Invesco Perpetual Select Trust plc (`the Company') is an investment trust which 
is intended as a long-term investment vehicle for investors and has an 
indefinite life. 
The Company provides shareholders with a choice of investment policies and 
objectives, each intended to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns from 
segregated portfolios. 
The Company's share capital comprises the following four classes of shares each 
of which has its own separate portfolio of assets and liabilities: 
* UK Equity; 
* Global Equity Income (formerly Global Equity); 
* Hedge Fund (to be renamed Balanced Risk); and 
* Managed Liquidity. 
Invesco Asset Management Limited manages the UK Equity, Global Equity Income 
and Managed Liquidity Share Portfolios. The Hedge Fund Share Portfolio is 
currently advised by Fauchier Partners, a hedge fund specialist. 
Investment Policy 
The Company's Investment Policy to 15 November 2011, which includes the 
investment objectives, policies and risks and investment limits for the Company 
and the separate Portfolios, is disclosed in full on pages 25 to 28 of the 2011 
annual financial report, which is available to view at or download from 
www.invescoperpetual.co.uk/investmenttrusts. Within this report, the investment 
objective of each Portfolio is shown at the start of the applicable Portfolio 
Manager's Report. 
At a General Meeting held on 15 November 2011 shareholders approved changes to 
the Global Equity and Hedge Fund Portfolios (the UK Equity and Managed 
Liquidity Portfolios remain unchanged) that were set out in a circular to 
shareholders dated 14 October 2011. The new Global Equity Income investment 
objective and policy are now in effect and are set out in an appendix to this 
report. The Hedge Fund Portfolio will be renamed the Balanced Risk Portfolio in 
February 2012 when its new investment objective and policy, which are set out 
in the appendix, become effective. 
Share Class Conversion 
The Company enables shareholders to tailor their asset allocation to reflect 
their view of prevailing markets through the opportunity to convert between 
share classes every three months. Conversions should not be treated as 
disposals for the purposes of capital gains tax. 
The Company commenced trading on 23 November 2006. 
| Source: Thomson Reuters 
UK Equity Share Portfolio 
                                         SIX MONTHS        YEAR      SIX MONTHS 
                                              ENDED       ENDED           ENDED 
                                        30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY     30 NOVEMBER 
                                               2011        2011    TOTAL RETURN 
Net asset value| - total return                                           -3.2% 
Share price| - total return                                              -12.5% 
Discount at period end                        13.6%        4.1% 
FTSE All-Share Index| - total                                             -7.4% 
Revenue return per share                       2.1p        4.1p 
Dividend - first interim                      2.00p       1.65p 
- second interim                              0.85p       2.55p 
- total                                       2.85p       4.20p 
Global Equity Share Portfolio 
                                         SIX MONTHS        YEAR      SIX MONTHS 
                                              ENDED       ENDED           ENDED 
                                        30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY     30 NOVEMBER 
                                               2011        2011    TOTAL RETURN 
Net asset value| - total return                                          -11.1% 
Share price| - total return                                              -14.5% 
Discount at period end                         8.6%        5.3% 
MSCI AC World Index (GBP)| - total                                          -8.4% 
Revenue return per share                       0.8p        2.0p 
Dividend - first interim                      1.00p       0.45p 
- second interim                              0.45p       1.25p 
- total                                       1.45p       1.70p 
Hedge Fund Share Portfolio 
                                         SIX MONTHS        YEAR      SIX MONTHS 
                                              ENDED       ENDED           ENDED 
                                        30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY     30 NOVEMBER 
                                               2011        2011    TOTAL RETURN 
Net asset value| - total return                                           -6.7% 
Share price| - total return                                              -11.9% 
Discount at period end                        11.2%        6.6% 
3 months LIBOR +5% pa - total                                              5.4% 
Managed Liquidity Share Portfolio 
                                         SIX MONTHS        YEAR      SIX MONTHS 
                                              ENDED       ENDED           ENDED 
                                        30 NOVEMBER      31 MAY     30 NOVEMBER 
                                               2011        2011    TOTAL RETURN 
Net asset value| - total return                                            0.0% 
Share price| - total return                                               -0.5% 
Discount at period end                         2.8%        2.3% 
Revenue return per share                       0.1p        0.5p 
Dividend - first interim                          -        0.5p 
Investment Objective and Policy 
The Company's investment objective is to provide shareholders with a choice of 
investment strategies and policies, each intended to generate attractive 
risk-adjusted returns. 
The Company's share capital comprises four share classes: UK Equity Shares, 
Global Equity Income (formerly Global Equity) Shares, Hedge Fund Shares and 
Managed Liquidity Shares, each of which has its own separate portfolio of 
assets and attributable liabilities. Shareholders approved proposed changes to 
the Global Equity and Hedge Fund Portfolios at a General Meeting held on 15 
November 2011 (the UK Equity and Managed Liquidity Portfolios were not 
changed). Transition to the new Global Equity Income investment objective and 
policy commenced immediately and they are now being followed. The Hedge Fund 
Portfolio will be renamed the Balanced Risk Portfolio in February 2012. The new 
investment objectives and policies of these Portfolios are set out in full in 
the appendix to this report. 
The Company enables shareholders to tailor their asset allocation to reflect 
their view of prevailing market conditions. Shareholders now have the 
opportunity to convert between share classes capital gains tax free every three 
The six month period to the end of November 2011 saw extremely unsettled 
markets. The MSCI AC World Index total return over the period was -8.4% and 
that of the FTSE All-Share Index was -7.4%. During the period it became clear 
that, with the debt problems of the Eurozone and the risk of a sharp slowdown 
in China due to weakness in investment and construction, the developed world 
was flirting again with recession. As a result, high-quality government bonds 
performed very well with yields falling to levels only previously associated 
with depression. Equities, in contrast, reflected concerns that profits would 
come under pressure in such an environment. 
In NAV terms, the UK Equity Portfolio returned -3.2% over the period. Although 
the return was negative the Portfolio performed significantly better than the 
FTSE All-Share Index. This good relative performance was due to a cautious 
concentration on very stable companies, particularly in tobacco and healthcare. 
The Global Equity Portfolio returned -11.1% over the period, which was 
disappointing. It suffered from an over-optimistic view of emerging market 
growth and an underweight position in the US where there were signs of a slowly 
improving economy. As mentioned above, shareholders approved changes to the 
investment objective and strategy of this Portfolio on 15 November 2011 and the 
transition to an income biased strategy was completed on 30 November 2011. As a 
result, we anticipate that the future yield on these shares will be at least 
3.5% based on current prices. The Portfolio has been renamed Global Equity 
Income Portfolio to reflect this change. 
In NAV terms, the Company's more secure Managed Liquidity Shares, whose 
objective is derived from cash returns, maintained their value, recording no 
The Hedge Fund Shares, which also had an objective derived from cash returns, 
disappointed again with a return of -6.7%. As stated above, shareholders have 
approved a proposal to change the investment objective and strategy of this 
Portfolio. The Paragon hedge fund assets are being redeemed and the new 
Balanced Risk strategy will be implemented in February, with the Portfolio 
renamed accordingly. The new strategy will utilise futures contracts to 
generate returns from exposure to equities, bonds and commodities on a balanced 
risk basis. It will also provide much better liquidity in the underlying assets 
and a lower Total Expense Ratio. 
The circular sent to shareholders in October described the target for the new 
strategy in general terms. However, the Board will gauge performance of the 
Portfolio against the same target that was set for the Hedge Fund strategy, 
namely to achieve an absolute return of 3-month sterling LIBOR plus 5% per 
annum over a rolling 5-year period. The Board is pleased to note that over the 
six months to 30 November 2011 the Luxembourg based Invesco Balanced-Risk 
Allocation Fund, which uses the same balanced risk strategy, returned +5.0% net 
of fees (expressed in euros), and its performance has continued to be 
satisfactory into the new year. 
The discounts on the Company's Share classes all widened over the period, so 
that share price performance suffered, particularly the UK Equity and Hedge 
Fund Share classes. Since the period end, the discount on the UK Equity Share 
class has narrowed. 
It remains the Directors' policy to distribute substantially all net revenues 
earned between each conversion date for each share class. 
On 18 November 2011 first interim dividends were paid as follows: 
UK Equity Shares: 2.00p 
Global Equity Shares: 1.00p 
Second interim dividends, payable on 15 February 2012 to the shareholders on 
the register on 27 January 2012, have also been declared, as follows: 
UK Equity Shares: 0.85p 
Global Equity Income Shares: 0.45p 
In consequence of continuing very low interest rates, the net revenue of the 
Managed Liquidity Portfolio has been minimal and in view of the administrative 
costs, the Directors have decided not to declare any interim dividends on the 
Managed Liquidity Shares. The net revenue earned will be taken into account in 
considering future dividends. 
Little or no net income is expected from the assets underlying the Hedge Fund 
Shares and no dividends will be paid. It is expected that this will continue to 
be the case when the Balanced Risk strategy is implemented. 
Share Buy Backs 
During the six months to 30 November 2011, the Company purchased and placed in 
treasury 598,000 UK Equity Shares, 272,000 Global Equity Shares, 497,000 Hedge 
Fund Shares and 366,000 Managed Liquidity Shares. 
No shares have been repurchased since the period end. The Board intends to use 
the Company's buy back authorities when this will benefit existing shareholders 
as a whole and will ask shareholders to renew the authorities at the Company's 
AGM each year and at other times should it be in shareholders' interest to do 
so. The Board's policy is to maintain a very narrow discount in the Managed 
Liquidity Share class. There is currently no formal discount policy in the 
other Share classes. 
At the AGM held on 15 November 2011, shareholders renewed the authority to make 
market purchases of ordinary shares up to a maximum number of shares equating 
to 14.99% of the total shares then in issue of each Share class. This authority 
will be utilised when financial and stock market conditions allow and in the 
best interests of the Company and of its shareholders as a whole. 
The Board is confident that with the changes made in November we now have Share 
classes matching our aspiration to provide a range of attractive investment 
solutions for existing and prospective shareholders and that all offer 
advantages to holders in the current unsettled market conditions. 
The outlook remains extremely uncertain. However, there is a much heightened 
awareness of the risks and there is no doubt that for some time both companies 
and financial institutions have been actively seeking to protect themselves. 
Their actions are likely to have an adverse effect through weaker fixed 
investment than might otherwise have been the case, but should also mean that 
they are more resilient if the worse outcomes materialise. The problem for 
government is how to harness excess capacity without increasing already high 
debt levels. 
At the asset class level, high quality government bonds appear to be 
discounting a very severe setback and must be vulnerable to better economic 
news and particularly a recovery in loan demand. Equities look cheap provided 
they manage to avoid a complete mean reversion in profits as a share of 
National Income. Any forecast in this area is extremely uncertain, though it 
obviously depends significantly on overall economic activity. So far companies 
have survived the weakness of the last three years surprisingly well. It would 
be disappointing if they were to be routed now. We are somewhat protected 
because both the Company's equity based Share classes depend on income greater 
than that available from bond markets for a large part of their return and this 
appears to be relatively stable. 
Patrick Gifford 
23 January 2012 
Related Party 
Invesco Asset Management Limited (`IAML'), a wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco 
Limited, acts as Manager and Company Secretary to the Company. Details of 
IAML's services and fee arrangements are summarised in note 2 and are more 
fully described in the 2011 annual financial report, a copy of which can be 
found on the Manager's website at www.invescoperpetual.co.uk/investmenttrusts. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
A detailed explanation of principal risks and uncertainties can be found on 
pages 33 to 36 of the Company's 2011 annual financial report, which is 
available on the Manager's website. 
These are summarised as follows: 
* Investment Policy - the investment policies may not achieve the published 
investment objectives; 
* Risks Applicable to the Company - the prices of shares in the Company may not 
appreciate and the level of dividends may fluctuate; 
* Compulsory Conversion of a Class of Shares - if ownership of a class of 
shares becomes too concentrated the Directors may serve notice on holders of 
the affected class requiring them to convert to another class; 
* Liability of a Portfolio for the Liabilities of Another Portfolio - in the 
event that any portfolio was unable to meet its liabilities, the shortfall 
would become a liability of the other portfolios; 
* Market Movements and Portfolio Performance - falls in stock markets will 
affect the performance of the portfolio and individual investments; 
* Gearing - borrowing will amplify the effect on shareholders' funds of 
portfolio gains and losses; 
* Hedging - where hedging is used there is a risk that the hedge will not be 
* Regulatory and Tax Related - whilst compliance with rules and regulations is 
closely monitored, breaches could affect returns to shareholders; 
* Additional Risks Applicable to Managed Liquidity Shares - the Shares are not 
designed to replicate a bank or building society deposit or money market fund; 
* Additional Risks Applicable to Hedge Fund Shares - the Fauchier Managed Funds 
may be exposed to additional gearing via their investments being themselves 
geared, hedge funds may engage in short selling, which could expose the 
investee hedge fund to the risk of uncapped losses until the position is 
`closed-out', and may invest in derivative instruments that entail greater than 
ordinary investment risks. Also, hedge funds may not permit frequent 
redemptions, meaning that investments may be relatively illiquid; and 
* Reliance on Third Party Service Providers - the Company has no employees, 
other than the Board, so is reliant upon the performance of third party service 
providers, particularly the Manager, for it to function. 
In the view of the Board these principal risks and uncertainties are equally 
applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to 
the six months under review. 
The Balanced Risk Shares will be subject to similar risks to the Hedge Fund 
Shares save that there will be no exposure to short selling and the investments 
are all expected to be liquid. 
Going Concern 
The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. The 
Directors consider this the appropriate basis as the Company has adequate 
resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future. In 
reaching this conclusion, the Directors took into account the value of net 
assets; the Company's Investment Policy; its risk management policies; the 
diversified portfolio of readily realisable securities which can be used to 
meet funding commitments; the credit facility and the overdraft which can be 
used for both long-term and short-term funding requirements; the liquidity of 
the investments which could be used to repay the overdraft in the event that 
the facility could not be renewed or replaced; and the ability of the Company 
in the light of these factors to meet all its liabilities and ongoing expenses. 
in respect of the preparation of the half-yearly financial report 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report 
using accounting policies consistent with applicable law and UK Accounting 
The Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half-yearly 
financial report have been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards 
Board's Statement "Half-Yearly Financial Report"; 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R of the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency 
Rules; and 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required on related party transactions. 
The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the 
Company's auditors. 
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors. 
Patrick Gifford 
23 January 2012 
Shares are convertible at the option of holders into any other class of Share 
on or around 1 February, 1 May, 1 August and 1 November each year. Notice from 
a shareholder to convert any class of Share on any conversion date will be 
accepted up to ten business days prior to the relevant conversion date. Forms 
for conversion are available on the Manager's web site: 
www.invescoperpetual.co.uk/ipst and from the Company Secretary. 
Conversion from one class of Shares into another will be on the basis of a 
ratio derived from the prevailing underlying net asset value of each class of 
relevant Share, calculated shortly before the date of conversion. 
The Directors have been advised that conversion of one class of Share into 
another will not be treated as a disposal for the purposes of UK Capital Gains 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the UK Equity Share Portfolio is to provide 
shareholders with an attractive real long-term total return by investing 
primarily in UK quoted equities. 
Market and Economic Review 
Global news, particularly the European sovereign debt and banking crisis, 
dominated investor sentiment over the six months to the end of November 2011 
and the performance of the stock market was notable for a high level of 
volatility. The UK government's preferred measure of inflation, the Consumer 
Prices Index (`CPI'), remained above its target of 2.0% while the Bank of 
England continued to keep interest rates on hold at 0.5% and confirmed a 
further GBP75 billion of quantitative easing. 
The extreme volatility of the period saw November witnessing the stock market's 
longest losing streak since 2003 and then rallying strongly at the end of the 
month, as co-ordinated action from central banks, led by the US Fed, helped to 
assuage fears of the Eurozone credit crisis escalating. The stock market paid 
little attention to the Chancellor's autumn statement, which confirmed 
forecasts of lower economic growth for the UK - down to 0.9% from 1.7% for this 
year and to 0.7% from 2.5% next. 
In contrast to the economic news, there was some positive corporate news flow, 
with share buy backs a growing theme and certain businesses continuing to 
deliver resilient operational performance. 
Portfolio Strategy and Review 
The net asset value total return of the Portfolio over the six months to the 
end of November 2011 was -3.2%, compared to a negative total return of -7.4% 
recorded by the FTSE All-Share Index. 
In a difficult period for the stock market, amidst growing concerns over the 
economic outlook, the performance of the Portfolio relative to the FTSE 
All-Share Index benefited from its focus on taking advantage of the strength of 
large quoted companies. Corporate news flow from these companies over the 
period was typically positive, underlining the portfolio manager's confidence 
in their ability to deliver through tough times. 
The Portfolio's investments in the tobacco sector delivered a positive 
contribution over the six months, with investors increasingly appreciating the 
resilience of the sector's earnings and cash flow. The holdings in Reynolds 
American and British American Tobacco performed particularly strongly, with the 
former additionally benefiting from the strength of the US dollar. 
The Portfolio is also heavily invested in the pharmaceutical sector and this 
performed relatively well in the challenging market conditions. Other examples 
of the health of the Portfolio's major investments came from Vodafone, whose 
interim results included a comment on the continued strong momentum in emerging 
markets such as India and Turkey, from Wm Morrison Supermarkets, which 
confirmed that the strategy of margin recovery and geographic expansion 
remained on track, and from Tate & Lyle, which noted strong demand in a number 
of its markets. 
Shares in Drax rose strongly on proposals from the Department of Energy & 
Climate Change, particularly with regard to subsidies for renewable energy. The 
Portfolio's new holding in Rolls Royce performed strongly after the company 
revealed the disposal of its interest in International Aero Engines (`IAE') to 
Pratt & Whitney for US$1.5 billion. A visit to Rolls Royce's civil aerospace 
operations in Derby confirmed the portfolio manager's view that it is 
justifiably recognised as an industry leading, world class engineering 
There was, however, disappointing news from the Portfolio's investment in 
Homeserve, the shares of which fell sharply on news that, following an 
independent review, it was to suspend part of its telesales operation pending a 
re-training of its sales staff. 
The investment in Chemring detracted from the Portfolio's performance over the 
period. The company announced that unexpected delays in customer orders would 
hit full year revenues and profits. Concerns over the outlook for defence 
spending also hit the shares of BAE Systems. 
The investment in Rentokil also performed disappointingly over the period, 
detracting from performance. The company announced a decline in half yearly 
pre-tax profit as trading deteriorated at its struggling parcels division, City 
There were relatively few significant changes to the Portfolio's holdings 
during the period. Exposure was reduced to Daily Mail & General Trust and Tate 
& Lyle and the holding in Bunzl was sold. The proceeds were used to make a new 
investment in Rolls Royce and to add to existing holdings in BAE Systems and 
Brown (N). 
The recent news from the UK economy has provided strong evidence of the fragile 
condition of the domestic economic situation. This was not a surprise to the 
portfolio manager who expects this challenging environment to persist for 
several years to come. 
Investment strategy has focused on taking advantage of the strength of large 
quoted companies; in sharp contrast to the household and government sectors, 
corporates look to be in a position of strength, not just in the UK but 
globally. Large companies, in particular, are mostly well managed and have 
flexibility in their use of capital and labour. This has allowed them to 
gradually reduce debt levels in recent years, to the extent that company 
balance sheets in general are now in excellent shape. This is in stark contrast 
to most sovereign balance sheets, which have been vastly expanded to provide 
the large stimulus packages that have characterised the post-crisis world and 
leave many sovereign credit ratings at risk of downgrades. 
Many of the biggest holdings in the Portfolio have delivered solid levels of 
earnings, cash flow and dividend growth over the last few years. This 
operational progress has been achieved despite the financial crisis and the 
deepest recession in post-war history. This gives the portfolio manager 
confidence that these businesses can continue in similar vein in the future, 
notwithstanding the continued probable weakness of developed world economies. 
Despite this dependability and their proven ability to grow through the most 
testing of economic circumstances, the valuations of the shares are low both in 
absolute terms and relative to other asset classes. The portfolio manager 
believes that equities are lower risk now than for many years given the scale 
of the de-rating witnessed. As an equity investor he believes this represents 
an extraordinary opportunity to invest in some of the biggest and best 
companies in the market at very attractive valuations. 
Mark Barnett 
Portfolio Manager 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
23 January 2012 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2011 
Ordinary shares listed in the UK unless stated otherwise 
                                                                VALUE      % OF 
COMPANY                     INDUSTRY GROUP|                     GBP'000 PORTFOLIO 
Imperial Tobacco            Tobacco                             2,570       5.6 
Reynolds American - US      Tobacco                             2,565       5.6 
Common Stock 
British American Tobacco    Tobacco                             2,386       5.2 
GlaxoSmithKline             Pharmaceuticals and                 2,250       4.9 
Vodafone                    Mobile Telecommunications           2,227       4.9 
BT                          Fixed Line Telecommunications       2,084       4.6 
BG                          Oil and Gas Producers               2,011       4.4 
AstraZeneca                 Pharmaceuticals and                 1,893       4.2 
Tesco                       Food and Drug Retailers             1,468       3.2 
Babcock International       Support Services                    1,438       3.2 
BAE Systems                 Aerospace and Defence               1,407       3.1 
Reckitt Benckiser           Household Goods and Home            1,332       2.9 
Roche - Swiss common stock  Pharmaceuticals and                 1,250       2.8 
Capita                      Support Services                    1,200       2.6 
Centrica                    Gas, Water and Multiutilities       1,169       2.6 
Hiscox                      Non-Life Insurance                  1,137       2.5 
Drax                        Electricity                         1,104       2.4 
Compass                     Travel and Leisure                  1,079       2.4 
Provident Financial         Financial Services                    984       2.2 
Pennon                      Gas, Water and Multiutilities         978       2.1 
International Power         Electricity                           893       2.0 
KCOM                        Fixed Line Telecommunications         868       1.9 
Amlin                       Non-Life Insurance                    844       1.9 
BTG                         Pharmaceuticals and                   803       1.8 
Balfour Beatty              Construction and Materials            798       1.8 
Beazley                     Non-Life Insurance                    765       1.7 
Wm Morrison Supermarkets    Food and Drug Retailers               716       1.6 
SSE                         Electricity                           671       1.5 
Tate & Lyle                 Food Producers                        633       1.4 
A J Bell - Unquoted         Financial Services                    625       1.4 
Serco                       Support Services                      613       1.3 
Ladbrokes                   Travel and Leisure                    519       1.1 
Rentokil Initial            Support Services                      512       1.1 
Chemring                    Aerospace and Defence                 509       1.1 
Homeserve                   Support Services                      509       1.1 
TalkTalk Telecom            Fixed Line Telecommunications         453       1.0 
Daily Mail & General Trust  Media                                 331       0.7 
Brown (N)                   General Retailers                     327       0.7 
Impax Environmental Markets Investment Companies                  313       0.7 
Rolls Royce - Ordinary and  Aerospace and Defence                 265       0.6 
C Shares 
Vectura                     Pharmaceuticals and                   218       0.5 
UK Coal                     Mining                                166       0.4 
Barclays Bank - Nuclear     Electricity                           149       0.3 
Power Notes 28 February 
XCounter(4)                 Healthcare Equipment and              148       0.3 
Landkom International(3)    Food Producers                         83       0.2 
PuriCore                    Healthcare Equipment and               67       0.1 
HaloSource(2)               Healthcare Equipment and               66       0.1 
Renovo                      Pharmaceuticals and                    44       0.1 
Yell                        Media                                  44       0.1 
Ecofin Water and Power      Equity Investment Instruments          39       0.1 
Opportunities - 6% 
Convertible Loan Stock 2016 
Helphire                    Financial Services                      6         - 
Total                                                          45,529     100.0 
|FTSE Industry Classification Benchmark. 
(1) Contingent Value Rights (`CVRs') referred to as Nuclear Power Notes 
(`NPNs') were offered by EDF as a partial cash alternative to its cash bid for 
British Energy (`BE'). The NPNs were issued by Barclays Bank. The CVRs 
participate in BE's existing business. 
(2) Listed on AiM. 
(3) Listed in Isle of Man. 
(4) Listed in Sweden. 
                             SIX MONTHS ENDED        SIX MONTHS ENDED    31 MAY 
                             30 NOVEMBER 2011        30 NOVEMBER 2010      2011 
                            GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
(Losses)/gains on               - (1,801) (1,801)       -   2,586  2,586  7,668 
Foreign exchange gains          -       4       4       -       -      -     10 
Income                        989       -     989     851       -    851  2,206 
Management fee - note 2      (44)   (104)   (148)    (40)    (93)  (133)  (267) 
Performance fee - note 2        -   (217)   (217)       -       -      -  (111) 
Other expenses               (85)     (1)    (86)    (79)       -   (79)  (144) 
Net return before finance     860 (2,119) (1,259)     732   2,493  3,225  9,362 
costs and taxation 
Finance costs                (19)    (45)    (64)    (19)    (42)   (61)  (128) 
Return on ordinary            841 (2,164) (1,323)     713   2,451  3,164  9,234 
activities before tax 
Tax on ordinary              (11)       -    (11)    (13)       -   (13)   (31) 
Return on ordinary            830 (2,164) (1,334)     700   2,451  3,151  9,203 
activities after tax for 
the financial period 
Basic return per ordinary    2.1p  (5.5)p  (3.4)p    1.8p    6.3p   8.1p  23.6p 
share - note 4 
SUMMARY OF NET ASSETS                                  AT          AT        AT 
                                              30 NOVEMBER 30 NOVEMBER    31 MAY 
                                                     2011        2010      2011 
                                                    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                       45,529      43,346    49,734 
Current assets                                        362         137       596 
Creditors falling due within one year,              (625)       (519)     (563) 
excluding borrowings 
Overdraft                                               -        (52)         - 
Bank loan                                         (5,625)     (6,900)   (7,550) 
Net assets                                         39,641      36,012    42,217 
Net asset value per share - note 5                 100.1p       92.4p    105.3p 
Gross                                               14.2%       19.3%     17.9% 
Net                                                 14.0%       19.3%     17.8% 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the Global Equity Portfolio changed on 15 November 
2011 to provide an attractive and growing level of income return and capital 
appreciation over the long term, predominantly through investment in a 
diversified portfolio of equities worldwide, and has been renamed Global Equity 
Income. It should be noted that, although the portfolio at 30 November 2011 
reflects the new strategy, the performance over the period described in this 
Report derives from the former investment objective and policy as set out in 
the 2011 annual financial report. 
Market and Economic Review 
The global economic backdrop deteriorated over the summer months although 
macro-economic data has since surprised on the upside, particularly in the US. 
Nonetheless the outlook remains one of slow and prolonged economic recovery, as 
fiscal austerity and an extended period of deleveraging restrain growth. 
Against this backdrop, and with increased Eurozone sovereign debt worries, 
markets moved quickly, and often indiscriminately, to price in a sharp 
deterioration and volatility is likely to remain high in the near term. Many 
corporates, however, are in good health as they have restructured their cost 
bases and rebuilt balance sheets following the financial crisis, and recent 
market weakness has left a lot of quality companies trading at very attractive 
valuations, discounting a more severe earnings outlook than we believe is 
Portfolio Performance 
The net asset value total return of the Portfolio over the 6 months to the end 
of November 2011 was -11.1%, compared to a negative total return of -8.4% 
recorded by the MSCI AC World Index. 
Portfolio Strategy and Activity 
Over the period the core of the portfolio comprised sustainable growth, cash 
generative names in areas like pharmaceuticals and tobacco, and companies with 
a strong aftermarket or services element supporting earnings stability, many of 
which in industrial sectors. Being entirely stock driven, the portfolio also 
had a number of turnaround and special situation investments that it was 
thought the market was mis-pricing. Exposure to commodity cyclicals like 
materials, and to consumer discretionary spend, was modest in the portfolio. 
The Portfolio's high exposure to attractively valued sustainable growth names 
in the UK made a positive contribution to returns, most notably within the 
consumer staples and healthcare sectors. Much of the exposure to these areas 
came through cash generative tobacco and pharmaceutical companies. Imperial 
Tobacco did well, as did pharmaceutical holdings Roche, Glaxo and Novartis. 
Vodafone was another strong performer. 
Continental Europe was a weak market and the Portfolio's relatively high 
exposure detracted from performance. Healthcare was important here as the high 
level of Swiss pharmaceutical exposure mitigated, to an extent, the weakness 
from some of our consumer and industrial cyclicals (Daimler, UPM, Safran) and 
financials holdings. 
The financials sector was under pressure and the Portfolio's European banks 
exposure was a drag on performance. Consumer discretionary stocks were also 
weak. Utilities finally proved defensive, but having no exposure in the 
Portfolio this was a negative relative to the index. Low exposure to telecoms 
also had a negative impact. Country-wise, Japan as a market proved defensive, 
but the Portfolio's exposure, focussed on financials and autos, was not the 
best place to be over the review period. 
As mentioned above, shareholders passed a resolution to change the investment 
policy and objective of the Global Equity Portfolio at a General Meeting of the 
Company held on 15 November 2011. From that date, the Portfolio's investment 
management transferred to Invesco Perpetual's Global Equity Income team of Paul 
Boyne and Doug McGraw. The transition was completed by 30 November 2011, which 
is reflected in the list of investments at that date. The reasoning behind this 
change was a belief by the Directors, after consulting shareholders, that a 
higher and growing level of investment income from this portfolio is, and is 
likely to remain, a prized commodity if prevailing levels of interest rates 
stay at present low levels for some time. 
The new portfolio managers' outlook is one of slow and prolonged economic 
recovery, against a backdrop of sovereign debt concerns and fiscal austerity in 
Europe, and worries that growth in China is slowing. The strategy being 
followed to achieve the new investment objective is to look for companies with 
attractive valuations that can sustain profit margins and deliver returns 
through the economic cycle and which offer growing and sustainable dividends. 
Companies are sought that are high quality, with attractive franchises and 
balance sheets with a conservative level of debt. The portfolio managers 
believe that these types of companies are more likely to be able to return cash 
to investors in the form of growing dividends. Sustainability of margins and 
dividends are key to this approach. 
Bob Yerbury 
Paul Boyne and Doug McGraw 
Portfolio Managers 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
23 January 2012 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2011 
                                                               VALUE       % OF 
COMPANY             INDUSTRY GROUP|              COUNTRY|      GBP'000  PORTFOLIO 
Roche               Pharmaceuticals,             Switzerland   1,177        3.6 
                    Biotechnology and Life 
Reynolds American   Food, Beverage and Tobacco   US            1,154        3.5 
Philip Morris       Food, Beverage and Tobacco   US            1,089        3.3 
Tyco International  Capital Goods                US            1,082        3.3 
Johnson & Johnson   Pharmaceuticals,             US            1,059        3.2 
                    Biotechnology and Life 
Amcor               Materials                    Australia     1,034        3.2 
Novartis            Pharmaceuticals,             Switzerland     968        3.0 
                    Biotechnology and Life 
British Sky         Media                        UK              881        2.7 
Vodafone            Telecommunication Services   UK              862        2.6 
Canon               Technology Hardware and      Japan           796        2.4 
SES                 Media                        France          788        2.4 
Total               Energy                       France          726        2.2 
Zurich Financial    Insurance                    Switzerland     691        2.2 
Viacom              Media                        US              686        2.1 
Pearson             Media                        UK              686        2.1 
Time Warner         Media                        US              679        2.1 
HSBC                Banks                        UK              675        2.1 
Macy's              Retailing                    US              669        2.0 
Wolters Kluwer      Media                        Netherlands     660        2.0 
Bilfinger Berger    Capital Goods                Germany         657        2.0 
Exxon Mobil         Energy                       US              657        2.0 
Chevron             Energy                       US              656        2.0 
Auto Data           Software and Services        US              649        2.0 
Emerson Electric    Capital Goods                US              623        2.0 
Baxter              Healthcare Equipment and     US              594        1.8 
CRH - ADR           Materials                    Ireland         561        1.7 
Raytheon            Capital Goods                US              526        1.6 
Honda               Automobiles and Components   Japan           521        1.6 
Kraft Foods         Food, Beverage and Tobacco   US              515        1.6 
Pfizer              Pharmaceuticals,             US              510        1.6 
                    Biotechnology and Life 
United Technologies Capital Goods                US              509        1.6 
ComfortDelGro       Transportation               Singapore       500        1.5 
Time Warner Cable   Media                        US              497        1.5 
Hutchison Whampoa   Capital Goods                Hong Kong       487        1.5 
Sysco               Food and Staples Retailing   US              484        1.5 
Mitsubishi Estate   Real Estate                  Japan           466        1.4 
Accenture           Software and Services        US              449        1.4 
Orkla ASA           Capital Goods                Norway          435        1.3 
QBE                 Insurance                    Australia       432        1.3 
BG                  Energy                       UK              425        1.3 
Venture             Technology Hardware and      Singapore       425        1.3 
Covidien            Healthcare Equipment and     US              413        1.3 
Lawson              Food and Staples Retailing   Japan           367        1.1 
Robert Half         Commercial and Professional  US              364        1.1 
United Parcel       Transportation               US              338        1.0 
Home Depot          Retailing                    US              338        1.0 
AT&T                Telecommunication Services   US              330        1.0 
Procter & Gamble    Household and Personal       US              327        1.0 
Catlin              Insurance                    UK              326        1.0 
British American    Food, Beverage and Tobacco   UK              310        0.9 
Kon KPN             Telecommunication Services   Netherlands     306        0.9 
Jardine Matheson    Capital Goods                Hong Kong       305        0.9 
Northern Trust      Diversified Financials       US              303        0.9 
Telefonica          Telecommunication Services   Spain           249        0.8 
HKR International   Real Estate                  Hong Kong       205        0.6 
Sky Deutschland     Media                        Germany         131        0.4 
Canon Marketing     Retailing                    Japan            75        0.2 
NEC Fielding        Software and Services        Japan            73        0.2 
Alfresa             Healthcare Equipment and     Japan            72        0.2 
Total                                                         32,772      100.0 
|MSCI and Standard & Poor's Global Industry Classification Standard. 
                              SIX MONTHS ENDED       SIX MONTHS ENDED    31 MAY 
                              30 NOVEMBER 2011       30 NOVEMBER 2010      2011 
                             GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000  GBP'000 
(Losses)/gains on                - (4,462) (4,462)       -     172   172  2,984 
Foreign exchange losses          -    (80)    (80)       -    (14)  (14)   (42) 
Income                         387       -     387     364       -   364    944 
Management fees - note 2      (38)    (89)   (127)    (39)    (92) (131)  (279) 
Other expenses                (80)       -    (80)    (76)     (1)  (77)  (141) 
Net return before finance      269 (4,631) (4,362)     249      65   314  3,466 
costs and taxation 
Finance costs                  (1)     (2)     (3)       -       -     -      - 
Return on ordinary             268 (4,633) (4,365)     249      65   314  3,466 
activities before tax 
Tax on ordinary activities    (29)       -    (29)    (27)       -  (27)   (74) 
Return on ordinary             239 (4,633) (4,394)     222      65   287  3,392 
activities after tax for 
the financial period 
Basic return per ordinary     0.8p (14.6)p (13.8)p    0.7p    0.2p  0.9p  10.5p 
share - note 4 
                                                       AT          AT        AT 
                                              30 NOVEMBER 30 NOVEMBER    31 MAY 
                                                     2011        2010      2011 
                                                    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                       32,772      36,319    38,170 
Current assets                                        797         617       589 
Creditors falling due within one year,              (185)       (115)     (121) 
excluding borrowings 
Net assets                                         33,384      36,821    38,638 
Net asset value per share - note 5                 106.1p      112.4p    120.9p 
Gross                                                0.0%        0.0%      0.0% 
Net                                                (1.7)%        1.3%    (0.9)% 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the Hedge Fund Share Portfolio has been to achieve 
an absolute return of 3-month sterling LIBOR plus 5% per annum over a rolling 
five year period, coupled with low volatility. Capital preservation has been a 
priority. The Portfolio investment objective and policy will change in February 
2012 as explained in the Outlook section below. The new objective and policy 
are set out in full in the appendix to this half-yearly financial report. 
Since 1 June 2010 the principal hedge fund assets underlying the Portfolio have 
been shares in Paragon Capital Appreciation Fund (`PCAF'). The Portfolio also 
holds directly residual holdings of the predecessor funds of hedge funds. The 
remainder of this report describes the activities of PCAF in the period under 
For the six months to 30 November 2011, PCAF produced a return of -5.6%, net of 
fees. Since 30 November 2006, the PCAF and the predecessor Fauchier Allocator 
Funds have achieved an average annual compound return of 2.5%. Over the same 
period the annualised volatility of the same has been 9.4%, and the "beta" to 
the FTSE All-Share Index (Total Return) some 0.34 and the Citigroup UK Gilt 
Index (greater than 5 years) -0.25. 
Market Review 
Markets were again dominated by overarching macro-economic and political 
concerns as the predicament of the Eurozone and its banking system lurched from 
bad to worse. The long-anticipated rescue package for Greece announced at the 
end of October produced a short-lived rally until cracks appeared in the 
political will to see through reforms and the spotlight fell on Italy, Spain 
and, significantly, France. Yields on 10-year Italian bonds hit a euro-era high 
of 7.56% before Mr Berlusconi was forced to resign to be replaced by a 
government of technocrats. 
Hopes for the global economy outside of Europe were dampened as Chinese reports 
indicated a contraction in manufacturing. In the US, Congress produced a 
political impasse of its own, wrangling until the eleventh hour before raising 
its debt ceiling and averting an almost inconceivable default, while the 
precarious state of the US balance sheet was underlined when after two months 
of negotiations, the cross party "super committee" failed to reach its minimum 
target of agreeing $1.2 trillion in government savings. 
In the final days of November, concerted intervention by central banks to ease 
funding pressure on the beleaguered banking system resulted in a sharp 
month-end rally after a period of intense concern about the very viability of 
the euro's survival. 
Global equity markets were extremely volatile with the VIX Volatility index 
peaking around 43, a level not seen since 2008. After a rollercoaster ride, the 
MSCI AC World (Total Return) Index ended down -8.4%. 
Hedge Fund Strategies 
Macro managers were down in aggregate as some struggled with the sharp 
reversals in sentiment. The best performer had positions designed to profit 
from the divergence of Eurozone sovereign credits and despite finding himself 
wrong-footed by the initial rally in reaction to the Greek bailout package, 
generated good gains overall. Trading equities proved a thankless task for 
other managers, while our commodities specialist was down as gains from 
precious metals positions were subsumed by losses in petrochemicals and soft 
The Fixed Income manager was up, making gains from euro interest rate 
positions, short euro and trades profiting from the continuing bank stress. 
There was a wide range of outcomes for the Equity Hedged managers. Inevitably 
the performance of those with the highest overall net exposure was dragged down 
by the drop in the broader indices, but in most cases hedges were able to 
mitigate the worst of the markets' decline. On the positive side our Technology 
specialist performed well as low net exposure and good stock selection helped 
to generate an overall gain. Financials proved troublesome for a couple of 
managers; for example one was positioned net short of Banks during November, 
which, as the target of the central banks' concerted intervention, were among 
the chief beneficiaries of the rally. 
Unsurprisingly, the Short Bias managers performed well, demonstrating some most 
welcome signs of alpha generation. 
The Event Driven managers struggled with the market volatility. Special 
situations equities detracted for one manager, while the longer bias of the 
activist managers meant that they were more directly impacted by the volatility 
and ended down slightly. 
Credit markets were no less challenging and the Specialist Credit strategy was 
down. The best performing funds were those managers with low net exposure and 
defensive names. Special situation and distressed names were amongst the 
hardest hit in the high-yield sell-off. 
The Multiple Strategy managers were also down in aggregate. The best performer 
made gains predominantly from direct commodity exposure, particularly in 
precious metals and energy. Losses arose mainly from managers' equity and 
credit books. 
The PCAF Portfolio 
During the last 6 months, there have been limited changes to the PCAF portfolio 
composition. Allocation to Macro and Equity Long Bias has increased by one 
manager per strategy. 
As at 30 November 2011, PCAF had holdings in 34 hedge funds across 11 different 
strategies. Approximately 67% of the assets invested were in Absolute Value 
strategies with the balance in Relative Value strategies. 
Fauchier Partners LLP 
Investment Adviser 
23 January 2012 
Shareholders approved proposed changes to the Hedge Fund Portfolio at a General 
Meeting held on 15 November 2011. The Portfolio will be renamed Balanced Risk 
Portfolio in February 2012 when its new investment objective and policies, 
which are set out in the appendix to this half-yearly financial report, become 
The new strategy, which will be managed by the Invesco Global Asset Allocation 
investment team, based in Atlanta, USA, is aimed at delivering returns in 
different economic environments with low volatility. The team seeks to achieve 
this through investment in three asset classes, being equities, bonds and 
commodities. The asset class weightings are determined using a proprietary 
investment process, with assets being selected according to three key criteria: 
a correlation matrix to ensure diversification, the ability to generate excess 
returns and specific liquidity and transparency criteria. Exposure to the asset 
classes is principally obtained through highly liquid and transparently priced 
exchange-traded futures contracts, with cash and cash equivalents being held as 
It is hoped that this will provide shareholders with an attractive total return 
in differing economic and inflationary environments, and with low correlation 
to equity and bond market indices. The US based Premia Plus Fund, which 
launched the strategy in 2008, has produced encouraging returns over a range of 
economic and market conditions with an annualised total return from inception 
to 30 November 2011 of 13.55% (before fees), compared with a traditional 
balanced portfolio benchmark (60% MSCI World Index/40% Barclays Aggregate Bond 
Index) over the same period of 5.02% (all expressed in US dollar terms). 
Invesco Asset Management Ltd 
23 January 2012 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2011 
Hedge Fund Investments 
At 30 November 2011 the investments of the Hedge Fund Share Portfolio consisted 
principally of two Certificates, the performance of each of which is linked to 
the performance of Paragon Capital Appreciation Fund (`PCAF'). PCAF is an 
open-ended investment company domiciled in Guernsey and listed on the Irish 
Stock Exchange. Fauchier Partners act as investment manager to PCAF. 
                                                                           % OF 
STRATEGY                     FUND NAME                                PORTFOLIO 
Underlying investments of 
Macro                        COMAC Global Macro Fund                        4.0 
                             Fortress Macro Fund                            3.2 
                             Wexford Offshore Spectrum Fund                 2.8 
                             Fortress Commodities Offshore Fund             2.0 
                             Drawbridge Global Macro Fund                   0.1 
                             Drawbridge Global Alpha Fund V                   - 
Equity Long Bias             Bay Resource Partners Offshore Fund            3.7 
Equity Hedged High           Dabroes Offshore Investment Fund               4.5 
                             Elm Ridge Value Partners Offshore Fund         3.9 
                             Criterion Capital Partners                     3.8 
                             Brahman Partners II Offshore                   3.4 
                             Lansdowne Global Financials Fund               3.2 
                             Lansdowne UK Equity Fund                       3.0 
Equity Hedged Low Volatility Alydar Fund                                    2.6 
                             Walker Smith International Fund                2.4 
                             Ascend Fund II FP                              2.1 
Short Bias                   Fauchier Partners Counterpoint Fund            3.3 
Specialist Credit            CFIP Overseas Fund                             3.7 
                             Knighthead Offshore Fund                       3.4 
                             Riva Ridge Overseas Fund                       3.1 
                             Claren Road Credit Fund                        1.1 
Event Driven                 Empyrean Capital Overseas Fund                 3.7 
                             RoundKeep Icho Global Fund                     3.5 
                             Trian Partners                                 3.5 
                             Pershing Square International                  3.0 
                             Harbinger Capital Partners Offshore            1.9 
                             Fund I 
                             Perry Partners International                   0.1 
Volatility Trading           Vicis Capital Fund (International)             0.8 
Fixed Income                 Brevan Howard Fund                             3.9 
Multiple Strategy            Sunbeam Opportunities Offshore                 3.9 
                             OZ Europe Overseas Fund II                     2.8 
                             Shepherd Select Asset                          0.5 
                             Highbridge Asia Opportunities Fund             0.1 
Incubator                    Fauchier Partners Incubator Fund               2.3 
Other                        Jubilee Special Situations Fund                3.0 
Cash                                                                        5.9 
Assets Held Directly         Plainfield 2009 Liquidating                    1.1 
                             Harbinger Class PE Holdings                    0.5 
                             CCM SPV III                                    0.1 
                             Indus Pacific Opportunities                    0.1 
                             Harbinger Class L Holdings                       - 
Total Fixed Assets                                                        100.0 
                             SIX MONTHS ENDED       SIX MONTHS ENDED    31 MAY 
                             30 NOVEMBER 2011       30 NOVEMBER 2010      2011 
                            GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Losses on investments           -   (803)  (803)       -    (44)   (44)   (17) 
Net losses on foreign           -     (1)    (1)       -       -      -   (20) 
Income                          -       -      -       -       -      -      - 
Management fees - note 2        -    (14)   (14)       -    (18)   (18)   (34) 
Other expenses               (28)    (25)   (53)    (41)    (29)   (70)   (64) 
Return on ordinary           (28)   (843)  (871)    (41)    (91)  (132)  (135) 
activities before finance 
Finance costs                   -    (11)   (11)       -     (8)    (8)   (15) 
Return on ordinary           (28)   (854)  (882)    (41)    (99)  (140)  (150) 
activities before tax 
Tax on ordinary                 -       -      -       -       -      -      - 
Return on ordinary           (28)   (854)  (882)    (41)    (99)  (140)  (150) 
activities after tax for 
the financial period 
Basic return per ordinary  (0.3)p  (8.0)p (8.3)p  (0.3)p  (0.7)p (1.0)p (1.2)p 
share - note 4 
                                                       AT          AT        AT 
                                              30 NOVEMBER 30 NOVEMBER    31 MAY 
                                                     2011        2010      2011 
                                                    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                       10,873      14,647    13,412 
Current assets                                        210       1,005        40 
Creditors falling due within one year,               (26)        (47)      (38) 
excluding borrowings 
Overdraft                                               -           -     (124) 
Bank loan                                               -     (1,525)     (950) 
Net assets                                         11,057      14,080    12,340 
Net asset value per share - note 5                 104.2p      111.8p    112.1p 
Gross                                                0.0%       10.8%      8.7% 
Net                                                (1.9)%        4.1%      8.7% 
Market and Economic Review 
UK interest rates have remained unchanged at 0.5% throughout the last six 
months and the Monetary Policy Committee (`MPC') of the Bank of England has 
extended quantitative easing to loosen monetary conditions in the face of 
persistently weak economic growth in the UK and a deepening sovereign debt 
crisis in the Eurozone. In May the nine-member committee was split 6:3 in 
favour of maintaining the 0.5% rate, with the minority preferring rate rises. 
One of these three, Andrew Sentance, retired after this meeting and the other 
two, Spencer Dale and Martin Weale, changed their position during the summer as 
indicators for UK growth weakened. In the August meeting the committee was 
unanimous on holding rates steady. Believing that the downside risks to future 
growth and inflation were growing, the committee then voted in October to 
extend its programme of asset purchases (quantitative easing) from GBP200 billion 
to GBP275 billion. Both of these policies retain unanimous support to date. As 
headline inflation was 5% in October, this policy appears inconsistent with the 
bank's medium term target of 2%. However, the committee remains confident that 
disinflationary pressures in the economy together with the diminishing 
influence of oil price increases and the VAT hike in January 2011 will lead to 
lower inflation in the coming quarters. Slack in the economy is not being 
eroded quickly as growth remains low. Quarterly growth was 0.1% in the second 
quarter of 2011 and 0.5% in the third, leaving the annual rate at 0.5%. 
Indications of consumption are also weak. The unemployment rate rose from 7.7% 
in April to 8.3% in October and wage growth remains low at an annual rate of 
2.3%. Consumer confidence has fallen over the period and is now considerably 
below 2010 levels. Retail sales growth is weak, rising just 0.8% in volume 
terms in the year to October. 
The 2 year Gilt yield fell from 0.92% at the end of May to 0.46% at the end of 
November. Ongoing concerns about bank exposure to the sovereign debt crisis 
meant that sterling three-month interbank lending rates rose over the same 
period from 0.83% to 1.04%. Corporate bond yields rose in a market environment 
of risk aversion. 
Portfolio Strategy and Review 
The investment strategy is achieved by investing in the Invesco Perpetual Money 
Fund and, to a lesser extent, in Short-Term Investments Company (Global Series) 
plc, which invests in a diversified portfolio of high quality Sterling 
denominated short-term money market instruments. The Invesco Perpetual Money 
Fund (`Fund') has maintained holdings in floating-rate notes (`FRNs') where 
yields are reset every three months to reflect changes in the London Interbank 
Offered Rate (`LIBOR'), the rate at which the largest banks lend money to one 
another. As UK interest rates are widely expected to remain near their current 
low level for a considerable time, the Fund also holds a number of government, 
quasi-government and corporate bonds. These have higher interest coupons than 
those currently available on FRNs. In order to limit risk exposure, these bonds 
are both short dated and of high quality. 
The portfolio manager shares the Bank of England's view that inflation will 
moderate from here as poor earnings growth and limited credit availability 
retard consumption. Therefore it is not expected that UK interest rates will 
move significantly higher over the next year. 
Stuart Edwards 
Portfolio Manager 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
23 January 2012 
                                                      AT           AT        AT 
                                             30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER    31 MAY 
                                                    2011         2010      2011 
                                                  MARKET       MARKET    MARKET 
                                                   VALUE        VALUE     VALUE 
FUND                                               GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000 
Invesco Perpetual Money Fund                       8,285        9,998     8,277 
Short-Term Investments Company (Global                95          415       340 
                                                   8,380       10,413     8,617 
                             SIX MONTHS ENDED       SIX MONTHS ENDED    31 MAY 
                             30 NOVEMBER 2011       30 NOVEMBER 2010      2011 
                            GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000  GBP'000  GBP'000 
Losses on investments           -    (14)   (14)       -       -      -    (3) 
Income                         28       -     28      39       -     39     81 
Management fees - note 2        -       -      -     (1)       -    (1)      - 
Other expenses               (17)       -   (17)    (21)       -   (21)   (30) 
Net return before finance      11    (14)    (3)      17       -     17     48 
costs and taxation 
Tax on ordinary                 -       -      -       -       -      -      - 
Return on ordinary             11    (14)    (3)      17       -     17     48 
activities after tax for 
the financial period 
Basic return per ordinary    0.1p  (0.1)p      -    0.1p       -   0.1p   0.5p 
share - note 4 
                                                      AT           AT        AT 
                                             30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER    31 MAY 
                                                    2011         2010      2011 
                                                   GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000 
Fixed assets                                       8,380       10,413     8,617 
Current assets                                        68           80        64 
Creditors falling due within one year,             (162)        (329)     (161) 
excluding borrowings 
Overdraft                                           (99)            -       (3) 
Net assets                                         8,187       10,164     8,517 
Net asset value per share - note 5                102.4p       102.2p    102.3p 
                               SIX MONTHS ENDED       SIX MONTHS ENDED    31 MAY 
                               30 NOVEMBER 2011       30 NOVEMBER 2010      2011 
                              GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 GBP'000  GBP'000 
(Losses)/gains on                 - (7,080) (7,080)       -   2,714 2,714 10,632 
Foreign exchange losses           -    (77)    (77)       -    (14)  (14)   (52) 
Income                        1,404       -   1,404   1,254       - 1,254  3,231 
Management fees - note 2       (82)   (207)   (289)    (80)   (203) (283)  (580) 
Performance fees                  -   (217)   (217)       -       -     -  (111) 
Other expenses                (210)    (26)   (236)   (217)    (30) (247)  (379) 
Net return before finance     1,112 (7,607) (6,495)     957   2,467 3,424 12,741 
costs and taxation 
Finance costs                  (20)    (58)    (78)    (19)    (50)  (69)  (143) 
Return on ordinary            1,092 (7,665) (6,573)     938   2,417 3,355 12,598 
activities before tax 
Tax on ordinary activities     (40)       -    (40)    (40)       -  (40)  (105) 
Return on ordinary            1,052 (7,665) (6,613)     898   2,417 3,315 12,493 
activities after tax for 
the financial period 
Basic return per ordinary 
share - note 4 
  UK Equity Share Portfolio    2.1p  (5.5)p  (3.4)p    1.8p    6.3p  8.1p  23.6p 
  Global Equity Income         0.8p (14.6)p (13.8)p    0.7p    0.2p  0.9p  10.5p 
Share Portfolio 
  Hedge Fund Share           (0.3p)  (8.0)p  (8.3)p  (0.3)p  (0.7)p (1.0) (1.2)p 
Portfolio                                                               p 
  Managed Liquidity Share      0.1p  (0.1)p       -    0.1p       -  0.1p   0.5p 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's profit and loss 
account, prepared in accordance with UK Accounting Standards. The supplementary 
revenue and capital columns are both prepared in accordance with the Statement 
of Recommended Practice issued by the Association of Investment Companies. All 
items in the above statement derive from continuing operations and the Company 
has no other gains or losses, therefore no statement of recognised gains or 
losses is presented. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. 
                        GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
30 NOVEMBER 2011 
At 31 May 2011          1,071   1,290  89,617        324   9,403       7 101,712 
Share buy backs             -       - (1,723)          -       -       - (1,723) 
Net return on               -       -       -          - (7,665)   1,052 (6,613) 
ordinary activities 
Interim dividend for        -       -    (48)          -       - (1,059) (1,107) 
At 30 November 2011     1,071   1,290  87,846        324   1,738       -  92,269 
31 MAY 2011 
At 31 May 2010          1,071   1,290  96,896        323   (872)       -  98,708 
Cancellation of             -       -     (1)          1       -       -       - 
deferred shares 
Shares bought back          -       - (7,278)          -       -       - (7,278) 
and held in treasury 
Realised gains on           -       -       -          -   2,261       -   2,261 
disposal of 
Movement in                 -       -       -          -   8,371       -   8,371 
investment holding 
Foreign exchange            -       -       -          -    (52)       -    (52) 
Special dividend            -       -       -          -     328       -     328 
taken to capital 
Charged to capital: 
- management fees           -       -       -          -   (416)       -   (416) 
- performance fees          -       -       -          -   (111)       -   (111) 
- other expenses            -       -       -          -     (2)       -     (2) 
- finance costs             -       -       -          -   (104)       -   (104) 
Revenue return on           -       -       -          -       -   2,218   2,218 
ordinary activities 
per the income 
Dividends                   -       -       -          -       - (2,111) (2,211) 
At 31 May 2011          1,071   1,290  89,617        324   9,403       7 101,712 
30 NOVEMBER 2010 
At 31 May 2010          1,071   1,290  96,896        323   (872)       -  98,708 
Cancellation of           (1)       -       -          1       -       -       - 
deferred shares 
Share buy backs             -       - (4,170)          -       -       - (4,170) 
Net return on               -       -       -          -   2,417     898   3,315 
ordinary activities 
Interim dividend for        -       -       -          -       -   (776)   (776) 
At 30 November 2010     1,070   1,290  92,726        324   1,545     122  97,077 
                                          UK  EQUITY    HEDGE   MANAGED 
                                      EQUITY  INCOME     FUND LIQUIDITY    TOTAL 
                                       GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2011 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value        45,529  32,772   10,873     8,380   97,554 
through profit or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                  279     238        3        68      588 
Cash and short-term deposits              83     559      207         -      849 
                                         362     797      210        68    1,437 
Creditors: amounts falling due       (6,250)   (185)     (26)     (261)  (6,722) 
within one year 
Net current (liabilities)/           (5,888)     612      184     (193)  (5,285) 
Net assets                            39,641  33,384   11,057     8,187   92,269 
Shareholders' funds 
Share capital                            458     359      137       117    1,071 
Share premium                              -       -    1,290         -    1,290 
Special reserve                       40,263  30,840    9,086     7,657   87,846 
Capital redemption reserve                73      78       19       154      324 
Capital reserve                      (1,391)   1,987      909       233    1,738 
Revenue reserve                          238     120    (384)        26        - 
Shareholders' funds                   39,641  33,384   11,057     8,187   92,269 
Net asset value per ordinary          100.1p  106.1p   104.2p    102.4p 
share Basic - note 5 
AT 31 MAY 2011 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value        49,734  38,170   13,412     8,617  109,933 
through profit or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                  560     225       40        64      889 
Cash and short-term deposits              36     364        -         -      400 
                                         596     589       40        64    1,289 
Creditors: amounts falling due       (8,113)   (121)  (1,112)     (164)  (9,510) 
within one year 
Net current (liabilities)/           (7,517)     468  (1,072)     (100)  (8,221) 
Net assets                            42,217  38,638   12,340     8,517  101,712 
Shareholders' funds 
Share capital                            457     362      136       116    1,071 
Share premium                              -       -    1,290         -    1,290 
Special reserve                       40,750  31,394    9,488     7,985   89,617 
Capital redemption reserve                73      78       19       154      324 
Capital reserve                          773   6,620    1,763       247    9,403 
Revenue reserve                          164     184    (356)        15        7 
Shareholders' funds                   42,217  38,638   12,340     8,517  101,712 
Net asset value per ordinary          105.3p  120.9p   112.1p    102.3p 
share Basic - note 5 
AT 30 NOVEMBER 2010 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value        43,346  36,319   14,647    10,413  104,725 
through profit or loss 
Current assets 
Debtors                                  137     140       61        72      410 
Cash and short-term deposits               -     477      944         8    1,429 
                                         137     617    1,005        80    1,839 
Creditors: amounts falling due       (7,471)   (115)  (1,572)     (329)  (9,487) 
within one year 
Net current (liabilities)/           (7,334)     502    (567)     (249)  (7,648) 
Net assets                            36,012  36,821   14,080    10,164   97,077 
Shareholders' funds 
Share capital                            441     360      144       125    1,070 
Share premium                              -       -    1,290         -    1,290 
Special reserve                       39,627  32,281   11,210     9,608   92,726 
Capital redemption reserve                73      78       19       154      324 
Capital reserve                      (4,394)   3,939    1,750       250    1,545 
Revenue reserve                          265     163    (333)        27      122 
Shareholders' funds                   36,012  36,821   14,080    10,164   97,077 
Net asset value per ordinary           92.4p  112.4p   111.8p    102.2p 
share Basic - note 5 
                                                SIX MONTHS  SIX MONTHS     YEAR 
                                                     ENDED       ENDED    ENDED 
                                               30 NOVEMBER 30 NOVEMBER   31 MAY 
                                                      2011        2010     2011 
                                                     GBP'000       GBP'000    GBP'000 
Total return before finance costs and tax          (6,495)       3,424   12,741 
Adjustment for losses/(gains) on investments         7,080     (2,714) (10,632) 
Adjustment for exchange losses                          77          14       52 
Scrip dividends received as income                    (14)         (6)     (30) 
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                         160         175     (85) 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                       194       (121)     (94) 
Tax on unfranked investment income                       -         (7)        - 
Overseas tax                                          (40)        (40)    (105) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities              962         725    1,847 
Servicing of finance                                  (78)        (69)    (140) 
Taxation                                                15         151      124 
Net financial investment                             5,362       3,252    5,771 
Equity dividends paid                              (1,107)       (776)  (2,211) 
Net cash inflow before management of liquid          5,154       3,283    5,391 
resources and financing 
Management of liquid resources                           -           -        - 
Shares bought back                                 (1,725)     (4,989)  (8,238) 
Movement in bank borrowings                        (2,903)       2,077    2,227 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                            526         371    (620) 
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement 
in net debt 
Increase/(decrease) in cash                            526         371    (620) 
Exchange movements                                    (77)        (14)     (52) 
Cash movement from changes in debt                   2,903     (2,077)  (2,227) 
Movement of debt in period                           3,352     (1,720)  (2,899) 
Net debt at beginning of year                      (8,227)     (5,328)  (5,328) 
Net debt at end of period                          (4,875)     (7,048)  (8,227) 
Analysis of changes in net debt 
                                      31 MAY     EXCHANGE      CASH 30 NOVEMBER 
                                        2011    MOVEMENTS      FLOW        2011 
                                       GBP'000        GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000 
Cash                                     400         (77)       526         849 
Overdrafts                             (127)            -        28        (99) 
Bank loan                            (8,500)            -     2,875     (5,625) 
Net debt                             (8,227)         (77)     3,429     (4,875) 
1. Accounting Policy 
The condensed financial statements have been prepared using the same accounting 
policies as those adopted in the 2011 annual financial report, which are 
consistent with applicable United Kingdom Accounting Standards and with the 
Statement of Recommended Practice `Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts' issued by the Association of Investment 
Companies, in January 2009. 
2. Management Fees 
Basis of Management and Performance Fees 
(a) for the six months to 30 November 2011 
Invesco Asset Management Limited (`IAML'), is entitled to a basic fee (payable 
quarterly) in respect of each Portfolio (0.75% per annum of net assets in the 
case of the UK Equity and Global Equity Portfolios and 0.25% per annum of net 
assets in the case of the Hedge Fund and Managed Liquidity Portfolios). 
IAML is also entitled to receive performance fees in respect of the UK Equity 
and Global Equity Portfolios of 12.5% of the performance of the net asset value 
per relevant Share in excess of a hurdle of the relevant benchmark plus 1% per 
annum. The amount of the performance fee payable in any one year is limited to 
0.75% of the net assets of the relevant Portfolio. Any underperformance of the 
benchmark, or performance above the cap, is carried forward to subsequent 
After underperformance brought forward, the UK Equity Portfolio earned a 
performance fee of GBP217,000 in the period (six months ended 30 November 2010: 
none and in the year ended 31 May 2011: GBP111,000) which is charged wholly to 
No performance fee was earned for the Global Equity Portfolio in the period 
(six months ended 30 November 2010 and in the year ended 31 May 2011). 
Fauchier Partners Management Limited (`Fauchier`) charges the Fauchier Managed 
Funds an annual management fee of 1% of those funds' net asset values. In 
addition, the managers of the underlying hedge funds in which Fauchier Managed 
Funds invest will typically charge an annual management fee (generally 1 to 
1.5% of assets) plus a performance fee (generally 20% of any outperformance, 
subject to a high watermark). 
Further details of the above fees are disclosed in the 2011 annual financial 
(b) for the six months to 31 May 2012 
At the General Meeting held on 15 November 2011 shareholders approved changes 
to the Global Equity and Hedge Fund Portfolios. The new Global Equity Income 
investment objective and policy were effected by 30 November 2011; the 
management and performance fee basis remained substantially unchanged. The 
Hedge Fund Portfolio will be renamed the Balanced Risk Portfolio in February 
2012, when its new investment objective and polices become effective. At this 
time Fauchier will be replaced by IAML as manager. IAML will be entitled to a 
basic fee (payable quarterly) of 0.75% per annum of net assets of the new 
Balanced Risk Portfolio). No performance fee will be payable on this Portfolio. 
At present, 100% of the management fees and finance costs applicable to the 
Hedge Fund Portfolio are charged to capital. In accordance with the Board's 
expected split of long-term returns, in the form of capital gains and income, 
of the Portfolio following the adoption of the new investment strategy, the 
Directors intend to charge 70% of the management fees and finance costs 
applicable to the Balanced Risk Portfolio to capital and the balance to 
revenue. This change will become effective in February 2012. 
3. Tax expense represents the sums of tax currently payable and any deferred 
tax, with any tax payable being based on the taxable profit for the period. 
Investment trusts which have been approved under Section 1158 of the 
Corporation Tax Act 2010 are not liable for taxation on capital gains. 
4. Basic Return per Ordinary Share 
Basic revenue, capital and total return per ordinary share is based on each of 
the return on ordinary activities after taxation as shown by the income 
statement for the applicable Share class and on the following number of shares 
being the weighted number of shares in issue throughout the period for each 
applicable Share class: 
                                             WEIGHTED AVERAGE NUMBER OF SHARES 
                                             SIX MONTHS   SIX MONTHS       YEAR 
                                                  ENDED        ENDED      ENDED 
                                            30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER     31 MAY 
                                                   2011         2010       2011 
    UK Equity                                39,710,856   38,837,982 38,981,102 
    Global Equity Income                     31,774,563   32,402,548 32,455,572 
    Hedge Fund                               10,689,872   13,290,668 12,736,626 
    Managed Liquidity                         8,215,987   11,585,057 10,514,144 
5. Net Asset Values per Share 
The net asset values per share were based on the following Shareholders' funds 
and shares (excluding treasury shares) in issue at the period end: 
                                                  AT           AT         AT 
                                         30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER     31 MAY 
                                                2011         2010       2011 
PORTFOLIO SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS                  GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
UK Equity                                     39,641       36,012     42,217 
Global Equity Income                          33,384       36,821     38,638 
Hedge Fund                                    11,057       14,080     12,340 
Managed Liquidity                              8,187       10,164      8,517 
                                                  AT           AT         AT 
                                         30 NOVEMBER  30 NOVEMBER     31 MAY 
PORTFOLIO SHARES IN ISSUE AT PERIOD END         2011         2010       2011 
UK Equity                                 39,601,495   38,979,957 40,081,381 
Global Equity Income                      31,454,464   32,759,274 31,971,638 
Hedge Fund                                10,613,223   12,599,287 11,009,810 
Managed Liquidity                          7,995,000    9,946,029  8,324,385 
6. Movements in Share Capital and Share Class Conversion 
                                      UK        EQUITY       HEDGE    MANAGED 
                                  EQUITY        INCOME        FUND  LIQUIDITY 
Ordinary 1p shares (number) 
At 31 May 2011                40,081,381    31,971,638  11,009,810  8,324,385 
Shares bought back into        (598,000)     (272,000)   (497,000)  (366,000) 
October 2011 conversion          118,114     (245,174)     100,413     36,615 
At 30 November 2011           39,601,495    31,454,464  10,613,223  7,995,000 
Treasury shares                6,163,000     4,488,000   3,125,000  3,691,500 
Total shares in issue 30      45,764,495    35,942,464  13,738,223 11,686,500 
November 2011 
Treasury Shares (number) 
At 31 May 2011                 5,565,000     4,216,000   2,628,000  3,325,500 
Shares bought back into          598,000       272,000     497,000    366,000 
At 30 November 2011            6,163,000     4,488,000   3,125,000  3,691,500 
Average buy back price             94.8p        102.6p      101.4p      99.1p 
As part of the conversion process 6,404 deferred shares of 1p each were 
created. All deferred shares are cancelled before the year end and so no 
deferred shares are in issue at the start or end of the year. 
7. Share Prices 
                                     UK        EQUITY       HEDGE    MANAGED 
PERIOD END                       EQUITY        INCOME        FUND  LIQUIDITY 
30 November 2010                  89.5p        108.5p      103.3p      99.5p 
31 May 2011                      101.0p        114.5p      105.0p     100.0p 
30 November 2011                  86.5p         97.0p       92.5p      99.5p 
8. Dividends on Ordinary Shares 
The following interim dividends were paid on 18 November 2011: 
                                               NUMBER    DIVIDEND      TOTAL 
PORTFOLIO                                   OF SHARES        RATE      GBP'000 
UK Equity                                  39,510,181       2.00p        790 
Global Equity Income                       31,699,638       1.00p        317 
9. It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company 
so that it satisfies the conditions for approval as an investment trust company 
set out in section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
10. The financial information contained in this half-yearly financial report, 
which has not been reviewed or audited by the independent auditors, does not 
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the 
Companies Act 2006. The financial information for the half years ended 30 
November 2011 and 30 November 2010 have not been audited. The figures and 
financial information for the year ended 31 May 2011 are extracted and abridged 
from the latest published accounts and do not constitute the statutory accounts 
for that year. Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies 
and include the Report of the Independent Auditors, which was unqualified and 
did not include a statement under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
By order of the Board 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
Company Secretary 
23 January 2012 
Patrick Gifford (Chairman of the Board and Nomination Committee) 
Sir Michael Bunbury (Chairman of the Audit and Management Engagement 
Alan Clifton (Senior Independent Director) 
David Rosier 
All the Directors are, in the opinion of the Board, independent of the 
management company and all Directors are members of the Audit, Management 
Engagement and Nomination Committees. 
Manager, Company Secretary and Registered Office 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
30 Finsbury Square 
London EC2A 1AG 
020 7065 4000 
Company Secretarial contact: Paul Griggs 
Company Number 
Registered in England and Wales No. 5916642 
Capita Registrars, The Registry, 34 Beckenham Road 
Beckenham, Kent BR3 4TU 
If you hold your shares directly rather than through an ISA or savings scheme, 
and have any queries relating to your shareholding you should contact Capita 
Registrars on: 0871 664 0300 between 8.30 am and 5.30 pm every working day. 
Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras. (From outside the UK: +44(0) 20 
8639 3399.) 
Shareholders holding shares directly can also access their holding details via 
Capita Registrar's website www.capitaregistrars.com or 
Capita Registrars provide an on-line and telephone share dealing service to 
existing shareholders who are not seeking advice on buying or selling. This 
service is available at www.capitadeal.com or 0871 664 0364 (lines are open 8 
am to 4.30 pm every working day). Calls cost 10p per minute plus network 
extras. (From outside the UK: +44(0) 20 3367 2686) 
Invesco Perpetual Investor Services 
Invesco Perpetual has an Investor Services Team available to assist you from 
8.30 am to 6 pm every working day. Please feel free to take advantage of their 
0800 085 8677 
The contents of websites referred to in this document, or accessible from links 
within those websites are not incorporated into, nor do they form part of, this 
Global Equity Income Portfolio 
The new Global Equity Income Portfolio investment objective and policy, which 
were approved by shareholders on 15 November 2011, are as follows: 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the Global Equity Income Portfolio is to provide an 
attractive and growing level of income return and capital appreciation over the 
long term, predominantly through investment in a diversified portfolio of 
equities worldwide. 
Investment Policy 
The Portfolio will be invested predominantly in a portfolio of listed, quoted 
or traded equities worldwide, but may also hold other securities from time to 
time including, inter alia, fixed interest securities, preference shares, 
convertible securities and depositary receipts. Investment may also be made in 
regulated or authorised collective investment schemes. The Portfolio will not 
invest in companies which are not listed, quoted or traded at the time of 
investment, although it may have exposure to such companies where, following 
investment, the relevant securities cease to be listed, quoted or traded. The 
Manager will at all times invest and manage the Portfolio's assets in a manner 
that is consistent with spreading investment risk, but there will be no rigid 
industry, sector, region or country restrictions. 
The Portfolio may utilise derivative instruments including index-linked notes, 
contracts for differences, covered options and other equity-related derivative 
instruments for efficient portfolio management and investment purposes. Any use 
of derivatives for investment purposes will be made on the basis of the same 
principles of risk spreading and diversification that apply to the Portfolio's 
direct investments, as described above. 
It is expected that, typically, the Portfolio will hold between 55 and 100 
The Directors believe that the use of borrowings (gearing) can enhance returns 
to Global Equity Income shareholders, and the Global Equity Income Portfolio 
may use borrowings in pursuing its investment objective. 
The Company's foreign currency investments will not be hedged to sterling as a 
matter of general policy. However, the Manager may employ currency hedging, 
either back to sterling or between currencies (i.e. cross hedging of portfolio 
The Board has prescribed the following limits (measured at the time of 
investment) on the investment policy of the Global Equity Income Portfolio: 
* no more than 20% of the gross assets of the Global Equity Income Portfolio 
may be invested in fixed interest securities; 
* no more than 10% of the gross assets of the Global Equity Income Portfolio 
may be held in a single investment; 
* no more than 10% of the gross assets of the Global Equity Income Portfolio 
may be held in other listed investment companies; and 
* borrowings may be used to raise equity exposure up to a maximum of 20% of the 
net assets of the Global Equity Income Portfolio, when it is considered 
appropriate to do so. 
Balanced Risk Portfolio 
The Hedge Fund Portfolio will be renamed the Balanced Risk Portfolio in 
February 2012. Its investment objective and policy, as approved by shareholders 
on 15 November 2011, will then be as follows: 
Investment Objective 
The investment objective of the Balanced Risk Portfolio is to provide 
shareholders with an attractive total return in differing economic and 
inflationary environments, and with low correlation to equity and bond market 
indices by gaining exposure to three asset classes: debt securities, equities 
and commodities. 
Investment Policy 
The Portfolio utilises two main strategies: the first seeks to balance the risk 
contribution from each of three asset classes (equities, bonds and 
commodities), with the aim of reducing the probability, magnitude and duration 
of capital losses, and the second seeks to shift tactically the allocation 
among the assets with the aim of improving expected returns. 
The Portfolio is constructed so as to balance risk: by asset class (bonds, 
equities and commodities) and by asset within each asset class. Neutral 
weighting is achieved when each asset class contributes an equal proportion of 
the total Portfolio risk and each asset contributes an equal proportion of the 
total risk for its respective asset class. The Manager is permitted to actively 
vary asset class weightings, subject to a maximum of 150% and a minimum of 50% 
of each asset class' neutral weight. The Manager is also permitted to actively 
vary individual asset weightings, subject to a maximum of 200% and a minimum of 
0% of each asset's neutral weight, provided the asset class guidelines are not 
The Portfolio will be mainly invested directly in highly liquid and 
transparently priced exchange-traded futures contracts, with cash and cash 
equivalents being held as collateral. However, the Portfolio may also be 
invested in equities, equity-related securities and debt securities (including 
floating rate notes). Financial derivative instruments (including but not 
limited to futures and total return swaps) are used only to achieve additional 
long exposure to the three asset classes. The Portfolio may also use financial 
derivative instruments, including currency futures and forwards, for efficient 
portfolio management, hedging and investment purposes. Financial derivative 
instruments will not be used to create net short positions in any asset class. 
The Portfolio will comprise between 12 and 20 investments and typically around 
16 investments, the majority of which represent diversified equity or bond 
It is expected that the Portfolio's investments will mainly be denominated in 
sterling. Any non-sterling derivative investments may be hedged back into 
sterling at the discretion of the Manager when it is economic to do so. 
The Board has prescribed the following limits (measured at the time of 
investment) on the investment policy of the Balanced Risk Portfolio: 
* the aggregate notional amount of financial derivative instruments positions 
may not exceed 250% of the net assets of the Balanced Risk Portfolio; 
* no more than 10% of the gross assets of the Balanced Risk Portfolio may be 
held in other listed investment companies; and 
* borrowings may be used for short-term purposes up to a maximum of 5% of the 
net assets of the Balanced Risk Portfolio, where it is considered appropriate. 

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