduced headcount, continuing to utilise the Government Furlough scheme, albeit at a much lower rate, not renewing the Lease on the Coventry office and other savings related to software use and other general overheads savings. Included in overheads was GBP0.04m (FY20: GBP0.2m) of non-recurring administrative expenses as a result of the redundancies. As reported elsewhere our monthly run rate of total costs, both cost of sales and overheads dropped by approximately GBP100k in the year to close at approximately GBP270k. Interest expense at GBP156k is up on the previous year by GBP102k as the recognition of rolled-up interest expense on the first tranche of convertible loan notes commenced. Cash interest paid dropped from GBP40k to GBP22k as the historical venture debt continues to be paid down.

Adjusted EBITDA and net loss for the year

Our focus for the year was to remain as close to EBITDA breakeven as we could to conserve cash. These efforts were rewarded by the final quarter as we traded profitably at EBITDA level (adjusted for non-underlying items) for the last three months and are continuing to do so in the new financial year. Adjusted EBITDA (EBITDA before depreciation, amortisation, impairment and loss on disposal of assets, share based payments and non-underlying items) was a loss of just GBP0.3m as a result (FY20: loss GBP1.8m)

Group loss before taxation reduced to GBP1.1m (FY20: GBP2.4m), a result that reflects the cost reductions made. There are minimal plans to increase the cost base in the coming year, restricted to well targeted investments in lead generation, projects designed to improve conversion rates and in marketing initiatives with our partners. These investments will only be made as net new MRR increases thus releasing cash to enable them.

Cash Flow

The Group had cash & cash equivalents at the period end of GBP0.58m (FY20: GBP0.12m). The Group's cash position was enhanced during the year with successful fund raises to secure GBP1.975m as a result of the issue of Fixed Rate Unsecured Convertible Redeemable Loan Notes.

Gross debt at 30 September 2021 was GBP1.90m (FY20: GBP0.24m), of which GBP0.07m (FY20: GBP0.18m) was payable within one year.

The Group experienced a reduced outflow of funds from operating activities of GBP0.5m (FY20: GBP2.0m) and a net outflow from operating activities of GBP1.0m (FY20: GBP0.5m). This net outflow was largely the result of the repayment of HMRC deferrals and other accumulated creditor balances resulting from our pressured cash position towards the end of last year. The Group had a cash inflow of GBP1.8m (FY20: outflow of GBP0.2m) from financing activities.

The funds raised during the year provide additional working capital to facilitate the continued implementation of the Group's plans and will be applied entirely towards meeting the Group's ongoing working capital requirements. With the pattern of deal flow we are experiencing we expect to be self-sufficient in working capital terms in FY22 and can therefore start a prudent series of investments in resources to help us accelerate our growth.

Careful cash management will continue to be a priority focus for the Board. The Group continues to apply treasury and foreign currency exposure management policies to minimise both the cost of finance and our exposure to foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations.

The Group prepares budgets and cashflow forecasts and undertakes scenario planning to ensure that the Group can meet its liabilities as they fall due. As was the case last year the uncertainty as to the ongoing impact on the Group of COVID-19 has been considered as part of the Group's adoption of the going concern basis. In particular, the ongoing impact of COVID-19 may continue to cause sales cycles to extend and make it difficult to forecast future sales.

The Board's assessment in relation to going concern is included in Note 2 of the financial information. The Group's principal risks and uncertainties are set out in Note 9 of the financial information.

Capital expenditure

The Group operates an asset light strategy and has low capital expenditure requirements, therefore expenditure on tangible fixed assets is very low at less than 1% of revenue (FY20: 3%). The main area of capitalisation is the development of the Group's product software which amounted to GBP0.3m in the year (FY20: GBP0.6m).

The Group reviews the carrying amounts of its intangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. This is reflective of the continual evolution of the market in which the Group operates and the needs of its customers, both present and prospective, and the Group's agile approach to continually developing and improving its offering. By necessity, this may mean that expenditure on intangible assets meeting the recognition criteria may later become impaired. As a result of this review we determined an impairment of GBP0.29m was necessary in the year (FY20: GBP0.11m). Our development capacity is contributing to the marketability of the Group's products, the product launch last August is proving to be strategically important to us as the success of trials and pilots is becoming evident.

Alyson Levett

Chief Financial Officer

Primary statements

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive income

For the year ended 30 September 2021

                                                     Year ended     Year ended 
                                           Notes   30 September   30 September 
                                                           2021           2020 
                                                            GBP            GBP 
 Revenue                                     3        3,639,111      4,080,582 
 Cost of sales                                        (635,532)    (1,094,342) 
 Gross profit                                         3,003,579      2,986,240 
 Other operating income                      3           88,316        244,656 
 Administrative expenses                            (4,062,295)    (5,555,327) 
                                                  -------------  ------------- 
 Operating loss                                       (970,400)    (2,324,431) 
 Adjusted EBITDA                             4        (256,873)    (1,816,412) 
                                                  -------------  ------------- 
 Depreciation, amortisation, impairment 
  and profit / loss on disposal                       (551,862)      (331,924) 
 Share based payment expense                           (17,181)              - 
 Non-underlying items                                 (144,484)      (176,095) 
----------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Finance income                                              65          1,007 
 Finance costs                                        (162,855)       (54,299) 
                                                  -------------  ------------- 
 Loss before taxation                               (1,133,190)    (2,377,723) 
 Income tax credit                                      398,258        361,490 
                                                  -------------  ------------- 
 Loss for the year                                    (734,932)    (2,016,233) 
                                                  =============  ============= 
 Other comprehensive income: 
  Exchange differences on translation 
  of foreign operations                                  17,346          8,068 
 Loss on net investment hedge                                 -       (26,307) 
 Total comprehensive loss for the year                (717,586)    (2,034,472) 
                                                  -------------  ------------- 
 Attributable to equity holders of 
  company                                             (717,586)    (2,034,472) 
                                                  -------------  ------------- 
 Basic and diluted earnings per share        5           (0.02)         (0.07) 
                                                  -------------  ------------- 

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

 As at 30 September 2021 
                                    Notes     30 September     30 September 
                                                      2021             2020 
                                                       GBP              GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                               1,099,313        1,136,808 
 Property, plant and equipment                      67,111          245,963 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Total non-current assets                        1,166,424        1,382,771 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                       791,948          832,507 
 Current tax receivable                            275,000          300,000 
 Cash and cash equivalents                         575,203          120,011 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Total current assets                            1,642,151        1,252,518 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Total assets                                    2,808,575        2,635,289 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                          952,157        1,239,609 
 Borrowings                          6              71,425          179,098 
 Lease liabilities                                       -           37,467 
 Deferred revenue                                1,030,315        1,723,661 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Total current liabilities                       2,053,897        3,179,835 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Net current liabilities                         (411,746)      (1,927,317) 
   Non-current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                           88,330                - 
 Borrowings                          6              42,094           64,402 
 Provisions                                              -           80,702 
 Convertible loan notes              7           1,782,458                - 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Total non-current liabilities                   1,912,882          145,104 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Total liabilities                               3,966,779        3,324,939 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
 Net liabilities                               (1,158,204)        (689,650) 
                                           ===============  =============== 
 Share capital                       8           2,957,161        2,957,161 
 Share premium option                            7,256,188        7,256,188 
 Share option reserve                               12,989                - 
 Foreign exchange reserve                            1,876         (15,470) 
 Equity reserve                      7             231,851                - 
 Merger reserve                                 10,653,881       10,653,881 
 Retained earnings                            (22,272,150)     (21,541,410) 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
   Total equity                                (1,158,204)        (689,650) 
                                           ===============  =============== 
Consolidated         Share      Share   Equity      Merger    Foreign     Share       Retained          Total 
Statement of       capital    premium  reserve     reserve   exchange    option       earnings 
changes in                                                    reserve   reserve 
As at 30 
September 2021 
                       GBP        GBP      GBP         GBP        GBP       GBP            GBP            GBP 
Balance at 1 
 October 2019    2,957,161  7,256,188        -  10,653,881   (23,538)         -   (19,498,870)      1,344,822 
Year ended 30 
Loss for the 
 year                    -          -        -           -          -         -    (2,016,233)      (2,016,233) 
 differences on 
 operations              -          -        -           -      8,068         -              -          8,068 
Loss on net 
 hedge                   -          -        -           -          -         -       (26,307)         (26,307) 
 income for 
 the year                -          -        -           -      8,068         -    (2,042,540)      (2,034,472) 
Balance at 30 
 September 2020  2,957,161  7,256,188        -  10,653,881   (15,470)         -   (21,541,410)        (689,650) 
Year ended 30 
Loss for the 
 year                    -          -        -           -          -         -      (734,932)        (734,932) 
 differences on 
 operations              -          -        -           -     17,346         -              -         17,346 
 income for 
 the year                -          -        -           -     17,346         -      (734,932)        (734,932) 
Issue of 
 loan                    -          -  231,851           -          -         -              -        231,851 
Share option 
 expense in the 
 year                    -          -        -           -          -    17,181              -         17,181 
Share options 
 cancelled               -          -        -           -          -   (4,192)          4,192              - 
Balance at 30 
 September 2021  2,957,161  7,256,188  231,851  10,653,881      1,876    12,989   (22,272,150)      (1,158,204) 
 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
  For the year ended 30 September 2021 
                                                       Year ended      Year ended 
                                                     30 September    30 September 
                                                             2021            2020 
                                                              GBP             GBP 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss after tax                                         (734,932)     (2,016,233) 
 Adjustments for non-cash/non-operating 
  Taxation credit                                       (398,258)       (361,490) 
  Depreciation and profit on disposals                    551,862         331,924 
  Share based payments                                     17,181               - 
  Finance income                                             (65)         (1,007) 
  Finance charges                                         162,855          54,299 
  Decrease in provisions                                 (80,702) 
                                                    -------------  -------------- 
                                                        (482,059)     (1,992,507) 
                                                    -------------  -------------- 
 Changes in working capital: 
 Decrease in trade and other receivables                   78,059         690,536 
 (Decrease)/Increase in trade and other payables        (980,799)         489,077 
 Cash from operating activities                       (1,384,799)       (812,894) 
 Income tax refunded                                      423,258         361,490 
                                                    -------------  -------------- 
 Net cash from operating activities                     (961,541)       (451,404) 
                                                    -------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                (1,171)        (39,744) 
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant                      1,180               - 
  and equipment 
 Purchase of intangible assets - internally 
  generated                                             (335,446)       (628,210) 
 Interest received                                             65           1,007 
 Net cash flow from investing activities                (335,372)       (666,947) 
                                                    -------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Payment of lease liabilities                            (37,467)        (89,000) 
 Issue of convertible loans                             1,937,500               - 
 Proceeds from bank loans                                  50,000               - 
 Repayment of borrowings                                (179,981)       (159,730) 
 Interest paid                                           (35,216)        (54,299) 
 Net cash flow from financing activities                1,734,836       (303,029) 
                                                    -------------  -------------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                             437,923     (1,421,380) 
 Cash and cash equivalents beginning of period            120,011       1,533,323 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                   17,269           8,068 
                                                    -------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
  period                                                  575,203         120,011 
                                                    =============  ============== 

Notes to accounts

   1.    General information 

i-nexus Global plc is a public company limited by shares incorporated in England and Wales (registration number 11321642). The registered office and principal place of business is i-nexus, 27-28 Eastcastle Street, London, W1W 8DH.

The principal activity of i-nexus Global plc is to help organisations achieve their goals. Whether executing a strategy, driving operational excellence and continuous performance improvement, or coordinating portfolios and programs to transform results, i-nexus strategy execution software underpins success.

   2.    Significant accounting policies 

The following principal accounting policies have been used consistently in the preparation of consolidated financial information for i-nexus Global plc and its subsidiaries (the 'Group').

Basis of preparation

The financial information has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union, in accordance with the IFRS Interpretations Committee ("IFRIC") interpretations, and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 as applicable to companies reporting under IFRS.

The financial information is prepared in sterling, which is the functional currency of the Group. Monetary amounts in this financial information are rounded to the nearest GBP1.

This financial information has been prepared applying the accounting policies applied in the Group's most recent publicly available financial statements.

The financial information incorporates the results of i-nexus Global plc and all of its subsidiary undertakings as at 30 September 2021.

Going concern

The Group prepares regular business forecasts and monitors its projected cash flows, which are reviewed by the Board. Forecasts are adjusted for reasonable sensitives that address the principal risks and uncertainties to which the Group is exposed, thus creating a number of different scenarios for the Board to challenge including a "stress" case scenario of a worsening of total billing across recurring and services revenue of GBP900,000 (2020: GBP700,000) compared to the base case budgeted for the current financial year. This stress case was based upon new billing remaining at the same substantially suppressed rate as FY20. In those cases, where scenarios deplete the Group's cash resources too rapidly, consideration is given to the potential actions available to management to mitigate the impact of one or more of these sensitivities, in particular the discretionary nature of costs incurred by the Group, in order to ensure the continued availability of funds.

On the basis of this analysis, the Board has concluded that there is a reasonable expectation that the Group will have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future being a period of at least twelve months from the balance sheet date.

Thus the directors continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the financial information.

Abridged financial information

This preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the basis of preparation set out above.

Whilst the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with IFRS, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. This preliminary announcement constitutes a dissemination announcement in accordance with Section 6.3 of the Disclosures and Transparency Rules (DTR).

   3.    Revenue and segmental reporting 

The Group has one single business segment and therefore all revenue is derived from the rendering of services as stated in the principal activity. The Group operates four geographical segments, as set out below. This is consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision maker. The chief operating decision maker, who is responsible for allocating resources and assessing performance, has been identified as the management team comprising the executive directors who make strategic decisions.

 Revenue analysed by class of business 
                                                Year ended       Year ended 
                                              30 September     30 September 
                                                      2021             2020 
                                                       GBP              GBP 
 License                                         3,333,407        3,737,932 
 Services                                          305,704          342,650 
                                                 3,639,111        4,080,582 
                                           ===============  =============== 
 Revenue analysed by geographical market 
                                                Year ended       Year ended 
                                              30 September     30 September 
                                                      2021             2020 
                                                       GBP              GBP 
 United Kingdom                                    853,663          808,412 
 Rest of Europe                                    806,472        1,823,246 
 United States                                   1,211,192        1,259,360 
 Rest of the World                                 767,784          189,564 
                                           ---------------  --------------- 
                                                 3,639,111        4,080,582 
                                           ===============  =============== 
 Other significant revenue 
                                                Year ended       Year ended 
                                              30 September     30 September 
                                                      2021             2020 
                                                       GBP              GBP 
 Grant income                                       88,316          244,656 
                                           ===============  =============== 

Grants of GBP88,316 (2020: GBP244,656) were received as part of the Government's initiatives to provide immediate financial support as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are no future related costs associated with these grants which were received solely as compensation for costs incurred in the year.

   4.    Adjusted EBITDA 

The calculation of Adjusted Earnings is consistent with the presentation of Adjusted Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortisation, as presented on the face of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. This adjusted element also removes non-underlying items which comprise COVID-19 related redundancy costs and professional and consultancy fees relating to the raising of finance during the year ended 30 September 2021. Non-underlying items in the year ended 30 September 2020 comprise COVID-19 related redundancy costs.

The Directors have presented this Alternative Performance Measure ("APM") because they feel it most suitably represents the underlying performance and cash generation of the business, and allows comparability between the current and comparative period in light of the rapid changes in the business, and will allow an ongoing trend analysis of this performance based on current plans for the business.

   5.    Earnings per share 

The earnings per share has been calculated using the loss for the year and the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year, as follows:

                                                  Year ended      Year ended 
                                                30 September    30 September 
                                                        2021            2020 
                                                         GBP             GBP 
 Loss for the period attributable to equity 
  holders of the company                           (734,932)     (2,016,233) 
                                              --------------  -------------- 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  (for basic and diluted earnings per share       29,571,605      29,571,605 
                                              --------------  -------------- 
 Earnings per share (basic and diluted)               (0.02)          (0.07) 
                                              ==============  ============== 

The Diluted EPS is the same as the basic EPS in the current and comparative year as the Group has incurred losses in each of the periods concerned. The Group has a number of potentially dilutive share options and convertible redeemable loan stock that could dilute the earnings per share should the Group become profitable. As at 30 September 2021 both the share options and the convertible loan stock are out of the money.

   6.    Borrowings 
                         At 30 September   At 30 September 
                                    2021              2020 
                                     GBP               GBP 
 Bank loans                        7,906                 - 
 Other loans                      63,519           179,098 
                                  71,425           179,098 
                        ----------------  ---------------- 
 Bank loans                       42,094                 - 
 Other loans                           -            64,402 
                                  42,094            64,402 
                        ----------------  ---------------- 
 Total borrowings                113,519           243,500 
                        ================  ================ 

The Group has the following borrowings at 30 September 2021:

-- A Bounce Back Loan Scheme loan within bank loans which has an interest rate of 2.5% payable from November 2021 when the government grant incentive period expires. The loan is carried at GBP50,000 in the financial statements. This loan is unsecured.

-- Venture debt within other loans which has a fixed interest rate of the higher of 11.5% per annum or LIBOR plus 8% per annum and is measured at amortised cost. The venture debt is secured by way of fixed and floating charges over the title of all assets held by i-solutions Global Limited.

The directors consider the value of all financial liabilities to be equivalent to their fair value.

   7.    Convertible Loan note 

Two tranches of convertible loan notes were issued during the year. The first tranche was issued on 4 November 2020 and total proceeds of GBP1,325,000 were recognised. The second tranche was issued on 29 September 2021 and total proceeds of GBP650,000 were recognised (of which GBP37,500 is accrued and included with other debtors).

Both tranches have a redemption date 3 years following their date of issue. The loan note holders are entitled, before the redemption date, to require the Company to convert all or part of their holding of loan notes into fully paid Ordinary Shares on the basis of 1 Ordinary Share for every 10p of principal nominal amount of loan notes held, or, convert all or part of their holding of loan notes into fully paid Ordinary Shares at the conversion rate; and/or redeem all or part of their holding of loan notes.

The net proceeds from the issue of the convertible loan notes have been split between the financial liability element and an equity component, representing the fair value of the embedded option to convert the financial liability into equity as follows:

 Proceeds of issue of convertible 
  loan note                            1,975,000 
 Equity component                        231,851 
 Liability component at date 
  of issue                             1,743,149 
   8.    Share capital 
                                              At              At 
                                    30 September    30 September 
                                            2021            2020 
                                             GBP             GBP 
 Authorised, allotted, called 
  up and fully paid 
 29,571,605 (2020: 29,571,605) 
  Ordinary shares of GBP0.10 
  each                                 2,957,161       2,957,161 
                                  ==============  ============== 

Fully paid shares carry one vote per share and carry rights to a dividend.

   9.    Principal risks and uncertainties 
 Risk                     Description                              Mitigation 
 Working capital          Whilst the Directors believe             The Group prepares regular 
  Vulnerability            that the recent injection                business forecasts and monitors 
  of the Group's           of funds, as a result of                 its projected cash flows, 
  long term                the Convertible Bond issues              which are reviewed by the 
  working capital.         in November 2020 and more                Board. 
                           recently in September 2021,              The scenarios and sensitivities 
                           will provide the necessary               demonstrate that there are 
                           flexibility to satisfy                   actions management can implement 
                           the Group's near-term funding            should the plans not deliver 
                           requirements, there can                  the growth hoped. 
                           be no guarantee as to the 
                           Group's medium to longer 
                           term working capital requirements 
                           and, therefore, the Group 
                           may need to seek additional 
                           capital over and above 
                           that raised from the issue 
                           of the Convertible Loan 
                           Notes. No assurance can 
                           be given as to the availability 
                           of such additional capital 
                           at any future time or, 
                           the terms upon which such 
                           additional capital would 
                           be available. 
                           The proceeds of the Convertible 
                           Bond issue will provide 
                           the necessary flexibility 
                           in the event that the expected 
                           growth in revenues does 
                           not materialise in the 
                           near term, the Group's 
                           continuing viability in 
                           the longer term remains 
                           critically dependent on 
                           its ability to secure new 
                           sales to existing and potential 
                           customers. Given the nature 
                           of the COVID-19 Pandemic, 
                           it is not possible to know 
                           the potential impact of 
                           the ongoing crisis on the 
                           activities of the Group 
                           for the current financial 
                           year and beyond and, in 
                           particular, it is possible 
                           that as a direct or indirect 
                           result the Group will continue 
                           to experience a slower 
                           and/or lower sales conversion 
                           rate than the Directors 
                           have modelled within their 
                           central case financial 
                           projections. This could 
                           in turn have a material 
                           adverse effect on the Group's 
                           business, results of operations, 
                           financial condition and 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 COVID-19 Pandemic        The COVID-19 Pandemic has                In addressing the impact 
  The ongoing              affected the performance                 of the COVID-19 Pandemic 
  impact of                of the business of the                   on its markets and its customers, 
  the Pandemic             Group. As at the date of                 the Group has continued 
  cannot be                this document, given the                 taking action to reduce 
  predicted.               nature of the crisis, where              its operating cost base 
                           new variants are emerging                in cash terms. Staffing 
                           and infection rates are                  expense reductions have 
                           increasing, the Group is                 been implemented and this 
                           not aware of the full extent             has been combined with reduced 
                           of the effects of the COVID-19           discretionary spending. 
                           Pandemic for the near and                This has reduced the Group's 
                           medium term.                             monthly operating cost significantly 
                           The global economic slowdown             to approximately GBP270,000. 
                           resulting from the COVID-19              The Group have identified 
                           Pandemic requires a number               further actions that can 
                           of businesses worldwide                  be taken to reduce its cost 
                           to make adjustments to                   base further should this 
                           their operating models.                  prove necessary. 
                           Whilst the Group continues 
                           to monitor the situation 
                           on a regular basis and 
                           may be able to introduce 
                           further cost saving measures 
                           if needed, it is possible 
                           that in the longer term 
                           the COVID-19 Pandemic will 
                           have a material adverse 
                           effect on the Group's business, 
                           results of operations, 
                           financial condition and 
                           prospects. Also, there 
                           is no assurance that the 
                           implementation of the Group's 
                           strategic and operational 
                           changes introduced to date 
                           will be successful under 
                           current or future market 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 Implementation           The Board recognises that                The Board monitors and manages 
  of Growth                executing the Group's strategy           these strategies against 
  Strategy                 may be difficult to implement/achieve    market conditions, monthly 
  Failure to               and may not be as successful             performance against budget 
  successfully             as planned. Pressure on                  and cash available. 
  implement                management, limitations 
  its growth               on operational and financial 
  strategies.              resources, the potential 
                           insufficiency of demand 
                           for the Group's products 
                           and a slower than anticipated 
                           market acceptance of the 
                           Group's products could 
                           lead to failure to successfully 
                           implement its strategies 
                           and so adversely affect 
                           the Group's reputation, 
                           prospects, results of operations, 
                           and its financial condition. 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 Digitising               A large proportion of the                The Group has internal sales 
  Strategy Execution       Group's target market continues          and marketing functions, 
  Failure of               to use traditional methods               which are also supported 
  the market               and in-house developed                   by an important network 
  to accept                systems to assist in their               of consulting partners, 
  the need/urgency         SE. The Board believes                   that work with potential 
  to digitise              the market needs further                 customers to educate on 
  their Strategy           education in the benefits                the benefits the product 
  Execution                of digitising SE. Potential              can offer an organisation. 
  (SE).                    customers may prefer to                  Furthermore the impact of 
                           "do nothing" and be unnecessarily        COVID-19 is making the need 
                           cautious about investing                 to digitise strategy more 
                           in the Group's software.                 widely accepted. 
                           Failure by the Group to 
                           adequately explain the 
                           value proposition to increase 
                           the market's readiness 
                           to accept the technology 
                           will lead to slower than 
                           projected growth. 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 Account Proliferation    An important aspect of                   The Group has a number of 
  Failure of               the Group's growth strategy              Success managers. This team's 
  our existing             is to proliferate sales                  efforts at growing our existing 
  accounts to              of its i-nexus software                  accounts has been assisted 
  grow, resulting          with existing customers                  by the recent product enhancements 
  from dissatisfaction     as a result of the natural               aimed at improving user 
  with the product         evolution of the software                experience. Feedback has 
  and/or deployment        use over time. Although                  been excellent, highlighted 
  issues.                  the Group has a number                   in the number of positive 
                           of examples where this                   reviews on the G2 platform 
                           has occurred in the past,                discussed elsewhere in this 
                           this is no guarantee that                report. The Board continue 
                           it will continue to happen               to monitor the efficacy 
                           at the increasing rate                   and outcomes of the Group's 
                           predicted. Any failure                   efforts in cross-selling 
                           of this anticipated account              and upselling. 
                           proliferation to happen 
                           will affect the Group's 
                           future success and adversely 
                           affect its business, prospects 
                           and results of operations 
                           and financial position. 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 Dependence               Part of the Group's strategy             Renewed efforts in relation 
  on                       is to increasingly sell                  to the evolution of this 
  Channel Partners         its software through channel             strategic theme will take 
  Failure to               partners. There are no                   place in 2022 as investment 
  develop this             guarantees that sufficient               in resource is unlocked 
  additional               channel partners will be                 by growth. The Board will 
  route to market          found to sell the Group's                closely monitor progress. 
  effectively.             software at the rates planned. 
                           The Directors are confident 
                           that engagements to date 
                           by existing and prospective 
                           channel partners provide 
                           strong evidence of the 
                           opportunity in this regard. 
                           However, there is a risk 
                           that the loss of any one 
                           or more existing channel 
                           partners and/or failure 
                           to secure enough productive 
                           channel partners in the 
                           future could affect the 
                           Group's future success 
                           and adversely affect its 
                           business, prospects and 
                           results of operations and 
                           financial position. 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 Dependence               A small group of key customers           As previously reported The 
  on key Customers         provide nearly half of                   Group has a dedicated team 
  Failure to               the Group's MRR. One of                  of long standing experienced 
  retain our               the Group's key customers                professionals acting as 
  larger key               represents approximately                 Success managers. They have 
  customers.               19 per cent of current                   well established processes 
                           MRR. The Group's financial               and reporting that allow 
                           performance is therefore                 them to get early warning 
                           partly dependent on the                  of any issues. In addition, 
                           continued business relationship          a substantial proportion 
                           with these key customers.                of our remaining customer 
                           Failure to manage the ongoing            base in value terms have 
                           renewal of the contracts                 either renewed, are renewing 
                           with these key customers                 or are on long term contracts, 
                           on a commercially acceptable             giving us comfort over the 
                           basis could materially                   security of the bulk of 
                           affect the Group's operations            our base. Whilst this cannot 
                           and/or its financial condition.          guarantee renewal of all 
                                                                    other customers in the face 
                                                                    of disruptive external factors 
                                                                    we can't foresee or manage, 
                                                                    risk is expected to be lower 
                                                                    this year than last. 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 Software Reliability     If the software provided                 The Group targets significant 
  Undetected               to our customers contains                investment in product R&D. 
  defects in               undetected defects when                  This includes performance 
  the software             first introduced or when                 enhancements, bug fixes 
  provided by              upgraded then the Group                  and integration of new technologies, 
  the Group.               may fail to meet its customers           all of which undergo substantial 
                           performance requirements                 testing before releasing 
                           or otherwise satisfy contract            to customers. In addition 
                           specifications. As a result              the Group endeavours to 
                           it may lose customers and/or             negotiate limitations of 
                           become liable to its customers           liability clauses in its 
                           for damages and this may                 customers' contracts. 
                           among other things damage 
                           the Group's reputation, 
                           business, prospects, results 
                           of operation and financial 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 Software Applicability   There is no guarantee that               The Board feels that recent 
  The i-nexus              the i-nexus software will                enhancements along with 
  software may             perform as intended or                   the Group's product strategy 
  not perform              meet customer expectations               and R&D focus has de-risked 
  as expected              either in terms of functionality,        this area. The Board monitors 
  or meet customers'       performance or usability.                user satisfaction and the 
  changing expectations    Costs spent on developing                extent to which the software 
  quickly enough.          the i-nexus software may                 continues to meet customer 
                           therefore not be recouped                expectation through various 
                           at the rate anticipated                  channels, including on the 
                           or at all, and this may                  G2 platform. 
                           result in reduced profitability 
                           for the Group. 
                         =======================================  ====================================== 
 Market Growth           The Board believe that                 The Board do not consider 
  Failure of              there is strong evidence               this year's new deal performance 
  Strategy Execution      supporting the growth in               to be indicative of an underlying 
  market to               the adoption of Strategy               weakness in the market for 
  grow at the             Execution software. However,           the Group's product. The 
  rate expected.          there can be no assurance              impact of COVID-19 has been 
                          that this growth will happen           highlighted elsewhere in 
                          at the rate envisaged by               this report. However it 
                          the Directors. If the market           is clear from competitor 
                          fails to adopt Strategy                activity, activity on the 
                          Execution software at the              G2 platform we are part 
                          rate envisaged then this               of and Gartner and Forrester 
                          will affect the Group's                interactions that the Strategy 
                          future success and adversely           Execution Management market 
                          affect its business, prospects         is evolving. The Board continues 
                          and results of operations              to monitor market evolution 
                          and financial position.                and the Group's response 
                                                                 to this. 
 Competitors             The Group may face an increasing       The Group invests in R&D 
  The Group               amount of competition in               and product development 
  may face competition    the future as the market               to ensure that the product 
  in a rapidly            expands, making entry to               remains market leading. 
  evolving market.        it more attractive. Whilst             The GTM Market team is responsible 
                          the Group has achieved                 for making substantial improvements 
                          its market position through            in our on line presence 
                          a deep understanding of                in particular our progress 
                          the market, and the 10                 on the G2 platform and this 
                          years of development of                gives the Board comfort 
                          its i-nexus software which             that the marketing strategy 
                          places the Group in a strong           will help maintain our competitive 
                          position, there is no guarantee        position in an evolving 
                          that the Group's competitors           market. 
                          and potential competitors 
                          (who may have significantly 
                          greater financial, marketing, 
                          service, support, technical 
                          and other resources than 
                          the Group) may be able 
                          to develop competing products, 
                          respond more quickly to 
                          changes in customer requirements 
                          and devote greater resources 
                          to the enhancement, promotion 
                          and sale of their products, 
                          which could have a negative 
                          impact and disadvantage 
                          the Group's business. The 
                          entry into the market of 
                          strong, well funded competitors, 
                          could have a negative impact 
                          on sales volumes or profit 
                          margins achieved by the 
                          Group in the future. 
                        =====================================  ====================================== 
 Security Breaches       The Group is a Data Processor          The group takes its Information 
  & Cyber Attacks         for its customers' confidential        Security very seriously 
  Vulnerability           data. Although the Group               as demonstrated by its ISO27001 
  of the Group's          is ISO27001 accredited                 accreditation. Employees 
  systems to              and therefore employs security         are trained in this area 
  security breaches       and testing measures for               including the risks of phishing 
  or cyber attacks.       the software it deploys                and the best practice for 
                          and the broader security               Information Security. The 
                          environment is well documented,        Group has cyber security 
                          these measures may not                 insurance in place and the 
                          protect it from all possible           Group endeavors to secure 
                          security breaches that                 limitations of liability 
                          could harm the Group's                 clauses in its customer 
                          or its customers' business.            contracts. 
                          Given the reliance of the 
                          Group on its information 
                          technology systems then 
                          its software is at risk 
                          from cyber attacks. Either 
                          of these security events 
                          may result in significant 
                          costs being incurred and 
                          other negative consequences 
                          including reputational 
                          damage and a loss of investor 
                        =====================================  ====================================== 
 International           A substantial proportion               All geographies addressed 
  Operations              of the Group's customers               by the Group can be readily 
  Failure of              and prospects operate overseas         serviced from the UK. The 
  the Group               and as a result the Group              Group applies Treasury and 
  to adequately           is exposed to various risks;           foreign currency exposure 
  manage risks            operational challenges                 management policies to minimise 
  of operating            around distance, language              both the cost of finance 
  internationally.        and culture, human resource            and our exposure to foreign 
                          issues and different legal             currency exchange rate fluctuations. 
                          and taxation environments. 
                          In addition a significant 
                          proportion of the Group's 
                          revenues are denominated 
                          in foreign currency, principally 
                          US dollars. Since the Group 
                          reports its financial results 
                          in sterling, fluctuations 
                          in rates of exchange between 
                          sterling and non-sterling 
                          currencies, particularly 
                          US dollars, may have a 
                          material adverse impact 
                          on the Group's financial 
                        =====================================  ====================================== 
 Reliance on             There is a risk that parties           The Group has very little 
  counterparties          with whom the Group trades             exposure in its customer 
  Risk that               or has other business relationships    base to those sectors most 
  trading partners        may be unable to pay the               adversely affected by COVID-19. 
  may be unable           Group in a timely manner,              Therefore, whilst the Group's 
  to pay in               or at all. Some of the                 customers have naturally 
  a timely manner         Group's customers may seek             limited discretionary spend 
  or may seek             to renegotiate their pricing           during the pandemic, there 
  to renegotiate          and/or payment terms with              has not been a significant 
  terms with              the Group. Furthermore,                impact on their creditworthiness. 
  the Group.              as a result of the COVID-19            In addition, the majority 
                          Pandemic and global economic           of the Groups customer base 
                          slowdown some of the Group's           are Global Enterprises with 
                          customers may enter into               secure working capital. 
                          bankruptcy or insolvency 
                          proceedings and be in a 
                          position whereby they are 
                          unable to pay the Group 
                          all or some of the payments 
                          to which the Group is owed. 
                          If any of these risks arise, 
                          this could have an adverse 
                          impact on the Group's business, 
                          revenue, financial condition, 
                          profitability, prospects 
                          and results of operations. 
                        =====================================  ====================================== 
 Dependence              The Group is managed by                Executive and staff remuneration 
  on key executives       a limited number of key                plans, incorporating long-term 
  and Personnel           personnel, including the               incentives, have been implemented 
  Risk that               Directors and senior management,       to mitigate this risk. 
  key personnel           who have significant experience 
  could leave             within the Group and the 
  the Group.              sectors it operates within. 
                          If members of the Group's 
                          key senior team depart, 
                          the Group may not be able 
                          to find effective replacements 
                          in a timely manner, or 
                          at all and its business 
                          may be disrupted or damaged. 
                        =====================================  ====================================== 
 Reliance on             The Group contracts with               The Group evaluates its 
  third parties           third parties to perform               business partners very carefully 
  The Group               functions or operations                and regularly undertakes 
  is at risk              that are integral to the               risk assessments of these 
  as to the               Group's products and services,         partners to evaluate surety 
  availability,           including third party suppliers        of supply. 
  price and               for integration software, 
  quality offered         and cloud hosting. Any 
  by such third           significant changes in 
  party suppliers.        the availability, price 
                          and quality offered by 
                          third party suppliers could 
                          adversely affect profit 
                          margins and have a material 
                          adverse effect on the Group's 
                          business, results of operations 
                          and financial condition. 
                          The Group's reliance on 
                          third party suppliers increases 
                          the risk of disruption 
                          to its operations if such 
                          third party service providers 
                          are unable to provide business 
                          services as anticipated. 
                          The Group may not be able 
                          to provide its services 
                          and may need to seek alternative 
                          service providers or resume 
                          providing these business 
                          processes internally, which 
                          could be costly and time-consuming 
                          and have a material adverse 
                          effect on the Group's business, 
                          results of operations and 
                          financial condition. 
                        =====================================  ====================================== 

10. Forward-looking Statements

This document contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than those of historical fact, contained in this document are forward-looking statements. The Group's actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements as a result of many factors. Investors are urged to read this entire document carefully before making an investment decision. The forward-looking statements in this document are based on the relevant Directors' beliefs and assumptions and information only as of the date of this document, and the forward-looking events discussed in this document might not occur. Therefore, Investors should not place any reliance on any forward-looking statements. Except as required by law or regulation, the Directors undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future earnings or otherwise.

It should be noted that the risk factors listed above are not intended to be exhaustive and do not necessarily comprise all of the risks to which the Group is or may be exposed or all those associated with an investment in the Group. In particular, the Group's performance is likely to be affected by changes in market and/or economic conditions, political, judicial, and administrative factors and in legal, accounting, regulatory and tax requirements in the areas in which it operates and holds its major assets. There may be additional risks and uncertainties that the Directors do not currently consider to be material or of which they are currently unaware, which may also have an adverse effect upon the Group.

11. Availability of Report and Accounts

The audited report and accounts for the year ended 30 September 2021 will be published and posted to shareholders in due course. Following this a soft copy of the report and accounts will also be available to download from the Group's website, www.i-nexus.com .

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 21, 2021 01:59 ET (06:59 GMT)

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