RNS Number : 1918E

Individual Restaurant Company PLC

04 April 2011

Individual Restaurant Company Plc

Audited results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2010


Individual Restaurant Company Plc ("IRC" or "the Group"), a leading operator of 33 restaurants throughout the UK which trade under the Piccolino (22) and Restaurant Bar & Grill (11) brands, today announces its final results for the year ended 31 December 2010.

Trading performance

-- Revenue was GBP51.3m (2009: GBP53.3m)

-- Group EBITDA of GBP4.3m (2009: GBP5.0m)

-- Restaurant EBITDA was GBP7.7m (2009: GBP8.8m)


-- Both brands continue to trade robustly on a national basis

Financially strong

-- Net debt reduced to GBP11.7m (2009: GBP12.4m)

-- Banking headroom of GBP6.8m available at the year end

-- Successful refinancing of the Group's GBP18.5m loan facility; agreement to extend the term of the loan to January 2013 with no amortisation

Current trading and outlook

-- Sales got off to an encouraging start in Q1 2011 with positive like for like sales although the rate of growth has slowed in March

Steven Walker, Chief Executive said:

"Taking into account some adverse one-off factors, trading performance in 2010 was pleasing. We experienced strong like for like sales towards the end of December 2010 and a number of sales initiatives have continued this momentum into the early part of 2011.

However we remain cautious as to the future trading environment. Like for like sales growth, whilst positive, has slowed in March and in common with most of the industry, we are also experiencing cost pressures. Nevertheless I remain confident in the robustness and trading potential of both brands."

4 April 2011


 Individual Restaurant Company 
 Steven Walker, Chief Executive    0207 457 2020 (today) 
 Vernon Lord, Finance Director     0161 839 5511 (thereafter) 
 Paul Lines                        0845 505 4343 
 Adam Sivner 
 College Hill                      0207 457 2020 
 Justine Warren 

Chairman's statement


Individual Restaurant Company plc, a leading restaurant operator with 33 premium casual dining restaurants throughout the UK which trade under the Piccolino (22) and Restaurant Bar & Grill (11) brands, announces its audited results for the 12 months ended 31 December 2010.

As previously highlighted, trading conditions in 2010 were challenging due to a number of well publicised one-off factors. Despite this the Group is pleased to announce that EBITDA before non trading costs was GBP4.25m, a satisfactory performance given the market conditions.

In addition, net debt was reduced in the year by GBP0.7m, down to GBP11.7m (2009: GBP12.4m). As a multiple of EBITDA (before non trading costs), the year end net debt was 2.8 times (2009: 2.5 times).

Financial Performance

Revenues across the Group decreased by GBP2.0m (3.9%) to GBP51.3m (2009: GBP53.3m) and restaurant EBITDA* decreased by GBP1.1m to GBP7.7m (2009: GBP8.8m) as a result. Central costs were reduced by GBP0.4m for the second successive year and Group EBITDA for the year was therefore down GBP0.7m to GBP4.3m (2009: GBP5.0m).

The gross margin for the period remained in line with 2009. As previously reported, the Group has taken a strategic decision to refrain from entering the mass discounting market which has continued to be widely practised across the restaurant sector. Both brands continue to offer guests excellent value for money as verified by regular competitor pricing surveys undertaken by the Group.

Central costs in 2010 were GBP3.4m (2009: GBP3.8m) representing 6.7% of revenue (2009: 7.1%). Savings were generated primarily from reduced wage costs.

Finance costs in the year increased to GBP0.9m (2009: GBP0.7m). This uplift was the result of the mark to market valuation of hedging costs coupled with the annualised impact of reverting to a LIBOR related loan facility mid way through 2009.

Profit before tax, non trading items and hedging costs was GBP0.2m (2009: GBP1.3m).

In the year non trading costs totalled GBP1.9m (2009: GBP2.2m), arising predominately from two areas: onerous lease provisions totalling GBP0.5m and impairment of non-current assets totalling GBP1.3m. Of the onerous lease provisions GBP0.3m related to the release of provision in respect of the properties at Wandsworth and Birmingham, the leases of which are both expected to be assigned to new tenants before June 2011. A further provision totalling GBP0.8m has also been made in respect of the property pipeline, which remains undeveloped and is currently being marketed. In the current property market it has proven difficult to find suitable buyers for these units and as a result the Group has provided for expected ongoing property costs.

There was a tax credit in the year of GBP0.1m (2009: GBP0.1m) which resulted from a movement in the deferred tax balance.

After non trading items and tax the Group incurred a loss for the year of GBP1.7m (2009: loss of GBP0.8m).

Cash flow and Balance Sheet

The Group generated strong cash flows from operations of GBP2.7m in the year (GBP3.4m : 2009). Net debt reduced by GBP0.7m down to GBP11.7m (2009: GBP12.4m). In addition the Group successfully refinanced the loan facility which resulted in the GBP18.5 million facility becoming non-amortising and the term being extended until January 2013.

Capital expenditure in the year was GBP1.4m and largely related to enhancing the estate by expanding the number of covers and providing outside dining areas. Unopened / closed site lease costs amounted to GBP1.0m. As noted above, two of these sites (Wandsworth and the former Zinc in Birmingham) are expected to be disposed of by June 2011 and future cash outflows in respect of such sites are expected to decline accordingly.

Gearing remained comparable at 28% (2009: 29%). Interest costs (excluding the mark to market hedge valuation) of GBP0.8m were covered by EBITDA five times (2009: eight times). As a multiple of EBITDA before non trading costs the year end net debt was just below 2.8 times compared with 2.5 times in 2009. The available headroom on the banking facility was GBP6.8m compared with GBP6.1m in 2009.


The Board have always believed the success of the Group is determined by the quality of its people, food, guest service and cleanliness. The focus in these areas, which is both monitored and incentivised, has resulted in this becoming a culture within the business and is continuously improving.

Our number one goal remains outstanding guest service. We have invested in a computerised central database and we now have a greater understanding of the guests who dine throughout the estate each week.

Across both brands we continue to develop our food and beverage offer. Despite the competitive environment and upward cost pressure we do not compromise on the quality of our ingredients. In addition we continue to invest heavily in chef training to ensure consistency throughout the estate; likewise our front of house team has been strengthened.

Future Outlook and Current Trading

The last two weeks of 2010 saw strong like for like sales growth. A number of sales initiatives have been introduced in 2011 and have helped continue this momentum. January like for like trading was strong, albeit against a period last year affected by extreme weather and volume growth has continued in both February and March.

However the Group is also mindful that 2011 will be another challenging year. The rate of sales growth in March was lower than January and February and we are experiencing an increased level of cost inflation; in particular the uplifts in alcohol duty and the national minimum wage, the change in Employers National Insurance contributions and food cost inflation. We expect to absorb all or most of these cost pressures by a combination of increased revenues and operating efficiencies.

The Board has great confidence in the trading strength of the two brands and their ability to meet the challenges ahead.

Robert Breare


4(th) April 2011

*Restaurant EBITDA is defined as EBITDA generated before non-trading and central costs

Consolidated income statement

                                                     Note      2010      2009 
                                                            GBP'000   GBP'000 
Revenue                                                      51,256    53,349 
Cost of sales                                              (12,981)  (13,630) 
                                                           --------  -------- 
Gross profit                                                 38,275    39,719 
Other operating expenses                                   (37,255)  (37,772) 
                                                           --------  -------- 
Operating result before non-trading costs                     1,020     1,947 
Business restructuring costs                                      -     (859) 
Impairment of non-current assets                            (1,289)         - 
Share option charge                                           (108)     (108) 
Increase in provision for onerous leases                      (515)   (1,200) 
---------------------------------------------------  ----  --------  -------- 
Operating loss                                                (892)     (220) 
                                                           --------  -------- 
Finance cost                                                  (880)     (652) 
Loss before taxation                                        (1,772)     (872) 
Income tax                                                       92        66 
Loss from continuing operations                             (1,680)     (806) 
Loss for the period attributable to equity holders 
of parent                                                   (1,680)     (806) 
                                                           ========  ======== 
Earnings per share from continuing operations: 
Basic                                                   2   (2.82p)   (1.64p) 
Diluted                                                 2   (2.82p)   (1.64p) 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

                                               2010     2009 
                                            GBP'000  GBP'000 
Loss for the period                         (1,680)    (806) 
Total comprehensive income for the period   (1,680)    (806) 
                                            =======  ======= 
Attributable to equity holders of the 
 parent                                     (1,680)    (806) 
                                            =======  ======= 

Consolidated statement of financial position

                                      2010      2009 
                                   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment       32,728    35,857 
Intangible assets                   38,050    38,647 
                                  --------  -------- 
Total non-current assets            70,778    74,504 
                                  --------  -------- 
Current assets 
Inventories                            943       987 
Trade and other receivables          2,952     3,105 
Cash and cash equivalents            6,763     6,121 
                                  --------  -------- 
Total current assets                10,658    10,213 
                                  --------  -------- 
Total assets                        81,436    84,717 
                                  ========  ======== 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables          (11,691)  (11,970) 
Derivative financial instrument       (71)         - 
Short term borrowings                    -   (2,000) 
Provisions                           (588)     (430) 
                                  --------  -------- 
Total current liabilities         (12,350)  (14,400) 
                                  --------  -------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Long term borrowings              (18,500)  (16,500) 
Provisions                           (236)   (1,206) 
Deferred taxation                  (8,952)   (9,641) 
                                  --------  -------- 
Total non-current liabilities     (27,688)  (27,347) 
                                  --------  -------- 
Total liabilities                 (40,038)  (41,747) 
                                  ========  ======== 
Net assets                          41,398    42,970 
                                  ========  ======== 


                                2010     2009 
                             GBP'000  GBP'000 
Share capital                  2,982    2,982 
Share premium account         13,275   13,275 
Capital redemption reserve    11,851   11,851 
Merger reserve                22,034   22,034 
Shares to be issued              432      324 
Retained earnings            (9,176)  (7,496) 
Total equity                  41,398   42,970 
                             =======  ======= 

Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity

                                                     Shares       and 
                                  Share      Other    to be      Loss 
                                capital   reserves   issued   account    Total 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
At 1 January 2009                13,826     33,697      216   (6,690)   41,049 
Shares issued                     1,007      1,612        -         -    2,619 
Deferred shares purchased      (11,851)     11,851        -         -        - 
Share based payments                  -          -      108         -      108 
                               --------  ---------  -------  --------  ------- 
Transactions with owners          2,982     47,160      324   (6,690)   43,776 
                               --------  ---------  -------  --------  ------- 
Loss and total comprehensive 
income for the period                 -          -        -     (806)    (806) 
                               --------  ---------  -------  --------  ------- 
At 31 December 2009               2,982     47,160      324   (7,496)   42,970 
                               ========  =========  =======  ========  ======= 
At 1 January 2010                 2,982     47,160      324   (7,496)   42,970 
Share based payments                  -          -      108         -      108 
                               --------  ---------  -------  --------  ------- 
Transactions with owners          2,982     47,160      432   (7,496)   43,078 
                               --------  ---------  -------  --------  ------- 
Loss and total comprehensive 
income for the period                 -          -        -   (1,680)  (1,680) 
At 31 December 2010               2,982     47,160      432   (9,176)   41,398 
                               ========  =========  =======  ========  ======= 

Other reserves represent the share premium account, the merger reserve and the capital redemption reserve.

Consolidated cash flow statement

                                               2010     2009 
                                            GBP'000  GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Loss after taxation                         (1,680)    (806) 
Adjustments for: 
Depreciation, impairment and amortisation 
 charges                                      4,521    3,062 
Share based administrative expense              108      108 
Interest expense                                880      652 
Movement in deferred tax provision             (92)     (66) 
Movement in provisions                        (812)      959 
Decrease/(increase) in trade and other 
 receivables                                    153    (665) 
Decrease in inventories                          44       72 
(Decrease)/increase in trade payables         (415)       65 
                                            -------  ------- 
Cash flow from operations                     2,707    3,381 
Interest paid                                 (673)    (655) 
                                            -------  ------- 
Net cash from operating activities            2,034    2,726 
                                            -------  ------- 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment   (1,392)  (1,910) 
                                            -------  ------- 
Net cash used in investing activities       (1,392)  (1,910) 
                                            -------  ------- 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of share capital              -    2,619 
                                            -------  ------- 
Net cash from financing activities                -    2,619 
                                            -------  ------- 
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents       642    3,435 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
 of year                                      6,121    2,686 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
 the year                                     6,763    6,121 
                                            =======  ======= 

Notes to the financial statements

1. Basis of preliminary statement

The financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2010 but is derived from those accounts, which are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

The financial statements for the year 31 December 2010 have not yet been filed at Companies House, but will be in due course. The auditor has reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or section 498 (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The 2010 statutory accounts are prepared on the basis of the accounting policies stated in the Consolidated Interim report for the period ended 30 June 2010.

Copies of the June 2010 interim report can be found on the Company's website at: www.individualrestaurantcompanyplc.co.uk.

2. Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share (basic and diluted) is based on loss after taxation, and the weighted average number of ordinary shares.

                                   Year ended 31 December 2010 
                                            number of 
                                 Earnings      shares  Per share 
                                  GBP'000        '000          p 
Basic and diluted earnings per 
 share                            (1,680)      59,648     (2.82) 
                                 ========  ==========  ========= 

The outstanding options at 31 December 2010 do not have a dilutive effect on the weighted average number of shares as the exercise price of options during the year exceeded the average market price of ordinary shares.

                                   Year ended 31 December 2009 
                                            number of 
                                 Earnings      shares  Per share 
                                  GBP'000        '000          p 
Basic and diluted earnings per 
 share                              (806)      49,161     (1.64) 
                                 ========  ==========  ========= 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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