29th June 2009                                                        AIM: LCSS 
                        Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund 
                       ('Lewis Charles' or 'the Company') 
                        Preliminary results for the year 
                            ended 31st December 2008 
Overview of 2008 
  ·  Value of the Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund portfolio at 31st December 
     2008 is EUR 51.6 million compared to an acquisition cost of EUR 49.3 million. 
  ·  NAV of 92 pence (2007 NAV: 116 pence) 
  ·  Crystal Vale, Govedarci: first phase of the project has reached the rough 
     construction stage, work currently suspended due to economic conditions - sales 
     operations anticipated to re-launch by end of Q2 2010 
  ·  Crystal Glade, Govedarci: full residential permitting secured from 
     Bulgarian Ministry, prospect will remain in land bank until Crystal Vale has 
     been largely completed 
  ·  Panorama Villas, Razlog: first phase of the project has reached the rough 
     construction stage, work currently suspended due to economic conditions 
  ·  Veliko Tarnovo: full residential permitting secured from Bulgarian Ministry 
  ·  Kambanite Bistritsa, Sofia: sale of land for EUR 1.826 million so as to 
     raise  working capital, the terms of the deal allows the fund to exercise and 
     exclusive option to repurchase the land  by the 15 December 2009 for EUR 4 
  ·  Vitoshavets Simeonovo (BUYSELL), Sofia:  completion of legal proceedings to 
     rescind the sales contracts with BUYSELL, steps being taken to recuperate the 
     sums paid under contract with BUYSELL - court action could be taken if BUYSELL 
     do not pay all amounts due 
For further enquires - 
Dominic Morley, Stuart Gledhill - Panmure Gordon 
+44 (0) 20 7459 3600 
Ed Portman, Leesa Peters - Conduit PR 
+44 (0) 207 429 6607/+44 (0) 7733 363 501 
Charles Burton 
+44 (0)207 803 1400 
Chairman's Report 
The  Company  had  to deal with exceptionally challenging market  conditions  in 
Bulgaria during 2008, and the Directors were obliged to make difficult decisions 
in  order  to safeguard the long term interests of the shareholders. A  detailed 
review of the Company's projects and the Bulgarian property market can be  found 
in the Investment Managers' Report. 
Although  the  economic situation will remain difficult and uncertain  over  the 
short  term, the longer term fundamentals for the Bulgarian economy continue  to 
look  promising.  Over the next few years, convergence on European  Union  Gross 
Domestic Product per head with commensurate living standards will sustain  above 
average growth rates and lead to strong demand for quality housing. Bulgaria  is 
also  becoming an important tourist destination, with competitive pricing,  good 
access  and  emerging facilities. The latest King Sturge global property  report 
published in June has Bulgarian property prices rising by 3.3% during the  first 
quarter  of  2009.  The  Fund's holdings and potential  developments  have  been 
crafted to benefit from this. 
In  January  2009,  in order to raise cash, the Fund (through its  wholly  owned 
subsidiary  Splendid Investments S.A) announced the sale of its  100,713  square 
metres  of land in Kambanite Bistritsa for EUR 1.826 million to Enderton Company 
Assets  Inc.  The terms of the deal allow the Fund to buy back the  land  at  an 
aggregate  exercise  price  of EUR 4 million (the option  expires  on  the  15th 
December 2009). 
While  in March 2009, the Company took the decision to rescind all of the option 
agreements as well as preliminary sales contracts in place with BuySell  due  to 
non  performance by expiry date of the options.  The Company has received  legal 
advise  that  it  may pursue its entitlement  to repayment from BuySell  of  all 
payments  made  under  each  option agreement and is also  entitled  to  penalty 
payments.   The  effect of this is that the Company no longer has  a  contingent 
liability that was previously disclosed in prior year financial statements. 
At  the end of March, the Company terminated the Management Agreement with Lewis 
Charles Securities.  This will take effect from the 1st October 2009.  The Board 
should  be in a position to make an announcement regarding the future management 
of the Fund within the next few weeks. 
Finally,  the  published valuation NAV is currently 92p (EUR 96  cents),  having 
fallen from 116p (EUR 1.59) in 2007, in comparison to the accounting NAV of  87p 
(EUR  91  cents) having fallen from 101p (EUR 1.37) per share at  the  year  end 
exchange rate of EUR/GBP 1.045. 
Charles Burton 
26th June 2009 
Investment Manager's Report 
Data published for 2009 indicate a major correction is underway.  By the end  of 
the  first  quarter  of  2009, unemployment had risen  to  6.9%  and  industrial 
production  had  fallen  by  17.1% (annualised).  Consumer  confidence  is  down 
although business confidence now seems to have stabilised.  Export volumes  have 
fallen  more than imports implying that net trade will be a significant drag  on 
growth.  In 2009, the government is expected to record a budget deficit of 1.25% 
of  GDP  versus a surplus of 3% of GDP in 2008.  Against this backdrop, GDP  for 
2009 is expected to contract by around 3% before recovering to +2.1% in 2010 and 
+4.2%  in  2011  (Oxford Economics).  On a positive side,  the  current  account 
deficit  is expected to narrow from 24% of GDP (2008) to around 11%  of  GDP  in 
2009.   In addition, the largely foreign owned banking system seems well  placed 
to  withstand the downturn with capital adequacy standing at a comfortable level 
of 14% (Sept 2008). 
The price increases of up to 20% in the residential market seen during the first 
nine  months of 2008 were effectively wiped out during the last quarter  of  the 
year  as  a  result  of the international financial crisis. In  addition  credit 
restrictions resulting from the crisis led to a significant drop in  the  volume 
of residential property transactions.  The low volume of transactions meant that 
asking  sales  prices  were the best reflection of the  market's  overall  price 
level.  Prices continued to fall during the first quarter of 2009. The  upper  - 
mid residential sector in Sofia was priced at around ?2,000 per sq m in mid 2008 
and has now dropped to circa ?1,700 per sq m. Compared to the average prices  in 
H2  2008  those in south Sofia fell by between 7-9% in Vitosha to 2% in Krustova 
Vada. Average asking prices in these areas are, however, still above ?1,100  per 
sq  m.  Moving to the provinces, the Daily Telegraph Sunday supplement  recently 
reported that Bulgarian winter resorts continue to offer good value for money to 
property buyers and `A Place in the Sun' cited Bulgaria as a recommended country 
in `Where to Buy 2009'. 
The  commercial  property  market has also suffered  from  a  steep  decline  in 
transaction volume. The investment market, as a result, almost completely  dried 
up.  The  new office pipeline in Sofia showed year-on-year growth of  51%;  this 
strong  number  is attributable to a few very large projects. It is  anticipated 
that approx. 150,000 sq m of new office space will be delivered during the first 
six  months of 2009. Office vacancy rates in Sofia grew by more than 5% to 9.1%. 
Difficult financing conditions have also caused the delay or suspension of  most 
shopping  mall  projects, although demand for high street retail  space  remains 
high  due to the shortage of available locations. Bulgaria's first retail  park, 
Retail  Park Plovdiv which was developed by Landmark, opened in the second  half 
of  2008  with a GLA of 26,000 sq m. The opening, in the first half of 2009,  of 
the  first  shopping  mall  in  Bourgas will also mark  the  official  entry  of 
Carrefour hypermarkets to Bulgaria. 
                                                  Land    Build     At Cost   Valuation 
                                                  Area     Area       (EUR)       (EUR) 
                                                    M2       M2  31/12/2008  31/12/2008 
                                                      (note 2) 
1. Goverdartsi (Crystal Vale/Crystal Glade)     36,581   34,604   5,252,916   4,990,000 
2. Beli Iskar (Crystal Heights)                 19,432   19,432   1,321,836   1,400,000 
3. Razlog/Bansko                                18,354   26,119   9,083,502   7,629,000 
4. Plovdiv                                      12,151   12,712   3,888,803   2,950,000 
5. Veliko                                       13,443   26,886   2,493,942   2,790,000 
6. Dolna Banya                                  48,548   57,621   1,661,101   1,880,000 
7. Sofia Kambanite Bistritsa                   100,713  100,713   9,251,412  23,100,000 
8. Banya                                       117,774  182,130   3,606,772   4,790,000 
9. BuySell - Vetz Simenovo (Note 1)             48,218   89,967  10,379,426           - 
   Vetz Simenovo - Project 55                    1,298    3,198   2,322,223   2,120,000 
                           Total               416,512  553,382  49,261,933  51,649,000 
Note  1:  The  Group has terminated these contracts with BuySell and accordingly 
they have been valued at Nil on the balance sheet (as outlined in note 26.) 
Note 2: Some build areas are estimated subject to planning approval. 
The  first  phase  of Crystal Vale has reached the stage of rough  construction; 
further   work  has  been  temporarily  suspended  due  to  weak  domestic   and 
international market conditions. Sales operations will re-launch  when  market 
recovery  begins, possibly in Q2 2010. The Crystal Vale site has  full  Ministry 
approval for residential use. 
Crystal Glade is intended to be the sister resort to Crystal Vale. The two sites 
are  only 1 km apart and are located in the foothills of the Rila Mountains only 
a  few  hundred metres from a ski lift. The site is also close to the ski resort 
of  Borovets and approx one hour's drive from Sofia airport. Crystal  Glade  has 
now  received full Ministry approval for residential use and will remain in  the 
land bank until Crystal Vale has been substantially completed. 
This land is located on the edge of the picturesque village of Beli Iskar within 
500  meters of the proposed site of the new ski gondola to the Borovets  resort. 
The  land  is still designated for agricultural use and will remain in the  land 
bank until market conditions encourage development of the site. 
3.   RAZLOG 
Phase  1  of  the  Panorama Villas has reached the stage of rough  construction; 
further   work  has  been  temporarily  suspended  due  to  weak  domestic   and 
international market conditions. The planned sales campaign would have coincided 
with  the  worst phase of the international financial crisis and  was  therefore 
halted  pending  a  recovery in markets. Until Phase 1 of the project  has  been 
substantially completed the remaining three phases will remain in the land bank. 
This undeveloped land plot will remain in the land bank. 
It  was  decided not to proceed with the development of this excellent  site  in 
central Plovdiv until economic conditions improve. 
This  land  plot  is located beside the national rowing centre on  the  edge  of 
Plovdiv. It will remain in the land bank. 
This  land  plot  is located close to the city centre and has  full  residential 
planning permission. 
The  Fund  owns  four separate plots of land in good locations  and  residential 
planning  permission in and around the town of Dolna Banya. It is intended  that 
they should remain in the land bank. 
The Fund was obliged to sell this land for ?1.826 million in order to raise cash 
for  essential management purposes in January 2009, with an exclusive option  to 
repurchase the plot by 15th December 2009 for ?4.0 million. (as outlined in note 
8.   BANYA 
This  site has now been consolidated into three contiguous plots which have  all 
been  removed  from agricultural status. One of the plots has now received  full 
Ministry approval for residential use and planning applications will be made for 
the other two. 
The Fund had exercised seven options to purchase properties in Sofia situated in 
the  Vitoshavets  Simeonovo, Krustovat and Dragalevtsi  areas  of  Sofia.  These 
properties  comprised  residential villas and apartment  developments,  together 
with  shops,  some  small offices and parking to be developed  by  BuySell  Real 
Estate  Agent Limited ('BuySell'), a Bulgarian incorporated property development 
One  of the projects, "Project 55", was finished in February 2008, and the  Fund 
concluded the purchase of this property. The Fund took delivery of one  building 
from BuySell in September 2008 (Project 55 - see Table). Sales of apartments  in 
this  building  have  progressed well despite difficult market  conditions,  and 
sales have been concluded for well over half of the apartments. 
The  Group  received  legal  advice that BuySell is in  default  under  the  six 
remaining option agreements in place and served notices giving BuySell until  17 
April  2009  to  perform its obligations under each of these option  agreements. 
BuySell has failed to perform its obligations by the due date, and the Group has 
therefore rescinded all of the remaining option agreements and preliminary sales 
contracts due to non-performance. 
If BuySell do not pay the Fund all amounts due, it may be necessary for the Fund 
to  recover  this money in the Bulgarian courts. The ?10,379,426 and  a  further 
?9,000,494 in penalties from BuySell may therefore be contingent on the  outcome 
of the legal proceedings (as disclosed in note 26). 
·    The Fund is restricted to investments in Bulgaria and these investments 
     must be largely (but not exclusively) residential in nature. 
·    The Fund may invest in early stage residential developments mainly, but not 
     exclusively, in and around Sofia and its adjacent ski resorts. 
·    The Fund may buy land and seek to develop its land through partnerships 
     with Developers. 
·    The Fund may borrow in order to develop its assets. 
·    The Fund should be liquidated and proceeds distributed to shareholders by 
     27 September 2012 (7 years from launch) unless shareholders vote to extend the 
     life of the Fund. 
·    The Fund does not intend to pay a dividend (although the Fund is not 
     restricted from doing so). 
Lewis Charles Securities Limited 
26th June 2009 
Board of directors 
Charles Burton (Chairman) 
Charles,  a  UK  resident,  has an excellent track record  of  senior  executive 
responsibility,  most recently at Experian Group where he  was  Global  Managing 
Director  of  the Business Strategies Division from 2002 until 2008.  This  role 
encompassed widespread exposure to the property investment sector, for which the 
division supplied data, forecasts and due diligence on portfolios and individual 
sites  throughout  Europe.  Charles  is a member  of  the  Scottish  Executive's 
Economic  Consultants' group and a Fellow and council member of the  Society  of 
Business Economists. He is also a director of Oxford Economics Ltd. 
Daniela Bobeva 
Daniela  is  a  Bulgarian  resident and has a Master's  degree  from  the  Sofia 
Institute  of  Economics and a PhD in Economics. She started her  career  as  an 
economic analyst and adviser to the Prime Minister of Bulgaria and then in 1995- 
1996  became the President of the Bulgarian Foreign Investment Agency. In  1997, 
she  became  Minister of Trade and Foreign Economic Co-operation. From  1998  to 
2001,  she  was  elected as the first vice-president of  Banking  in  the  newly 
established multilateral development bank. She is currently Director of European 
Integration and International Relations at the Bulgarian National Bank. She  has 
more than 30 international publications in the area of macro-economics. 
Desmond Swayne 
Desmond  is  a UK resident and is the sitting Conservative Member of  Parliament 
for  New  Forest  West. He holds a Master's degree from St Andrew's  University. 
Prior  to entering Parliament in 1987 he spent eight years working for the Royal 
Bank of Scotland including four years as manager for Royal Bank of Scotland Risk 
Management  Systems.  Mr  Swayne  has held a number  of  front  bench  positions 
including  Shadow  Health  Minister, Shadow Defence  Minister,  Shadow  Northern 
Ireland  Minister  and  senior  whip.  He  is  currently  Parliamentary  Private 
Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition, David Cameron. 
Gerald Williams 
Gerald  Williams, a Guernsey resident, is Chief Executive of The Bachmann  Group 
Limited,  a Director of Bachmann Fund Administration Limited, and was previously 
a  director  of  Coutts  Fund Managers and head of private  banking  for  Coutts 
offshore   private  bank.  Mr  Williams  has  worked  in  most  major   offshore 
jurisdictions including the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man and Jersey.  Mr 
Williams  has  a wealth of experience in the trust field and is an associate  of 
the Chartered Institute of Bankers. 
Clive Simon 
Clive Simon is a Guernsey resident, the Chairman of Bachmann Fund Administration 
Limited  and  a  director  of  The Bachmann Group Limited.  Before  joining  the 
Bachmann  Group of Companies in 1998, he was a senior partner with  Coopers  and 
Lybrand  (now PricewaterhouseCoopers), working in London, Africa and the Channel 
Islands.  His  business  background is predominantly in the  financial  services 
Directors' report 
The directors present their report and the financial statements of Lewis Charles 
Sofia  Property Fund Limited which is incorporated in Guernsey, Channel Islands, 
and its group, for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
Company status 
The  Company is a closed-ended, Guernsey registered investment fund. Its  shares 
are listed and traded on AIM. 
Principal activity 
The  Company  offers  an  opportunity to invest  in  the  Bulgarian  residential 
property  market  and, particularly, apartments and villas to be  built  in  and 
around Sofia. Its objective is to provide Shareholders with a high level of long- 
term capital appreciation. 
Results and dividends 
The  results  for the year are set out in the Consolidated income  statement  on 
page 18. 
The directors did not declare a dividend for the year. 
Listing requirements 
Throughout  the  accounting period the Company complied with the conditions  set 
out in the AIM Rules for Companies. 
The directors during the year and to date were as follows: 
   Charles Burton (Chairman) - appointed 29 April 2008 
   Lord Howard of Penrith (Chairman) - resigned 29 April 2008 
   Daniela Bobeva 
   Desmond Swayne 
   Gerald Williams 
   Clive Simon 
   Paul Duquemin (As alternate to Clive Simon) 
   Steve Desmond (As alternate to Gerald Williams) 
The biographies of directors are on page 9. 
Directors shall be subject to retirement by rotation at least every three years. 
No  person  shall  be or become incapable of being appointed as  a  director  by 
reason of having attained the age of 70 or any other age and no director will be 
required  to  vacate his office at any time by reason of the fact  that  he  has 
attained  the age of 70 or any other age. A retiring director shall be  eligible 
for  reappointment, however there is no director who is due  for  retirement  by 
The  Board considers that there is balance of skills within the Board  and  that 
each of the Directors contributes effectively. 
Directors' fees 
During the year the Directors received the following remuneration in the form of 
                                                   2008         2009 
                                                   Euro         Euro 
Charles Burton (Chairman)                        11,138            - 
Lord Howard of Penrith (Ex Chairman)(retired)     9,760       22,050 
Daniela Bobeva                                   15,493       17,641 
Desmond Swayne                                   14,711       17,656 
Gerald Williams                                   9,193       11,022 
Clive Simon                                       9,193       11,022 
There  are no service contracts in existence between the Company and any of  the 
Directors. The Company has put in place relevant cover for Directors in the form 
of Directors and officers insurance. 
The  Companys' Articles of Association limit the aggregate fees to the Directors 
at GBP75,000 per annum. 
Directors' interests 
Gerald  Williams  and  Clive  Simon  are  directors  of  the  Company  and   the 
Administrator. The fee paid to Bachmann Fund Administration is disclosed on  the 
face of the Company income statement and in note 3. 
As  at the date of the approval of these financial statements the directors have 
the following beneficial interests in the ordinary share capital of the Company; 
                        Number of   Number of        % of       % of 
                         Ordinary    Ordinary      issued     issued 
                           shares      shares       share      share 
                                                  capital    capital 
                             2008        2007        2008       2007 
Daniela Bobeva                  -           -           -          - 
Desmond Swayne                  -           -           -          - 
Gerald Williams            50,000      50,000       0.10%      0.10% 
Clive Simon                50,000      50,000       0.10%      0.10% 
Charles Burton             50,000           -       0.10%          - 
Substantial interests in Company shares 
At  31 December 2008 the following holdings representing more than 3 per cent of 
the Company's issued shares had been notified to the Company. 
                                               Ordinary  Interest in 
                                                 shares       voting 
Vidacos Nominees Limited DMG 7                8,700,000       18.00% 
Goldman Sachs Securities (Nominees)           7,826,900       16.19% 
 Limited ILSEG 
The Bank of New York (Nominees) Limited       4,271,500        8.84% 
Nortrust Nominees Limited ADT01               4,055,000        8.39% 
Euroclear Nominees Limited EOC01              3,352,838        6.94% 
Credit Suisse Client Nominees (UK) Limited    3,275,000        6.77% 
BNY (OCS) Nominees Ltd                        1,640,000        3.39% 
Chase Nominees Limited LEND                   1,600,000        3.31% 
Roy Nominees Limited 101604                   1,476,169        3.05% 
The  investment manager provides investment advisory services to the Company and 
property advisory, property management and monitoring services to those  members 
of  the  Group  which  acquire property, in each case in   accordance  with  the 
investment  objectives and investment policies of the Group. On 31  March  2009, 
the Group has served notice on Lewis Charles Securities Limited to terminate the 
management agreement. The termination will take effect on 1 October 2009. 
Corporate governance 
As a Guernsey registered company, the Company is not required to comply with the 
Combined  Code on Corporate Governance. However, it is the Company's  policy  to 
comply  with  best practice on good corporate governance that is  applicable  to 
investment companies. 
Corporate governance 
Arrangements in respect of corporate governance have therefore been made by  the 
Board,  which  it believes are appropriate for the Company. The  Board  consists 
solely  of non-executive Directors of which Lord Howard of Penrith was  Chairman 
until  29 April 2008, whereupon he resigned and Charles Burton was appointed  as 
his  replacement.  Since all the Directors are considered by  the  Board  to  be 
independent  non-executive directors, the provisions of the Code in  respect  of 
Directors' remuneration are not relevant to the Company except in so far as they 
relate to non-executive Directors. 
In  view  of  its  non-executive nature and the requirement of the  Articles  of 
Association  that all Directors retire in rotation at least every  three  years, 
the Board considers that it is not appropriate for the Directors to be appointed 
for a specified term as recommended by the Code. 
A  Management  Agreement  between the Company and its  Managers,  Lewis  Charles 
Securities Limited, sets out the matters over which the Managers have  authority 
and  the  limits  above which Board approval must be sought. All other  matters, 
including  strategy,  investment and dividend policies,  gearing  and  corporate 
governance  procedures, are reserved for the approval of the Board of Directors. 
The  Board  currently meets at least quarterly and receives full information  on 
the  Company's  investment performance, assets, liabilities and  other  relevant 
information in advance of Board meetings. 
The table below sets out the number of Board meetings held during the year ended 
31 December 2008 and the number of meetings attended by each Director. 
                                              Board Meetings 
                                                 Quarterly      Adhoc 
                                          Total   attended   attended 
Charles Burton (Chairman)                    16          3          5 
Lord Howard of Penrith (Ex Chairman)         16          1          - 
Daniela Bobeva                               16          3          1 
Desmond Swayne                               16          4          3 
Gerald Williams                              16          4         12 
Clive Simon                                  16          4         12 
Individual  Directors  may,  at  the expense of the  Company,  seek  independent 
professional advice on any matters that concern them in the furtherance of their 
Going concern 
After making enquiries, and bearing in mind the nature of the Company's business 
and  assets,  and  for  the  reasons disclosed in note  2(n)  of  the  financial 
statements,  the Directors consider that the Company has adequate  resources  to 
continue  in operational existence for the foreseeable future. For this  reason, 
they  continue  to  adopt  the going concern basis in  preparing  the  financial 
Internal controls 
The  Board is responsible for the Company's system of internal control  and  for 
reviewing  its  effectiveness. The Board has documented an  ongoing  process  by 
which the needs of the Company in managing the risks to which it is exposed  can 
be met. 
The  procedures, as documented, have been in place throughout both the financial 
year  and  to  the  date  of  approval of the Annual Report  and  the  Financial 
Statements. The Board is satisfied with the effectiveness of the procedures.  By 
their  nature these procedures are able to provide reasonable, but not absolute, 
assurance  against material misstatement or loss. During each Board meeting  the 
Board  monitors the investment performance of the Company in comparison  to  its 
objectives. The Board also reviews the Company's activities since the last Board 
meeting  and  ensures  that  the Managers have followed  the  agreed  investment 
policy. Also, at each meeting, the Board receives reports from the Administrator 
in respect of compliance matters and duties performed on behalf of the Company. 
The  Board has decided that the systems and procedures employed by the  Managers 
and  the  Secretary, provide assurance that a sound system of internal  control, 
which  safeguards  shareholders'  investments  and  the  Company's  assets,   is 
maintained.  An  internal audit function specific to the  Company  is  therefore 
considered unnecessary. 
Relations with Shareholders 
The  Company  welcomes the views of shareholders and places great importance  on 
communications with them. The Chairman and the other Directors are available  to 
meet  shareholders  if  required.  The Annual General  Meeting  of  the  Company 
provides a forum, both formal and informal, for shareholders to meet and discuss 
issues with the Directors and Managers of the Company. 
Annual General Meeting 
The notice for the Annual General Meeting of the Company, which is to be held on 
14  August 2009 at Frances House, Sir William Place, St Peter Port, Guernsey, is 
set out at the end of this document. Included in the document is a form of proxy 
for  use  at  the meeting. Details and reasons for the items of business  to  be 
proposed at the Annual General Meeting are set out below: 
     1.   To receive and consider the Financial Statements and Chairman's report for 
       the year ended 31 December 2008. 
     2.   To re-appoint the following persons as Directors of the Company for the 
       ensuing year: 
     Desmond Swayne 
     Gerald Williams 
     3.  To re-appoint BDO Novus Limited as Auditors of the Company 
     4.  To authorise the Directors to fix the remuneration of the Company's 
By order of the board 
Gerald Williams        Clive Simon 
Director               Director 
26th June 2009 
Statement of directors' responsibilities in respect of the financial statements 
Guernsey company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements  for 
each financial period which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of 
the Company and Group and of the profit or loss of the Company and the Group for 
that  year. In preparing those financial statements, the directors are  required 
  -    select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
  -    make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
  -    state whether applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject 
       to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; 
  -    prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
       inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The  Directors  are  responsible  for keeping proper  accounting  records  which 
disclose  with  reasonable accuracy at any time the financial  position  of  the 
Company  and  of  the  Group  and to enable them to ensure  that  the  financial 
statements  have  been  properly  prepared  in  accordance  with  the  Companies 
(Guernsey) Law, 1994. They are also responsible for safeguarding the  assets  of 
the  Company  and  the  Group  and hence for taking  reasonable  steps  for  the 
prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
Independent auditors' report 
to the members of Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund Limited 
We  have  audited  the  group  and  parent company  financial  statements  ("the 
Financial Statements") of Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund Limited for the year 
ended  31  December  2008, which comprise the Consolidated  and  Company  Income 
Statements,  Consolidated and Company Balance Sheets, Consolidated  and  Company 
Cash  Flow Statements, Consolidated and Company Statements of Changes in  Equity 
and the related notes 1 to 26. 
These  financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting 
policies as set out in note 2. 
This  report  is made solely to the Company's members, as a body, in  accordance 
with  Section  64  of  the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994.  Our  audit  work  is 
undertaken so that we might state to the Company's members those matters we  are 
required  to  state to them in an auditors' report and for no other purpose.  To 
the  fullest  extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility 
to  anyone other than the Company and the Company's members as a body,  for  our 
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. 
Respective responsibilities of the directors and auditors 
As  described  in  the  Statement of Directors' Responsibilities  the  Company's 
directors  are  responsible for the preparation of the financial  statements  in 
accordance  with applicable law and International Financial Reporting  Standards 
Our  responsibility  is  to audit the financial statements  in  accordance  with 
relevant  legal  and  regulatory  requirements and  International  Standards  on 
Auditing (UK and Ireland). 
We  report  to you as to whether the financial statements give a true  and  fair 
view  and are properly prepared in accordance with the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 
1994.  We  also report to you if, in our opinion, the Directors' Report  is  not 
consistent  with  the financial statements, if the Company has not  kept  proper 
accounting records, if we have not received all the information and explanations 
that  we  require  for  our audit, or if information specified  by  law  is  not 
We read the other information included in the Annual Report and consider whether 
it  is  consistent with the audited financial statements. This other information 
comprises  only  the  Officers  and  Professional  Advisers,  Company   Summary, 
Chairman's  Statement,  Investment Manager's  Report,  Board  of  directors  and 
Directors'  Report.  We consider the implications for our report  if  we  become 
aware  of  any  apparent  misstatements or  material  inconsistencies  with  the 
financial   statements.  Our  responsibilities  do  not  extend  to  any   other 
Basis of opinion 
We  conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards  on  Auditing 
(UK  and  Ireland)  issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  An  audit  includes 
examination,  on  a  test  basis,  of  evidence  relevant  to  the  amounts  and 
disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment  of  the 
significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the preparation of 
the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate 
to the Company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. 
We  planned  and  performed our audit so as to obtain all  the  information  and 
explanations  which  we  considered  necessary  in  order  to  provide  us  with 
sufficient  evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial  statements 
are  free  from  material misstatement, whether caused by  fraud  or  error.  In 
forming  our  opinion we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation 
of information in the financial statements. 
Independent auditors' report 
to the members of Lewis Charles Sofia Property Fund Limited 
In our opinion: 
·    the  Group Financial Statements give a true and fair view, in accordance 
     with IFRS, of the state of the Group's affairs at 31 December 2008 and of its 
     loss for the year then ended. 
·    the Parent Companys' financial statements give a true and fair view, in 
     accordance with IFRS, of the state of the Companys' affairs at 31 December 2008 
     and of its loss for the year then ended; and 
·    The Financial Statements have been properly prepared in accordance with the 
     Companies (Guernsey) Law, 1994. 
Emphasis of Matter 
In  forming our opinion on the financial statements, which is not qualified,  we 
considered  the  adequacy  of  disclosure made in note  2(n)  to  the  financial 
statements concerning the company's and group's ability to continue as  a  going 
concern.  As disclosed in note 2(n) to the financial statements, the group  will 
require  additional funding in next 12 months. The directors are  reviewing  the 
various  options available to the group. However, as at the date of this report, 
no  plans  have  been  finalised. This indicates the  existence  of  a  material 
uncertainty  which  may cast significant doubt about the company's  and  group's 
ability  to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include 
the adjustments that would result if the company or group was unable to continue 
as a going concern. 
BDO Novus Limited 
Place du Pre 
Rue du Pre 
St Peter Port 
GY1 3LL 
26th June 2009 
Company income statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                              Revenue    Capital      Total     31 Dec 
                      Notes         ?          ?          ?       2007 
                      _____ _________________________________  __________ 
Revenue                             -           -           -           - 
Administration fees    3      122,140           -     122,140     142,128 
Management fees        4      901,712           -     901,712   1,035,092 
Performance fees       5            - (2,551,587) (2,551,587)   2,376,955 
Directors' fees        6       69,488           -      69,488      79,391 
and expenses 
Foreign exchange loss          11,188           -      11,188      19,270 
Other expenses         7      692,497           -     692,497   1,056,837 
Impairment on loan    14 
to subsidiary 
companies                           -  12,050,000  12,050,000  18,851,000 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
                            1,797,025   9,498,413  11,295,438   4,709,673 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
Operating loss      2(e)  (1,797,025) (9,498,413)(11,295,438) (4,709,673) 
Finance income         9       53,692           -      53,692     408,577 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
Loss before taxation      (1,743,333) (9,498,413)(11,241,746) (4,301,096) 
Tax on profit on 
ordinary activities   10            -           -           -           - 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
Loss  for the year        (1,743,333) (9,498,413)(11,241,746) (4,301,096) 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
The total column of this statement represents the Company's Income Statement, 
prepared in accordance with IFRS. The revenue and capital columns are supplied 
as supplementary information permitted under IFRS.  All items in the above 
statement derive from continuing operations. 
The  accompanying  notes  1  to  26 form an integral  part  of  these  financial 
Consolidated income statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                              Revenue    Capital      Total     31 Dec 
                      Notes         ?          ?          ?       2007 
                      _____ _________________________________  __________ 
Property sales                144,374          -      144,374           - 
Cost of sales               (109,806)          -    (109,806)           - 
Other revenue            13   853,005          -      853,005           - 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
Gross profit                  887,573          -      887,573           - 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
Administration fees       3   192,211          -      192,211     218,811 
Management fees           4   901,712          -      901,712   1,035,092 
Performance fees          5         -(2,551,587)  (2,551,587)   2,376,955 
Directors' fees and       6    69,488          -       69,488      79,391 
Foreign exchange loss          32,602          -       32,602      21,220 
Other expenses            7 1,206,711          -    1,206,711   1,310,024 
Impairment of inventory  13         - 13,846,603   13,846,603           - 
Revaluation of investment 
properties               12         - 10,640,268   10,640,268(12,387,151) 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
                            2,402,724 21,935,284   24,338,008 (7,345,658) 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
Operating (loss)/ 
 profit                2(e)(1,515,151)(21,935,284)(23,450,435)  7,345,658 
Finance income            9    63,492          -       63,492     423,929 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
before taxation            (1,451,659)(21,935,284)(23,386,943)  7,769,587 
Taxation                 10         -   1,273,422   1,273,422 (1,238,715) 
                            _________________________________  __________ 
(Loss)/Profit for         (1,451,659) (20,661,862)(22,113,521)  6,530,872 
the year                     _________________________________  __________ 
Earnings per share - basic 
and diluted (cents  11                                 (45.74)       13.51 
per share) 
The  total  column  of this statement represents the Group's  Income  Statement, 
prepared  in accordance with IFRS. The revenue and capital columns are  supplied 
as supplementary information permitted under IFRS. All income is attributable to 
the  equity holders of the parent company. There are no minority interests.  All 
items in the above statement derive from continuing operations. 
The  accompanying  notes  1  to  26 form an integral  part  of  these  financial 
Company balance sheet 
as at 31 December 2008 
                                 Notes             Company 2008                        Company 2007 
                                               ?              ?                    ?              ? 
Non-current assets 
Investment in subsidiary 
undertakings                      14                 10,521,309                          10,521,309 
Amount receivable from subsidiary 
undertakings                      14                 23,421,072                          31,254,053 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
                                                     33,942,381                          41,775,362 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables       15      16,214                              18,564 
Cash and cash equivalents         16     371,976                           6,229,149 
                                     ___________                         ___________ 
                                                        388,190                           6,247,713 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Total assets                                         34,330,571                          48,023,075 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables          17 (3,049,698)                           (107,246) 
                                     ___________                         ___________ 
                                                    (3,049,698)                           (107,246) 
Non-current liabilities 
Trade and other payables         17            -                         (5,393,210) 
                                     ___________                         ___________ 
                                                              -                         (5,393,210) 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Total liabilities                                   (3,049,698)                         (5,500,456) 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Net assets                                           31,280,873                          42,522,619 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Share capital                    18                           -                                   - 
Special reserve                  19                  56,956,985                          56,956,985 
Capital reserve                  20                (15,550,424)                         (6,052,011) 
Revenue reserve                  20                (10,125,688)                         (8,382,355) 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Total Equity                                         31,280,873                          42,522,619 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
The  accompanying  notes  1  to  26 form an integral  part  of  these  financial 
Consolidated balance sheet 
as at 31 December 2008 
                                 Notes             Company 2008                        Company 2007 
                                               ?              ?                    ?              ? 
Non-current assets 
Investment properties            12                  44,848,000                          55,127,208 
Current assets 
Inventory                        13    6,801,000                          15,625,171 
Property options                               5                                   5 
Trade and other receivables      15      548,827                             512,900 
Cash and cash equivalents        16      767,920                           7,209,621 
                                     ___________                         ___________ 
                                                      8,117,752                          23,347,697 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Total assets                                         52,965,752                          78,474,905 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables         17  (3,072,785)                           (764,630) 
                                     ___________                         ___________ 
                                                    (3,072,785)                           (764,630) 
Non-current liabilities 
Trade and other payables         17  (4,386,477)                         (8,816,842) 
Deferred taxation                10  (1,414,464)                         (2,687,886) 
                                     ___________                         ___________ 
                                                    (5,800,941)                        (11,504,728) 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Total liabilities                                   (8,873,726)                        (12,269,358) 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Net assets                                           44,092,026                          66,205,547 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Share capital                    18                           -                                   - 
Special reserve                  19                  56,956,985                          56,956,985 
Capital reserve                  20                 (2,522,902)                          18,138,960 
Revenue reserve                  20                (10,342,057)                         (8,890,398) 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
Total Equity                                         44,092,026                          66,205,547 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
                                                    ___________                         ___________ 
NAV per share (Euro per share)   21                      0.9120                              1.3694 
NAV per share at launch (Euro 
per share)                                               1.1781                              1.1781 
The  financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised 
for issue on 26th June 2009 
They were signed on its behalf by G. Williams and C. Simon 
G. Williams          C. Simon 
Director             Director 
The  accompanying  notes  1  to  26 form an integral  part  of  these  financial 
Statements of changes in equity 
for the year to 31 December 2008 
Consolidated 2008                         Share      Special       Capital       Revenue          Total 
                                        Capital      Reserve       Reserve       Reserve         Equity 
                                             ?             ?             ?             ?              ? 
As at 31 December 2007                       -    56,956,985    18,138,960   (8,890,398)     66,205,547 
Loss for the year                            -             -  (20,661,862)   (1,451,659)   (22,113,521) 
Total recognised income 
and expenses for the year                    -             -  (20,661,862)   (1,451,659)   (22,113,521) 
As at 31 December 2008                       -    56,956,985   (2,522,902)  (10,342,057)     44,092,026 
Consolidated 2007                         Share      Special       Capital       Revenue          Total 
                                        Capital      Reserve       Reserve       Reserve         Equity 
                                             ?             ?             ?             ?              ? 
As at 31 December 2006                       -     56,956,985    9,367,479   (6,649,789)     59,674,675 
Loss for the year                            -              -    8,771,481   (2,240,609)      6,530,872 
Total recognised income 
and expenses for the year                    -              -    8,771,481   (2,240,609)      6,530,872 
As at 31 December 2007                       -     56,956,985   18,138,960   (8,890,398)     66,205,547 
Company 2008                              Share      Special       Capital       Revenue          Total 
                                        Capital      Reserve       Reserve       Reserve         Equity 
                                             ?             ?             ?             ?              ? 
As at 31 December 2007                       -     56,956,985  (6,052,011)   (8,382,355)     42,522,619 
Loss for the year                            -              -  (9,498,413)   (1,743,333)   (11,241,746) 
Total recognised income 
and expenses for the year                    -              -  (9,498,413)   (1,743,333)   (11,241,746) 
As at 31 December 2008                       -     56,956,985 (15,550,424)  (10,125,688)     31,280,873 
Company 2008                              Share      Special       Capital       Revenue          Total 
                                        Capital      Reserve       Reserve       Reserve         Equity 
                                             ?             ?             ?             ?              ? 
As at 31 December 2006                       -    56,956,985   (3,675,056)   (6,458,214)     46,823,715 
Loss for the year                            -             -   (2,376,955)   (1,924,141)    (4,301,096) 
Total recognised income 
and expenses for the year                    -             -   (2,376,955)   (1,924,141)    (4,301,096) 
As at 31 December 2007                       -    56,956,985   (6,052,011)   (8,382,355)     42,522,619 
The  accompanying  notes  1  to  26 form an integral  part  of  these  financial 
Company cash flow statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                               Notes                  2008                      2007 
                                                                         ?                         ? 
Loss for the year                                             (11,241,746)               (4,301,096) 
Adjustment for: 
Finance income                                                    (53,692)                   (4,965) 
Impairment on loan to subsidiary companies                      12,050,000                         - 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Operating cash flows before movements 
in working capital                                                 754,562               (4,306,061) 
Decrease in operating trade and other receivables                    2,350                    40,110 
(Decrease) / increase  in operating trade and 
other payables                                                 (2,450,758)                 2,383,623 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
                                                               (1,693,846)               (1,882,328) 
Interest received                                                   53,692                     4,965 
Taxation                                                                 -                         - 
                                       ______________            ______________ 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                     (1,640,154)               (1,877,363) 
Investing activities 
Loan advanced to subsidiary undertakings                       (4,217,019)              (13,143,877) 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Investment in subsidiary undertakings                                    -               (1,264,252) 
Net cash outflow from investing activities                     (4,217,019)              (14,408,129) 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                      (5,857,173)              (16,285,492) 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of year        16             6,229,149                22,514,641 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year          16               371,976                 6,229,149 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
The  accompanying  notes  1  to  26 form an integral  part  of  these  financial 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                               Notes                  2008                      2007 
                                                                         ?                         ? 
(Loss) /profit for the year                                   (22,113,521)                 6,530,872 
Adjustment for: 
Finance income                                                    (63,492)                  (20,317) 
Revaluation of investment properties                            10,640,268              (12,387,151) 
Impairment of inventory                                         13,846,603                         - 
Taxation                                                       (1,273,422)                 1,238,715 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Operating cash flows before movements 
in working capital                                               1,036,436               (4,637,881) 
(Increase) / decrease in operating                                (35,927)                    91,070 
and other receivables 
(Decrease) / increase in operating                             (2,122,210)                 6,327,253 
and other payables 
Increase in inventory                                          (5,022,432)               (4,243,165) 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
                                                               (6,144,133)               (2,462,723) 
Interest received                                                   63,492                    20,317 
Taxation                                                                 -                      - 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                     (6,080,641)               (2,442,406) 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Investing activities 
Repayment of loan to property developer                                  -                 1,363,694 
Purchases of investment properties                               (361,060)              (14,758,074) 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Net cash outflow from investing activities                       (361,060)              (13,394,380) 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                      (6,441,701)              (15,836,786) 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of year        16             7,209,621                23,046,407 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year          16               767,920                 7,209,621 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
                                                            ______________            ______________ 
The  accompanying  notes  1  to  26 form an integral  part  of  these  financial 
   Lewis   Charles  Sofia  Property  Fund  Limited  (the  "Company")   and   its 
   subsidiaries  (together  the  "Group") is an investment  fund  with  a  major 
   investment portfolio in Bulgaria. The aim of the Fund is to generate  capital 
   gains  through investing in residential property primarily in Sofia  and  the 
   adjacent ski resorts. The investment strategy of the Company is to work  with 
   developers at the earliest possible stage. 
   The  company is a closed-ended limited company incorporated in Guernsey.  The 
   address of the registered office is shown on page 2. 
   The  Company's  shares  are listed on the London Stock Exchange,  Alternative 
   Investment Market (AIM). 
   These  financial  statements were approved and authorised by  the  Board  for 
   issue  on 26th June 2009 and signed by G. Williams and C. Simon on behalf  of 
   the board. 
   The  principal  accounting  policies applied  in  the  preparation  of  these 
   consolidated  financial  statements are set out below.  These  policies  have 
   been  consistently  applied  to  all the years  presented,  unless  otherwise 
   (2.1) Basis of preparation 
   The  financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International 
   Financial   Reporting  Standards  ("IFRS")  which  comprise   standards   and 
   interpretations  issued  by  the  International  Accounting  Standards  Board 
   ("IASB"),    and    International   Accounting   Standards    and    Standing 
   Interpretations approved by the International Accounting Standards  Committee 
   that  remain  in  effect, and to the extent they have  been  adopted  by  the 
   European  Union.   The  financial  statements  have  been  prepared  on   the 
   historical  cost basis, except for the revaluation of investment  properties. 
   Financial  assets  and financial liabilities (including derivative  financial 
   instruments) are held at fair value through profit and loss. 
   The  preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires the 
   use  of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires the Board  of 
   Directors  to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the Company's 
   accounting policies. 
   The  estimates and associated assumptions are based on historical  experience 
   and  various  other  factors that are believed to  be  reasonable  under  the 
   circumstances,  the  results  of which form the basis  of  making  judgements 
   about  the  carrying  value of assets and liabilities that  are  not  readily 
   apparent from other sources. 
   Revisions  to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which  the 
   estimate  is  revised if the revision only affects that  period,  or  in  the 
   period  of  the  revision  and future periods if the  revision  affects  both 
   current  and future periods. The areas involving high degree of judgement  or 
   complexity,  or areas where the assumptions and estimates are significant  to 
   the financial statements are disclosed in part (2.2). 
   Adoption of new and revised Standards 
   Two   interpretations   issued  by  the  International  Financial   Reporting 
   Interpretations  Committee are effective for the current  year.  These  were: 
   IFRIC  11: IFRS 2: Group and treasury Share Transactions: IFRIC 12 :  Service 
   Concession  Arrangements  and IFRIC 14 : IAS 19 -  The  limit  on  a  Defined 
   Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction. 
   The  adoption  of  these interpretations has not led to any  changes  in  the 
   Groups accounting policies. 
   Standards and Interpretations in issue and not yet effective 
   At  the  date  of authorisation of these financial statements, the  following 
   standards  and  interpretations,  which  have  not  been  applied  in   these 
   financial statements, were in issue but not yet effective:- 
   New standards 
   IFRS 8: Operating segments - for accounting periods commencing on or after  1 
   January 2009. 
(2.1) Basis of preparation 
Revised and amended Standards 
The  IASB and IFRIC have issued the following standards and interpretations that 
will  be  relevant to the Group with an effective date after the date  of  these 
financial statements: 
International  Accounting Standards/International Financial  Reporting  Standard 
IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements (Revised 2007,2008 and April 2009) - 
for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2009 and 1 January 2010. 
IAS  7:  Statement  of Cashflows (Revised April 2009) - for  accounting  periods 
commencing on or after 1 January 2010. 
IAS  16:  Property,  Plant and Machinery (Revised May  2008)  -  for  accounting 
periods commencing on or after 1 January 2010. 
IAS  17: Leases (Revised April 2009) - for accounting periods commencing  on  or 
after 1 January 2010. 
IAS  23:  Borrowing  Costs (Revised 2007 and May 2008) - for accounting  periods 
commencing on or after 1 January 2009. 
IAS  27:  Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements (Revised  2008)  -  for 
accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2009 and 1 July 2009. 
IAS  32:  Financial Instruments: Presentation (Revised 2008)  -  for  accounting 
periods on or after 1 January 2009. 
IAS 36: Impairment of Assets (Revised May 2008 and April 2009) - for periods  on 
or after 1 January 2009 and 1 January 2010. 
IAS  39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement (Revised 2008, March 
2009, and April 2009) - for accounting periods on or after 1 January 2009 and 30 
June 2009. 
IAS  40: Investment Property (Revised May 2008) - for accounting periods  on  or 
after 1 January 2009. 
IFRS  3:  Business Combinations (Revised 2008) - for accounting  periods  on  or 
after 1 July 2009. 
IFRS  5:  Non current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations  (Revised 
May 2008 and April 2009) - for accounting periods on or after 1 July 2009 and  1 
January 2010. 
IFRS  7:  Financial  Instruments: Disclosures (Revised March  2009)  -  for  the 
accounting periods on or after 1 January 2009. 
IFRS  8:  Operating Segments (original issuance and revised April  2009)  -  for 
accounting periods on or after 1 January 2009 and 1 January 2010. 
International  Financial  Interpretations  Committee  (IFRIC)        IFRIC   15: 
Agreements  for the Construction of Real Estate - for the accounting periods  on 
or after 1 January 2009. 
IFRIC 16: Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation - for the accounting 
periods on or after 1 October 2008. 
The Directors anticipate that with the exception of IAS 1 as discussed below the 
adoption of these standards and interpretations in future periods will not  have 
material impact on the financial statements of the Group. 
IAS  1 (revised), Presentation of financial statements (effective from 1 January 
2009). The revised standard will prohibit the presentation of item of income and 
expenses  (that is, non-owner changes in equity) in the statement of changes  in 
equity,  requiring non-owner changes in equity to be presented  separately  from 
owner changes in equity. All non-owner changes in equity will be required to  be 
shown in a performance statement, but entities can choose whether to present  on 
performance  statement (the statement of comprehensive income or two  statements 
(the  income  statement and statement of comprehensive income). The  Group  will 
apply IAS 1 (revised) from 1 January 2009. 
   The principal accounting policies adopted are set out below: 
   (2.2) Significant accounting estimates and judgements 
   The  Group  makes  estimates  and  assumptions  concerning  the  future.  The 
   resulting  accounting estimate will, by definition, seldom equal the  related 
   actual  results.  The estimates and assumptions that have a significant  risk 
   of  causing  a  material  adjustment to the carrying amounts  of  assets  and 
   liabilities within the next financial year are discussed below. 
   Estimates  and  judgements  are  continually  evaluated  and  are  based   on 
   historical  experience  and other factors, including expectations  of  future 
   events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. 
   In  applying  the Group's accounting policies, the Directors make  judgements 
   in the following areas: 
   (a) Investment property and inventory 
   Investment  properties are carried at fair value which  is  calculated  using 
   the residual method undertaken by a professional valuer. 
   Inventory  is  tested for impairment at each balance sheet  date.  Impairment 
   reviews  are  undertaken using a valuation under the  residual  method,  also 
   undertaken by a professional valuer. 
   The  theoretical basis of the residual method is based on the expected  sales 
   proceeds  used to arrive at the total capital value for the specific project. 
   From  this  figure  the budgeted total development costs  are  deducted,  the 
   resultant figure represents the residual value/profit. Valuations using  this 
   method  require  numerous  estimates and  assumptions  to  be  used  such  as 
   estimated  built area, current design and plans, future sales revenue,  costs 
   to complete and an applicable discount rate. 
   In  addition  given  the  current market situation, resulting  in  a  limited 
   number  of  transaction and the general uncertainty in  the  market,  valuers 
   have  relied on their professional judgement to a greater extent than  normal 
   in  deriving their opinion of value. Accordingly, fair value is not  intended 
   to  represent the liquidation value of the property which would be  dependent 
   upon the price negotiated at the time of sale. 
   The  fair  value  of investment property at 31 December 2008 was  ?44,848,000 
   (2007:   ?55,127,208).  The  inventory  was  valued  at   ?6,801,000   (2007: 
   ?15,625,171). Refer to note 12 and 13 for further details. 
   (b) Deferred tax 
   The  Group  is  subject  to  income  and capital  gains  taxes  in  Bulgaria. 
   Significant  judgement is required in determining the  provision  for  income 
   and  deferred taxes. There are many transactions and calculations  for  which 
   the  ultimate  tax  determination and timing of payment are uncertain  during 
   ordinary   course   of  business.  The  Group  recognises   liabilities   for 
   anticipated tax issues based on estimates of whether additional tax  will  be 
   due.  Where  the  final tax outcome of these matters is  different  from  the 
   amount  that was initially recorded such differences will impact  the  income 
   and  deferred  tax  provisions in the period on which there determination  is 
   made.  The  deferred  tax  liability as at 31 December  2008  was  ?1,414,464 
   (2007: ?2,687,886). Refer to note 10 for further details. 
   (c) Performance fee 
   The  Group has to pay a performance fee  to investment manager based  on  the 
   gains  generated  on the properties. Provisions for the performance  fee  are 
   calculated  at  each  balance sheet date based on  the  property  valuations, 
   carried  out by the valuers, at that date. The provision for performance  fee 
   is  an  estimate based on the year end valuation, which will not  necessarily 
   be  the actual performance fee paid on disposal of property or at the end  of 
   the  termination  period. Further details are included in  note  5  to  these 
   financial  statements. Performance fee payable as at  31  December  2008  was 
   ?2,841,623 (2007: ?5,393,210). Refer to note 5 and 17 for further details. 
   (2.3) Accounting policies 
   The principal accounting policies are set out below. 
   (a) Consolidation 
   The  consolidated  financial statements incorporate the financial  statements 
   of  the  Company  and  entities controlled by the Company (its  subsidiaries) 
   made  up to 31 December each year. Control is achieved where the Company  has 
   the  power  to govern the financial and operating activities of  an  investee 
   entity  so  as  to  obtain  benefits from  its  activities.  The  results  of 
   subsidiaries  acquired or disposed of during the year  are  included  in  the 
   consolidated  income  statement from the effective  date  of  acquisition  or 
   Where  necessary,  adjustments are made to the financial  statements  of  the 
   subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with those  used 
   by the parent company. 
   All  intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses  are  eliminated 
   on consolidation. 
   (b) Presentation of income statement 
   In  order to better reflect the activities of an investment trust company and 
   in  accordance  with guidance issued by the Association of  Investment  Trust 
   Companies,  supplementary  information which analyses  the  income  statement 
   between  items  of a revenue and capital nature has been presented  alongside 
   the income statement. 
   (c) Revenue recognition 
   Revenue  is  recognised to the extent that it is probable that  the  economic 
   benefits  will  flow to the group and the amount of revenue can  be  reliably 
   Interest  income  is  recognised  on  a  time  apportioned  basis  using  the 
   effective interest method. 
   (d) Expenses 
   Expenses are measured at the fair value of the consideration paid or  payable 
   and are recognised in the Income Statement on an accruals basis. 
   (e) Operating profit or loss 
   Operating  profit  or  loss includes gross profit, net  gains  or  losses  on 
   revaluation  of investment properties less administrative expenses  including 
   impairment losses. 
   Operating  profit  or  loss  includes revenue and  administration  costs  and 
   excludes finance income and finance cost. 
   (f) Options over property 
   Options  over  property are treated as current assets  and  included  in  the 
   balance  sheet  at cost. Cost is deemed to be the fair value of consideration 
   given.  No  depreciation is provided on these assets, however  the  directors 
   review each option for impairment annually. 
   (g) Investment property 
   Investment  property,  which  is property held to  earn  rentals  and/or  for 
   capital  appreciation, is initially recognised at cost being the  fair  value 
   of  consideration  given including related transaction costs.  After  initial 
   recognition  at cost, investment properties are carried at their fair  values 
   based  on  half-yearly professional valuations made by King Sturge  Kft.  The 
   valuations  are  in  accordance  with  standards  complying  with  the  Royal 
   Institution  of  Chartered Surveyors Approval and Valuation  manual  and  the 
   International Valuation Standards Committee. 
   (g) Investment property 
   Gains  or  losses  arising from changes in fair value of investment  property 
   are  included  in  the income statement for the period in which  they  arise. 
   Properties  are  treated as acquired when the Group assumes  the  significant 
   risks  and returns of ownership and as disposed of when these are transferred 
   to  the buyer. When the Group redevelops an existing investment property  for 
   continued  future  use  as an investment property, the  property  remains  an 
   investment property and is not reclassified. 
   All  costs  directly  associated  with the purchase  and  construction  of  a 
   property, and all subsequent capital expenditures are capitalised. 
   Transfers  are  made to investment property when there is a  change  in  use, 
   evidenced by the end of owner occupation, commencement of an operating  lease 
   to another party or completion of construction or development. 
   Transfers are made from investment property when, and only when, there  is  a 
   change  in use, evidenced by commencement of owner occupation or commencement 
   of development with a view to sale. 
   (h) Inventory 
   Inventory  which comprises buildings under construction includes  capitalised 
   interest  where  applicable  and  is  carried  at  cost  or,  if  lower,  net 
   realisable  value.  Cost  includes  all  directly  attributable  third  party 
   expenditure incurred. 
   (i) Segmental reporting 
   The  Directors  are of the opinion that the Company is engaged  in  a  single 
   segment  of  business,  being  property  investment  business,  and  in   one 
   geographical area, Bulgaria. 
   (j) Taxation 
   The  Company is exempt from Guernsey taxation. As such, the Company  is  only 
   liable to pay a fixed annual fee, currently GBP600. 
   The  subsidiaries,  LCSPF Bulgaria EOOD, Black Sea  Properties  EOOD  and  VT 
   Developments  EOOD will be liable for Bulgarian Corporation  Tax  at  10%  of 
   the  income.  The  subsidiaries are not liable for any further  local  taxes, 
   however  withholding  taxes  may be payable on  repatriation  of  assets  and 
   income  to  the  Company, as currently there is no double tax treaty  between 
   Guernsey and Bulgaria. 
   Deferred  tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences 
   between  the  carrying  amount  of assets and liabilities  in  the  financial 
   statements  and  corresponding tax bases used in the computation  of  taxable 
   profit,  and  is  accounted  for using the balance  sheet  liability  method. 
   Deferred  tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable  temporary 
   differences and deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that  it  is 
   probable  that  taxable  profits will be available against  which  deductible 
   temporary differences can be utilised. 
   The  carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet 
   date  and reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient 
   taxable  profits will be available to allow all or part of the  asset  to  be 
   Deferred  tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected  to  apply  in 
   the  period when the liability is settled or the asset realised. Deferred tax 
   is  charged  or credited in the income statement, except when it  relates  to 
   items charged or credited directly to equity, in which case the deferred  tax 
   is also dealt with in equity. 
   (k) Foreign currency translation 
    (a)  Functional and reporting currency 
    The functional currency of the Company is Euros as substantially all 
    expenses relating to the investments are made in Euros. 
    The  reporting currency of the Company for accounting purposes is  also  the 
    Euro.  The financial statements are converted into Sterling on pages  44  to 
    51,  for  information  purposes only. Income statement  accounts  are  being 
    converted  using the average exchange rate for the year while balance  sheet 
    accounts   are  converted  using  the  balance  sheet  date  rate.  Exchange 
    gains/losses on translation are taken to statement of changes in equity. 
    (b) Transactions and balances 
    Foreign  currency balances are translated into Euro at the rate of  exchange 
    ruling  on  the  last  day of company's financial period.  Foreign  currency 
    transactions are translated at the rate of exchange ruling on  the  date  of 
    transaction.  Gains and losses arising on currency translation are  included 
    in the Consolidated Income Statement. 
    (c) Group companies 
    The  results and financial position of all the group entities (none of which 
    has  the  currency  of a hyperinflationary economy) that have  a  functional 
    currency  different from the presentation currency are translated  into  the 
    presentation currency as follows: 
     (i)  assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are translated 
     at the closing rate at the date of that balance sheet; 
     (ii)  income  and  expenses  for each income statement  are  translated  at 
     average   exchange   rates  (unless  the  average  is  not   a   reasonable 
     approximation  of  the  cumulative effect of the rates  prevailing  on  the 
     transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are translated at  the 
     dates of the transactions); and 
     (iii)  all  resulting  exchange differences are recognised  as  a  separate 
     component of equity. 
   (l) Financial instruments 
   Financial  assets  and financial liabilities are recognised  on  the  Group's 
   balance  sheet  when the Group becomes a party to the contractual  provisions 
   of  the  instrument.  The Group shall offset financial assets  and  financial 
   liabilities  if  the Group has a legally enforceable right  to  set  off  the 
   recognised amounts and interests and intends to settle on a net basis. 
    (a) Financial assets 
    The  Group's  financial  assets fall into the category  of  only  loans  and 
    receivables.  The  Group has not classified any of its financial  assets  as 
    held  at fair value through profit or loss, held to maturity or as available 
    for  sale.  Unless  otherwise  indicated, carrying  amount  of  the  Group's 
    financial assets is a reasonable approximation of their fair value. 
   (l) Financial instruments 
     (a)(i) Loans and receivables 
     These   assets   are  non-derivative  financial  assets   with   fixed   or 
     determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market.  They  arise 
     principally  through trade receivables and cash and cash  equivalents,  but 
     also  incorporate  other  types of contractual monetary  assets.  They  are 
     initially  recognised  at  fair  value  plus  transaction  costs  that  are 
     directly attributable to the acquisition or issue and subsequently  carried 
     at  amortised cost using the effective interest rate method, less provision 
     for impairment. 
     The  effect of discounting on these financial instruments is not considered 
     to be material. 
     Impairment  provisions  are  recognised when there  is  objective  evidence 
     (such   as   significant  financial  difficulties  on  the  part   of   the 
     counterparty  or default or significant delay in payment)  that  the  Group 
     will  be  unable  to  collect  all  of the  amounts  due  under  the  terms 
     receivable,  the  amount of such a provision being the  difference  between 
     the  net carrying amount and the present value of the future expected  cash 
     flows associated with the impaired receivable. 
     Cash  and  cash  equivalents  are defined  as  cash  on  hand,  short  term 
     deposits,  and other short-term highly liquid investments that are  readily 
     convertible  to a known amount of cash and are subject to an  insignificant 
     risk of changes in value. 
     (a) (ii) De-recognition of financial assets 
     A financial asset (in whole or in part) is derecognised either: 
          -  when  the  group has transferred substantially all  the  risks  and 
     rewards of ownership; or 
          - when it has transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and 
          rewards and  when 
           it no longer has  control  over the asset or a portion of the asset; 
          - when the contractual right to receive cash flow has expired. 
      (b) Financial liabilities 
      The Group classifies its financial liabilities as other financial 
      liabilities at amortised cost. Unless otherwise indicated, the carrying 
      amounts of the Group's financial liabilities are a reasonable 
      approximation of their fair values. 
     (b)(i) Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost 
     Other  financial  liabilities include trade payables and  other  short-term 
     monetary  liabilities, which are initially recognised  at  fair  value  and 
     subsequently  carried  at  amortised  cost  using  the  effective  interest 
     (b) (ii) De-recognition of financial liabilities 
     A  financial  liability  (in whole or in part)  is  derecognised  when  the 
     Company  or Group has extinguished its contractual obligations, it  expires 
     or  is cancelled. Any gain or loss on de-recognition is taken to the income 
   (l) Financial instruments 
    (c) Share Capital 
    Financial instruments issued by the Group are treated as equity only to  the 
    extent  that  they do not meet the definition of a financial liability.  The 
    Company's  ordinary  shares are classified as equity  instruments.  For  the 
    purposes  of  the disclosures given in Note 22 the Group considers  all  its 
    share  capital, share premium and all other reserves as equity. The  Company 
    is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. 
    (d) Effective interest method 
    The  effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost 
    of  a  financial  asset or liability and of allocating  interest  income  or 
    expense  over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is  the  rate 
    that   exactly  discounts  estimated  future  cash  receipts   or   payments 
    (including  all fees on points paid or received that form an  integral  part 
    of  the  effective  interest rate, transaction costs and other  premiums  or 
    discounts)  through the expected life of the financial asset  or  liability, 
    or, where appropriate, a shorter period. 
   (m) Investment in subsidiary undertakings 
   Investment   in   subsidiary  undertakings  are  initially   recognised   and 
   subsequently  measured  at  cost  less,  where  appropriate,  provisions  for 
   impairment in the Group's financial statements. 
   (n) Going concern 
   The  directors have reviewed the current budgets and cashflow projections for 
   a  period  no  less  than  12  months from the date  of  this  report.  These 
   forecasts indicate the need for additional funding, both for working  capital 
   and to exercise the property options (see note 26). 
   Various  sources of financing have been considered by the directors including 
   raising  of  fresh  equity  and potential disposal  of  properties.  A  final 
   decision  regarding the source of financing has not been made,  however,  the 
   directors are confident that sufficient cash will be raised by the  Group  to 
   pay its liabilities. 
   Accordingly  the  directors  have prepared the financial  statements  on  the 
   going concern basis. 
   Under  the Administration Agreement the Administrator is entitled to  receive 
   an  annual administration fee at a rate as may be agreed in writing from time 
   to  time between the Company and the Administrator. The present fee is  0.09% 
   per  annum of the Net Asset Value of the Company up to GBP50 million and  0.07% 
   of  the  Net  Asset  Value of the Company above GBP50  million,  subject  to  a 
   minimum  fee  during  the  year  of GBP68,185  per  annum  (2007:GBP65,000)  plus 
   The  Company will pay the Manager a Management fee of 2% per annum of the Net 
   Proceeds  of  the Placing, calculated and payable quarterly in  advance.  The 
   Manager  is  also  entitled to a Management fee of 2%  of  any  realised  but 
   undistributed  capital  gains  on  the sale  of  Properties,  calculated  and 
   payable  quarterly in arrears. The Group has served a notice for  termination 
   of management agreement on manager, further details are included in note 26. 
   The  Manager  will  receive  a  performance fee  calculated  and  payable  in 
   Sterling  from  the  Company  based on 20% of the  excess  of  the  net  cash 
   proceeds  from the sale of property over the 7% Property Hurdle. The  Manager 
   will  also receive a performance fee of 5% over the 23% Property Hurdle.  For 
   these  purposes, the 7% Property Hurdle is a 7% compound per annum return  on 
   the  amount of the deposit paid on the relevant investment property  and  the 
   23%  Property Hurdle is a 23% compound per annum return on the amount of  the 
   deposit  paid  on the relevant property. In the event that the  Company  does 
   not  sell  on  the  property prior to completion on  an  off-plan  basis  and 
   instead completes on a property, the Property Hurdles shall be calculated  by 
   reference to the aggregate of the deposit and the completion balance. 
   80%  of the performance fees calculated will be payable to the Manager within 
   30  days  of  the  receipt of the proceeds of the sale  of  a  property.  The 
   balance  will be paid at the same time into a Reserve Account and be invested 
   in  Sterling  money  market  deposits, unless otherwise  agreed  between  the 
   Manager  and  the  Company. The performance fee shown within these  financial 
   statements  is  a  provision based on the uplift  shown  in  the  fair  value 
   adjustment of the investment properties. 
   As  a result of the decrease in the fair value of investment properties as at 
   31  December 2008 accruals made in prior years for the performance fee   have 
   been  reversed  in  the  current year. The Group  has  served  a  notice  for 
   termination of management agreement on Manager, further details are  included 
   in note 26. 
   The  Chairman  receives  GBP15,000 per annum, with  other  directors  receiving 
   GBP12,000  per annum. Clive Simon and Gerry Williams receive an annual  fee  of 
   GBP7,500  each.  The  Chairman  and Directors are  also  reimbursed  for  other 
   expenses  properly incurred by them in attending meetings and other  business 
   of the Company. 
                              Consolidated Consolidated    Company     Company 
                                      2008        2007        2008        2007 
                                     Total       Total       Total       Total 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
                                         ?           ?           ?           ? 
Registrar's fees (see note 8)       14,877      14,846      14,877      14,846 
Audit fees                          38,235      44,527      32,237      39,995 
Legal and professional fees        553,554     905,020     553,159     905,020 
Consultancy fees                   118,309     169,798           -           - 
Insurance costs                     16,411      22,610      16,411      22,610 
Statutory fees                      11,901       5,096      11,901       5,096 
Travel expenses                     43,583      43,326      45,658      43,326 
Bank charges                        13,621      13,050       5,765       6,695 
Property and municipal taxes       333,630           -           -           - 
Other fees and expenses             62,590     91,751       12,489      19,249 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
                                 1,206,711   1,310,024     692,497   1,056,837 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
   The  Group  and Company have no employees. No amounts were paid to BDO  Novus 
   Limited  by  the Company and its subsidiary undertakings in respect  of  non- 
   audit services. 
   Under  the  Registrar's Agreement, the Registrar is entitled  to  receive  an 
   annual  fee  at the rate of whichever shall be the greater of the  amount  of 
   the  minimum Annual Basic Fee, currently GBP4,400 per annum, or the amount  per 
   shareholder,  currently  GBP2.20,  on  the  Register  of  Shareholders  at  the 
   commencement of the fee year. The Company's fee year commenced  on  the  date 
   of  Admission  and  on  each anniversary of that date whilst  this  Agreement 
   shall continue. 
                              Consolidated Consolidated    Company     Company 
                                      2008        2007        2008        2007 
                                     Total       Total       Total       Total 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
                                         ?           ?           ?           ? 
Bank interest                       63,492     423,929      53,692     408,577 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
   The  above  interest  arises from financial assets classified  as  loans  and 
   receivables,  including cash and cash equivalents, and  has  been  calculated 
   using the effective interest method. 
   With  the  exception of the impairment on loans to subsidiaries, as disclosed 
   in  note 14, there are no other gains or losses on loans and receivable other 
   than  those  disclosed  above.  There is no interest  payable  in  Group  and 
   Company for 2008 and 2007. 
(a)  Analysis of tax charge for  the year 
                              Consolidated Consolidated    Company     Company 
                                      2008        2007        2008        2007 
                                     Total       Total       Total       Total 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
The tax (recoverable) / 
payable for the year 
- Current taxation                       -           -           -           - 
- Deferred taxation            (1,273,422)   1,238,715           -           - 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
Income tax (credit) /charge    (1,273,422)   1,238,715           -           - 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
                               ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 
   The credit for the year can be reconciled to the result per income statement 
   as follows: 
                                                              2008         2007 
                                                      Consolidated Consolidated 
                                                                 ?            ? 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
(Loss) /profit before tax                             (23,386,943)    7,769,587 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
Tax at the domestic corporate tax rate applicable 
to profits in the country concerned                    (2,338,694)    1,199,072 
Tax effect of non deductible expenses and 
effect of foreign exchange                               1,065,272       39,643 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
Tax (credit) / charge                                  (1,273,422)    1,238,715 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
     (b)  Deferred taxation 
     Deferred  taxation  is  calculated,  in  full,  on  all  temporary   timing 
     differences under the liability method using a principal Bulgarian tax rate 
     of 10% (2007: 10%). The movement on the deferred tax account is as follows: 
                                                              2008         2007 
                                                      Consolidated Consolidated 
                                                                 ?            ? 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
Deferred tax liabilities 
Investment properties revaluation 
At start of year                                         2,687,886    1,449,171 
(Credit) /charge to income                             (1,273,422)    1,238,715 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
At end of year                                           1,414,464    2,687,886 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
                                                       ___________  ___________ 
     Deferred tax assets have not been recognised on tax losses carried  forward 
     due  to lack of certainty of availability of future taxable profits against 
     which such losses will be utilised. 
   The  consolidated loss per Ordinary Share of 45.74 (2007 profit: 13.51) cents 
   are  based on the net revenue loss of ?1,451,659 (2007: ?2,240,609)  and  the 
   net  capital loss for the period of ?20,661,862 (2007 gain: ?8,771,481). Both 
   calculations  are  made  based  on  48,345,000  (2007:  48,345,000)  Ordinary 
   Shares,  being  the  weighted average number of shares in  issue  during  the 
   year. There are no potentially dilutive shares in issue. 
Group                                                          2008            2007 
                                                                  ?               ? 
Market value of investment properties at 1 January       55,127,208      27,981,983 
Acquisitions during the year at cost                              -      14,758,074 
Subsequent expenditure                                      361,060               - 
Fair value adjustment in the year                      (10,640,268)      12,387,151 
                                                      _____________   _____________ 
Market value of investment properties at 31 December     44,848,000      55,127,208 
                                                      _____________   _____________ 
                                                      _____________   _____________ 
   The  fair value of the Group's investment properties at 31 December 2008  and 
   at  31  December 2007 has been arrived at on the basis of valuations  carried 
   out  at  that  date by King Sturge Kft, independent valuers not connected  to 
   the Group. 
   The  valuation basis has been market value as defined by the Royal  Institute 
   of  Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The approved RICS definition of market  value 
   is  the  "estimated amount for which a property should exchange on the  date 
   of  valuation between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arms  length 
   transaction  after  proper  marketing wherein  the  parties  had  each  acted 
   knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion." 
   Included in the above is the Bistritsa project valued at ?23.1 million  which 
   has  been  used  post  year end as part of a financing and  buyback  deal  as 
   disclosed in note 26. 
Group                                                          2008            2007 
                                                                  ?               ? 
At 1 January                                             15,625,171      11,382,006 
Additions                                                 5,998,040       4,243,165 
Disposals                                                 (109,807)               - 
Repayment of deposit                                      (865,801)               - 
Impairment                                             (13,846,603)               - 
                                                      _____________   _____________ 
At 31 December                                            6,801,000      15,625,171 
                                                      _____________   _____________ 
                                                      _____________   _____________ 
At valuation                                              6,801,000      28,108,057 
                                                      _____________   _____________ 
                                                      _____________   _____________ 
   During  the year an agreement was reached whereby the Group agreed  with  the 
   property  developer  (BuySell) to relinquish  its  rights  to  parts  of  the 
   inventory  under the BuySell contract. In consideration for  this  the  Group 
   received  a  return  of  its  deposit  totalling  ?865,801  together  with  a 
   termination  fee of ?853,005 which is included in income statement  as  other 
   On  17  April  2009  the Group served a notice on BuySell  to  terminate  the 
   development  contract due to non performance. As a result of this termination 
   directors  have  decided  to write down the carrying  value  of  the  BuySell 
   project  to nil and to recognise an impairment charge of ?10,379,426  in  the 
   income statement. Further details on BuySell are included in note 26. 
   Remaining  properties were valued on an open market basis as at  31  December 
   2008 by  King Sturge Kft, independent valuers not connected to the Group.  As 
   a  result of decrease in the market value of the properties, as determined by 
   the valuers, an impairment charge has been recognised on these properties  as 
   The  carrying  value  has been set as the lower of cost  and  net  realisable 
   value  as  set  out under the requirements of IAS 2, Inventories.  The  total 
   carrying value of all the properties impaired is ?6,801,000. 
                                                     Investment             Loans           2008 Total 
                                                             ?                  ?                    ? 
At 1 January                                        10,521,309         31,254,053           41,775,362 
Loans advanced in the year                                   -          4,217,019            4,217,019 
Impairment on loans to subsidiary companies                          (12,050,000)         (12,050,000) 
                                                  ____________       ____________         ____________ 
At 31 December                                      10,521,309         23,421,072           33,942,381 
                                                  ____________       ____________         ____________ 
                                                  ____________       ____________         ____________ 
   The  loans  are  interest free and have no set repayment terms  as  they  are 
   provided  for  the  purpose of long term financing of the  subsidiaries.  The 
   Directors consider the loans to be additional capital contributions and  have 
   therefore been accounted for as non-current assets. 
   As  a  result  of  decrease  in  the market  value  of  properties  owned  by 
   subsidiary  companies  an  impairment charge has  been  recognised  on  loans 
   advanced to the subsidiary companies. 
   Details of the Company's subsidiary undertaking are as follows: 
Name of subsidiary undertaking               % Holding and         Country of                Principal 
                                             voting rights      incorporation                 activity 
Lewis Charles Sofia Property 
Fund Bulgaria EOOD                                    100%           Bulgaria      Property Investment 
Splendid Investments S.A.                             100%         Luxembourg          Holding company 
Black Sea Properties EOOD                             100%           Bulgaria      Property Investment 
Fumero Properties S.A.                                100%         Luxembourg          Holding company 
VT Developments Bulgaria EOOD                         100%           Bulgaria      Property Investment 
                                 Consolidated       Consolidated           Company            Company 
                                         2008               2007              2008               2007 
                                            ?                  ?                 ?                  ? 
Accrued income                            433                680               433                680 
Debtors                                     -              4,238                 -                  - 
Prepayments                            17,598             17,884            15,781             17,884 
VAT receivable                        453,778            490,098                 -                  - 
Other receivables                      77,018                  -                 -                  - 
                                  ___________        ___________       ___________        ___________ 
                                      548,827            512,900            16,214             18,564 
                                  ___________        ___________       ___________        ___________ 
                                  ___________        ___________       ___________        ___________ 
The aging of these receivables 
is as follows: 
Less than 3 months                       433              4,920               433                682 
3 to 6 months                        535,472            493,685             2,859              3,587 
Over 6 months                         12,922             14,295            12,922             14,295 
                                  ___________        ___________       ___________        ___________ 
                                     548,827            512,900            16,214             18,564 
                                  ___________        ___________       ___________        ___________ 
                                  ___________        ___________       ___________        ___________ 
   Trade  receivables are not considered impaired and relate to receivables  for 
   which  there is no recent history of default and as such it is assessed  that 
   all of the receivables will be recovered. 
   The  directors  consider  that  the  carrying   amount  of  trade  and  other 
   receivables  approximates fair value. Allocation of the  carrying  amount  of 
   the  Group's trade and other receivables by foreign currency is presented  in 
   Note 22. 
                             Consolidated  Consolidated       Company       Company 
                                     2008          2007          2008          2007 
                                        ?             ?             ?             ? 
Lehman Euro Liquidity Fund         30,403     3,840,410        30,403     3,840,410 
Blackrock Euro Liquidity Fund     152,443       179,229       152,443       179,229 
Cash at Bank                      585,074     3,189,982       189,130     2,209,510 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                                  767,920     7,209,621       371,976     6,229,149 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
   The   cash  equivalent  investments  are  considered  to  be  highly   liquid 
   investments readily convertible to a known amount of cash subject to  minimum 
   risk  of change in value such that book cost is considered equivalent to book 
   value.  The  weighted average interest rate on cash balances at  31  December 
   2008  was 0.87% (2007: 1.13% ). The Company has no material interest  bearing 
                             Consolidated  Consolidated       Company       Company 
                                     2008          2007          2008          2007 
                                        ?             ?             ?             ? 
Current liabilities 
Audit fee payable                  30,028        27,196        30,028        27,196 
Legal fee payable                 134,970        77,450       134,970        77,450 
Performance fee accrual         2,841,623             -     2,841,623             - 
Other creditors                    66,164       659,984        43,077         2,600 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                                3,072,785       764,630     3,049,698       107,246 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
Non-current liabilities 
Performance fee accrual                 -     5,393,210             -     5,393,210 
Sundry creditors                4,386,477     3,423,632             -             - 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                                4,386,477     8,816,842             -     5,393,210 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
   The  Group  has  financial management policies in place to  ensure  that  all 
   payables  are  paid  within the credit time frame.  There  is  no  difference 
   between the carrying value of trade and other payables and their fair value. 
   As  a result of the Group giving notice to terminate the management agreement 
   the  performance fee accrued has been included within current liabilities  in 
   the current year. Please refer to note 26 for further details. 
                             Consolidated  Consolidated       Company       Company 
                                     2008          2007          2008          2007 
                                        ?             ?             ?             ? 
Authorised 62,500,000 (2007: 
ordinary shares of nil par value        -             -             -             - 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
Issued and fully paid 
48,345,000 (2007: 
ordinary shares of nil par value        -             -             -             - 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
   The  company has one class of ordinary share which carries no right to  fixed 
   The  Company will have a maximum life of seven years expiring on 2012. It  is 
   intended to arrange the Property Portfolio so that it can be realised  in  an 
   orderly way by the end of six years. If this is achieved the Company will  be 
   liquidated at the end of the six year period. The life of the Company may  be 
   extended  by no more than a year (to seven years in total) at the  discretion 
   of  the  Directors, on the advice of the Manager, if it is necessary  for  an 
   orderly realisation of the Company's assets. 
                             Consolidated  Consolidated       Company       Company 
                                     2008          2007          2008          2007 
                                        ?             ?             ?             ? 
Share premium                           -             -             -             - 
Special reserve                56,956,985    56,956,985    56,956,985    56,956,985 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                               56,956,985    56,956,985    56,956,985    56,956,985 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
                             ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________ 
   On  8 July 2005 the Royal Court of Guernsey approved the reduction of capital 
   by  way  of a cancellation of the Company's share premium account. The amount 
   cancelled,  being  ?56,956,985, has been credited as a distributable  reserve 
   established  in  the Company's books of account. This shall be  available  as 
   distributable  profits to be used for all purposes permitted  under  Guernsey 
   Company Law including the buy back of shares and the payment of dividends. 
   Balances  in the capital reserve reflect cumulative unrealised gains  on  the 
   revaluation  of  properties, impairment losses on  inventory,  provision  for 
   performance  fees  that  will become payable as a result  of  the  uplift  in 
   property values and the notional loss on foreign currency dating back to  the 
   conversion of the initial subscription proceeds. 
   The   balance   on  the  revenue  reserve  reflects  cumulative   operational 
   expenditure  in  excess  of  the non-property inventory  related  operational 
21.  NAV PER SHARE                         Consolidated  Consolidated 
                                                   2008          2007 
Net Asset Value                               44,092,026   66,205,547 
Average number of shares in issue             48,345,000   48,345,000 
Net asset value per share                          0.912        1.369 
   Financial risk factors 
   The Company's' activities expose it to a variety of risks from its use of 
   financial instruments: 
   - market risk (including interest rate risk, price risk and currency risk) 
   - credit risk 
   - liquidity risk 
   The   accounting  policy  with  respect  to  the  financial  instruments  are 
   disclosed in note 2 
   The  Board of Directors has overall responsibility for the establishment  and 
   oversight  of  the Company's' risk management framework. This  note  presents 
   information about the Company's' exposure to each of the above risks and  the 
   Board  of  Directors' objectives, policies and processes  for  measuring  and 
   managing these risks. There have been no changes in such policies during  the 
   Market risk 
   Market  risk  is the risk that changes in the market prices will  affect  the 
   Company's' income or the value of its holdings of financial instruments.  The 
   objective  of  market  risk management is to manage and control  market  risk 
   exposure within acceptable parameters. 
   (a) Price risk 
   The Group and Company have no exposure to price risk as its investments are 
   in property development or land baskets. 
   (b) Interest rate risk 
   The  majority  of  the  Company's financial assets are non-interest  bearing. 
   Interest-bearing   financial  assets   consist  only   of   cash   and   cash 
   equivalents. As a result, the Company is subject to limited exposure to  fair 
   value  interest  rate  risk due to fluctuations in the prevailing  levels  of 
   market interest rates. 
   At  any  time that the Company is not fully invested, the Company may  invest 
   in  Euro  denominated government bonds with maximum maturities of the  lesser 
   of  two years or the remaining life of the Company and/or invest in AAA rated 
   liquidity  funds.  Any  change to interest rates relevant  for  a  particular 
   security may result in income either increasing or decreasing. The Group  has 
   not  invested in bonds during the years ended 2008 and 2007. The Company  has 
   chosen  to  invest in high liquidity, floating rate instruments  to  mitigate 
   the  risk  that  similar  returns  would be  unavailable  on  the  expiry  of 
   A  100  basis points change in interest rate would increase/decrease the  net 
   interest  expense/income by ?7,679 for the Group and ?3,719 for  the  Company 
   (2007: Group ?72,096; 2007: Company ?62,291). 
   Instruments subject to interest rate movements are disclosed in note  16  and 
   are all at variable rates. 
   (c) Currency risk 
   Currency risk is the risk that the Income Statement and Balance Sheet can  be 
   affected  by  currency  translation movements. The Board  consider  that  the 
   Company's  exposure  to  currency risk is minimal  as  the  majority  of  the 
   Company's transactions are made in Euros and the books and records  are  kept 
   in Euros. 
   Where  there are assets and liabilities recorded in Bulgarian Lev,  the  risk 
   is  considered  minimal  as the Lev is tied to the Euro  in  preparation  for 
   adoption of the Euro in Bulgaria. The Lev is expected to be replaced  by  the 
   Euro on 1 January 2010. 
   The  tables below summarise exposure to foreign currency risk at 31  December 
   2008  and  2007. Assets and liabilities at carrying amounts are  included  in 
   the table, categorised by the currency at their carrying amount. 
As at 31 December 2008                                ?                  GBP              Total ? 
Trade and other receivables                     548,827                  -              548,827 
Cash and cash equivalents                       767,847                 73              767,920 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Total assets                                  1,316,674                 73            1,316,747 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Trade and other payables                      7,386,157             73,105            7,459,262 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Total liabilities                             7,386,157             73,105            7,459,262 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Net balance sheet currency position         (6,069,483)           (73,032)          (6,142,515) 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
As at 31 December 2007                                ?                  GBP              Total ? 
Trade and other receivables                     495,018             17,882              512,900 
Cash and cash equivalents                     7,198,021             11,600            7,209,621 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Total assets                                  7,693,039             29,482            7,722,521 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Trade and other payables                      9,554,276             27,196            9,581,472 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Total liabilities                             9,554,276             27,196            9,581,472 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Net balance sheet currency position         (1,861,237)              2,286          (1,858,951) 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
   (c) Currency risk 
As at 31 December 2008                                ?                  GBP              Total ? 
Amounts receivable from subsidiary 
undertakings*                                23,421,072                  -           23,421,072 
Trade and other receivables                      16,214                  -               16,214 
Cash and cash equivalents                       371,903                 73              371,976 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Total assets                                 23,809,189                 73           23,809,262 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Trade and other payables                      2,976,593             73,105            3,049,698 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Total liabilities                             2,976,593             73,105            3,049,698 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Net balance sheet currency position          20,832,596           (73,032)           20,759,564 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
* After impairment as disclosed in note 14 
As at 31 December 2007                               ?                  GBP              Total ? 
Amounts receivable from subsidiary 
undertakings                                31,254,053                  -           31,254,053 
Trade and other receivables                        682             17,882               18,564 
Cash and cash equivalents                    6,217,549             11,600            6,229,149 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Total assets                                37,472,284             29,482           37,501,766 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Trade and other payables                      5,473,260             27,196            5,500,456 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Total liabilities                             5,473,260             27,196            5,500,456 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
Net balance sheet currency position          31,999,024              2,286           32,001,310 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
                                          _____________      _____________        _____________ 
The following significant exchange rates applied during the year: 
                                          Average rate                   Reporting date spot rate 
                                        2008             2007                 2008                 2007 
                                           ?                ?                    ?                    ? 
1 GBP                                  0.802            0.691                0.957                0.735 
1 BGN *                                1.956            1.956                1.957                1.956 
   * The Bulgarian Lev (BGN) was fixed to the Euro at 1.95583 BGN to 1 Euro on 5 July 1999. 
   The  sensitivity  analysis below is based on a change in an assumption  while 
   holding  all  other  assumptions constant. In practice this  is  unlikely  to 
   The  tables  above  present financial assets and liabilities  denominated  in 
   foreign  currencies held by the Group and the Company in 2008 and  2007  used 
   to  monitor  foreign currency risk at the reporting dates. If  the  Euro  had 
   strengthened/weakened by 10% against the UK pound as  at  31  December,  with 
   all  other variables held constant, post-tax Group and Company profit for the 
   year would have been ?7,303 (2007:?229) higher/lower. 
   As  the  Lev is fixed against the Euro this results in no additional exposure 
   to any Euro movements. 
   Liquidity risk 
   Liquidity  risk  is  the  risk that arises when the maturity  of  assets  and 
   liabilities  does  not  match.  An unmatched  position  potentially  enhances 
   profitability,  but  can  also increase the risk of  losses.  The  Group  has 
   procedures  with  the  object of minimising such losses such  as  maintaining 
   sufficient  cash  and other highly liquid current assets and  will  negotiate 
   additional  credit facilities as and when required. Cash and cash equivalents 
   are  placed with financial institutions on a short term basis reflecting  the 
   Group's  desire  to  maintain  a high level of  liquidity  to  enable  timely 
   completion of investment transactions. An analysis of other financial  assets 
   is provided in notes 15 and 16. 
   A summary table with maturity of financial liabilities is presented below: 
Group                      Total    Less than    6 to 12      Greater 
                            2008     6 months     months         than 
Financial                                                   12 months 
                               ?            ?          ?            ? 
Trade and other        7,459,262      231,162  2,841,623    4,386,477 
payables              __________   __________ __________  ___________ 
                      __________   __________ __________  ___________ 
Financial                  Total    Less than    6 to 12      Greater 
liabilities                 2007     6 months     months         than 
                                                            12 months 
                               ?            ?          ?            ? 
Trade and other        9,581,472      278,605    486,025    8,816,842 
payables              __________   __________ __________  ___________ 
                      __________   __________ __________  ___________ 
Company                    Total    Less than    6 to 12      Greater 
                            2008     6 months     months         than 
Financial                                                   12 months 
                               ?            ?          ?            ? 
Trade and other        3,049,698      208,075  2,841,623            - 
payables              __________   __________ __________  ___________ 
                      __________   __________ __________  ___________ 
Financial                  Total    Less than    6 to 12      Greater 
liabilities                 2007     6 months     months         than 
                                                            12 months 
                               ?            ?          ?            ? 
Trade and other        5,500,456      104,646      2,600    5,393,210 
payables              __________   __________ __________  ___________ 
                      __________   __________ __________  ___________ 
   Credit risk 
   Credit  risk is the risk that a counterparty will be unwilling or  unable  to 
   meet a commitment that it has entered into with the Company. 
   The  Company  has  exposure to credit risk relating  to  its  cash  and  cash 
   equivalents.  The  Company has tried to mitigate this risk  by  investing  in 
   high liquidity, AAA rated instruments. 
   The  Group  and  Company's  maximum exposure  to  credit  risk  by  class  of 
   financial instruments is shown below. 
                          Group       Group     Company    Company 
                           2008        2008        2008       2008 
                              ?           ?           ?          ? 
                       Carrying     Maximum    Carrying    Maximum 
                          value    exposure       value   exposure 
Amounts receivable            -           -  23,421,072 23,421,072 
from subsidiary 
                     __________  __________  __________ __________ 
Trade and other         548,827     548,827      16,214     16,214 
Cash and cash           767,920     767,920     371,976    371,976 
                     __________  __________  __________ __________ 
Total                 1,316,747   1,316,747  23,809,262 23,809,262 
                     __________  __________  __________ __________ 
                     __________  __________  __________ __________ 
   * After impairment as disclosed in note 14 
                          Group       Group     Company    Company 
                           2007        2007        2007       2007 
                              ?           ?           ?          ? 
                       Carrying     Maximum    Carrying    Maximum 
                          value    exposure       value   exposure 
Amounts receivable            -           -  31,254,053 31,254,053 
from subsidiary 
Trade and other         512,900     512,900      18,564     18,564 
Cash and cash         7,209,621   7,209,621   6,229,149  6,229,149 
                     __________  __________  __________ __________ 
Total                 7,722,521   7,722,521  37,501,766 37,501,766 
                     __________  __________  __________ __________ 
                     __________  __________  __________ __________ 
   Capital risk management 
   The  Group's  objectives when managing capital are to safeguard  the  Group's 
   ability  to  continue  as a going concern in  order to  provide  returns  for 
   shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain  an  optimal 
   structure  to reduce the cost of capital. In order to maintain or adjust  the 
   capital  structure,  the Group may return the capital to shareholders,  issue 
   new shares or sell assets to reduce debt. 
   The  Company has taken advantage of the exemption within IAS 24 Related Party 
   Disclosures and elected not to disclose details of intra-group transactions. 
   Transactions  with  directors  are as disclosed  in  Director's  report,  the 
   Consolidated  Income  Statement and note 6 to the financial  statements.  The 
   balances  outstanding as at the year end are as disclosed in note 17.Bachmann 
   Fund  Administration Limited is a related party by virtue of its  appointment 
   as  Administrator and Secretary to the Group. Fees paid to  this  entity  are 
   declared  on  the  face  of the income statement and  also  in  note  3.  The 
   balances outstanding as at the year end are as disclosed in note 17. 
   Lewis  Charles  Securities  Limited is a related parties  by  virtue  of  its 
   appointments  as Investment Manager, Co-distributor and Promoter.  Fees  paid 
   to  this entity are declared on the face of the income statement and also  in 
   note  4. The balances outstanding as at the year end are as disclosed in note 
   In  the  opinion  of the Directors there is no controlling party  as  no  one 
   party  has the ability to direct the financial and operating policies of  the 
   Company with a view to gaining economic benefits from their direction. 
                                                  2008            2008           2007            2007 
                                                     ?       Per share              ?       Per share 
Net Asset Value per financial statements     44,092,026            0.91     66,205,547           1.37 
Add back: 
Adjustment to value of properties                     -               -      8,319,285           0.17 
Adjustment to performance fee                         -               -    (2,069,050)         (0.04) 
Preliminary expenses                            736,896            0.02      1,311,188           0.03 
Adjustment to calculated deferred tax         1,414,464            0.03      2,687,886           0.06 
                                           ____________    ____________   ____________   ____________ 
Published Net Asset Value                    46,243,389            0.96     76,454,856           1.59 
                                           ____________    ____________   ____________   ____________ 
                                           ____________    ____________   ____________   ____________ 
   An  adjustment  is  required within the financial statements  to  record  the 
   value  of  inventory  from fair value, as used for the  published  Net  Asset 
   Value,   to   cost  as  required  to  ensure  compliance  with  International 
   Accounting Standard 16 "Property, Plant and Equipment". 
   The  Company's  principal  documents require the  dealing  valuation  of  the 
   Company's  net  assets  to  include  preliminary  expenses  incurred  in  the 
   establishment  of  the  Company,  such expenses  to  be  amortised  over  the 
   expected  life  of  the Company. However, this accounting  treatment  is  not 
   permitted  for financial reporting purposes and has been adjusted accordingly 
   within these financial statements. 
   Sale of Bristitsa 
   On  20 January 2009 Splendid Investments S.A. (a 100% owned subsidiary of the 
   Fund)  whose subsidiary Blacksea Properties EOOD owns the Bristitsa  project, 
   entered  into  a  financing  arrangement with Enderton  Company  Assets  Inc. 
   ("Enderton"),  whose registered office is in British Virgin  Islands.  Shares 
   of  Blacksea Properties EOOD were sold and loan receivable from Blacksea EOOD 
   was  transferred to Enderton with an option to transfer back both the  shares 
   and  the  loan  by  the  15 December 2009 at an agreed  price  of  ?4million. 
   Proceeds raised from this financing transaction were ?1.826 million. 
   The  Group  intends that it will raise cash to exercise the option under  the 
   above   financial  arrangement.  Various  sources  of  financing  have   been 
   considered  by the board including raising of fresh equity and  the  disposal 
   of  properties  at  a  discount. A final decision  regarding  the  source  of 
   financing has not been made. 
   As  at  31  December 2008 the carrying value of Bistrista Project  was  ?23.1 
   million  and  is  included  in investment properties  in  note  12  to  these 
   financial  statement.  It  is  the intention of directors  to  exercise  this 
   option to ensure the project stays on the balance sheet of the Group. 
   On  21  November  2005  the Company announced that  it  had  exercised  seven 
   options   to  purchase  properties  in  Sofia  situated  in  the  Vitoshavets 
   Simeonovo,  Krustovat  and  Dragalevtsi  areas  of  Sofia.  These  properties 
   comprised  residential  villas  and  apartment  developments,  together  with 
   shops,  some small offices and parking to be developed by BuySell Real Estate 
   Agent  Limited  ('BuySell'),  a Bulgarian incorporated  property  development 
   The  Group  received legal advice that BuySell is in default  under  the  six 
   remaining option agreements in place and served notices giving BuySell  until 
   17  April  2009  to  perform  its obligations  under  each  of  these  option 
   agreements.  BuySell has failed to perform its obligations by the  due  date, 
   and  the Group has therefore rescinded all of the remaining option agreements 
   and  preliminary  sales  contracts due to  non-performance.   The  Group  has 
   received  legal advice that it is entitled to claim from BuySell all payments 
   made   under  each  option  agreement, including   all   deposits,   and   in 
   addition  to  receive a sum equivalent to the deposit by way of penalty.  The 
   total  amount  paid  to  date  is  ?10,379,426  which  includes  deposits  of 
   ?9,000,494.  The  recoverability  of this money  may  be  contingent  on  the 
   outcome of any legal proceedings that may take place in the Bulgarian  courts 
   and,  should the outcome of the legal proceedings be in favour of the  Group, 
   whether  BuySell  is in a financial position to make the determined  payment. 
   In  the opinion of directors, as there is uncertainity over recoverability of 
   the  sums,  the amount of ?10,379,426 has been fully impaired in the  current 
   year as outlined in note 13. 
   As  a result of rescission of the above mentioned contract, the Group is  not 
   liable  to  any  capital commitments associated with these option  agreements 
   that were disclosed in the prior year financial statements. 
   Termination of management agreement 
   On  31  March  2009, the Group announced termination of management  agreement 
   dated  20  September 2005 with Lewis Charles Securities Limited.  Termination 
   will  take  effect on 1 October 2009. The management fee (note 4) payable  to 
   the  investment  manager will cease. The  performance fee (note  5)  will  be 
   recalculated  on 30 September 2009 based on the property values  as  of  that 
   date and will crystallise (if any due), and become payable on that date. 
   As  at  the  date of publication of these financial statements the Board  has 
   not announced the appointment of new investment manager. 
Company income statement 
Restated into Pounds Sterling for information purposes only 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                  Revenue     Capital        Total  31 Dec 2007 
                                        GBP           GBP            GBP            GBP 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Revenue                                 -           -            -            - 
Administration fees                97,944           -       97,944       89,562 
Management fees                   723,083           -      723,083      715,249 
Performance fees                        - (2,046,118)  (2,046,118)    1,642,476 
Directors' fees and expenses       55,722           -       55,722       63,508 
Foreign exchange loss               8,972           -        8,972       13,316 
Other expenses                    555,313           -      555,313      730,274 
Impairment on loan to 
subsidiary companies                    -   9,662,895    9,662,895            - 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
                                1,441,034   7,616,777    9,057,811    3,254,385 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Operating loss                (1,441,034) (7,616,777)  (9,057,811)  (3,254,385) 
Finance income                     43,056           -       43,056      282,327 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Loss before taxation          (1,397,978) (7,616,777)  (9,014,755)  (2,972,058) 
Tax on profit on 
ordinary activities                     -           -            -            - 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Loss for the year             (1,397,978) (7,616,777)  (9,014,755)  (2,972,058) 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Consolidated income statement 
Restated into Pounds Sterling for information purposes only 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                  Revenue     Capital        Total  31 Dec 2007 
                                        GBP           GBP            GBP            GBP 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Property sales                    115,774           -      115,774            - 
Cost of sales                    (88,053)                 (88,053)            - 
Other revenue                     684,025           -      684,025            - 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Gross profit                      711,746           -      711,746            - 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Administration fees               154,134           -      154,134      142,550 
Management fees                   723,083           -      723,083      715,249 
Performance fees                        - (2,046,118)  (2,046,118)    1,642,476 
Directors' fees and expenses       55,722           -       55,722       63,508 
Foreign exchange loss              26,144           -       26,144       14,663 
Other expenses                    967,663           -      967,663      905,227 
Impairment of inventory                 -  11,103,591   11,103,591            - 
Revaluation of investment 
properties                              -   8,532,431    8,532,431  (8,559,521) 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
                                1,926,746  17,589,904   19,516,650  (5,075,848) 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Operating (loss) / profit     (1,215,000)(17,589,904) (18,804,904)    5,075,848 
Finance income                     50,914           -       50,914      292,935 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
(Loss)/profit before          (1,164,086)(17,589,904) (18,753,990)    5,368,783 
Taxation                                -   1,021,157    1,021,157    (855,952) 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
(Loss)/Profit for the year    (1,164,086)(16,568,747) (17,732,833)    4,512,831 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
                               ___________________________________   __________ 
Earnings per share - basic 
and diluted (pence per share)                              (36.68)         9.33 
Company balance sheet 
Restated into Pounds Sterling for information purposes only 
as at 31 December 2008 
                                    Company 2008                           Company 2007 
                                        GBP                    GBP                    GBP                  GBP 
Non-current assets 
Investment in subsidiary 
undertakings                                        10,069,314                              10,069,314 
Amount receivable from subsidiary 
undertakings                                        22,414,903                              20,635,577 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
                                                    32,484,217                              30,704,891 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables        15,517                                    13,645 
Cash and cash equivalents         355,996                                 4,578,425 
                             ____________                              ____________ 
                                                       371,513                               4,592,070 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Total assets                                        32,855,730                              35,296,961 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables      (2,918,683)                                  (78,826) 
                             ____________                              ____________ 
                                                   (2,918,683)                                (78,826) 
Non-current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                -                               (3,964,009) 
                             ____________                              ____________ 
                                                             -                             (3,964,009) 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Total liabilities                                  (2,918,683)                             (4,042,835) 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Net assets                                          29,937,047                              31,254,126 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Share capital                                                -                                       - 
Special reserve                                     38,676,000                              38,676,000 
Capital reserve                                   (11,759,027)                             (4,142,250) 
Revenue reserve                                      3,020,074                             (3,279,624) 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Total Equity                                        29,937,047                              31,254,126 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Consolidated balance sheet 
Restated into Pounds Sterling for information purposes only 
as at 31 December 2008 
                                    Company 2008                           Company 2007 
                                        GBP                    GBP                    GBP                  GBP 
Non-current assets 
Investment properties                               42,921,330                              40,518,498 
Current assets 
Inventory                       6,508,829                                11,484,501 
Property options                        5                                         4 
Trade and other receivables       525,249                                   376,980 
Cash and cash equivalents         734,930                                 5,299,071 
                             ____________                              ____________ 
                                                     7,769,013                              17,160,556 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Total assets                                        50,690,343                              57,679,054 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables      (2,940,778)                                 (562,003) 
                             ____________                              ____________ 
                                                   (2,940,778)                               (562,003) 
Non-current liabilities 
Trade and other payables      (4,198,034)                              (6,480,379) 
Deferred taxation             (1,353,699)                              (1,975,596) 
                             ____________                              ____________ 
                                                   (5,551,733)                             (8,455,975) 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Total liabilities                                  (8,492,511)                             (9,017,978) 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Net assets                                          42,197,832                              48,661,076 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Share capital                                                -                                       - 
Special reserve                                     38,676,000                              38,676,000 
Capital reserve                                    (4,065,340)                              12,503,407 
Revenue reserve                                      7,587,172                             (2,518,331) 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
Total Equity                                        42,197,832                              48,661,076 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
                                                  ____________                            ____________ 
NAV per share (pence per share)                           87.28                                  100.65 
NAV per share at launch (pence 
per share)                                               72.80                                   72.80 
Statements of changes in equity 
Restated into Pounds Sterling for information purposes only 
for the year to 31 December 2008 
Consolidated  2008       Share Capital         Special  Capital Reserve         Revenue     Total Equity 
                                               Reserve                          Reserve 
                                     GBP               GBP                GBP               GBP                GBP 
As at 31 December 2007               -      38,676,000       12,503,407     (2,518,332)       48,661,075 
Loss for the year                    -               -     (16,568,747)     (1,164,086)     (17,732,833) 
Foreign exchange adjustment          -               -                -      11,269,590       11,269,590 
arising on translation to 
Sterling                  ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
As at 31 December 2008               -      38,676,000      (4,065,340)       7,587,172       42,197,832 
                          ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
                          ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
Company 2008             Share Capital         Special  Capital Reserve         Revenue     Total Equity 
                                               Reserve                          Reserve 
                                     GBP               GBP                GBP               GBP                GBP 
As at 31 December 2006               -      38,676,000      (4,142,250)     (3,279,624)       31,254,126 
Loss for the year                    -               -      (7,616,777)     (1,397,978)      (9,014,755) 
Foreign exchange adjustment          -               -                -       7,697,676        7,697,676 
arising on translation to 
Sterling                  ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
As at 31 December 2007               -      38,676,000     (11,759,027)       3,020,074       29,937,047 
                          ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
                          ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
Consolidated  2007       Share Capital         Special  Capital Reserve         Revenue     Total Equity 
                                               Reserve                          Reserve 
                                    GBP               GBP                GBP               GBP                GBP 
As at 31 December 2007              -      38,676,000        6,442,314     (3,812,397)       41,305,917 
Profit/(loss) for the year          -               -        6,061,093     (1,548,262)        4,512,831 
Foreign exchange adjustment                                                  2,842,328        2,842,328 
arising on translation to 
Sterling                 ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
As at 31 December 2008              -      38,676,000       12,503,407     (2,518,331)       48,661,076 
                         ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
                         ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
Company 2007            Share Capital         Special  Capital Reserve         Revenue     Total Equity 
                                              Reserve                          Reserve 
                                    GBP               GBP                GBP               GBP                GBP 
As at 31 December 2006              -      38,676,000      (2,499,774)     (3,937,631)       32,238,595 
Loss for the year                   -               -      (1,642,476)     (1,329,582)      (2,972,058) 
Foreign exchange adjustment         -               -                -       1,987,589        1,987,589 
arising on translation to 
Sterling                 ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
As at 31 December 2007              -      38,676,000      (4,142,250)     (3,279,624)       31,254,126 
                         ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
                         ____________    ____________     ____________    ____________     ____________ 
Company cash flow statement 
Restated into Pounds Sterling for information purposes only 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                       2008            2007 
                                                          GBP               GBP 
Loss  for the year                              (9,014,755)     (2,972,058) 
Adjustment for: 
Impairment on loan to subsidiary companies         (43,056)         (3,431) 
Finance income                                    9,662,895               - 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
Operating cash flows before movements 
in working capital                                  605,084     (2,975,489) 
Decrease in operating trade and                     (1,884)          26,753 
other receivables 
(Decrease) / increase  in                       (1,965,263)       1,896,863 
operating trade and other payables             ____________    ____________ 
                                                (1,362,063)     (1,051,873) 
Interest received                                    43,056           3,431 
Taxation                                                  -               - 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
Net cash outflow from operating activities      (1,319,007)     (1,048,442) 
Investing activities 
Investment in subsidiary undertakings           (3,381,628)     (9,956,017) 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
Net cash outflow from investing activities      (3,381,628)     (9,956,017) 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents       (4,700,635)    (11,004,459) 
Exchange difference arising on                     478,206          81,328 
translation to Sterling 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of year        4,578,425      15,501,556 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year            355,996       4,578,425 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
Consolidated cash flow statement 
Restated into Pounds Sterling for information purposes only 
for the year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                       2008            2007 
                                                          GBP               GBP 
(Loss) /profit for the year                    (17,732,833)       4,512,831 
Adjustment for: 
Finance income                                     (50,914)        (14,039) 
Revaluation of investment properties              8,532,431     (8,559,521) 
Impairment of inventory                          11,103,591               - 
Taxation                                        (1,021,157)         979,672 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
Operating cash flows before movements 
in working capital                                  831,118     (3,081,057) 
(Increase) / decrease in operating and             (28,810)          62,001 
other receivables 
(Decrease) / increase in operating and          (1,701,800)       4,782,691 
other payables 
Increase in inventory                           (4,027,488)               - 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
                                                (4,926,980)       1,763,635 
Interest received                                    50,914          14,039 
Taxation                                                  -               - 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
Net cash (outflow)/ inflow  from                (4,876,066)       1,777,674 
operating activities                           ____________    ____________ 
Investing activities 
Repayment of loan to property developer                   -         942,313 
Purchases of investment properties                (289,534)    (13,129,856) 
Net cash outflow from investing activities        (289,534)    (12,187,542) 
Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents       (5,165,600)    (10,409,868) 
Exchange difference arising on                      601,458       (243,438) 
translation to Sterling 
Cash and cash equivalents at start of year        5,299,072      15,952,378 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year            734,930       5,299,072 
                                               ____________    ____________ 
                                               ____________    ____________ 

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