RNS Number : 5250K
  Inveresk PLC
  22 December 2008

    Inveresk PLC
    ("Inveresk" or the "Company")

    Interim Results for 6 months ended 30 June 2008

    Highlights 2008

    *     Losses attributable to shareholders of �0.438M for the 6 months to 30 June 2008 compared to profits of �3.312M for the 6 months to
30 June 2007.

    *     Continuation of margin decline on PIP furniture/d?r sales to levels considered to be unsustainable. Attempts to sell this business
collapsed in May 2008 due to dire state of this niche market and wholesale financial and structural problems at potential buyers.
Consequently the PM1 machine at St Cuthberts closed on 1 July 2008.

    *     Letter of Intent signed with Chinese paper manufacturer to establish a Joint Venture in China to manufacture and sell PIP papers
using the Company's technical expertise, customer contacts and our PM1 machine.

    *     Resilient performance from our artists' paper activities where volumes have remained disappointing whereas sales prices and
currency influences have helped to maintain margins.

    *     Our alternative real estate strategy endorsed by independent valuations over the Company's freehold brownfield sites in the range
of �22M to �25M subject to appropriate planning consents.

    *     Notwithstanding the adverse economic environment which prevails at present positive progress has been made in relation to the
potential alternative uses to which our Inverkeithing and Wells brownfield sites will be turned over time.

    *     Financial facilities renewed by HBOS in December 2008 pursuant to the proposed merger with Lloyds TSB and the intervention of the
Government via its nationalisation initiatives.

    *     Litigation success against Tullis Russell Papermakers Ltd in respect of their default in settling their additional consideration
obligations. Robust judgements in favour of the Company on 15 February and 29 August 2008 pending appeal on the part of Tullis Russell
Papermakers Ltd.

    *     Our focus remains on exiting the paper industry and the harvesting of our realisable assets of approximately �30M in order to
become debt free and generate cash resources for the ultimate benefit of our shareholders.

    Alan Walker, Chief Executive, commented:

    "We are pleased to be able to release these Interim Results so that our shares can be relisted from suspension on the London Stock
Exchange and we can move on. The past few months have witnessed a massive distraction from the day to day running of our business due to the
impact of the banking crisis and the management of the unrealistic expectations amongst the conflicting interests of bankers and auditors

    We enter 2009 sure in the knowledge that the strategy which we embarked upon back in 2005 is correct and the one most likely to deliver
satisfactory returns to shareholders."

    For further information contact:

    Alan Walker        Chief Executive Officer     01353 725856 (Mobile: 07800 95151)

    Oliver Scott        KBC Peel Hunt            0207 418 8900
    Nominated Adviser and Broker
      Chairman's Statement

    Business Overview
    The first six months of 2008 was a most difficult period for the paper industry as a whole and saw a continuation of margin erosion
within our PIP furniture/d?r business where volumes fell as a result of the growing economic downturn in most parts of the world. Only
through positive currency influences arising from our sales in euros were we able to sustain this business to give competitors the
opportunity to acquire and merge our PIP business assets with theirs in order to maximise capacity utilisation in the hands of one producer
thereby allowing excess capacity to be eliminated form the market.

    However, all attempts to merge our assets with stronger European competitors with more modern equipment foundered in late May 2008
leaving your Board with no alternative but to close PM1 at St Cuthberts on 1 July 2008 in favour of our alternative plan of signing a Letter
of Intent with a Chinese paper manufacturer with a view to establishing a Joint Venture in which our technical expertise, customer contacts
as well as our PM1 machine will form the basis of our equity investment.

    Our artist and inkjet papers business performed more or less to expectation with volumes slightly depressed but sales prices proving to
be highly resilient and currency influences mostly positive. Raw material and energy prices had increased significantly during 2007 and
early 2008 thoroughly justifying the need to increase sales prices after the end of the half year. The market in North America remained
depressed whereas the UK market performed robustly. Increased penetration into markets in the Far East led to improved sales in a number of
countries located around the Pacific Rim. There appears to be global appeal for most of our branded products which include such papers as
Bockingford, Saunders Waterford, Somerset Photo and Somerset Enhanced.

    As recently reported on our 2007 Annual Report and Accounts our results are prepared in accordance with International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS's) as adopted by the EU ("adopted IFRSs"). On a turnover of �7.256M (2007: �6.826M) we incurred an operating loss
of �0.874M (compared to a loss of �0.974M in the same period of 2007). A pre tax loss of �0.438M compares with a profit of �3.312M in the
same period of 2007 including the sale of the Carrongrove site at that time.

    Included within the half year loss at 30 June 2008 is the Additional Consideration payable to the Company by Tullis Russell Papermakers
Ltd ("Tullis Russell") pursuant to the Asset Sale Agreement dated 8 June 2005. This Additional Consideration was calculated by Tullis
Russell to amount to �909,000 to which Inveresk agreed but Tullis Russell defaulted and failed to make payment as provided for in the
agreement. As a consequence of Tullis Russell falling into breach of their payment obligations your Directors have pursued this matter
vigorously in the Court of Session in Edinburgh. On 15 February 2008 and again on 29 August 2008 the Court of Session through two different
senior commercial judges opined emphatically in favour of Inveresk. Tullis Russell has declined to accept the judgements and the matter is
currently with the Court of Appeal in Edinburgh pending resolution. Your Board of Directors together with their legal advisors remain
confident that this Additional Consideration is properly due to Inveresk and accordingly believe at this stage that it is appropriate to recognise the revenue stream of �1,009,000 in these Interim Results
for 2008 being the minimum Additional Consideration due of �909,000 and an estimate of interest (which has also been awarded in Inveresk's
favour) of �100,000 up to 30 June 2008. Any contingent risk will be dealt with in the ordinary course of business as litigation with Tullis
Russell develops over time and falls into the public domain.

    Asset Realisation Programme
    Your Board's view back in 2005 was that the manufacture of paper in the United Kingdom was no place for the faint hearted and that in
global terms neither we nor any of the UK's producers could honestly claim to have a sustainable business model going forward.

    For this reason we developed an alternative strategy to exit discreetly from the manufacture of paper in favour of the development of
our freehold brownfield sites into a combination of commercial and residential schemes in association with the local planning authorities
where our sites are located. We achieved success with this strategy through the sale of our Carrongrove site near Falkirk back in June 2007.
As shareholders will realise the real estate market has changed dramatically over the past 18 months with most of the large developers
and/or housebuilders suffering financial traumas in a market which for the time being has no demand from customers who are unable to obtain
mortgage finance due to the collapse in available funding arising out of the well publicised banking crisis.

    We view both our Inverkeithing and Wells projects as medium term investments as in each case a significant amount of detailed work is
required to refine the planning consents which we believe we will ultimately obtain in each case. In April 2008 and again in October 2008 we
obtained independent valuations of the sites in the range of �22M to �25M which considerably exceed the values carried in our balance sheet
as at 30 June 2008.  

     Ongoing discussions continue with the planning authorities in both Fife and Somerset. There are obvious advantages in our sites being
of a brownfield nature and we together with our advisers intend to take the initiative in relation to securing planning consents at both
locations which will permit redevelopment in due course and will ultimately bring practical benefits to the local communities in both cases.
In the course of the past week the revised Structure Plan for the Fife Region in Scotland has been issued and its contents are generally in
line with our expectations which are conducive to the planning initiatives envisaged for this brownfield site.

    In addition we have a varied portfolio of assets including the positive effects of turning pre-ordered inventories in our now
discontinued PIP business into receivables and ultimately cash. All other assets contained in our balance sheet will be progressed into cash
with the aim of being debt free as rapidly as possible.

    Your Directors estimate that we hold a combination of assets with a value of approximately �30M given anything like normal market
conditions. Against this we have recently renewed our banking facilities with HBOS at the same level as in 2007 i.e. �8.1M made up of term
debt and overdraft facilities. Shareholders will appreciate that when we suspended our shares on 24 June 2008 we found ourselves one week
away from a Stock Exchange deadline and HBOS were unable to confirm to us that they would be able to renew our funding facilities in such a
way which would allow us to track the cash flows to meet the day to day working capital requirements of the business going forward,
including the imminent closure of our PIP business at that time. Over the past few months the status of HBOS has been clarified with the
intervention of the Government and its nationalisation initiative allied to the proposed merger with Lloyds TSB. This improved status for
HBOS has allowed us to renew our facilities in a manner satisfactory to your Directors and to our Auditors in terms of the headroom available to the Company so that your Directors can continue to harvest
the asset base and eliminate debt.

    Outlook and Shareholder Value
    Now that our banking facilities have been formally renewed and a number of supportive shareholders have agreed to lend the Company up to
�1M in order to meet any "spikes" in our cash flows, we move towards 2009 unencumbered by the debilitating losses which accompanied our PIP
business. Our balance sheet is sound with shareholders funds in excess of �10M before cognisance of the revaluation surpluses which attach
to our freehold brownfield sites, the eventual sale of which is pivotal to the ultimate delivery of shareholder value when markets begin to
recover their composure and we emerge from economic recession.

    Jan Bernander
    22 December 2008
      Consolidated Income Statement (unaudited)
    For 6 months ended 30 June 2008

                                          6 months ended 30  6 months ended 30 June       Year ended
                                                       June                     2007    31 December 
                                                       2008                                     2007
                                 Note                 �'000                    �'000           �'000

 Continuing operations
 Revenue                            2                 7,256                    6,826          12,951
 Cost of sales                                      (6,747)                  (6,393)        (12,474)
 Gross profit                                           509                      433             477

 Distribution expenses                                (458)                    (414)           (787)

 Administrative expenses -                            (925)                    (931)         (1,924)
 before restructuring costs
 Administrative expenses -                                -                     (62)           (123)
 restructuring costs
 Total administrative expenses                        (925)                    (993)         (2,047)

 Loss from operating activities                       (874)                    (974)         (2,357)

 Finance income                                           2                      259           2,067
 Finance expenses                                     (183)                    (141)         (1,893)
 Net finance (expense)/income                         (181)                      118             174

 Loss before income tax                             (1,055)                    (856)         (2,183)

 Income tax charge                                        -                        -           (130)
 Loss from continuing                               (1,055)                    (856)         (2,313)

 Discontinued operations
 Profit from discontinued           3                   617                    4,168           4,054
 operations, net of tax
 (Loss)/profit for the period                         (438)                    3,312           1,741

 Attributable to:
 Equity holders of the company                        (438)                    3,312           1,741

 From continuing and
 discontinued operations
 Basic (loss)/earnings per          5               (0.3) p                    2.5 p           1.3 p
 Diluted (loss)/earnings per        5               (0.3) p                    2.4 p           1.3 p

 From continuing operations
 Basic loss per share               5               (0.8) p                  (0.6) p         (1.7) p
 Diluted loss per share             5               (0.8) p                  (0.6) p         (1.7) p

      Consolidated Balance Sheet (unaudited)
    As at 30 June 2008

                                                            As at      As at         As at
                                                         30 June    30 June   31 December 
                                                             2008       2007          2007
                                                  Note      �'000      �'000         �'000

 Property, plant and equipment                              6,807      7,373         7,069
 Total non-current assets                                   6,807      7,373         7,069

 Inventories                                                3,662      3,129         3,355
 Trade and other receivables                                4,243     14,346         2,566
 Employee benefits - assets                                 1,135      1,197           846
 Cash and cash equivalents                                      1          8             1
 Assets classified as held for                       4      5,990      6,114         5,990
 Total current assets                                      15,031     24,794        12,758

 Total assets                                              21,838     32,167        19,827

 Share capital                                              1,438      1,438         1,438
 Retained earnings                                          8,735     10,293         9,173
 Total equity attributable to equity holders of the        10,173     11,731        10,611

 Loans and borrowings                                       2,461      3,692         3,077
 Employee benefits -                                            -      1,432             -
 Total non-current liabilities                              2,461      5,124         3,077

 Bank overdraft                                             4,006     10,281         1,566
 Loans and borrowings                                       1,231      1,231         1,231
 Trade and other payables                                   3,798      3,437         3,075
 Provisions                                                   169        363           267
 Total current liabilities                                  9,204     15,312         6,139

 Total liabilities                                         11,665     20,436         9,216

 Total equity and liabilities                              21,838     32,167        19,827

      Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (unaudited)
    For 6 months ended 30 June 2008

                                      6 months ended 30  6 months ended 30 June        Year ended
                                                   June                     2007      31 December
                                                   2008                                      2007
                                                  �'000                    �'000            �'000
 Cash flows from operating       
 (Loss)/profit for the period                     (438)                    3,312            1,741
 Adjustments for:                
 Depreciation                                       262                      268              536
 Net finance expense                                260                      299              457
    Gain on sale of assets                            -                  (4,948)          (5,047)
 Income tax credit                                    -                        -            (237)
 Pension service charge net of                    (288)                    (258)            (578)
 Change in inventories                            (307)                    (510)            (736)
 Change in trade and other                      (1,677)                 (11,115)              665
 Change in trade and other                          713                      217             (81)
 Change in provisions                              (98)                     (77)            (173)
    Interest paid                                 (253)                    (547)            (845)
    Interest received                                 2                        9               13
    Net cash used in operating                  (1,824)                 (13,350)          (4,285)
    Cash flows from investing    
     Proceeds from sale of                            -                   10,965           11,225
    Acquisition of property,                          -                     (58)             (60)
 plant and                       
     Net cash from investing                          -                   10,907           11,165
     Cash flows from financing   
    Repayment of borrowings                       (616)                    (616)          (1,231)
    Net cash used in financing                    (616)                    (616)          (1,231)
    Net (decrease)/increase in                  (2,440)                  (3,059)            5,649
 cash and                        
    cash equivalents             
    Cash and cash equivalents                   (1,565)                  (7,214)          (7,214)
 at start of                     
    Cash and cash equivalents                   (4,005)                 (10,273)          (1,565)
 at end of                       

    Reconciliation of cash and cash equivalents
                                      6 months ended 30     6 months ended 30      Year ended
                                                  June                  June     31 December 
                                                   2008                  2007            2007
                                                  �'000                 �'000           �'000
 Cash and cash equivalents at                   (4,005)              (10,273)         (1,565)
 end of period                   
 Less bank overdraft at end of                    4,006                10,281           1,566
 Cash and cash equivalents in    
 the balance sheet at end of                          1                     8               1

      Consolidation Statement of Recognised Income and Expenses (uaudited)
    For 6 months ended 30 June 2008

                                      6 months ended 30  6 months ended 30 June       Year ended
                                                  June                      2007    31 December 
                                                   2008                                     2007
                                                  �'000                    �'000           �'000
 Retirement benefit schemes                           -                      659           1,347
 actuarial gains                 
 Deferred tax on retirement                           -                        -           (237)
 benefit schemes                 
 Net income and expense                               -                      659           1,110
 recognised directly in equity   
 (Loss)/Profit for the period                     (438)                    3,312           1,741
 Total recognised income and                      (438)                    3,971           2,851
 expense for the period          
 Attributable to:                
 Equity holders of the company                    (438)                    3,971           2,851

      Consolidated Reconciliation of movements in equity (unaudited)
    For 6 months ended 30 June 2008

                                      6 months ended 30  6 months ended 30 June       Year ended
                                                  June                      2007    31 December 
                                                   2008                                     2007
                                                  �'000                    �'000           �'000
 Total equity at the start of                    10,611                    7,760           7,760
 the period                      
 Total recognised income and     
 expense for the period          
 attributable to equity                           (438)                    3,971           2,851
 Total equity at the end of the                  10,173                   11,731          10,611

      Notes to the Consolidated Interim Report

    1.    Accounting policies - basis of preparation
    Inveresk PLC (the "Company") is a company domiciled in the United Kingdom. This consolidated interim report contains the financial
information of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group") for the six months ended 30 June 2008.

    The consolidated interim report was authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 22 December 2008.

    The interim statement is prepared applying the recognition and measurement requirements of IFRSs as adopted by the EU. The Company has
elected not to prepare the interim statement in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the EU.

    The interim statement does not include all the information required for full annual financial statement and should be read in
conjunction with the financial statements of the Company as at and for the year ended 31 December 2007 which were prepared in accordance
with IFRS as adopted by the EU.

    The preparation of the interim statement requires the directors to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the
application of policies and reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results differ from these estimates. The
accounting policies applied by the Company in this interim statement are the same as those applied in its financial statements as at and for
the year ended 31 December 2007.

    The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2007 are not the Company's statutory accounts for that financial year.
Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was
(i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying
their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

    The IFRS balance sheet and income statement comparatives for the six months ended 30 June 2007 and as at 30 June 2007 differ from those
reported in the 2007 interim accounts as a result of:

    a)   using more detailed information which became available regarding the properties held by the Group which 
      has removed the temporary differences previously calculated on those assets totalling �1,018,000 with a 
      consequent adjustment on retained earnings;

    b)  differences in the income statement totalling �143,000 for the six months ended 30 June 2007 are due to the 
     same changes in the calculation of deferred tax assets and liabilities as above.

    Going concern

    The Group meets its day to day working capital requirements through a combination of bank overdraft and term loan facilities and
shareholders' loans. Following recent negotiations with its bankers and shareholders these facilities are in place until 31 December 2009,
with further term loan facilities at a reduced level to 31 December 2010. The Directors are confident that facilities will be in place at a
level sufficient to meet the Company's and Group's on-going requirements for the foreseeable future.

    The Directors have prepared cash flow forecasts for the Group and Company for a period in excess of 12 months from the date of
authorisation of these financial statements. The Group's cash flow forecasts and projections ('forecasts') reflect the Directors' plans for
the coming year, including cash flows relating to the ongoing trading performance of its Artists Paper business, the closure of its
Furniture Paper business including the recovery of related working capital balances, the ongoing realisation of property and other assets
and claims. The forecasts completed on this basis show that the Group should be able to operate within the level of its current facilities. 

    The Directors recognise that the current economic climate creates uncertainty over the timing and amount of these cash flows, in
particular in respect of the sale of certain assets and the timing of claims settlements. However after making enquiries, the Directors have
a reasonable expectation that the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable
future. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the annual report and accounts.

     2.    Segment Reporting
    Primary reporting format - business segments
    Following the sale of the "Gemini" paperboard business in June 2005 there is only one business segment in the Group represented by the
sole operational papermill, St Cuthberts, which together with the associated head office functions represent the continuing operations of
the Group. Therefore the accounts disclosures in total, excluding those disclosed separately as representing discontinued operations,
reflect the sole primary business segment of the Group.

                     Continuing operations - St Cuthberts Mill
                       Interim       Interim        Year ended
                  30 June 2008  30 June 2007  31 December 2007
                         �'000         �'000             �'000

 Segment Revenue         7,256         6,826            12,951

        Continuing operations -         Consolidated
 Results                                                   Interim       Interim        Year ended       Interim       Interim        Year
                                                      30 June 2008  30 June 2007  31 December 2007  30 June 2008  30 June 2007  31 December
                                                             �'000         �'000             �'000         �'000         �'000            

 Segment results                                             (479)         (521)           (1,484)         (479)         (521)          

 Unallocated corporate expense                                                                             (395)         (453)            
 Loss from operating activities                                                                            (874)         (974)          

 Net finance (expense)/income                                                                              (181)           118              
 Loss before income tax - continuing operations                                                          (1,055)         (856)          

 Income tax charge                                                                                             -             -            
 Profit from discontinued operations, net of tax - note 3                                                    617         4,168            
 (Loss)/profit after tax and discontinued operations                                                       (438)         3,312            

    3.    Discontinued operations
    In October 2002 and June 2005 the Group sold its fine paper division and the "Gemini" paperboard business respectively, each
representing a separate business segment. Both of these segments were subsequently reported as discontinued businesses for all subsequent
reporting periods under adopted IFRSs.

    The revenue for each of the two discontinued business segments was �nil for the six months ended 30 June 2008 (six months ended 30 June
2007: �nil, year ended 31 December 2007: �nil).

                   Discontinued operations
                                       Interim        Interim         Year ended
                                      30 June        30 June        31 December 
                                          2008           2007               2007
 Results                                 �'000          �'000              �'000

 Other (losses)/gains
 - restructuring costs                   (313)          (363)              (729)
 - gain on sale of assets                    -          4,948              5,047
 - additional consideration in           1,009              -                  -
 relation to the sale of the
 paperboard business
                                           696          4,585              4,318

 Net finance costs                        (79)          (417)              (631)
                                           617          4,168              3,687

 Income tax credit                           -              -                367
 Profit from discontinued                  617          4,168              4,054
 operations, net of income tax

    Under the Agreement relating to the sale of the "Gemini" brand and paperboard business, there is provision for an Additional
Consideration payable to Inveresk with the amount being dependent on the level of sales tonnage achieved by the buyers, Tullis Russell
Papermakers Ltd, from 9 November 2005 to 8 November 2006. This Additional Consideration has been calculated by Inveresk to be a minimum of
�909,000 and Tullis Russell Papermakers Ltd are currently in breach of their obligations by failing to pay this Additional Consideration.
This payment is being vigorously pursued by Inveresk and on 15 February 2008 and again on 29 August 2008 in the Court of Session in
Edinburgh two different senior commercial judges opined strongly in the favour of Inveresk. Tullis Russell Papermakers Ltd have declined to
accept these judgements and therefore the matter is currently with the Court of Appeal in Edinburgh for resolution. Your Board of Directors
together with their legal advisers are confident that this Additional Consideration is properly due to Inveresk and accordingly believe that it is appropriate to recognise the amount of �1,009,000 in the
Interim Results for 2008, being the minimum Additional Consideration due (�909,000) and estimated related interest thereon (�100,000) up to
30 June 2008.

    4.    Assets classified as held for sale
    The following assets are held for sale which relate entirely to the discontinued operations of the fine papers division and the "Gemini"
paperboard business which were both closed prior to 1 January 2006.

                                       Interim        Interim         Year ended
                                      30 June        30 June        31 December 
                                          2008           2007               2007
                                         �'000          �'000              �'000
 Plant, machinery and equipment              -            123                  -
 Land and buildings                      5,990          5,991              5,990
 Total assets held for sale              5,990          6,114              5,990

    During the six months ended 30 June 2008, sales of assets relating to discontinued operations were �nil (6 months ended 30 June 2007:
�10,965,000, 12 months ended 31 December 2007: �11,225,000) with no subsequent gain or loss to the income statement for the six months ended
30 June 2008 (6 months ended 30 June 2007: gain �4,948,000, 
    31 December 2007: gain �5,085,000). 

    5.    Earnings per share

                                       6 months ended        6 months ended       12 months ended        6 months ended        6 months
ended       12 months ended
                                             30 June               30 June            31 December              30 June               30 June
          31 December 
                                                 2008                  2007                  2007  2008 Earnings/(loss)                 
2007                  2007
                                      Earnings/(loss)       Earnings/(loss)       Earnings/(loss)       pence per share      
Earnings/(loss)       Earnings/(loss)
                                                �'000                 �'000                 �'000                             pence per
share       pence per share

 Basic - continuing operations                (1,055)                 (856)               (2,313)                 (0.8)                
(0.6)                 (1.7)
 Basic - discontinued                             617                 4,168                 4,054                   0.5                  
3.1                   3.0
 Basic - Total                                  (438)                 3,312                 1,741                 (0.3)                  
2.5                   1.3

 Diluted - continuing                         (1,055)                 (856)               (2,313)                 (0.8)                
(0.6)                 (1.7)
 Diluted - discontinued                           617                 4,168                 4,054                   0.5                  
3.0                   3.0
 Diluted - Total                                (438)                 3,312                 1,741                 (0.3)                  
2.4                   1.3

    Earnings per share are calculated for the issued shares excluding those registered in the name of The Inveresk ESOP Trustee Company
Limited and those held as Treasury shares.

    The weighted average number of shares used in each calculation is as follows:

                                   6 months ended  6 months ended   12 months ended
                                         30 June         30 June       31 December 
                                             2008            2007              2007
                                 Number of Shares      Number of         Number of 
                                                           Shares            Shares
                                           (000s)          (000s)            (000s)

 Average of shares in issue               135,055         135,055           135,055
 during the financial period

 Adjustment for the dilutive                    -           1,562                 -
 effect of employee and
 director share options

 Average of shares in issue               135,055         136,617           135,055
 during the financial period

    6.    Pensions
    The amounts included in respect of the pension asset movement reflects the additional contributions paid into the scheme by the Company
in the period together with the effect of the net interest charge and service cost. An updated IAS 19 calculation will be obtained from the
actuary at the year end at which time the actuarial gains and losses movements for the full year will be recognised.

7.         Post Balance Sheet Events
On 1 July 2008 the Group announced the closure of its Pre-impregnated Paper (PIP) business at its St Cuthberts Mill in Somerset and its
withdrawal from the d?r paper market.   This decision will result in the redundancy of approximately 50 of the workforce at an estimated
cost of slightly over �500,000 and will largely stem the operating losses which have been experienced by St Cuthberts Mill for some time.  
Revenue associated with the PIP business was �10,196,000 for the year ended 31 December 2007.
The Group has also signed a Letter of Intent to enter into a Joint Venture agreement with a Chinese paper-making company to manufacture PIP
in China.   This will involve the relocation of the PM1 machine at St Cuthberts on which PIP was manufactured, and this machine together
with the Group*s technical expertise and customer base will represent the value of the Group*s equity investment in the joint venture.

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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