RNS Number : 7176F

Kingspan Group PLC

23 February 2018



Year Ended 31 December 2017



Kingspan, the global leader in high performance insulation and building envelope solutions, reports its preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2017.

Financial Highlights:

   --    Revenue up 18% to EUR3.7bn, (pre-currency, up 20%). 
   --    Trading profit up 11% to EUR377.5m, (pre-currency, up 14%). 
   --    Acquisitions contributed 9% to sales growth and 8% to trading profit growth in the year. 
   --    Group trading margin of 10.3%, a decrease of 70bps. 
   --    Basic EPS up 11% to 159.0 cent. 
   --    Final dividend per share of 26.0 cent. Total dividend for the year up 10% to 37.0 cent. 
   --    Year-end net debt of EUR463.9m (2016: EUR427.9m). Net debt to EBITDA of 1.05x (2016: 1.06x). 
   --    Strong ROCE of 17.8% (2016:17.3%). 

Operational Highlights:

-- Insulated Panel sales growth of 17%. A positive performance in Continental Europe, and a solid outcome in North America both drove this number despite the sharp slowdown in the UK towards year end.

-- Insulation Board sales growth of 12% owing to significant price inflation and the structural shift to Kooltherm(R) in the UK, Ireland and Mainland Europe.

-- Light & Air sales of EUR205m marking a strong first full year of trading for this division and the development of a unique US and European footprint.

-- A strong year for Environmental with ongoing improvement in profitability. Access Floors had a solid year, albeit with a weakening UK backdrop.

-- The recovery of raw material inflation was a key theme during 2017. Supply eased somewhat toward year-end, although prices remain high into the current period.

-- A record committed acquisition spend of EUR614m, of which EUR174m was completed during 2017. Key developments completed or pending include market entry into Brazil, Colombia and Southern Europe as well as an extension of our presence in Western and Central Europe.

Summary Financials:

                     2017      2016     % change 
-----------------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Revenue EURm       3,668.1   3,108.5    +18.0% 
 EBITDA EURm         441.7     404.1     +9.3% 
 Trading Profit* 
  EURm               377.5     340.9     +10.7% 
 Trading Margin      10.3%     11.0%     -70bps 
 Profit after 
  tax EURm           285.9     255.5     +11.9% 
 EPS (cent)          159.0     143.8     +10.6% 
-----------------  --------  --------  --------- 

*Operating profit before amortisation of intangibles and non trading items

Gene M. Murtagh, Chief Executive of Kingspan commented:

"2017 was another year of strong performance for Kingspan. We have continued our globalisation strategy with several significant acquisitions, including establishing a market leading presence in Latin America. Our new Light & Air division is performing ahead of expectations and expanding the range of product solutions the business offers. The challenge of increased input costs has been effectively managed to minimise the impact on profit margins. Notwithstanding the weakening UK market our well diversified business is well placed for the longer term".

For further information contact:

 Murray Consultants   Tel: +353 (0) 1 4980 
  Douglas Keatinge     300 

Business Review

2017 was a significant year for Kingspan which, despite its challenges, was a record period for the Group. Revenue rose by 18.0% to EUR3.7bn, and trading profit grew by 10.7% to EUR377.5m. The resultant increase in EPS was 10.6% to 159.0 cent per share. In addition to volume growth, price inflation also contributed to sales as we pushed to recover unprecedented raw material cost increases.

Activity across our Mainland European markets was somewhat mixed, led in particular by strong performances in France, Benelux and the Nordics as penetration of high performance insulation continues to increase in these regions. Germany, in contrast, was deeply competitive during the year as capacity increases weighed on market prices. The UK performed resiliently for much of the year. However, growing economic and political uncertainty made itself increasingly evident in market activity, with order intake weakening sharply towards year-end, largely in the non-residential segment. North American revenue was modestly ahead and Latin America grew meaningfully through our new ventures in Brazil and Colombia. Chemical cost increases were at levels not experienced before, which when combined with supply tightness led to a period of balancing margin and growth priorities and the need for significant price increases for our own solutions. In all, we successfully recovered the input increases, although in the process conceded some market share to alternative products which over time we expect to regain. Presently, we are experiencing improved raw material supply albeit with prices remaining high.

2017 was also a year of record acquisition activity for Kingspan. In total, between completions and signed contracts we committed almost EUR614m, EUR174m of which was incurred during the year with a further EUR440m currently awaiting regulatory approval. A centrepiece of these developments has been our increased exposure to exciting new frontiers including Latin America and Southern Europe, as well as adding significantly to our insulation technology via the Synthesia business. In addition to these acquisitions we also invested a net amount of EUR85.6m in capital expenditure with a strong emphasis on the organic global roll-out of our Insulated Panel and Insulation Boards businesses.

We continue to make progress on our internal and ongoing environmental agenda and reached a Net Zero Energy level of 69%, which brings us a sizeable step closer to our 2020 target of achieving 100% across the globe.


Our strategic agenda is focused on the four pillars of Innovation, Globalisation, Penetration and Net Zero Energy. 2017 once again delivered notable advancements in all four areas:

- Product Innovation and range expansion progressed across the Group, the most significant of which is the ongoing roll-out of Quadcore(TM) now available from approximately half of our Insulated Panel facilities worldwide. 4% of our Insulated Panel volume sold globally contained this unique formulation. The Kooltherm(R) 100 Series was launched in 2016 and has made significant progress. Work has already begun on a 200 Series. These technologies are distinct in how they can address the ever-increasing fire performance demands of insulation systems, without having to compromise on the weight, moisture and thermal deficiencies of traditional fibrous insulation. Kingspan's products are among the most independently fire tested insulation systems in the world, having carried out more than 1,800 external fire tests to national and international standards for compliance across global regulatory regimes.

Digitalising Kingspan is fast becoming a centrepiece of our innovation strategy, as part of which we recently invested in Invicara Pte Ltd, a Business Information Modelling (BIM) company. This and the many other initiatives underway are all designed to transform how we do business and how our specifiers and customers interact with us over the next three to five years.

- Globalisation of Kingspan remains central to our ongoing progress. During 2017 we further expanded our manufacturing footprint by investing in partnerships in Brazil and Colombia. These acquisitions firmly place Kingspan in a market leading position across Latin America, a new frontier for Kingspan, with a strong platform for further growth in the region.

Towards year-end we also announced agreements to acquire a presence in Southern Europe through the Synthesia Group, consisting of three operating businesses; Synthesia International, Poliuretanos and Huurre. Through its Huurre and Poliuretanos businesses, the Synthesia Group gives Kingspan a leading position in both Insulated Panels and Insulation Boards on the Iberian Peninsula and strengthens our emerging Insulated Panels presence in Central and South America. It also provides an excellent technology platform for blended chemical systems similar to those used throughout the wider Kingspan Group.

We also advanced our position in Central Europe through the planned acquisition of Balex Metal, a Polish manufacturer of insulated panels and insulation boards. Balex has a strong market presence locally and in regional export markets. It complements our existing presence in the region and brings two well invested panel/board manufacturing facilities.

- Penetration growth and conversion from traditional insulation and building methods has been a core driver of our success to date. As energy consumption, conservation, and its sources become increasingly important challenges for businesses, so do products that can enable them to manage their environmental footprint more effectively. Buildings consume approximately 40% of energy globally, and building design is therefore undergoing a comparable evolution to that already underway in the automotive world. As this pattern and trend deepens, so will the penetration of materials that facilitate this evolution. Kingspan's solutions are ideally positioned to play a key role in this dynamic.

- The pursuit of Net Zero Energy is at the heart of what we aim to achieve, both internally and externally. Our products and solutions greatly assist building designers, owners and occupiers to move in this direction and, within Kingspan itself, we are committed to achieving Net Zero Energy by 2020.

In 2017 we achieved 69%, a significant increase on the 57% achieved a year earlier, and we remain on target to achieve 100% by 2020. Progress in 2017 was achieved through numerous initiatives implemented as a part of our three step strategy - 'Save More', 'Generate More' and 'Buy More'. Particular highlights have included the use of our own energy saving solutions including insulation, LED lighting and day-lighting systems, alongside our renewable energy generation solutions. These efforts have led to our recognition on CDP's global "A List", an achievement we were delighted to obtain for the third year running.

We recognise the central importance of addressing the built environment as part of wider efforts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. This effort will not only be reliant on solutions for new buildings, but also on the ability to accelerate the renovation rate of the existing building stock. The ongoing revisions to key EU legislation including the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) is a signal to industry to take action.

Insulated Panels

                   FY '17    FY '16     Change 
                     EURm      EURm 
----------------  --------  --------  --------- 
 Turnover          2,328.5   1,998.2   +17% (1) 
 Trading Profit     233.3     224.4      +4% 
 Trading Margin     10.0%     11.2%    -120bps 
----------------  --------  --------  --------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying +12%, currency -2% and acquisitions +7% 

Mainland Europe

2017 was a generally positive year for our Insulated Panels businesses across Continental Europe, setting aside the inflationary challenges faced. Volumes in Germany were flat over the period, and weaker towards year end as we gave up some market share in pursuit of raw material recovery. France had a particularly strong year for the Joris Ide brand and our business in the Netherlands performed well through most of the year. It was also a year of significant progress in the Nordics where the penetration rate for high performance insulation solutions is relatively low, and further growth will be facilitated by our new QuadCore(TM) insulated panel line which was commissioned in Finland during the year. Volumes in much of Central Europe were healthy although it was one of our more difficult markets from which to recover chemical cost inflation.


Order intake by volume in the US grew by low double digit in 2017, compensating somewhat for weaker activity in Canada, the latter owing itself to lower volume in the western region and Alberta as well as intensified competition in cold storage applications. Sales of architectural solutions were positive once again, particularly Dri-Design(R) which has now been launched in other markets across the world and will be produced in both the UK and Continental Europe. 2017 marked a step-change to our position in Latin America where we now have a manufacturing presence in Mexico, Colombia and four facilities across Brazil. Early indications from these partnerships in South America have been most encouraging.


The year started well for Insulated Panels in the UK and then tapered off considerably towards year-end as a decreasing number of large scale non-residential projects came to the market. That said, large scale online distribution centres featured prominently through 2017 and are likely to do so during the current year. Dri-Design(R) has started well in the UK and its project pipeline in the medium and high rise segments is encouraging as this segment undergoes a shift in the type of external facades used. Encouraging also was the success of QuadCore(TM) which reached penetration of 15% in its second full year in the UK, and is targeted to reach a run-rate of greater than 40% by the end of 2018. We anticipate this underlying progress to continue which will somewhat protect the business in the UK as it heads into a more difficult phase with general confidence ebbing, and inward investment waning as the government wades its way through its Brexit quagmire. Once certainty is restored, whenever that may be, demand should recover.

Asia Pacific & Middle East

This region experienced many challenges in 2017, not least the predictable weakness experienced in Turkey. The project pipeline is very healthy, particularly so in the aviation sector where in 2018 and 2019 a number of sizeable projects are expected to come to market. Australia was impacted by capacity expansions by competitors, the pressures from which should ease over-time as the penetration drive towards high performance continues. The New Zealand market continues to deliver well for Kingspan.


The market in Ireland has progressed well in recent years as the economy recovers and growth in building resumes although the non-residential sector was broadly flat year on year. Tangible progress is being made on QuadCore(TM) and Dri-Design(R) specifications, both of which will be key dimensions of the Irish business in the future.

Insulation Boards

                   FY '17   FY '16    Change 
                    EURm     EURm 
----------------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Turnover          769.4    688.1    +12% (1) 
 Trading Profit     91.2     78.5      +16% 
 Trading Margin    11.9%    11.4%     +50bps 
----------------  -------  -------  --------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying +15% and currency -3%. 


2017 was an outstanding year for the Insulation Boards division with overall revenue ahead by 12%. This pattern was reflected similarly in the UK where the combination of price inflation, single digit volume growth and a sharp shift in mix towards Kooltherm(R) all combined to deliver a record year. The increase in Kooltherm(R) was partly facilitated by the tightness in supply of PIR board and also by the increasing demand for high fire performing solutions. Kooltherm(R) has the advantage of achieving this without compromising on thermal and space optimization that traditional insulations tend to suffer from. We expect this trend to continue which should drive further growth in the new generation Kooltherm(R) 100 Series.

Mainland Europe

Our business continued to progress well across Continental Europe, despite the raw material pressures endured. Kooltherm(R) again stood out and growth was particularly evident in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and in the Nordics. Available capacity is tight and as a result we plan to build a greenfield facility in the Nordics over the course of this year and next which will support further penetration growth in that region as well as freeing up capacity to further our share in Western Europe.


During the year our new XPS insulation facility was commissioned in Winchester VA which doubles our capacity for this type of insulation board in North America. The plant only came properly on stream late in the year and, as a result, revenue was only marginally up over prior year. 2018 should see a resumption of growth as we enter new applications with an extended product range through the recent investment. A key strand of this strategy will encompass exploring end-market synergies that can be achieved using our Insulated Panel infrastructure as an additional channel for XPS board.

Asia Pacific & Middle East

The market for rigid insulation in the Middle East is relatively embryonic and, as such, has low levels of penetration. Ducting applications are the exception to this and Kingspan's position in this segment has advanced notably in recent years. Our building insulation range also received a boost with the addition of a new manufacturing line in 2017. This in combination with Kooltherm(R) , leaves us well positioned for growth over the medium term.

A new Kooltherm(R) facility was commissioned during the year in Melbourne which now provides the means to better service the Australasian region, which was heretofore supplied from Ireland. This market has become highly competitive in recent times as a result of a number of PIR capacity additions in the region.


2017 was a positive year for Kooltherm(R) in Ireland as the conversion towards higher performance insulation continued to advance. As well as the growth in the residential segment, the conversion was also facilitated somewhat by a market shortage of PIR board during the year. This has alleviated in more recent weeks.

Light & Air

                   FY '17   FY '16    Change 
                    EURm     EURm 
----------------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Turnover          204.7     75.9    +170%(1) 
 Trading Profit     14.8     3.6      +311% 
 Trading Margin     7.2%     4.7%    +250bps 
----------------  -------  -------  --------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying +1%, currency -1% and acquisitions +170%. 

2017 was a milestone year for this newly formed division as it further extended its global presence through the addition of CPI Daylighting in North America and Brakel in Europe. Revenue in 2017 reached EUR204.7m and with the most recent acquisition the 2018 run-rate should be closer to EUR300m. Trading margin was 7.2%, as planned, and this year we expect it to exceed 8%.

At an organic level Western Europe performed strongly, particularly in Germany and France. Brakel will significantly complement our presence in Western Europe, not only from its product range, but also through its Slovakian manufacturing base which is capable of servicing much of the wider division. Together with the extensive site consolidation taking place in our French business to a 30,000m(2) facility near Lyon, the production infrastructure will, by the end of 2018, have taken a meaningful step forward in Europe. The underlying sales performance in North America was less positive as we gave up share in western US early in the year. This pattern had been reversed by year-end and will benefit further from site consolidation in 2018 as well as the range expansion provided by the UniQuad(R) product set at CPI.


                   FY '17   FY '16    Change 
                    EURm     EURm 
----------------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Turnover          179.8    162.0    +11% (1) 
 Trading Profit     16.2     11.3      +43% 
 Trading Margin     9.0%     7.0%    +200bps 
----------------  -------  -------  --------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying +2%, currency impact -5% and acquisitions +14% 

The 2017 outturn at the Environmental division was strong, representing significant progress from a year earlier and continuing the pattern of recent years whereby global expansion and trading margin restoration were key themes.

To that end, revenue reached EUR179.8m and the trading margin was 9.0%. Much of this performance was driven by the contribution from Australia where the water storage business has performed excellently since acquired a couple of years back, and from the UK where the more traditional product range and service activities performed well. The Australasian business also benefitted from the addition of the Rhino rainwater business during 2017.

In contrast, the renewables businesses of solar and wind both had a more challenging trading period and this pattern is likely to prevail for the foreseeable future in Europe and the UK.

Access Floors

                   FY '17   FY '16    Change 
                    EURm     EURm 
----------------  -------  -------  --------- 
 Turnover          185.7    184.3     +1% (1) 
 Trading Profit     22.0     23.1      -5% 
 Trading Margin    11.8%    12.5%     -70bps 
----------------  -------  -------  --------- 
   (1)   Comprising underlying +4%, currency -4% and acquisitions +1% 

The UK continued to perform well for much of the year as we supplied contracts awarded earlier in the year, and even some from 2016. The result was satisfactory growth in what increasingly developed into a tougher trading environment in the UK as confidence levels dipped and order intake followed suit. The impact of this trend will be lower sales volume in 2018. The recently acquired small platform in Belgium provides the division with its first step into Western Europe and access in particular to the German market. In North America we continued to expand the product offering with the primary focus on pre-finished concrete access floors and the data segment product set. These are both key growth opportunities for the business, not alone in North America, but also in Australia which shares similar market characteristics.


During the year we committed investment of almost EUR614m on ten acquisitions of which eight were completed in the year, including the acquisition of majority stakes in the leading insulated panel businesses in Brazil and Colombia and three acquisitions in our Light & Air division.

The acquisitions of Synthesia and Balex, detailed earlier in this report, are both subject to regulatory clearance and are expected to complete by the end of the first half of 2018.

Financial Review

The Financial Review provides an overview of the Group's financial performance for the year ended 31 December 2017 and of the Group's financial position at that date.

Overview of results

Group revenue increased by 18% to EUR3.67bn (2016: EUR3.11bn) and trading profit increased by 10.7% to EUR377.5m (2016: EUR340.9m) with a decrease of 70 basis points in the Group's trading profit margin to 10.3% (2016: 11.0%). Basic EPS for the year was 159.0 cent (2016: 143.8 cent), representing an increase of 10.6%.

The Group's underlying sales and trading profit growth by division are set out below:

 Sales                Underlying   Currency   Acquisition   Total 
-------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 
 Insulated Panels        +12%        -2%          +7%       +17% 
 Insulation Boards       +15%        -3%           -        +12% 
 Light & Air             +1%         -1%         +170%      +170% 
 Environmental           +2%         -5%         +14%       +11% 
 Access Floors           +4%         -4%          +1%        +1% 
                     -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 
 Group                   +11%        -2%          +9%       +18% 
                     -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 

The Group's trading profit measure is earnings before interest, tax, amortisation of intangibles and non trading items:

 Trading Profit       Underlying   Currency   Acquisition   Total 
-------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 
 Insulated Panels        -1%         -2%          +7%        +4% 
 Insulation Boards       +20%        -4%           -        +16% 
 Light & Air             +75%        -1%         +237%      +311% 
 Environmental           +35%        -5%         +13%       +43% 
 Access Floors           -1%         -4%           -         -5% 
                     -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 
 Group                   +6%         -3%          +8%       +11% 
                     -----------  ---------  ------------  ------ 

The key drivers of sales and trading profit performance in each division are set out in the Business Review.

Finance costs (net)

Finance costs for the year increased by EUR1.6m to EUR15.9m (2016: EUR14.3m). A net non-cash credit of EUR0.6m (2016: charge EUR0.1m) was recorded in respect of swaps on the Group's USD private placement notes. The Group's net interest expense on borrowings (bank and loan notes) was EUR16.1m (2016: EUR14.1m). This increase reflects higher average gross and net debt levels in 2017, due to acquisition spend, offset by favourable financing initiatives undertaken over the course of 2016 and 2017. The interest expense is driven extensively by gross debt balances with cash yields negligible in the current environment.


The tax charge for the year was EUR60.6m (2016: EUR58.5m) which represents an effective tax rate of 17.5% (2016: 18.6%). The decrease in the effective rate reflects, primarily, the change in the geographical mix of earnings year on year and reductions in certain territorial tax rates.

Divisional reporting

The Group established a new division, Kingspan Light & Air, encompassing the Group's daylighting and natural ventilation activities effective from 1 January 2017. In 2016, this activity was reported within the Insulated Panels division with full systematic separation and divisional management effective from the 2017 financial year.


The Board has proposed a final dividend of 26.0 cent per ordinary share payable on 27 April 2018 to shareholders registered on the record date of 23 March 2018. When combined with the interim dividend of 11.0 cent per share, the total dividend for the year increased to 37.0 cent (2016: 33.5 cent), an increase of 10.4%.

Retirement benefits

The primary method of pension provision for current employees is by way of defined contribution arrangements. The Group has two legacy defined benefit schemes in the UK which are closed to new members and to future accrual. In addition, the Group assumed a number of smaller defined benefit pension liabilities in Mainland Europe through acquisitions completed in recent years. The net pension liability in respect of all defined benefit schemes was EUR13.6m (2016: EUR14.1m) as at 31 December 2017.

Intangible assets and goodwill

Intangible assets and goodwill increased during the year by EUR104.0m to EUR1,186.0m (2016: EUR1,082.0m). Intangible assets and goodwill of EUR173.8m were recorded in the year relating to acquisitions and additions completed by the Group, offset by annual amortisation of EUR15.7m and a decrease due to year end exchange rates used to translate intangible assets and goodwill other than those denominated in euro.

Key performance indicators - financial

The Group has a set of financial key performance indicators (KPIs) which are set out in the table below. These KPIs are used to measure the financial and operational performance of the Group and are used to track progress continually and also in achieving medium and long term targets.

 Key performance indicators    2017    2016 
----------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Basic EPS growth               11%     35% 
 Sales growth                   18%     12% 
 Trading margin                10.3%   11.0% 
 Free cashflow (EURm)          198.5   206.6 
 Return on capital employed    17.8%   17.3% 
 Net debt/EBITDA               1.05x   1.06x 
----------------------------  ------  ------ 

(a) Basic EPS growth. The growth in EPS is accounted for by the 11% increase in trading profit, generating a 12% increase in profit after tax.

(b) Sales growth of 18% (2016: 12%) was driven by a 9% contribution from acquisitions, an 11% increase in underlying sales and a 2% decrease due to the effect of currency translation. A key contributor to underlying sales growth in the year was price growth necessitated by raw material inflation recovery.

(c) Trading margin by division is set out below:

                      2017    2016 
-------------------  ------  ------ 
 Insulated Panels     10.0%   11.2% 
 Insulation Boards    11.9%   11.4% 
 Light & Air          7.2%    4.7% 
 Environmental        9.0%    7.0% 
 Access Floors        11.8%   12.5% 
-------------------  ------  ------ 

The Insulated Panels division trading margin reflects, primarily, the impact of higher raw material prices year on year and the associated lag in recovery. The trading margin improvement in the Insulation Boards division reflects a positive Kooltherm(R) mix driven by constrained availability of other rigid insulants due to raw material shortages. The increase in the Environmental trading margin reflects a tighter product set, a widening of the geographical base, growth in rainwater harvesting activity in Australia and an improvement in the UK. The improved trading margin in Light & Air reflects the higher level of activity year on year together with structural improvements to the cost base. The decrease in trading margin in Access Floors reflects a subdued sales performance during the year and the geographic market mix of sales year on year.

(d) Free cashflow is an important indicator and it reflects the amount of internally generated capital available for re-investment in the business or for distribution to shareholders.

 Free cashflow                   2017     2016 
                                 EURm     EURm 
-----------------------------  -------  -------- 
 EBITDA*                        441.7     404.1 
 Non-cash items                  9.4      12.4 
 Movement in working capital    (85.3)   (53.1) 
 Pension contributions          (0.9)     (2.9) 
 Movement in provisions         (2.4)     13.7 
 Net capital expenditure        (85.6)   (103.1) 
 Net interest paid              (16.8)   (14.2) 
 Income taxes paid              (61.6)   (50.3) 
                               -------  -------- 
 Free cashflow                  198.5     206.6 
                               -------  -------- 

*Earnings before finance costs, income taxes, depreciation, amortisation and non trading items

Working capital at year end was EUR477.8m (2016: EUR382.7m) and represents 13.0% (2016: 12.3%) of annual turnover. This metric is closely managed and monitored throughout the year and is subject to a certain amount of seasonal variability associated with trading patterns and the timing of significant purchases of steel and chemicals. The increase year on year reflects, primarily, the working capital investment associated with year on year sales growth and the working capital in acquired businesses.

(e) Return on capital employed, calculated as operating profit divided by total equity plus net debt, was 17.8% in 2017 (2016: 17.3%). The creation of shareholder value through the delivery of long term returns well in excess of the Group's cost of capital is a core principle of Kingspan's financial strategy. The increase in profitability together with the deployment of further capital has maintained returns on capital during the year.

(f) Net debt to EBITDA measures the ratio of net debt to earnings and at 1.05x (2016: 1.06x) is comfortably less than the Group's banking covenant of 3.5x in both 2017 and 2016.

Key performance indicators - non-financial

The Group measures and monitors a number of non-financial key performance indicators to measure progress on critical aspects of the Group's strategy:

a) Net Zero Energy - The Group's Net Zero Energy agenda is a set of initiatives across the business globally targeting the adoption of 100% renewable energy in aggregate across our manufacturing facilities globally by 2020. In 2017 we achieved 69%, a significant increase on the 57% achieved a year earlier, and we remain on target to achieve our 2020 target.

b) Carbon Disclosure Project - The Group maintains an ongoing commitment to carbon reporting and reducing our impact on the environment. For the sixth consecutive year the Group participated in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and we are one of only 120 companies to make the global 'A List'.

c) New Product Development - The ongoing development of the Group's high performance insulation and building envelope proposition is the bedrock of the Group's continuing success. During 2017, the Insulated Panels division further extended its QuadCore(TM) technology following an intensive R&D effort and the initial launch in 2015. The Insulation Boards division made further progress in advancing its next generation Kooltherm(R) 100 range and in Access Floors the exposed concrete finish product progressed well in 2017.

Acquisitions and capital expenditure

During 2017, Kingspan committed to an investment of EUR613.9m on ten acquisitions. Of the total investment, EUR173.9m was incurred in cash on completion during the year for eight of these acquisitions with a further aggregate amount of EUR440m payable in respect of two of the acquisitions which are expected to complete in the first half of 2018.

On 15 December 2017, the Group announced the proposed acquisition of the Synthesia Group ("Synthesia"). Synthesia gives Kingspan a leading position in both Insulated Panels and Insulation Boards on the Iberian Peninsula and strengthens its presence in Central and South America. The acquisition is conditional on regulatory clearance and is expected to complete in the first half of 2018.

On 15 December 2017, the Group also announced the proposed acquisition of Balex Metal sp.z.o.o. ("Balex"), a Polish based manufacturer of Insulated Panels and Insulation Boards. The acquisition is conditional on regulatory clearance, and is expected to complete towards the end of the first half of 2018.

On 24 November 2017 the Group acquired Brakel Group, a Dutch based operation in the Light & Air sector with annual revenues in the year to 31 December 2016 of EUR68m. The consideration paid in cash on completion was EUR73.3m.

On 27 September 2017 the Group acquired 51% of Isoeste Construtivos Isotermicos S.A. ("Isoeste"). The amount payable in cash on completion was EUR41.8m and a further maximum amount of EUR33.2m may become payable contingent on the future earnings performance of the business.

On 2 August 2017 the Group acquired 100% of CPI Daylighting Inc. ("CPI"), a US based daylight business. The amount payable in cash on completion was EUR38.6m.

In addition, the Group made five smaller acquisitions during the year in the Insulated Panels, Environmental, Light & Air and Access Floors divisions for an aggregate cash consideration of EUR20.2m.

Capital structure and Group financing

The Group funds itself through a combination of equity and debt. Debt is funded through syndicated and bilateral bank facilities and private placement loan notes. The primary bank debt facility is a EUR500m revolving credit facility, which was undrawn at year end and which matures in June 2022. As at 31 December 2017, the Group's committed bilateral bank facilities were EUR50m, none of which was drawn. Private placement loan note funding net of related derivatives totals EUR633.2m. The weighted average maturity of the notes is 6.5 years, including a new private placement of EUR175m completed on 8 December 2017. This was drawn on 31 January 2018.

The Group had significant available undrawn facilities and cash balances which, in aggregate, were c.EUR901m at 31 December 2017 and provide appropriate headroom for ongoing operational lorrequirements and development funding. EUR440m of this headroom is expected to be utilised to complete the Synthesia and Balex acquisitions detailed above.

Net debt

Net debt increased by EUR36.0m during 2017 to EUR463.9m (2016: EUR427.9m). This is analysed in the table below:

 Movement in net debt          2017      2016 
                               EURm      EURm 
---------------------------  --------  -------- 
 Free cashflow                 198.5     206.6 
 Acquisitions                 (168.2)   (254.4) 
 Share issues                   0.2       3.2 
 Repurchase of shares          (1.5)     (1.3) 
 Dividends paid               (61.7)    (48.4) 
                             --------  -------- 
 Cashflow movement            (32.7)    (94.3) 
 Exchange movements on 
  translation                  (3.3)     (5.6) 
                             --------  -------- 
 Increase in net debt         (36.0)    (99.9) 
 Net debt at start of year    (427.9)   (328.0) 
                             --------  -------- 
 Net debt at end of year      (463.9)   (427.9) 
                             --------  -------- 

Key financial covenants

The majority of Group borrowings are subject to primary financial covenants calculated in accordance with lenders' facility agreements:

   -   A maximum net debt to EBITDA ratio of 3.5 times; and 
   -   A minimum EBITDA to net interest coverage of 4 times. 

The performance against these covenants in the current and comparative year is set out below:

                                       2017    2016 
                        Covenant       Times   Times 
---------------------  -------------  ------  ------ 
 Net debt/EBITDA        Maximum 3.5    1.05    1.06 
 EBITDA/Net interest    Minimum 4.0    27.8    28.3 
---------------------  -------------  ------  ------ 

Investor relations

Kingspan is committed to interacting with the international financial community to ensure a full understanding of the Group's strategic plans and its performance against these plans. During the year, the executive management and investor team presented at four capital market conferences and conducted 337 institutional one-on-one and group meetings.

Share price and market capitalisation

The Company's shares traded in the range of EUR25.80 to EUR37.00 during the year. The share price at 31 December 2017 was EUR36.41 (31 December 2016: EUR25.80) giving a market capitalisation at that date of EUR6.5bn (2016: EUR4.6bn). Total shareholder return for 2017 was 42.7%.

Financial risk management

The Group operates a centralised treasury function governed by a treasury policy approved by the Group Board. This policy primarily covers foreign exchange risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and interest rate risk. The principal objective of the policy is to minimise financial risk at reasonable cost. Adherence to the policy is monitored by the CFO and the Internal Audit function. The Group does not engage in speculative trading of derivatives or related financial instruments.

Looking Ahead

2018 got off to a relatively slow start, although the healthy nature of our orderbook in most regions should see that improve through the first quarter. One notable exception to this is the UK, where a sharp deterioration in order placement has been experienced in low rise non-residential projects. This has been evident in our Insulated Panels business where despite the overall project pipeline being stable, postponements have resulted in UK order intake value being down over 15% on prior year. Insulation Board sales in the UK are holding up reasonably well.

More positively, other end markets remain in solid shape overall and the structural conversion to QuadCore(TM) and Kooltherm(R) both made significant headway last year, a trend that encouragingly has continued into the current year. This, together with the evolving new frontiers we are currently investing in and the associated acquisitions expected to come on stream during the first half, should provide a counterbalance to the weakening near term UK building environment.

On behalf of the Board

 Gene M. Murtagh           Geoff Doherty 
 Chief Executive Officer   Chief Financial Officer 
 23 February 2018          23 February 2018 

Kingspan Group plc

Group Condensed Income Statement

for the year ended 31 December 2017

                                                  2017        2016 
                                                  EURm        EURm 
   REVENUE                             2       3,668.1     3,108.5 
 Cost of sales                               (2,615.4)   (2,168.3) 
                                            ----------  ---------- 
 GROSS PROFIT                                  1,052.7       940.2 
 Operating costs, excluding 
  intangible amortisation                      (675.2)     (599.3) 
                                            ----------  ---------- 
   TRADING PROFIT                      2         377.5       340.9 
 Intangible amortisation                        (15.7)      (12.6) 
 Non trading items                    3            0.6           - 
   OPERATING PROFIT                              362.4       328.3 
 Finance expense                      4         (16.4)      (14.4) 
 Finance income                       4            0.5         0.1 
                                            ----------  ---------- 
   INCOME TAX                                    346.5       314.0 
 Income tax expense                             (60.6)      (58.5) 
                                            ----------  ---------- 
   FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS                    285.9       255.5 
                                            ----------  ---------- 
   Attributable to owners 
   of Kingspan Group plc                         284.3       255.4 
 Attributable to non-controlling 
  interests                                        1.6         0.1 
                                            ----------  ---------- 
                                                 285.9       255.5 
                                            ----------  ---------- 
 Basic                                9         159.0c      143.8c 
   Diluted                             9        157.3c      141.6c 
 Gene M. Murtagh   Geoff Doherty     23 February 2018 
 Chief Executive   Chief Financial 
  Officer           Officer 

Kingspan Group plc

Group Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the year ended 31 December 2017

                                           2017      2016 
                                           EURm      EURm 
 Profit for the year                      285.9     255.5 
   Other comprehensive income: 
   Items that may be reclassified subsequently to 
   profit or loss 
 Exchange differences on 
  translating foreign operations         (85.2)    (43.8) 
 Effective portion of changes 
  in fair value of cash flow 
  hedges                                  (2.1)     (0.7) 
 Income taxes relating to 
  changes in fair value of 
  cash flow hedges                            -       0.1 
   Items that will not be reclassified subsequently 
   to profit or loss 
 Actuarial gains/(losses) 
  on defined benefit pension 
  schemes                                   1.0     (2.9) 
 Income taxes relating to 
  actuarial (losses)/gains 
  on defined benefit pension 
  schemes                                 (0.2)       0.6 
                                       --------  -------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income                                 (86.5)    (46.7) 
                                       --------  -------- 
   Total comprehensive income 
   for the year                           199.4     208.8 
                                       --------  -------- 
 Attributable to owners 
  of Kingspan Group plc                   201.0     208.2 
 Attributable to non-controlling 
  interests                               (1.6)       0.6 
                                       --------  -------- 
                                          199.4     208.8 
                                       --------  -------- 

Kingspan Group plc

Group Condensed Statement of Financial Position

As at 31 December 2017

                                          2017        2016 
                                          EURm        EURm 
 Goodwill                              1,095.7       990.1 
 Other intangible assets                  90.3        91.9 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                              703.3       665.5 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                             22.2        40.6 
 Retirement benefit assets                 7.9         6.7 
 Deferred tax assets                      16.5        12.0 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
                                       1,935.9     1,806.8 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Inventories                             447.1       365.5 
 Trade and other receivables             675.9       601.9 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                              0.1         8.4 
 Cash and cash equivalents               176.6       222.0 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
                                       1,299.7     1,197.8 
 TOTAL ASSETS                          3,235.6     3,004.6 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Trade and other payables                645.2       585.2 
 Provisions for liabilities               52.3        55.5 
 Derivative financial                      0.1           - 
 Deferred contingent 
  consideration                            6.4         6.8 
 Interest bearing loans 
  and borrowings                           1.2        41.1 
 Current income tax liabilities           80.9        77.1 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
                                         786.1       765.7 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Retirement benefit obligations           21.5        20.8 
 Provisions for liabilities               48.7        45.4 
 Interest bearing loans 
  and borrowings                         661.5       657.3 
 Deferred tax liabilities                 38.7        37.8 
 Deferred contingent 
  consideration                          111.1         6.1 
                                         881.5       767.4 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
   TOTAL LIABILITIES                   1,667.6     1,533.1 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
 NET ASSETS                            1,568.0     1,471.5 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Share capital                            23.6        23.4 
 Share premium                            95.6        95.6 
 Capital redemption reserve                0.7         0.7 
 Treasury shares                        (14.0)      (12.5) 
 Other reserves                        (220.5)      (58.9) 
 Retained earnings                     1,642.7     1,406.6 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
  GROUP PLC                            1,528.1     1,454.9 
 NON-CONTROLLING INTEREST                 39.9        16.6 
                                    ----------  ---------- 
   TOTAL EQUITY                        1,568.0     1,471.5 
                                    ----------  ---------- 

Gene M. Murtagh Geoff Doherty 23 February 2018

   Chief Executive Officer                   Chief Financial Officer 

Kingspan Group plc

Group Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 31 December 2017

                                              Capital                                  Cash      Share                                                   Total 
                       Share      Share    Redemption    Treasury    Translation       Flow      Based                         Put                Attributable           Non-       Total 
                     Capital    Premium       Reserve      Shares        Reserve    Hedging    Payment    Revaluation       Option    Retained       to Owners    Controlling      Equity 
                                                                                    Reserve    Reserve        Reserve    Liability    Earnings          of the       Interest 
                                                                                                                           Reserve                      Parent 
                        EURm       EURm          EURm        EURm           EURm       EURm       EURm           EURm         EURm        EURm            EURm           EURm        EURm 
 Balance at 1 
  2017                  23.4       95.6           0.7      (12.5)         (95.2)        2.3       33.3            0.7            -     1,406.6         1,454.9           16.6     1,471.5 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ----------  --------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Transactions with owners recognised directly in equity 
 Employee share 
  compensation           0.2          -             -           -              -          -       10.7              -            -           -            10.9              -        10.9 
 Tax on employee 
  share based 
  compensation             -          -             -           -              -          -        0.8              -            -         3.1             3.9              -         3.9 
 Exercise or 
  of share 
  options                  -          -             -           -              -          -      (9.6)              -            -         9.6               -              -           - 
 Repurchase of 
  shares                   -          -             -       (1.5)              -          -          -              -            -           -           (1.5)              -       (1.5) 
 Dividends                 -          -             -           -              -          -          -              -            -      (61.7)          (61.7)              -      (61.7) 
 Arising on 
  acquisition              -          -             -           -              -          -          -              -       (79.1)           -          (79.1)           24.9      (54.2) 
 Fair value 
  movement                 -          -             -           -              -          -          -              -        (0.3)           -           (0.3)              -       (0.3) 
 Dividends paid            -          -             -           -              -          -          -              -            -           -               -              -           - 
  owners                 0.2          -             -       (1.5)              -          -        1.9              -       (79.4)      (49.0)         (127.8)           24.9     (102.9) 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ----------  --------------  -------------  ---------- 
  income for the 
 Profit for the 
  year                     -          -             -           -              -          -          -              -            -       284.3           284.3            1.6       285.9 
 Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 
 Cash flow 
 in equity 
 - current year            -          -             -           -              -      (2.1)          -              -            -           -           (2.1)              -       (2.1) 
 - tax impact              -          -             -           -              -          -          -              -            -           -               -              -           - 
  on translating 
  operations               -          -             -           -         (82.0)          -          -              -            -           -          (82.0)          (3.2)      (85.2) 
 Items that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss 
 Actuarial losses 
  of defined 
  pension scheme           -          -             -           -              -          -          -              -            -         1.0             1.0              -         1.0 
 Income taxes 
  to actuarial 
  on defined 
  pension scheme           -          -             -           -              -          -          -              -            -       (0.2)           (0.2)              -       (0.2) 
  income for the 
  year                     -          -             -           -         (82.0)      (2.1)          -              -            -       285.1           201.0          (1.6)       199.4 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ----------  --------------  -------------  ---------- 
   Balance at 31 
   2017                 23.6       95.6           0.7      (14.0)        (177.2)        0.2       35.2            0.7       (79.4)     1,642.7         1,528.1           39.9     1,568.0 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------  ----------  --------------  -------------  ---------- 
                                                                                                                                                            Kingspan Group plc 
 Group Condensed Statement of Changes in Equity 
  for the year ended 31 December 2016 
                                                                                                Share                                     Total 
                                              Capital                                  Cash     Based                              Attributable    Non-Controlling 
                       Share      Share    Redemption    Treasury    Translation       flow   Payment    Revaluation    Retained      to Owners           Interest       Total 
                     Capital    Premium       Reserve      Shares        Reserve    Hedging   Reserve        Reserve    Earnings         of the                         Equity 
                                                                                    Reserve                                              Parent 
                        EURm       EURm          EURm        EURm           EURm       EURm      EURm           EURm        EURm           EURm               EURm        EURm 
 Balance at 1 
  2016                  23.3       92.5           0.7      (11.3)         (50.9)        2.9      29.6            0.7     1,194.9        1,282.4               11.4     1,293.8 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  --------  -------------  ----------  -------------  -----------------  ---------- 
 directly in 
 Employee share 
  compensation           0.1        3.1             -           -              -          -      10.4              -           -           13.6                  -        13.6 
 Tax on employee 
  compensation             -          -             -           -              -          -     (0.3)              -         1.7            1.4                  -         1.4 
 Exercise or 
  of share 
  options                  -          -             -           -              -          -     (6.4)              -         6.4              -                  -           - 
 Repurchase of 
  shares                                                    (1.3)                                                                         (1.3)                          (1.3) 
 Transfer of 
  shares                   -          -             -         0.1              -          -         -              -           -            0.1                  -         0.1 
 Dividends                 -          -             -           -              -          -         -              -      (48.0)         (48.0)                  -      (48.0) 
 Arising on 
  acquisition              -          -             -           -              -          -         -              -           -              -                3.5         3.5 
 Change of 
  interest                 -          -             -           -              -          -         -              -       (1.5)          (1.5)                1.5           - 
 Dividends paid 
  interest                 -          -             -           -              -          -         -              -           -              -              (0.4)       (0.4) 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  --------  -------------  ----------  -------------  -----------------  ---------- 
  owners                 0.1        3.1             -       (1.2)              -          -       3.7              -      (41.4)         (35.7)                4.6      (31.1) 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  --------  -------------  ----------  -------------  -----------------  ---------- 
  income for the 
 Profit for the 
  year                     -          -             -           -              -          -         -              -       255.4          255.4                0.1       255.5 
 Items that may be 
 subsequently to profit 
 or loss 
 Cash flow 
 in equity 
 - current year            -          -             -           -              -      (0.7)         -              -           -          (0.7)                  -       (0.7) 
 - tax impact              -          -             -           -              -        0.1         -              -           -            0.1                  -         0.1 
  on translating 
  operations               -          -             -           -         (44.3)          -         -              -           -         (44.3)                0.5      (43.8) 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or loss 
 Actuarial gains 
  defined benefit 
  scheme                   -          -             -           -              -          -         -              -       (2.9)          (2.9)                  -       (2.9) 
 Income taxes 
  to actuarial 
  on defined 
  pension scheme           -          -             -           -              -          -         -              -         0.6            0.6                  -         0.6 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  --------  -------------  ----------  -------------  -----------------  ---------- 
  income for the 
  year                     -          -             -           -         (44.3)      (0.6)         -              -       253.1          208.2                0.6       208.8 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  --------  -------------  ----------  -------------  -----------------  ---------- 
   Balance at 31 
   2016                 23.4       95.6           0.7      (12.5)         (95.2)        2.3      33.3            0.7     1,406.6        1,454.9               16.6     1,471.5 
                   ---------  ---------  ------------  ----------  -------------  ---------  --------  -------------  ----------  -------------  -----------------  ---------- 
 Kingspan Group plc 
 Group Condensed Statement of 
  Cash Flows 
  for the year ended 31 December 
                                                     2017      2016 
                                          Note       EURm      EURm 
 Cash generated from operations           7         362.5     374.2 
 Income tax paid                                   (61.6)    (50.3) 
 Interest paid                                     (17.3)    (14.3) 
                                                ---------  -------- 
 Net cash flow from operating 
  activities                                        283.6     309.6 
                                                ---------  -------- 
 Additions to property, plant 
  and equipment                                    (85.0)   (113.3) 
 Additions to intangible assets                     (4.8)         - 
 Proceeds from disposals of 
  property, plant and equipment                       4.2      10.2 
 Proceeds from disposals of                           5.7         - 
  trade and assets 
 Purchase of subsidiary undertakings      10      (173.9)   (251.4) 
 Payment of deferred contingent 
  consideration in respect of 
  acquisitions                                          -     (3.0) 
 Interest received                                    0.5       0.1 
                                                ---------  -------- 
 Net cash flow from investing 
  activities                                      (253.3)   (357.4) 
                                                ---------  -------- 
 Drawdown of loans                        6          30.4     220.0 
 Repayment of loans                       6        (41.8)    (99.4) 
 Settlement of derivative financial                   8.0         - 
 Increase in lease finance                6           0.8       1.8 
 Proceeds from share issues                           0.2       3.2 
 Repurchase of shares                               (1.5)     (1.3) 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling 
  interests                                             -     (0.4) 
 Dividends paid                           8        (61.7)    (48.0) 
                                                ---------  -------- 
 Net cash flow from financing 
  activities                                       (65.6)      75.9 
                                                ---------  -------- 
   AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                    6       (35.3)      28.1 
 Effect of movements in exchange 
  rates on cash held                               (10.1)    (18.1) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  the beginning of the year                         222.0     212.0 
                                                ---------  -------- 
   THE OF THE YEAR                              176.6     222.0 
                                                ---------  -------- 

Notes to the Preliminary Results

for the year ended 31 December 2017


The financial information presented in this report has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the European Union and as set out in the Group's annual financial statements in respect of the year ended 31 December 2016 except as noted below. The financial information does not include all the information and disclosures required in the annual financial statements. The Annual Report will be distributed to shareholders and made available on the Company's website www.kingspan.com in due course. It will also be filed with the Company's annual return in the Companies Registration Office. The auditors have reported on the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2017 and their report was unqualified and did not contain any matters to which attention was drawn by way of emphasis. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2016 represents an abbreviated version of the Group's statutory financial statements on which an unqualified audit report was issued and which have been filed with the Companies Registration Office.

Basis of preparation and accounting policies

The financial information contained in this Preliminary Statement has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set out in the last annual financial statements.

IFRS does not define certain Income Statement headings. For clarity, the following are the definitions as applied by the Group:

- Trading profit refers to the operating profit generated by the businesses before intangible asset amortisation and non trading items.

   -     Trading margin refers to the trading profit, as calculated above, as a percentage of revenue. 
   -     Operating profit is profit before income taxes and net finance costs. 

The Group adopted Annual Improvements to IFRSs 2012 to 2014 Cycle for the first time in the previous financial year with no significant impact on the Group's result for the year or financial position.

There are a number of new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations that are not yet effective and have not been applied in preparing these consolidated financial statements. On an overall basis these new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are not expected to have a material impact on the Group's financial statements. Some additional comments are provided below with respect to those standards which are likely to be particularly relevant for the Group. The intention is to provide further clarity on the impact of these new standards in the next reporting period including the quantification of the expected impact of IFRS 16.

IFRS 15 Revenue from contracts with customers will replace IAS 18, IAS 11 and other related interpretations with effect from 1 January 2018. The standard deals with revenue recognition and establishes principles for reporting of the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from an entity's contracts with customers. From a review of this standard, it is not expected to have a significant impact on the Group's financial statements.

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments will replace IAS 39. The standard specifies requirements for the recognition, measurement, impairment and de-recognition of financial instruments and general hedge accounting. From a review of this standard, it is not expected to have a significant impact on the Group's financial statements.

IFRS 16 Leases will replace IAS 17. The changes under IFRS 16 will predominantly affect lessees. The main impact on lessees is that the majority of leases will be recognised in the balance sheet as the distinction between finance leases and operating leases is removed. From a review of this standard, it is not expected to have a significant impact on the Group's financial statements.

The new standards, amendments to standards and interpretations are as follows:

                                               Date - periods 
                                                  on or after 
 IFRS 15: Revenue from contracts with               1 January 
  customers                                            2018 
 IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (2009                1 January 
  and subsequent amendments in 2010                   2018 
  and 2013) 
 Clarification to IFRS 15: Revenue                 1 January 
  from contracts with customers                       2018 
 Amendments to IFRS 2: Classification               1 January 
  and measurement of share based payment                2018* 
 IFRS 16: Leases                                   1 January 

* Not yet EU endorsed


In identifying the Group's operating segments, management based its decision on the product supplied by each segment and the fact that each segment is managed and reported separately to the Chief Operating Decision Maker. These operating segments are monitored and strategic decisions are made on the basis of segment operating results.

The Group established a new division, Kingspan Light & Air, encompassing the Group's daylighting and ventilation activities effective from 1 January 2017. In the 2016 Annual Report, the Group's limited activity in this sector was disclosed within the Insulated Panels segment.

Operating segments

The Group has the following five operating segments:

 Insulated       Manufacture of insulated panels, structural 
  Panels          framing and metal facades. 
 Insulation      Manufacture of rigid insulation boards, 
  Boards          building services insulation and engineered 
                  timber systems. 
 Light & Air     Manufacture of daylighting, smoke 
                  management and ventilation systems. 
 Environmental   Manufacture of energy storage solutions, 
                  water and microwind systems and all 
                  related service activities. 
 Access Floors   Manufacture of raised access floors 
                  and datacentre storage solutions. 

Analysis by class of business

 Segment revenue 
                    Insulated   Insulation                                Access 
                       Panels       Boards     Light     Environmental    Floors       Total 
                         EURm         EURm     & Air              EURm      EURm        EURm 
   Total revenue 
   - 2017             2,328.5        769.4     204.7             179.8     185.7     3,668.1 
 Total revenue 
  - 2016              1,998.2        688.1      75.9             162.0     184.3     3,108.5 

Inter-segment transfers are carried out at arm's length prices and using an appropriate transfer pricing methodology. As inter-segment revenue is not material, it is not subject to separate disclosure in the above analysis. For the purposes of the segmental analysis, corporate overheads have been allocated to each division based on their respective revenue for the year.

   Segment result (profit before net finance 
                     Insulated   Insulation    Light                      Access     Total     Total 
                        Panels       Boards    & Air     Environmental    Floors      2017      2016 
                          EURm         EURm     EURm              EURm      EURm      EURm      EURm 
   Trading profit 
   - 2017                233.3         91.2     14.8              16.2      22.0     377.5 
  amortisation           (9.4)        (2.1)    (2.6)             (1.6)         -    (15.7) 
 Non trading 
  items                  (2.3)          2.9        -                 -         -       0.6 
   profit - 2017         221.6         92.0     12.2              14.6      22.0     362.4 
                    ----------  -----------  -------  ----------------  -------- 
   Trading profit 
   - 2016                224.4         78.5      3.6              11.3      23.1               340.9 
  amortisation           (7.6)        (3.1)    (0.7)             (1.2)         -              (12.6) 
   profit - 2016         216.8         75.4      2.9              10.1      23.1               328.3 
                    ----------  -----------  -------  ----------------  -------- 
 Net finance 
  expense                                                                           (15.9)    (14.3) 
                                                                                  --------  -------- 
 Profit for 
  the year before 
  tax                                                                                346.5     314.0 
 Income tax 
  expense                                                                           (60.6)    (58.5) 
 Net profit 
  for the year                                                                       285.9     255.5 
                                                                                  --------  -------- 
 Segment assets 
                  Insulated   Insulation      Light                      Access       Total       Total 
                     Panels       Boards      & Air     Environmental    Floors        2017        2016 
                       EURm         EURm       EURm              EURm      EURm        EURm        EURm 
   Assets - 
   2017             1,792.1        620.4      287.6             164.1     156.0     3,020.2 
 Assets - 
  2016              1,659.9        595.9      146.8             159.0     160.0                 2,721.6 
 Derivative financial instruments                                                      22.3        49.0 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                            176.6       222.0 
  tax assets                                                                           16.5        12.0 
                                                                                 ----------  ---------- 
   Total assets as reported in the Consolidated 
   Statement of Financial Position                                                  3,235.6     3,004.6 
                                                                                 ----------  ---------- 
   Segment liabilities 
                  Insulated   Insulation      Light                      Access       Total         Total 
                     Panels       Boards      & Air     Environmental    Floors        2017          2016 
                       EURm         EURm       EURm              EURm      EURm        EURm          EURm 
   - 2017           (590.4)      (148.0)     (67.0)            (49.3)    (30.5)     (885.2) 
  - 2016            (465.1)      (136.2)     (43.5)            (45.7)    (29.3)                   (719.8) 
 Interest bearing loans and borrowings 
  (current and non-current)                                                         (662.7)       (698.4) 
 Derivative financial instruments (current                                            (0.1)             - 
  and non-current) 
 Income tax liabilities (current and deferred)                                      (119.6)       (114.9) 
                                                                                 ----------  ------------ 
   Total liabilities as reported in the 
   Consolidated Statement of Financial Position                                   (1,667.6)     (1,533.1) 
                                                                                 ----------  ------------ 
 Other segment information 
                            Insulated   Insulation     Light                      Access 
                               Panels       Boards     & Air     Environmental    Floors     Total 
                                 EURm         EURm      EURm              EURm      EURm      EURm 
   Capital investment 
   - 2017 *                      82.5         25.1      22.9               5.4       6.1     142.0 
 Capital investment 
  - 2016 *                       88.2         38.5      24.0              11.0       8.1     169.8 
   Depreciation included 
   in segment result 
   - 2017                      (40.7)       (14.6)     (3.7)             (2.8)     (2.4)    (64.2) 
 Depreciation included 
  in segment result 
  - 2016                       (42.0)       (14.5)     (1.0)             (3.3)     (2.4)    (63.2) 
   Non-cash items 
   included in segment 
   result - 2017                (6.4)        (2.3)     (0.2)             (0.8)     (1.0)    (10.7) 
 Non-cash items 
  included in segment 
  result - 2016                 (6.5)        (2.0)     (0.1)             (0.9)     (0.9)    (10.4) 

* Capital investment includes fair value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets acquired in business combinations.

  Analysis of segmental data by geography 
                                    Republic     United         Rest 
                                  of Ireland    Kingdom    of Europe     Americas     Others     Total 
                                        EURm       EURm         EURm         EURm       EURm      EURm 
  Income Statement 
  Revenue - 2017                       138.1      909.2      1,628.5        738.1      254.2   3,668.1 
  Revenue - 2016                       118.0      834.4      1,287.5        630.4      238.2   3,108.5 
    Statement of Financial Position Items 
   assets - 2017 
   *                                    51.8      369.9        809.8        507.7      158.0   1,897.2 
   assets - 2016 
   *                                    47.9      381.3        716.9        441.2      166.9   1,754.2 
    Other segmental 
  Capital investment 
   - 2017                                8.0       16.9         57.9         49.7        9.5     142.0 
  Capital investment 
   - 2016                                3.5       32.7         72.2         29.4       32.0     169.8 

* Total non-current assets excluding derivative financial instruments and deferred tax assets.

The Group has a presence in over 70 countries worldwide. The revenues from external customers and non-current assets (as defined in IFRS 8) attributable to the country of domicile and all foreign countries or regions of operation are as set out above and specific regions are highlighted separately on the basis of materiality.

There are no material dependencies or concentrations on individual customers which would warrant disclosure under IFRS 8. The individual entities within the Group each have a large number of customers spread across various activities, end-users and geographies.

   3         NON-TRADING ITEMS 
                                  2017      2016 
                                  EURm      EURm 
 Profit on disposal of trade       2.9         - 
  and assets 
 Impairment of goodwill          (2.3)         - 
                                   0.6         - 
                                ------    ------ 

During the period, the Group disposed of the trade and assets of Kingspan Gefinex GmbH, which is part of the Insulation Boards division, for cash consideration of EUR5.7m and realised a non-trading profit of EUR2.9m.

The goodwill impairment relates to a US energy business, which is part of the Insulated Panels division, and the associated activity was significantly curtailed during the year.

The tax impact for the above items in the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement is a charge of EUR0.2m (2016: EURnil).

                                         2017     2016 
                                         EURm     EURm 
 Finance expense 
 Finance lease                            0.2        - 
 Deferred consideration fair              0.1        - 
  value movement 
 Bank loans                               2.4      2.1 
 Private placement loan notes            14.2     12.1 
 Fair value movement on derivative 
  financial instrument                   15.6   (20.4) 
 Fair value movement on private 
  placement debt                       (16.2)     20.5 
 Net defined benefit pension 
  scheme                                  0.1      0.1 
                                         16.4     14.4 
 Finance income 
 Interest earned                        (0.5)    (0.1) 
 Net finance cost                        15.9     14.3 
                                      -------  ------- 

EUR1.75m (2016: EURnil) of borrowing costs related to arrangement fees associated with the new EUR500m revolving credit facility were capitalised during the year. These costs will be amortised over the life of the facility.

No costs were reclassified from other comprehensive income to profit during the year (2016: EURnil).

                                           2017        2016 
                                           EURm        EURm 
   Cash and cash equivalents              176.6       222.0 
 Derivative financial instruments 
  - net                                    22.2        48.5 
 Current borrowings                       (1.2)      (41.1) 
 Non-current borrowings                 (661.5)     (657.3) 
   Total Net Debt                       (463.9)     (427.9) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 

The Group's core funding is provided by four private placements; one USD private placements totalling $200m matures in August 2021, and three EUR private placements totalling EUR487.5m which will mature in tranches between March 2021 and March 2027. In December 2017 the Group also agreed an additional private placement loan note of EUR175m which was drawn on 31 January 2018. In aggregate, the notes have a weighted average maturity of 6.5 years.

In addition, the Group has a EUR500m revolving credit facility, which was undrawn at year end and which matures in June 2022. As at 31 December 2017, the Group's committed bilateral bank facilities were EUR50m, none of which was drawn.

Net debt, which is an Alternative Performance Measure, is stated net of interest rate and currency hedges which relate to hedges of debt. Foreign currency derivative assets of EUR0.1m (2016: EUR0.5m) and foreign currency derivative liabilities EUR0.1m (2016: EURnil) which are used for transactional hedging are not included in the definition of net debt.

                                                2017        2016 
                                                EURm        EURm 
   Movement in cash and bank 
   overdrafts                                 (35.3)        28.1 
 Drawdown of loans                            (30.4)     (220.0) 
 Repayment of loans                             41.8        99.4 
  Settlement of derivative 
   financial instrument                        (8.0)           - 
 (Increase)/decrease in lease 
  finance                                      (0.8)       (1.8) 
                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Change in net debt resulting 
  from cash flows                             (32.7)      (94.3) 
   Translation movement - relating 
   to US dollar loan                            25.9       (5.6) 
 Translation movement - other                 (10.9)      (19.0) 
 Derivative financial instruments 
  movement                                    (18.3)        19.0 
                                          ----------  ---------- 
 Net movement                                 (36.0)      (99.9) 
   Net debt at start of the 
   year                                      (427.9)     (328.0) 
   Net debt at end of the year               (463.9)     (427.9) 
                                          ----------  ---------- 

Further analysis on net debt at the start and end of the year is provided in note 5.

                                           2017      2016 
                                           EURm      EURm 
 Profit for the year                      285.9     255.5 
 Add back non-operating expenses: 
 - Income tax expense                      60.6      58.5 
 - Depreciation of property, plant 
  and equipment                            64.2      63.2 
 - Amortisation of intangible assets       15.7      12.6 
 - Impairment of non-current assets         3.1       3.4 
 - Employee equity-settled share 
  options                                  10.7      10.4 
 - Finance income                         (0.5)     (0.1) 
 - Finance expense                         16.4      14.4 
 - Profit on sale of property, plant 
  and equipment                           (2.1)     (1.4) 
 - Profit on disposal of subsidiary       (2.9)         - 
 Changes in working capital: 
 - Inventories                           (64.8)    (39.9) 
 - Trade and other receivables           (47.7)    (75.7) 
 - Trade and other payables                27.2      62.5 
 - Change in provisions                   (2.4)      13.7 
 - Pension contributions                  (0.9)     (2.9) 
                                       --------  -------- 
   Cash generated from operations         362.5     374.2 
                                       --------  -------- 
   8    DIVIDS 
 Equity dividends on ordinary        2017     2016 
  shares:                            EURm     EURm 
   2017 Interim dividend 11.0 
   cent (2016: 10.0 cent) per 
   share                             19.7     17.8 
 2016 Final dividend 23.5 cent 
  (2015: 17.0 cent) per share        42.0     30.2 
                                     61.7     48.0 
                                  -------  ------- 
 Proposed for approval at AGM 
 Final dividend of 26.0 cent 
  (2016: 23.5 cent) per share        46.6     42.3 
                                  -------  ------- 

This proposed dividend for 2017 is subject to approval by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting and has not been included as a liability in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position of the Group as at 31 December 2017 in accordance with IAS 10 Events after the Reporting Period. The proposed final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2017 will be payable on 27 April 2018 to shareholders on the Register of Members at close of business on 23 March 2018.

                                               2017             2016 
                                               EURm             EURm 
 The calculations of earnings 
  per share are based on the 
 Profit attributable to ordinary 
  shareholders                                284.3            255.4 
                                        -----------      ----------- 
                                             Number           Number 
                                                 of               of 
                                             shares           shares 
                                             ('000)           ('000) 
                                               2017             2016 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares for 
  the calculation of basic 
  earnings per share                        178,854          177,637 
 Dilutive effect of share 
  options                                     1,856            2,677 
                                        -----------      ----------- 
 Weighted average number 
  of ordinary shares 
  for the calculation of diluted 
  earnings per share                        180,710          180,314 
                                        -----------      ----------- 
                                               2017             2016 
                                           EUR cent         EUR cent 
   Basic earnings per share                   159.0            143.8 
   Diluted earnings per share                 157.3            141.6 
   Adjusted basic earnings 
   per share                                  165.8            150.2 

Adjusted basic earnings reflects the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders after eliminating the impact, net of tax, of non trading items and the Group's intangible amortisation charge.

The number of options which are anti-dilutive and have therefore not been included in the above calculations is Nil (2016: Nil).


In September 2017, the Group acquired 51% of the share capital of Isoeste Construtivos Isotermicos S.A. ("Isoeste"), a Brazilian Insulated Panels business. Isoeste is the leading insulated panel manufacturer in Brazil, operating from four manufacturing sites. The total consideration, including debt acquired and related costs, amounted to EUR75.0m, representing the maximum amount of identifiable consideration, comprising of EUR41.8m paid in cash on completion and EUR33.2m in deferred contingent consideration.

In November 2017, the Group acquired 100% of the share capital of Brakel Investments BV, the holding company of the Brakel Group ("Brakel"), a Dutch based operation specialising in Light and Air solutions. The total consideration, including debt acquired and related costs, amounted to EUR73.3m, all of which was settled in cash on completion.

The Group also made a number of smaller acquisitions during the year for a combined consideration of EUR58.8m:

-- the purchase of 100% of the share capital of CPI Daylighting Inc, a US based daylight solution manufacturing business;

-- the purchase of 100% of the share capital of Rhino Water Tanks & Liners Pty. Limited, a manufacturer and supplier of large scale steel based rain water harvesting systems in Australia;

-- the purchase of 51% of the share capital of PanelMET S.A.S., a Colombian based insulated panels manufacturing business;

   --     the asset purchase of the Jansen Building Products Access Floors business in Belgium; 
   --     the acquisition of two smaller bolt-on European businesses. 

The provisional fair values of the acquired assets and liabilities at acquisition are set out below:

                                   Isoeste     Brakel     Other*     Total 
                                      EURm       EURm       EURm      EURm 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible assets                     5.3          -        7.6      12.9 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                           12.9       10.5       16.4      39.8 
 Deferred tax asset                      -          -        3.9       3.9 
   Current assets 
 Inventories                          23.4        3.9        5.1      32.4 
 Trade and other receivables          29.0       14.2        8.2      51.4 
   Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables           (22.4)     (14.7)     (12.8)    (49.9) 
 Provisions for liabilities              -      (1.5)      (3.7)     (5.2) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Retirement benefit 
  obligation                             -      (0.3)      (0.3)     (0.6) 
 Deferred tax liabilities            (1.8)      (1.7)      (5.3)     (8.8) 
                                ----------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Total identifiable 
  assets                              46.4       10.4       19.1      75.9 
 Non-controlling interest 
  arising on acquisition            (24.6)          -      (0.3)    (24.9) 
 Goodwill                             53.2       62.9       40.0     156.1 
                                ----------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
 Total consideration                  75.0       73.3       58.8     207.1 
                                ----------  ---------  ---------  -------- 
   Satisfied by: 
 Cash (net of cash 
  acquired)                           41.8       73.3       58.8     173.9 
 Deferred contingent 
  consideration                       33.2          -          -      33.2 
                                      75.0       73.3       58.8     207.1 
                                ----------  ---------  ---------  -------- 

*Included in other are certain immaterial remeasurements of prior year accounting estimates.

The acquired goodwill is attributable principally to the profit generating potential of the businesses, together with cross-selling opportunities and other synergies expected to be achieved from integrating the acquired businesses into the Group's existing business.

In the post-acquisition period to 31 December 2017, the businesses acquired during the current year contributed revenue of EUR80.9m and a trading profit of EUR9.5m to the Group's results.


There have been no material events subsequent to 31 December 2017 which would require disclosure in this report.


The financial information included in this report is expressed in Euro which is the presentation currency of the Group and the functional currency of the Company. Results and cash flows of foreign subsidiary undertakings have been translated into Euro at actual exchange rates or average, where this is a reasonable approximation, and the related Statements of Financial Position have been translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the balance sheet date.

Exchange rates of material currencies used were as follows:

                                       Average rate                  Closing rate 
    Euro =                       2017           2016           2017           2016 
    Pound Sterling              0.876          0.819          0.887          0.858 
    US Dollar                   1.129          1.110          1.197          1.056 
    Canadian Dollar             1.465          1.466          1.501          1.425 
    Australian Dollar           1.473          1.489          1.533          1.462 
    Czech Koruna               26.329         27.033         25.574         27.020 
    Polish Zloty                4.256          4.362          4.171          4.422 
    Hungarian Forint           309.26         311.43         310.20         311.53 

This report contains certain forward-looking statements including, without limitation, the Group's financial position, business strategy, plans and objectives of management for future operations. Such forward-looking information involves risks and uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Group to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements in this report reflect views held only as of the date hereof. Neither Kingspan nor any other person gives any representation, assurance or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement in this report will actually occur. Kingspan undertakes no duty to and will not necessarily update any such statements in light of new information or future events, except to the extent required by any applicable law or regulation.


This announcement was approved by the Board on 23 February 2018.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 23, 2018 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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