RNS Number:1438X
InTechnology PLC
24 May 2007

24 May 2007

                                InTechnology plc
              Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2007

InTechnology plc ("InTechnology" or "the Company"), the voice and data Managed
Services provider, announces its results for the year ended 31 March 2007:

Operational highlights: Transformational year

*  Focus on high margin Managed Services business;
*  Strategy to exit Distribution businesses completed through the disposal of UK 
   Distribution in December 2006 for #41m;
*  Strategic #4m investment for 43% stake in Mobile Tornado Group plc in October 
   2006 enabled entry into mobile "Push To Talk" market;
*  Strengthening of new strategic focus through acquisition of Eescape Holdings 
   Ltd for #3m in January 2007.

Financial highlights:

Group performance:

*  Turnover reduced to #186.0m (2006: #284.7m) due to disposal of distribution 
*  Managed Services turnover increased to #33.0m (2006: #25.3m);
*  Group operating profit before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional items 
   #4.5m (2006: #3.7m);
*  Operating profit after exceptional costs of #0.5m (2006: #6.5m loss);
*  Loss after tax of #15.9m (2006: #11.8m), distribution operations accounted 
   for #11.8m (2006: #8.7m) of the Group loss;
*  Net cash of #10.3m following distribution sale (2006: #19.5m net debt);
*  Net tangible assets of #25.6m (2006: #14.0m).

Commenting on the results, Peter Wilkinson, Chief Executive of InTechnology plc,

"This has been a significant year for the Company, during which we have
implemented fundamental changes.  Having disposed of all of our Distribution
businesses and acquired Eescape Holdings Ltd, through which we have already
achieved success in cross-selling  products to our data services customers, our
focus is on increasing our leading position as a Managed Services specialist in
data and voice.  This is a high margin market, in which we believe we will
increase our penetration to deliver greater growth in revenues and profits.  I
am confident that without the distraction of the distribution business, we will
continue to build on the successes we have made thus far."


InTechnology plc                                            01423 850 000
Peter Wilkinson / Andrew Kaberry

Financial Dynamics                                          020 7831 3113
James Melville-Ross / Hannah Sloane

Chairman's introduction

The past year has seen the transformation of InTechnology from a distribution
dominated business to a specialist in data and voice Managed Services.  I am
pleased that the Company has ended the year with a strengthened balance sheet,
with net cash of #10.3m (2006: #19.5m net debt), and is now in a strong position
for sustained growth and profitability in the future.

The pressure on the margins on our Distribution Division to which I referred to
last year continued unabated during the early part of the year.  Operating costs
had been reduced to help alleviate the situation and profitability restored.
Nevertheless, when we were approached informally during the summer of 2006 by
companies interested in acquiring our Distribution business, the Directors took
the view that a sale would be in the best interest of the Company and its
shareholders.  A sale was negotiated and completed during December for a
consideration of #41 million cash.

Therefore, as a result of the disposal of the Distribution Division, your
Company is now purely a Managed Services business and I am pleased that the
future success of InTechnology now rests solely on the expanding and profitable
Managed Services business.

To expand these managed services, during the second half of the year, two
important investments were made:

*          In October 2006, a 43 per cent investment was made in Mobile
Tornado Group plc, costing #4m.  This takes our Group into mobile telephony; a
promising high growth market for its Managed Services.

*          In January 2007, the whole issued capital of Eescape Holdings Ltd,
and its trading subsidiary Evoxus Ltd, was acquired.  This enables your company
to offer a full range of telephony services to businesses as well as selling
VoIP technologies.

Our Group turnover reduced from #284.7m to #186.0m, but much of both figures
arise from discontinued operations.  Our Managed Services revenues increased to
#33.0m from #25.3m.

Group operating profit before amortisation of goodwill and exceptional items was
#4.5m (2006: #3.7m).  The Managed Services business contributed #1.5m of this
(2006: #1.7m).  This small reduction was affected by certain one-off costs.
Exceptional costs were #nilm (2006: #5.5m).  The loss on the sale of
Distribution businesses was #6.1m (2006: #3.7m).  The operating profit for the
Group after exceptional costs was #0.5m (2006: #6.5m loss).

Our objective for the coming year is clear.  It is to continue growth in our
Managed Services businesses.  Management focus is entirely on expanding the data
and voice services from which the company has already demonstrated its ability
to earn higher margins from its recurring revenues.

I would like to thank the staff whose loyalty, energy and professional skills
have kept pace with the many developments in the Company in the past year and
also our partners in all areas of the business.

I look forward to an exciting and successful year ahead.

Lord Parkinson
24 May 2007

Chief Executive's review:


This financial year has been one of great change at InTechnology and we ended
the year solely as a Managed Services business for Data and Voice.  We
completely exited the Distribution sector and made a key strategic investment
and an acquisition, both of which strengthen our Managed Voice Services ("MVS")
business.  The cash proceeds from the sale of all Distribution businesses
strengthened our balance sheet and resulted in the Company having net cash of
#10.3m instead of net debt as in the previous year.

The management team's key focus is grow revenues and increase operating margins.

Trading and operating performance

*  From the continuing operations of the Managed Services business:
   *   Turnover increased 30 per cent to #33.0m from #25.3m.  Turnover from
       the acquisition accounted for #3.8m (12 weeks)
   *   Earnings before interest, tax, amortisation of goodwill and exceptional 
       charges were #1.5m (2006: #1.7m) and exceptional charges were #nil
       (2006: #1.0m)

*  From the discontinued operations of Specialist Distribution:
   *   Turnover was #153.0m (2006: #259.4m)
   *   Earnings before interest, tax, amortisation of goodwill and exceptional 
       charges were #3.0m (2006: #2.0m)

Please note that the 2007 results include nine months trading to 31 December
2006 and are only for UK Specialist Distribution.  2006 comparatives include
twelve months trading for UK and European Specialist Distribution.

   *   The sale of UK Specialist Distribution caused a write down of goodwill of 
       #5.8m and because goodwill is not an eligible cost for taxation purposes 
       there is a corporation tax charge of #7.0m.  A final charge was made of
       #0.4m (2006: #3.7m) relating to the disposal of the continental European
       subsidiaries on 31 March 2006

   *   Group operating profit was #0.5m (2006: #6.5m loss) and the share of
       operating loss of our associated company, Mobile Tornado Group plc, 
       "Mobile Tornado" was #0.8m loss (2006: #nil)

   *   Net interest expense was #1.1m (2006: #2.2m).  The Group net cash on
       31 March 2007 was #10.3m (2006: #19.5m net debt) which reflects the 
       receipts from the disposal of Distribution businesses

Disposal of Specialist Distribution divisions

Following the disposal of the continental European Distribution business on 31
March 2006 we received approaches during the summer months to purchase the UK
Specialist Distribution division.  A sale for a cash consideration of #41m was
concluded on 29 December 2006, therefore completing InTechnology's withdrawal
from all Distribution activities.

In many of my reports over the past few years I have highlighted that
Distribution was a difficult business to maintain, never mind to grow.  There
has been relentless pressure from Vendors leading to margin erosion, and a
recognised trend towards consolidation in the distribution sector and in our
customer base.  These factors left me convinced that it was the right time to
exit from this business.  The sale to a European subsidiary of Arrow Electronics
Inc., a USA distributor, was efficiently transacted and completion accounts have
now been agreed.

All our offices in continental Europe were either transferred to the purchaser
or sub-let.  In the UK, the purchaser accepted the lease liabilities of the
offices in Theale and Threadneedle Street, London.  The latter was also used by
our Managed Services staff so we have leased an office suite at 17 St Helen's
Place, off Bishopsgate in the City of London.  The purchaser also entered into a
lease of our Harrogate freehold land and buildings, and we are concluding sale
negotiations of this freehold which will enhance our net cash position when the
contract is completed.

Acquisition and investment

Mobile Tornado Group plc

On 23 October 2006, we invested #4m cash in Mobile Tornado, listed on AIM,
giving InTechnology a 43 per cent holding.  Predating this investment both
myself and Richard James, Director of Legal Affairs and Company Secretary,
together held a further 16 per cent as private investors.  I became
non-executive Chairman of Mobile Tornado and Richard James became a Director.

Mobile Tornado owns intellectual property ("IP") in an exciting part of the
mobile and telco sector.  Its technology is developed in Israel and its global
sales and marketing activities are based in the UK.  The technology is in the
Push To Talk ("PTT") market, and subsets for PTT include Push To Video, Instant
Messaging, Push to Mail and Mobile Tornado is currently developing applications
with major infrastructure providers for the new emerging Internet protocol
Multimedia Subsystem ("IMS") platform.  Our #4m cash investment enables Mobile
Tornado to further develop its IP and secure sales contracts.

PTT is of particular interest to InTechnology.  Since the investment we have
spent considerable time and effort in developing a PTT managed service because
Mobile Tornado had designed it primarily for an operator.  We plan to launch in
the UK our PTT managed service in July and already have considerable interest
from a number of large volume clients.  Agreement has been reached with Mobile
Tornado for them to use the InTechnology PTT infrastructure for their other
managed service customers throughout Europe for a fixed cost per user per month
licence fee.

Evoxus Limited ("Evoxus")

In last year's Annual Report, we announced the creation of a new sales division
to strengthen our position in the rapidly expanding  IP Voice market.   In order
to further strengthen our position in the converging voice and data market we
acquired for #3m cash the whole issued share capital of Eescape Holdings Ltd and
its trading subsidiary Evoxus.  In addition we repaid shareholder and other debt
of #3.6m.  The total cash investment was #6.6m and we took on working capital
debt of #1.5m.

Evoxus has recurring third party revenues of approximately #15m per annum
derived primarily from the sale and management of phone minutes.  It has an
established infrastructure in place to manage large volumes of phone calls and
this complements our new IPVoice product.

Since the acquisition we have successfully integrated the Evoxus business with
our own Managed Voice Services sales division and are growing its range of voice
services including the PTT managed service.  The enlarged Managed Voice Services
business has already achieved success in cross selling its products to our data
services customers.

Managed Services ("MS")

MS revenues increased by 30 per cent to #33.0m.  Revenues from the acquisition
of Evoxus were #3.8m.  Operating profit before amortisation of goodwill and
exceptional charges was #1.5m (2006: #1.7m) and this reduction was caused by
three one-off factors:

*          There is an eighteen month programme finishing in September 2007 to
migrate our VBAK customers onto a new technology platform.  The cost of this
last year was #0.5m.

*          The operating costs of the new Managed Voice Services sales and
support teams created in May 2006 were #1.0m.  Customer contracts were won but
recognised revenues will only be achieved in the new financial year.

*          Certain general and administrative costs have been allocated between
MS and the Distribution division.  Following the sale of UK Distribution on 29
December 2006 the operating costs of the remaining MS division increased by

Our recurring annualised revenues at 31 March 2007 were #48.3m (2006: #28.5m) of
which the Evoxus third party revenues were #15.0m.  Our churn of contracts not
renewed or lost for financial reasons was reduced to 6.6 per cent (2006: 9.7 per

In last year's report I mentioned the reorganisation that was underway in MS

*          The consolidation of the Harrogate offices from three separate
buildings into one dedicated MS facility adjacent to our northern data centre.
This was successfully completed on time.

*          The reorganisation of the sales forces into new business and customer
care teams.  This change, together with investment in new CRM and ERP systems,
has had great impact and assisted the reduction in contract churn.  We are far
closer to our user base than we have ever been and, considering that this is our
key asset in an annuity stream business, I intend to make sure it stays this

During the year and with the sale of the Distribution business underway I
carried out a major review of the MS business.  The result is as follows:

*          InTechnology is completely focussed on its MS business without the
constant distraction and resource demanding Distribution business. As a result,
we now market our services direct to the end-user whereas in past years we were
prevented by the perceived threats to the Distribution business and so marketed
everything via partners. We can now maximise the opportunities from a user base
of nearly 500 customers with new products and services.

*          We are now able to offer replication storage hardware with associated
services within our Data Services product portfolio.  This is another direct
consequence of disposing of UK Distribution.

*          Recognising the continuing convergence of data and voice our new
Managed Voice Services division required more strength and depth.  The
acquisiton of Evoxus and managed services opportunity from the investment in
Mobile Tornado now enables InTechnology to offer very compelling services
offerings to the market.

Our centre of expertise for data is our Harrogate head office and that of voice
in Reading, the offices of Evoxus.  The new London office supports both.

*          To enable an increase in operating margins we must not only win and
secure new business, but increase productivity.  To do the latter we have
embarked on an ambitious investment project to review and then automate all
business processes.  One target will be to limit the growth rate in staff
numbers, currently 183, to well below the percentage increases in revenues.

*          We will create a new professional services division to maximise
consultancy opportunities in our user base and will continue to invest in
customer support, provisioning and service delivery.


Steve Pearce resigned on 29 December 2006 following the disposal of our UK
Distribution division to become its Managing Director.  Steve had been with us
since 1995 and held senior management roles in Managed Services and latterly UK
Distribution.  We shall miss the enthusiasm and commitment that he brought to
the business and wish him well for the future.

Mark Lower joined the Board on 23 May 2006, but resigned on 5 January 2007 in
order to pursue other interests.


Our net cash at 31 March 2007 stood at #10.3m (2006: #19.5m net debt), thanks
largely to the disposal of all Distribution businesses.

Net cash will be increased by the proposed sale of our freehold land and
buildings and receipt of all final Distribution sale consideration, less the
final payment of the corporation tax arising on the sale of UK Distribution net


We start the new year in good shape with new products to be launched during this
year in both Data and Voice divisions.  The balance sheet is strengthened and
the Evoxus acquisition has increased our recurring annualised revenues to #48m
at the start of the year.

The enlarged Managed Services business has great opportunities and it is our
challenge to achieve these.  The year has commenced in line with our
expectations and therefore the Board remains confident of the outcome for this
new year.

Peter Wilkinson
Chief Executive Officer
24 May 2007

Consolidated profit & loss account
For the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                              (Unaudited)             (Audited)
                                                                     2007                  2006
                                                  Note              #'000                 #'000

Continuing operations
          - Existing                                               29,203                25,334
          - Acquisitions                                            3,790                     -
Discontinued operations                                           153,030               259,395
                                                                  186,023               284,729
Less: Share of turnover of associate                                 (13)                     -
Group Turnover                                     2              186,010               284,729
Cost of sales                                                   (148,632)             (235,656)
Gross profit                                                       37,378                49,073

Net operating expenses before depreciation,
     amortisation of goodwill and exceptional items              (28,115)              (39,623)
Depreciation                                                      (4,805)               (5,716)
Amortisation of goodwill                                          (3,994)               (4,732)
Exceptional costs of reorganisation:
          - Continuing operations                                       -               (2,387)
          - Discontinued operations                                     -               (3,104)

Net operating expenses                                           (36,914)              (55,562)

Group operating profit/(loss)
Continuing operations                                               (804)               (1,532)
Acquisitions                                                         (60)                     -
Discontinued operations                                             1,328               (4,957)
Group operating profit/(loss)                      2                  464               (6,489)

Share of operating loss of associate                                (781)                     -

Total operating loss                                                (317)               (6,489)

Loss on sale of business assets                    3              (5,752)                     -
Loss on sale of subsidiary undertakings            3                (373)               (3,661)

Net interest payable
          - Group                                                 (1,164)               (2,226)
          - Associate                                                  17                     -

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                       (7,589)              (12,376)

Tax on loss on ordinary activities                 4              (1,347)                   530
Tax on sale of business assets                     4              (6,999)                     -

Loss sustained for the financial year                            (15,935)              (11,846)

Loss per share (pence)
Basic and diluted                                  5              (11.23)                (8.39)

Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                                           (Unaudited)             (Audited)
                                                                                  2007                  2006
                                                                                 #'000                 #'000

Loss sustained for the financial year
- Group                                                                       (15,171)              (11,846)
- Associate                                                                      (764)                     -
                                                                              (15,935)              (11,846)
Prior year adjustment - FRS 20 'Share-based Payment'                             (407)                     -
Total recognised gains and losses since last annual report                    (16,342)              (11,846)

Consolidated balance sheet
As at 31 March 2007

                                                                           (Unaudited)           (Audited)
                                                                                  2007                2006
                                                                                 #'000               #'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                                               38,027              65,104
Tangible assets                                                                  9,611              10,424
Interest in associate                                                            3,301                   -
                                                                                50,939              75,528

Current assets
Stocks                                                                              92               6,622
Debtors                                                                         16,863              88,518
Cash at bank and in hand                                                        12,782              12,719
                                                                                29,737             107,859

Creditors - amounts falling due within one year                               (16,499)           (100,285)
Net current assets                                                              13,238               7,574
Total assets less current liabilities                                           64,177              83,102

Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year                         (594)             (4,015)

Net assets                                                                      63,583              79,087

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                          1,899               1,891
Share premium account                                                          188,843             188,668
Revaluation reserve                                                              1,595               1,646
Share option reserve                                                               829                 581
Profit and loss account                                                      (129,583)           (113,699)
Shareholders' funds                                                             63,583              79,087

Consolidated cash flow statement
As at 31 March 2007

                                                                                    (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                                           2007            2,006
                                                                     Note                 #'000            #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                             6                  12,437           10,667

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                                           204               92
Interest element of finance lease payments                                                (194)            (232)
Interest paid                                                                           (1,074)          (2,008)

Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing
 of finance                                                                             (1,064)          (2,148)

Taxation paid                                                                           (4,990)            (822)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                                       (3,145)          (2,077)
Sale of business assets                                                                  39,998                -
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                                                72               67
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure and
 financial investment                                                                    36,925          (2,010)

Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of subsidiary undertakings                                                     (3,000)                -
Borrowings acquired with subsidiary undertakings                                        (5,143)                -
Sale of subsidiary undertakings                                                           4,630                -
Cash disposed of on sale of subsidiary undertakings                                           -          (2,185)
Investment in associated undertaking                                                    (4,000)                -
Net cash outflow for acquisitions and disposals                                         (7,513)          (2,185)

Net cash inflow before financing                                                         35,795            3,502

Issue of ordinary share capital                                                             183                -
Capital element of finance lease payments                                               (1,457)          (1,706)
Net (decrease)/increase in borrowings                                                  (34,455)              431
Net cash outflow from financing                                                        (35,729)          (1,275)

Increase in cash in the year                                          7                      66            2,227

Notes to the Preliminary Announcement
For the year ended 31 March 2007

1 Basis of preparation

The unaudited financial information included in this Preliminary Announcement
does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985.  The financial information has been prepared on the basis of
accounting policies consistent with those set out in the statutory Annual Report
and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2006 which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave an unqualified opinion,
with the exception of the adoption of FRS 20, 'Share-based Payment'.   The
adoption of this standard represents a change in accounting policy and the
comparative figures have been restated accordingly. The effects of the change on
net operating expenses and the tax credit for the year ended 31 March 2006 are
summarised as follows:

The Group operates a number of equity-settled, share-based compensation plans.
The fair value of the employee services received in exchange for the grant of
the options is recognised as an expense. The total amount to be expensed over
the vesting period is determined by reference to the fair value of the options
granted, excluding the impact of any non-market vesting conditions (for example,
profitability and sales growth targets). Non-market vesting conditions are
included in assumptions about the number of options that are expected to vest.
At each balance sheet date, the group revises its estimates of the number of
options that are expected to vest. It recognises the impact of the revision to
original estimates, if any, in the profit and loss account, with a corresponding
adjustment to equity.  The proceeds received net of any directly attributable
transaction costs are credited to share capital (nominal value) and share
premium when the options are exercised.

                                                             Net operating    Tax credit
                                                                     #'000         #'000
Year ended 31 March 2006
As previously stated                                              (55,298)           451
Restated                                                          (55,562)           530

The net effect of the change in policy in the year ended 31 March 2006 is to
increase net operating expenses by #264,000, increase the tax credit on the loss
on ordinary activities by #79,200 and increase the loss sustained for the
financial year by #184,800.

The cumulative effect of implementing the policy is to increase Group reserves
at 31 March 2006 by #174,000 (2005: #95,000).  The changes are summarised as

                                                   Share option    Profit and      Shareholders'
                                                        reserve          loss              funds
                                                          #'000         #'000              #'000
Year ended 31 March 2006
As previously stated                                          -     (112,389)             79,816
Restated                                                    581     (112,796)             79,990

Year ended 31 March 2005
As previously stated                                          -     (100,836)             91,477
Restated                                                    317     (101,058)             91,572

The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007, on which the
auditors have still to report, will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies
and will be posted to shareholders on 4 July 2007.  Further copies are available
on request from the registered office of the Company at Central House, Beckwith
Knowle, Otley Road, Harrogate, HG3 1UG.

2 Segmental information

                                       Turnover                  Turnover            Group operating profit/(loss)
                                          by                        by                         by
                                      destination                 source                     source
                                (Unaudited)    (Audited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited)     (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                       2007         2006          2007        2006            2007        2006
                                      #'000        #'000         #'000       #'000           #'000       #'000

 Geographical analysis
 United Kingdom                     185,911      210,944       186,010     214,966             464     (1,149)
 Continental Europe                      99       72,488             -      69,763               -     (5,340)
 North America                            -          555             -           -               -           -
 South and Central America                -          151             -           -               -           -
 Africa                                   -          455             -           -               -           -
 Asia                                     -          136             -           -               -           -
 Total                              186,010      284,729       186,010     284,729             464     (6,489)

                                       Turnover                      Group operating profit/(loss)
                                                              Before goodwill      After goodwill amortisation
                                                           and exceptional items      and exceptional items
                                (Unaudited)    (Audited)   (Unaudited)   (Audited)     (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                       2007         2006          2007        2006            2007        2006
                                                                        (Restated)                  (Restated)
                                      #'000        #'000         #'000       #'000           #'000       #'000

 Business analysis
 Continuing operations
   - Managed Services                32,980       25,334         1,503       1,699           (864)     (1,532)
 Discontinued operations
   - Specialist                     153,030      259,395         2,955       2,035           1,328     (4,957)
 Total                              186,010      284,729         4,458       3,734             464     (6,489)

 Net assets/(liabilities)                                        Including                  Excluding
                                                                 goodwill                   goodwill
                                                           (Unaudited)   (Audited)     (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                                                  2007        2006            2007        2006
                                                                        (Restated)                  (Restated)
                                                                 #'000       #'000           #'000       #'000

 Geographical analysis
 United Kingdom                                                 63,701      80,113          25,674      15,009
 Continental Europe                                              (118)       (123)           (118)       (123)
 Group Total                                                    63,583      79,990          25,556      14,886

 Business analysis
Continuing operations
   - Managed Services (excluding cash)                          50,801      22,065          12,774    (10,608)
Discontinued operations                                              -                           -
   - Specialist Distribution (excluding                                     45,206                      12,775
                                                                50,801      67,271          12,774       2,167
 Cash                                                           12,782      12,719          12,782      12,719
 Group Total                                                    63,583      79,990          25,556      14,886

The segmental analysis above excludes net interest payable of #1,147,000 (2006:
#2,226,000) which is not analysed by business segment.

3 Loss on sale of business assets and subsidiaries

                                                                    (Unaudited)    (Audited)
                                                                           2007         2006
                                                                          #'000        #'000

Cash proceeds                                                            41,000            -
Less: Net assets disposed with distribution business                   (15,582)            -
Costs associated with the disposal                                        (305)            -
Accelerated employee share option adjustment                               (61)            -
Gain on disposal of net tangible assets                                  25,052            -
Goodwill disposed with distribution business                           (30,804)            -
Loss on sale of business assets                                         (5,752)            -
Taxation                                                                (6,999)            -

Loss on sale of subsidiary undertakings                                   (373)      (3,661)

On 29 December 2006 the Group sold the trade, net tangible assets and goodwill
of its United Kingdom distribution business for a consideration of #41,000,000
in cash.  #1,000,000 of the consideration remains unpaid at the year end and
will be paid on agreement of the completion accounts.  The sale resulted in a
loss on disposal of #5,752,000 but because goodwill is not an allowable cost for
taxation purposes there is a corporation tax charge on disposal of #6,999,000.

On 31 March 2006 the Group had substantially sold its European operations which
resulted in a provisional loss on disposal of Euro5,246,000 (#3,661,000) dependent
on collection of debtors and the fair valuation of stock to be finalised on 31
March 2007.  An additional loss on sale of subsidiary undertakings of #373,000
has been recognised on the disposal of the European operations.

As a result of the material change in the nature and focus of the Group's
operations that this disposal represented, the UK Distribution operations have
been shown as discontinued operations in the financial statements (2006: the
European operations were classified as discontinued operations).

Cost of sales attributed to continuing operations were #11,797,000 and
discontinued operations were #136,835,000.  Net operating expenses attributed to
continuing operations were #22,281,000 and discontinued operations were

4 Tax on loss on ordinary activities

                                                                               (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                                      2007             2006
                                                                                     #'000            #'000

Tax charge comprises:
United Kingdom corporation tax at 30% (2006: 30%)
Current                                                                            (8,136)            (600)
Over provision in respect of prior years                                                 -              207
UK current tax                                                                     (8,136)            (393)
Overseas current tax                                                                     -             (62)
Overseas over provision in respect of prior years                                        -                7
Total current tax                                                                  (8,136)            (448)
Deferred tax current year - origination and reversal of timing differences            (75)               32
Deferred tax in respect of prior years                                               (135)              946
                                                                                   (8,346)              530

The tax charge is higher (2006: higher) than the standard rate of corporation
tax in the UK.  The differences are explained as follows:
                                                                               (Unaudited)        (Audited)
                                                                                      2007             2006
                                                                                     #'000            #'000

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                        (7,589)         (12,376)

At standard rate of corporation tax of 30% (2006: 30%)                             (2,277)          (3,713)

Effects of:
Amortisation of goodwill                                                             1,232            1,409
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                                 -                3
Adjustment to tax charge in respect of previous periods                                  -            (214)
Capital allowances for year lower than depreciation                                    275              489
Other permanent differences                                                          2,094              473
Deferred tax not recognised                                                            197              879
Taxable gain on disposal of Distribution business                                    6,999            1,104
Disallowable exceptional costs                                                           -              475
Utilisation of losses                                                                (384)            (536)
Other timing differences                                                                 -               79
                                                                                     8,136              448

At 31 March 2007, the Company had accumulated tax losses of #17,000,000 (2006:
#1,188,000 which should be available for offset against future trading profits
of certain Group operations.

5 Loss per share

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary
shareholders of #15,935,000 (2006: #11,846,000) by the weighted average number
of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 141,885,401 (2006: 141,111,944).

The adjusted basic earnings per share has been calculated to provide a better
understanding of the underlying performance of the Group as follows:

                                                               (Unaudited)                    (Audited)
                                                                   2007                         2006
                                                            Basic and diluted             Basic and diluted
                                                             (Loss)/      (Loss)/         (Loss)/       (Loss)/
                                                            earnings     earnings        earnings      earnings
                                                                        per share                     per share
                                                                                       (Restated)    (Restated)
                                                               #'000        pence           #'000         pence
Loss attributable to ordinary shareholders
- Continuing operations                                      (4,139)       (2.92)         (6,889)        (4.88)
- Discontinued operations                                   (11,796)       (8.31)         (4,957)        (3.51)
Total loss attributable to ordinary shareholders            (15,935)      (11.23)        (11,846)        (8.39)
Employee share option adjustment                                 131         0.09             185          0.13
Amortisation of goodwill                                       2,796         1.97           3,312          2.35
Exceptional costs of reorganisation                                -            -           5,491          3.89
Loss on sale of business assets (note 3)                       5,734         4.04               -             -
Tax on sale of business assets (note 3)                        6,999         4.93               -             -
Loss on sale of subsidiary undertakings (note 3)                 373         0.26           3,661          2.59
Share of operating loss of associate                             764         0.54               -             -
Adjusted basic earnings per share                                862         0.61             803          0.57

The loss attributable to ordinary shareholders and the weighted average number
of ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating the diluted earnings per
ordinary share are identical to those used for basic earnings per ordinary
share.  This is because the exercise of share options would have the effect of
reducing the loss per ordinary share and is therefore not dilutive under the
terms of FRS 22 'Earnings per share'.

6 Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating

                                                                       (Unaudited)       (Audited)
                                                                              2007            2006
                                                                             #'000           #'000

Continuing operations
Operating loss                                                               (864)         (1,149)
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                        4,231           5,417
Goodwill amortisation                                                        2,367           4,450
Exceptional costs of reorganisation - fixed asset depreciation                   -              83
(Profit)/loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets                            (35)             331
Exchange movements                                                            (17)              44
Share option non-cash change                                                   164              70
Decrease in stocks                                                             211           5,975
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                                               4,081         (4,726)
Decrease in creditors and provisions                                       (4,734)           (333)
Net cash inflow from continuing operations                                   5,404          10,162
Discontinued operations
Operating profit/(loss)                                                      1,328         (5,340)
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                          574             299
Goodwill amortisation                                                        1,627             282
Exceptional costs of reorganisation - fixed asset depreciation                   -             249
Share option non-cash change                                                    23             194
Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets                                    (1)               -
Exchange movements                                                              34            (39)
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                                                6,374           (748)
Decrease in debtors                                                         56,172           1,882
(Decrease)/increase in creditors and provisions                           (59,098)           3,726
Net cash inflow from discontinued operations                                 7,033             505
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                   12,437          10,667

7 Analysis of net debt

                                     At 1   Cashflow   Acquisition  Disposals   Exchange       Other  At 31 March
                                    April               (excluding             movements    non-cash         2007
                                     2006                 cash and                           changes                
                                    #'000      #'000         #'000      #'000      #'000       #'000        #'000

Cash at bank and in hand           12,719         66                        -        (3)           -       12,782
Finance leases                    (1,481)      1,457         (297)          -          -       (964)      (1,285)
Debt due after more than one
year                              (3,750)      3,750             -          -          -           -            -
Debt due within one year         (26,940)     30,705       (4,846)          -          -       (100)      (1,181)
Net debt                         (19,452)     35,978       (5,143)          -        (3)     (1,064)       10,316

8 Acquisitions

The group purchased Eescape Holdings Limited on 9 January 2007 for a total
consideration of #3.0m.  The total adjustments required to the book values of
the assets and liabilities acquired in order to present the net assets at fair
values in accordance with group accounting principles were #137,000, details of
which are set out together with the resultant amount of goodwill arising.

Eescape Holdings Limited contributed #162,000 to the group's net operating cash
flows, received #51,000 of interest, #nil in respect of taxation and utilised
#8,000 for capital expenditure.

In its last financial year to 31 March 2006, Eescape Holdings Limited made a
loss after tax of #2.0m.  For the period since that date to the date of
acquisition, Eescape Holdings Limited management accounts show:

Turnover                                                       12,030
Operating profit                                                   91
Loss before taxation                                            (149)
Taxation                                                            -
Total recognised loss for the period                            (149)

                                                                 Consistency of
                                                        Book         accounting                    Fair
                                                       value             policy      Other        value
                                                       #'000              #'000      #'000        #'000

Tangible fixed assets                                  1,042               (92)      (169)          781
Investments                                                -                                          -
Stock                                                     55                                         55
Debtors                                                3,088                                      3,088
Cash                                                       2                                          2
Creditors                                            (8,697)                104         20      (8,573)
Net assets acquired                                  (4,510)                 12      (149)      (4,647)
Goodwill arising on acquisition                                                                   7,721
Consideration                                          3,074                  -          -        3,074

Discharged by:
Cash consideration                                     3,000                                      3,000
Costs associated with the acquisition                     74                                         74
                                                       3,074                  -          -        3,074

The fair value adjustment for alignment of accounting policies reflects the
restatement of assets and liabilities in accordance with the group's policies
including: the removal of capitalised development costs (#92,000).

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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