Invesco Property Income Trust limited

Annual Financial Report announcement

for the year ended 31 March 2015


At the time of publication of the last annual report, we were hopeful of achieving a sale of the whole portfolio. With a certain inevitability, this exercise took longer than expected but contracts were exchanged on 19 June 2015 for the sale of all the property assets to a single purchaser. The disposal is now complete. As previously indicated the Directors are now taking steps towards the winding-up of the Company and its subsidiaries. There will be no return to shareholders.

Portfolio sale

The disposal process began in the summer of 2014 and was conducted through an agent with the full support and involvement of the lending bank. Seven offers were received, which the Directors viewed positively as it provided comfort that the market had been properly tested and that the terms offered represented the true value of the portfolio. Sadly all the offers were below the level of the most recent independent valuation.

On two successive occasions we pursued negotiations with a preferred party only for the offeror to pull out, which caused some delay to the process. Fortunately we were able to move forward quickly with a third bidder to exchange and completion.

The aggregate consideration was less than the amount outstanding to the lending banks and consequently all the consideration has been paid to the lending banks, less an amount retained to meet the expected winding up costs, and there will be no return to shareholders.

Annual accounts – going concern

For the greater part of the year ended 31 March 2015 the Board and investment manager have been involved in discussions and negotiations to sell all of the group’s remaining property assets with the intention, if the disposal proved successful, of winding up the group companies. As noted above the sales process has now completed.

In the circumstances the Directors have concluded that the group should not be treated as a going concern and the financial statements have not been prepared on that basis.

Future of the Company

Following completion of the portfolio disposal, which included the sale of some group companies in France and Luxembourg, the focus of activity has been on settling inter-company balances within the group and simplifying the corporate structure in preparation for a formal, solvent winding up. A circular containing a notice convening a General Meeting to receive this Annual Financial Report and to appoint liquidators is enclosed with this document.

Richard Barnes


17 November 2015


Invesco Property Income Trust Limited is a Jersey domiciled property investment company and the investment objective and policy followed during the year are set out below.

Since the year end the Company has succeeded in disposing of all its property assets and net proceeds have been paid to its lending bank.

Investment Objective and Policy

The Company’s Investment Objective and Policy, set out below, were designed to set out clearly the investment objective of the Company and provide shareholders with information on the policies that the Company followed in order to try to achieve its objective. The net proceeds of the portfolio sale completed after the year end were not sufficient to meet all the bank borrowings and there is therefore no surplus attributable to shareholders.

Investment Objective Followed During the Year

The Company held a diversified portfolio of European commercial properties. The investment objective of the Company was to repay its bank borrowings and other liabilities and, if it is able to meet these obligations, to provide a return for shareholders. The Directors no longer expect to be able to meet the Group’s liabilities in full and so do not expect there to be any surplus for shareholders.

Investment Policy Followed During the Year

The Company pursued its investment objective by seeking to optimise value from the Group’s current portfolio, comprising a diversified portfolio of investment properties located in the UK and continental Europe. It was expected that the principal source of funds from which to repay borrowings and meet other liabilities would be the net proceeds from disposals of assets in the Group’s property portfolio. It was expected that all of the property investments would need to be sold to meet the Company’s obligations to its lenders and other creditors and that such obligations would not be met in full.

The Directors did not expect that:

•               any new investments would be made (other than cash or near cash equivalent securities);

•               any net new borrowings would be drawn down; or

•               any dividends would be paid.


Key Performance Indicators

The key concern for the Directors during the year has been to maintain solvency. Therefore, income and the group’s cash position were carefully monitored as well as seeking appropriate assurances from creditors.

Financial Position

Assets and Liabilities

At the year end, the Group had a total net liabilities position of £55.0million (2014: total net liabilities of £37.7 million) equal to –35.9p per share (2014: –24.6p). The assets comprised a portfolio of European property in the office and industrial sectors and the liabilities included bank borrowings totalling £122.2 million (2014: £150.8 million).

Share Valuations and Net Asset Value (‘NAV’)

The listing of the Company’s shares was suspended on 28 July 2014 and there is no longer any market price. On 31 March 2015, the NAV and the adjusted NAV per ordinary share were, –35.9p and –35.6p (2014: –24.6p and –19.5p) respectively. The NAVs per ordinary share are calculated on 153 million shares in issue at the year end and net liabilities attributable to ordinary shareholders of £54,960,000 (2014: £37,674,000).

Revenue and Dividends

The financial results for the year are shown in the Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income on page 23. No dividends have been paid during the year under review (2014: £nil), and no further dividends will be paid.


The Group’s borrowing facility in place at the beginning of the year fell due for repayment on 28 September 2014. The Directors did not expect to be able to meet the repayment obligation and, with their advisers, had been engaged in discussions with the lending banks for some time over how to address the position. The conclusion to these discussions, announced in July 2014 and with the support and consent of the lending bank, was for the Company’s remaining properties to be marketed in a structured sales process. To facilitate this, the repayment date of the facility was extended. As expected, the net sales proceeds were not sufficient to meet all amounts due to lenders and the lending banks have agreed that amounts still outstanding following the disposal will be treated as no longer owing, allowing the group companies to be wound up solvently.

The Group also has borrowings due to Invesco Limited (‘Invesco’), the parent company of the Investment Manager. The Invesco facility is subordinated to the bank facility and no amounts are permitted to be paid to Invesco until the lending bank has been paid in full. Invesco consented to the sales process and also agreed to waive the amounts due to it following completion of the sales process.


Hedging policy has been under the control of the Board. Cashflow hedging was used to limit the extent of earnings exposure to fluctuations in interest rates. The terms of the Group’s borrowing facility required the Group generally to hedge its interest rate exposure but during the year the Lender consented to waivers of this requirement in view of the disposal and debt repayment programme under way.

The Group’s interest rate exposure was partially hedged in the year through the use of a basket of interest rate swaps. All such swaps expired on 28 September 2014 and were not replaced.

The Group hedged against fluctuations in the euro for the net investment in European assets made in 2006 and 2007. These hedges were ineffective at 31 March 2014 and they were cancelled at a cost of £7.8 million at their maturity date in April 2014. The currency exposure was unhedged thereafter.

Current and Future Developments

As described in the Chairman’s statement the Board and the Investment Manager have completed the disposal of all the remaining property assets. The Directors are now engaged in the process of winding up the group companies.

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

The Directors and Investment Manager have been seeking to dispose of assets and repay borrowings since 2011. During the year under review the timescale, focus and approach to asset disposals changed from a progressive, but selective, asset-by-asset process to one of seeking purchasers for the entire portfolio in a single transaction, or multiple but simultaneous deals. This has now been completed since the year end.

The principal risks and uncertainties relating to the Company can be summarised under two different categories: those faced prior to completion of the asset disposal; and those applying thereafter.

Risks and uncertainties applicable prior to asset disposal

While the group retained ownership of assets being marketed or prepared for marketing, the Company and shareholders were exposed to a number of risks and uncertainties, including:

•     Insolvency risk: at no time during the period was the Company in compliance with covenants in the loan agreement. Accordingly the lending bank could at any time have exercised its right to demand repayment of loans outstanding, which the Company could not have met and it would have been immediately insolvent;

•     Borrowing risk: the value of borrowings exceeded the value of the Company’s assets throughout the period, meaning the Company could not have met any repayment demand. The Company was also dependent on its rental income to meet the interest payments due on borrowings. A fall in rental income due to tenant default, failure to retain tenants or renegotiated leases could have left the Company unable to meet the cost of servicing borrowings;

•     Risk of unsuccessful marketing of the property assets and therefore failure to meet the investment objective;

•     Market movement in asset valuations: valuations from independent valuers could be subject to changes in asset-specific factors such as lease terms and tenant default as well as to broader market and economic fluctuations affecting property prices. Valuations ascribed by potential purchasers were also subject to the same variable influences and may well differ, perhaps materially, from professional valuations; and

•     Interest rate and currency risks: with substantial borrowings in both Euro and sterling, much of which subject to floating interest rates, and assets also denominated in both currencies, the group was exposed to variations in interest rates and to foreign exchange rate risks.

Risks and uncertainties applicable following completion of the portfolio sale

Following the sale of the properties and a number of subsidiaries, the group’s structure and business is considerably simplified and the balance sheet much smaller. Accordingly the number of risks and uncertainties faced by the group is significantly reduced. Furthermore, it is now confirmed that there is no prospect of any return to shareholders and therefore the remaining risks can have no detrimental financial effect on shareholders.

The remaining risks can be summarised briefly as follows:

•     Insolvency risk: the actual costs of winding up the Company and its subsidiaries may exceed the amount retained for this purpose and the company runs the risk of insolvency as it no longer has any source of revenue;

•     Regulatory risk: the Company remains subject to various laws and regulations as it is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission and remains listed on the UKLA’s Official List, albeit that that listing is suspended. Serious breaches of regulations may impede or delay the orderly winding up of the Company; and

•     Reliance on third parties: the Company has no employees and the directors are appointed on a non-executive basis. The Company is therefore reliant on third party service providers for executive functions. Failure of such providers to perform their obligations may impede or delay the orderly winding up of the Company.

Board Diversity

The Company’s policy on diversity is set out on page 9 of the Annual Financial Report. The Board comprises five non-executive directors all of whom are male. Summary biographical details of the Directors are set out on page 6 of the Annual Financial Report. The Company has no employees.

This Strategic Report was approved by the Board on 17 November 2015

R&H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited

Company Secretary


in respect of the preparation of the annual financial report

The Directors are responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law the Directors have elected to prepare group financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) as adopted by the European Union. The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the profit or loss of the Group for that period.

International Accounting Standard 1 requires that financial statements present fairly for each financial period the Group’s financial position, financial performance and cash flows. This requires the faithful representation of the effects of transactions, other events and conditions in accordance with the definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, income and expenses set out in the International Accounting Standards Board’s ‘Framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements’. In virtually all circumstances, a fair presentation will be achieved by compliance with all applicable IFRS. However, directors are also required to:

•     properly select and apply accounting policies;

•     present information, including accounting policies, in a manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable information;

•     provide additional disclosures when compliance with the specific requirements in IFRS are insufficient to enable users to understand the impact of particular transactions, other events and conditions on the entity’s financial position and financial performance; and

•     make an assessment of the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.

The Directors, to the best of their knowledge, state that:

•     the financial statements, prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and results of the Group;

•     this annual report includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Group together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces; and

•     they consider that this annual financial report, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the information necessary for shareholders to assess the Group’s performance, business model and strategy.

The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records that disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the Group and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Group, and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors

Richard Barnes


17 November 2015


for the year ended 31 March 2015

2015 2014
Revenue Capital Total Revenue Capital Total
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Rental income 9,183 9,183 14,934 14,934
Service charge income 2,345 2,345 3,779 3,779
Interest receivable and
  other income 102 102 16 16
Realised gains on swaps 9,452 9,452
Unrealised gain on swaps 333 333
Losses on investment
Unrealised loss on
  revaluation of properties (24,590) (24,590) (9,914) (9,914)
Lease incentive (37) (37) (187) (187)
Realised loss on
  disposal of properties (1,147) (1,147) (280) (280)
Total income 11,630 (16,322) (4,692) 18,729 (10,048) 8,681
Management fees (891) (121) (1,012) (903) (124) (1,027)
Property expenses (4,743) (4,743) (7,381) (7,381)
Professional fees (1,676) (1,676) (1,719) (1,719)
Total expenses (7,310) (121) (7,431) (10,003) (124) (10,127)
Profit/(loss) before finance
  costs and tax 4,320 (16,443) (12,123) 8,726 (10,172) (1,446)
Finance costs (3,829) (522) (4,351) (7,653) (1,044) (8,697)
Profit/(loss) before tax 491 (16,965) (16,474) 1,073 (11,216) (10,143)
Tax (charge)/credit (1,821) 5,493 3,672 (602) 2,889 2,287
Profit/(loss) for the year
  attributable to equity
  shareholders (1,330) (11,472) (12,802) 471 (8,327) (7,856)
Other comprehensive
Items that will not be reclassified
  subsequently to profit or loss
Exchange differences on
  translating foreign operations (4,483) (1,306)
Items that may be reclassified
  subsequently to profit or loss
Unrealised gain on
  revaluation of cross
  currency swaps 1,807
Unrealised gain on
  revaluation of interest
  rate swaps 4,670
Total comprehensive expenses (17,285) (2,685)
Loss per ordinary share
   – basic and diluted (8.4)p (5.1)p

The total column of this statement represents the Group’s consolidated statement of comprehensive income. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are presented for information in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the Association of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year.



for the year ended 31 march 2015

£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Balance at 31 March 2013 101,368 (4,670) 1,766 (199,874) 66,422 (34,988)
(Loss)/profit for the year (8,327) 471 (7,856)
Other comprehensive income:
  Exchange differences on
    translating foreign operations (1,306) (1,306)
  Unrealised gain on revaluation
    of cross currency swaps 1,807 1,807
  Unrealised gain on revaluation
    of interest rate swaps 4,670 4,670
Balance at 31 March 2014 101,368 2,267 (208,202) 66,893 (37,674)
Loss for the year (11,472) (1,330) (12,802)
Other comprehensive income:
  Exchange differences on
    translating foreign operations (4,484) (4,484)
Balance at 31 March 2015 101,368 (2,217) (219,674) 65,563 (54,960)


at 31 March 2015

2015 2014
£’000 £’000
Non-current assets
Investment properties 108,221
Current assets
Trade and other receivables 2,103 3,187
Cash and cash equivalents 7,453 24,190
9,556 27,377
Assets classified as held for sale 81,222 19,156
Total assets 90,778 154,754
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables (9,476) (13,001)
Taxation (196) (3,753)
Interest rate swap liabilities (1,474)
Currency rate swap liabilities (7,979)
Obligations under finance lease (472) (461)
Bank loan (122,222) (150,777)
(132,366) (177,445)
Total assets less current liabilities (41,588) (22,691)
Non-current liabilities
Other payables (1,141) (1,420)
Obligations under finance leases (11,961) (7,154)
Deferred taxation (270) (6,409)
(13,372) (14,983)
Net liabilities (54,960) (37,674)
Capital and reserves
Stated capital 101,368 101,368
Translation reserve (2,217) 2,267
Capital reserves (219,674) (208,202)
Revenue reserves 65,563 66,893
Issued capital and reserves (54,960) (37,674)
Net asset value per ordinary share (35.9)p (24.6)p

Approved by the Board of Directors on 17 November 2015.

Richard Barnes



for the year ended 31 March 2015

2015 2014
£’000 £’000
Operating activities
Rent and service charges received 11,807 19,790
Bank interest received 2 3
Proceeds on swap disposal (7,978)
Bank loan interest paid (5,449) (8,357)
Operating expense payments (10,262) (10,921)
Tax paid (6,022) (134)
Net cash from operating activities (17,902) 381
Investing activities
Capital expenditures and incentives (257) (1,080)
Sale of investment properties 18,755 53,164
Net cash from investing activities 18,498 52,084
Financing activities
Loan facility fee (120) (324)
Repayment of loan (17,183) (39,172)
Net cash used in financing activities (17,303) (39,496)
(Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (16,707) 12,969
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year 24,190 11,198
Effect of foreign exchange changes (30) 23
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year 7,453 24,190


1. Accounting policies

A summary of the principal accounting policies, all of which have been applied consistently throughout this and the previous year, is set out below.

(a) Going Concern

It was announced on 28 July 2014 that the Company would seek purchasers for all the Group’s remaining property assets and contracts were exchanged on 19 June 2015 for the sale of those assets. The Directors are implementing plans for the orderly and solvent winding up of the Company and its subsidiaries. Given the effective termination of the Company’s business, the Directors do not consider it appropriate to treat the Company as a going concern and the accounts have been prepared on a basis other than that of a going concern.  The financial statements do not include any provision for the future costs of winding up the group companies except to the extent that they were committed at the end of the reporting period.

(b) Basis of Accounting

The financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) as adopted for use in the European Union, which comprise standards and interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (‘IASB’), and International Accounting Standards and Standing Interpretations Committee interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards Committee (‘IASC’) that remain in effect, and were subsequently endorsed by the European Union.

The financial statements have been prepared on a basis other than that of a going concern. Where presentational guidance set out in the Statement of Recommended Practice (‘SORP’) for investment trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies (‘AIC’) in January 2009 is consistent with the requirements of IFRS, the Directors have sought to prepare the financial statements on a basis compliant with the recommendations of the SORP.

2.             Interest receivable and other income

2015 2014
£’000 £’000
Interest receivable 2 3
Other income 100 13
102 16


3.             Profit/(loss) before finance costs and tax

Profit/(loss) before finance costs and tax is stated after charging:

31 MARCH 2015 31 MARCH 2014
£’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000 £’000
Directors’ fees 134 134 123 123
Fees payable to the Company’s
  Auditor for the audit of
  the financial statements
  – Current period 127 127 92 92
Fees payable to the Company’s
  Auditor for the audit of the
  Company’s subsidiaries
  pursuant to legislation
  – Current period 31 31 116 116
Total audit fees
– Current period 157 157 208 208
Other fees payable to the
  Company’s Auditor:
  Tax services 74 74 80 80
Total non-audit fees 74 74 80 80

4.             Stated capital

2015 2014
£’000 £’000
153,000,000 ordinary shares of no par value
Allotted, called-up and fully paid:
153,000,000 ordinary shares of no par value 101,368 101,368

5.             Net asset value per ordinary share

(a)  The net asset value per ordinary share and the net asset values attributable at the year end calculated in accordance with the Articles of Association were as follows:

2015 2014
VALUE £’000 VALUE £’000
Ordinary shares (35.9)p (54,960) (24.6)p (37,674)

Net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets at the year end and 153,000,000 ordinary shares, being the number of ordinary shares in issue at the year end.

(b)           Reconciliation of consolidated NAV per share to adjusted NAV:

2015 2014
Consolidated NAV per
  accounts (35.9) (54,960) (24.6) (37,674)
  Deferred tax liability 0.2 270 4.2 6,409
  Interest Rate Swaps 0.9 1,474
Adjusted NAV (35.6) (54,690) (19.5)p (29,791)

The adjusted NAV is per the European Public Real Estate Association (‘EPRA’) measure, published in August 2011. The EPRA NAV per share excludes the fair value adjustments for debt and interest rate derivatives, deferred taxation on revaluations, capital allowances and goodwill.


6.             Related party transactions

No director has an interest in any transactions which are or were unusual in their nature or significant to the nature of the Group. The Directors of the Group received fees for their services. Further details are provided in the Report of the Directors and note 4 to the Financial statements.

On 31 March 2008, the Company entered into an agreement with Invesco Limited (‘Invesco’), the parent company of the Investment Manager, under which Invesco agreed to provide a credit facility of up to £10 million at 8% per annum. The facility agreement was amended on 31 March 2011, extending the termination date to 28 September 2014. No further interest will accrue on amounts outstanding and no further draw downs are available. At the year end £2 million had been drawn down and £0.3 million of interest was accrued (2014: £2 million drawn down and £0.3 million accrued).

On 17 June 2013 the Company’s Luxembourg subsidiaries entered into agreements with IREM, an Invesco group company, for the provision of administration and company secretarial services. Fees payable to IREM amounted in aggregate to up to £165,326 (plus VAT if applicable) to be adjusted annually by reference to inflation.

As disclosed in the Report of the Directors, Mr. Angus Spencer-Nairn retired on 31 December 2009 as the Senior Partner of Rawlinson & Hunter Jersey, which owns R&H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited (‘R&H’), the Company Secretary and Administrator appointed on 30 March 2007. Mr. Spencer-Nairn retired as a director of R&H on 1 January 2010. R&H were paid fees of £63,000 (2014: £65,000) and out of pocket expenses.

7.             Subsequent Events

The Group has, since the financial year end, completed the sale of all its remaining property assets. The net proceeds of sale have been paid to the lending bank amounting to £33.5 million and €47.6 million, less than the amount outstanding under the loan. The Directors are making arrangements for the solvent winding up of the Company and its subsidiaries.

Copyright r 19 PR Newswire

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