RNS Number:4122N
InTechnology PLC
07 December 2006

7 December 2006

                                InTechnology plc

           Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2006

InTechnology plc ("InTechnology" or "the Company"), a leading provider of data
storage, security and network solutions and managed services, announces interim
results for the six months ended 30 September 2006.  The comparatives given
below include the results of the Group's continuing operations only and exclude
those of the European distribution business sold on 31 March 2006.

Financial highlights (continuing operations)

   *  Turnover for the Group up 11% to #107.8M (2005: #96.9M)

      - Managed Data Services revenues up 14% to #13.7M (2005: #12.0M)
      - UK Specialist Distribution revenues increased to #94.1M (2005: #84.9M)

   *  Earnings before interest, tax, amortisation of goodwill and
      exceptional items were up 170% to #2.7M (2005: #1.0M)

   *  Loss sustained for the period before exceptional impairment charge was
      #1.0M (2005: #4.8M)

   *  Gross cash balances of #8.8M (2005: #7.4M)

   *  Net debt including finance leases and term loans of #10.1M (2005:

   *  Cash received from the sale of the European subsidiaries was #16.5M

Operational highlights

  * Continued focus on cost reduction which has alleviated pressure on gross
    margins within Specialist Distribution division

  * Successful relocation and reorganisation of the Managed Data Services
    division in Harrogate

  * Continued development and enhancement of products in both data and voice
    services businesses

Post period end activity

  * #4M investment in Mobile Tornado plc in October 2006 giving InTechnology a
    42% holding and providing the Company with a unique managed services product
    to market in the UK

  * December 2006 disposal of UK Distribution division for #41M in cash
    enabling the Company to focus on high margin Managed Services division.

Commenting on the results, Peter Wilkinson, Chief Executive Officer made the
following statement:

"I am delighted with the progress we have made during the first six months of
this year.  Following the sale of the Continental European Distribution business
earlier this year and the UK Specialist Distribution division announced today,
we can focus entirely on the Managed Services division which has exciting
potential for growth.  We will expand this business both organically and through
acquisitions.  I am confident about the Group's prospects going forward as a
streamlined, more focused business."

For further information:

InTechnology plc                                                  020 7786 3400
Peter Wilkinson / Andrew Kaberry

Financial Dynamics                                                020 7831 3113
James Melville-Ross / Hannah Sloane

Chief Executive Officer's Statement


In my report to shareholders on 30 June 2006 I referred to the disposal of the
loss making and cash draining European distribution subsidiaries and the
necessary cost reduction programme that had to be carried out in both the UK
Distribution and Managed Services divisions.  I ended by saying that going
forward the Group's senior management team needed to focus its attention on
profit making.

I am pleased to report that we have achieved this and the good trading results
before exceptional items for the first half-year contrast those reported one
year ago.  Whilst much remains to be achieved we have made significant progress
to improve medium term profitability.

The comparative information given below includes the results of the Group's
continuing operations and excludes those of the European Distribution business
sold on 31 March 2006.

Trading and operating performance

  * Group turnover during the first half year of the year was #107.8M (2005: 
    #96.9M), an increase of 11%.  Gross profit was #20.0M (2005: #18.5M), an
    increase of 8%.

  * Earnings before interest, tax, amortisation of goodwill and exceptional
    charges were #2.7M (2005: #1.0M), an increase of 170%.

  * The Group operating loss from continuing operations was #4.6M (2005: #4.0M 
    loss).  Total Group loss sustained for the period after interest, taxation
    and all charges was #6.0M (2005: #13.8M).

  * The Group ended the period with gross cash of #8.8M (30 September 2005:
    #7.4M, 31 March 2006 #12.7M) and net debt including finance leases and term
    loans of #10.1M (30 September 2005: #25.0M, 31 March 2006 #19.5M).  During 
    the first half of this financial year cash received from the sale of the 
    European subsidiaries was #16.5M.

  * In preparing this interim statement we have adopted FRS 20 'share-based
    payment'.  The net effect of this change in policy for the period has been 
    to increase net operating expenses by #0.2M (2005: #0.1M).  Prior year 
    comparatives have been restated accordingly (see note 1 for further 

Specialist Distribution division trading review

Revenues increased to #94.1M (2005: #84.9M) but gross margins decreased to 10.6%
(2005: 11.3%) as the margin squeeze from both vendors and customers continued.
Earnings before interest, tax, amortisation of goodwill and exceptional charges
were #1.8M (2005: #0.6M).  Exceptional charges of #5M in respect of goodwill
impairment (note 3) were incurred in the period (2005: #1.6M).  Operating loss
was #4.2M (2005: #2.2M loss).

The cost reductions initiated last year, combined with our withdrawal from high
volume low margin business particularly in the security software division,
helped to alleviate the pressure on gross margins.  The sales force continued to
concentrate on developing new business with smaller customers where gross
margins are better.

Sale of Specialist Distribution division

In my discussions about last year's full year results I said that over the next
few years there will be consolidation across Europe of both Distributors and
Reseller partners.  We were approached during this year by a leading US
distributor, Arrow Electronics Inc ('Arrow'), and, on 6 December 2006 signed
contracts to sell the Specialist Distribution division with completion on 29
December 2006.  The sale is conditional on EU Merger clearance being obtained
and on there being no material adverse change affecting the business..  Some 200
staff will transfer to Arrow on completion thereby reducing Group headcount to
165.  There will be a corporation tax liability arising on the deal which will
be confirmed once completion accounts are agreed.  Based on the anticipated
level of sale proceeds from the transaction compared to the book value of the
assets to be disposed a #5.0M impairment of goodwill has been booked.

I am delighted by this announcement which will enable us to concentrate entirely
on the Managed Data Services division which has consistently had higher gross
margins.  Furthermore, I am pleased that Arrow is the acquirer.  They will
endeavour to grow the business and there are no planned redundancies.

Managed Data Services division

Revenues were #13.7M (2005: #12.0M), an increase of 14% despite the churn of
some large contracts having annualised revenues of #2.4m.  Gross profit margins
were 73.3% (2005: 74.0%).  Operating costs rose to #9.2M (2005: #8.4M) mainly
due to investment during this half year in the new Managed Voice Services
division, electricity cost increases not recovered and certain large one-off
technology cost increases as we migrated data services to a new low cost

Operating profit before interest, tax, amortisation of goodwill and exceptional
charges was #0.8M (2005: #0.5M).  There were no exceptional charges in this half
year (2005: #1.1M).  The division achieved operating margins before amortisation
of goodwill and exceptional items of 6.1% (2005: 3.9%) compared to 2.1% (2005:
0.7%) in Distribution.  The divisional operating loss was #0.3M (2005: #1.8M).

We have won a number of new clients in the past six months and significant
contract wins were from Smith &Nephew, DLA, TubeLines, Principal Hotels and
UKERNA.  We have successfully reduced our rate of customer churn during H1 to
less than 3% per annum (FY 2006: 9.7%).

Importantly we have successfully relocated and reorganised the division in
Harrogate.  I believe we now have the correct structure in sales, service
delivery and support to help drive forward an expanding and profitable business.

We continue to develop and enhance products in both data and voice service
businesses and are optimistic for the future.

Mobile Tornado plc

During October 2006 we invested #4M cash in Mobile Tornado plc giving
InTechnology a 42% holding.  Predating InTechnology's investment, both myself
and Richard James, Director of Legal Affairs and Company Secretary, together
hold a further 16% as private investors.

Mobile Tornado owns intellectual property in an exciting part of the mobile and
fixed line telco sector.  It continues to develop its technology in the push to
talk, push to mail and push to video applications, and is already a strategic
supplier of technology to major infrastructure providers in the long awaited IMS
rollout.  We believe that Mobile Tornado should have adequate cash following our
investment to successfully prove its technology to a global market and will
therefore prove an excellent return on our investment.

Furthermore it importantly provides InTechnology with a unique managed services
product to market in the UK and we are confident that the investment can be
justified on this offering alone.  However, this is not expected to earn
revenues and gross margins until FY 2008.


We have turned the Group around in reducing the losses of a year ago.  Net debt
has been reduced and the funds generated by the sale of the Specialist
Distribution division will eliminate all debt, finance the recent Mobile Tornado
investment and possible further acquisitions.

Following the sale of the Specialist Distribution business, Managed Services is
the sole engine for increasing Group profitability and we have the opportunity
to reposition ourselves in the market as a Reseller instead of a Distributor.
High margins from recurring service revenues together with tight control of
costs are the future.  We have said many times in the past that Managed Services
can achieve operating margins greater than the gross margins in Distribution.
We now aim to prove this in the next few years by organic growth, possible
acquisitions and the continued development of data and voice solutions to
businesses in both the private and public sectors.  I have every confidence that
as a more focused Group we will experience increased revenues and profits as we
move forward.

Peter Wilkinson
Chief Executive Officer
7 December 2006

Consolidated profit & loss account
for the 6 months ended 30 September 2006

                                                     6 months ended   6 months ended      Year ended
                                                  30 September 2006     30 September   31 March 2006
                                                        (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
                                                                          (Restated)      (Restated)
                                         Note                 #'000            #'000           #'000
Continuing operations                                       107,789           96,865         214,966
Discontinued operations                                           -           34,914          69,763

                                                            107,789          131,779         284,729
Cost of sales                                              (87,756)        (108,990)       (235,656)

Gross profit                                                 20,033           22,789          49,073

Net operating expenses before
depreciation, amortisation of
goodwill and exceptional items                             (14,780)         (19,734)        (39,359)
Depreciation                                                (2,416)          (2,999)         (5,716)
FRS 20 share option charge                                    (160)            (132)           (264)
Amortisation of goodwill                                    (2,234)          (2,372)         (4,732)
Exceptional costs of reorganisation                               -          (4,215)         (5,491)
Exceptional impairment charge             3                 (5,000)          (6,423)               -

Net operating expenses                                     (24,590)         (35,875)        (55,562)

Group operating loss
Continuing operations                                       (4,557)          (4,002)         (1,149)
Discontinued operations                                           -          (9,084)         (5,340)

Group operating loss                     1, 2               (4,557)         (13,086)         (6,489)

Loss on sale of subsidiary
undertakings                                                      -                -         (3,661)
Net interest payable                                          (790)          (1,134)         (2,226)

Loss on ordinary activities
before taxation                                             (5,347)         (14,220)        (12,376)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities        4                   (641)              440             530

Loss sustained for the period                               (5,988)         (13,780)        (11,846)

Loss per share (pence)
Basic and diluted                         5                  (4.24)           (9.94)          (8.39)

EBITAE                                                        2,677             (76)           3,734

Consolidated balance sheet
As at 30 September 2006

                                                              30        30 September         31 March
                                                            2006                2005             2006
                                                     (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)
                                                                          (Restated)       (Restated)
                                                           #'000               #'000            #'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                         57,869              67,342           65,104
Tangible assets                                            9,887              12,066           10,424

                                                          67,756              79,408           75,528

Current assets
Stock                                                      7,918              10,897            6,622
Debtors                                                   65,560              91,483           89,421
Cash at bank and in hand                                   8,788               7,432           12,719

                                                          82,266             109,812          108,762

Creditors - amounts falling due
within one year                                         (73,828)           (103,702)        (100,285)

Net current assets                                         8,438               6,110            8,477

Total assets less current liabilities                     76,194              85,518           84,005

Creditors - amounts falling due
after more than one year                                 (2,022)             (5,725)          (4,015)

Provisions for liabilities & charges                           -             (1,934)                -

Net assets                                                74,172              77,859           79,990

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital - equity                           1,415               1,411            1,411
                                   - non-equity              480                 480              480
Share premium account                                    188,671             188,668          188,668
Revaluation reserve                                        1,592               1,754            1,646
Share option reserve                                         742                 450              581
Profit and loss account                                (118,728)           (114,904)        (112,796)

Shareholders' funds (including non-equity                 74,172              77,859           79,990

Shareholders' funds comprise:
Equity interests                                          71,932              75,619           77,750
Non-equity interests                                       2,240               2,240            2,240

                                                          74,172              77,859           79,990

Consolidated cash flow statement
For the 6 months ended 30 September 2006

                                                  6 months ended       6 months ended            Year ended
                                               30 September 2006    30 September 2005         31 March 2006
                                                     (Unaudited)          (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)
                                                                           (Restated)            (Restated)
                                    Note                   #'000                #'000                 #'000
Net cash inflow
from operating activities             6                   12,388                  251                10,667

Returns on investments
and servicing of finance
Interest received                                             71                   59                    92
Interest element of finance lease
payments                                                    (99)                (127)                 (232)
Interest paid                                              (753)              (1,054)               (2,008)

Net cash outflow from returns
on investments and servicing of
finance                                                    (781)              (1,122)               (2,148)

Taxation paid                                              (400)                (128)                 (822)

Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                          (945)              (1,132)               (2,077)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                 44                   26                    67

Net cash outflow from capital
expenditure and
financial investment                                       (901)              (1,106)               (2,010)

Cash disposed of on sale of
subsidiary undertakings                                        -                    -               (2,185)

Net cash outflow from disposals                                -                    -               (2,185)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before
financing                                                 10,306              (2,105)                 3,502

Net (decrease)/increase in
borrowings                                              (13,525)                 (71)                   431
Capital element of finance lease
payments                                                   (712)                (868)               (1,706)

Net cash outflow from financing                         (14,237)                (939)               (1,275)

(Decrease)/increase in cash in
the period                            7                  (3,931)              (3,044)                 2,227

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
For the 6 months ended 30 September 2006

                                                     30 September          30 September              31 March
                                                             2006                  2005                  2006
                                                      (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)           (Unaudited)
                                                                             (Restated)            (Restated)
                                       Note                 #'000                 #'000                 #'000

Loss sustained for the financial                        
period                                                    (5,988)              (13,780)              (11,846)
Exchange loss on translation of
overseas subsidiaries                                           -                 (187)                     -
Exchange gain on translation of
hedging loan                                                    -                   122                     -

Total recognised gains and losses
relatng to the period                                     (5,988)              (13,845)              (11,846)
Prior year adjustment                    1                    174                     -                     -
Total recognised gains and losses
since last annual report                                  (5,814)              (13,845)              (11,846)

Notes to the interim financial information
For the 6 months ended 30 September 2006

1. Basis of preparation

The financial information included in this interim statement for the 6 months
ended 30 September 2006 does not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and is not audited or reviewed.
In preparing this interim statement, management have adopted FRS 20
'share-based payment'.

Share Based Payments

The adoption of this standard represents a change in accounting policy and the
prior year comparatives have been restated accordingly.  The effects of the
change on net operating expenses and the tax credit for the period ended 30
September 2005 and the year ended 31 March 2006 are summarised as follows:

The Group operates a number of equity-settled, share-based compensation plans.
The fair value of the employee services received in exchange for the grant of
the options is recognised as an expense. The total amount to be expensed over
the vesting period is determined by reference to the fair value of the options
granted, excluding the impact of any non-market vesting conditions (for example,
profitability and sales growth targets). Non-market vesting conditions are
included in assumptions about the number of options that are expected to vest.
At each balance sheet date, the group revises its estimates of the number of
options that are expected to vest. It recognises the impact of the revision to
original estimates, if any, in the profit and loss account, with a corresponding
adjustment to equity.  The proceeds received net of any directly attributable
transaction costs are credited to share capital (nominal value) and share
premium when the options are exercised.

                                                     Net operating expenses        Tax credit
                                                                      #'000             #'000
Period ended 30 September 2005 (unaudited)
As previously stated                                               (35,743)               400
Restated                                                           (35,875)               440

Year ended 31 March 2006
As previously stated                                               (55,298)               451
Restated                                                           (55,562)               530

The net effect of the change in policy in the year ended 31 March 2006 is to
increase net operating expenses by #264,000, increase the tax credit on the loss
on ordinary activities by #79,000 and increase the loss sustained for the
financial year by #185,000.

The cumulative effect of implementing the policy is to increase Group reserves
at 31 March 2006 by #174,000 (2005: #95,000).  The changes are summarised as

                                                  Share option    Profit and     Shareholders'
                                                       reserve          loss             funds
                                                         #'000         #'000             #'000
Period ended 30 September 2005 (unaudited)
As previously stated                                         -     (114,589)            77,724
Restated                                                   450     (114,904)            77,859

Year ended 31 March 2006
As previously stated                                         -     (112,389)            79,816
Restated                                                   742     (112,796)            79,990

There have been no other changes to the accounting policies as set out in the
2006 Report and Accounts.  The financial information relating to the year ended
31 March 2006 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for that year, with
the exception of the prior period adjustment described above, which have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave an
unqualified opinion.

2. Segmental information

                                  Turnover by destination                      Turnover by source
                                 6 months     6 months        Year      6 months         6 months        Year
                                    ended        ended       ended         ended            ended       ended
                             30 September 30 September    31 March  30 September     30 September    31 March
                                     2006         2005        2006          2006             2005        2006
                              (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)   (Audited)   (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                    #'000        #'000       #'000         #'000            #'000       #'000
United Kingdom                    104,380       95,075     210,944       107,460           96,865     214,966

Europe                              3,269       36,110      72,488           329           34,914      69,763
North America                         102          380         555             -                -           -
South and Central
America                                 -            -         151             -                -           -
Africa                                  -          110         455             -                -           -
Australasia                            38          104         136             -                -           -
Total                             107,789      131,779     284,729       107,789          131,779     284,729

                                                                              Operating loss by source
                                                                         6 months         6 months         Year
                                                                            ended            ended        ended
                                                                     30 September     30 September     31 March
                                                                             2006             2005         2006
                                                                      (Unaudited)      (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)
                                                                                        (Restated)   (Restated)
                                                                            #'000            #'000        #'000
United Kingdom                                                            (4,555)          (4,002)      (1,149)
Continental Europe                                                            (2)          (9,084)      (5,340)

Total                                                                     (4,557)         (13,086)      (6,489)

Notes to the interim financial information
For the 6 months ended 30 September 2006

                                        Turnover                              Operating profit/(loss)
                                                                            before goodwill amortisation
                                                                               and exceptional items
                              6 months          6 months        Year       6 months       6 months         Year
                                 ended             ended       ended          ended          ended        ended
                          30 September      30 September    31 March   30 September   30 September     31 March
                                  2006              2005        2006           2006           2005         2006
                           (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)   (Audited)    (Unaudited)    (Unaudited)  (Unaudited)
                                                                                        (Restated)   (Restated)
                                 #'000             #'000       #'000          #'000          #'000        #'000

  UK                            93,764            84,846     189,632          1,848            552        4,074
  Europe                           329            34,914      69,763            (2)        (1,095)      (2,039)
Managed Data
Services                        13,696            12,019      25,334            831            467        1,699

Total                          107,789           131,779     284,729          2,677           (76)        3,734

                                                                                    Operating loss
                                                                             after goodwill amortisation
                                                                                and exceptional items
                                                              6 months               6 months              Year
                                                                 ended                  ended             ended
                                                          30 September           30 September          31 March
                                                                  2006                   2005              2006
                                                           (Unaudited)            (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)
                                                                                   (Restated)        (Restated)
                                                                 #'000                  #'000             #'000
Business analysis
Specialist Distribution:
  UK                                                           (4,243)                (2,217)               383
  Europe                                                           (2)                (9,084)           (5,340)
Managed Data Services                                            (312)                (1,785)           (1,532)

Total                                                          (4,557)               (13,086)           (6,489)

The segmental analysis above excludes net interest payable of #790,000 (30
September 2005: #1,134,000, 31 March 2006: #2,226,000) which is not analysed by
business segment.

3. Exceptional impairment charge

The Board has conducted an impairment review of the carrying value of goodwill
arising on the acquisition of HOLF Technologies Limited and VData Limited in
July 2000 together with the Allasso Group of companies in July 2003 in
accordance with FRS 11 'Impairment of fixed assets and goodwill'.

The Directors have considered the recoverable amounts by reference to the net
present value of estimated current and future cash flows of the relevant income
generating units.

The Directors considered it appropriate to use a cost of capital relevant to the
risks and stage of development associated with each income generating unit.

Notes to the interim financial information
For the 6 months ended 30 September 2006

The exceptional impairment arises in respect of HOLF Technologies Limited and
Allasso UK and referred to as the Group's UK Distribution Division, the after
tax cost of capital used being 7.1%.  In light of the sale of the UK
Distribution Division on 6 December 2006 to Digital Network Services (UK)
Limited, the Directors have concluded that the carrying value of the assets,
including goodwill, exceed the higher of net realisable value and value in use
by #5,000,000, and accordingly an impairment charge of this amount has been made
in the profit and loss account for the period ended 30 September 2006.

4. Tax on loss on ordinary activities

The corporation tax charge for the 6 months to 30 September 2006 is #641,000 (30
September 2005: #440,000 credit, 31 March 2006: #530,000 credit).  Taxation has
been calculated by applying the directors' best estimate of the effective tax
rate for the period, which is 34% (30 September 2005: 29% in the UK and
approximately 2% in respect of discontinued European operations, 31 March 2006:
16% in the UK and approximately 2% in respect of discontinued European
operations) to the profit or loss for the period, before goodwill amortisation
and exceptional impairment which are not deductible for tax purposes.

5. Loss per share

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary
shareholders of #5,988,000 (30 September 2005: #13,780,000, 31 March 2006:
#11,846,000) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during
the period of 141,111,944 (30 September 2005: 138,569,582, 31 March 2006:

The adjusted basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated to
provide a better understanding of the underlying performance of the Group as

                                      6 months ended          6 months ended              Year ended
                                    30 September 2006        30 September 2005           31 March 2006
                                       (Unaudited)              (Unaudited)               (Unaudited)
                                    Basic and diluted        Basic and diluted         Basic and diluted
                                    (Loss)/      (Loss)/       (Loss)/     (Loss)/       (Loss)/     (Loss)/
                                   earnings     earnings      earnings    earnings      earnings    earnings
                                               per share                 per share                 per share
                                                            (Restated)  (Restated)    (Restated)  (Restated)
                                      #'000        pence         #'000       pence         #'000       pence

Loss attributable to ordinary

shareholders                        (5,988)       (4.24)      (13,780)      (9.94)      (11,846)      (8.39)
FRS 20 share option charge              160         0.12           132        0.10           264        0.19
Amortisation of goodwill              2,234         1.58         2,372        1.71         4,732        3.35
Exceptional costs of
reorganisation                            -            -         4,215        3.04         4,848        3.44
Exceptional impairment charge         5,000         3.54         6,423        4.64             -           -
Loss on sale of subsidiary
undertakings                              -            -             -           -         3,723        2.64

Adjusted basic earnings/(loss)
per share                             1,406         1.00         (638)      (0.45)         1,721        1.23

The loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average number
of ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per
ordinary share are identical to those used for basic earnings per ordinary
share.  This is because the exercise of share options would have the effect of
reducing the loss per ordinary share and is therefore not dilutive under the
terms of FRS 22 'Earnings per share'.

6. Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating

                                                      6 months ended      6 months ended      Year ended
                                                        30 September        30 September        31 March
                                                                2006                2005            2006
                                                         (Unaudited)         (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)
                                                                              (Restated)      (Restated)
                                                               #'000               #'000           #'000

Operating loss                                               (4,557)            (13,086)         (6,489)
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                          2,416               2,999           5,716
Goodwill amortisation                                          2,234               2,372           4,732
Exceptional costs of reorganisation - fixed
asset depreciation                                                 -                 287             332
Exceptional impairment charge                                  5,000               6,423               -
(Profit)/loss on sale of tangible fixed assets                  (27)                 341             331
Exchange movements                                                 -                (11)               5
Share option non cash charge                                     160                 132             264
(Increase)/decrease in stocks                                (1,296)               1,834           5,227
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                23,634               6,364         (2,844)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors and provisions             (15,176)             (7,404)           3,393

Net cash inflow from operating activities                     12,388                 251          10,667

7. Reconciliation of movement in net debt

                                                  6 months ended    6 months ended    Year ended
                                                    30 September      30 September      31 March
                                                            2006              2005          2006
                                                     (Unaudited)       (Unaudited)     (Audited)
                                                           #'000             #'000         #'000

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                (3,931)           (3,044)         2,227
Net cash outflow from decrease in finance
leases                                                       712               868         1,706
Cash outflow/(inflow) from
repayment/(advance) of debt                               13,525                71         (431)

Change in net debt resulting from cash flows              10,306           (2,105)         3,502

Non-cash changes:
Exchange movements                                             -              (14)          (36)
Inception of new finance leases                            (963)             (594)         (656)
Finance leases on disposal                                     -                 -            13
Debt issue costs                                            (38)              (38)          (75)

Movement in net debt in the period                         9,305           (2,751)         2,748
Net debt at start of period                             (19,452)          (22,200)      (22,200)

Net debt at end of period                               (10,147)          (24,951)      (19,452)

8. Shareholder information

The interim announcement will be posted to shareholders on 20 December 2006.
Further copies are available on request from the registered office of the
Company at Nidderdale House, Beckwith Knowle, Harrogate, HG3 1SA.

Corporate information

Board of Directors:

The Rt. Hon. Lord Parkinson               Non-Executive Chairman
Joe McNally                               Non-Executive Director
Charles Scott                             Non-Executive Director
Peter Wilkinson                           Chief Executive Officer
Richard James                             Director & Company Secretary
Andrew Kaberry                            Finance Director
Steve Pearce                              Chief Operating Officer
Bryn Sage                                 Managed Data Services
Jason Firth                               Professional Services
Mark Lower                                Managed Voice Services

Registered office:

InTechnology plc
Nidderdale House
Beckwith Knowle
Tel +44 (0)1423 850000
Fax +44 (0)1423 858855

Registrar and transfer office:

Capita IRG plc
Bourne House
34 Beckenham Road

Principal bankers:

Barclays Bank plc
Parliament Street

Nominated adviser and broker:

Panmure Gordon & Co. plc
155 Moorgate
Independent Auditors:
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Benson House
33 Wellington Street

Corporate information


Norton Rose
Kempson House
Camomile Street

Company registration number:


Internet address:


Principal offices


InTechnology plc
Nidderdale House
Otley Road
Beckwith Knowle
Tel +44 (0) 1423 850 000
Fax +44 (0) 1423 858 855

InTechnology Security (UK)

Building 1320
Arlington Business Park
Tel +44 (0) 1189 711 511
Fax +44 (0) 1189 711 522

Northern Data Centre

InTechnology plc
Central House
Beckwith Knowle

Southern Data Centre

InTechnology plc
260-266 Goswell Road

London Office

1 Threadneedle Street

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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