Invesco Perpetual select trust plc 
                         Half-Yearly Financial Report 
                       Six Months Ended 30 November 2010 
Invesco Perpetual Select Trust plc (`the Company') is an investment trust which 
is intended as a long-term investment vehicle for investors and has an 
indefinite life. 
The Company provides shareholders with a choice of investment policies and 
objectives, each intended to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns from 
segregated portfolios. 
The Company's share capital comprises the following four classes of shares each 
of which has its own separate portfolio of assets and liabilities: 
- UK Equity; 
- Global Equity; 
- Hedge Fund; and 
- Managed Liquidity. 
Invesco Asset Management Limited manages the UK Equity, Global Equity and 
Managed Liquidity Share Portfolios. The Hedge Fund Share Portfolio is advised 
by Fauchier Partners, a hedge fund specialist. 
Investment Policy 
The Company's Investment Policy, which includes the investment objectives, 
policies and risks and investment limits for the Company and the separate 
Portfolios, is disclosed in full on pages 26 to 29 of the 2010 annual financial 
report, a copy of which can be found at www.invescoperpetual.co.uk/ 
investmenttrusts. Within this report, the investment objective of each 
Portfolio is shown at the start of the applicable Portfolio Manager's Report. 
Share Class Conversion 
The Company enables shareholders to tailor their asset allocation to reflect 
their view of prevailing markets through the opportunity to convert capital 
gains tax free between share classes every six months. PERFORMANCE STATISTICS 
The Company commenced trading on 23 November 2006 
UK Equity Share Portfolio 
                                         SIX MONTHS  YEAR ENDED      SIX MONTHS 
                                              ENDED      31 MAY           ENDED 
                                        30 NOVEMBER                 30 NOVEMBER 
                                               2010        2010            2010 
                                                                   TOTAL RETURN 
Net asset value* - total return                                           +9.5% 
Share price* - total return                                              +10.1% 
Discount at period end                         3.1%        3.4% 
FTSE All-Share Index* - total                                             +8.6% 
Revenue return per share                       1.8p        3.7p 
Dividend - first interim                      1.65p       1.65p 
Dividend - second interim                       n/a       2.15p 
Global Equity Share Portfolio 
                                         SIX MONTHS  YEAR ENDED      SIX MONTHS 
                                              ENDED      31 MAY           ENDED 
                                        30 NOVEMBER                 30 NOVEMBER 
                                               2010        2010            2010 
                                                                   TOTAL RETURN 
Net asset value* - total return                                           +0.8% 
Share price* - total return                                               +1.3% 
Discount at period end                         3.5%        3.8% 
MSCI World Index (GBP)* - total                                             +4.3% 
Revenue return per share                       0.7p        1.5p 
Dividend - first interim                      0.45p       0.45p 
Dividend - second interim                       n/a       0.90p 
Hedge Fund Share Portfolio 
                                         SIX MONTHS  YEAR ENDED      SIX MONTHS 
                                              ENDED      31 MAY           ENDED 
                                        30 NOVEMBER                 30 NOVEMBER 
                                               2010        2010            2010 
                                                                   TOTAL RETURN 
Net asset value* - total return                                           -0.1% 
Share price* - total return                                               -3.5% 
Discount at period end                          8.1%       4.8% 
3 months LIBOR +5% pa - total                                             +2.9% 
Managed Liquidity Share Portfolio 
                                         SIX MONTHS  YEAR ENDED      SIX MONTHS 
                                              ENDED      31 MAY           ENDED 
                                        30 NOVEMBER                 30 NOVEMBER 
                                               2010        2010            2010 
                                                                   TOTAL RETURN 
Net asset value* - total return                                           +0.4% 
Share price* - total return                                                0.0% 
Discount at period end                          2.6%       2.3% 
Revenue return per share                        0.1p       0.3p 
Dividend - first interim                           -       0.4p 
Dividend - second interim                        n/a          - 
* Source: Thomson Datastream 
Investment Objective and Policy 
The Company's investment objective is to provide shareholders with a choice of 
investment strategies and policies, each intended to generate attractive 
risk-adjusted returns. 
The Company's share capital comprises four share classes: UK Equity Shares, 
Global Equity Shares, Hedge Fund Shares and Managed Liquidity Shares, each of 
which has its own separate portfolio of assets and attributable liabilities. 
The Investment Policies of the Portfolios have not changed during the financial 
period under review. However, the Board has decided, in conjunction with the 
Manager, to change the Benchmark for the Global Equity Portfolio with effect 
from the second half of the current year. The MSCI All Countries World Index 
has been adopted in place of the MSCI World Index. The Board believes that this 
more accurately reflects the universe of companies from which the Portfolio 
Manager selects the Company's investments. 
The Company enables shareholders to tailor their asset allocation to reflect 
their view of prevailing market conditions. Shareholders have the opportunity 
to convert between share classes capital gains tax free every six months. 
The six month period to the end of November 2010 saw within it the beginning of 
a substantial improvement in equity markets, which has carried through until 
the time of writing. This did not start until July, after an initial decline, 
so that for the period, the MSCI World Index rose by 4.3% and the FTSE 
All-Share Index by 8.6%. The principal macro-economic worries of the first half 
of 2010, specifically the possibility that the Eurozone would break up and a 
renewed recession in the US, became less of a concern. Not only was there 
considerable evidence of the determination of governments to prevent either of 
these outcomes but economic and corporate news continued to be mostly upbeat 
and ahead of recently subdued expectations. The presence of a very steep yield 
curve with mostly real negative short-term interest rates also put a lot of 
pressure on investors to take more risk in order potentially to achieve higher 
returns. In NAV terms, the Company's more secure Managed Liquidity and Hedge 
Fund Portfolios, whose objectives are derived from cash returns, did not 
participate in this improvement rising by 0.4% and falling by 0.1% 
The Global Equity Portfolio returned 0.8% over the period which was slightly 
disappointing from a relative point of view. The shortfall was largely due to 
overweight positions in strong, less cyclical companies which did not excite a 
market more interested in an improvement in the rate of economic growth. 
However, the performance of the UK Equity Portfolio, which returned 9.5% helped 
by good performance from an overweight position in utilities, was ahead of the 
FTSE All-Share Index. The returns from the Hedge Fund Portfolio at 1.1% before 
the costs of the structure were disappointing in a period which did provide a 
number of opportunities of both a macro and asset class nature and was not 
particularly different from many other periods in the past. The Managed 
Liquidity Portfolio's returns simply reflected very low short-term interest 
Board of Directors 
John Martin retired as a Director of the Company with effect from 1 November 
2010. John made a valuable contribution during his years of service as a 
Director of both the Company and that of its predecessor, Merrill Lynch Asset 
Allocator plc. He will be missed and his colleagues wish him the very best for 
the future. 
Until his retirement, John also acted as the Company's Senior Independent 
Director. The Board has now appointed Alan Clifton as Senior Independent 
Director, who is available to shareholders if they have concerns which contact 
through the normal channels of Chairman, Manager or Company Secretary have 
failed to resolve or for which such contact is inappropriate. 
It remains the Directors' policy to distribute substantially all net revenues 
earned between each conversion date for each share class. 
On 19 November 2010 first interim dividends were paid as follows: 
UK Equity Shares: 1.65p 
Global Equity Shares: 0.45p 
In consequence of the very low interest rates prevailing in the period, the net 
revenue of the Managed Liquidity Portfolio had been minimal. In view of the 
administrative costs, the Directors decided not to declare a first interim 
dividend on the Managed Liquidity Shares. Again, the net revenue earned will be 
taken into account in considering the second interim dividend for the year 
ending 31 May 2011, expected to be declared in April 2011. 
Little or no net income is expected from the assets underlying the Hedge Fund 
Shares and no dividends are expected to be paid. 
Share Buy Backs 
During the six months to 30 November 2010, the Company purchased and placed in 
treasury 1,303,000 UK Equity Shares, 625,000 Global Equity Shares, 729,000 
Hedge Fund Shares and 1,607,000 Managed Liquidity Shares. 
Since the period end, a further 140,000 Managed Liquidity shares were purchased 
and placed in treasury. The Board intends to use the Company's buy back 
authorities when this will benefit existing shareholders as a whole, and will 
ask shareholders to renew the authorities at the Company's AGM each year and at 
other times should it be within shareholders' interests to do so. 
At the AGM held in September 2010, the Company was authorised in accordance 
with the Companies Act 2006 to make market purchases of ordinary shares up to a 
maximum number of shares equating to 14.99% of the total shares then in issue 
of each share class. This authority will be utilised when financial and stock 
market conditions allow and in the best interests of the Company and of its 
Shareholders as a whole. 
The mood of markets has improved and valuations have risen since the summer. 
This still appears to leave equity markets in a good position even if more 
expensive than before. Above all there are still plenty of economic problems to 
worry about. It will be when everything looks rosy and equity valuations are 
significantly higher than they are now, that this market strength will come to 
an end. In the meantime its strongest supports are the strength of the 
corporate sector and the absence of attractive alternatives. Its 
vulnerabilities are the risk of renewed demand for credit, which will undermine 
present low long-term rates of interest and the possibility that governments 
will continue for too long to create money in order to support demand and 
possibly surreptitiously to reduce their debts in real terms. 
Patrick Gifford 
27 January 2011 
Related Party 
Invesco Asset Management Limited (`IAML'), a wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco 
Limited, acts as Manager and Company Secretary to the Company. Details of 
IAML's services and fee arrangements can be found in the 2010 annual financial 
report, a copy of which can be found on the Manager's website at 
www.invescoperpetual.co.uk/investmenttrusts, and in note 2. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
A detailed explanation of principal risks and uncertainties can be found on 
pages 34 to 37 of the Company's 2010 annual financial report, which is 
available on the Manager's website. 
These are disclosed under the following headings: 
* Investment Policy; 
* Risks Applicable to the Company; 
* Compulsory Conversion of a Class of Shares; 
* Liability of a Portfolio for the Liabilities of Another Portfolio; 
* Gearing; 
* Market Movements and Portfolio Performance; 
* Hedging; 
* Regulatory and Tax Related; 
* Additional Risks Applicable to Managed Liquidity Shares; 
* Additional Risks Applicable to Hedge Fund Shares; and 
* Reliance on Third Party Service Providers. 
In the view of the Board these principal risks and uncertainties are equally 
applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to 
the six months under review. 
Going Concern 
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The 
Directors consider this the appropriate basis as the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. In 
reaching this conclusion, the Directors took into account the Company's 
Investment Policy; its risk management policies; the diversified portfolio of 
readily realisable securities which can be used to meet funding commitments; 
the credit facility and the overdraft which can be used for both long-term and 
short-term funding requirements; the liquidity of the investments which can be 
used to repay the overdraft in the event that the facility could not be renewed 
or replaced; and the ability of the Company to meet all its liabilities and 
ongoing expenses. 
in respect of the preparation of the half-yearly financial report 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report 
using accounting policies consistent with applicable law and UK Accounting 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
  * the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half-yearly 
    financial report have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting 
    Standards Board's Statement "Half-Yearly Financial Report"; 
  * the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
    required by DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R of the FSA's Disclosure and 
    Transparency Rules; and 
  * the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
    required on related party transactions. 
The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the 
Company's auditors. 
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors. 
Patrick Gifford 
27 January 2011 
Shares are convertible at the option of holders into any other class of share 
on or around 1 May and 1 November each year. Notice from a shareholder to 
convert any class of share on any conversion date will be required up to a 
maximum of ten business days prior to the relevant conversion date, save in the 
case of the conversion of Hedge Fund shares in relation to which notice to 
convert must be given approximately four months prior to the relevant 
conversion date because of the less liquid nature of the underlying hedge fund 
investments. However, Hedge Fund shareholders do not have to choose which class 
of Share to convert into until ten days before the conversion date. Forms for 
conversion will be despatched to shareholders for completion in time for each 
respective share class conversion. 
Conversion from one class of shares into another will be on the basis of a 
ratio derived from the prevailing underlying net asset value of each class of 
relevant share, calculated shortly before the date of conversion. 
The Directors have been advised that conversion of one class of share into 
another will not be treated as a disposal for the purposes of UK Capital Gains 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the UK Equity Share Portfolio is to provide 
shareholders with an attractive real long-term total return by investing 
primarily in UK quoted equities. 
Market and Economic Review 
Despite occasional bursts of volatility, UK equity markets made solid progress 
in the six months to the end of November 2010. Concerns about sovereign debt in 
the Eurozone, together with worries about the outlook for economic growth, were 
countered by positive corporate earnings and generally better than expected 
domestic economic news. 
Third quarter GDP growth in the UK of 2.8% year-on-year, came in comfortably 
ahead of forecasts, helped by strong contributions from services and 
construction. However, inflationary pressures were also evident, with the 
consumer price measure remaining well above the Bank of England's 2% target. 
Despite the current strength of inflation, the MPC held interest rates at 0.5% 
over this period and continued to forecast that inflationary pressures will 
subside over the next two years. Corporate sector newsflow was generally 
positive and renewed merger and acquisition activity also lent support to stock 
prices. International Power, SSL International and Tomkins were among the 
companies to receive takeover approaches. Vodafone announced improvements in 
service and data revenues and plans to sell minority holdings. British American 
Tobacco and Imperial Tobacco boosted their dividends and Reckitt Benckiser 
reported a 19% rise in third quarter profits. 
Portfolio Strategy and Review 
On a total return basis, the Portfolio's net asset value rose by 9.5% during 
the 6 months to the end of November 2010, compared to a gain of 8.6% in the 
FTSE All-Share Index - total return. 
The Portfolio's performance was robust in the six months to the end of 
November. The Portfolio's exposure to the utilities sector was positive, 
including the holdings of Northumbrian Water and Pennon, with International 
Power rising by 40% following its agreement to merge with French utility group 
GDF Suez. The large allocation to BT was also positive, as the group continued 
to demonstrate improving profitability and cash flow. The upbeat tone to the 
group's results saw the shares rise by 33%. Also in the telecom sector Vodafone 
was positive as the group made progress in disposing of minority stakes in 
other businesses. Relative performance was also boosted by a small allocation 
to the oil and gas sector. 
Among the areas to detract from portfolio performance was the support services 
sector. The holding in Capita was relatively weak following the group's 
announcement that the impact on earnings of the government's austerity measures 
would be greater than initially thought. Within the media sector the holding of 
Yell was disappointing, following weak first quarter profits and a cautious 
statement on the economic outlook. An absence of holdings in the mining sector 
was a drag on relative performance. 
In terms of portfolio strategy, the Portfolio Manager is seeking exposure to 
companies that can continue to provide growth despite the weak outlook for the 
economy. At the current time large cap stocks offer the strongest combination 
of attractive valuations and healthy fundamentals. These businesses generally 
have robust balance sheets, diversified revenues and low volatility of 
earnings. In a number of cases, companies in sectors such as tobacco, support 
services, utilities, pharmaceuticals and telecoms already offer healthy 
dividend yields and they can also deliver sustainable dividend growth. 
The Portfolio is also structured so that the majority of earnings come from 
outside the UK and where the Portfolio does have UK exposure, it is largely in 
companies that have reliable and dependable earnings and cash flows. A large 
part of the earnings come from North America and from emerging markets and the 
Portfolio Manager believes these businesses are well positioned to exploit the 
opportunities being generated in some of the world's fastest growing economies. 
While some of the most compelling stocks in the UK market are in the large cap 
arena, the Portfolio also has exposure to both mid and small cap stocks where 
the Portfolio Manager has identified businesses with strong long-term growth 
potential. This includes names such as Chemring and Halfords, which were added 
to the Portfolio during the period, while disposals of National Grid, Rolls 
Royce and Sage took advantage of strong share price performances. 
Overall, the Portfolio Manager believes that the Portfolio has a good balance 
across market capitalisations and also in terms of earnings diversification. 
While the economy has stabilised in recent quarters, the Portfolio Manager 
believes that we will not experience a straightforward recovery and that 
substantial risks remain, as exemplified by very poor fourth quarter 
preliminary GDP figures. These risks are centred on debt, both at the 
government level and also in the household sector and as such a swift return to 
trend-like levels of growth is not expected. Households remain over indebted 
and although the process of deleveraging has started, it still has a long way 
to go. 
From the perspective of the national finances, the government's comprehensive 
spending review underlined the severity of the cuts that we are likely to see 
in the years ahead. Inevitably, this will involve job losses, which will put 
further pressure on the UK consumer. While addressing the deficit is 
unavoidable, the policies being undertaken will act as a further headwind to 
growth. The fall-out from the banking crisis is another reason why we will not 
see a normal recovery. Banks that had become over-leveraged are now rebuilding 
their balance sheets and the availability of credit is limited. This is at a 
time when demand for credit is also muted as consumers seek to reduce debt and 
as large corporates are able to raise cheap capital from the bond markets. In 
the Portfolio Manager's view, the most likely outcome is a period of low growth 
for the foreseeable future. 
On the outlook for the market, current valuations are not expensive and 
selectively there are quality companies trading on even more modest ratings. 
Equities are also yielding close to the benchmark 10-year gilt and in many 
cases more than their corporate bonds, which further strengthen the valuation 
argument in favour of stocks. Whilst there is likely to be a degree of ongoing 
volatility, as macro economic data continues to paint an uncertain picture, the 
Portfolio Manager believes that the outlook for specific areas of the market is 
Mark Barnett 
Portfolio Manager 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
27 January 2011 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2010 
Ordinary shares listed in the UK unless stated otherwise 
                                                             MARKET        % OF 
COMPANY                       SECTOR*                         GBP'000   PORTFOLIO 
Reynolds American             Tobacco                         2,521         5.8 
- US common stock 
British American Tobacco      Tobacco                         2,324         5.4 
Imperial Tobacco              Tobacco                         2,287         5.3 
Vodafone                      Mobile Telecommunications       2,164         5.0 
BT                            Fixed Line                      2,129         4.9 
BG                            Oil and Gas Producers           2,095         4.8 
AstraZeneca                   Pharmaceuticals and             2,082         4.8 
GlaxoSmithKline               Pharmaceuticals and             2,047         4.7 
Tesco                         Food & Drug Retailers           1,700         3.9 
International Power           Electricity                     1,497         3.5 
Reckitt Benckiser             Household Goods & Home          1,232         2.8 
Centrica                      Gas, Water and                  1,215         2.8 
Capita                        Support Services                1,213         2.8 
BAE Systems                   Aerospace and Defence           1,203         2.8 
Babcock International         Support Services                1,052         2.4 
Balfour Beatty                Construction and Materials      1,048         2.4 
Hiscox                        Non-Life Insurance              1,033         2.4 
Scottish and Southern Energy  Electricity                       970         2.3 
Compass                       Travel & Leisure                  963         2.2 
Pennon                        Gas, Water and                    924         2.1 
Provident Financial           Financial Services                759         1.8 
Tate & Lyle                   Food Producers                    722         1.7 
BTG                           Pharmaceuticals and               719         1.7 
Drax                          Electricity                       699         1.6 
Chemring                      Aerospace and Defence             668         1.5 
Wm Morrison Supermarkets      Food & Drug Retailers             654         1.5 
Homeserve                     Support Services                  631         1.5 
Kcom                          Fixed Line                        615         1.4 
Bunzl                         Support Services                  572         1.3 
Beazley                       Non-Life Insurance                539         1.2 
Ladbrokes                     Travel & Leisure                  538         1.2 
Rentokil Initial              Support Services                  524         1.2 
Daily Mail                    Media                             501         1.2 
A J Bell - Unquoted           Financial Services                500         1.2 
Serco                         Support Services                  398         0.9 
Impax Environmental Markets   Equity Investment                 370         0.9 
Altria - US common stock      Tobacco                           368         0.8 
Northumbrian Water            Gas, Water and                    308         0.7 
Vectura                       Pharmaceuticals and               225         0.5 
Ecofin Water and Power 
- Ordinary and Subscription   Equity Investment                 180 }       0.5 
Shares                        Instruments 
- 6% Convertible Loan Stock 
UK Coal                       Mining                            195         0.4 
HaloSource                    Health Care Equipment and         171         0.4 
Halfords                      General Retailers                 156         0.4 
Landkom International         Food Producers                    153         0.4 
Renovo                        Pharmaceuticals and               136         0.3 
Barclays Bank - Nuclear Power Electricity                       119         0.3 
28 February 2019** 
Yell                          Media                             101         0.2 
Helphire                      Financial Services                 55         0.1 
XCounter                      Health Care Equipment and          31         0.1 
Total                                                        43,346       100.0 
* FTSE Industry Classification Benchmark. 
**Contingent Value Rights (`CVRs') referred to as Nuclear Power Notes (`NPNs') 
were offered by EDF as a partial cash alternative to its cash bid for British 
Energy (`BE'). The NPNs were issued by Barclays Bank. The CVRs participate in 
BE's existing business. 
                          SIX MONTHS ENDED        SIX MONTHS ENDED      31 MAY 
                          30 NOVEMBER 2010        30 NOVEMBER 2009        2010 
                        GBP'000     GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000 
Gains on investments        -     2,586  2,586       -   3,784  3,784    5,093 
Foreign exchange            -         -      -       -     (3)    (3)     (11) 
Income                    851         -    851     861       -    861    1,808 
Management fees -        (40)      (93)  (133)     (6)    (15)   (21)    (175) 
note 2 
Other expenses           (79)         -   (79)    (68)     (3)   (71)    (134) 
Net return before 
costs and taxation        732     2,493  3,225     787   3,763  4,550    6,581 
Finance costs            (19)      (42)   (61)    (20)    (47)   (67)    (133) 
Return on ordinary        713     2,451  3,164     767   3,716  4,483    6,448 
activities before tax 
Tax on ordinary          (13)         -   (13)    (12)       -   (12)     (25) 
Return on ordinary        700     2,451  3,151     755   3,716  4,471    6,423 
activities after tax 
for the financial 
Basic return per 
share - note 4           1.8p      6.3p   8.1p    1.7p    8.2p   9.9p    15.1p 
                                                     AT           AT         AT 
                                            30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER     31 MAY 
                                                   2010         2009       2010 
                                                  GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                     43,346       41,669     39,987 
Current assets                                      137          374        445 
Creditors falling due within one year, 
excluding borrowings                              (519)        (288)      (593) 
Overdraft                                          (52)            -          - 
Bank loan                                       (6,900)      (7,200)    (6,100) 
Net assets                                       36,012       34,555     33,739 
Net asset value per share - note 5                92.4p        82.7p      85.7p 
Actual                                              119          121        118 
Asset                                               120          121        119 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the Global Equity Share Portfolio is to deliver 
long-term capital growth through investing principally in global securities 
(including UK equities). 
Market and Economic Review 
European sovereign debt concerns dominated the financial landscape during the 
six months to the end of November 2010. The bailout of Greece in May, followed 
by Ireland's EUR85 billion EU-IMF rescue deal at the start of December, failed to 
stem fears of contagion spreading to other troubled nations like Portugal and 
Spain. Markets around the world worried intermittently about sovereign debt, 
and were impacted by bouts of risk aversion and volatility. Despite the 
macro-economic news flow, however, equities performed strongly over the review 
period. After months of anticipation, the US Federal Reserve (`Fed') officially 
announced the expansion of its quantitative easing programme (QE2) at the start 
of November. The move to boost the US economy lifted investor sentiment and 
markets rallied towards the end of the year. The Fed's QE2 programme was 
accompanied by a pledge to keep interest rates at low levels for an `extended 
Portfolio Performance 
On a total return basis, the Portfolio's net asset value rose by 0.8% during 
the six months to the end of November 2010, compared to a gain of 4.3% in the 
MSCI World Index - total return. 
Portfolio Strategy and Activity 
Strong returns from the Asia Pacific ex-Japan portfolio saw the largest 
contribution to absolute portfolio performance over the review period and the 
Portfolio continues to be overweight in the region. The relatively high 
exposure to Hong Kong and China versus the benchmark proved to be particularly 
beneficial. The single biggest positive contributors to performance were 
Hutchison Whampoa, benefiting from its extensive Asian retail exposure and from 
expectations of an improving environment for its telecom interests, and HKR 
International, a Hong Kong-based property company whose discount to NAV 
Japan was a drag on performance as the market continued to be marginalised, 
though there were signs that performance was improving towards the end of the 
year as the yen began to weaken. There continues to be significant latent value 
in parts of the Japanese market, particularly in financials, where the 
Portfolio has most of its Japanese exposure. The UK was also negative for 
performance against the Index as some of the holdings in areas like 
pharmaceuticals and tobacco proved too defensive in a firm market. 
Although the economic backdrop is difficult at the moment, especially for 
indebted developed economies, there are stylistic themes running through the 
Portfolio giving the Portfolio Manager confidence in its performance outlook. 
Economic growth is gaining momentum from subdued levels but remains most 
abundant in emerging markets. This has led to some inflation concerns, 
particularly in South Asia, which has kept the Portfolio's exposure to the 
region more focused on North Asian markets and Japan, where valuations are also 
more attractive. As well as exposure to a slowly improving economic 
environment, tilted more to a recovery in corporate spend than to consumption, 
the Portfolio finds many of its most attractive opportunities in sustainable 
growth companies in all markets. These are typically companies with sustainable 
franchises, defendable margins and strong cash flow, which is often reflected 
in growing dividends. Strong cash flow generation is important and there are a 
number of high quality companies at the moment with the ability to be re-rated 
higher by the market, particularly in areas like pharmaceuticals and 
Bob Yerbury 
Portfolio Manager 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
27 January 2011 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2010 
                                                                 Value      % of 
Company                 Sector                   Country*        GBP'000 Portfolio 
Samsung Electronics     Semiconductors and       South Korea     1,392       3.8 
                        Semiconductor Equipment 
Novartis                Pharmaceuticals,         Switzerland     1,351       3.7 
                        and Life Sciences 
Hutchison Whampoa       Capital Goods            Hong Kong       1,314       3.6 
Imperial Tobacco        Food, Beverage & Tobacco UK              1,300       3.6 
Jardine Matheson        Capital Goods            Hong Kong       1,201       3.3 
Oracle                  Software and Services    US              1,137       3.1 
Mitsubishi Estate       Real Estate              Japan           1,052       2.9 
Obrascon Huarte Lain    Capital Goods            Spain           1,051       2.9 
GS - United Phosphorus  Materials                India           1,037       2.9 
P/N 22 April 2011** 
China Taiping           Insurance                Hong Kong       1,018       2.8 
Viacom                  Media                    US              1,011       2.8 
Sumitomo Mitsui         Banks                    Japan             983       2.7 
Nomura Holdings         Diversified Financials   Japan             954       2.6 
Rentokil Initial        Commercial &             UK                923       2.6 
                        Professional Services 
Bilfinger Berger        Capital Goods            Germany           915       2.5 
Stanley Black & Decker  Consumer Durables &      US                913       2.5 
Safran                  Capital Goods            France            908       2.5 
America Movil           Telecommunication        Mexico            900       2.5 
Roche                   Pharmaceuticals,         Switzerland       894       2.5 
                        and Life Sciences 
Teva Pharmaceutical     Pharmaceuticals,         Israel            892       2.5 
Industries              Biotechnology 
                        and Life Sciences 
Schlumberger            Energy                   US                885       2.5 
Emerson Electric        Capital Goods            US                865       2.4 
GlaxoSmithKline         Pharmaceuticals,         UK                847       2.3 
                        and Life Sciences 
Hewlett Packard         Technology Hardware &    US                841       2.3 
ING                     Diversified Financials   Netherlands       811       2.2 
HKR International       Real Estate              Hong Kong         797       2.2 
Taiwan Semiconductor    Semiconductors &         Taiwan            786       2.2 
Manufacturing           Equipment 
Yamaha Motor            Automobiles & Components Japan             774       2.1 
Gold Fields             Materials                South             764       2.1 
JPMorgan Chase          Diversified Financials   US                745       2.1 
Visa                    Diversified Financials   US                743       2.0 
Automatic Data          Support Services         US                732       2.0 
HSBC                    Banks                    UK                715       2.0 
BBVA                    Banks                    Spain             704       2.0 
Foster's                Food, Beverage & Tobacco Australia         688       1.9 
Telefonica              Telecommunication        Spain             634       1.7 
Cobham                  Capital Goods            UK                627       1.7 
BAE Systems             Capital Goods            UK                578       1.6 
PDG Realty              Real Estate              Brazil            522       1.4 
Julio Simoes Logistica  Transportation           Brazil            410       1.1 
TSKB                    Banks                    Turkey            365       1.0 
Gran Tierra Energy      Oil & Gas Producers      Canada            340       0.9 
Total                                                           36,319     100.0 
* MSCI and Standard & Poor's Global Industry Classification Standard. 
** Participation notes (`P/N') reflecting the performance of the underlying 
                          SIX MONTHS ENDED         SIX MONTHS ENDED      31 MAY 
                          30 NOVEMBER 2010         30 NOVEMBER 2009        2010 
                         GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Gains on investments         -     172     172        -   5,149   5,149   7,721 
Foreign exchange             -    (14)    (14)        -    (20)    (20)      28 
Income                     364       -     364      360       -     360     814 
Management fees -         (39)    (92)   (131)     (41)    (96)   (137)   (280) 
note 2 
Other expenses            (76)     (1)    (77)     (65)     (2)    (67)   (138) 
Net return before 
costs and taxation         249      65     314      254   5,031   5,285   8,145 
Finance costs                -       -       -        -     (1)     (1)     (1) 
Return on ordinary         249      65     314      254   5,030   5,284   8,144 
activities before tax 
Tax on ordinary           (27)       -    (27)     (21)       -    (21)    (56) 
Return on ordinary 
activities after tax 
after tax for the fi       222      65     287      233   5,030   5,263   8,088 
nancial period 
Basic return per 
share - note 4            0.7p    0.2p    0.9p     0.7p   14.1p   14.8p   22.9p 
                                                     AT            AT        AT 
                                            30 NOVEMBER   30 NOVEMBER    31 MAY 
                                                   2010          2009      2010 
                                                  GBP'000         GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                     36,319        36,208    36,278 
Current assets                                      617         1,091       472 
Creditors falling due within one year, 
excluding borrowings                              (115)         (236)     (283) 
Net assets                                       36,821        37,063    36,467 
Net asset value per share - note 5               112.4p        104.2p    111.7p 
Actual                                              100           100       100 
Asset                                                99            98        99 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the Hedge Fund Share Portfolio is to achieve an 
absolute return of 3-month sterling LIBOR plus 5% per annum over a rolling five 
year period, coupled with low volatility. Capital preservation is a priority. 
From 1 June 2010 the principal hedge fund assets underlying the Portfolio have 
been shares in Paragon Capital Appreciation Fund (`PCAF'), which replaced the 
Fauchier Allocator Funds I and II (`FAFs') following the transfer on 31 May 
2010 of the substantial majority of the FAFs' assets to PCAF. In order to allow 
the FAFs to commence winding-up, the Company acquired during the period the 
residual holdings of the FAFs, which are now held directly. The remainder of 
this report describes the activities of PCAF in the period. 
Against the background of turbulence in the EU, and lingering nervousness about 
financial stability, financial markets have witnessed rapid changes in 
sentiment from one month to the next. These conditions have proved very 
difficult for hedge fund managers who aim to take advantage of changes in 
relative valuations between individual securities or markets, rather than 
betting outright on market direction. 
For the six months to 30 November 2010, PCAF produced a return of 1.1%, net of 
fees. Since 30 November 2006, the Funds(1) have achieved an average annual 
compound return of 3.5%. Over the same period the annualised volatility of the 
Funds has been approximately 9.7%, and their "beta" to the FTSE All-Share Index 
(Total Return) some 0.32 and to the Citigroup UK Gilt Index (greater than 5 
years) -0.24. 
The table below gives details of the Funds' monthly net asset value performance 
since the launch of the Company. 
        Jan    Feb    Mar   Apr    May    Jun    Jul    Aug    Sep     Oct    Nov    Dec     YTD 
2010  0.20% -0.14%  1.57% 0.50% -3.42% -1.44%  0.32% -0.17%  1.26%   0.94%  0.16%         -0.31% 
2009  1.18% -1.06%  0.61% 2.23%  4.62%  0.58%  2.62%  1.96%  2.41%   0.30%  0.64% -0.08%  17.08% 
2008 -1.25%  3.10% -3.42% 1.33%  3.92%  1.26% -3.27% -2.56% -7.90% -10.13% -2.74% -2.09% -22.11% 
2007  1.32%  2.48%  1.17% 1.65%  1.73%  1.88%  3.88% -0.53%  1.88%   5.08% -0.16%  1.68%  24.28% 
2006                                                                               1.50%   1.50% 
Market Review 
The six months under review have been a rollercoaster for markets, witnessing 
erratic price movements across most asset classes. The year started with 
markets struggling to come to terms with the magnitude of Greece's fiscal 
problems and weighing up the ramifications for other sovereign borrowers and 
the holders of their debt. These concerns were not alleviated by the Security 
Exchange Commission's legal action against Goldman Sachs, BP's oil spill in the 
Gulf of Mexico, political tensions in Korea, nor the Australian government's 
proposal to impose a heavy tax on mining companies. The upshot of these 
gyrations was ultimately positive for global equities and the MSCI World Total 
Return Index ended the six months period up 8.4% in dollar terms. 
Throughout the summer a pattern of "risk on, risk off" dominated markets. By 
the end of the period, however, markets were again falling with renewed 
eurozone sovereign concerns requiring an EUR85 billion bail-out of Ireland, 
inflationary pressures from the Fed's announced second round of quantitative 
easing and tightening monetary policy in China. 
From the highs reached during June, Equity market volatility declined from 
around 36 to end at 23.5. Treasury yields fell across maturity ranges and the 
yield curve flattened. The yield on two year Treasuries set a record low in 
September at 0.42%. By the end of the period, investors were worrying about 
inflationary pressures and yields had started to rise across all maturities. 
Liquidity in credit markets continued to improve throughout the period, thanks 
to sustained levels of new issuance. High Yield credits tended to outperform 
investment grade assets with spreads as measured by the DLJ High Yield Spread 
tightening to end at 627 basis points, down from 704 at the end of May 2010. 
The US dollar weakened against Sterling, Euro and the Yen over the period. 
September saw the Bank of Japan intervening in currency markets, selling yen 
for the first time in six years to slow the appreciation of the Japanese 
currency which had reached a 15-year high against the US dollar. 
Hedge Fund Strategies 
Macro managers were up slightly in aggregate, although returns varied 
considerably across managers. Gains tended to derive from fixed income 
positions, where despite a seemingly unattractive risk/return profile, long 
positions in long-dated government bonds positions performed well, as did 
certain foreign exchange and commodity-related trades. Managers were generally 
well positioned to profit from renewed concerns over eurozone debt but had more 
mixed success anticipating the reaction to a second round of US quantitative 
The Equity Hedged strategies as a whole were up over the period. June was a 
difficult month for most managers as short books failed to provide adequate 
protection in the sell-off during which correlation between stocks spiked near 
all-time highs. Intra-stock correlation remained high for some time, making a 
difficult environment for the majority of our managers who are well-hedged and 
focus on fundamental company valuations. Despite stocks moving largely in 
lock-step, some managers with low net exposures were able to produce positive 
returns through stock-picking, particularly in Technology and Healthcare stocks 
where more idiosyncratic price movements were evident. For the second half of 
the period conditions were improving considerably and Equity Hedged managers 
performed well, capturing some of the market's upside as well as generating 
alpha from both long and short positions. 
Short Bias managers were down over the period. Rising equity markets inevitably 
make hard going for these managers who were further frustrated as longer term 
themes, notably around mid cap Consumer Discretionary and Chinese economic 
overheating, failed to play out. 
The Event Driven strategy made a modest contribution as a whole. The small 
gains that managers were able to eke out from certain situation-specific equity 
positions were substantially offset by losses of one manager's long-held 
bearish CDS positions on mortgage insurers which suffered as the companies' 
credit spreads tightened appreciably. 
The Specialist Credit strategy also made a small positive contribution to 
overall performance. The allocation to this area has been underweight as a 
result of certain manager-specific redemptions at the end of last year. After 
an extensive search, new managers have been identified and cleared for 
investment and the Specialist Credit strategy is expected to provide good 
investment opportunities in the near to mid term. 
The allocation to Volatility Trading continues to decline as we gradually 
withdraw capital from this area. 
The Fixed Income manager ended up overall for the period, benefiting from a 
more dynamic approach to foreign exchange and fixed income trading. In recent 
months, two principal themes have dominated performance: yield curve flattening 
and long interest rate volatility. Both these themes lost money initially only 
to recover in August as volatility increased and the yield on the ten year US 
Treasury reached historic lows. 
Multiple Strategy managers were up slightly for the period. They generated 
gains from a wide range of asset classes and geographies, including equity, 
credit and commodity-related investments although these were largely offset in 
the sell-off months. Event driven and relative value situations have been 
successful and more recently positions intended to profit from a more 
inflationary environment have worked well. 
The Portfolio 
As at 30 November 2010 PCAF had holdings in 31 hedge funds across ten different 
strategies. Approximately 70% of the Funds' assets were invested in Absolute 
Value strategies with the balance in Relative Value strategies. 
The high correlation amongst stocks that dominated the opening months of the 
fiscal year has been falling for the past few months, and we expect the more 
discriminating market to favour our managers' fundamental style of long/short 
The rally in credit markets appears now to be abating. The risk/reward 
proposition of shorting is looking increasingly attractive resulting in an 
enhanced opportunity set for our hedged Specialist Credit managers. 
Opportunities in event-driven equity and credit situations are also set to 
continue. Despite active primary debt markets, for many companies, the problems 
of an over-extended balance sheet are, at best, only postponed. Bank asset 
disposal programmes are likely to move up a pace in 2011 with around $750 
billion of sales already announced in the US and $1.4 trillion in Europe(2). We 
expect our Specialist Credit and Event Driven managers to be active in this 
Mergers and acquisition activity has steadily been picking up throughout 2010. 
Low funding costs and high levels of cash reserves should give rise to more 
activity. This should create a rich environment for our Event Driven and 
Multiple Strategy managers who are able to exploit these arbitrage 
Equity Hedged remains one of our preferred strategies as our managers can take 
company-specific risk without taking an implicit view on the market. Share 
prices have been moving in lock-step and yet the variability in individual 
companies' underlying business performance is extremely high. This suggests 
that markets are not operating efficiently and that opportunities to make money 
Fauchier Partners LLP 
27 January 2011 
(1)The `Funds' are, from November 2006 to 31 May 2010, the Fauchier Allocator 
Funds I and II and, from 1 June 2010, PCAF. 
(2)Source: Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2010 
                                                                          % OF 
STRATEGY                      FUND NAME                              PORTFOLIO 
Underlying investments of 
Macro                         Fortress Macro Fund                          3.8 
                              COMAC Global Macro Fund                      3.2 
                              Wexford Offshore Spectrum Fund               3.2 
                              Clarium Capital Fund                         1.0 
Equity Long Bias              Bay Resource Partners Offshore               3.2 
                              Egerton European Dollar Fund                 2.9 
Equity Hedged High Volatility Lansdowne UK Equity Fund                     4.3 
                              SCP Ocean Fund                               4.3 
                              Elm Ridge Value Partners                     4.1 
                              Offshore Fund 
                              Lansdowne Global Financials                  3.8 
                              Visium Balanced Offshore Fund                3.8 
                              Criterion Capital Partners                   3.5 
                              Miura Global Fund                            3.4 
Equity Hedged Low Volatility  Ascend Partners Fund II                      4.1 
                              Alydar Fund                                  3.5 
Short Bias                    Fauchier Partners Counterpoint               3.8 
Specialist Credit             CFIP Overseas Fund                           2.7 
                              Knighthead Offshore Fund                     1.8 
                              Riva Ridge Overseas Fund                     1.8 
                              Claren Road Credit Fund                      0.7 
Event Driven                  OZ Europe Overseas Fund II                   3.7 
                              Harbinger Capital Partners                   2.8 
                              Offshore Fund I 
                              Pershing Square International                2.6 
                              Empyrean Capital Overseas Fund               1.3 
                              RoundKeep Icho Global Fund                   1.3 
                              Perry Partners International                 0.1 
Volatility Trading            Vicis Capital Fund                           1.2 
Fixed Income                  Brevan Howard Fund                           3.8 
Multiple Strategy             Highbridge Asia Opportunities                3.5 
                              Sunbeam Opportunities Offshore               3.5 
                              Shepherd Select Asset                        0.8 
Incubator                     FP Incubator Fund                            3.1 
Other                         Jubilee Special Situations Fund              2.3 
Cash                                                                       3.4 
Assets held directly        Plainfield Liquidating Class                   2.4 
                            Harbinger Class PE Holdings                    0.6 
                            CCM SPV II LLC                                 0.3 
                            Visium Special Holdings                        0.2 
                            Indus Pacific Oppportunities                   0.1 
                            Harbinger Class L Holdings                     0.1 
Total Fixed Assets                                                       100.0 
Hedge Fund Investments 
At 30 November 2010 the investments of the Hedge Fund Share Portfolio consisted 
principally of two Certificates, the performance of each of which is linked to 
the performance of Paragon Capital Appreciation Fund (`PCAF'). PCAF is an 
open-ended investment company domiciled in Guernsey and listed on the Irish 
Stock Exchange. Fauchier Partners act as investment manager to PCAF. 
                         SIX MONTHS ENDED          SIX MONTHS ENDED      31 MAY 
                         30 NOVEMBER 2010          30 NOVEMBER 2009        2010 
                        GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
(Losses)/gains on           -      (44)    (44)        -   1,486  1,486   1,256 
Income                      -         -       -        -       -      -       - 
Management fees -           -      (18)    (18)        -    (22)   (22)    (40) 
note 2 
Other expenses           (41)      (29)    (70)     (43)       -   (43)    (79) 
Net return before 
costs and taxation       (41)      (91)   (132)     (43)   1,464  1,421   1,137 
Finance costs               -       (8)     (8)        -     (6)    (6)    (14) 
Return on ordinary       (41)      (99)   (140)     (43)   1,458  1,415   1,123 
activities before 
Tax on ordinary             -         -       -        -       -      -       - 
Return on ordinary 
activities after 
tax for 
the financial            (41)      (99)   (140)     (43)   1,458  1,415   1,123 
Basic return per 
share - note 4         (0.3)p    (0.7)p  (1.0)p   (0.3)p    9.4p   9.1p    7.5p 
                                                    AT           AT          AT 
                                           30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY 
                                                  2010         2009        2010 
                                                 GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                    14,647       17,868      15,933 
Current assets                                   1,005            -           8 
Creditors falling due within one year, 
excluding borrowings                              (47)         (49)        (27) 
Bank loan                                      (1,525)      (1,225)       (300) 
Net assets                                      14,080       16,594      15,614 
Net asset value per share - note 5              111.8p       114.5p      112.4p 
Actual                                             111          107         102 
Asset                                              104          108         102 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the Managed Liquidity Share Portfolio is to produce 
an appropriate level of income return combined with a high degree of security. 
Market and Economic Review 
The UK's Monetary Policy Committee held interest rates at 0.5% throughout the 
six months to the end of November 2010. However, the minutes following June's 
meeting caused a surprise by revealing a 7-1 split in the vote after one member 
voted for a 25bp hike in the rate - the first vote for a hike seen since August 
2008 - although the decision to keep asset purchases held at GBP200 billion was 
unanimous. The MPC's August Quarterly Inflation Report saw the MPC lower its 
GDP forecast in light of the additional austerity measures announced in June's 
emergency Budget. However, the January 2011 VAT increase means that the MPC now 
expects inflation to stay above target in the short term. Rather than 
suggesting a bias to tighten or loosen policy, the MPC stressed the unusually 
high degree of uncertainty that surrounds the economic outlook and the 
possibility that the next move in policy could be in either direction. The 
report also noted that there was a `wider than usual range of views' among MPC 
members about the growth and inflation outlooks, implying that the MPC vote 
could be split for some time. UK inflation remained more than 1% above the 2% 
target throughout the period. In his November letter of explanation to the 
Chancellor, Bank of England Governor Mervyn King reiterated the MPC's view that 
above target inflation largely reflects temporary influences such as the 
restoration of the standard rate of VAT in January 2010 and the effects of 
sterling's depreciation. 
Sterling three-month interbank lending rates rose marginally over the period 
from 0.71% to 0.74%. Despite some modest spread widening, corporate bonds 
benefited from the ongoing decline in government bond yields to post positive 
Portfolio Strategy and Review 
In terms of strategy, holdings in floating-rate notes (`FRNs'), where yields 
are reset every three months to reflect changes in the London Interbank Offered 
Rate (`LIBOR'), the rate at which the largest banks lend money to one another, 
have been maintained. As UK interest rates are widely expected to remain near 
their current low level for a considerable time, a number of government, 
quasi-government and corporate bonds have been added to the Portfolio. These 
have higher interest coupons than those currently available on FRNs. In order 
to limit risk exposure, these bonds are both short dated and of high quality. 
Looking ahead, although inflation may remain stubbornly high in the short term, 
the lack of credit availability, ongoing concerns about fiscal consolidation 
and a desire to reduce debt will most likely see it begin to moderate. 
Therefore, while it is possible that there will be a modest increase in 
short-term UK interest rates from the current historic low levels, they are 
unlikely to move significantly higher over the next couple of years. 
Stuart Edwards 
Portfolio Manager 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
27 January 2011 
                                                   AT            AT          AT 
                                          30 NOVEMBER   30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY 
                                                 2010          2009        2010 
                                               MARKET        MARKET      MARKET 
                                                VALUE         VALUE       VALUE 
FUND                                            GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
Invesco Perpetual Money Fund                    9,998        14,954      12,969 
AIM Short-Term Investments Company                415         4,083           - 
                                               10,413        19,037      12,969 
                              SIX MONTHS ENDED         SIX MONTHS ENDED  31 MAY 
                              30 NOVEMBER 2010         30 NOVEMBER 2009    2010 
                       GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Gains on                   -       -         -        -     209     209     202 
Income                    39       -        39       99       -      99     130 
Management fees -        (1)       -       (1)      (5)       -     (5)     (5) 
note 2 
Other expenses          (21)       -      (21)     (47)       -    (47)    (83) 
Net return before 
finance costs and 
taxation                  17       -        17       47     209     256     244 
Tax on ordinary            -       -         -        -       -       -       - 
Return on ordinary 
activities after 
tax for the 
period                    17       -        17       47     209     256     244 
Basic return per 
share - note 4          0.1p       -      0.1p     0.2p    1.1p    1.3p    1.4p 
                                                      AT            AT       AT 
                                             30 NOVEMBER   30 NOVEMBER   31 MAY 
                                                    2010          2009     2010 
                                                   GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                      10,413        19,037   12,969 
Current assets                                        80           224      826 
Creditors falling due within one year, 
excluding borrowings                               (329)         (178)    (907) 
Net assets                                        10,164        19,083   12,888 
Net asset value per share - note 5                102.2p        101.1p   101.8p 
                                SIX MONTHS ENDED        SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 MAY 
                                30 NOVEMBER 2010        30 NOVEMBER 2009   2010 
                         GBP'000   GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000 
Gains on investments         -   2,714     2,714       -  10,628  10,628 14,272 
Foreign exchange             -    (14)      (14)       -    (23)    (23)     17 
Income                   1,254       -     1,254   1,320       -   1,320  2,752 
Management fees - note    (80)   (203)     (283)    (52)   (133)   (185)  (500) 
Other expenses           (217)    (30)     (247)   (223)     (5)   (228)  (434) 
Net return before 
costs and taxation         957   2,467     3,424   1,045  10,467  11,512 16,107 
Finance costs             (19)    (50)      (69)    (20)    (54)    (74)  (148) 
Return on ordinary 
activities before tax      938   2,417     3,355   1,025  10,413  11,438 15,959 
Tax on ordinary           (40)       -      (40)    (33)       -    (33)   (81) 
Return on ordinary 
activities after tax 
the financial period       898   2,417     3,315     992  10,413  11,405 15,878 
Basic return per 
share - note 4 
UK Equity Share           1.8p    6.3p      8.1p    1.7p    8.2p    9.9p  15.1p 
Global Equity Share       0.7p    0.2p      0.9p    0.7p   14.1p   14.8p  22.9p 
Hedge Fund Share        (0.3)p  (0.7)p    (1.0)p  (0.3)p    9.4p    9.1p   7.5p 
Managed Liquidity 
Portfolio                 0.1p       -      0.1p    0.2p    1.1p    1.3p   1.4p 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's profit and loss 
account, prepared in accordance with UK Accounting Standards. The supplementary 
revenue and capital columns are both prepared in accordance with the Statement 
of Recommended Practice issued by the Association of Investment Companies. All 
items in the above statement derive from continuing operations and the Company 
has no other gains or losses, therefore no statement of recognised gains or 
losses is presented. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. 
                   GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
30 NOVEMBER 2010 
At 31 May 2010     1,071     1,290   96,896        323    (872)       -   98,708 
Cancellation of      (1)         -        -          1        -       -        - 
deferred shares 
Share buy backs        -         -  (4,170)          -        -       -  (4,170) 
Net return on          -         -        -          -    2,417     898    3,315 
Interim dividend       -         -        -          -        -   (776)    (776) 
for 2011 
At 30 November     1,070     1,290   92,726        324    1,545     122   97,077 
31 MAY 2010 
At 31 May 2009     1,253     1,290  114,324        134 (14,690)      53  102,364 
Cancellation of        -         -     (10)         10        -       -        - 
deferred shares 
Shares bought 
back and 
cancelled/held     (182)         - (17,401)        179        -       - (17,404) 
in treasury 
Realised losses        -         -        -          -    2,360       -    2,360 
on disposal on 
Movement in            -         -        -          -   11,912       -   11,912 
holding gains 
Foreign exchange       -         -        -          -       17       -       17 
Charged to 
-management fees       -         -        -          -    (358)       -    (358) 
-other expenses        -         -        -          -      (5)       -      (5) 
-finance costs         -         -        -          -    (108)       -    (108) 
Revenue return         -         -        -          -        -   2,060    2,060 
on ordinary 
activities per 
the income 
Dividends              -         -     (17)          -        - (2,113)  (2,130) 
At 31 May 2010     1,071     1,290   96,896        323    (872)       -   98,708 
30 NOVEMBER 2009 
At 31 May 2009     1,253     1,290  114,324        134 (14,690)      53  102,364 
Share buy backs     (12)         -  (5,499)         16        -       -  (5,495) 
Net return on          -         -        -          -   10,413     992   11,405 
Interim dividend       -         -        -          -        -   (979)    (979) 
for 2010 
At 30 November     1,241     1,290  108,825        150  (4,277)      66  107,295 
                                    UK     GLOBAL      HEDGE   MANAGED 
                                EQUITY     EQUITY       FUND LIQUIDITY    TOTAL 
                                 GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2010 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair        43,346     36,319     14,647    10,413  104,725 
Current assets 
Debtors                            137        140         61        72      410 
Cash and short-term deposits         -        477        944         8    1,429 
                                   137        617      1,005        80    1,839 
Creditors: amounts falling 
within one year                (7,471)      (115)    (1,572)     (329)  (9,487) 
Net current (liabilities)/     (7,334)        502      (567)     (249)  (7,648) 
Net assets                      36,012     36,821     14,080    10,164   97,077 
Shareholders' funds 
Share capital                      441        360        144       125    1,070 
Share premium                        -          -      1,290         -    1,290 
Special reserve                 39,627     32,281     11,210     9,608   92,726 
Capital redemption reserve          73         78         19       154      324 
Capital reserve                (4,394)      3,939      1,750       250    1,545 
Revenue reserve                    265        163      (333)        27      122 
Shareholders' funds             36,012     36,821     14,080    10,164   97,077 
Net asset value per ordinary 
Basic - note 5                   92.4p     112.4p     111.8p    102.2p 
AT 31 MAY 2010 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair        39,987     36,278     15,933    12,969  105,167 
Current assets 
Debtors                            286        167          6       220      679 
Cash and short-term deposits       159        305          2       606    1,072 
                                   445        472          8       826    1,751 
Creditors: amounts falling 
within one year                (6,693)      (283)      (327)     (907)  (8,210) 
Net current (liabilities)/     (6,248)        189      (319)      (81)  (6,459) 
Net assets                      33,739     36,467     15,614    12,888   98,708 
Shareholders' funds 
Share capital                      432        352        150       137    1,071 
Share premium                        -          -      1,290         -    1,290 
Special reserve                 39,883     32,077     12,598    12,338   96,896 
Capital redemption reserve          73         78         19       153      323 
Capital reserve                (6,845)      3,874      1,849       250    (872) 
Revenue reserve                    196         86      (292)        10        - 
Shareholders' funds             33,739     36,467     15,614    12,888   98,708 
Net asset value per ordinary 
Basic - note 5                   85.7p     111.7p     112.4p    101.8p 
                                      UK   GLOBAL      HEDGE   MANAGED 
                                  EQUITY   EQUITY       FUND LIQUIDITY    TOTAL 
                                   GBP'000    GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2009 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value    41,669   36,208     17,868    19,037  114,782 
Current assets 
Debtors                              264       77          -       210      551 
Cash and short-term deposits         110    1,014          -        14    1,138 
                                     374    1,091          -       224    1,689 
Creditors: amounts falling due 
within one year                  (7,488)    (236)    (1,274)     (178)  (9,176) 
Net current (liabilities)/       (7,114)      855    (1,274)        46  (7,487) 
Net assets                        34,555   37,063     16,594    19,083  107,295 
Shareholders' funds 
Share capital                        464      393        157       227    1,241 
Share premium                          -        -      1,290         -    1,290 
Special reserve                   41,837   35,193     13,282    18,513  108,825 
Capital redemption reserve            30       33         16        71      150 
Capital reserve                  (7,993)    1,354      2,105       257  (4,277) 
Revenue reserve                      217       90      (256)        15       66 
Shareholders' funds               34,555   37,063     16,594    19,083  107,295 
Net asset value per ordinary 
Basic - note 5                     82.7p   104.2p     114.5p    101.1p 
                                      SIX MONTHS      SIX MONTHS YEAR 
                                           ENDED           ENDED    ENDED 
                                     30 NOVEMBER     30 NOVEMBER   31 MAY 
                                            2010            2009     2010 
                                           GBP'000           GBP'000    GBP'000 
Total return before finance                3,424          11,512   16,107 
costs and tax 
Adjustment for gains on                  (2,714)        (10,628) (14,272) 
Adjustment for exchange losses/               14              23     (17) 
Scrip dividends received as                  (6)               -     (62) 
Decrease in debtors                          175             107       16 
Decrease in creditors                      (121)           (126)     (84) 
Tax on unfranked investment                  (7)            (24)     (23) 
Overseas tax                                (40)            (33)     (81) 
Net cash inflow from operating               725             831    1,584 
Servicing of finance                        (69)            (72)    (145) 
Taxation                                     151             155      135 
Net financial investment                   3,252           2,105   15,463 
Equity dividends paid                      (776)           (979)  (2,130) 
Net cash inflow before                     3,283           2,040   14,907 
management of liquid resources 
and financing 
Management of liquid resources                 -           1,415    1,415 
Shares bought back                       (4,989)         (5,495) (16,443) 
Movement in bank borrowings                2,077           2,390      365 
Increase in cash                             371             350      244 
Reconciliation of net cash flow 
to movement in net debt 
Increase in cash                             371             350      244 
Cashflow from movement in liquid               -         (1,415)  (1,415) 
Exchange movements                          (14)            (23)       17 
Cash movement from changes in            (2,077)         (2,390)    (365) 
Movement of debt in period               (1,720)         (3,478)  (1,519) 
Net debt at beginning of year            (5,328)         (3,809)  (3,809) 
Net debt at end of period                (7,048)         (7,287)  (5,328) 
Analysis of changes in net debt 
                                    31 MAY     EXCHANGE       CASH  30 NOVEMBER 
                                      2010    MOVEMENTS       FLOW         2010 
                                     GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000 
Cash                                 1,072         (14)        371        1,429 
Overdrafts                               -            -       (52)         (52) 
Bank loan                          (6,400)            -    (2,025)      (8,425) 
Net debt                           (5,328)         (14)    (1,706)      (7,048) 
1. Accounting Policy 
The condensed financial statements have been prepared using the same accounting 
policies as those adopted in the 2010 annual financial report, which are 
consistent with applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards and with the 
Statement of Recommended Practice `Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' issued by the Association of Investment 
Companies, in January 2009. 
2. Management Fees 
(a) Basis of Management and Performance Fees 
Invesco Asset Management Limited (`IAML'), is entitled to a basic fee (payable 
quarterly) in respect of each Portfolio (0.75% per annum of net assets in the 
case of the UK Equity and Global Equity Portfolios and 0.25% per annum of net 
assets in the case of the Hedge Fund and Managed Liquidity Portfolios). 
IAML is also entitled to receive performance fees in respect of the UK Equity 
and Global Equity Portfolios of 12.5% of the increase in net assets per 
relevant Share in excess of a hurdle of the relevant benchmark plus 1% per 
annum. The amount of the performance fee payable in any one year is limited to 
0.75% of the net assets of the relevant Portfolio. Any underperformance of the 
benchmark, or performance above the cap, is carried forward to subsequent 
No performance fees arose in the six months ended 30 November 2010 (six months 
ended 30 November 2009 and year ended 31 May 2010: none). 
Fauchier Partners Management Limited charges the Fauchier Managed Funds an 
annual management fee of 1% of those funds' net asset values. In addition, the 
managers of the underlying hedge funds in which Fauchier Managed Funds invest 
will typically charge an annual management fee (generally 1 to 1.5% of assets) 
plus a performance fee (generally 20% of any outperformance, subject to a high 
Further details of the above fees are disclosed in the 2010 annual financial 
(b) Adjustment to Management Fee 
The UK Equity Portfolio management fee from the date of inception in 2006 to 31 
May 2009 was corrected in the year ended 31 May 2010. 
3. Tax expense represents the sums of tax currently payable and any deferred 
tax, with any tax payable being based on the taxable profit for the period. 
Investment trusts which have been approved under Section 1158 of the 
Corporation Tax Act 2010 are not liable for taxation on capital gains. 
4. Basic Return per Ordinary Share 
Basic revenue, capital and total return per ordinary share is based on each of 
the return on ordinary activities after taxation as shown by the income 
statement for the applicable Share and on the following number of shares being 
the weighted number of shares in issue throughout the period for each 
applicable Share: 
                                     WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES 
                                       SIX MONTHS      SIX MONTHS          YEAR 
                                            ENDED           ENDED         ENDED 
                                      30 NOVEMBER     30 NOVEMBER        31 MAY 
SHARE                                        2010            2009          2010 
UK Equity                              38,837,982      45,004,410    42,528,103 
Global Equity                          32,402,548      35,668,852    35,278,074 
Hedge Fund                             13,290,668      15,488,836    14,910,221 
Managed Liquidity                      11,585,057      19,216,145    17,867,313 
5. Net Asset Values per Share 
The net asset values per share were based on the following Shareholders' funds 
and shares (excluding treasury shares) in issue at the period end: 
                                                   AT           AT          AT 
                                          30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY 
                                                 2010         2009        2010 
                                                GBP'000        GBP'000       GBP'000 
UK Equity                                      36,012       34,555      33,739 
Global Equity                                  36,821       37,063      36,467 
Hedge Fund                                     14,080       16,594      15,614 
Managed Liquidity                              10,164       19,083      12,888 
                                                   AT           AT          AT 
                                          30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY 
                                                 2010         2009        2010 
UK Equity                                  38,979,957   41,794,705  39,359,201 
Global Equity                              32,759,274   35,558,756  32,643,164 
Hedge Fund                                 12,599,287   14,494,574  13,895,086 
Managed Liquidity                           9,946,029   18,875,050  12,663,480 
6. Movements in Share Capital and Share Class Conversion 
                                       UK        GLOBAL       HEDGE     MANAGED 
                                   EQUITY        EQUITY        FUND   LIQUIDITY 
Ordinary 1p shares (number) 
At 31 May 2010                 39,359,201    32,643,164  13,895,086  12,663,480 
Shares bought back into       (1,303,000)     (625,000)   (729,000) (1,607,000) 
October 2010 conversion           923,756       741,110   (566,799) (1,110,451) 
At 30 November 2010            38,979,957    32,759,274  12,599,287   9,946,029 
Treasury shares                 5,104,000     3,225,000   1,829,000   2,602,500 
Total shares in issue 30       44,083,957    35,984,274  14,428,287  12,548,529 
November 2010 
Treasury Shares (number) 
At 31 May 2010                  3,801,000     2,600,000   1,100,000     995,500 
Shares bought back into         1,303,000       625,000     729,000   1,607,000 
At 30 November 2010             5,104,000     3,225,000   1,829,000   2,602,500 
Average buy back price              86.8p        106.3p      103.0p       98.9p 
after 30 November 2010 
Buy backs after the period 
Number bought back into                 -             -           -     140,000 
Average buy back price                                                    99.2p 
7. Share Prices 
                                       UK        GLOBAL       HEDGE     MANAGED 
PERIOD END                         EQUITY        EQUITY        FUND   LIQUIDITY 
30 November 2009                    79.8p         99.8p      106.3p       99.0p 
31 May 2010                         82.8p        107.5p      107.0p       99.5p 
30 November 2010                    89.5p        108.5p      103.3p       99.5p 
8. Dividends on Ordinary Shares 
The following interim dividends were paid on 19 November 2010: 
                                                 NUMBER    DIVIDEND       TOTAL 
PORTFOLIO                                     OF SHARES        RATE       GBP'000 
UK Equity                                    38,249,001       1.65p         631 
Global Equity                                32,203,164       0.45p         145 
9. It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company 
so that it satisfies the conditions for approval as an investment trust company 
set out in section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
10. The financial information contained in this half-yearly financial report, 
which has not been reviewed or audited by the independent auditors, does not 
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the 
Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the half years ended 30 
November 2010 and 30 November 2009 have not been audited. The figures and 
financial information for the year ended 31 May 2010 are extracted and abridged 
from the latest published accounts and do not constitute the statutory accounts 
for that year. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies 
and include the Report of the Independent Auditors, which was unqualified and 
did not include a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
By order of the Board 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
Company Secretary 
27 January 2011 
Patrick Gifford (Chairman of the Board and Nomination Committee) 
Sir Michael Bunbury (Chairman of the Audit and Management Engagement 
Alan Clifton (Senior Independent Director) 
David Rosier 
All the Directors are, in the opinion of the Board, independent of the 
management company and all Directors are members of the Audit, Management 
Engagement and Nomination Committees. 
Manager, Company Secretary and Registered Office 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
30 Finsbury Square 
London EC2A 1AG 
020 7065 4000 
Company Secretarial contact: Karina Bryant 
Investment Adviser to the Paragon Capital Appreciation Fund 
Fauchier Partners LLP 
72 Welbeck Street 
London W1G 0AY 
Company Number 
Registered in England and Wales No. 5916642 
Capita Registrars, Northern House, Woodsome Park 
Fenay Bridge, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD8 0LA 
If you hold your shares directly rather than through an ISA or savings scheme, 
and have any queries relating to your shareholding you should contact Capita 
on: 0871 664 0300 between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm every working day. Calls cost 10p 
per minute plus network extras. 
Shareholders holding shares directly can also access their holding details via 
Capita's website www.capitaregistrars.com or www.capitashareportal.com 
Capita Registrars provide an on-line and telephone share dealing service to 
existing shareholders who are not seeking advice on buying or selling. This 
service is available at www.capitadeal.com or 
0871 664 0364 (lines are open 8 am to 4.30 pm every working day). Calls cost 
10p per minute plus network extras. 
Invesco Perpetual Investor Services 
Invesco Perpetual has an Investor Services Team available to assist you from 
8.30 am to 6 pm every working day. Please feel free to take advantage of their 
0800 085 8677 
­The contents of websites referred to in this document, or accessible from 
links within those websites are not incorporated into, nor do they form part 
of, this document. 

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